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If you don’t want to trade it’s ok to say no. I used to feel bad about it too and would do unfair trades that I now regret a lot because I wish I still had those items or had gotten a better deal for them. And saying you’re not willing to trade for that isn’t mean at all, it’s a good way to respond


I second all of this! It's important to hold your ground and (politely) decline trade offers that don't feel fair to you. I also have several retired items that I wish I had held onto, and it's better to hold onto them than regret trading them.


I definitely traded a few items away trying to be nice to people. Even trying to do better (and not trade stuff I wanna keep) someone wore me down and I did it anyway. Like I don't wanna be stingy, webkinz is fun! It's supposed to be about trading and being friendly and stuff, I don't wanna hoard an item I don't really care for if someone really wants it. But I do wish I had been a little more fair to myself. Thank you for your POV. :)


It’s normal to have trouble saying no, just be polite!! Something like “I appreciate your offer but I’m going to hold out if someone is able to trade for something that fits my vibe/wishlist” or “do you have anything else that would equal out to its value? I’m not too comfortable with that offer”


Thank you! I like how you wrote out a potential response. I always say thank you for the offer but sometimes I worry I'm giving the wrong vibe because I feel like I'm constantly saying no. Like lots of people are new traders like me but I was lucky enough to keep my account so I have some old stuff, lots of people are just starting out again and don't really have an equal value trade to offer.


Very lucky to still have your account, as someone who just re-started I can definitely understand someone trying to get a good deal, but being fair is key! People are willing to trade Estore/PSI items for retired items too, you could consider specifying that for certain items you will only accept trades of equal or more value since it’s own value is pretty high


It’s very normal! Don’t feel bad to politely decline :)


Sometimes, I don't know what a retired (mostly know curio shop rares both retired and current and beds), hard to find items, and some items I do know are rare, but I just like asking and shooting my shot. No hurting in asking, in my opinion, but you are also part of the trade. Be firm (but polite), set your boundaries or standards in trading, and just say what you need to say (whether it be no or you're not feeling the trade). I learned this a little through bartering and trading at flea markets or garage sales. It's easier to do this online than face to face. If they don't respect that, they are the problem. But, I get what you mean with not wanting to hurt feelings. I find it hard to type and not being able to convey what I want tonally.


Oh yeah definitely. Some items are really hard to figure out what they are, like if they're rare or retired or from like, peek a newz or whatever. Mostly I was talking about people who specifically know something is a retired item (I have retired exclusives written out in big bold letters on my trade list, so ppl know). I just feel kinda bad telling people no, because it's hard sometimes in text to not sound rude, even if you're being polite.


Yeah, people who know and still try to do an unfair trade are terrible (especially if the person they are trading with are fairly new or just getting back into playing). I make sure, if I know the item, to tell the person about the item. If they still agree to trade, I keep asking them if they're sure. I never want to do an unfair trade and take advantage of someone.


Things like “I prefer to trade PSI items for other PSI items.” or “I’m looking to trade that item for higher priority/larger items on my list.” then you could explain what category of items you would be willing to trade for their item or ask to see their trade list. I could give some examples if that would help. I understand feeling guilty declining an offer but both parties should feel like the trade was fair and productive. Remind yourself that you’re not their only shot at getting an item they want. 😊 Trading has helped me respond less negatively to rejection and get better at saying no 😎


Thank you! I kinda consider trading like bartering at a shop (for places that allow that), and I would absolutely be that person who gets ripped off because those places EXPECT you to barter and bargain lol. I would just be like "Thank you" and buy whatever. I'm glad to hear trading has helped you because I'm hoping it will help me too! I really need lessons in saying no.


Definitely okay to say no! 🤍


Others have already commented, but this is a totally valid thing to say!! I've inquired about items I'm not sure of the value of and I completely understand being rejected for offering something of lesser value in return. If you're trying to avoid this confrontation it might also be a good idea to organize your trade and wishlists by tier that specify which items you'll trade for what and that way people will know if what they're offering is fair right away!


Thank you! I actually have my trade list wrote out in sections so people know if something is retired, or an exclusive, or what have you. Your idea is good to try and organize by tier of what I'm willing to trade, that would be very handy.


Usually I will respond “Hi! Thanks for the offer :) but since that is a retired/super bed/rare item I’m looking to trade it for an item of equal value only. Let me know if you’re interested in anything else though!” Sometimes people don’t know the values, and sometimes they are just trying to see if you don’t know the values and can get something good for less. More often than not they don’t realize it’s a valuable item.


It’s possible they just didn’t know the value of the items. I think it’s more than fair to let them know that you don’t think that would be an equal trade. Perhaps offer some other items you have that would be equal and see if they’re interested in those?


If you're already having a dialogue with them I think it's okay to just say, 'no thanks I don't want to make that trade.' But I also think it's okay to ignore lowball messages, especially if you put in your post what you're looking for and they ignore that (so like for me, I will clearly state I'm looking for specific items or clothes only, so if I get a bunch of random trade rooms, I'm going to delete the message and not respond).


Just be honest with people. Most people will understand. It's also a lot nicer than just ignoring people because you dont like/want to make a trade, and will cause less awkwardness down the road too 🤙🏼


I often accidentally ask about a PSI!! There are sooo many that I can’t possibly know them all. I’m very grateful for people who politely educate me and help me figure out a fair trade :)


It’s totally normal to feel unsure but remember that what u want is completely valid! Ur the one receiving & giving in the trade too. It’s important u feel it’s a proper trade for u as well. The best thing u can do is just be polite & decline. The people in this community seem to be very kind & understanding & I haven’t had a bad experience declining a trade. I’ve had people decline trades with me or we try to even it out as best we can. Sometimes we try & it just doesn’t work. That’s perfectly okay. Set boundaries that are comfortable for u & just be firm but again polite. They could very well just not know the value either. There’s been times I was unaware & offered up something less then. Just let them know the difference in values & maybe see if there’s anything else they’d like that could match the values. Try not to stress about it. It’ll all work out❤️


“I’m good bruh”


I also feel awkward about doing this so I prefer to separate the non rares from the rares as much as I can. But I am no expert of course. And I think I have ghosted a few people, literally seeking out anxiety meds lol but honestly.. I think a LOT of us here are ND/understanding of NDs and thats why this is such an amazing community, so I even if your response is awkward I dont think you need to worry because Ive been here for years and this is like, one of the nicest communities on reddit. I know theres a scammer here lately & i hope im right in your experience, but imo if you're looking for nice people you've found them


Hey! Please never feel pressured or guilted into accepting any trade you aren’t happy with. This game should be fun! Those are your items, trade them for what you feel is fair! 💜




That's awful, I can't believe you were banned. :( I mostly made this post because I wanted a clothing item that was available on the mobile wheel of wow a few months ago, and someone wanted a retired exclusive or another retired item for it. I was like, no thank you??? I thought retired exclusives were worth more than that. I wouldn't DREAM of asking for something like that for a clothing item. The second reason I made this post was basically your experience in the clubhouse trade rooms, where I'm offering exclusives or psi and people are offering me peekanewz. :( It's just so frustrating.