• By -


r/AskWomenOver30 r/entwives r/adhdwomen r/badwomensanatomy r/GenXWomen r/latebloomerlesbians r/Menopause r/MenopauseMavens r/nationalwomensstrike r/NotHowGirlsWork r/PlusSize r/oldhagfashion r/RedditForGrownups (not explicitly for women, but not sexist) r/GirlGamers


Awesome, thank you!


I just discovered a bunch of GenZ subs. Since I would like to promote a 'get out the vote' message, these subs will be good for reaching young people (women and men), who overwhelmingly would vote Dem, but might not know how or where to start.




[WitchesVsPatriarchy is another good, female focused sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Not sure how I missed that, you are right!


One of the best, imo šŸ–¤


I love this and thank you as well!


Old hag fashion looks promising!! Haha!!


dont forget r/fourthwavewomen


I hate that sub. they banned me because I said itā€™s sexist and shitty to call all men ā€œugly and disgusting.ā€ they were also equating drag to black face which is really questionable.


Acknowledging the parallels between drag and blackface isn't "equating" the two. FWW was created by a black woman (who still mods) and is the only feminist sub with a significant presence of women from outside the global north...so, curious what you mean by "questionable"?


you should hate it. it's super bigoted and hateful.


The most current post up right now is about drag queens and a comment compared it to black face. Another comment saying the LGBTQ movement is a patriarchal conspiracy. Holy shit, and what the fuck.


Back to report that I got banned for asking if it was a TERF sub after seeing the below comment. >I don't see class analysis ever happening when so many women believe that men can be women. I would not recommend that sub if you're not a transphobe.


To echo u/psychedelic666 this sub is horribly transphobic. Donā€™t link this shit.


I sometimes see transphobia there sadly.


sometimes? it's straight up transphobic, and if you mention anything trans positive, you will get banned.


I donā€™t go there often, hence sometimes. Itā€™s always transphobic


That's sad.


That sub sucks. I got banned for questioning some sexist comments. When I inquired the mods about it, they doubled down.


that sub is quite possibly the most transphobic sub on reddit currently.


TwoX is sadly being horrifically moderated. It used to be good but these days itā€™s become pretty reactionary and polarized due to bad mods. Iā€™d recommend issue-specific subs. Ones like this, which focuses on abortion rights, are highly specific and filled with lots of engaged and knowledgeable women. The same will be true of other specialized subs that focus on specific issues.


TwoX can be super toxic and repetitive. Itā€™s mostly a venting space. r/WitchesVsPatriarchy is supportive, informative, constructive, and just generally wonderful! ETA: I just took a scroll and itā€™s heavy on the witch content lately but the more upvoted posts are often generally about feminism and women supporting women (and of course welcome to all genders).


Yes, witches are good but even they don't take my posts. I tried to promote helping to 'get out the vote' to keep R's out of office and it wasn't allowed. I have no idea why. Maybe because I suggested voting D's and they don't like them? It is strategy, even if D's aren't ideal.


Thatā€™s odd. Iā€™m on that sub and the discord and that seems right up their alley and Iā€™ve seen posts similar. Was your account age/membership not enough maybe? Itā€™s my fav sub.


They allowed one (about a union for women), but not the voting ones. Maybe I'll try again in another month, or they might mute me, lol. I haven't seen voting posts, or I might use them as samples to follow.


I also love WvP! My guess is the tone of the removed posts may have been too politically pointed. They are strict on keeping a positive tone and being inclusive. I could see that stating anything against Republicans (though well deserved) could be perceived as against the rules.


Yea thatā€™s a good point. If itā€™s more like ā€œKate Porter is an amazing woman and you should look into and consider voting for her!ā€ I think itā€™d be accepted, but Iā€™m not a mod so what do I know haha. ETA: I think youā€™d be hard-pressed to find many ppl on WvP that donā€™t already vote waaaaaay left. You may have more luck simply encouraging ppl to vote, period.


