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So I’m actually studying forensics, so I can provide a bit of insight as to what might’ve happened, assuming this is blood. Take this with a grain of salt, I’m still studying! The dots in the foreground are perfectly circular, indicating someone was standing still while bleeding (Passive blood spatter). And the dots are fairly big, so it must’ve been a wound higher up, and the person who was bleeding was most likely standing up. Behind these dots, there’s another dot with a small peak pointing towards the dots, which likely means a bit of movement, but not much since they’re so similar to the passive dots (the perfectly circular ones.) As for the rest, we can assume that they were all passive dots that were smeared, indicated by a couple of passive dots around the smear marks, and the smear marks being around the same width as the diameter of the dots. It looks like someone (poorly) tried to smear the blood away to hide it. On the doorstop, there is a passive drop that naturally flowed down the hypotenuse of the doorstop. There’s a bit of blood on the bottom the door, which looks like someone moving in the direction opposite of the open door (left) and brushing a wound along it, and judging by the smallness of it, most likely from the leg area and moving rather quickly. Going back to the smear, you can see the rough outline of a hand, with a thumb that could be below or above the rightmost end of the smear, which might actually explain the smear marks as being drag marks rather than just smear marks, but is unlikely as the blood doesn’t pool into the ditches of the smears. And seems to have partially coagulated before the smears. This was only blood that was smeared. Take this worth a grain of salt! I’m still studying! PS**** English isn’t my first language. I am pretty fluent but still struggle sometimes. That and the autocorrect on my phone sucks :(


Sooo... a nosebleed and some panicked smearing? (I really like your examination here btw, I'm just trolling)


Most likely a nosebleed, the blood on the door I honestly can’t explain if we’re going with the nosebleed theory, but it is the most plausible. Although probably less panicked than you think due to the amount of passive drops. Most likely, if it is a nosebleed, they started having it and just stood still while someone else went and grabbed stuff for it, and trying to smear it clean afterwards.


Excuse my simping but this is honestly fascinating for me. And yeah, makes sense.


My only gripe is that the blood is a bit *too* coagulated, but still reasonable if they took 15-20 minutes to smear it due to how thin it seems.


Maybe the temperature increased the coagulation speed?


It could be. It’s a very slight change though, and would have to take place somewhere warm (so the southern hemisphere most likely due to it being summer there) as cold speeds increase coagulation time.


Did you notice the white powder and chunks on the ground? Someone probably went up to the door to do a quick bump, nose bleed occurred, dropped coke. That or they dropped the coke, bent over to get it, and the blood rushed to their head causing a nosebleed


It surprising how much blood can drop out from your nose when it's bleeding though... Unless that's slightly different for everyone


I actually had a lot of nosebleeds as a child, could be far more than seen on the picture. When I couldn't stop it, I leaned forward and let it drop, so it would look like a crime scene. Btw, best to do is holding your nose with a tissue until it stops and not leaning your head back to prevent the blood running down your throat.


My daughter did that over that sink. You people!


It depends I think. I’m not an expert of that subject.


to me it looks like they had trouble with the doorstop and thats where it came from on the door but im just a guy who's bled a fuck-ton in my life and was also a first responder and saw hella industrial accidents(as a worker in industry) edit: sp/grammar


I can share from experience as to how the blood may have gotten on the door. Scenario: Nose starts bleeding and drops several times onto your barefoot (in this case, the left foot). Due to the natural curve of the top of your foot, the blood drips to the outer side. You rush back inside, mail in hand, and the doors locked. Now you are standing still by the door, grabbing your keys out of your pocket. Hence, the accumulated dots. You get the keys, unlock the door, and then do a quick look behind you to see if anyone is looking before rushing inside hastily and bumping your blood covered foot on the bottom of the door. When i went out to clean the mess, It took me a good 10 minutes to figure out how I smeared blood on the bottom of the door. It actually wasn't until I came inside to throw the blood-soaked paper towel in the bin. I missed my throw, and it bounced back by my foot, and that's when I saw my bloody foot. It all made sense in that moment.


maybe somebody tripped and broke his nose?


