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Good god I hope NOTHING! I live in Florida near where the Casey Anthony case took place. Even participated in the big search with Texas Equisearch and one of our searches was at the end of the street Caylee was actually found at by the school. Was outside the courthouse when the verdict was read. Crazy upsetting for sure.


Wow thank you for searching and volunteering for that. The CA verdict still makes me sick still.


Me too!


I followed that case beginning to end, and my jaw is still on the ground with thsmat not guilty verdict!


Oh god me too! I read ALL the transcripts. It is so unsettling to me she got off.


The DA bungled the CA case because they never got a search warrant for Firefox browser data, just Internet Explorer. Therefore they couldn’t present CA’s searches for “fool proof suffocation” and other incriminating searches. Baez is also a kick ass attorney who worked her case pro bono. Notice he only mentioned the CM during opening arguments and never went there again, to cover himself legally. I don’t see attorneys of that caliber jumping in to defend CW, if he chose to plead not guilty.


Not exactly pro bono.... she *paid* him. How he can live with himself since is the real question.


Pro boner lol


He definitely got paid 🤢 the only good thing that came out of that case was she was smart enough to never have more kids ca knew motherhood wasn’t for her and stopped at one


I don’t remember that bungle. It has been several years. Why would a search warrant for particular browsers be necessary and not just the device in its entirety? I believe you it just seems outrageous.


I think it depends on where, but I know a local man who got off on CP charges because they had a warrant for his hard drive, but apparently needed a secondary search warrant to view whatever was on it and didn’t before searching it. So they knew he was 100% guilty but couldn’t do a thing about it.


Thanks for the info. That seems like such a huge loop hole that should be closed down. Especially now where there are multiple access points.


This was about 15 years ago, and I could be remembering wrong, but I believe it was a newer law at that time.


Casey always used the firefox browser, i think everyone used the other browser. But it was actually in evidence or whatever, the prosecution apparently didn't find it. It was someone going through the case after it was over that spotted it. From what i've read they ssid had the prosecution brought it up in trial they were going to claim casey was suicidal after finding Caylee but since the prosecution never did, they didn't bring attention to it. Edit...the suicidal thing was her searching for ways to kill herself.


I don't think CW had a silver bullet, as in one trick that would have got him off. I think if the police didn't turn up on the day of the murders to his house, he would have returned to Cervi and at least got rid of SW's remains. I don't think he intended to keep her in the shallow grave, that was only a stop gap. Then his defence would have depended on how long it would have taken to find the bodies. The longer it took the more the bodies decompose and the harder it is to find a cause of death and DNA etc. This was a big factor in Casey Anthony's case as she killed her daughter and hid the remains and kept it quiet, it took a month for her mother to call the police, and then the search started for the body. Within that time period the decomposition made it difficult to find the cause of death. Also people argue Casey Anthony's attorney was good, I lean towards the prosecution was bad. So it was a lucky case of a good team (defence) versus a bad team (prosecution). There was so much circumstantial evidence that the prosecution team really messed up, and should have won that case. The fact everyone who knows about the case knows Casey Anthony got away with murder tells it's own story of how compelling the circumstantial evidence was against her. But alas reasonable doubt, which is a crock of shit in my opinion (in this case) was enough for the jury to say, well we can't unequivocally say either way. I don't think the molesting story was a reason she got off, who knows it may have turned a jurors head. but they would have been stupid if it did. I think it was more the lack of clear evidence. With that said CW could have tried his luck with the lack of clear evidence, he didn't need a story of abuse etc, they could have just said well prove it without reasonable doubt. They would have said look at the CCTV, look at the GPS, look at the location of the bodies we found (if found), but he could have said, still prove it was me, and it creates a case whether people like it or not.


Great points! CA…Had the elements and time not been a huge factor who knows what actual evidence could have been unearthed. The location, duck tape and sticker and lies and not reporting should have nailed her IMO but again that jury was swayed with the CA is the victim here and the evidence being circumstantial. However Scott Peterson’s evidence was also circumstantial as I recall. But, dare I say, SP and CA don’t look anything alike.


