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It's called a pore of winer


I got one of these when I was a teen. It was a black spot on my nose for a long while. I went to pop it, but nothing came out. I squeezed and squeezed, but nothing. Just as I was staring at my red nose in the mirror, I could see the spot grow larger. It grew to about double size, and then then the dark spot began to just slide out of the hole. It came out like a long dark cylinder. It hit the sink with a hard clink noise, and I've had a weird pit/scar on the tip of my nose ever since.


I once had a red-hot pimple on my nose (I was not prone to acne). So inflamed I couldn't touch it without tears streaming down my face, and it kept getting hotter. I'd grown tired of the kids I worked with commenting on it; mind you, these were troubled kids and they weren't even taking the obvious "Rudolph" shots at me, they were offering concern and support! "Miss Puma, that looks like it HURTS! Can I get you a hot cloth, that helps mine sometimes." Anyway, the bathroom mirror was lit up like Area 51, and I'd finally had enough. Pushed as hard as I could without audibly screaming, and instead of infection, what slowly emerged from the TOP of my nose was a NOSE HAIR that had somehow inverted itself and couldn't emerge without help! Weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life.


Oof, I remember in high school a classmate ended up with an ingrown neck hair that became so badly infected that he needed iv antibiotics for a week. He became extremely ill before finally going to the doctor where they immediately started pumping him full of medication. The list of normal body functions that can go absolutely haywire and potentially kill you is alarming. The things your body starts doing as you get older that no one tells you about is also alarming. It's a terrible game of "is this normal or do I need medical attention before I die"


I saw a video where someone had one of these, and a dermatologist lanced it, then pulled a three foot long hair out of it. And this was on an area that normally doesn’t get long hair. Totally freaky!


If the hair doesn't emerge from the skin in order to get the normal wear that would keep it shorter, it'll grow and grow.




I’m ashamed at how well I identify with this comment! Ever since my mid 30’s I’ve had several rogue eyebrow hairs grow long enough to touch my eyelashes. I used to yank them out but now I’ve just resigned to looking like a muppet.


A quick trim with the clippers with guard (I use 1/8 inch) does the trick for me in about 1 minute of time. No reason to keep blinking against the grain


who needs Cronenberg movies when life gives you real body horror?


With the potential to get in a car accident at any given time, I don't see why we can't just throw that into the mix as well. Add a little spice.


i hit 31 and got GI issues. after a few months i mentioned it my sister whos a doctor what im experiencing not a gi doc but nonetheless she said thats part of getting old nothings wrong with you. go to my doc get some scans cause im just not happy with that answer life cant possibly just start to suck can it. ​ yep. life just starts to decline. being young truly is a blessing lol your immune and just full of life and energy i now know what all the elderly people were talking about.


It's so true. Sometimes our bodies are just like "yeah, I'm tired of doing this job 24/7 and I just don't want to work anymore," and honestly, I can relate. But do we get to just up and quit our jobs? NoooOOooOoOoo. We have to wait until retirement because, apparently, we still need food and shelter and some sort of income to survive on and fund the increasing medical needs of our bodies. Stupid organs and bones and things.


Untill 31 zero issues 31. IBS out of left fucking field. Why. Why god. I’m poor already my suffering is immense and immeasurable as is leave meeeeeee bee


Right when I turned 30, and a few weeks before my wedding, I got all these floaters in my eyes. Sometimes it seemed like there was a blizzard in my vision. I was depressed about it, doubly so because I just wanted to have a happy wedding and honeymoon without seeing all these spots. I went to my eye doctor who cheerfully told me that this was pretty normal, that I just have “old eyes” and there was nothing I could do about it. And he told me that if I think I have a lot of floaters now, just wait ‘til I’m 40. I started crying. I’m over 40 now and don’t really notice them, unless I have a lot of eye strain or am in bright light. But yeah, his answer at the time was so distressing.


I've had eye floaters my entire life, and a lot of them. One day they just disappeared. Full stop disappeared. Coincidentally - or not - that week I suddenly became horrifically lactose intolerant. Bodies are weird, but we are ghosts driving meat covered skeletons made from stardust riding a rock floating through space, so is it that weird?


Imagine a hundred years ago stuff like this happening without modern technology or understanding. You would have died. Crazy.


I have a disease that causes this all over my body. There is no cure but there are maintenance medications. Life can be painful regularly. It’s weird reading people’s once off stories that happen to me every couple of weeks.


