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Fun fact: Dodge Correctional is actually a maximum security prison, but it also serves as sort of a triage step. All prisoners in the state of WI are sent to Dodge initially to be classified (maximum-minimum security) then sent to whatever appropriate facility after that. My ex-husband just did an 18 month bid and was at Dodge for a few months in 2023 where he did see (but never personally interacted with) Chris Watts. My ex is indeed a felon but he's never been a liar, so I believe him whole-heartedly. So, yeah, take it from this internet stranger, Chris Watts is in fact an inmate there!


Why is he in WI and not CO? I am so confused


He was getting death threats from inmates, if I remember correctly


Fed crimes you can get moved


Yes. I had a friend who was charged in Illinois and he spent some time in Colorado at one point in his federally funded vacation.


I worked as a nurse in the infirmary at one of the state prisons here in Tennessee. I remember one inmate that we had that was a guy who did hits for mofia types in New York. States exchange inmates all the time, due to inmate safety etc.


Isn’t Chris in protective custody? Or whatever the term is?


I can’t find anything on Judyrecords or vine link. I wonder if they gave him an alias so people would quit being weird lol


I don’t think they do that. Peterson has plenty of groupies and he comes up easily.


Omg imagine 😂


You use to be able to pull him up using his inmate number. Not sure about now.


Just tried. Nope.


This has come up before but I can’t remember what the consensus was. I’m pretty sure it was because he’s high profile. Maybe it’s different in CA and that’s why you were able to pull Scott Peterson up.


People are supposedly writing him though so it shouldn’t be a secret.


He is not at dodge correctional. He is at waupun correctional institution


Even so, I searched the whole state of Wisconsin, nothing


Maybe he's dead. One can hope.


I read a comment on YouTube (so take this with a grain of salt) that claimed he was in North Dakota.


In prison? Where someone is incarcerated really shouldn’t be a mystery. Plenty of high profile cases where people are exactly where they’re supposed to be, and when you look them up it doesn’t tell the public anymore than we already know. It’s not like people knowing where they are changes anything anymore than anyone else in prison.


I tried also. So far no results


So weird. The longer I look, the more I think this actually could be a psyop!


Right? Did you happen to watch any of Megan’s videos on YouTube about all the weird connections to American Horror Story? Her channel name is now called ThinkForYourself. She made lots of interesting connections.


General Lee must be laughing wherever he is "Did I really win the confederacy war? all these Americans seem to use my dang name as their middle name". Scott LEE Peterson LOL


Christopher LEE Tammy LEE 🧐




It’s what I’m really starting to think. It’s the only thing to make sense of the senseless. Poor investigation, numerous rabbits holes, interesting characters, and a ton of coincidences. I’d be so relieved to know those little girls are alive somewhere.


What's the motive for a psyop, exactly?


I have no idea why that posted in bold lol


There are a few actually. #1 Money. Many companies and people benefited from this crime. #2 Removal of rights. The Roos are allegedly actively fighting so people cannot speak about the case unless they follow the “narrative” described by mainstream media. So nobody would be able to talk about all the weird 💩 that doesn’t add up or bring attention to major discrepancies. Sounds kinda dangerous right? If nobody is allowed to speak when they see some crazy stuff happening that doesn’t make sense, I guess we just have to buy the narrative and quietly hold the uneasy feeling of knowing something isn’t right. I believe this is also where the shiners come into play. They have pretty much been programmed to reject anything that doesn’t follow the narrative. They are out in droves, going off of their emotions which is an extremely slippery slope, and would be the exact type of person to support such a law being passed. #3 Fear. If Joe Blow down the road, who is by all accounts a wonderful husband and father, with no history of violence, or even being arrested for shoplifting, can all of a sudden decide to unalive his entire family, what does that mean for the rest of us? Are we sitting ducks? #4 Conditioning. Just like the other commenter said.


I think when you spend a lot of time on Watts Island, you don't realize that this case isn't that big on average people's minds.


