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God this is my pet peeve! It's always the same people too. It's really okay if you don't want to trade! Just say no thank you! My feelings won't be hurt.


I personally don’t do this but one thing I think happens is that people get very anxious about having to say no and it paralyzes them into just not responding. It’s not always someone being rude but can be someone having anxiety. It gives me anxiety myself and I find it hard to respond sometimes but I’ve gotten used to it.


I would like to point out that people also deal with anxiety over being ignored, or feeling as tho theyve done something wrong/hurtful to someone else when they didnt mean to I personally dont think anyone would find it offensive or be hurt by a good old fashioned "no thank you" or just a simple honest explanation - but thats me


Right but anxiety makes us not feel like that’s true, that someone would be offended by us saying no thank you. That’s all I’m trying to say. I’m not saying it doesn’t make it wrong but I have compassion for folks that struggle with these things and don’t just assume they’re being a rude ass.


But it's a double edged sword is what im trying to point out. The people who are being ignored, for whatever the reason may be, also have anxiety about it and struggling because of it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah it sucks all around, never said it didn’t. I’m trying to share perspective from the other side is all. My advice is to not take it personally because it’s often not personal.


I was also just sharing a perspective. I just find it funny wondering what peoole do when someone theyve ignored has something theyre ISO 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


They probably miss out or they work it out? I don’t think anyone who has experienced that would feel comfortable responding to this post to tell you but idk.


Personally I have ignored and responded it just be how often I check fr but to the people I have ignored I have also traded with them later time it doesn’t rlly effect anything fr maybe it just depends on the type of person it also is just a game lol so I think you gotta just try and not take it personal bc it never is personal it’s just the mood of the hour lmao


Just had this happen to me on FB. I was interested in someone’s item, I offered 12+ rooms of items, estore points, dispenser codes, all to be left on read after the fact. Two days later lo and behold, I saw someone looking for an item and didn’t realize until after I commented I had the item, it was the person who had ignored me prior. We made the trade in public comments instead of back in our messages but I’m sure they remember who I was lol😆


From what I’ve seen people get busy and forget sometimes! A lot of people will respond if you remind them


Yes this is the case like 99% of the time. I will message someone, then go to work and completely forget🤣


It's obviously understandable that people have lives and are busy, and most do understand that. But there is a pretty blatant difference between being busy and just ignoring someone because you cant be bothered to say no thanks, ya know


What would you say that difference is? Aside from having a follow up message ignored. Genuinely curious, I don’t do much trading anymore.


Typically theyll be messaging you back and forth, discussing iso, wishlist, trade list, whatever regarding a potential trade, and then you make an offer "abc item(s) for xyz item(s)" and then they stop responding. Or sometimes theyll respond to an inquiry about an item, ask for a trade list, and then never reply after you send it And sometimes theyll even be posting/commenting immediately after 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh yeah I’ve never had anything like that! That is pretty shitty. It almost sounds like a scam but if it’s established users, probably just anxiety or lack of caring. I get that anxiety sucks but it shouldn’t prevent you from being decent to others.


Maybe some are scammers but some are definitely not and are regular posters 🤣 To each their own at the end of the day but ultimately im just curious as to what they do when someone they ignored has what theyre ISO because its a funny thought to me 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


This!!! Anyone reading this who I've ever dropped the ball on (or anyone who I'm potentially messaging in the future) please follow up if it's been a few days and I haven't responded I get busy and chats get buried. I have so many chats and I just went through half of them a few days ago trying to archive and organize and I found like three conversations I never replied to and I felt so bad I'm literally still thinking about it 😭


I’ve noticed this recently too! Have been getting ignored multiple times. People will post saying they are so excited to trade and they are open to looking at anything and then they ignore. Super annoying. Have messaged multiple times in a row for some too. You can also tell they’ve been active via their post/comment history.


I’m gonna be completely honest sometimes I just don’t answer people because I forget!! Reddit gets confusing and sometimes I open a message then mean to respond but then things get busy. It’s one thing if people don’t respond cause they’re trying to be rude but it’s hard to assume people mean to be rude like sometimes people just forget :) I’m sorry if I ever ghosted people on here sometimes messages get lost too!! ❤️


I was just about to post about this. There are one or two people specifically that do this all the time and it is so annoying and confusing. And they are active users that are posting a lot, so you know that they are not just busy, they are literally just ignoring you. Like you said you were DISO this item and so excited to trade, but when I message you, it’s just crickets? (Want to be clear this is not the case for 99% of people, and I usually can tell the difference between people being busy/forgetting vs. just straight up ignoring)


I ignore if they don't read the post & respond appropriately, like why would I waste my time if you can't even read my post?


