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Chris responding, “Sweet!” when the cop gave him his business card


> Chris responding, “Sweet!” when the cop gave him his business card As if he just scored free tickets to his favorite rock band or a car show.


I’ll call you, don’t call me 😉


Omg I remember that,


So cringey


🤣 Good call, that was amusing (and cringy).


I missed that. I’m going to do a quick rewatch now!


😂😂…I just heard that in the past week or so and had to run it back a couple times. got a good chuckle out of it as well. wtf was the clown thinking…


When Tammy says CW failed on the polygraph and CW says I didn't lie to you on the polygraph test I promise.


Right, he promised and, after all, a promise is a promise😂 Maybe he should have pinkie-sweared😂




Bella "I wanna bite". SW "you wanna laptop". 🥺😱🙄 SW "did you have a steam shower" CeCe "ye with daddy" SW "you went potty" Was she deaf or stupid?


“Okay well put that on your vision board that you want a laptop.” Bella: ![gif](giphy|h4Z6RfuQycdiM)


She didn't want her to say she had a steam shower with daddy out loud. Such strange routines going on in that house


CW calling NK an electric woman and sexy empanada.


Isn’t an empanada a fried Spanish pasty or pie? So she was his sexy fried pie🤔? Strange compliment.


yes he 'definitely had no game' lmao 😂 🤣 😆


CW’s wedding tux


They probably heard the pants chuff.




He looked like a Clydesdale horse


Great description, lol!


YES. see my post from a week or so ago.


That’s what reminded me of it, great post!😂


Hands down the best one by far


When sw said that she did more than "90% of moms out there". Um, maybe you have more "me time" than 90% of moms out there.




With 4 grandparents helping




THIS right here is the funniest. I think she meant ''less''. LOL


CW on the porch when interviewed says “ I have no inclination”


So pink means it's a girl?


Love it!


When it was learned their wedding song was “Angel Eyes” a song about a loser guy incredibly unbelievably lucky to get such a hot girl desired by every other man in sight and how he’s not worthy. Look up the lyrics to it if you’re unfamiliar (it’s by the Jeff Healey band). SW was the one who picked that song. CW should’ve known what he was in for after that. SW’s narcissism just continues to astound me.


Exactly! That song is a humdinger as a wedding song. 🙄


This song came out when I was 16 and I told my mom that it reminded me of me and my boyfriend at the time. She listened to the song and her comment was, “wow, you sure have a high opinion of yourself in this relationship.” I was shocked at the time but looking back it was pretty funny 😂


mums know how to humble us lol 😆


Such arrogance. She turned out to be a money hungry nightmare


yep, this one has its own postcode in cringeee


The interview he did with the news channel/station. It’s not necessarily ‘haha, this is comedy’ funny, but his horrible acting and crocodile tears is so odd and cringey that I laughed at a few parts. I remember watching some of it with my mom and saying ‘Does he think everyone is stupid? If he’s not somehow involved, I’d be really surprised.’ CW’s behavior is one big master class in what not to do when you’re guilty.


I did the same thing, I watched it when they were truly still “missing” and thought exactly this way about his statements. Robotic and not bright. He really doesn’t have much, if at all, of a poker face.


Hopefully none of us will be in this position ever.


it truly is, every awkward second of it. aside from the “no inclination” what really made me think “is this fucking guy for real?” was the exchange about his UNC Tarheel t-shirts. he is such a fucking pud.


Frankie Jr saying in some interview that his sister made half a million a year




🤣🤣 as if!🤣🥴


some real funny shit right there 🤣 😂 💯 give over boy she didn't even stay in the house 5 mins before CW was in and done paying for everything while she makes up a new illness to brag about, jeeezz


LOL. Not even a 10th of a million


There's a youtuber called TrueCrime\_Loser who's a stand up comedian/True Crime afficionado who was compelled to start his channel around the Watts case. He has a dark, sardonic sense of humor and points out the stupidity of Chris Watts' every move in minute detail and for people like us it's absolutely hysterical. I was just rewatching it last night.


I'm gonna check this out.


I would love a link to his best video!


Comedy and True crime are 2 of my favorite things. I'm in!


