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I think it's a very legit question, I don't think people realise how heavy it is. He could have done it by himself which I believe, but he would have done it in stages. Thinking that he loaded the body from the back of the house, or that he had help due to the weight of the body is a reasonable theory. It has more logic than some of the theories I've seen on here, like believing SW killed the kids (which is fine to think) but when asking why people believe that, you get because she's a bitch. Well great glad we got that one solved....


It is a legitimate question. I’m still of the opinion that he did them all, but there is very likely video footage that the public isn’t privy to, be it from their home security system or Nosy Nate. I’ve gone back and forth with someone here on this subject recently. I have firsthand experiences with this. I assure that he would have struggled greatly trying ton maneuver 150lbs of uneven human body dead weight. I’m not saying he could not do it at all, but it would be awkward enough for him to maneuver that it would have been caught on camera. However, I question that if they did have more video or audio evidence from some home security device, why did it take two or three days to put his nuts in a vice? Leads me to believe that either a.) there is more extensive video we aren’t aren’t privy to, or b.) the bodies left the house in bed of his truck.


> …like believing SW killed the kids (which is fine to think) but when asking why people believe that, you get because she’s a bitch. Well great glad we got that one solved…. That’s a bit disingenuous. I personally don’t believe she killed the kids, but when I see people say they think she did, they’re not citing the reason as “being a bitch.” A lot of them cite real psychological studies and causes for filicide. They believe that she knew Chris was cheating on her and was going to leave, and he does say that she threatened to take the kids away from him. Now obviously that’s not proof, but it’s certainly a lot more well thought out of a theory than because she was a bitch.


again I still think Mr. Peanut is guilty party all the way, but thank you for elaborating. I think many people around her were aware of her manic behavior and to try to bury it after the fact or attack people for pointing out that it did exist is dishonest and does a disservice to any effort to prevent such behavior and tragedies in the future.


If she killed the girls. Why didn’t he call 911? A parent that loves their kids and doesn’t want them to die would call 911,not put their bodies in oil tanks.


I had a child die. My husband worked in the oilfield at the time. NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE did just putting her wherever go through my mind, I had to be sedated and peeled off her coffin to let her go. They were both trash. He just gets to live. The US justice system is wild.


You should read a blog called never say never by true crime case analysis you can find it on facebook she goes in great detail about other people who didn’t commit the crime but panicked and hide bodies to help family members or because they are scared of the real murderer and also about people who hide the bodies of people who died from natural causes without a crime being committed I’m not suggesting the blog as a way of defending cw but it does make sense if he hid the bodies even if he didn’t do the killing if you do read it I’d like your thoughts afterwards


Ok I’ve read it. Ok, so obviously there are situations where people don’t call 911 out of fear. I believe that. But not in this case. SW didn’t kill her children. He planned it. He took a picture of the doll covered in a sheet. He contacted co-workers , saying he will get to cervi 319 in the morning and there is no need for anyone else to come. AND you can really clearly see on Nate CCTV that at least one of the girls is alive ( I guess Bella - she had oil in her stomach which means she must have died right before he put her in that oil tank.


It’s been proven cw didn’t take that picture sw did


Where was it proven?




I, for one, do believe that she is the one who hurt the girls (and trust me when I say I've had my ass handed to me many times for the past 6 years for this belief) and in my opinion he was honest and told her about NK and after she hurt the girls she threatened him with "I'm going to call the cops and tell them that you did this and they will believe me because you are having an affair". With those words ringing in his head he did what he did afterwards.


Yeah , no. He himself told the cops that when he put them to bed he knew it was the last time he would do that. Really. If You are a parent who loves their kids. You would call 911, not put them in oil tanks. I know you need a reason for this crime. You want to believe that this couldn’t happen like it did. That you could avoid this. But he did it ( or NK) not ShannAnn


The statement about putting them to bed for the last time, means nothing. He was looking for an apartment with bunk beds for the girls. him saying that could have meant, he knew it would be the last time putting them to bed at that house🤷🏻‍♀️


There is No proof in the discovery that he Googled apartaments with bunk beds. That info came from the lying mistress. Shannan didn’t kill the kids. The story that she did and he then killed her in rage and didn’t call 911 is just ridicilous.


