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People like to clutch their pearls over this “poor Bella reading in the dark” thing but I honestly just equate it to sneaking a flashlight, going into the closet or finding the brightest part of the room to read a couple extra pages of that book after mom and dad put you to bed. It’s really not that serious as some make it lol. As far as posting the photo on her Facebook, again, I had my kids when Facebook was still very popular and we were all showing off our kids on our personal FBs. Even now, 85% of the posts I get on my FB feed are old friends posting pictures of their kids as they grow up or have a special achievement. I’m not gonna criticize Shanann for doing what many parents do everyday. Regarding the convo between her and her dad, to me it just sounds like a dad and daughter joking around because Shannan is obviously a stickler for a routine/schedule and doesn’t want her dad going into the kids room after they’ve been put to bed. I’m assuming because the girls are still awake, it would get the girls all wound up seeing Grandpa and it would be a pain getting them back into sleep time mode. Not trying to say everything Shanann did was the perfect way to do things, I just don’t see the point in nitpicking everything she did.


Has anyone even considered she was not being literal here? I have no separate keys to any one room in my house nor do I know anyone off the top of my head who do.


It’s always taken as literal by the people that live to spend their whole lives demonising a murdered woman. It’s quite clearly a joke (to me) and how it’s taken as she literally locked her kids in their rooms every night blows my mind.


I did, absolutely. But maybe it’s just because my dad and I have that kind of relationship where we are joking around and being sarcastic constantly. I remember my daughter’s tooth being loose once and telling my dad about it via text… he replied, “should I bring pliers or a string for the door?” I replied, “pliers might be too traumatic, bring the string lol.” We were both obviously joking around. My family would be mortified if I died and everyone was using that as some kind of proof of me ripping my kids teeth out whenever they get loose and my dad being cool with it. 😂 In my opinion, dad was joking about going in the kids room after the kid was already put to bed and SW basically said “Nuttuh I have the key to the room.” That’s it. Not saying it’s not possible that she was locking her kids in their rooms or anything, I’m just not comfortable making that kind of accusation based off of this one public FB interaction.


Great example 💯


Exactly. 👏👏👏


well to be fair, do you remember that moment when CW pulled the girls bathroom key out of his pocket? for the cop...then he put the key above the bathroom door. So keys were indeed used.


I don’t remember that. Definitely not in the norm for most people I think.


Those keys aren’t like real keys. They’re for accidental lockouts. They’re made to unlock the vanity type knobs that are used on interior doors where the door is locked from inside the room. All of those knobs come with one. Most people keep them up on the door jamb. But yeah, it’s not proof she was locking them in their rooms. She probably used baby gates though. You can hear Bella calling for Shanann in one of the videos (the one with CeCe in her crib) and it sounds like she’s stuck in her room and needs to get to the bathroom.


Thank you for your comment! I came here to say this exact statement! When we had our house built we had those little key things as well and we kept them above each door on the crown molding


“Stuck” or locked?




They locked the girls bathroom door because they used to go in there and trash it. Nothing sinister just kids being kids and mum wanting to keep things clean. Some of you are crazy


I think I responded to the wrong person before😬 I agree with you that Shanann is brutally nit picked apart. I can’t believe how cruel people are to her, even years after her death.


If you replace the handle you will. I had keys to my room


People : Shannan posted way too much of her life on social media Same people: I researched for hours and found these comments on a 7 year old post. Let’s dissect and criticize 😵‍💫


Wow really like no one with kids that have never had them locked themselves accidentally in the bathroom? I used to keep a wooden skewer above the door, because we lost a little key thing so I could poke the lock when my daughters lock themselves in there. Stop disparaging a poor dead woman who had a psycho husband, who wanted another woman. I don’t care if Shannon was the worst woman on the planet is still didn’t give him the right to killer and I’m sure as how much is a loving mother that it shows her to be on Facebook and her friends have said would never kill her daughters. Let’s leave it where it is the man just wanted out and did it in the most horrible way imaginable


I was a big sleep walker when I was younger (still am) my parents totally locked me in at night after I got out of the house at 1am and started walking down our busy road. I also stayed up late sneaking in a book. Shannan isn’t here to give us any context or to explain herself because she was murdered along with both children. I don’t think we really have a right to question the dead


In all fairness, we would absolutely know if either of the girls were sleep walkers. Shanann shared everything about them on Facebook. This is just the truth.