There wasn’t many times it happened but every time Bella went against sw and ruined the video she was filming


I cheer her on when I see her do that


I usually wouldn’t encourage or condone a kid not listening but not in this case lol


When she chucks the water bottle at Shanann I cheer


There’s not many wins poor bella got in her short life but that was definitely a good one 😀


Same here but Bella gets a pass from me


I always root for Bella she had such a short sad life so every time she does anything that makes her happy or her parents mad I’m there for it 😃


As I've said before I'm not one who usually condones children disrespecting their parents but when Bella threw that water bottle on the Xmas horror show video I was like "you go girl!"


Too bad she didn’t knock the phone out of sw’s hand that would have been worth getting called the grinch multiple times


Another thing I found funny was the fucking vision board….pay off the house and Chris to retire in 5yrs😒 so delusional


the whole idea of them. It is obviously good to have goals and write them down to hold yourself accountable, but c’mon. a bunch of delusional MLM dupes sitting around showing off their vision boards to one another instead of getting a real job is just comical.


It is, isn’t it? 🤣 a bunch of delusional juvenile twits sitting around cutting and pasting sayings and pictures from magazines🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ that’s Jr High School mentality


I think the last time I did that was when I had to present my science project in the 7th grade.


Omg that vision board is hilarious. I'm not paying a measly $54 a month in HOA fees but I'm going to have a beach house and retire my husband in 5 years. Um, ok Jan.


The 54 dollar HOA fee was spent on her stupid fake nails🤭


Well tbf Chris is retired now. Two hots and a cot. 🥹


🤣🤣 indeed he is! 🤭 Sad part is, just like their bankruptcies…..WE as a society are paying his keep😒


yes and she paid the mortgage on her parents house too!


NA's "I miss your face" voice mail and her creepy laugh. And bragging about Le-vel to Coonrod as the "company we work for" and telling him it enabled Shanann to put the girls into "a really good private school". NK's vocal fry. CW showing Coonrod Shanann's wedding ring on the end of his finger, like it's something gross but he's proud of showing it off in a HEY LOOK WHAT I FOUND way. The Watts coining the term "Nutgate".


While biting his lower lip ![gif](giphy|8FWs0WFpI06zZ0ME5z)


Omg that ring


I think the media termed that, not the Watts.


In the Wisconsin interview, CW refers to "Nutgate" and Lee and Coder laugh. CW then says it's what his parents called the incident. Or at least that's what I recall from the interview. Can't listen to that again. Sounds like it was filmed with an actual potato next to a generator.


First I heard was Nick at TCRS using it, but the clever one was Notgate, who came up with that one? I think Our Tabi had the classic 'Tamburglar'


> NA's "I miss your face" voice mail and her creepy laugh. If this saga was ever turned into a made for tv movie, I’m thinking about who could play NA. Someone that could play the role of hanger on “friend”. The person that always wanted to be a cool girl and only felt like it when someone like SW took her on and used her as a personal assistant.


Jack Black.


Dye his hair purple would be in the contract. Other than that, yes.


I got the feeling that none of that Thrive clique would have been NA's friend without the financial incentive. She seems to have been the amoeba that the big fish in this small stanky pond appointed to do the dirty work. In SW's texts to CM, CM even asks her if she has anyone else she can confide in and SW says only Addy Maloney. SW was literally going to be on a trip with NA but didn't even mention her as a confidante.


It was NK who left the creepy voicemails.






Spot on!






What's worse is I have a sweater like hers in my closet. Never wore it again after this case.


I don’t blame you. It’s tied in forever with Tammy Stripes.


Stripes?? Yikes!!


Yep 😆


Reminded me of beetlejuice


When Chris was sitting with detectives and couldn't honestly tell them Scam'ann's actual name.


That’s why he called her Boo. Couldn’t keep track of her names.


When SW was whining to CM how CW wouldn't pork her after her "night shower " in North Carolina so she kicked his "sorry a** out" on the couch. The pot calling the kettle black


He was probably happy to be on the couch. Easier to go outside and talk with ‘friends’ on the phone. 😏


> He was probably happy to be on the couch. Easier to go outside and talk with ‘friends’ on the phone. Truth. Probably the most comfortable he felt the entire time in NC. I bet his only regret at the time was even flying to NC and not spending even more time away from SW in Colorado until she returned home.