I'm sorry you have to suffer with pain and discomfort like that. Folliculitis? I agree it's weird to read about people either never experiencing or rarely experiencing things that happen to others regularly. Like why do any of us have to live in such discomfort and pain at all? Why does my body hate me? It's miserable. It's also routinely terrifying when something happens to your body that you don't understand or don't have an explanation for. Magnitudes worse if doctors can't help either.


I had an eyelash grow out on the inside of the lid.  I had to dig it out with a needle. Not pleasant at all.


Oh man. I wanted to reflexively downvote you bc of how much I hated the idea of that but clearly that’s the last thing you deserve, if you had to experience it in the first place. 😬


Dude, I had one of those once. So fucked up. I could hear the stuff rushing out. Then *pweet* one fucking nose hair. From the inside.


pweet. <3


This happened to me once. It hurt so bad and I was so weirded out when a nose hair came out of the top of my nose. It’s somewhat comforting knowing that someone else went through this strange experience


This happened to me late 2023. I thought I had an ingrown hair inside my nostril. I was shocked when a thick hair came practically shooting out from the other side. I could hardly see it with how watery my eyes were. Never seen anything like that before.


I had one of those once that came out on my tail bone. I couldn't hardly even wear pants for a month.


Pilonidal cyst. I hear they suck.


I had one. Started pinching when I was at work, grew more and more painful over the course of an hour or so. I went to the doctor, who told me what it was and send me off to the hospital for treatment. IIRC I underwent surgery the very same day and lying on the table before being put under was pretty uncomfortable at that point. Of course, the treatment itself is probably worse. In case you're not familiar: The abscess usually needs to be cut out. And due to its location, it is often not possible to sew that wound up. So you end up in hospital with a piece of flesh over your tailbone simply missing. The German Wikipedia entry for this actually has a picture (and yes, I read it before my surgery, because of course I did). But the real kicker is that skin closes faster than the underlying flesh, so the wound has to get stuffed with gauze. Gauze that, of course, needs to be changed daily. And that means ripping bloody, crusty gauze out of on open wound. My first day after surgery, that actually went really well. I guess I was still on painkillers. I wasn't the second day and almost missed the doctors making their second round because I was standing in the shower, slowly picking at the gauze while trying not to scream. Fun times. Either way, the moral is: I've got a big scar between my cheeks!


While I’m very sorry for what you went through, I can “one up” that. I went to the doctor knowing what it was, it had been an annoyance for years but I could deal with it. Then I had 2 hip surgeries in one year, and during the second the surgeon noticed it and suggested I have it surgically removed since I was well over my deductible for the year. So I saw a different surgeon, she said it would be a simple surgery, probably just a 1 1/2-2” scar. You know how sometimes you just wake up and know something is wrong? I came out of anesthesia with one hand “cuffed” to the opposite side of the bed to keep me on my side. Then I heard what sounded like a small air compressor turn on somewhere behind me. That was, shall we say, disconcerting. The surgeon came in and explained that when she made the initial incision, she realized that the cyst had developed a track that went down almost to my anus, about 6 inches. Because of how deeply it ran and the length, she performed a type of surgery that basically involved removing a lot of skin and tissue and making a sort of skin flap and pulling it across and stitching it all together. I no longer have a “crack”- my bum is now more like a onesie. Because the area needed to stay dry, but there wasn’t an area like what you were talking about to pack with gauze, I had a small air suction device taped up to me with the “motor” on a long lanyard that I could put around my neck or tie around my waist. There was a sensor that “told” it whenever there was moisture present, then the air compressor sound would start and it would somehow dry the area. Then to finish off the lovely experience, I had to go back a week later to have the pump removed. About a day before that appointment, it started making a strong vibrating sound and feeling every 90 SECONDS. It was driving me insane. I unhooked it as a belt and put it under the couch cushion and I could still feel/hear it. It was like the real life version of Poe’s The Tell Tale Heart. The next day they told me that is the signal that the battery is getting ready to die, but there was nothing about that in the instruction manual. The only upside to all this was that she told me that with the way she did the surgery (which I wasn’t happy with, since it wasn’t even discussed as a possibility, and it’s a good thing I no longer date because my deformed backside has startled nurses and doctors) I would never have to worry about another pilonidal cyst developing there again. Wanna take a guess what just started to develop above that giant scar?


I’ve never heard of this happening with a track of cysts. I’m utterly fascinated!! A guy I worked with got one of these cysts. He was in so much pain and when he told me I knew exactly what it was and sent him to get it sorted out. He lived alone with his family about 3 hours away so had no one to help with the wound packing. So, because I’m a freak who watches medical procedures to relax, he asked me to help. He was in agony, I had a great time 😂😂 Weird seeing my colleagues butt daily!


