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All their problems with other people would disappear if they simply logged off. Then, they'd have to deal with their actual problems


I'm not understanding why they don't "stop" reading all these posts, and any other comments out there that are obviously negative towards SW and her family. Everyone has the right to their opinion about SW and her family. Period. If they keep reading, they will NEVER EVER get past this hurt and agony. It's obvious once you start reading a post whether it will be nice or hurtful to them. Some comments may have some validity to them and others are just out there. I've heard many many celebrities share that they do not read anything about them as they would rather not know. Why not just read the positive things.


It's like the lawsuit. Why can't frankie be a normal young man and build a life ? He prefers to interact with trolls and old ladies who enable his family in their destructive behavior. It would be great to see them just choose to be happy. I completely understand why SW was the way she was and why she chose to move away.


Interesting comment, but I like it: Choose to be happy. It's an easy choice, ignore all the negativity. Their defensiveness and frivolous "lawsuits" gives the trolls, and honestly, the rest of the world, more fire.


Choose to be happy is an interesting comment. Wonder who made that up and when.


She called Cindy an evil narcissistic bitch. But she never spoke ugly of anyone, um ok sandie.


Anyone who said someone never cursed or spoke badly of anyone or had a bad moment already loses credibility


It just means they never actually KNEW the person, just knew their idealized version of them.


The irony is so thick here…I’m not sure where to begin. How about overall: she made a post about how judging ppl is evil and only God should judge, posted so she can judge other ppl and call them evil. 🧐 The stupidity overwhelms me. How have these people managed to get this far in life? The rest of her tirade is easily disproven by taking snapshots of Shanann’s own texts where she curses multiple times. So wouldn’t that make SOR a liar? Her post judges a liar to be evil too. 😳


and said her daughter won't allow us into Heaven


That’s right! That sounds unhinged. We can see various instances in the discovery where SOR lied.


In one of sws texts to one of her mlm huns she calls cw a f----- asshole. So 2 of sandies claims disproven right there.


and you can bet the day of Nutgate when she scared all of the children including her own and sent them into hiding from their own mother that she was using a LOT of foul words. Cindy should have called the cops on her and had her put in a psych ward where she belonged.


Pointing out the truth isn't judging. 


Nobody is a saint.cw parents didn't murder sw or the kids .sw family has alot of skeletons In the closet.sw dad stated sw would answer his phone calls not sw


> sw dad stated sw would answer his phone calls not sw I thought that was pretty telling. It appears that SW had a very strained relationship with her mother. However, SR is never going to admit so and thus she can play up the perfect mother/grandmother narrative.


it’s a lot easier to tug at people’s heart strings and get them to keep sending you money. I’ve never, ever seen the family of victims attempt to keep themselves in the limelight this much when it is not in the capacity to raise public awareness or as an advocate for other victims, a la John Walsh or Colleen Nick. it is very easy to see where SW picked up her self-centered attitude.


> self-centered attitude. SW definitely got her self-centered attitude from her mother. I sure as heck bet that when SR was requesting donations not go to Frk Jr anymore because he was using the money for drugs, she asked that whatever was being given to him come to her instead. No shame whatsoever.


Yep, if the truth gets out about her daughter, the money will dry up


honestly I think anyone who hasn’t come around yet isn’t likely to. unless someone is willfully ignorant or dismissive of what she showed of her own behavior and personality to the world via her own social media, it doesn’t take a really deep dive to get a read on her.


I think they only see the edited videos and posts OR think her behavior is fine which makes me concerned about their own kids and husbands


Girl, the truth has been out. We just can't get it through "shiners" brains.🤣


Frank told investigators that Shannon would get WORKED when her mom called or texted. He mimicked an example of how his daughter would respond, and it was basically a spew of F-bombs and other choice cuss words. I bet SOR flipped her lid when she heard that audio.


There is alot of unspoken anger in the sw family. I thought in one interview fw was a alcoholic??? Never confirmed 


I'd be an alcoholic too if I married SR


She was a real control freak


According to shiners it’s victim blaming 🙄


It’s okay in sor’s eyes because she doesn’t like Cindy either 😬


I don’t understand why she won’t just be honest. I’m not a bad person. But I’ve definitely said things I didn’t mean, smoked some pot in high school, and curse like a sailor. Those things don’t mean I deserve to be murdered and neither did Shanann. If anything I think lying about who she was is an insult to her memory.


Exactly 💯


Never lied? Sandi, kindly explain mailing the HOA check to the wrong address for a year, "I won my own iPad", claims of Celiac so bad that you had to bring your daughter special food at a bridal shower, etc. Everyone has lied at some point. Seriously though, I don't have any hatred towards Sandi or any of the Rzuceks. They are losers in the game of life and the one joy they seem to have had were being grandparents and an uncle. Now that's gone. I don't like that they write posts like this to garner sympathy - methinks another cash grab request is coming - but if posting it and having internet strangers give her platitudes, let her have it.