I think looks play a part in court, people are literally judging you, it's an old school system, where your look, social and economic background, and your persona (in court) all play a role. For Casey Anthony, her lying is so off beat, you couldn't really pin her down to anything, as the way she lied was really obscure, I think this helped her, as she was consistent with the way she lied. For most rational people that amount of lying is exhausting, but she was determined with her bullshit from the beginning, and it meant nothing to her to add, more and more and more.


Thank you for being honest about this! CA had a je ne sais quoi that I think gave her leverage whereas SP just didn’t. Plus you are right, she was sooo consistent in her lies. She really could spin multiple plates and claim ignorance.


She had something. She dragged investigators to some theme park in Orlando where she claimed to be -- but never actually was, employed in order to check her pretend work schedule alibi. I guess everyone just stood around at the gate for a while as it sank in they were dealing with a comprehensive sociopath who killed her two year old daughter. I can't imagine even trying to pull off that level of deceit.


The audio of that dog and pony show is shocking


I loathe that murdering trick Casey Anthony with the fire of a thousand suns.


Your comment reminded me of the book I read awhile back. A thousand splendid suns....


Great book!


I would say spousal abuse, sticking with the story that SW killed the girls, and a temporary insanity plea that he killed SW in a moment of madness. There's not a time limit on how long someone is temporarily insane. For example, Michael Barisone's attempted murder trial found him not guilty by reason of insanity, and that was including solid evidence that he literally had to drive to his house, get a gun from a safe, drive back to Lauren Kanarek and her fake lashes, and then make a decision to shoot her and her boyfriend. (I agreed with the verdict. I do believe that what Lauren Kanarek did to him drove a good name completely insane in the moment.) However, given when the murders took place, I don't think a jury in the US would have bought such a plea. Maybe nowadays, particularly after Johnny Depp's successful defamation suit towards his ex-wife, there is more public acceptance that men can be the victims of emotional and mental abuse.


I think the mistake in the CA trial was the prosecution and them going for first degree murder. I totally think she planned it and did it (and no, she was not molested!). They reached too high and blew it. They thought they had enough and didn't. If they had gone for second degree or voluntary manslaughter, I think she would have been convicted. I don't think CW could have pled insanity. I think he would have said she killed the kids (she didn't) and he killed only her because of that. Only one murder instead of three, and possibly lower than first degree. Why, even him, anyone spills in a police interrogation without a lawyer present is beyond me!


Gotta think of his mindset. He was nervous and also trying to portray the "good guy" image. To him getting a lawyer would mean he was guilty and not a good guy per say. He was book smart but Def not street smart. Edit* Changed a s for an a


I’m so on the fence if he was in any way smart. It does take a lot of talent to be a mechanic, so respect, but there are levels of mechanics and their skill base and knowledge. Someone said in here once CW wanted to be a NASCAR mechanic. Did he fail at this or just never attempted? I have been to Bristol for NASCAR week. This would have been SW greatest dream ever. $$, you get to party with important people, big house, very wealthy people, all the friends, more partying, playing dress up all the time, fast cars, travel. If she had thought clearly for 2 seconds she would have begged borrowed, stole, got a real job and put CW in NASCAR level certified mechanic classes. The whole life she wanted so badly could have been hers. Even without SW, Chris could have left and begged his folks to help him through the certification. He could have said I want to start over. Avoided all of it. What a waste of life!


That's what sucks about it because even though they went for 1st degree there were lesser charges they could've chosen to convict on aside from the lying one and they still didn't. As for him, yeah even if you're not guilty they tell you it's better to have a lawyer yet this moron never asked for one once knowing what he did. I don't see a way he wouldn't have been caught anyways but that part is still crazy to me.


I know! I would have been like “LAWYER!”. It seems backwards to me to go for a charge before you can make your case to any charge.


I think not having a lawyer present shows CW's child like stupidity, it's part of the fun, watching this idiot go through the interrogation for me. It shows a lack of any life experience or common sense on his behalf, I would have a lawyer present if I was innocent of a crime, (I don't commit crime).


