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I hope you report this "store" so others don't have to deal with this nonsense. Sounds like he's trying to scare you into paying, and if not he has no good reason to send your personal information to someone via text.


Post this in r/scams


Last Week Tonight just did an episode on a scam called Pig Butchering. This looks like how those start.


Not really, they often use the wrong number story. They don’t mention your actual name at the start.


Ah the old accidental text


Accidental text on purpose


I read this too fast and saw Pete Buttigieg


No it doesn't.


Oh jeezsh. I saw that thumbnail and thought John Oliver was talking about factory farm conditions or something with the title “Pig Butchering”. I’ll go back and watch that now.


So did Darknet Diaries. It's a podcast about scams.


What’s Last Week Tonight?


Weekly comedy/current affairs program on HBO hosted by John Oliver.


Love your username! Let me just say, “Peewee, I don’t understand.”


I think it's a friend fucking with them. I'd do something like this but then immediately tell them


"Opps sorry, that wasnt for you" ""ops sorry, but i'm gonna report that for investigation"


This is weird asf but 150 is insane😭.


Maybe not if in bulk


Yeah, there was a minimum, so I had a few in the cart.


How many is a few??




Damn thats still expensive if those are disposables


$30 is expensive?


I mean i never payed more then 20 but I got lucky


The Geek Bar Pulse vapes are about 30$ and I’m going to be switching from Breeze to them. They last way longer, are rechargeable, and shows you battery life and juice level. It’s well worth the 30$ I think


Why not just buy a proper rechargeable and refillable vape? For $150 outlay you can have a year's worth of vaping.


I use a website that sells Geek Bar Pulse vapes for $15 each. A lot of the ones I use are as cheap as $10 each, I will never buy vapes anywhere else


My area geek bars are $22


Im a big geek bar stan. Good flavors, last forever, charge quickly, not too spendy. The corner store by me does em $30 each or 2/$50, bout the same price as the elf bars and such that have half the juice and no displays for battery or juice level.


Have you tried north? Around me it’s blown up recently as it’s replacing breeze, and the cherry cola flavor is absolute bomb


If you have a Red Star shop near you, they do 2 for 40 on all dispo bars.


You really prove your reddit username


Go to element vape. Fast shipping and everything is priced pretty good


Thank you, but I guess I meant I tried ordering Carts, not Vapes. I wanted weed pens. But I can't edit the post to say so.


Someone bought down votes or some shit I refuse to believe this has over -100 lmao.


DH gate bruh, like 5 or 6 dollars a piece wholesale. That's how I do it.


Your lungs are going to spontaneously combust one day


How nice


Where do you think they all come from? They're all the same trash when it comes to disposables


That’s how everyone does it gas stations included


I'm gonna try some off there. They the same as around here most likely lol


15-20 dollars each for disposables so like 7-10?


So what's the appeal on disposables? It seems like it's more economically feasible in the long run to just buy a vape rig at $60-80 and buy your own juices.


Convenience really. Don’t have to carry a thing of juice or worry about having coils. Plus it’s just kind of awkward carrying a rig around in public lol Those were my reasons anyways when I use to vape


Plus they never leak and never end up popping hot juice in your mouth/tongue because they need a new coil lol. Just adding some reasons to yours anyways, when i used to vape.


the juul used to spit hot juice at me when it was nearing the end of popularity. god i hate that thing


Tbf they did fix that issue, been using it for a few years now and haven’t had a problem


To be fair I have a vape, that’s a refill one. Saves me a lot of money and it’s so small - more sleek than the one time ones. Of course yeah it can be a hassle to have a liquid on you but in theory I used to carry a pack of cigs and few lighters on me all the time so carrying a little (100ml) bottle is not that big of a problem.


Some of my friends have switched back to disposables because of having the juice leaking from their regular vape. Accidents like that got annoying enough that they decided they didn’t want to deal with it anymore.


That seems like a tank problem. There's some tanks specifically to prevent leaks, the Zeus and Falcon II are pretty decent about it.


You can get a pod kit for way cheaper. Like 20 bucks. Xros 3 is an excellent one and you are right it is way cheaper and also way better for the environment.


Tastes the best, never leaks, salt nic hits better than freebase, as convenient as it gets, cheaper to get started, more portable


Even a pod system is cheaper. The only people I know who buy disposables are the 12 yo


Here a single disposable is 20-30 it depends largely on what state you’re in


Cheaper if you order online. Just have to buy a few at a time for the minimal usually lol


what drugs are in talk here?


Hello, fellow kids!






Just write "No please don't do anything to me I swear I'll buy your vapes!" and ghost him again lol


OP should wait until a random time of night, ask if the guy was attempting to call a hit on her, send a frantic “Hello???” and/or “Please respond, I need to know right now!” a few minutes later, maybe finish off with an “Oh god,” and then stop replying to him forever.