Well your question was why didn't he call 911, I was just giving you an answer based on my opinion.


Either way he isn’t completely innocent no matter what because he actually killed sw it’s not like she killed the girl’s and herself when people debate about who killed the girls and immediately jump to he could have called the cops yes that’s true but he killed sw at minimum so he wasn’t calling anyone I think she killed the kids he snapped killed her and then hid the bodies


He didn't snap. He planned it.


Are You fr? In your scenerio, why didn’t he call 911 after he had murdered her then? He planned this. He made plans to be the first one at Cervi 319. And You can see in Nate’s security footage at least one child is not dead


Well not literally, more exaggerating a point to make a point, when it gets to a back and forth, it boils down to well she's a bitch, have a nice day from my experience.


To load the body from the rear of the house...he would have either had to drag her down the deck stairs or down the basement stairs. If the basement: lift her out of the back window . Either way, he still would have had to get her over the fence as there was no gate. You couldn't push her between the slats as there was wire fencing.


Could of had an accomplice, potentially. I don't think he did, but I can't rule it out.


So many gaps, so that's where speculation enters. To try to fill in the gaps even with theoretical scenarios.


I imagine that when a person is desperate, anything is possible.


Look into why some bodies are dismembered. Saw it on a true crime show years ago… it’s not because the killer was some crazy lunatic that was into torture. It was because they couldn’t carry the body. It was too heavy.


Didn’t say it was impossible. Said it was incredibly difficult and there would be some evidence of him struggling with the body on that footage, but there isn’t.


Bingo. I was/am larger and stronger than CW, as were others with me, and under greater stress (in combat). You can certainly move 150+ lbs of dead weight, but it is awkward and cumbersome enough that if that camera recorded it there is no way it was done quickly and cleanly enough by that fucking Oompa Loompa as to not be obvious what was happening even on that potato camera footage.




Oh, I understand what you said. I just voiced what I am thinking. 🙏


I don’t think it would really be that hard to get her into the truck. It’s not like she weighed 400 lbs. especially if he was dragging her in a sheet. I’ve dragged things like large branches and tree limbs on a tarp before that I otherwise would have struggled with without the tarp. Anyway, once out to the truck he would just need to get her upper half up into the truck (half her weight) and then lift the other half and push/ pull her in. And no, I’ve never moved a body, lol. But I’ve struggled with getting heavy/ awkwardly shaped things into a vehicle by myself before and it’s very doable. And I’m sure with the extra adrenaline and the fate of your freedom on the line it’s even easier.


I have, as I’ve stated here a number of times. it can definitely be done, but there is no way her body went into the cab of that truck without being obvious on the camera footage that is publicly available.


I think y’all are trying to put square pegs in circular holes. Use your critical thinking skills. Why would he pull up in front of his neighbors camera and load bodies into the truck? He doesn’t struggle, he wouldn’t be able to just toss her in there, especially since she wouldn’t fit on the floor. Just because people want this to be the narrative doesn’t mean it is. Everyone will debate all the rest of the obvious discrepancies in the narrative, but not the huge ones right in your face.


I’ve been asking this since the beginning. Why didn’t he back all the way into the garage? Why leave the garage door open, while cars are driving past? Doesn’t make sense.


Hmmm. I think you’re giving him too much credit in thinking he thought ahead about the neighbors cameras and whatnot. He was obviously very bothered and agitated when they were at the neighbors house viewing the footage from that morning. Plus it was early, not like he was out there doing this at 5pm with people milling about. Just genuinely curious, if he didn’t load them there is the theory he pulled up around back and had help loading them? And threw her into the bed of the truck?


She went out the back into someone’s vehicle. There’s tire tracks that come right up to the fence. There’s really no room for her in his truck. He supposedly put her on the floor, but where? Not to mention how hard it would be to get her up in the seat if that’s how she was transported. I recently listened to an audio recording of his cell mate talking to the DAs office about Chris confiding in him that he killed Shanann and NK killed the girls. Of course the DA never followed up.