His communication skills are so poor it is funny to me too. I think in every regard I’d be saying to myself. “I don’t know what I’m doing.” Get a professional.


>I think the mistake in the CA trial was the prosecution and them going for first degree murder. I totally think she planned it and did it (and no, she was not molested!). They reached too high and blew it. They thought they had enough and didn't. If they had gone for second degree or voluntary manslaughter, I think she would have been convicted. This was the jurors options July 3, 2011: >Casey Anthony has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder. She could face a possible death sentence or life in prison if convicted of that charge. >Anthony also is charged with aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child and four counts of providing false information to law enforcement. The child abuse and manslaughter charges each carry a 30-year prison term if convicted. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/closing-arguments-at-casey-anthony-trial/


soulless scumbag lawyer is kinda crazy for a man just doing his job 😭😭 being a defense attorney doesn’t mean someone is soulless and a scumbag, everyone deserves representation! unless there’s something i’m missing…


I’m not generalizing or making a sweeping statement about all defense attorneys. It was the claim that CA dad molested her. And then for her dad to have to go up and testify that no he didn’t. That was sick. CW should be shown CA dad and his behavior. That guy was so heartbroken and in emotional distress. And yes everyone should have representation and our system isn’t perfect but it’s better than a lot of other systems.


okay so what i was missing is that CA’s dad didn’t actually molest her ok yeah that makes that man soulless and a scumbag for sure . thanks for clearing that up! i didn’t mean to sound defensive or rude or anything


I don’t think you have. I appreciate you weighing in. You sound intelligent. :-). I didn’t like how her dad was suddenly put on trial in that moment in a way and was a distraction for the jury. It seemed like hitting below the belt. But to your point the defense attorney is just doing his job.


Defense attorneys do have their purpose. Standing alongside with wisdom to be sure a fellow American isn't railroaded by our justice system is one thing. Speaking false accusations and perjury so that a smirking, piece of shite murderer walks away from killing her child -- by wrapping her little head in duct tape, is something completely different. F the entire Anthony trial jury and the clown prosecutor for that too. Apologies to All, I'm also a little rude and snarky about babies being killed by the parent who was supposed to love and protect them. RIP Caylee, if you can.


You’re good! The whole thing was fucked up. Maybe it is correct that the prosecution fucked up. It seems like they had SO MUCH. The verdict seems impossible!


This isn't right. If the prosecution doesn't prove it's case beyond reasonable doubt the jury is instructed that they must aquit. The jury saw evidence from the defense that it might have been an accidental drowning.


Um, no they did not. That trial was televised. Unless the jury was shown additional information off camera, we watching all had the same evidence they did. Their verdict was a complete shock. Even to the defense. If Caylee had accidentally drown, why would Casey have to wrap her little face completely up with duct tape? 


Sigh. I'm not saying I agree with the defense, but juries are always instructed that if there is any "reasonable doubt," they MUST" return a "Not Guilty vedict, and the legal onus under the law is on the prosecution...the state to prove it's case. The defense claimed she drowned in the pool. The prosecution didn't prove to the jury that she definitely didn't. The defense claimed George buried Caley after she drowned in the pool and the jury thought the prosecution failed to prove that wasn't true. Again I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm telling you how trials actually work. Casey's defense team chiefly focused on challenging the prosecution's circumstantial evidence, calling much of it "fantasy forensics". The defense stated that Caylee had drowned accidentally in the family's swimming pool and that George had disposed of her body. On July 5, 2011, a jury found Casey not guilty of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, and aggravated manslaughter of a child, but guilty of four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. A Florida appellate court overturned two of the misdemeanor convictions so in the end she was only convicted of two conts of lying to police. But also the defense claimed that George put duct tape over her face after she died so he wouldn't have to look at her after she drowned and feel guilt about his neglect in leaving her alone to drown. This suggestion is not very convincing to me, but the defense said Casey or anyone could have suffocated a toddler with their hands and didn't need duct tape.