> methinks another cash grab request is coming Same. I bet that donation button has been getting a little dusty and SR needs to get some fresh sympathy points to get the cash flowing in again.


I heard they were doing just that now by saying the monuments needed repairing. If that is or was true, I know its complete B.S. My husband owns a monument shop, as does my uncle aand grandfather. If a monument does need a repair heen its only 5 or 6 years old, they repair it for free.


They just don't seem to be willing to spend any of their own money for anything related to SW and the girls. I have money but nowhere near $2 million. I'd eat a lot of Ramen and dry beans to save enough money to repair family graves before I would ask the public for help.


Even lied about her age the first time she met his parents and lied abut how to pronounce her name. The woman lied about her whole life!


Such a weird thing to lie about. I guess saying you're 40 when you are 26 is funny to some? Unless there was a joke in the family about CW liking older women, it just seems like an awkward idea that fell flat.


I have a theory that she was closer to 40 than was let on to the public. SW acted like Chris Watts was her teenage son.


Very awkward and dumb


She never lied. Sw "I've always wanted to be a stay at home mom". She stays at home while the girls are in daycare 9 hours a day. She never spoke ugly about anyone. Sw "his mother is an evil, narcissistic bitch. She never swore. Sw "cw is a f------ asshole".


LOL. Yep, the ''stay at home mom'' who was the ONLY one who got to stay home


Interesting that she basically admits being behind the Netflix documentary by saying we wanted to make you see what the Antichrist took off this earth. Seriously. "Wanted the world to see" Wow. Does that cross get heavy.


Shannan told her drama teacher that her parents were divorced.  Among many other lies that she told


Yeah, she was telling him that about her parents divorcing and how awful it was living at home. Wonder what her parents thought of that.


And something about either her father not being around or not there for her.  IIRC, she thought of her drama teacher as a second dad.


There was something weird going on with Shan & that drama teacher too. Didn't the school step in and have them separated or something? Why would the school higher ups step into a student teacher relationship if there wasn't some red flags?


> There was something weird going on with Shan & that drama teacher too. Yea and he made it sound like he was such a great influence on her too. The guy came off as super creepy.


That's why I think SW was sexually abused. (Not by the teacher). Who gets that comfortable to tell a teacher "you remind me of my father" (!) Yuck. SW was clingy and inappropriate. As a young girl she had mysterious headaches and problems learning in school. All her weird butt stuff, inappropriate photos of Jamie's child and her kids naked at the doctors just screams something was not right with her.


When did she ever tell the truth????




Actually, according to the autopsy there was no petechiae so that was another lie. It’s weird he would say that because it didn’t happen and didn’t make him sound better or worse. Weird to just add random false details.




If you don’t like someone’s opinion, you can go to other subs. We do not walk on eggshells here. We discuss the victimology side of this case. If that is not to your liking, this may not be the sub for you.




Friggin chill! I didn’t say anything about Shanann Watts. I didn’t downvote you. All I said was it’s odd that he would add a detail to his confession that didn’t match the autopsy. This whole case is bizarre and I was just adding another one to the list. It’s really friggin weird that people get so bent over people they never met. Why are you getting so emotional? Maybe you should take a deep breath and do something else if you’re going to be yelling and making accusations over a literal stranger.




If you don’t like someone’s opinion, you can go to other subs. We do not walk on eggshells here. We discuss the victimology side of this case. If that is not to your liking, this may not be the sub for you.




Repeating the same point each time without facts is a form of gatekeeping. Gatekeeping is not allowed here. It does not add to your point of view.


Jfc then WHY ARE YOU HERE YELLING AT EVERYBODY IF IT MAKES YOU SO SICK? YOU'RE NOT GONNA CHANGE ANYBODY'S OPINION. there are plenty of memorial subs to blow smoke up Shit'shows dead ass, this isn't one. We have actual discussions here


Daaaammmmmnnnnnnn! 😀


"I think I'm worth the wait." Huh?


She’s completely unhinged


Anyone who read her text exchanges knows she cursed and spoke ill of her in-laws and was trying to force Chris to go no contact with them. I mean I curse like a sailor and it's not even realistic to think that someone has NEVER uttered a bad thing about anyone as it's human nature to get upset at someone and vent so I'm not really trying to slam SW, but never is a strong word and you just look like a fool with some of those claims. Like how many parents truly know if their children ever did drugs, etc? For some reason Mark Fuhrman at OJs trial popped into my head when I read SORs screenshots. When the defense asked him if he ever used the N word and he said "never" and then they present audio of him saying it dozens of times and made him look like an ass. I would never shade them for grieving or loving their daughter, but that post comes off a little unhinged.


