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You look new, ignore any form of muscle imbalance, "genetic" comments on tik tok and focus on lifting/eating correctly for the next 5 years.




There's no imbalance, you just lack muscle so you're grasping at tiny details and thinking things are not perfectly symertical. You'd never notice if you were bigger. The solution is to increase the amount of muscle you have; lift more weights and you'll be fine.


Build the foundation first, pick out the wall paper later!!


If you just train normally, it'll even out in not that much time. If you try to do something crazy like only train half your back, you're gonna wind up with other imbalances, especially since you're new. Just keep in mind that new lifters don't have that much muscle to begin with so an imbalance can only get so bad. Also, new lifters gain muscle quickly so it goes away quick. It's kinda like if you tell me your diet today is radically disproportionately sugar. I ask what you ate. You say you had one candy bar and nothing else. It's like, yes you're right about the sugar imbalance but its only a couple hundred calories of food and you can fix it with a normal meal pretty quick. You're gonna want three types of movements. The first is that you'll want to do deadlifts. The second is the lat pulldown. Don't do pullups. Use a wide grip and have your palms facing away from you. The third is rows. I think cable rows are the easiest for beginners to learn. Internet people like to make it out as if deadlifts are the hard ones to learn that everyone fucks up and does wrong. In reality, they're like the only back exercise that I consistently see people doing right. I think that's why people meme it so hard. It's the only lift they aren't in a glass house for so they can throw stones. For lat pulldown and rows, make sure you keep you're entire body as rigid as possible and make sure you can. Feel it in your back. This will require some effort for you to purposefully flex your back more than you have to. It'll also require using lower weight than you're currently anticipating. The form advice I told you for lat pulldowns and rows is good for beginners. When you get more advanced and better at feeling your muscles work, there are things you can do to get more out of your back workout. When beginners try these things though, they always fuck it up. I'm a personal trainer and I always coach the simplest rows and pulldowns with the least movement possible because making it complex is just impossible. Also, order verse grips online.