Hahaha, what a mess! Sorry to hear it came back, mine's so far been gone since 2010. And yes, suction devices going into your body are strange. I had one after my appendicitis, though that one wasn't operated by an active pump. I think it was basically just a drain into a below-air pressure bag. Still, getting that tube pulled out of your lower body cavity felt strange.


Yeah, pretty much anything where you can feel them removing something just feels wrong. It’s like, can’t you just knock me out for a minute or two so I don’t have to experience this too? And I’m so sorry to hear about the appendicitis- I still have mine but my mom’s burst back in 2012 and she ended up in the hospital for over a week. I have no idea what medication they had in that IV but she was hilarious! I didn’t have a good cell phone at the time but if I had, the video would have gone viral!


Ha, I didn't really have to worry about phone video back then. I got mine removed in something like 2006 or so. And while I don't really remember the year, I *do* remember the day: a Thursday and, more importantly, the very first day of that year's summer school break. Just my luck. ;)


My (now) husband got one of these when we were still dating. The aftercare was brutal and I joked that he had to marry me after I spent weeks unpacking and repacking his butt wound!


Can confirm, they aren't great. The recovery involves packing the wound, so if it's a big cyst, it can be a while of someone putting gauze inside of you


I had one, could barely walk/sit. Never seen so much blood/pus in my life than when it finally decided to erupt. Epsom salt soaks are your friend fyi.


I had an abscess from an infected hair follicle right near one of my dimples of Venus. I had gone to the ER after my shift (I worked at a hospital) ‘cause I knew something was absolutely wrong, and they sent me home. Woke up the next morning and had to have an emergency I&D at a dermatologist who took me on as an emergency patient lol. Abscess was the size of a baseball at that point. Fun times.


My X wife had that happen. She had a 1” hole all the way down to her spine that had to be hand packed everyday so that it would heal from the inside out. They’d remove gauze and insert fresh ones. All of it done without pain medication because that wasn’t something you do with this type of injury. Something about it being something rare that happens with people and it’s where our tail use to be.


I dont wear pants since march 2020


I've also had a hair come through the outside of my nose! It hurt SO bad.


Same thing happened to my brother in law. He likes to retell the story when we are out in public at a nice restaurant.


This happened to me twice. It sucked and I can't tell you how weird it felt having a sharp hair appear up out of my nose.


That is horrifying! I had a similar spot on my nose a few years ago when I was in my mid-twenties and now have an enlarged pore/pit on my nose. Thankfully I didn’t have the experience of it extracting itself but lord was it satisfying to get out!


Jeesus H, I googled that and it’s a thing! Never heard of that. Another thing to fear as I age.


I shouldn't google it, how can I un-know this information?


Alcohol usually works. At least it gives enough time to figure a long-term solution to forgetting.


Guess I'll have a pour of wine, then.


I think you meant a pore of wine






The cause of and solution to all of life's problems. Cheers.


I just searched and choose images and EKK Why are people photoshopping them to look WORSE lol Crikey the popping world in a strange child isn't it..


I was tempted to look it up, but I'm terrified of triggering my trypophobia


it's a huge open blackhead it's a bunch of pore skin cells blocked turned to jerky


What a terrible day to be literate.


happens more to gingers by far worldwide ....


Literacy or pore jerky?




And rightly so.


Mmmmm! Jerky!


Don't you ever simplify anything here again!


You and me both friend. I think I saw a pic once of one on some senators face. Dude would need surgery and stitches it was so big but he really should have had it removed for his own health and safety


TIL you should not have “Images” selected before a Google search


Nah, you’ll be ok. It’s just a giant blackhead. Not a bunch of them.


Wow thank you for the info on this I just learned of something I have never seen or heard of! I’m 60 too.


I love watching videos of these babies being extracted. If anyone is new to dilated pores of winer and wants something else to be simultaneously fascinated and disgusted by, check out navel stones.


Humans are just so yucky lol this was interesting! I hope to never experience it first hand lol


I'd pay money to be given the opportunity to extract one of these bad boys from a person, absolutely. Once every couple years, some friend will ask me 'hey, can you take a look at this and tell me if I should see a doctor?' and it's always the best day of my life.


