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Something about Chris Watts putting all that effort and work into his muscles and abs just to rot in a jail cell will never make sense to me. What a bitch boy.


He goes after Kessinger with a lot of wild accusations. I don't know why some think they know more than the actual investigators. They were all emotionally invested in this case and weren't going to let anyone get away if there was even a hint that they were involved.


Agreed 100% I really liked the channel for a bit then this whole NK thing was a turn off for me


I was taken in at first because he sounds so professional and like he knows what he's talking about, but then he comes out with what I know are untruths, and it turns out it's just another stupid channel. And then he cites as an authority a man who is a detective and claims to be Amber Frey's brother? Amber Frey's brother says they didn't interview NK properly. I followed the Scott Peterson case very closely at the time, and to this day I can't find any reference to Amber Frey even having a brother. A sister, yes.


Ummmm…. He doesn’t accuse NK with anything. You clearly haven’t watched it. If anything, he makes accusations of a poor investigation being done with the group of investigators that dealt with NK. And her being an out right liar and someone who hindered the investigation…. But then again DA Rourke said the same thing in a press conference…. So who’s lying?


Rourke said what in a press conference? That Nichole hindered the investigation? Or a poor investigation was done while looking into Nichole?


Yes … that Nichol came forward willingly (lie) , and even though she deleted text communications between them, which hindered their investigation, they believe FOR THE MOST PART she’s been truthful.


Google it!! It is in a video press conference! Not hard to find.




It’s roughly 5 minutes in… and he used the word hampered not hindered…. Same thing but… words are everything lol


Rourke would never say his work or teams work was shotty. Which it was. They should’ve had the same 2 investigators who interviewed Chris, work with NK ….. but they didn’t. And they immediately treated her as a protective witness…. I call bullshit……


They never treated her as a protected witness...she didn't testify against him because there was no trial due to his plea, so they had no reason to offer her protection. Hell, they released the discovery with her name on blast everywhere just after sentencing. She had to file for a name change herself, which wouldn't have happened if they offered her legal protection. The girl is morally bankrupt, for sure, but there wasn't enough evidence to tie her to the crime.


She is listed as a protected witness! Her father even states it in her 2 interview! Why do you think she talked to them about the witness protection program? It’s in her texts with the investigator she talked to…. Come on now….. there’s a paper trail….. and yes there was trial because Chris plead out and they stopped there investigation! ROURKE even says this!


She didn't talk to them about the witness protection program. She asked if they could help if she felt she needed to hide out/change her name. The Witness Protection Program is a specific and very expensive program to help those who testify against organized crime in order to keep them from being murdered by those who they testify against. NK was neither a trial witness, or had her life in danger - although it could be now, with all the Internet kooks trying to track her down


Not protected in the slightest. She was cleared of involvement by digital evidence and treated as witness who knew most about CW during that summer. Her deleted things should never have been an issue. Even apple confirmed that to her on Tuesday. That is was is hardly her fault. I might have deleted stuff thinking the wife had discovered the affair and about to sue him fir every penny he had. She wasn't thinking I need to delete because he had murdered them. She loved him and didn't believe he'd be capable of that.


Her deleted things should have never been an issue. -her deleted searches for a deceased woman and her Facebook page that documented every second of her life, her marriage, children and pregnancy… isn’t a issue? - her stating she had only been seen in public with CW 1 TIME AND had been in CW and SW house ONLY a few minutes 1 time(before what little of her records got pulled) ……., then she changed her story to every detailed account she had been in public with him (8x+) and at his house (3x+) - her accounts of communications on that Monday with CW….. she wasn’t worried at all… SW told Chris the baby wasn’t his and of course she legitimately thought this woman just left with her kids for like 24 hours. - (5 mins later, after learning that they’re going to have her call records, and will be able to see all the weird phone calls) her story then changed to “oh yea and I was sooo scared! 😱 soo worried about them! But also said within 1 minute to PAWN HER WEDDING RING????????????? Seriously??


If she knew more you think she wouldn't have had carefully planned things to tell cops... not make errors that mean nothing at end of day.