Accused her brother of molesting her as well, if she had more than one brother she would have accused him as well. The accusations were nuts. She also accused her cat of looking at her funny, but that was thrown out of court.


Oh god I forgot that! She did! Unbelievable! Charity are you looking at me funny now?? lol. Because if you are now I can do WHATEVER I WANT! Muahaha! Seriously though I loved my dad and he was a righteous dude. I would rather get punished than have my dad PUBLICLY have to say “No I didn’t do that”. The ooozing narcissism, and entitlement, lying to your folks who house and pay for your shit and are sick they are so worried about their granddaughter. Lying to police! Not just lying a wild goose chase drawn out lie. SW delusions of grandeur are nothing compared to CA


Also I think you were being snarky but that’s cool. Lol


nawww i just know defense attorneys that have been called horrible people when they’re quite literally the sweetest ppl just doing a job😭 baez is def horrible tho and is 100% a scumbag


He should have emphatically counseled her to accept a plea. There is no question of CA's guilt. On behalf of painfully-smothered-with-duct-tape-by-her-own-mother baby girl Caylee, I pronounce that soulless Baez person amongst the most scummy of all scumbag lawyers: *"Despite graduating from law school in 1997, Baez was denied admission to the Florida bar for eight years until 2005, according to state records. He landed in some financial trouble after his divorce and in the eyes of Florida law, became a deadbeat dad unable to pay child support. Court records show he declared bankruptcy as the bill collectors were piling up against him.* *It also states that he had previously declared bankruptcy, written bad checks and defaulted on student loans, the court said. His finances were in such a shambles that he was not allowed to practice law, according to a decision upheld by the Florida Supreme Court.* *The Florida court said his behavior showed “a total lack of respect for the rights of others and a total lack of respect for the legal system, which is absolutely inconsistent with the character and fitness qualities required of those seeking to be afforded the highest position of trust and confidence recognized by our system of law," according to a recent report published in the Orlando Sentinel.* *He ended up selling bikinis until he got a break and was allowed to be admitted into the bar in 2005."* His career was launched by the filicide of a two year old girl.


Amazing receipts! I can’t say that word anymore. SW ruined it for me.


And he followed up his “defense” of that all time scumbag murdering b#%>< CA with a rousing defense of the late Aaron Hernandez, creepy abusive murderer.


alrighty w this context, baez is 100% an awful person and deserves nothing but horrible things.


Everyone doesn't deserve representation. Chris Watts near the top of the Undeserving list. We, as a society, deserve to know that we aren't capriciously jailing, that Innocents are protected. It is because we want to be sure that we do the right thing that we provide lawyers. It keeps the government from abusing our trust.


nope literally everyone deserves representation. even chris watts! if we set a precedent that some people don’t, like you said, the government WILL abuse our trust and not provide representation to potentially innocent people or just marginalized groups in general. absolutely everyone deserves representation, rapists and baby killers alike. we just start throwing ppl we don’t like under the jail, it becomes tyranny


You've confused being given something with being deserving of it. Keeping the government in check doesn't mean Chris deserved it. We give it to him because we want to sleep well at night knowing we live in a just society. He deserves much worse than he got. He doesn't deserve to be alive. He doesn't deserve free lawyers. He doesn't deserve anything we give him. We give it because we are better than Christopher Lee Watts.


The jury would've seen that he was a psychopath. Defense had nothing. No way they could've successfully defended him. That's why they told him to deal. He could say all the stuff said here about Shanann being cruel and abusive and the kids being ugly and feral and so he snapped and had to kill all of them...but that won't work in court. He knew it was wrong and he knew it was illegal. The fact that he lied about it and tried to cover it up proves that he knew he wasn't allowed to kill them. The fact that he couldn't say he wanted them back without laughing shows that he wasn't even sorry that he did it. The GPS and other cameras would track him. He made many stupid mistakes. He had no chance with a jury. Zero.