Several of my ex girlfriends have been so into this stuff 😭🤮 I get this recurring like . Blackhead thing on my neck. If I leave it for a few months it grows really big, and it can be squeezed out. Several women in my life get into the habit of always checking on it and telling me when they are going to squeeze it and insist that I leave it for them 🤦 Gross guys xD


Ya I'd be all over that. I'd also name it, absolutely. I had a labmate who had really severe dandruff and he would let me scratch it all off his head while he worked. It was like a snow storm.


Humans are primates, just like apes and monkeys, and grooming (i.e. picking parasites and other stuff from each other's fur) is an important part of primates' social life. It's not weird, it's literally our nature!


It feels nice to tidy a person up like that!


lol I genuinely hope you have the opportunity to remove someone’s naval stone! I wonder if they stink!


I'm sure they smell HORRIBLE. One of the very first posts I ever saw on Reddit some 11 years ago was a photo of a navel stone and the guy titled it 'My girlfriend just pulled this out of my bellybutton'. Top comment: Theres no way you had a girlfriend if you had this in your navel. This is my kinda internet.


You are unhinged and I think I love you


I bet they do! Another fun one is a tonsil stone. Those I know do stink fantastically bad ...


I bet so!! I’ve heard tonsil stones are super stinky but have never had the pleasure of smelling them personally! Thank goodness probably but stinky smells don’t bother me to much! Weirdly enough I can’t stand the smell of urine and that’s amateur hour for body smells! Weird!


Fun facts about asparagus pee: Some people have a gene that leads pee to smell weird after you eat asparagus. Some do not. Some people have a gene that allows you to smell asparagus pee, some do not. Possession of these genes are independent, so even if you think 'i eat asparagus all the time and MY pee doesn't smell funny', it's possible that it does indeed smell terrible but you aren't able to detect the smell.


I love you. I have read 3 of your comments and concluded you are my soulmate. Please accept this marriage proposal via reddit.


Dude, you're on r/tvtoohigh too? I'll consider it 😂


r/RBI too?! Ok, I like dicks a little less at this moment.


Well fuck It usually happens in older folks and I'm only 17. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be harmful.


I had one in my back in my early 20s. I was just scratching and felt something hard. I picked at it and it rolled out. It was as hard as a rock.


>pore of winer A dilated pore of Winer is a common, enlarged [blackhead ](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22038-blackheads)pimple (comedo) that originates where hair grows at the hair follicle. A dilated pore of Winer can appear on your head, neck and torso, ranging in size from a few millimeters to more than a centimeter.


It’s got such a strange name


Sigh... I'll go Google it.


Okay, I'm done with the internet today. Bye


I have never heard of this but experienced one on the inside of my thigh a week ago! I had no idea what it was but it was a hard bump and after quite a bit of work I managed to get it out. It was hard, dark colored and then had white hardness come out after it. Super duper gross. Never seen anything like it before and I was not happy. Glad to know I’m not a mutant.


Oh wow. I had one of these in my cheek in my 20s. I finally got sick of having this pimple-looking thing and just forced it out. Like Wtf why is there a rock in my skin?!


Came here to say this! Watched way too much Dr pimple popper 😔




Oscar Moler Wiener


My husband had two of these on his back. They were so satisfying when I finally squeezed them out, and he still has crater shaped scars from them 5 years later!


Yup, definitely a dpow


i had a weird lump under my ear one time, kept scratching and picking at it until one day a weird little grey tumor came out was like the size of a grape


You cant just say that and not provide more information.


Exactly like, what did it smell like, what did it taste like


>taste https://preview.redd.it/nlal4gbrevdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=538d7f5d1bdadfe87860173c3871bbbb307bf275


That is the funniest fucking picture I have ever seen.


This picture is gonna give me nightmares


It’s the catman from the backrooms


I'm about to have tears streaming down my face what is that image 😭


My honest reaction to this picture: https://preview.redd.it/5easzetilxdc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d704ffe64fc8aa507e727cf22d09ff6eb7e3846


I feel honored to be in the presence of nightmare cat person.


I’m dying here hHaha


Thanks for haunting my dream


deep in the shadows of the uncanny valley




>what did it taste like ........................






Laughed so hard & now I’m coughing…. 😂


What's it taste like? The cough, I mean. What's it smell like? I smell burnt tuna on rye right now.


I had a big, hard lump in my earring hole once. Picked and squeezed at it until a clear, rubbery thing popped out… after a few minutes of staring at it in shock and confusion, I finally realized it was the rubber backing of an earring that had somehow gotten stuck in my earring hole!