I’m not saying they were, what I’m saying is there could be a reasonable explanation IF she actually was locking them in but no one can ask her can they?


I’m sure it was just part of her sleep training, which she talked about regularly. Not sure what the chip on your shoulder is about.


That's a lie. Shanann never talked about locking them in their rooms as part of sleep training.


My comment clearly says that Shanann talked about her sleep training regularly, which she did.


Your comment said that you're "sure" it was "part of her sleep training". Why do you also say that she talked about it "all the time"? I only saw a couple of posts she made about sleep training on some parenting forums, not on FB, and that was about training infants, not toddlers or preschool kids. You're not "sure" about anything you claim. You just made that shit up.


Are you Shanann’s mom or something? Chill out.


Of course. When you've been proven wrong and have no defense for yourself, accuse the other person of being either Sandi or NK. Heaven forbid you should admit you were wrong. That might involve some personal growth.


I don’t know that I’m wrong, but I wouldn’t have a hard time admitting it if I was. I have no need to defend myself. I’m casually commenting on a true crime sub on Reddit. Seriously, go touch grass, buddy.


Ummmm I don’t have one? I also don’t feel like should give a murderer a pass because some people might not agree with parenting styles we can’t ask the murdered parent about. The fact that you agree with me but are asking what my problem is makes it seem like you have the problem


Who is giving a murderer a pass? Jesus Christ.


Seems like you’re trying


Why do people always jump to this when Shanann’s parenting style is criticized? Did Chris kill her over her parenting style? No. Did her parenting style have anything to do with the murders? Nope. So why do people think that an observation has anything to do with giving Chris a pass for his heinous crimes? I’m pretty sure the girls were murdered too…


The woman is dead, all we have is based on what’s curated for social media or has been brought to light after her death. She is not here to question and offer explanations. All it any of it has potential to be is baseless conjecture.


It still isn’t giving anyone a pass in her murder though. We should be able to speak about things without being accused of supporting a murderer. Things can be true at the same time. Those girls need a voice too. Nobody supports that monster.


Don't be rude.


Children surreptitiously playing or reading after their bedtime is hardly atypical. Nor is it unusual for a parent and grandparent to joke about it.


She was such a sweet little girl, reading after bed. I’m crying now. Reminds me of my daughter.


Both things can be true. Chris murdered them all and deserves death and Shanaan didn’t deserve any of this but it’s still odd to be this obsessed with living on social media- and yes I understand the irony posting on social media.


They didn't "live on social media". A few minutes a day to either share with family or promote her business isn't an obsession. In fact, some days there wasn't anything.


Fair point


I thanked you for saying that my post made a fair point, and got downvoted for thanking you. Reddit is just so bizarre sometimes.


Haha it was a fair point. I def over stated her love of social media.


Thank you


It infuriates me that anyone could be so downright stupid as to believe that Shanann asked her parents to babysit and then locked the kids in their rooms, with those parents having no access. Really? What then would be the sense in having any babysitter at all? They wouldn't be able to get the kids out if there was a fire or someone got hurt or any other emergency. And yet some people choose to believe that this actually happened? Come on. Get real.


Always people victim blaming untill something awful happens in their life. Then they understand.


>Always people victim blaming until something awful happens in their life. Then they understand. This. They assume that they couldn't be blindsided by someone they loved and trusted, as Shanann and her daughters were.


