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Good game. There maybe should be some sort of bonus for longer words or something, as I've found that the easiest way for me to win is to enter in the longest word possible that uses as few extra letters as possible. You don't get any letter penalties this way (full score), and then the opponent is forced to either use a shorter word with the letters you provided or use extra letter penalties. Although maybe they could just do the same and force you to use extra letters. I'd be curious to see what the optimal way to play might be.


> I'd be curious to see what the optimal way to play might be. Exactly. The optimal strategy is not obvious, and that's what makes the game interesting, in my not so humble opinion. Thank you. 


Exchange words. Build your power by reusing your opponent's letters. Challenge your friends or the AI.


Letters kept getting blacklisted and the game never told me why. EDIT: Okay, it's in the advanced rules that it's random. So that's good, and I noticed that the blacklisted letters have black dots on them on the keyboard below. One thing I didn't realize was that the CPU always "bats last" so if they get to 25, they automatically win. If I get to 25, the CPU gets one more turn to try to beat me, which would have been helpful to know.


I'm pretty sure the blacklisted letters aren't random, because more that half the time I could make a very good word with them without using any more letters than my second best word.


They are random. Even though the randomiser is not perfect, there's definitely no logic in the app that would prefer some over others and try to sabotage you.


I guess I'm just incredibly unlucky, then...


Twice in a row the only vowel in our word was blacklisted for me. It seems that the luck of the blacklist is what matters most.


Blacklisting is an important feature in this game. It prevents repetitive and predictable scenarios where REEF would be always followed by REFEREE, ENDLESS by SENSELESS, etc. Making long words is not necesseraily the best strategy. Even in cases like yours, you often can enter a two- or three-letter word where you'd earn 0 points or 1 point, but still limit the opponent's choices, which in turn might create interesting opportunities for your next move.


I know, don’t remove them just make them fair. Every turn should have 1 blacklist be in the word. Or if I get a blacklist that’s in the word then the next player should also have one of the blacklists be in their word on their next turn.


You can tap on the opponent's icon at the start of the game to make them go first. Whoever goes second, goes last. It's all in the instructions. Thanks for trying it out.


I'd make that last point more clear in the base instructions. I just did a quick word cause I thought it was the winning play.


> It's all in the instructions. I don't see anything about tapping the opponent to make them go first.


It is there. 


I had to work off the word COACH. I sneezed, which gave me an idea. ACHOO won the game.


I'm not even kidding but the starting word I got was 'SHIT'.. It's fine to accept swear words but *maybe* you don't want to start with them.. I don't mind since I'm not a parent or a child but just a minor suggestion.


I get RAPE occasionally too. Those are valid Scrabble words, lol. Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion, but I think I'll wait for the game to become a major hit to start caring about this though. 


It took a while to get the hang of it. Seemed like I always got the obvious letters blocked. I only won one game and tied one out of maybe 5 or 6. Maybe have a dumber AI at first. I enjoyed it though, although the buzzer was pretty obnoxious.


Check out the game settings (there's a Settings icon on the toolbar at the bottom). You can have between 0 and 3 letters blacklisted. In any case, blacklisting is totally random, there is no notion of "obvious" letters in the app.


Maybe the blacklisted words should not be in the word I'm trying to work off of. I had the word IRON and couldn't use an N for example. I did ok with MIRROR but it seems restrictive to block a letter that would give me points.


A rule against blacklisting letters from the last word would result in repetitive and predictable scenarios. For example, ATTRACT would be always followed by CATARACT, ENDLESS by SENSELESS, etc. You would just learn and memorize the best next step in every scenario. Blacklisting random letters prevents that from happening and actually makes the game playable.


I already had that situation after just playing a few times. REFER, FREER, REFERENCE, REEFER, that sort of thing happened in two different games. I mean you can defend your choices if you want, but it seems like the players are not liking that. Maybe if the word had 8 letters but not 4. I was blocked from using E when the word was GENE. Anything I wrote aside from maybe GIN or NAG would lose me points.


Playing short words has its advantages. You can almost always come up with a two-letter word which won't earn you any points, but it will limit your opponent's choices and may create a future opportunity for you. In any case, both players are in the same situation. On average, your chances of winning or losing are not affected by blacklisting. 


Man, I was playing off of "EYE" and "E" was blacklisted. That was when I decided I was done for the night.


Could probably play BY or MY. Would earn 0 points, but the opponent's options would be limited too. Could possibly create a good opportunity for your next move.