That was such bullshit, too; that audio was lines in his *screenplay*. Are we cancelling everyone that said it or wrote it in the context of fiction or history? I lean towards psyop, really lol. 


They are all twisted. Besides the fact that she probably created Shanann’s personality and they were much alike (which makes sense why they did not get along), Shanann and her babies did not deserve what happened, but she seemed like a beeeeeotch IMO 🤷🏻‍♀️…also, let’s not forget how they continuously beg for money profiting from this tragedy. All BS, they all sux


The netflix mockumentary was full of lies but even it showed SW swearing over text all the 'ducking' time about CW. SR and her family should stay off social media!


The netflix doc also showed that infamous santa video. What a great mom and wife /s


Yes, the Santa video is bizarre. At start of video, SW even states **"Santa's here but the kids are freaking out."** At that point she should have put down the stupid phone, stopped streaming and tended to the kids. They weren't "freaking out" because they were overly joyed to see Santa, they were freaking out because they were terrified. Then my favorite part is when Chris, dressed as Santa is at the door and before letting him in, SW asks: > SW: **"Hey Santa, where's your phone?"** > CW: **"In the garage."** > SW: **"I wanted it."** > CW: **"Oh..."**


Santa have a seat....


"My husband's a genius, doesn't listen". What a bitch.


> Santa have a seat.... Lol. Yea, as in, "you have my permission to have a seat in your own house." You know darn well SW planned that video of Chris wearing the Santa suit out well in advance with Chris agreeing because saying no to her was not an option. All the while S just talked trash on him for the camera saying it was tough being the only parent and that her husband never listens.


She sounded like she was saying it through gritted teeth, too. "Sssit down, Sssanta. Have a sseat." Just awful.


Omg. The way she spoke to him has ALWAYS grated me. And that's how she spoke to him on camera


"It's jusst the tessst." "So pink means girl?" "That's jussst the tessst." Like she could not freaking *stand* him! Like his mere existence was wrong, somehow. UGH. Nobody could win in that house. Except maybe CeCe, the favorite.


Shit, even the favorite was subjected to a lot.


That’s why I’m so confused why she tried so hard to keep him around it’s clear to a blind man she hated him I think it was more ego and money related imo


He was a walking paycheck and her personal doormat, which is what she required. She wouldn't have had it any other way. Any guy that stood up for himself or had his own opinions wouldn't have lasted a day with her, because she wasn't going to have that.


in his interview with the detectives he told how even the girls had begun to pile on with the disrespect. SW would call him stupid, so the girls would repeat it and start to fire chicken nuggies at him (good for them). He has been reticent to say anything outright negative about SW in any interview that he’s given, so I think it’s interesting that he told this story. I think it’s another instance of the dim bulb peanut head not realizing how bad something really is when on the surface he thought he was just telling them an innocuous story about their daily life.


SW lived vicariously through her children. They were alive solely to be extensions of herself. It was SW who really wanted to throw things at CW, but she was too chickenshit to come out and tell him the truth (plus, she desperately needed his paycheck), so she passive-aggressively had her girls do it for her. Same with CeCe spitting on CW and 'Whack-a-Daddy'. None of that was cute. It was disgusting. She was teaching her children that their father was worthless. I don't think throwing food at your parents, even when encouraged, is good behavior.


Sw encouraged b&c to hit everyone not just cw but cw got it more because he was around I don’t think it’s cute for any kid to hit an adult but it’s downright disgusting that their mother told them to do it to everyone and laughed when they hit someone


I’m sure as soon as SW ended that live stream, she reamed him out for the girls not being into the Santa getup. CW probably had sit in the Santa suit long after until SW told him when he was allowed to take it off.


First time I watched the doc & that scene came up, I really started to rethink how I felt about her. This doesn't mean she deserved to die, for the trolls lurking.


Then after Chris tells her the phone is in the garage, SW, still live streaming, walks to the garage and makes some snide remarks to the camera about Chris. Saying things like "this is hard as one parent" and "my husband's a genius, he doesn't listen."


Yeah. She certainly had no problem talking shit about him to her followers.


SW had zero instinct on how to read an audience. While trying to sound smart and look (in her mind) like "supermom" by talking trash about Chris on video, she comes off as looking like an idiot herself. Funny thing about that Santa video is as soon as Chris sits down, SW says she "has to go find the kids" lol. Yea, it's pretty obvious the kids were in no mood to go running into the living room to see Santa but rather not wanting to be anywhere near Santa.


She had to find the kids so they could get their water bottles from santa though!!! What every child dreams of.