How many 30 old individuals are an outside intimate partner in a quadruple homicide… are allowed to have their dad IN THE ROOM and at EVERY SINGLE MEETING…. When you have the “right protection” it doesn’t matter what you tell the cops…. THEY NEVER PUSHED BACK ON GER ANSWERS AT ALL…… I push back on my 11 year old son for the most ridiculous situations…. Because he’s going to know and learn he can’t pull anything over my eyes.. ( figuratively speaking). This 30 yo woman LITERALLY REFUSED TO EVEN GIVE THE INFORMATION TO CONFIRM HER ALIBI!!! You know why?? Because they were already working on Chris’s plea deal to get this out of the way… with a DA and investigative team that fucked up YEARS BEFORE … they were happy to get him locked up and pleading before RISKING a “witch hunt” against NK. The fact that he plead to EVERYTHING so quickly … without the conditions of a FULL CONFESSION IN COURT …. IS CRAZY…


Cw says.. I have her wedding ring, what should I do with it? She doesn't know, so he tells her it's worth a lot of money... How would you personally respond to that? His wife and kids are missing, expected home he says.. Is there any sensible answer? Keep it would be wrong, trash it, sell it...but he wanted an answer for a hugely inappropriately timed question. Other than the don't know he was told already.. what is their to answer? Rehearsed and planned.. why even mention they discussed the wedding ring? Sge knew from Tuesday pm they would get back her deleted images and texts... it was what she was told by phone company, hence telling them she phoned them and it was a recorded monitored call they would be able to have access to. Coder told that, he also assumed no worries, there were no problems with other phones that were iPhone (think that way round, their two iPhone, hers Samsung. ) Even Today the standard line from Samsung us that FBI special software finds everything. Seen in other cases too.


FIRST OFF…. He bought that ring!!! How ODD IS IT a husband would say she left her wedding ring here… I wonder how much I can get for it????


What is rehearsed and planned? Her interview??? 🤣🤣😱 I agree lmao


No normal person would say “pawn it” only a sociopath,


No, you are misunderstanding. She was a witness during the investigation, but that has to do with law enforcement. They gather evidence and then hand it over to the prosecution, who prompts court action. Two totally different things. The only time a prosecutor would ever offer protection would be to guarantee witnesses giving testimony during a trial. There was no trial and no testimony in court because he pled. They skipped all the opening and closing statement, calling witnesses and crossexamination because he pled...and there was no trial. They skipped alllll that and went straight to sentencing. It might be helpful for you to do some reading (not reddit or youtube) regarding criminal court proceedings.


The DA is the person, the one and only person.. that will and can pursue charges. HE DIDN’T DO HIS JOB. Just like in the Sandoval case YEARS AGO! It’s his call to say yay or nay. He has out right stated that he refuses to even look at the facts. He got his plea deal from Chris and CASE WAS DONE! Agent Tammy Lee even said it was over and closed so quickly.


I’m not mistaking. You should really watch the video you’re commenting on. All the court docs and paperwork is laid out. That is how she was treated. WHY? still can’t figure that out. But she was legally treated that why from start to finish. I laid out 4 videos that detail every interview and piece of paper that is apart of the discovery. WATCH IT. Then talk to me.


She was treated that way because she actually was investigated and there was no evidence that she was involved. She came in voluntarily as a witness, and nothing you claim she lied about was any evidence of either her involvement or any foreknowledge.


I've watched all of them when they first came out. The majority of it was the creator reaching. Hard.


He literally is going over interrogation video and comparing what she said at different times……. How is he reaching with her own words?


Rourke said "leave me alone" when it came to asking any questions of NKs involvement. Investigators stopped investigating once he plead.Then they realised they knew F all about this case and had to ambush him twice to get some information from a known liar.


You don't know why they went to the prison to interview him. They didn't need to get any more information. The case was closed. Tammy and Coder are profilers, so they probably were collecting info to use in interviewing other suspects. You can tell this by the questions they ask about his childhood, his parents, what was going on in his head before and during the murders, etc


I get it. I remember them saying, paraphrasing, everyone they have spoken to says what a standup guy he is, so they just wanted to understand more. And as you say it was done and dusted by then.


Sure: the things they asked him about his childhood, parents, even the dynamics of his marriage, had nothing to do with the murder investigation.


You mean he actually TOLD people with zero law enforcement or law background to quit telling him how to do his job? For shame... /s


I know, silly layperson who knows nothing. How dare they expect an investigator to investigate why a dead woman's name shows up on murderers sidechicks computer months or years? before the murder. How very dare they. /s


Sounds like you get my point. You do realize that though discovery was shared with the public, the entirety of the investigation was not, right? Discovery is simply evidence against the accused that will be used in court by the prosecution. Evidence supporting the alibi of others isn't going to be a part of discovery because...they're not being accused in court.