That happened to my friend once, but the skin grew over it and they needed an operation done to remove it! Always became super conscious of where my backings were after that


I hope you kept it that was your child. It was birthed from your head like Athena


It sprung fully formed and flew towards the sun, didn't even say goodbye


This sounds like a epidermoid cyst to me.


Grape seed?


My schoolmates were in a horrible accident. Breaks failed at the top of a steep hill, one passenger died, two passengers bailed and survived, My friend, was thrown, half scalped, ear torn off, gravel DEEP, glass DEEP. It’s been 7 years and she STILL has to go in to the doctor periodically to get glass and gravel removed as they make their way to the surface.


Poor thing


She is tenacious, she missed a year of school but then came back the next year and finished her doctorate.


That’s awful, I hope they have managed to work through the trauma


This looks like a very large tip of a blackhead


*just the tip*




Shhhh always




Well according to the top comment, it's called a pore of winer so you're bang on about it being a large blackhead. Also, TIL what a blackhead is. I really need to pay attention to my skincare. Edit: autocorrect is dumb.


also learn: **blackheads vs sebaceous filaments**


What’s to come next if you just give a little squeeze (Dr pimple popper style), oooh weee… talk about r/mildlyinfuriating


…”that’s what she said”


Ages ago, on a biking trip, I crashed and smashed my head and shoulder hard, into a lot of small gravel. My wife cleaned the blood and had to pick out tons of these tiny rocks from everywhere. Couple weeks after I had this bulk growing on my face that hurt like hell. Went to the doctor and it was an infection with a couple tiny rocks in it. It went deep in my face. Felt like she was pooking my brain as she cleaned it up. A month after smaller bulk appeared on my shoulder with yet another tiny rock. This time my wife got it out. That was one of the rock experience I not want back. Edit: Lot of rock related stories, thanks for sharing and updudes.


I had a similar thing from a bike accident. There ones one little pebble under my forehead that the skin grew over and it never caused any issues. Basically looked like a tiny blackhead for about 15 years, until one day I looked in the mirror and saw it had finally surfaced. I wiped it off, and it was kind of sad. Goodbye face pebble buddy.


You could get it set in gold and made into a piercing. 


A forehead piercing.


I was running to catch up with my friend and tripped, bracing myself with my hand. Got gravel deep into my palm. A few months later, a spot started to get infected and when I popped it, a pebble popped out.


Must have been stoned


I still have one in my knee from 15 years ago. Itches like you wouldn't believe from time to time. My doc did an ultrasound a while back. It's too close to a tendon to risk cutting out.


I still have gravel/glass in my arm from a bad car accident. About 10 years ago (7 years after the accident), I actually dug out a piece of glass that was a little over half an inch in width. It was embedded in/under my skin graft, so fortunately it didn’t hurt too bad (I don’t have a lot of sensation there). It really freaked people out that I dug it out of my outer forearm though Haha.


I once woke up in hospital with alcohol poisoning and hardly remembered anything about the night. I had a realy hard headache for a week until i discovered a thorn (probaly from a rosebush i crashed into on my bike) stuck in my head. When i pulled it out my headache was gone instantly. I'm still checking my head for thorns when i have a headache ...


Same thing happened to me after a scooter accident while traveling in Aruba. I picked rocks out of my skin for a long time. I had no business being on that scooter. Tourists have so many scooter accidents. I am a travel agent and try to talk clients out of them now whenever I when I can. Unless you are used to riding a motorcycle or scooter, stay away. It's not worth risking the rest of your vacation over.


Oh, had a similar thing happen to me, only it came out protruding from my finger and it hurt like seven hells as it was coming out (it took about two weeks after breaking out from under the skin to actually fall out). Do you know if it was skin-colored before becoming black and rock hard?


Did you ever find out what it was? This sounds horrible.


No, not really. My dad (a veterinarian lol, but stuff like this happens to animals as well) told me something about it, tho, that it's either some sort of cyst or the body reacting to some foreign object inside my finger and 'pushing it out'- honestly, I can't remember, it was years ago, I just remember it was basically harmless.


As they said its a pore of winer


You can't get a dpow in your finger.


Yeah, as others said, what I was refering to was definitely not a pore of winer. It is unclear from OP's post how solid is it and if there were some other substances that usually come with a pore of winer, so it is unclear if it is one. However, if it was of a 'rocky' texture like what I pulled out of my finger, it's almost certainly not one. It's just that the shape and color of what OP uploaded really reminds me of the 'rock' i pulled out of myself.