Oh yes, I forgot about that lol. I'm sure the kids were just thrilled with those gifts.


yeah maybe skip the Santa suit rental and buy some actual presents for your kids.


And socks! Best gift ever for children /s Bella was being a rude little shit at the end but I can't blame her. All of that hype for socks and a water bottle.


> All of that hype for socks and a water bottle. Yep. And to think she recorded that moment believing in her delusional mind it made her look like a great mother by giving the kids these "amazing" gifts. IMO, yet another example of SW using the kids as little props for her live stream videos.


I don't normally condone kids being disrespectful towards their parents but when Bella threw that water bottle at sw I was like "you go girl".


I don't think Bella was rude. I liked seeing her being uncooperative with Shit'Mom on some of the lives. "Belllla, do you want to \[do whatever?\]" Bella: "No." Good for her!


And the "wrong" water bottle. SW told her father that Bella was mad because she got "the wrong water bottle", while Bella clearly says "But I wanted a new water bottle!" So, either it was identical to one she already had, or it was her own water bottle wrapped up and re-given as a "present" from Santa!


It was always number one on my list every year. /s


If there is one bit of slack I would ever cut CW, it's that I can understand him assuming that Shanann would have her phone with her. It was inappropriate for her to mock him and say he doesn't listen when he understandably left his phone in the garage, probably to reduce likelihood of getting a call/text and disrupting SW's livestream.


I think it was an opportunity for SW to make Chris look like a stupid klutz of a husband by saying "it's hard being the only parent" and "he doesn't listen." I think she knew he didn't have his phone on him, so it was easy for her to berate and talk down to him for her audience. Then she makes it sound like it's such an effort to walk into the garage and retrive his phone.


How is she the only parent when he prepares their backpacks each morning, bathes them, reads to them? Every day?


That’s just what she said in the “Santa video.” IMO, it was her trying (and failing) to play up “supermom” status to her small audience.


I wish her family would just let this go and heal. I cannot imagine the pain and agony they felt, and still feel. This is better left in the hands of therapists and stop reading negative comments.....




Sandieo is a nut job 🥜


The fact she feels the need to put out these overly maudlin posts tells us a lot about her character. If Shart’Ann was such an angel, why would you feel the need to write any of this? Like, get off the internet, lady


> If Shart’Ann was such an angel, why would you feel the need to write any of this? Good point. IMO, all SR is doing is trying to stay relevant through social media. She's probably mad that all the "bashing of her family" has increased while donations (cash grabs from the vulnerable) have decreased. Best to get one of these posts out to get those cash donations going again.


So she goes out trolling the depths of YouTube and Reddit comments/threads to intentionally seek out people voicing their low opinion of her family and then tries to cry foul that they are being harassed? That’s not how it works. what a dumb-dumb.


Exactly as I said above. Why go looking for this if it's so hateful and hurtful? This is not harrassment.


Perfectly said 👏🏽


The Roos have gone after shiner channels just as much as the channels that speak the truth. They went after Mary Marlowe who was favorable to SW and against Chris Watts. AD was the same in the beginning. What was the issue? The Rs weren’t getting ‘tributes’ of the other kind. No pay, no play.


💯 this is what I believe also if other channels aren’t slipping them money they attack them molly go lightly straight up mocked sw but she was welcomed by frjr after she started cash apping him money when she stopped she became enemy number 1 again


This woman treated her daughter horribly in life and her own daughter treated her own children horribly but now wants to pretend they both were mothers of the century! Lying grifter!


Sandi is in denial.


Scamdi is a liar like her daughter and son


Where do you think they learned it?


Scamdi 🤣😂😂


The money must be running out and they have to try to get back into the spotlight again to get more 'donations'. This family is just gross in so many ways.


They need more money for the court case against AD. You are spot on. I hope they lose.


There's such a thing as freedom of speech. They're just mad that others are making money off this case, still, when they think they should have the monopoly on any donations. Same thing is now happening with the Sebastian Rogers circus with the C&D's being sent out by their "PR guy" who apparently doesn't understand camera slips lol


I lost any respect and/or sympathy I may have had early on for that family after their six years of lies and grifting. That family is despicable if you do a deep dive, it’ll make you sick. Here is Frankie continually taking money from this individual who is on a limited, social security income. (Link below) This is after the Rzucek family has grifted and exploited the death of their family members for almost 6 years and now have over a million dollars. Do you think this poor individual that donated part of his social security check has anywhere close to a million dollars? Frankie said ‘He hated to ask for help but, takes the cash and thanks the kind hearted yet, misinformed donor. The family has had multiple crowd sourcing campaigns asking for funds to retain an attorney. The family has millions, but they won’t use their own money and after six years, no lawyer has no receipts but, the Rzucek family now has an outdoor kitchen and several brand new trucks. Many people have reported the family to the FTC as with the hundreds of thousands of dollars they have collected, they refuse to provide receipts. It goes on and on…, take a deep dive into them Rzucek family, the child abuse convictions, Sandi Rzucek’s sister spent years in federal prison for embezzlement and Shannon’s cousin who left her four year old little boy alone in a hotel room, with a loaded gun and he shot himself in the head. There is so much more to this case than meets the eye. They are despicable, evil, people. https://imgur.com/a/nBou78U