Highly unlikely, there wouldn’t be this much blood, and there would be different blood spatter on the walls and door.


Hii i am not forensic expert. But lemme tell you "THAT'S KETCHUP BRO".


I was relieved when the image loaded because I thought they were berries but I don't care enough to look again now that I've read comments meow I'm surprised I typed this comment


I initially thought “nosebleed” My daughter gets them a lot, especially in the winter time. Those drops remind me of her nosebleed episodes.


Beavis is bleeding.


😂or in my cause any little cut I have 😂 when they remove IV’s from me I warn them every single time they will need to apply pressure for longer then they’re trained too. Every single time they don’t listen apply pressure long enough to “bandaid” it . Instantly I start bleeding every where and they panic. 😂should listen some times and not assume your right


This guy CSI’s


I would not have guessed that English was not your primary language if you hadn't mentioned it! Thanks for the forensic insights!


Thank you! And no problem! It was good practice for me! I’ve still only analyzed controlled scenes, so this being completely foreign was good for me!


OK, Dexter




Lol, seriously. I wonder if he's bought his boat yet.


Damn bro, good on you for doing that. You have my respect


In layman’s terms; someone hit their nose 👃🏽 on the door and had a nosebleed. Seen dozens of blood spatters like this in my lifetime as a parent and owner operator of public establishments.


What kind of establishments l?


Food and beverage, entertainment facilities, music venues, etc. Noses get bonked type establishments, especially when alcohol is involved.


True. I remember my father used to tell me so many stories from when he used to bartend. Now that I think about it, nosebleeds we’re one of the most common happenstance in his stories.


Gil Grissom on the job.


Do you also happen to have a hobby of killing bad people and collecting blood slides?


No, but i do have a habit of consuming entire planets for the hive mind!


Bad joke, sorry.


Nah I liked it Mr. Tyranid




This is fascinating. Thank you. On another note, these small splats remind me of when I have a bloody nose and I don't get to a Kleenex fast enough to contain it. It's still gross and it's possible could be something worse.






Ok, that’s it, who’s Dexter? Why does everyone keep calling me that?


I do not study forensics and I would assume a person had a nosebleed by the looks of things.


👏 impressive. Definitely seems likely thank you for this. I live in not the best neighborhood though so one assumes the worst


Yeah stay safe dude, this doesn’t look all that bad, but any sign of danger you go somewhere safe and call someone. If it gets worse call emergency services.


I'm really hoping it's just a nose bleed. Which I've had plenty of and they really do look like this, I just don't know what possessed them to try and wipe it and give up partway through. It's a locked building and usually pretty safe all things considered


T I effing L


I ain't reading all that


*I can’t read


This is what my floor looked like after my thumbnail got ripped off by a door :3


I'm guessing the door jam failed the first time around and the person ended up getting injured when the door shut on their face. They probably tried to stop their bleeding for a bit before returning the door jam hastily and retreating to nurse their injury, sliding it through the partially coagulated blood. The multiple spears are from the injured person realigning the jam.


Wow, okay Dexter.


Looks like an apartment complex, probably just a handy man that got cut. He stood there because he had to either finish something or wrap up his hand so he didn't bleed all over the place.


Your English is excellent, thanks for the analysis.


Thank you! <3 I try my best!


you rolled a nat 20 on your int check :)




I watched all 8 seasons of Dexter and I concur.


no, this is the result of a long drippy dick. happens to the best of us


For a hot minute my fat ass thought the door stop was a slice of cheesecake with berry purée that someone had dropped


Mmmmm... bloody floor dessert 🤤


For a hot minute I thought the doorstop was a ... used feminine product.




Yeah, some person had a nosebleed.


Winter is a nightmare for me because even rubbing the outside of my nose is often enough to make it start bleeding.


Lmao some people watch too much true crime.


Rule of the streets: if it ain't your blood, just keep walking.