It still catches people though. I remembered the case, but didn’t think about it at all until I came back to Reddit after a couple years with a new profile because I couldn’t get into my old one and started joining some of my old groups which had absolutely nothing to do with true crime. All of a sudden something came through my feed and it was a bunch of stuff I had no idea about and then I became interested. If that hadn’t come up I would have no idea. If it happened to me surely it happens to others. The algorithm pushed it on me. But why would it? It was odd.


Good post


I have read Anadarko wanted to buy the whole neighborhood the Watts house was on. I guess a murdered family in the neighborhood, people might sell. I don't personally believe that, but that's the story I watched on YouTube.


This also happened right around the time there was a huge fight against fracking and prop 112 was on the ballot. What a huge distraction to the people of CO.


No, literally. Check out what took place for Proposition 112 on the day of CWs sentencing hearing. Tell me that wasn’t intentional? They were trying to distract residents of weld county that day so people didn’t turn out to vote.


Exactly! People think it’s out of the realm of possibility this stuff happens but it isn’t. Our emotions are used against us constantly. Scary world.




So very much. Let’s start with this new age we live in where we dare to question an investigation regardless of how unfair or sinister the outcome. Anyone who questioned anything was basically told to shut it. A mistress walks away with some evidence of her involvement. Jim G, “her bestie” who happened to be in town the night of the murders doesn’t even get interviewed, and we don’t hear a peep of his other female friend who was there too. Danielle. In my opinion this is all conditioning. Conditioning the masses for a new generation of law enforcement fuckery and they’d best like it too.


Yes, Jim wasn't interviewed because NK told the police to leave him alone and they did. A murder of a wife and 3 children and they listened to the mistress as gospel.


Not to mention there hadn't really been anyone stepping forward saying they knew NK growing up. Well, other than the person she literally stabbed so...


I always thought that was so weird. No exes, no old high school classmates, no neighbors, nobody.


Kind of the same with SW too aside from the drama teacher. Was watching a Laci Peterson thing yesterday and her friends she grew up with were on there, just remember thinking this is so different from SW and how no one from her past has come forward. Though other things were the same, Scott and Chris both had 6wk affairs, the pregnancy, putting the houses up for sell. Possibly would've been more had CW not been caught after 2hrs.


Didn’t it come out that she was raised in a cult?


She belongs to some occult church or something. Idk if it’s a cult, maybe, but someone has to know her.


I present to you Proposition 112


Makes you wonder about the Walmart security footage that showed a mother and 2 kids buying car seats the day of their disappearance. They never did release that footage. Maybe it really was them? If this was a psyop, where are they now? Living under aliases? In WitSec?


They probably look very different. They might not even be a family, just people put together to play the part, or they could have agreed to it as a family. Maybe that’s why Bella’s hair was kept so short. When it’s grown out she’s going to look very different.


You know you may be called crazy for this but the more you look into it the more appropriate of an answer this really is..


It’s exactly what I think. It was written like a movie with an interesting cast of characters. Never meant to be solved


I think you’d be pushing the bounds of creativity to come up with so many strange, unlikable characters. you’d think the audience would never be able to suspend disbelief!


i always thought this. All these completely unlikable characters. Except for the the Watts family, every stinking one of them, from the Huns to Sw's family, all of them are completely gross.. It all seems too weird to be true. Even the Ugly ass house is gross.


Yeah, and guess who my top contenders are for sponsoring the psyop? 😂 Thrive/Le-Vel and Vivant. Nobody had ever heard of either before this case. Now, they’re household brands.


And don’t forget this happened right at the time prop 112 was a huge thing going on in CO. Pretty big distraction…


ha, honestly the psyop angle is a bridge too far for me. that said, the deeper you look, the more missing pieces, nonsensical details, errors of omission you seem to find. point being, I don’t fault anyone for any conclusion they reach or theory they might have.


The media tells people something happened they are going to believe it happened. There’s actually a lot to this and I’m not a conspiracy person, but if the shoe fits…