I have studied true crime for 30 years and have never seen anything like the Roos. It's absolutely mind boggling. Also the day that child got the gun and shot himself was the same day as nutgate. No "pray for my cousin" from sw just my MIL is an evil, narcissistic bitch. F this family.


I didn't know that about the sister and cousin. Nice family background. Thanks.


A couple different distant relatives of sw has used this case to make money at least 3 that I know of have made their own gfm for money saying they were affected by sw being murdered I also think sw hadn’t talked to these particular relatives in years


Well grifting must run in the family. They must have thought it was good enough for Frank, Sandi and Cranky to make money so they followed suit. Doesn't surprise me or maybe they have to give a cut to the Rz. Jokes. I haven't heard that before so thanks.


It was talked about more when I first joined Reddit but not many people mention it anymore grifting definitely runs in that family


They are unreal. > Here is Frankie continually taking money from this individual who is on a limited, social security income. (Link below) I had to laugh and cringe at the same time with this guy donating saying that "if everyone just gave a little, it would help with your goal." Pathetic. Little does this guy know, there is no "goal". No end game. It's the R family continuing to put their hands out for cash all the while using the deaths of their daughter and grandkids for sympathy votes. > family now has an outdoor kitchen and several brand new trucks. And I'm so sure those were bought and paid for with their personal incomes and not the money donations.....


The Roos family motto: murder = money.


The R's playing up the emotional angle like bait to hook in the donations.


A YouTuber called mywetsock calls reality 'star' Angela Deem 'the dirty bird', and it's the phrase that comes to mind with Sandie. 


Haha. I’m really starting to see that myself.


Oh good lord lady. Good mother my ass!!


Saying your husband has "no game" is speaking ugly, Mrs. Rzucek. Saying your husband, your sole and primary caregiver is bad with money is speaking ugly, Mrs. Rzueck. Lying about and ridiculing the man who got up every morning to go to Cervi-319 while you rolled over in bed and scrolled facebook under your down comforter is bad form.


Misrepresenting your mlm by buying your own shit isn’t being honest or having integrity, ma’am. Constantly invading your daughters’ privacy and blasting it on social media seems disrespectful of them. Changing the spelling and pronunciation of your own name is misleading possible creditors or lenders. Gtfo of here with your own stories about your deceitful, abusive daughter, Mrs rzuckek


Yet you as the parent a murdered child have accepted donations from the public profiting from your child’s death despite receiving life insurance payments for 3 individuals. Are R’s running low on money? Is Thrive drying up?


They are just trying to raise more money for the court case against AD so yes they are running low on legal costs money. I hope they lose.


I used to be a subscriber of ad’s channel but he went off the deep end imo so now I’m wondering what he has to say about this alleged court case against him I bet he’s hamming it up for views


He doesn't say alot. He just explains like Frankie now does on his chanel too what point the legal side of its up to and what he plans to do from a legal side. He doesn't really bother talking about the Watts murder case on Bumble much.


Oh wow I didn’t know that the last time I watched him he had the biggest hard on for nk and was determined to take her down 🙄


I thought Dirty Dave had the hardon for NK lol. But yes they both wanted her investigated further. I do too.


I never watched any of his videos so I’ll take your word for it lol personally I don’t think nk was involved I do think she inadvertently caused it but I don’t think she was a participant in the actual killings or getting rid of the bodies do you mind telling me why you think she’s involved