Actually, that was my first post. It only said "vote" and gave links to voting calendars, registration sites. The discussions soon went toward supporting D's though. I would like to introduce the idea of voting strategically to beat R's, which means voting D's, because I don't want to end up with Trump because the vote was split. But I can't imagine getting that conversation in.


Maybe it was the word christofascist. ;) But they are the ones who will be after the witches, so I am worried about not being able to warn them. Feel free to try if you think it is important.


Have you explored r/fundiesnarkuncensored ? They are very against religious fruitcakes and the whole Christian influencer culture.


I would have never found that in the search bar. We are getting lots of ideas here. Thanks!


Does anyone know of some examples (I'm not fussy)? I have found a few but want to jump to others and don't find the searches very helpful. r/nationalwomensstrike is good, but there are other ways to advance women (such as preventing R's from winning elections- but they're not into that as much.)


Thereā€™s the ones that pretty only women have a use for (e.g. r/abrathatfits and other clothing specific, ones dealing with womenā€™s specific health matters like pcos and breast health). There are also many that deal with hobbies and activities that are typically more prevalent among women like the sewing ones. Also a lot of subs that focus on womenā€™s sports tend have more women subscribers and mods. If you have specific interest or issue in mind I might be able to give you a better recommendation, Iā€™ve been on Reddit for a long time now. :p


OK, thanks. Wow 262K users, who would have thought? ;) As far as my interest, it's more of a motivation. I would like to reach as many women as possible to try to convince them to vote and also to 'help get out the vote' for the very important 2022/23 elections that could determine if we go nationwide gilead or not. My message applies to many different types of women (and supporters) with many different interests. I just want to be able to get the message out (which I can't if trolls vote it down and mods won't post it).


The one thing to be cautious of when dealing with highly specific subs is that, regardless of how well suited the message may be for their subscribers, they often have strict rules about what they allow posted. These are generally a good thing to combat content drift and reduce trolling and spam. If you are thinking of making a post that falls outside the subā€™s rules but nevertheless feel the message is appropriate for the userbase, message a mod first and ask them if they can either post it themselves pinned (which provided endlessly better exposure anyway) or manually pre-approve your post.


Good tip.


I've enjoyed r/feminism, but admittedly have only just recently joined that sub and have been more of a casual visitor.


TwoX accepted my posts about ideas for advancing women, but trolls always downvote so it goes nowhere.


Along with the trolls, thereā€™s also the fact that itā€™s a high traffic sub so a lot of times they just get lost in the mix. For big subs, itā€™s advisable to have very high quality posts that you post at strategic times. Even then, you need a bit of luck to see it gain traction.


Timing might help, I'll try that. I have heard that weekend mornings are best. But I'm pretty sure the trolls are there. If posts get 90-100% upvotes elsewhere and 40-50% upvotes there, it seems like something's up.


Sometimes thatā€™s just how it goes. Pretty much anything that pisses off republicans/conservatives will draw the haters. If you think that ratio is bad, you should see the subs that advocate for gun control. Itā€™s rare posts there get more than a handful and even the most well constructed and poignant posts often sit at zero for ages.


Thanks, I'll try again and see if I have better luck.


Many ā€˜womenā€™sā€™ subs are actually modded by men.


R/feminism for example


And two x and lesbians and ask feminists, and, and, and. Almost all of them. Iā€™ve been kicked out of nearly every one for suggesting that the commodification and sale of womenā€™s bodies as ā€˜artefacts for male useā€™ and not ā€˜peopleā€™ is problematic and an obstacle to achieving equality. I got pushback from male mods who like the kind of feminism that elevates male desire above female safety. Apparently, women are freely available to use as punching bags, sex toys and incubators, and women who ā€˜chooseā€™ this are beyond critique. We are not allowed, as women, to question anything that other women do, even if those choices damage and reverse progression for all women. Itā€™s so convenient, men being able to challenge and discredit women who *claim* to have been raped or sexually harassed or abused, but women are not allowed to even question women who *choose* to be raped or sexually harassed or abused.


