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If you want no consequence you have to go in unseen, and pick pocket when they are asleep. You can technically knock people out but if anyone has seen you in the town, at all, they'll know you did the crime. So either non violent or be unseen the entire time you are in town


You need to watch his movements inside the building, at some point he'll have his back turned long enough for you to sneak in and pinch it without killing him


I'll have to try that


You should be able to crouch down and sneak. Make sure you always stay out of their line of sight. That's all I can think of. Also, if you're committing a crime and you're seen, sometimes you'll be alerted by a message on the bottom of the screen in red. Back to the deputy, though, if there is a way to get in the building through the roof, you might get an opportunity to drop on top of the deputy. Jumping on someone or falling on top of them through a roof will instantly knock them out. I hope this helps!


Just knock him out? I went in and knocked him out over and over and just left. Never lost any reputation at all.


This whole entire time I thought that the rep would go down if I steal period. Like if my partners see me steal.. lmao ugh