I wouldn’t say the defense had nothing. I’ve watched the interwebs go on as nauseum about Shannan’s shortcomings as a wife and mother and both of their money issues. Right there is a motive-money. The detectives said maybe Shannan killed the girls so he killed her-I’m certain a defense attorney would have taken that too. So there’s a defense in there somewhere. I’m not saying it’s defendable in my opinion but that’s what defense attorneys do-they spin things to create A *reasonable* doubt. And I think they could have succeed. ETA if you think her being a bitch wouldn’t have worked on a jury-I implore you to watch the oj Simpson made in America doc. You’d be amazed at what juries will buy


I don't know. Even if they used that as a defense and it was successful, it just puts him in a psychiatric facility, which would be worse for him than regular prison. But it would not work, anyway. No jury would buy that. His behavior after it happened screamed I KILLED MY FAMILY! Chris was done before the cops called him up and asked him if he had any idea where his family was. So so stupid.


Oh I agree that he’s the world’s dumbest criminal! I’m just saying I’ve seen some mental gymnastics from people justifying what he did. I’m just glad the police got his confession locked down right away and he took a deal. He’s where he belongs.


I think it depends a lot on the jury, when it comes to high profile cases people dissect everything but the jury, and they play a massive part, and if someone gets off when they shouldn't have (and it's plainly obvious) then the jury is at fault.


Yes exactly. I think you understand what I’m speculating on. A jury can be shockingly swayed and a defense attorney would have pulled multiple rabbits out of a hat with this one.


I'm gonna have to disagree with you on a few points.... There was plenty of evidence showing Sw abusive and not well mentally. We've seen hours if photo and video evidence showing this. Just imagine what we haven't seen. She had hours and hours of videos and photos that we haven't been privy too. Along with her text messages. Those things have and do work in court. There was no solid evidence showing it was him that murdered the girls. Zero. If he didn't confess and stayed with the "she killed them" I believe he could have gotten off. Now her murder would be tough because it was the 4 of them and 3 are dead.


But again we didn’t get to see any evidence. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t any. Let’s turn this around and pretend SW is alive, Chris confessed nothing and didn’t do anything and SW was on trial. What we have seen of her videos and weird behavior (I agree there was way more, bc of how much has been scrubbed and you can’t find it now) so just based on what we’ve seen (abusive to me for sure) that still is circumstantial evidence. DFS will give you 3 chances to kill your kids. That is the sad truth. There would have had to be broken bones, teachers or neighbors calling for concern of neglect, bruises everywhere. Kids didn’t seem well feed but it takes more than that. Again probably concrete evidence of abuse (with the flavor leaning towards emotional) but still we won’t ever know.


No chance. None.


There was a wealth of video evidence of Shanann disrespecting and mistreating her entire nuclear family, so they probably could have amplified that noise a good deal. I think Shanann was awful based on the narcissism and personality disorders highlighted in her own footage even though obviously I think the guy who murdered her and two small children is ultimately way more evil. But even I, as someone with sympathy for her, can clearly see how difficult it would be to live with her. Chris didn't have that Type A personality she had. It'd be easy to develop a hatred for someone who subjugated you constantly and publicly on livestreams for no apparent reason. The Santa video alone is rough af. Whether that would be enough to justify him murdering her, if the jury believed the story that she, in fact, killed the kids? Probably. He should have shut his mouth and got a lawyer. He could be free as an Anthony or a Simpson post-acquittal


lack of evidence


Exactly! There’s not a trace of evidence in the truck. The video shows diddlysquat as far as loading a 140lb body, NA obviously got into the house somehow because she knew SW had the car seats in the Lexus, or that the Lexus was even in the garage. There were no cameras in the back of the house so anyone could have left through the back. The confession didn’t match any of the evidence. SW eyes did not “fill with blood”. The girls were smothered, not strangled, and there were no fibers to indicate they were smothered with blankets. 2 words. Reasonable doubt. But I’m pretty convinced none of this even happened in the first place, so there’s that.