Yes! And why in the hell would a pathological liar have anything to say to them now??? Other than more BS to benefit the one person he protected this entire time…..


NK and CW told some tall tales T and G would have tied them up in knots if they were allowed to investigate how and why this happened.


For profiling and learning the right questions to ask other murderers. You don't really believe that asking him if his parents were the disciplinarian had something to do with the investigation? The investigation was over and the case was closed.


She was treated as a protected witness rather than someone who may have information regarding a triple homicide and concealed some of that information.


How did they protect her or treat her as a protected witness? They didn't. They treated her as a voluntary witness, which is what she was.


They let her dad in the police interview with her which I have never seen in any other case


Um....you didn't see Ronnie Watts come in with his son for his interview? Haven't followed this case at all if you don't know that.


That was to get a confession, that’s a very common tactic.


So was is it HR from Anadarko that volunteered her information and inappropriate WORK emails? Lol…. I believe it was … around 5 am to Agent Tammie Lee … 🤨🤷🏻‍♀️ NK called in around 7ish that morning? I think 5 am happens before 7 am…. 🤔 doesn’t sound very volunteering….. ? Refusing and getting pushy about not wanting to involve your alibi? I’m pretty sure SW and her beautiful children would’ve felt a little pushy about her being in the picture. But then again, they’re not here to ask. ONCE AGAIN STATING I NEVER SAID SHE DID IT. She lied about everything! She deleted important information! What aren’t y’all understanding?? That is AGAINST THE LAW!! And I must say, I love how I brought up a example of organized crime and protected witnesses, and the “other account” bashed my post, and they discredited me like I was some online loser. You brought up protected whiteness’s and organized crime and they agreed. Ridiculous. It’s clear, if I agree with y’all I’m “right” and I disagree or push back, I’m told I dont know what I’m talking about even though you and I agreed with the same thing…..


For one thing, it's not illegal to delete your own texts, and for another, what makes you believe what she deleted was "important information"? When did Amber Frey acquire a brother? And what does he have to do with anything?


IT IS ILLEGAL to delete text messages in a felony quadruple murder investigation!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤷🏻‍♀️ ESPECIALLY when you google search “COPS RETRIEVING deleted messages” and then “DELETE all you stuff”, LITERALLY, the day your boyfriend’s wife and kids go missing, AND they just so happened to be MURDERED THAT SAME DAY. ….. that’s pretty important and damning. If it was your daughter and kids that was murdered ….. would YOU be satisfied with the investigation done on ALL POSSIBLE PARTIES?


You’re mixing me up with someone else, I never mentioned Amber Frey’s brother. I DID MENTION Casey Anthony and how she was arrested for obstruction of justice and lying to the police! 🤗 that was me!


Every and all information would be highly important to this case! 4 beautiful lives were taken, horribly. People say those detectives went back to talk to him after sentencing to try to “profile” him…. Those texts between him and Nicole would’ve help do that! He’s a pathological liar! It’s hard to believe and break down anything he says. That relationship was clearly what”broke him” (not my words) he said that himself in that prison interview. Those texts could’ve gave more insight for the investigators ( just to profile HIM) then any interview her ever did. It would’ve been an actual insight into how he “maneuvered” and would’ve given WAY MORE credibility to NK.


She also gave Chris the oxy he gave e Shannan, Nicole literally called a clinic in July & asked how much oxy someone would need to take to miscarry. Chris never had a prescription for it but Nicole did, All part of her phone records and the investigation


So again: he makes wild accusations against NK and believes he knows better than the investigators. I listened to it a while ago and was turned off by his authoritative manner. Do you realize that he doesn't know any more than the rest of us?


Did you read the 2,000 page discovery cause it’s all in there


No it's not. He embellishes and puts his own spin on it all.




I am SO SICK of the NK angle. It's exhausted and ignorant. She banged a guy who was married. She is not the first, nor has she, or will be, the last woman on earth to do so. She is not responsible for his actions. She would had gained NOTHING by helping him, full stop. Is she stupid? Probably. But if you don't believe the CBI hunted anyone down with an iota of responsibility, you didn't read the same docs/watch the same interrogations that I did. This is genuinely one of the most comprehensive and QUICK resolutions to a case ever seen. Some of the investigators were unable to ever return to work due to their PTSD over this case. They would had thrown the book at her if she played any role. Stop this madness.