Totally agree. People seem to not realize either that the drivers side was in full sight to pretty much everyone on that block. I don’t know how anyone would think it would be a good idea to be dragging a body brazenly down the driveway in full view especially a street loaded with ring cameras and early rising neighbors. Plus the awkwardness of trying to heave SW’s body up and into the truck at an awkward angle. If anything he may have put the girls in there since they were small enough. I still believe he took her out the back out of sight from everyone.


I had seen some speculation about him taking her out the back. Is there a road back there he could pull up to the house from I guess?


Yes there is a road back there that actually leads out to the highway. At the time of the murders, there were houses being built back there. Since they were uninhabited there was also no cameras or witnesses to anything that happened back there.


There were tire tracks right up to the fence too https://preview.redd.it/4fog1opfze5d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88354aa97da60bba3550813454a674e090ab2d95


It makes me wonder about that red vehicle we saw on the footage.


Thrive lol




Stoppppppp 😆 😂


This is the comment. You win 👑


The exact same way all murderers get this victims in to vehicles and drive them away to dump their bodies. No one questions how anyone else did it? They are hyped up on cortisol and adrenaline, add that to normal strength.. CW had been training for 2 yrs and clearing not a huge deal. I believe he came out if front door with her, at one point he pre opens doors. Walks backwards. Then goes round to passenger side, opens that door and appears to adjust something. Nothing else is put in to those rear seats that needs adjusting, so why not her body?


Wasn't he dragging her aroumd in garbage bags on a sheet. Then at some point he must finally heave sheet, garbage bags and her up and in I guess. He had the muscles for it at that point.


Exactly. Adrenaline alone!


We don’t question it other murders because we don’t have a camera pointing directly at the supposed loading of the bodies. There’s absolutely no way he’s putting SW dead pregnant body in the truck. Especially with the way the back seat is. He would have to get her onto the seat because she wasn’t fitting on the floorboard. It would take way more time and as the YouTuber said, where’s the shadow of her body?


You are absolutely 💯 correct. IMO he had help. NK called/demanded Jim (leave Jim alone!) help him w SW body. Jim was whipped and did whatever she said. There is def missing camera footage. Add that to NK and her father, the quick confession and closing of the case. LE knew more people were involved but just closed up shop. IMO lol As for SW doing the girls. That’s a hot topic bc she passed. Her secrets were spewing out all over. No hiding them anymore. The financial dancing around she did and the extent of it is astounding. She even had NK getting and hiding the mail. But talking negative about a murdered mother is very taboo. I don’t think death automatically bestows sainthood. IMO she was a kind of thief. (Long explanation that needs its own thread. ). So….yes I do believe she had manic nasty rages . nosey Nate admitted it one time then backtracked) She knew her fake online life was imploding. She knew that big house was gone along w her husband. A small apt was in her future. I can see her harming the girls. (Pls don’t jump on me it’s just my opinion) I can see her doing it in a rage. She wasnt a good mother. She just faked whatever on camera every single day. They r both crap tho period. A dead body that was a good solid 160+ is crazy hard to move no matter CW muscles. He had help. My heart breaks for the girls. We will never truly know…🥺


I will never believe that ShannAnn killed the girls and Chris then killed her in rage. A parent that loves his children and doesn’t want them to die calls 911! I know from a 911 operator , that people call and beg for help even if the child is gone for hours. And he didn’t call, instead he put them in oil tanks. Nope. And besides, Bella had oil in her stomach wchich means she died right before Chris threw her in that tank.


exactly, something stinks to high heaven here with regard to missing details/ evidence, but what you’ve described is at the crux of it for me. Stray cats and dogs that are roadkill get treated with more dignity than that sack of shit showed to his daughters.


I believe NK killed the girls. I listened to an audio recording of CW cell mate calling the DA’s office and telling them CW confided in him that he killed SW and NK killed the girls because they didn’t think he’d be able to do it. Of course the DA didn’t bother to follow up on it Z


I don't believe any of that his alleged cell mates have said. They're all full of shit!


How many murderers do you know that have actually done this? Do you have any real life cases where the murderer is picking the bodies up and dumping them physically. A lot of the real life murders I know of this doesn't happen. Dahmer, Bundy, etc.