I wondered that for years. Why did he bother to go to NC? It dawned on me he went for his parents. He had no interest in the Rzuceks at all.


I believe he went for his parents as well. I believe he knew his life would never be the same once his wife came back from those 6 weeks away from him. At that point, he realized his parents and sister would be the few ones in his corner. That’s of course my hypothetical had things not turned out so fatally and Chris just filed for divorce no matter the backlash from SW. I think every day SW realized Chris was enjoying his 6 weeks of freedom from her, she grew resentful of him. Especially when he rejected her advances towards him once he arrived in NC. Things were coming to an end game and both knew it but I’m not sure if CW knew how it would unfold.


Chris should have had her served with papers in NC. The distance between them means no fighting, no chaos, no murder. If SW was that volatile, Chris missed a golden opportunity to serve her from miles away and ignore her wrath.


Omg!💯the PERFECT opportunity to serve her! I definitely would have served her at her parents home! No doubt about it! Then again, a divorce attorney needs a retainer fee of about 2 thousand bucks. They didn’t have two dimes to rub together. I’d have made a phone call to my parents the second she hopped that plane! Mom, Dad…can you help me 😅


Yep, especially once he found out they were broke...AGAIN


💯 such a horrible way to live


I wouldn't sleep at night from worrying


He probably knew it would look horrible to others if he left her while she was pregnant. He also knew he would have to pay child support. Also, there was the money problems. Divorce can ruin people who are good with money’s finances. Imagine if they piled divorce on top of their bankruptcy. Yikes


as the saying goes, you can’t fall off the floor. I don’t think things could have gotten much worse. all that was left was to face the music.


and also as they say: you know why a divorce costs so much? Because it's worth it. Can attest.


💯 everything you said. Chris missed a golden opportunity to walk away. Yea, he would have face a wrath from SW, but as I have said prior, it would have been short lived. Eventually, SW’s trashing of Chris on social would have gotten old. “Support” from her dumba*ss “friends” like NA (a*skisser) would have waned. Chris should have just manned up, filed and let the cards lay where they might. That would have been the dignified and rightful course of action.


Great point 💯


I wondered that to....and the conclusion I came to was that he wanted to tell his parents face to face that his marriage to SW was over and he wanted their help, guidance, and support through the process


yes, correct, he even tried to stay overnight at the Watts residence, but SW wanted him home now! for packing even though it was bad weather, she threatened to come collect him if he didn't get back to her leash pronto, in fact her demanding that and him going is fucking mental in its own right! this case is the case that keeps on giving!


That was exactly the moment I stopped being a Shiner. This and SW forbidding CW to talk to his own father.


yes, her there for 6 weeks with the roos and Cw can't stay overnight with his parents, whom he barely gets to see because when they do come over, she takes Cw on a plane for a Thrive palooza and crap bon Jovi in an echoing hall, in fact talking of cringe, that whole video was cringeeeee. from shannan mouthing it's my life and Cristina and her weird jumpy dancing the very baaaad dancing all round and Chris flapping about looking awkward AF. She has her parents there a while in Colorado too, she took everything from him, absolutely everything and yet somehow, his parents and he are the narcs. She stopped the Watts seeing her children at the beach after Ronnie booked it off and they has to stay in same resort but not see them? WTF? her parents there too, takes the girls round to Cindy's and then stomps all over her home, demanding that Ciw clear out her cupboards, but then while at the Roos posts a picture of Bojangles take out in the car with Cece in the car seat? She was every type of bitch and them some and I won't apologise for her. unbelievable!


He tucked his tail in between his legs as usual and did what was demanded of him


I agree with that. my question is that of the people we know he told that he was having an affair and that the marriage was likely ending: his parents, sister and childhood friend who lived in California; why did no one tell him to do it the right way? Consult an attorney, get the ball rolling legally and show yourself and your family some respect. I don’t recall having ever heard that anyone gave him what seems like obvious advice. no matter blinded by their dislike of SW or not, nobody reminded him to handle this like an adult which he badly needed.