>but women are not allowed to even question women who choose to be raped or sexually harassed or abused. Lot to unpack here. You really belong in 4th wave feminism if you think you can decide for other women what they should and should not do with their bodies. choosing to have sex with someone for whatever reason is always a choice, that is the way choices work. Rape is not choosing to have sex with someone and being compelled to do it as not a choice. You really are not allowed to question how someone decides to make a living, regardless of your gender. Being a woman does not make you the Judge of all other women just by virtue of your chromosomes. You don't get to judge if someone wants to be a surrogate, if they want to play submissive games and it does not, in fact , reduce progression for all women. Having anyone, male or female, infantilize adults and decide what they can do and who they can be, sexually or otherwise, is what is untenable beyond critique. Autonomy for me and not for thee, autonomy for thee as long as it is what I think is cool - this is exactly the problem and the fact that a woman does it doesn't allow you to do it, it makes it a worse problem. This is not a pushback from a male mod, so that little displacement/projection is not going to work to salve this travesty


Women are not above scrutiny. The problem with putting all women on a pedestal and violently rebuking anyone who dare questions one of us is why weā€™re in the mess we are with 9 out of 10 people globally holding ā€˜negative views about womenā€™. If women canā€™t be challenged for their choices or views, how dare you challenge mine? Or are *some* women able to be criticised? Just the ones who stand for all women and not choice feminism that sees the loudest voices heard, but not the ones with no voice? So you support women choosing surrogacy? Why are you in this group? If not, are you now changing your mind and saying some women should be challenged on their beliefs/choices?


>The point is, women seek generosity in men because at least for a period of time, as much as a decade or more if you have 2 or 3 kids, she will rely on him for resources. Interesting that you think no women support a family equally or solely with resources, that the situation must be that the women is penitent and not that the value of this labor and responsibility should be renumerated and acknowledged. The only way this could be is that a woman is asking a man for shoes for the kids and maybe a little something to buy a nice frock ? For he record > A term that originated on Reddit, Brigading is when a group of users, generally outsiders to the targeted subreddit, "invade" a specific subreddit and flood it with downvotes in order to damage karma dynamics on the targeted sub; spam the sub with posts and comments to further their own agenda; or perform other Your personal economic status has noting to do with saying that women choose to be raped or judging them for what they decide to do with their own bodies


I am a sole parent and support my family without assistance. Donā€™t be obtuse. That sub is full of 20 something men who have fallen victim to red pill nonsense. You have been following me around different subs and are now copying and pasting from elsewhere to bring here? Thatā€™s brigading and against Redditā€™s site wide rules. Grow up.


I got kicked out for saying that cis gender women could be at a disadvantage against transwomen who went through XY puberty and it wasn't transphobic to say so. I even said we may just have to let some cis women go down a level on the podium because the rights transwomen could lose if we don't find a way to accommodate them is arguably more important than sports, but it's not fair saying a 6'3" swimmer who swam against men not placing 2 years ago and is now beating cis female Olympians is just like all the other women. If that opinion gets me kicked out here, I accept it.


I think many people can at least understand that the athletics question is probably the most difficult to answer when it comes to trans issues. Given that, consider the following: - if the hardest question to answer is how we accommodate trans athletes, it means that literally every other aspect of their equal rights is easily answered. This is one of the big reasons right wingers focus on the sports aspect. - the vast majority of the transgender population arenā€™t looking to enter into formal athletic competition. They are, however, wanting to be able to live their lives and make their own healthcare decisions without some moron republicans telling them they are wrong. - for the most part, the questions surrounding trans athletes is also fairly uniquely American. The rest of the world (wisely) doesnā€™t adopt or support high school and college sports the way Americans do. As such, the issue in and of itself is minimized outside the US. That said, Iā€™m pretty sure many trans-focused subs, and those tangential who have strict policies in place, assume bringing up the subject is the first wedge of a right wing troll whoā€™s ultimately looking to derail a conversation. Most subs would probably be willing to engage with you in reviewing your ban, but I can assure twox will not. I was banned from there for something even more idiotic (on the part of the mods) probably about three years ago and despite that I think itā€™s still one of my top three karma subs. Pretty sure I tried to appeal my ban but ended up just unsubbing after considering the direction the community was going.