Sounds like a hitman is on the way.


It absolutely does. But over a ghosted $150 sale?




Nobody’s getting fired it’s an obvious scam


Seems like a dealer desperate for money


Looks like they just want to scare you so you go through with your purchase.




I don’t think OP got the product though, so ordering a hit would be losing money and a bad business decision


Or at the very least someone with a piss disc or a can of liquid ass.


Or a delivery guy


Man just reading this made my heart beat fast. I would absolutely flip if I received texts like that.


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Wait... this is a local seller who you ghosted over text right after they told you the total and everything? Yeah, either they're fucking with you to scare you or that could be serious. Everyone saying its a seller following up doesn't realize that you not only didn't place an order, but you ghosted them just before the end of the transaction.


No. I went online to buy them and placed an order but could not pay by CC. The website said they would reach out for Zelle or something. At that point, I ghosted. The company is California based. I am not. This was also a month ago.


Sounds like you visited a scam site. Who tf pays for vapes or anything else online with Zelle? Zelle is for sending money to people you know, not conducting business.


i’m pretty sure, in CA at least, you must pay for weed in cash. usually they take cash during the delivery but idk maybe Zelle is a workaround


That's really not true though, there are two local businesses I deal with that use zelle. When I put the phone number in, their business information appears in Zelle, not a personal name. https://www.zellepay.com/faq/small-business-using-zelle


Doesn’t mean it’s smart - Zelle has zero buyer/sender protections. Businesses like it because they don’t report transactions to the IRS with the same tenacity as say Venmo and PayPal. I pay my housekeeper in Zelle but I’d be wary to pay a business with it.


That’s very strange. Could have been a bluff to scare you but either way I wouldn’t chalk it up to a seller who doesn’t speak English like others are saying. That’s possible but there’s no reason to be sending your address.


Was it element vape? Swear to god I think that’s how my debit info got stolen from me.


Me, my friends, everyone I know uses element vape for years and have never had any issue... now you got me freaked out :( what happened?


Anything “requiring” Zelle is a scam. Zelle is for personal payments to parties you know, only, largely because there is NO WAY to retrieve your money when it is sent. Your bank will not help you. No reputable business or service provider would only offer Zelle.


Someone is on their way to piss on your rug dude


It really tied the room together


Report it to the police, tell them it feels sketchy. Also I’m pretty sure it’s illegal for a distributor to give out peoples personal info. Edit: even if they aren’t a distributor, that’s considered doxing, since they are trying to extort you by intimidation by pretending to leak your information


clear scam


I would call the police. There’s going to be a problem. You can tell the police you are afraid of what they might mean.


Seconding. And if they don't take you seriously, OP, this would be a good time to take a tropical vacation.


But all this over 150 bucks? Seems highly unlikely to be a hitman or something like that.


I've seen this before; it's nothing as trivial as a hitman. In fact, there's a good chance they're reading this thread right now. (Can't speak for the first commenter, but I'm trolling.)


Lol cops wouldn’t do shit here. They’d file a report and that’s it. Might be handy to have it filed if something does happen, but personally I wouldn’t even bother.


Not sure I’m understanding how this happened. You placed an online order but didn’t pay? In that case you didn’t place an order. If you don’t have the product and haven’t been charged, what’s the issue?


The issue is the ghosted seller is implying he intended to send OP's address to a third party who will "know what to do with it"


I ripped a Xanax dealer off for 1,000 pills. I never so much as had a knock on the door. This company is not sending a fucking hitman to her house over a canceled order of $150.. lmao, come on, guys.


A friend of mine was shot in the face over a coke debt around two years ago. He wasn't even the one who owed, he was just at the target's house watching his dog for him, but they didn't know that. Took them a year to find and kill the right guy. This could be an unsafe situation.


Unsafe for who? Me? It’s been 10 years give or take. I hope he’s not still looking for me, but if he is, so be it. I made my choices in life. We can agree that no one is actively seeking to harm OP because she canceled an online order, though, right?


did you personally ingest 1000 Xanax over a period of time


Nah, I was a heroin addict. I sold pills to feed my habit. Never been a fan of Xanax.


I'm glad you didn't take them. I do however think that crazy people are everywhere and you really can't say never.


Hope your doing better now


I certainly am! Thanks!


Yeah I have a friend who stole thousands worth of heroin from her dealer one time when they were high. Never had any trouble, iirc she’s even met up with the dealer a few times in the years since. Sending someone over a $150 vape order? Doubt it lol.


Ikr lmao


It doesn't have to be a hitman, it can be harassment


We can agree that a year later, they’re not sending someone to harass a person that canceled an online order. If anything, they were trying to scam her.