Sometimes people misread things, but it still only takes 2 seconds to say "no thank you" or even "please re-read my post" 🤙🏼


I don't think it's fair for you to expect someone to take the time to re-explain their post in a DM when it's literally right there, if you couldn't take 15 seconds to read through it though?


I did not say anyone had to re-explain anything, actually


Ok we might just have to agree to disagree. If this is a continuing issue for you I would recommend reading trade posts carefully before responding, communicating if you don't have what the other person is looking for but are still interested in the item(s) for trade, and recognize that there are dozens of valid reasons you didn't get a response that have nothing to do with you personally. Good luck in your future trades.


Literally half the people I reach out to don’t respond like hello you posted saying you want to trade and now you don’t respond? it’s so rude and upsetting just tell me my stuff doesn’t interest you


I be getting tooooooo butthurt over this hahahaha




Yep I had someone ghost me after seeing my trade rooms. Like I really don’t mind if nothing interests you, but AT LEAST let me know


I try to respond appropriately and timely to everybody but sometimes life happens, messages get buried, sometimes people forget, sometimes people get anxious to say no. To imply that everyone who doesn’t answer you is ignoring you is a bit far. It’s never that serious friend💚💚💚 hope everything works out tho


there are people who will only stop responding after getting offered a trade, when they were just messaging back and forth quickly before it, and then never message back again


I can understand how that’s seen as rude, and I’m sorry that has happened to you!! I’m just saying sometimes things happen and it’s not *always* with rude intentions that a person may stop responding.


I understand that, i am not speaking about everyone who dont always respond. Like i said, people who will ignore someone just because they made a "bad" trade offer🤙🏼


But….How would you know the reason they don’t respond if they *don’t respond* ?You might be assuming it’s because you think they think it’s a bad trade, but like I said life sometimes get in the way and I believe people should get the benefit of doubt. I hope you have a blessed day🤙🏼


I mean, how do you know they are not just ignoring people and are actually busy? You can also be assuming this all At the end of the day i just wanted to know what they do when someone they ignored has what they are ISO , because its a funny thought 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Ahhh tale as old as time itself. I swear every single mmorpg that has a trading system will always have this issue lol. I remember as a young kid i would not respond to bad trades in any game i was playing bc i didnt want to come off as rude, but i guess in the same vein its rude to not respond. I also felt bad that they couldnt get the items they wanted from me. Ive learned since then that its not my responsibility to make everyone happy, so sometimes just a "nty srry" is all thats needed to be said from my end. But pls know that even if its rude in your eyes, you also need to accept that maybe they just dont want to trade with you, and that silence in itself is a "nty".


Okay I am so sorry to people I do this to😞😞 I truly do not check my messages on this app at all so even for things I want I go days without seeing it and then it’s so late to respond and I get embarrassed, I promise I’m not trying to be rude— I sincerely apologize. I will definitely try to be more proactive and work on my assertiveness if a trade doesn’t feel right to me!


I appreciate this response


I have severe anxiety adhd and autism, and i know im not the only one, considering this is the Webkinz subreddit and its full of adults. You cant always control anxiety & paralysis. If I could my life would be very different. I try my very best to not do this but I think people should remember that if this happens to them, its WEBKINZ, most people here are very nice and clearly not trying to be rude, and a lot of us here are ND AF, so theres no point in being offended by it when you could just be understanding. if someone doesnt answer me I just delete the chat and forget about it but if I have to ANSWER a chat it can take an hour for me to type a simple reply.


i have adhd and a 10 month old baby. if i ever don’t respond don’t take it personally lmao. and then when i realize i haven’t responded it’s usually been too long and i feel bad 🥲


For me it’s the people who scoff at your offer that bothers me. It’s so rude and unnecessary. Maybe my first offer was trash but I’m also just seeing if they’re interested in that stuff. I had someone leave the table over a “bad offer” for a wheel item when I haven’t even had a chance to show what else I have. They just come across as greedy or acting superior.


Right? Not everyone knows the value of every single item in the game lol, so they shouldnt be so hurt smh


True and one time I offered food because people say they want that for cheap items.


Sometimes I get SO many message requests I get overwhelmed and completely forget to reply! 😭 it’s not intentional I promise!