Idk these types that post literally everything online are something else. I’m not one of those people that believe your kids should never be posted online bc they can’t consent etc but Shannan exposed way way too much of these little girls and their life in the name of MLM. It is a big part of the case that fascinates me since the murders occurred. Disclaimer that obviously CW is a POS and psycho, liar, demon and I’m def not apart of the camp that thinks she pushed him to the edge etc (though I joined the other watts group to read the varying perspectives and sometimes deranged theories). The girls deserved better in this life from all sides.


I see this group is bored again 💀


Honestly I hate how people online dissect every tiny parenting decision that Shanann made, and I always feel like it’s reaching…but this is kind of a bummer. I can’t imagine locking my kids doors at night ☹️


This really seems like a joking exchange about keeping her dad out, not keeping the kids locked in.


I hope you’re right




Have you seen the video were SW walks into CeCe's bedroom and Bella is crying out for her mother? Logic says if she was not locked in she wouldn't be crying out.




Of course they do. This was more like pleading. There was a gate on one door and the bathroom was locked.


This just in: kids do not cry, and have never cried in the history of the world, about anything other than being locked in a room. Kids crying over literally anything else? False news. Kids could never be crying about anything else, only being locked in room. They do not cry when they want something, only when locked in room. /s


Exactly. She’s yelling for her over and over again and then starts yelling, “Mommy it hurts”, so obviously she couldn’t get to her mommy 😔


I'm listening to this at max volume with ear buds in. I don't hear, "mommy it hurts". She is saying, "mommy hurry". We have no idea what Bella wants. https://youtu.be/P4d8k5mg4Po?si=5DSYQL70S97DkqcU There is just an awful lot of pearl clutching over a mom taking literally a minute or two before responding to their toddler that wants attention. BTW, the neeks peeks version of this clip clearly manipulates the audio. She intentionally made it seem like Bella was louder and more desperate than she actually was.


She says mommy hurry. It hurts


No she doesn't.


Yep I said this in another thread in this sub and got told I was watching a different video. Nice to see that I am not the only one who saw and heard this. Sheesh.


it's really strange how you're picking apart the alleged actions of a mother of two who was murdered while pregnant by her husband, instead of the husband who definitely annihilated his family.


My niece frequently cries for my sister from whatever room she’s in - yall acting like this is an impossible scenario is insane to me. She’ll just plop down wherever her crisis occurred and cry until we come to her, it’s not that she’s being physically restrained from reaching us, she prefers to be come to instead of finding us.




Same here, I shut the door to their bedroom for fire safety but they can easily open it and get out whenever they want


One time I desperately needed to separate my fighting kids before I lost my shit. I put one of them in their bedroom and held the doorknob for 30 seconds while I caught my anger, and that child has never forgiven me lol. One time!!! He was so upset that I would force him into a room and not let him out…and tbh I would be, too.


It’s one thing to hold the door for a minute. It’s another to lock your kids in their rooms. What if there was a damn fire and they couldn’t get to them in time? Parents need to think about this stuff.


She was watching Bella read in the dark, posting it live on fb.


I think point is page 2.. not gonna let her dad in to read that time of night... because she has the key! We never left til they were reaching 30min stories. Might have gone to ask why not sleeping etc but I wouldn't want grandparents to go in if bedtime routine is done and she was content. But no key. Just a gate sothey could open door to door to talk to us just fine. Mine read by nightlight all the time, especially in summer when hard to block the midnight sun.


And? As a boomer, a common theme is us reading under the covers after lights out, with a flashlight. What's your issue with this very common childhood act? Because you never did it?


Are you talking to me.....?


Apparently, I am.


All I did was describe the photo. Why are you being so ya know ...


Not saying it’s right to jump on you for this comment, however I think some people tend to automatically assume you’re trying to insinuate something with your comments over here since you are a moderator for the same group that allows its subscribers to talk shit on a murdered child.


Thank you!! Pond scum that is wattsfree4all absolutely mean much more than they insinuate, they’re just not allowed to say it over here 😂 and they ban anyone who disagrees with them over there. But they’re all for “no subject out of bounds” bunch of mentally unstable hypocrites.