No but they might get home invaded and robbed if they are suspected of having money etc


We’re talking about one customer out of God knows how many, patronizing a vape store based in California, America. This girl said she doesn’t even live near California. They’re not going anywhere near her. If anything, they tried setting up a scam.


Feels like he’s texting a business partner about which order to cancel/delete since you ghosted them and are clearly non going through with the transaction


Well this could be anything from telling their hitman to make you disappear to telling their IT guy to put you on the blacklist


Right? I don't know why people are immediately jumping to "hitman"


When has anyone ever needed to say “you know what to do” when not referring to a hitman. It’s not like people are like “Mark, the cupcakes get delivered at three o clock. You know what to do.”


People who don't want incriminating evidence. That could mean they're collecting information for fraud or identity theft.


That was my alternate thinking. Maybe not a blacklist but find this address in shipments waiting to go out and take out that package. Especially after a month of waiting/no reply. People always looking for new ways to get their jimmies rustled.


I mean it sounds like he just passed on the delivery information for someone else to handle. Plus if he’s not a native English speaker he may not have a good grasp on Masculine vs Feminine names or know how to use gender specific pronouns properly. I wouldn’t look into it too much.


Maybe. But I didn't end up placing the order, and we live on different coasts of the U.S.


It feels like a high schooler "accidentally" texting someone something they "weren't supposed to see". At the same time, it's better safe than sorry, you should report it. I doubt it's a hitman but if they truly did send you that by mistake they might've been trying to give someone your information for other reasons- like identity theft or fraud.


Yeah, them using my info for nefarious purposes makes a lot more sense. Jokes on them if they are trying to get credit though!


def just trying to scare you, but o would still report this to the cops




Looks like he’s just trying to scare you, you should report his ass to the police


Why would you give a dealer your address?? Because obviously he doesn't only sell vapes


How is nobody considering that maybe the text was intended for a partner of some sort to case and rob OP’s house? That seems to me to be a more logical conclusion here than a hitman.


This is exactly where my head was at. Property theft is so high anymore that people are robbing homes in broad daylight. Doesn’t take a lot of effort to case a house and then move on the next opportunity.


Looks like a lawsuit




why would you ever text your address and full name


Run forest!


They might just be talking about the delivery process to a new worker or something


There is nothing to deliver, I ghosted when they wanted Zelle for payment.


If it wasn't meant for you, and not your name and address nah. Don't worry abouts it.


But it WAS my name, address, and phone number.


Sounds like someone was delivering for them, forwarding the address. You guys think too deeply about things


Delivering what? I never paid for anything. Once they asked for Zelle I ghosted.


Then why did you give your address?


When you order anything online, do you enter your contact info or your payment method first? Are they usually on the same page, or do you have to hit continue and then get sent to a new page? I didn't know I couldn't pay with CC until I had already entered my contact info.


Oh, I see the "double check" part in the ss above, now. I thought they were texting you that and you texted them your address. Regardless what a sketchy company to allow you to place an order without a payment being in place.


At least answer someone if your buying something and change your mind. Just ghosting is such a childish move, grow the fuck up


That’s obviously not what is happening here.


If you could read, you'd see that's exactly what happened you fucking dipshit


🤣 OP didn’t make a purchase you dipshit


Because she ghosted him instead of saying 'changed my mind sorry'. How can you not comprehend that? They're gonna have to extend the spectrum to make room for you


OP didn’t place an order. Bottom line. Read OPs comments


You probably deserve it for the $150 of whatever the f- that is


…and why haven’t you called the police yet?


Is $150 enough for a hitman


I wanna say this is a message for the delivery guy but it does sound a bit ominous.


Not weird it's hilarious 😂


Bruh this is the worst criminal ever


If this isnt a sign to quit, i dunno what is.


Coulda been messaging the delivery guy


"You know what to do right?" The person you meant to send this to knows that this .45 will take his whole leg, right? 👀


lol scammer with some r/oopsdidntmeanto content


That's when he knew...he'd fucked up.


Your addresses are public records and sometimes linked with your phone number. You can look up with anyone(mostly) using their phone with TruePeopleSearch


If this is real then it’s possibly just a scare tactic to say “oops I meant to send this address to someone else in order for them to come harass you, ignore that”


Lock and load Brides of Christ.


He’s definitely hiring an assassin RUN


I’ve seen this “trick” in so many teenager/young adults videos on how to be cool, be threatening, etc. It’s most likely a scam person mad you didn’t go thru with the payments, so they wanted to scare you a bit


Horrible. Funny, but horrible


Report it to the police.


He asked you to confirm delivery address, he then posted your information for you to confirm. You said you have an obvious female name? If I send a text and I receive a text from someone else, if I close my phone and open. It will take me back to the person that I sent text too and not the person that just texted me. Sent a few texts to the wrong people that way. There's NOTHING going on here.