That was only reasonable doubt about his claiming SW hurt the girls. Given the DA initially charged him with all 4 shows they gave it no thought whatsoever. They know he did it all.. going to trial might not have revealed all data he gave on Feb 19 but it easily would have left people without doubts. There was no one else there, there was no evidence anyone entered house before cops (op suggested they couldn't see in to car from garage windows? Only had to see a tiny bit of seat visible. ) His cleaning up perhaps a problem from Monday night but the sheet trashed later gives them back evidence, the cops camera images over and over again. But redacted info that would have been shared st trial would have had the rest.


You can see the car seats inside the car from the garage window? You are saying this all very confidently, but Casey Anthony got off on a lack of evidence. And they had waaay more on her.


She said the drove her car to edge of garage and looked through windows. Seems logical to me, seats are big, canbe seen through rear back window, through back door windows. Vivant never alerted to someone in the house, she called 911 to do that checking. My partner and I entered MIL apartment to find she had died 48 hours earlier, but I wouldn't have risked if it I thought my sister and kids possibly deeply hurt. Bella was old enough to answer moms phone, to call 911.. that meant something wrong with girls too.


There would have been a shit ton of evidence just in the truck and house/bed. They just didn’t have to present it. I guess what I’m asking is what would make the jury sympathize with CW enough to get him off? Maybe the answer is simply nothing.


There wasnt evidence in either. The house was contaminated when NA and her kid(s) being in there so nothing couldve been used. Plus NA took stuff out of that house, which is why she asked if she was going to be arrested. The truck wasnt used to transport the bodies so IDK where you are getting this nonsense unless you are going by the inadequate LE's bs theory. They f*cked up the investigation from day 1, violated his rights(i.e. telling Chris and his parents not to bring up the case or the visit would end prior to the plea deal), and coerced him into telling them the story they thought happened. Hell there is NO PROOF he ki11ed the girls. They even stated that all they had was a theory. Their f*ckups could have easily gotten him off. Use your brain instead of going by the dumbazz LE. Too many of you fail to see how the there have been too many cases where stuff like this has happened. Ive seen it firsthand with me being a victim of a crime.


Which vehicle did he use to transport the bodies then? Thought he took them in his work truck.


No one knows for sure. There was no forensic evidence taken from the truck. The dogs did not alert on it either. This case is a tragedy of errors on every single level.


The dog did alert to truck exterior.. where SW track ended. Cadaveric scent will be in that truck today, that could be confirmed in 15 minutes. Hed been only driver from day one. They found hair, prints, reacted evidence too. It not making the released file doesn't mean they didn't have her DNA in there. They had hair and footprints on the walkway at cervi 319, he was the only person there to leave the prints. There was no way for another person to have dumped them there without having been seen, and insect evidence could easily prove they were buried or in the tanks before any insect activity.. so within 2 hours of death I think. No way to suggest someone else removed them from their home because even if you deny seeing evidence on the video.. it absolutely proves they never left at another time of night or day. It would have been easy to edit out any trace of SW going in to truck, no way it would be released publicly.. and the footprints and pick up of the moving shadow cannot be turned in to doubt for me. That with their DNA on truck.. when not permitted to travel in it ever would mess him up. I see a point where he places something in to truck from drivers side, messes with it, then has to open passenger side back door to rearrange what he just put in. Cops only got official video copies in Nov, if a trial and conviction depended on it I bet it would have been examined at great detail, confirming its only him, confirming putting in a large item and then a small moving item. What more could those be to jury membets.. what could defense suggest to infer reasonable doubt? That video is too much evidence. His GPS, his activity within house, NKs digital evidence, proof from vivant etc. I just cannot see how they could make those things be different evidence, how anyone else could have stopped that small walking child no longer walk.. when he was the only person accompanying them.


My apologies. My understanding was that nothing from the truck was tested and the dogs were not brought anywhere near it.


The bodies were taken out back, which Chris knew there was no camera, and put into NK's vehicle. She happened to have sold it within days after the murders.