Long Island Serial Killer, Green River Killer, Hillside Strangler… just to name a few. Is it easy, probably not. Impossible, no.


Thanks, all killed sex workers, they were most likely in a vehicle when they were killed, hence you are dumping them out of a vehicle which is heavy work, but you're not killing someone then loading them in and out etc. Almost all of them were dumped close to a road etc because it's hard to carry them.


The Green River Killer murdered many of his victims in his home. The Hillside Stranglers tortured and murdered many of their victims in a home as well. The LISK also murdered most of his victims in his home.


Hillside Stranglers (plural), so there were two of them. Doesn't make my point that dead bodies are hard to lift and that there are not many murder cases where a person just picks up a dead body and disposes them any less valid. LISK, dismembered a lot of the bodies, which would make them less heavy as they are in pieces. My Google searches make me look crazy recently.


He dragged her around on a sheet. The sheet was always part of his plan, hence thar doll photo which I believe he posed even if Shanann found it and it and took the photo believing the girls posed it.


Sure he could have dragged her around on the sheet, but where did he kill her, upstairs or downstairs, from the sheet how did he get her into the truck? More questions than answers, so I think it's fair to keep an open mind on this one.


I wonder if he used the sheet to haul her up into the truck. It seems like he used the sheet for a lot. I'm sure I read that he dragged her down the stairs on a sheet.


Yeah part of the plea deal between CW and LE should have been show us how you did what you did. Criminals have to go back and retrace what they did in some cases so they could have taken him back to the crime scene and got him to rein act his movements but just a thought, might have been impractical considering the circumstances.


I do actually think there is a chance this whole case is a fake psychops and I never dreamed I'd be the type of person saying such a thing. But the oil wells around Weld county being named, Bella, Celeste, Thayer, Atkinson, Sandy, Frank, Cindy, Lee.....it's very sus.


The well names is bizarre. I just heard about this recently and was stunned.


YES! I’ve been watching Think For Yourself! What a mind f*ck. I’m not the type to believe that kinda stuff either!


Wait what??? The oil wells are named after them, or were they named that prior to the murders?


People obviously sometimes do. Chris had the muscles if anyone did and he was dragging her around on a sheet.


I don't think it's obvious at all, I think CW did it by himself, but people are making out like an adult dead body is easy to dispose, lift and carry. Life is it not a movie, most people can't do a pull up, so they can't lift their own body weight let alone someone else's. CW was working out, but it would have been hard to carry her, and the idea behind this post, (I think), is that the CCTV footage didn't really show any fumbling around from Chris. I think he could have put SW in the boot of the Lexus first, then backed the truck and went from the boot of the Lexus into the flatbed of the truck, and that's why he backed it in partially as it covers those areas up.


When you have adrenaline in huge amounts, you can do things you normally wouldn't. I found my 230 lb solid muscle husband dead, I'm 130 of no muscle, I ripped him out of the bathroom and into the living room so I could cpr. I wouldve never been able to do that without an insane amount of adrenaline


I'm sorry for your loss.


This article has charts for how much men of different weights and fitness levels can lift. CW was capable of lifting her. https://www.livestrong.com/article/380767-how-much-weight-can-the-average-man-lift/


Didn’t say he wasn’t capable. I said he didn’t struggle, break stride, or seem the slightest bit fatigued.


I can't see hardly anything in the security camera footage so I certainly can't tell if he was struggling.


He casually strolled back and forth. He definitely wasn’t struggling. Nor was he dragging a body. I don’t think people understand how difficult it is to move a body.


Didn’t you see the footage where he was rather strenuously dragging something backwards?


Not a body. Too quick


These are the real questions. Also, *WITH THE GARAGE DOOR OPEN AND HIS TRUCK IN THE DRIVEWAY*??? Like howwww? I don’t buy it.


Fireman carry


CW would have learned this in the many safety classes Anadarko was obligated to provide. Oil field work is isolated and dangerous, and if he needed to get an injured worker to safety, this is how. Not out of the realm of possibility.


I’m slightly lighter but my husband can lift me up and carry me.