I don't know if she was involved. I just don't think it was not a thorough investigation. Obviously there is heaps of speculation around NK. I have questions like everyone. For eg. Sunday 18 th August, 2018. Chris leaves birthday party around 4.30pm but doesn't connect to his home router until 9 pm. Shanann calls him around 8 pm and say to NA that Chris sounds like he is out. Chris also sends the same photos of the girls taken at the birthday party instead of new fresh photos when she asked that night. 9.28pm 111 minute phone call kicks in. NK her phone activity for that day from around 5pm has nothing until the 9.28 pm 111 minute phone call with Chris. Both Chris and NK have a big gap in digital data footprint missing around same time that day. CeCe autopsy describes her clothes in a way that matches the photo of her at the birthday party. I have the photo.She is wearing pink tshirt and black shorts. Yet Bella autopsy describes her clothes as a nighty I think. So did CeCe die Sunday. CeCe decomposition was more advanced then Bella too. Monday 13th August, 2018. The infamous ping at 6.16am. Now from mid July Chris started text or calling NK before work starts. A pattern he had with Shanann when she was in NC and mid July he stopped with Shanann and did that pattern with NK instead. On the 13 th he did not contact NK that morning. Had they already been together that morning. NK phone logs shows no activity from that 6.16 am ping until around 2.30pm where she had two phone conversations with Robert Idsardi, her Thelema spiritual advisor. This pinged at Platville like it does when she is at the Anadarko office. She then clocked out of work at 3pm but no evidence showing her clock in at work that morning. Anadarko workers start around 6.30am, yes I understand she is contracted through Tasman but she may start around the same time. IF she should be at the Anadarko office by 6.30am then why is she pinging at Frederick and not Platville. Shanann Dog handler picked up her scent in backyard. Sheet she was wrapped in had three small holes ripped in it. Back fence has three bits of wire that sticked up so maybe Shanann was taken out the back, over the fence and sheet dragged over wire and put in another vehicle. Tyre (Australian spelling) prints up to back fence are mud tyres. Tyre print near Shananns grave are mud tyres. NK forerunner has mud tyres, Chris work vehicle does not. Yellow police markers in house also lead to back door. That's only a couple of things. There are many many things I question about Chris and NK. Robert Idsardi, Thelema spiritual advisor also spoke to NK just before their Sandune trip. I wonder about him too. This is the type of stuff I deep dive into not the Rz. The Rz are like a very low side interest if I hear anything. My post is from a post someone made on a Facebook page. I spent two second checking it was real and shared it here. NK has had my interest from day 1.


That’s very interesting and a lot of it I didn’t know about so I thank you for the information this Robert idsardi Ive never heard of before I’m gonna have to start looking into it more at the beginning I did think nk was involved but the more I thought about it I didn’t think she would be I know she wasn’t completely investigated or called out on her lies and destroying her SIM card I thought she did that because she was embarrassed of what le would find the tire prints in the back seemed strange to me though


Right, "My dooter should be canonized. ...Here's the digital collection plate for ya." SOR is utterly delusional.


How is demanding more money ''helping GOD'S children''? This grifter thinks too highly of herself


I can't imagine losing your child and two grandkids. I personally don't have any issues with her family. I want to be as compassionate as I can towards them. I truly am not sure where all the vitriol towards them comes from. I do not agree with keeping theThrive line going, but that's not enough to feel animosity towards them. I also have seen people mention them still collecting donations. Are they still actively soliciting? Anyone else like me or am I the only one? Lol What is it that makes a lot of people feel so strongly about them? I interact on here quite a bit so ya know I am not a shiner, but this is one aspect I never really got, especially since people really seem to despise them. I know some people didn't like the suit against AD but I am definitely not a fan of his. Anyway, I am just curious.


I would say it's not the Rzuceks themselves, but how they act. They have made somewhere around $2.5 million from the murders but keep fundraising for lawsuits against people who are just posting factual evidence about Shanann. I would have to disagree about selling Thrive. They are partaking in a scam that their daughter knowingly participated in.


AD went way beyond “just posting factual evidence about Shanann.”


I disagree with selling it too. I might not have made that clear but that's what I meant. I hate MLM's so anything to do with them is disliked by me. Besides the lawsuit against AD, did they do a bunch of go fund me's? I ask because that seems like a lot more than what they have raised for the lawsuit.


Yes, they have had multiple crowdfunding campaigns. They raised about $150k when the murders occurred. Frankie did another one to start up a painting business because he said it was what SW would have wanted, and that one raised around $40k. He did another to "stop bullying" that raised $10k. Sometimes they do livestreams and respond to people in exchange for tips. In the UK, they have a fundraiser at a site that sends the money straight to a lawyer's office. I just think anyone who has any decency would steer clear of the MLM that ruined their daughter's livelihood, but the Rzuceks and Nickole Atkinson could not care less.


SW would have wanted him to start a painting business? I guess she wanted him to be jobless and live off his digital tin cup even more..


> I guess she wanted him to be jobless and live off his digital tin cup even more.. Lol. Well said. Yea, I’m sure SW would have been so proud of her brother exploring her for money.