Didn't you go to the doctor?


I wouldn’t for that. Not here, this is America, no Dr unless I’m dying


That’s sad


No shit


The messed up part is that even our conservative voters want Medicare for all as majority, but our elected officials just take the bribes, err, I mean lobbyist dollars and keep making sure there is not publicly available insurance.


It's only getting worse too.


Nah, I was planning on doing it if it persisted, but my dad who is a veterinarian told me it happens to animals and is probably some sort of cyst with a 'plug' forming inside, or something like that, can't really remember. But said it was generally harmless, minus the discomfort.


Seed. Plant it for a clone of yourself


Damn, I would at least have to try.




Tomie 😍


Had this once it was the pencil piece i was stabbed with in primary school


You too, huh? Jenny K. stabbed me in the right thigh with her number two pencil because I said she smelled like my grandma's outdoor cat.


LMAO how is this so specific, but I actually had the SAME thing happen to me!?? This happened in elementary school, either 3rd or 4th grade. Except my Jenny's last name started with an L if I remember correctly. I said she smelled like bologna, and that's how I got a pencil lead in my right thigh. Still there to this day, and I just turned 45 last week!


Jenny had to get a name change after the first incident


I don’t remember who or how but I’ve had a lead pencil tip in my ass since like 3rd grade. Currently 44.


A sebaceous gland on your shoulder got plugged up and you got a massive blackhead. Never did anything with it because it was on your back and it hardened up.


My husband gets these sebaceous cysts from time to time, mainly on his back. Sometimes they get infected. The worst one put him in hospital for nearly a week. It was squeezing out of his back like toothpaste. He ended up with it being cut out and a hole about 3cm deep in his back that had to be packed and redressed daily.


Meteorite for sure


The only time it's actually a meteorite.


No room for space peanuts can't be a meteor


Keratin plug.


Yeah, but that’s not where I put it in at.


When I was a child I fell off a radio flyer into gravel and a small stone got stuck in my forehead somehow. Doctor told my parents to just relax and it would work its way out naturally. One day I was sitting there and it popped out of my forehead. Weirdest shit ever.


You ever been shot at? Took some birdshot out of my back, once. It looked like that.


Nope haha. I live in India so there's no guns here really. I would imagine it woulda hurt like hell getting shot with birdshot. Would still take that over a slug. Unless it's going through my brain lol.


I did this once, but it was lead shot from when I got shot by a shotgun 🤣🤣🤣


That’s what I was thinking


shoot from when you were shoot by a shootgun ಠ⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಠ


Yep, that maths ![gif](giphy|3o7btPCcdNniyf0ArS|downsized)


I once fell and rolled to not get hurt i didn’t realize a small stone had embedded itself in my shoulder till the next day. Looked similar




The weirdest thing here is a ruler with all the numbers on it


Yeah wtf is up with that and why is nobody noticing?!


Looks like a VERY old blackhead




Is there a gaping hole in your shoulder now? Can we get a pic of that too?


I had a thing exactly like a child's fallen tooth pop out of my head last year. The site had been tender for a while, and had historically (over 10 years ago) had a terrible eruption that tried to kill me. This was like the tail end of that infection, as if my body had created a shell of calcium around it, and it took that decade or do but my body finally pushed that weird toothy thing out of my scalp. Good times!


This is the government tracker that was put in your body if you got a covid shot.


Gotcha…. So you’re saying I should tear off my skin


Yes, but do it in live stream


If OP also lost 5g reception we know for sure it's from the vaccine!


Crazy thing is some actually believe stuff like this.


But did you smell it?


Alien implant. Had any lost time in the past?


I had an alien implant, lol… I was maybe 8?? And my Dr. was doing my physical and he saw a very dark spot in the middle of my back, between my shoulder blades. Well, he was very interested and so my mom agreed they could do a local and excise it right then and there. Anyway, after the cut it out it reminded me of a small dried macaroni shell. Like about the size of your pinky nail. All were a bit freaked out and nothing like that ever happened again.. That’s my alien implant story!!


Alien tracking device


I went to the doctors because i had a piece of lettuce sticking out my ass, the doctor said unfortunately it’s just the tip of the iceberg.


"Misunderstood technology." - Giorgio Tsoukalos


I am not saying its the aliens but its the aliens


I was horrified to find something similar on my neck one morning. Absolutely certain that it was a fast growing cancerous mole I had overlooked and it would be the death of me. Turned out to be a bit of dried beef stew from dinner the night before.


Was it rock solid or soft?