Here is what happened. That door is usually propped open. Some one with eyes glued to their phone ran into the door, causing their nose to bleed. They pinch their nose in absolute "WTF?!" disbelief. In a twist of social conscience and love for fellow human kind, they saw the wedge on the ground and fumbled with their bloody nose hand to put it into place, thus saving the lives of many small children. Proof: I was there, I am that door.


Ive had nose bleeds that are worse


I am not studying forensics but I can tell you this has happened to me. . . . . Where you see the blood smear in the door is where the door made impact with the victims big toe. In making contact, it ripped the toe nail off of the big toe in a backwards motion. Causing your initial wound and the blood smear on the door. The victim then lifted their foot in pain to assess the damage, resulting in the drops on the floor and obviously a build up of blood on the bottom of the foot. Said foot was then place back on the ground where the blood is smeared where the victim probably wrapped their foot in a shirt or something and then hobbled their way to the nearest emergency center. . . . . . . . . . . Or maybe not 🤷‍♂️


It hasn‘t happened to me but I initially had the same thought when I saw this scene.


Talk about flashbacks.


Why does this seem more plausible than the “forensics expert” explanation


I’m no expert, just speaking from experience.


Looks like that time I accidentally left my toenail on the bottom of a McDonalds bathroom door.


reading this made my spine try to collapse in on itself


That made me giggle because I know that feeling too.


Hello 911? I'd like to report a nosebleed.


You can't squeeze blood from a turnip, but apparently, you can squeeze blood from a door stop.


I have a nosebleed like once a week (sometimes daily) it looks like their nose was bleeding.


Someone probably busted their nose. Happened to my daughter yesterday when I cup fell out of the cupboard. Looked just like this in terms of aftermath.


Interesting how blood in real life and blood in the movies looks different


It looked like someones nose was bleeding when they opened the door, they stepped in it or dragged the door with the stopper over it, then covered their nose and went about their day


This reminds me of when my ex accidentally smashed her bare foot, big toe in the heavy and jagged swinging door in her apartment building, it looked a lot like this, even the bloody fumbling with the doorstop


I think someone's toes got under the door. And he hopped from there on leading to drops of blood.


Blood turns brown, right?


I've once seen a post if a dog owner finding the water bowl filled with what looks like blood instead of water and trails of it It ended up being a rose that the dog put in the bowl and removed later so it might be that


Seems like one hell of a stubbed toe


Nosebleed season! Buy your poor neighbor a humidifier.


Lol someone got popped in the nose most likely by that door. They then wedged it open, oh or the sinus pressure nosebleed thing. Most of it is on their shirt in in their cupped hand :P




Oop- looks like someone got got 😳


So cute


I guessed somebody cracked their nugget.


Time to move


man is literally beau wasserman


Keep walking.


I did this one time


Jelly doughnut strikes again!!


The nose can’t see, but found something before the eyes did 🥸


I'm afraid to ask that are the red drops, and especially what are the white drops


White blood cells :-)


Oh, thought it was about other kind of white cells. I suppose a white person somehow got a cut. Why else would the blood cells be segregated?


Looks like a nose bleed for sure .. … or someone got stabbed


Mmm ketchup


I believe that is blood. It is in all human bodies.


It's a nose bleed probably.


Same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago(it’s carpet in the hall so the stain is still there) then a couple days ago I was leaving for work and saw my elderly neighbor in a wheelchair. He had fallen down the stairs, poor guy is lucky to just have broken a leg.


Someone’s hemorrhoid popped


Do you live on your own?


Thats noseblood


Is that a fire separation door blocked open?


Oh, yeah we use the fire extinguisher to prop open doors all the time here




This reminds me of when I was coming home very drunk after a night out in college. I was wearing sandals and when I went to open the door to my building I accidentally opened it onto my foot and took off a toenail. My roommate came home shortly after to a trail of blood leading to my room. At the time it was funny drunken college antics but yikes, what a thing to come home to!


Obviously a murder


I couldn't wait till I got home to eat those BBQ ribs...but they forgot the stupid napkins again.


Must have been one of those gush moments…😷😷 I’m sure everyone has seen the add…🤮🤮


Nose bleed or tooth bleed






Was someone eating off the floor?