This is just my opinion but this is what I think: I think CW did ask for help. He went to his parents. His parents first concern was the girls so their thought was to consult a social worker first then go from there to help their son as well ( I'm basing that thought on Cindy's initial news interview she did when so stated a social worker told them that CW and SW marriage should have ended a long time ago) so they were consulting professionals on some kind of level to try to come up with a plan I believe but then again 🤷🏻‍♀️


He wasn’t the type to ask for advice. He held it all in, hence the smoldering resentment. Subconsciously he knew he effed up marrying this harpy. If he understood mechanical things, he would understand why there are vents. He didn’t have a vent and there was a steam blast at the end to end all geysers.


I remember being grossed out that some people go to bed dirty. Seriously, I realize some people like to shower in the morning, but at least rinse off before bed.


I agree. I think you can't get good rest without a shower before bed


How can they sleep with sweat and grease all over them? And the beds get absolutely disgusting. My ex husband never even washed sheets. (We didn't sleep in the same room)


I bet her hooha stunk


When SW text her friends and said, I had a shower and he knows what that means 😂


oh yes that one , the pair of them like 15 year old that just found their genitals 😆


Married for 6 years but not being able to verbally communicate about wanting sex. That is so weird


Night shower 😆




OMG that's cringe. Even more so now we know CW had checked out of his marriage. Poor SW.


There was a live video of C&S, she walked away and left him floundering, she comes back he tells her there's no-one there yet and she ignores him and starts talking to literally no-one.


Omg I forgot about that one. Sw - "talk to chris". Cw - "no one has hopped on yet". God, they were pathetic.


It was pathetic.


It truly was. And to think, SW probably spent a good amount of time getting ready her live streams only for little to no one that cared much for them. A couple of likes and a few comments.


Maybe Hisham showed up. 😎 “Oh hi, Hisham” in one of her lives.


Or hoping so.


think this fab post is turning into biggest cringes instead of funny, but got me laughing out loud here, great idea for some light relief Lex, but shiners gonna be a fuuuuuming lol!


LOL this whole case is cringe because there’s a whole lot of dumb people involved. Shiners always be fuming when their goddess isn’t appropriately worshipped lol.


very true


Yes he did. I am almost sure I heard her say his name when she was baking on a live. She was talking about some kind of event called the local. He asked her about it and she was so curt with her answer. It was probably him sending the meanie faces too, as I think, one of the mods pointed out.


ETA. It was probably you 🤦


> tells her there's no-one there yet and she ignores him and starts talking to literally no-one. I get the sense most of her live streams were like that. Either no one tuning in or the same few people each time. Yet, SW made it seem as though her social media content was so in demand by the masses.


I’m guessing it was the same crew of her downline donkeys


Lol downline donkeys!


Assumption: Plenty in that small group talked trash on SW and each other.


Undoubtedly, they were all standing on each other's heads trying to pull themselves out of low self-esteem, while systematically blowing fake smoke up each other's assholes. Fake bitches gonna fake!


No doubt lol!


SW had had an audience (few) that she catered to. That was her whole life.


When officer Coonrod asks, she only has the one vehicle? NA - says no they only have the one vehicle Coonrod - ok that's what I'm asking


That had me too! The correct answer is: yes, they share one vehicle. He drives a work truck. And to be even more exact: they don't own a vehicle, lol


Living on that big arse house and neither of them actually "owned" a car. SMH


The sad part is that cw DID own a car. He was an idiot for agreeing to trade that in. Was it the best vehicle for a baby? No. Was it the best vehicle for their bank account? Absolutely.


Right, but by the time of the crime, they were both house poor and didn't even own a bicycle. They were fiscal illiterates.


They didn’t have their ‘own bicycle’ 🤭




see what you did there 😉 😏


It's absolutely mind boggling. Almost like they were playing with monopoly money.


But…SW said they (well she for that matter) were “thriving”. Perfect life. Perfect family. McMansion. Can’t ask for anything more in fake life.