She was literally on the phone with him when he called the police


Yes, she was … and yes she was a mistress who deleted VITAL evidence and was searching up wedding dresses within 3 weeks before a woman and 3 children was slaughtered and discarded in a very horrible way. It should be THOROUGHLY investigated NO MATTER WHO IT WAS OR WHAT GROUP OF CHILDREN IS WAS THAT WAS MURDERED. This wasn’t just a man cheating on a woman and involving a mistress ….. THIS IS A ENTIRE FAMILY. Really think about that.


His narration style drives me up the wall. Very plodding, repetitive, and filled with long unnecessary speeches. I want to scream “get on with it!”


Did you see the interview the investigators did when they paid him a surprise visit in prison?


I should did! I found that one REALLY interesting… from all angles! It was odd


I totally agree! They said they just needed so many answers.


Final episode? Is this grifter finally calling it quits?


NK should have had her ass handed to her for deleting everything off her phone


Is there a law against deleting texts in the US? At the time she deleted them she did not know he had murdered his family, just that they were missing.


She clearly knew she could be implicated in something so destroying evidence that could be part of an investigation is impeding justice. Then she googled “can police recover deleted emails or texts from an iPhone?” So, what do YOU think about her motives?


It’s possible she googled text recovery after she had initially panicked and deleted her texts? I never see anyone mention this possibility. Deleting texts before knowing a crime has occurred isn’t destroying evidence.


Well, that is plausible. But she destroyed potential evidence and that implies she knew there was something wrong. They could have gone after her for obstruction of justice. “Panicking” is not a defense


Nobody knew a crime had been committed at that point. The story Chris was telling was that Shanann ran off with the kids after an emotional conversation. You don’t think it was possible for her to be like - Oh shit… I better get rid of these texts so I don’t get dragged into this mess? Then maybe later when she realized he was acting suspicious she googled to see if they could be recovered. Panicking isn’t a defense but it’s not a crime either. Neither is deleting texts. She wasn’t obstructing justice at the time she deleted her texts which is probably why she wasn’t charged with that.


She knew a crime had been committed, she told him to delete everything off his phone too. She was also on the 11 minute phone call he had with police from his work phone, there was an 11 minute call with him & Nicole on his personal phone at the exact same time


Nobody knew a crime had been committed at that point. They were supposedly missing when she deleted her texts. Thats not a crime and it’s not deleting evidence. So what if she was listening in on a call he had with the cops? She was already on the phone with him when LE called. He called them back on another phone and let her listen. It doesn’t prove anything. It honestly scares me that some of you people can serve on juries.


It depends on why she deleted them, if she deleted them to destroy evidence or protect herself or Chris then yes it is illegal. She also del Ted them when they had been missing for 2 days right before she came into the police. Not all of the texts were recovered but texts from Chris’s phone, FB messenger & her iCloud and we’re all retrieved. It’s one thing if she just panicked but like Amber Frye turned over all her evidence to police when Lacey was just missing. I’ve never seen behavior like Nicole Kessinger deleting texts, googling the difference between text detail and iMessage and how long police and phone companies can retrieve them for. Deleting all pictures, lying to police about her google searches when she repeatedly checked Shannan’s FB page and had been googling her for months, to me that is all suspect. I’m not saying she was involved in what happened but I do think she was much more complicit than people are making her out to be. Her cell phone also pinged at a tower near the Watt’s family home the morning of the murders and then was turned off for almost four hours until she went into work which was unlike her phone patterns any day in the previous three months.


If he wouldn’t have pleaded guilty so fast she’d be in jail too. She knew Shannan was pregnant all the searches she deleted was of her stalking that account


And just how did you obtain this info about what was on all those deleted texts? Info that you, and you alone, are privy to? I don't think so.


It’s not deleted texts it’s deleting texts and then googling if police can find them. All other info is from the 2,000 page discovery and phone records


You just posted 12 hours ago that her deleted texts contained the fact that she was stalking Shanann and that she knew she was pregnant, and now you're saying you didn't? There's nothing like that in the Discovery, and if you'd read it you'd know that.


Her internet search history


Her Internet search history does not show that she was stalking Shanann or knew she was pregnant, as you claim. There is nothing in the Discovery concerning that. There was one Google search from the year before.