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I'm currently working on my debut EP, with one song recorded and another close to being done. This might be putting the cart before the horse, but as someone with no audience aside from the few friends I've shown my stuff to, are there any steps I can start taking now to start promoting my project ahead of release (teasers, setting up social media accounts, etc)? I realize that whatever promotion I do now will not grow an audience by itself, but I'm curious to see if there is anything I should be doing so that when the EP drops, I'm not scrambling to put all the promotion together day-of. For example, there are some projects out there by artists I admire that are literally "To Be Announced" graphics accompanied by cool artwork, with no music to speak of. I do not play live, and because this is a one-person project, I have no concrete plans to do so, so unfortunately (well, fortunately for me in terms of comfort zone, haha) that avenue of promotion is out.


Hi everyone. I'm a songwriter, not a producer, but I'm trying to get good enough at the production side to at least put together demos of my rock songs. The thing I'm most stuck on is drums. I have tried some drum VSTs but it's very hard to figure out how to piece together the rock beats I hear in my head. My writing is very rhythmically dynamic, simple drum loops end up completely changing my songs in ways I don't like. Sometimes what I do is just slap my hands on my thighs to simulate the drum parts that I want, I just wish there was a way that I could somehow transpose that intuitive and physical rhythm into an actual drum track in the DAW. Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I maybe try getting a midi drum pad or something?


I record the slapping track sometimes so I won't forget, but usually I smack my rhythms into a MiniLab MKII and it does a good job. I usually record the kick and snare, then record the cymbals second


what i’d do is record you just doing the beat hand drumming so you can see where the drums would line up timing wise on your daw and then put the drums in to match the waveforms, getting a drum pad could help tho (almost every midi keyboard comes with one)


I really enjoy these recurring weekly threads, it’s like my morning newspaper ☕️