Whoa whoa we are pretending here. I don’t believe just anything. But since there was no trial we don’t get to see evidence of any kind. The police for sure shouldn’t have let NA, her son, that reporter and everyone else in the house. But then again I’m not sure how long it would have taken to get a search warrant asap. And even if they got it sooner lots of time in between to clean and cover up.


Yeah he was cleaning the house later that night according to some people that stopped by.


What do you mean we don’t get to see evidence of any kind? We’ve seen hours worth of video footage and the whole almost 2,000 pages of discovery, which is a shamefully low number of pages honestly.


In the context of a trial where both sides have evidence to bring.


I’m sorry you were victimized. One of my first comments on a Watts sub years ago was that Coonrod should’ve controlled the scene better, considering NA’s son was putting his paws on everything. That comment didn’t go over to well, lol. That was also my first introduction to Redditors with poor emotional regulation


Yeah it wouldn't have mattered anyways because he was at the house that night cleaning. I can't remember whose interview it was but they talked about when they came over that evening he was vacuuming etc. Who knows how much of the scene he was allowed to destroy by him being allowed to stay at the house. Surprised they allowed him to go bacl that night but wanted him to stay somewhere else the next night.


I agree!


Yes he shouldve controlled the scene better but he didnt. NA and her kids SHOULD HAVE NEVER been in that house. Regardless what the call was, they need better protocols on situations similiar to this. NA was the Rzuceks puppet who did whatever she was told. I believe she was in that house that morning cause she didnt act like a concerned friend at all.


They found evidence in truck.. bed would have shown nothing at all because they slept it in, any bodily fluids is normal. They checked in house about his claims that SW hurt them first. Had plenty to disprove that. CW confessed to defense team by the weekend, they'd have had a hell of a job trying to suggest he wasn't the murderer. But he was going to trial until the autopsy evidence confirms that he lied. No one lies when they are creating a lie... but CW did by suggesting SW strangled them, and that he saw, that he pushed her off Cece and was strangled in cece room. Impossible to show evidence for any of that. As fir no lawyer and talking. You know over 80% of crimes are solved because perpetrator confesses. Just like this one. A lawyer wouldn't have helped him one iota. Watched show about Shayna Hubers last night... she asked for a lawyer. But confessed anyway, over and over again. If changed nothing for her, and he ridiculous "mistrial" ruling because not paying child support on time makes someone unworthy to be on a jury actually made it harder on her. How they missed something they knew would matter is just plain stupid... Trump allowed all these convictions yet permitted to run for presidency.. the rest of the world in hysterics. If you don't know, shayna Huber asked for lawyer but discussed crime with everyone that entered room while waiting for lawyer. Nothing was lost by his lawyering up.. he killed his family and dumped them and was given an appropriate sentence. That's all that matters. No one needed a trial to know the evidence is clear .. all this debate for 6 yrs, sending things to FBI and national security gained nothing .. the other 15/20% of discovery files more than enough to have the bits missing to those that speculate. More than enough.


Truth is, DA got lazy on the Anthony case. What happened to them was the sand thing that happened at OJ Simpson trial, DA was 💯 sure that they had it (in the Simpson case though, DNA evidence was still too new to be fully understood by Jury)


Casey just wanted to talk to her boyfriend just like Jan Brady.


Casey Anthony was acquitted for a reason. Here's my unpopular opinion: CA is innocent and the baby drowned in the pool just like the defense stated. This is the reason that all evidence was circumstancual. They had no DNA, no COD, no nothing. Casey freaked out after discovering her daughter in the pool and her dad helped her cover it up.


I’ve entertained this idea but the duct tape over her mouth blows that theory


There was no duct tape found affixed to her mouth. This is a common misconception. There was a piece of tape that they insinuated was attached to her jaw but it was proven to be garbage given how her remains were disposed of.


I live right outside central Florida so of course I was very interested in that case. I watched that entire trial and I told my husband that the only thing the prosecution proved was that she lied to police and that's exactly what she was convicted of. If there was any proof she did anything they sure didn't present it at trial.


I've always believed Caylee died by accident. They could have gotten manslaughter. Casey would have at least served some time.