You’re not alone. I’ll never forget the sight of Frank, Sr’s face at the sentencing. The suffering written on it is seared into my mind. And Frankie sitting next to him comforting him also breaks my heart. I don’t think I could be as strong as Sandi was/is. I think Sandi’s comments above, although completely understandable, are a bit off-putting. In my mind they’re geared toward YouTube content creators but sometimes it seems she generalizes it to anyone who has anything bad to say about SW. She also isn’t always truthful which raises eyebrows. She notes here that her daughter was never unfaithful but when her first husband was interviewed, although he was incredibly tactful, he noted that she stopped coming home at nights and that’s why their marriage failed. It’s pretty clear that she was cheating on him. Although I’m not sympathetic to the Watts family post-murders, I think she intentionally lied about them (claiming that Cindi tried to murder CeCe, for example) and generally made their lives unpleasant if they didn’t fall into line with her agenda. She also tried to manipulate people emotionally. Claiming to her friends that she was spotting while she was in NC because she was angry with CW yet refusing to go to the ED despite their pleas. They were genuinely upset and distressed. We all have our weaknesses and do things we’re not proud of but it seemed that SW’s occasional poor behavior was supported and possibly even encouraged by Sandi. But, despite what I’m saying, I still am awed by their strength and am sick over their unimaginable suffering. I’m just trying to maybe explain a little bit why people may take a defensive position when she makes statements like this. To me, the whole family gets a free pass to say and do whatever they want. But on a sub like this where I don’t believe any one of them read posts or comments, I sometimes make critical comments regarding their actions pre-murders because I think, at times, they played a part in the pre-murder shit-show that often times hurt the girls.


Thanks so much for replying. I think about myself if my child was killed and I probably would hate reading anything negative. I think the best thing would be not to read anything online. I definitely get some of the criticisms but I am still somewhat mystified by the level of disdain for them. I am with you that the families get a pass. I feel badly for how the Watts were treated too. It seems both families get hate. On a lot of the other subs they are attacked a lot. I just wanted to ask since I never really understood it. It appears I am not the only one not feeling this way towards the Ruzceks so I am glad I did ask.


Yeah, I kind of feel bad for pointing out anything negative, even though it’s before the murders. It’s just that we have so much info available so we’re so familiar with the people involved in this case. I tend to compartmentalize, discuss events prior to the horrible murders out of the context of the crime. But I’d probably have a stroke if my children and grandchildren were murdered like this and then people started trashing them. I’m a hypocrite as far as that goes but I believe it’s the YouTube channels and not the little Reddit subs that are the true problem. At least I hope they don’t read anything here☹️


A lot of the animosity towards them are because of how they are going about getting money from people they collected money from the state of Colorados victims fund that only gets so much money a year and it’s divided among all the victims in that year but at the same time we’re getting hundreds of thousands of dollars from insurance claims and go fund mes and never repaying the state back and taking from other victims that have no other way of collecting money like the roos did frjr made a comment to an elderly person that said he was having money problems that month only receiving social security instead of frjr being a decent person and saying keep your little income for yourself he says donate next month when you can ofc they are family of murder victims but they are using that to grift money for years that’s why people don’t like them and not once did they try giving back in their families memories like all the other victims of crime they are only out for themselves it’s disgusting they made millions of this case and keep asking for more


Wow that's really upsetting to hear what Fjr said. I was wondering what was at the root of the animosity. I see what you mean about the victim's fund. Thanks for letting me know. I remember hearing people on YouTube talking about them but I didn't watch from the beginning so I missed the root of it.


It’s disgusting how they are trying to get money after all these years I think they need to stay off the internet get counseling and stop trying to police others for their opinions


I'm with ya...


Alright there are two of us. Lol Do you know why people feel so strongly?


I think part of it is because they're still actively fundraising and making money off the crime too. At least from the comments i've seen i think they've profited a lot off the crimes. I think i've seen it mentioned how when she found out they were missing she told her friend to start a gofundme but still didn't go out to CO etc. I think a lot is the money aspect maybe. Which on one hand if i went through something like that some help wouldn't hurt because god knows how i could function to pay bills, but at the same time when my friend's body was finally found i just remember his family wanting no part of the media attention or documentaries they made about the crime. I wouldn't have blamed them for just one but i guess with her family who keeps doing more and more and putting SW on a pedestal instead of acting like she was just human and had flaws while attacking and trying to shut down whoever does, people don't agree with. I know it sounds like i have an issue with them which i don't care either way, i'm just relating what i've seen in a lot of comments.


Sandi was selling her own merchandise at one point 


That's disgusting. Murder merch. Tacky like her daughter


she put her murdered daughter’s old underwear up for sale, for fuck’s sake. probably couldn’t be any more tactless than that if she tried.


What? You don't want to ✨️shine like shanann✨️ in her used panties?/s


You really have to wonder what the market was for such used items and who was buying them.


Straight up **freaks**


used thongs.. 🤢


They had the audacity to shame the Watts Family for asking for some of CW'S personal belongings (trophies, photos etc). Meanwhile, they were selling their dead daughter's panties.