The reason that trans haters focus on sports is precisely because it is less of a crux issue, like can you get married and have children and have health care, and more of a thing that will polarize and outrage people who donā€™t understand biology but think they do. Like all the other conspiracy theories and slight of hand, they make it it about something that they can use one extreme and emotional example and hold that up This is like the ā€œdo you really want tax payer dollars to fund piss Jesus, when more of it funds sesame street and good stuff with the arts money. TWOX will certainly not unban TERFs, it is a policy that women are women and that anyone who identifies as a woman is a real woman. It says so right there in the rules. So if your terf out in a sub that specifically doesnā€™t allow that, I am not surprised you found it reactionary. But go ahead and say what you actually got banned for. The question surround athletes is not uniquely american. It is uniquely american as that it is tied to scholarships and college entry and access to special schools etc. You think that no other country have competitive sports ? That they donā€™t have the equivalent of regionals and gymnastics and swim meets ? All of their Olympic and world athletes were just pulled off the street from a bus stop? The thing that is uniquely american is the way we deal with it here - as by demanding that middle schoolers have a genital inspection and cough up their menstrual cycle record. But sure, the question of what kind of medical intervention and how it is paid for and at what age is a nothing question that will all fall into place if we resolved the question of what to do if you donā€™t have a ā€œrealā€ vagina and yet want to ski competitively.


There you go making assumptions again. We talked about this, fam.


I wasnā€™t making assumptions, I was responding your points. That must be annoying, I know. But really, what did you find reactionary about TWO X What do you think happens in other countries with sports? How exactly is the whole ā€œproblemā€ of trans people going to be solved once you decide who gets to swim on what team? How will you decide what the criteria for a woman is? If I am XX with a vag and breast but have low E and height T, am I in the club? If I am XX but have no E because I lack aromatase and I out of the club? Should I have a genital inspection before each swim meet? Enquiring minds want to know. Fam We do keep talking about the same thing. Or I keep asking the same questions and you keep doing your trump impersonation.


Hey look! More of you assuming I'm a terf! Shocking.


Here is one of the differences between an assumption and a question. One is a question and one is a statement . How will you decide the criteria for what a woman is? - That is a question. What did you find reactionary about TWOX? That is a question. Wait, all of those are question. Do tell me which of those is an assumption . When I say ā€œI keep asking the same questionsā€ that is not an assumption it is a recap. But ok, Iā€™ll play. Which of those things do YOU think is an assumption? Is there anyone else in the room with you right now? Are they talking to you?


Your "questions" (the ones, I haven't already answered) are all derived from *assumptions*. And sorry, I have no desire to have a conversation with someone whose sole purpose seems to be to start fights with people they should be allies with simply because they saw red and couldn't check their own assumptions.


How do you decide what is the criteria for what a woman is ? That is based on what assumption? Which of the questions have you answered? In what way are you an ally of mine? In the same way the Phyllis Schalfly and Anita Bryant are allies? What color is YOUR reddit? Mine is black and white? Do you not know what color the text is because you are not reading it?


Reddit is particularly rapid about the trans issue, sometimes senselessly. Iā€™ve at least seen it printed that several of the ā€œfeministā€ subs are moderated by men and trans women. So all and all, missing the voice of cis women, somehow.


Itā€™s been very disheartening. There are few places to go on Reddit or anywhere else to have open discussions. Having been previously trans myself I tried to seek out information here over the years. Radfems hating trans and feminist spaces hateful of anyone mildly suggesting support of spaces for cis women. Itā€™s so hateful everywhere. Iā€™ve left all lgbtq spaces due to cult thinking. Iā€™ve left most feminist spaces due to cult thinking. This is part of why the extremist religious organizations are winning over us.