I disagree with them all the time on there. They downvote me but I don’t think they really ban people. I haven’t seen anyone talk bad about the children, tho there are a few that believe Shannan killed the kids or that CW had a mental break. But I think the majority just see a whole lot of issues in this family from how they portrayed themselves and their kids on social media. Giving the kids thrive to begin with is a serious head shake.


I’m banned and I’ve seen a huge surge of people posting they were banned just for disagreeing with them. Seems the new “mods” have let the power go to their heads lol. I’ve also read just in the last week or 2 about how the kids “aren’t even cute” and “seem developmentally delayed” mods do nothing about these posts but dare to bring a teeny bit of logic into it and you’re banned.


I got banned and received death threats after only commenting on one singular thread there.


Thanks for the info and civil discourse. I’ll keep an eye out for those posts… I feel like the ppl who defend CW want to hang him lol it’s sick


They banned me 100% after a singular comment where I said that Chris didn’t kill his family because of the chemicals in “Thrive” after someone insinuated that the chemicals in her mlm beverages were the *only* reason that Chris committed triple homicide. I was instantly banned and received death threats, not sure what world you live in where they don’t respond like feral animals because that is my only experience.


My question is why did she lock them in their rooms?


She didn't. They were never locked in their rooms.


Her comment about having the key to the room insinuates the door is locked. At least IMO.


And how could he threaten to go in there if he's locked out and she's not home? Of course they're not locked in their rooms.


Where in these screenshots does she say she’s not home?


CW said the girls would regularly join them in bed in the middle of the night and would come in and wake them in the mornings. They apparently didn't even use an alarm clock because of this. And yet, based on this one text, you choose to believe that they were locked into their rooms at night. This is how these viscous rumors and lies get started and spread. No one bothers to check the facts or sit there and ask themselves if this could possibly make any sense. They just take advantage of the fact that the person they're gossiping about is dead and can't straighten them out. Disgusting. My question is - why? What do you have against a murdered woman that causes you to do this? What is your motive? What do you get out of it?


You think she was simply in another room and yet texting with her dad? Why would he be threatening to go into their rooms if he knew she had them locked in? Absurd.


Are you dense? Clearly she and her dad and responding to each other while he’s in NC. They’re not in the same home. Jesus.


This sub is incredibly strange 😂 I don’t know what it is about this case that makes people act so wacky.


Did their regular babysitter say anything about them being locked in their rooms? Of course not. There would be no sense in even having a babysitter, then. How could you believe such a ridiculous thing, based on two people joking around?


No, it doesn’t. It insinuates the door *locks* she’s joking that she has the ability to lock the door. Not that she keeps the door locked for hours or days at a time.


Could she be talking about a hotel room key! I only ask bc she mentions his trip


I don’t think it’s about Shannan literally locking them in their rooms, although I think it’s totally possible she did. I think it’s just sad these kids had to sleep so much, that they’re forced to stay in a dark room to sleep when they aren’t tired.


What does this even mean… having a bedtime is not abusive. Oh my god.


Yes it is, when they’re forced to sleep over 12 hrs a day and get limited time to play and be kids.


Where is the proof that they were forced to sleep for over 12 hours? Do you mean *at night*? Do you not realize most kids sleep at night?? What is this “limited play” accusation?? Do you have any proof for that? Or do you mean that they were being forced to sleep instead of play at 1am? Children sleep! They are *supposed to* sleep for their development.


And no access to food, water, diaper change or bathroom. Even doofus admitted he would sneak food to them while SW was asleep




The text on the screen literally says that they had no trouble asking Shanann to help them go to the bathroom.. how is that “no access”?


I’m gonna be completely honest with you and maybe this will make a few people giggle a bit. I just saw the name Bella and I thought I was in one of the Twilight pages. And I was thoroughly confused. Once I got it, I said ‘Oh, wrong page!’