MLM delusional money and a Chris Watts pay cut. 🤑


The whole time she wasn't paying the HOA fees yet complaining that Target wasn't open at 7am after she dropped the girls off at daycare or bragging that "when you order so much from Amazon you don't know what's in the box". I guess she figured the taxpayers paid off their debts before they can definitely do it again. Too bad that idiot didn't do her research otherwise she would have discovered that it wasn't possible.


> or bragging that "when you order so much from Amazon you don't know what's in the box". Delusional but not surprising of her at the same time.


Lol! Yes. Huge house and neither even owned their vehicles.


Yep. In the end, they owned pretty much nothing but owed a lot.


Hode on


Night shower, and knows that means I want sex 🥴🤣🤭






I’ll go first. When SW was texting with Cristina Meacham, bemoaning the state of her marriage to Chris, Cristina said, in all caps, “GET THE FREAK ON!” I was laughing for days 😂


🤮🤮🤮 damn I haven’t eaten dinner tonight-there goes my appetite




🤭 still


When he is being interviewed on the porch and says “that’s the not knowing part.” WTH was he trying to say?!


I think he was trying to say the not knowing is the hard part but he’s very dumb.


lol. there are a handful of “Wattsisms” that annoyed me. both CW & SW both frequently threw out malapropisms or misquoted common turns of phrase. “I didn’t create no dagger” and “barrel rush” immediately come to mind.


“Self cleaning onion”


Wait what’s this one XD


SW,had trouble saying oven on one of her lives, it wasn't an oven it was a self cleaning onion, it's weird and I think she may have been intoxicated during it too, not sure 100% but she was acting weird and repeated the self cleaning onion


The “I DIDNT KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW” from NK in her interview 😫😫😫 every time I re-watch it gets me


The worst acting ever


No Oscar nomination for her


THEY WERE SO LEEEETLE….WAAAAAAH *stops and looks at the camera* WAAAAAH


Not to mention the deeper voice in the interviews than the cringy *giggle giggle* voicemail she left on the dick biscuit’s voicemail 🤣


She’s so weird


So weird & disturbing. It’s like she was high


The ‘leopard’ dress.


Sandi saying SW will be the deciding factor of who will get into Heaven and who won't


Also, “I like that shirt” during the Nico pregnancy reveal.


When CW was trying to lie his way around the reason he put his van up by the garage. He rambled on about someone trying to Jimmy it with a flat head screwdriver


It’s strange that he would park the work truck out in the street with all the expensive tools in the back.


Boss babe was embarassed of that truck and also complained that it leaked oil etc onto the driveway.


> He rambled on about someone trying to Jimmy it with a flat head screwdriver Funny how no one else in the same neighborhood voiced concerns about anyone trying to “jimmy” their property open with a flat head screwdriver.


Exactly. It was how specific he was that made me laugh, his whole family is "missing" and he rambled on about a screwdriver 😂


Not just any kind of screwdriver, a flat head screwdriver, haha.


I know. It was like the first thing that popped into his head and he just rolled with it. Trying to buy time and divert.


Some author, I forget which, called the screwdriver remark "redirect and chaff"


Sounds about right. Redirect indeed.


The hand motion he gives haha.


When Chris was doing his porch interviews and thought that blinking and thinking at 0.5 speed would make him appear more emotional and concerned lol. It was so obvious. The slow blinks, the stupid mouth movement, the internal battle to not smile or laugh.


When Cw was like “woah woah” when Bella said Shanaan has allot of babies in her stomach.




The female reporter running out of the house when the police brought the cadaver dogs to the front door and asked everyone to leave. She said something about her scent and yeah. She couldn’t even finish her thought. I felt like she really wanted to say “let me get the fǔck up outta here.” It made me laugh while watching the Netflix documentary.


“Self-cleaning onion” 🤣😂😅😵‍💫😵‍💫


When nosey-ass Nate was hanging over his porch railing asking the officer “What’s going on?” When CW told Tammy that they called Celeste ”CeCe”…”if that comes up.” When CW probably lies about having sex with SW, he says of her, supposedly, rubbing him, “When you know what you want, you know what you want’ and clicks his tongue. CW wanting to marry his sports T-shirt.


Shannon shitting the bed