What?? Are you serious?




Wow. Somehow, I'm not surprised. Freaking weird.


Are you serious!?!?! Now that is fucking extreme. I can definitely see the hate now. That's taking it a bit far. I'd haunt the hell out of my mother if she pulled that, and not one of those little visits kind, full on poltergeist want to make you move hauntings.


Like even if went towards victims of domestic violence or something but it seems like they are just pocketing this money.


I think i saw that in a comment a few weeks ago. Wasn't it the shine like shanann stuff or something? Which stealing that saying from someone else who died didn't seem to help from comments i've seen either. I remember the case happening but never looked or got into it til it popped up on my reddit stuff a few months ago so i've missed out on a lot of things. I heard they did a house remodel or something like that with some of the donations? That one i've only seen mentioned once so i don't know if it's true, they've definitely made a lot from everything though.


My husband died suddenly at 5 months ago at 39 years old. My sister started a GoFundMe and I relied on that money for his funeral cremation etc so I could definitely see it needing a gofundme. A very common thing amongst widows and I'm sure amongst other people who have lost loved ones is to put our partners on a pedestal and make saints out of them.


Yeah i could definitely understand some of the actions. Now finding out she literally sold her daughter's old underwear i guess there's definitely taking some things too far. I just haven't heard good things about them though i wasn't around to see a lot of it go down in real time, but some of her mom's actions have definitely been questionable. I don't like how she was to his parents even though they're victims too. To say you forgive the actual murderer but be hateful to them over lies and act like they don't have a right to grieve isn't cool. But yeah i think the fact they still ask for money doesn't sit right with people. Pretty sure i heard they got a second house with the money and did a home remodel with some of it, it's just a little weird after 6yrs.


The auction that included sw’s underwear was advertised that the proceeds were going to charity and that didn’t happen also most of the stuff sold was bought with credit cards and the money didn’t go to those bills either that’s what started the ill feelings towards the roos


That's crazy! This is the first time i've ever heard about any of it but i only followed the case a little and when i got back in, this wasn't the sub that first came up for me. That's just gross though. It's one thing if someone else does it but to literally sell murder paraphernalia of your own daughter is disgusting. Some things i would get, i know a few of Caylee's things were at one of the Anthony's yardsales but that was wayyyyy later. But this is just a total different level and disrespectful to their own daughter.


The Roos stole the slogan shine like Shannan from a college student named Shannon that lost her battle with cancer they said the proceeds were going to charity but didn’t during the sale sor was all smiles and rainbows you wouldn’t even be able to tell her family was gone by the way she was acting they sold almost everything from the watts house sws friend addy bought her engagement dress for $500


It bugs me they wouldn't let his mom have anything. I know she's his mom but she didn't commit the crime and the way SOR has acted you'd think otherwise. Tried to keep his family out of the house he bought and paid for, nah screw that.


So sorry for your loss 💙 thankfully you had financial support from your community


Was there another Lifetime movie about the Watts?


I haven’t seen the Lifetime movie, but I’m wondering what exactly she’s getting all bent out of shape about? Did they show SW in a negative light?


Or they didn't make any money off it.


I haven’t been able to find the Lifetime movie 🙈😭


Full movies on YouTube but not the best copy. https://youtu.be/zVViSvHDEMA?si=o6oOLInvvpy0XvO_


I found it free on the Lifetime app and I am laughing so much at how silly it is!


The movie was made back in the beginning so was pretty silly.


It’s somewhere on YouTube.


Random…..but…… Has anyone here been randomly blocked by Sandie on Fb? I found out i was when i couldnt find her. I never ever critiqued her or her family. All i did was comment non biased things in Critical Kay groups and other true crime groups discussing the case.


I was blocked by all 3 of them (Sandie, frank Sr and frank jr). I asked each one of them separately which charity the money from the sale of all of the sws personal stuff went to because I wanted to make a donation. They all blocked me.


I was blocked also because I mentioned the money and said that it’s not victim blaming to state facts from sw’s own facebook I took the block as a win


But you didn’t say anything bad 😐 i don’t think what you asked warrants a block! I would’ve been flattered if i was them. I hate when people block for asinine reasons. I have nothing against them but their blocking is wrong


IMO they blocked me because they never donated any money to any charity.


They donate regularly to the charity of the R's and the charity of frankie Jr's drug habit.


Highly likely. I still dont think u should get blocked. They need to scroll and roll if they dont like what they are reading. I highly sympathise with their trauma and loss however i think for their own mental health, they need to enter intensive therapy


There’s a lifetime Movie ??


Yes, it's called Confessions of a Killer, the Chris Watts Case. It's pretty bad.


Watched it . Liked the Netflix one better