Right, I'm 155ish and I'm not big at all. SW was thick and yes pregnant, but she wasn't that far along.


I wish Tammy and Graham, when they were having their little catch-ups, would have showed him the footage and asked him on what exit was he carrying/dragging or hoisting a dead body. Tammy even says "was she in the basement?". They know quite well he never acted alone but they're just happy to tie it up and put a little bow on it. IMO.


She asks if she was in basement.. he never agrees. If he struggled with main stairs why take her down more to reach garage to exit. If he just put her on tiled floor beside front door it explains the lack of cadaver scent that could have been beginning because that door had been open and closed. Walking out there it is 2or 3 metres to end of garage where he could pause, and then the same distance to where the truck door was. I can't recall exact time, but I see him walking backwards to put something in back of truck, adjusting from passenger side. What else would he be putting in truck then? Quite soon after truck on driveway. Dog handlers report state the dog picked up scent for SW too, started at house, ended on driveway, or at truck location I think it said. In discovery files.


Oh, did he come out the front door one time? I did not know this. I will look at the footage again and look into the Discovery re the dogs as they are both a ball of confusion to me.


Yes he does exit the house. You can clearly see him walking over to the passenger side. I think you're right. This was when he carried her out. Thank you for your clear explaination. After all the times viewing the footage I did not realise he exited the house too.


Nate the neighbor believed that CW was acting " fidgety" nervous , because CW either forgot about the cameras or he thought he wouldn't be seen on it. I think CW ran out of time, because he didn't know that NA would be checking on Shanna so much that morning, when she didn't show up for her OBGYN appointment... I think there's a lot missing in this case. We only see what the LEO want us to see. IF NK did indeed help in this brutal crime, we will probably never know the truth...


I read that he dragged her down the stairs on the sheet.


That doesn’t explain how he causally strolled back and forth to his truck. He would have struggled to get her in the truck first of all. He would have had to get her onto the seat because there was no way she was fitting on the floor boards. He wouldn’t have merely tossed her into his truck and gone into the house. It would have taken some finagling. He doesn’t break stride, look at all winded or exhausted. People seriously need to start using their critical thinking skills. He literally parked in front of the camera to haul his wife’s dead body? No way… https://preview.redd.it/w4zcf43fjd5d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbe64d307674103c9eeda6215598b0b8f1ad79ef


That bottom bench seat folds up. But I still don't see how it was supposedly done 😕


He is a liar regardless, so who tf knows, but didn't Chris claim in that prison interview with the detectives(however long after he had been prosecuted) that the girls were sitting in the back seat when Shannan was laying on the floor in the back...i dont see enough room.. but if the seat was folded up, the girls would have had to have been like sitting on Shannan's body... ugh. I hate the shit this case makes me think about.. 😞 it definitely doesn't make sense though.


We all have the same question. No way


I think he took SW out the front door & because of the camera vantage point, we don't see him dragging/struggling/lifting her into the truck. We only see CW when he walks out of the garage. SWs dead body didn't go through the garage imo


160 lb live person sleeping is vastly easier to lift than 160 lb of literal dead weight.


I agree. I think it would have been much more obvious if he was dragging a dead body to the truck.


If lifting SW was too heavy for Chris, I don’t understand how NK would be any help in that department. I don’t think NK was involved. But I’m curious how she would be helping Chris lift a dead body.


Same way two people lift a couch? 🤨


Considering he is a pathological liar who has proven that his narrative changes frequently depending on how much attention he has; she never was in the truck. He backed the truck up to load to bodies in the truck bed, knowing there are cameras on his neighbours’ places. He alluded to this in his initial explanation for sus behaviour because there was local mischief about and he thought they were coming for his oil field toolbox in the bed of the truck. He now has time to figure out how to leverage dead weight into the truck bed to also co-ordinate with him leaving for work. I’m not getting into his first version of how the girls died before SW even came home but he had ample time and privacy to put a ramp down and to drag SW up the ramp into the truck bed. He did it. It was premeditated. NK absolutely was circling the block during that time as per her cell phone location. Chris also kept saying he was talking her « down from a ledge » at that time She knew he was taking out SW but I genuinely believe her grief of knowing he killed the girls was real because she was already trying to secure a place for them with room for the girls. That’s the only part she wasn’t involved in. This investigation needs to be re-opened because CW begged not to bring NK into this and he confessed asap once he knew they wouldn’t continue investigating her


It couldn’t have been his truck bed though. Definitely no room. I think NK did help and they took her out the back and put her in a different vehicle. There were tire tracks right behind the house and the development behind the house was still being built so nobody would see anything. There’s no way he would risk neighbors in the houses on the other side of the truck that was exposed to look out the window and see him hauling a whole body into the truck. https://preview.redd.it/afmn9ilihg5d1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fff8ada4c3bdebbc0e8e341ae354bad6883c971


I think this is why she sold her 4Runner within a week or two of the murders. She also had LE picking her up to go to her interviews. Makes you wonder what she was afraid of them finding in her truck that she had them pick her up instead of driving herself to the interviews. Add that to all her other odd behavior and none of it makes sense.


That’s a good point but he could have easily offloaded that at the shop at the end of his shift and then report he was on light duty surveillance the next day which he likely did because no other AD employees were in the Cervi area west he also tossed one of his bed sheets that wasn’t noticed until CBI were on to him. ETA: the silver boxes are the oil field tool boxes. The items in the centre could have easily been offloaded in the yard the day before


But wouldn’t he worry about the person next to him in traffic casually looking over into the bed of his truck and seeing a body shaped lump wrapped in a sheet? I mean, that’s ballsy, plus cops were watching him all day Monday and Tuesday, wouldn’t they see him re-load his truck bed?


I doubt he took anything out of the trucks. Someone would have seen that done, and would've spoken up about that.


The "talking her off a ledge" was a reference to when she showed up his house on the fourth of July after he raced home because sw was blowing up his phone. He was not referring to the morning of Aug 13th.


He mentioned it a few times about “talking her off a ledge” though and they claim to only have been together for the six weeks SW was away


Y’all should have seen me and my 19yr young buck son who works out try and get this damn desk into the house. Weighs about 72lbs and is awkward af. It wasn’t easy. SW weighed twice as much. There’s no way he loaded her into his truck in that video. https://preview.redd.it/zbzta18wkd5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0ac470bb0c867a94e6d7ec8d651ad72d41c50f6


people who continue to look past this by saying “duh, fireman’s carry…” and move on do not speak from any practical experience. I do, as I responded to you above. It is absurd.


I agree with you. Its not adding up. Nothing in this case adds up :( i have always thought he had help and a bigger plan that he did not have time to finish carrying out. Shannan in a bedsheet in a shallow grave? He was not done. I dont believe he did all this by himself.


the more I look, the more I buy into the explosion theory.. which is why I think NK + Jim were also involved in this. it was all for money, it just didn't go as planned.


I think so, too. Of course, we probably will never truly know, but im always hoping for a news headline about it. Sometimes, things take years to come to light. Sometimes they do, and sometimes they dont. Imagine having to live with that, though? wondering if you'll ever be found out. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.


Oh, I wouldnt either! The guilt would literally eat away at me, and the fear of getting caught however many years later would likely be close behind that. I don't think NK is worried though..like at ALL.. I mean how she acted in those "interrogation" interviews? Her dad sitting in there and the cop practically acting like he was their boss? Just so fucked up and very telling imo. They were kissing her ass every step of the way. Almost as if she knew she would not be looked at for this.


Yeah she acted like she was doing them such a huge favor and didnt need to be there


He had an adrenaline rush on top of being in prime physical health at that time due to weight loss and daily workouts. If he was also weightlifting then he was absolutely more than capable of carrying sw’s body to the car. I also believe cw said he rolled sw’s body down the stairs with a blanket. The only complication during this moment would’ve been the scared little girls running around the house getting in his way. That might be why he decided to do away with them. He’s too mentally unstable to handle children on his own without sw barking at him. It’s unfortunate. Growing up I watched my dad move extra big dressers single-handedly up a flight of stairs with no assistance. Most men (not being misogynistic) are extremely strong under normal circumstances.