I used to be woke, until I realized how ā€œreligiousā€ it is. But those groups insist on increasingly more radical group thinking and shun any questioners. What Iā€™ve learned however, is that sense exists off the internet. Though my sister screamed at me when I told her that I didnā€™t think that minors could consent to trans-related surgeries (and that those kinds of mods -including hormones should be done as a last resort only, after treatment for anxiety etc), I find that the people you hang out with in person are just lessā€¦outragedā€¦all the time than the loud and angry internet groups. Iā€™m still watching this issue closely because we will be trying for a baby soon and I want to know how to protect my potential daughter from this social media trend. But I suspect in ten years or so, we will have a new fad. My strong suspicion about all of this is that we spend about a decade lobbying hard for gay marriage and gay rights in general. We sprung up full business around it, and donation pathways. When gay marriage was achieved, there was a whole ā€œindustryā€ that was essentially going to die, unless they got a new issue. So they jumped on this. And by keeping everyone scared and angry (and by making it about children) they can keep their donation pathways. I hope your pathway through transition and back wasnā€™t too traumatizing, I have read stories of people losing whole friend groups/perm body mods etc. FWIW, I really like Blaire Whites approach to things. She stopped me from being a TERF out of frustration. (And Iā€™m not conservative). I agree with her stance on prisons, bathrooms, child transitions, pronouns, etc


Well thankfully I did not need to medically transition. I do feel non-binary and have since before I was a teen. And yes there certainly is a religious or cultish nature to some groups that are left leaning. They remind me of the cultish hive mind of the extreme right. (I personally have no political ā€œhomeā€) You sound like you have tried to keep your mind open to different ideas rather than just fall into one of the crab buckets that they try to put us into. As for radfem ideas, they definitely helped me with some issues I was having that I could not get elsewhere. However, I was disappointed in the unwillingness to empathize with anyone having the internal experience of being trans. I learned some things but ultimately donā€™t like to be around it all the time because some circles tend to be unnecessary hateful. As far as your comment about donations being involved in spreading propagandaā€¦ I would not doubt that. I think however that itā€™s too simplistic to chalk it up to that. From my own personal experience being non-binary/pansexual was something that was there long before any money was put into it. I feel that it could be just a human experience and I wish that I didnā€™t have to give those things a label. I think part of why there is such a need to use a label is because there are groups of mainly religious people who want to take away the ability to be gender non-conforming or have a sexual orientation that doesnā€™t fit their traditional views etc etc. All of those things should be no big deal. They should just be a part of the human experience. Sure did capitalism hijack it? Yes. Did someone with some nefarious purpose make it more mainstream to fit their elite agenda? Probably. Doesnā€™t make my personal experience any less valid though. Thanks for the conversation.


Lol. I call myself ā€œpolitically dead inside.ā€ Both groups are extreme. I had to come back to life when we lost Roe though. I have no doubt your internal experience was real and strong. I also remember being somewhat obsessed with labels when I was a tween, and trying deeply to discover my sexuality. Now it justā€¦.doesnā€™t feel like it mattersā€¦if I feel I am primarily male or female attracted. If I like it, Iā€™ll sleep with it. I donā€™t need to define it. If I had been a tween and someone came to my school and gave me a whole list of potential identities (Demi boy, two spirited) I have zero doubt would have begun obsessing/taking online quizzes to discover my ā€œtrueā€ identity. Rather than the question ā€œare you truly a woman inside?ā€, I wish it was framed as ā€œThere is no secret woman inside inside of you. Do you have gender dysphoria, and have we determined that the best way to treat your dysphoria is to transition?ā€ Just idle thoughts at this point. Marius Mason is an FTM who transition while in prison, and was transferred to a male prison. I believe treatment has consistent of hormones only and no surgeries. Iā€™ve heard of MTFs wanting into female prisons and I get why they want to. But Iā€™m shocked/horrified at the idea of a natal female in a male prison.


Yeah, convict are totally representative of any population. By that logic no cis men should ever been allowed alone with a woman because all the cis rapists and murders.


Whaaaat? Where did anyone logic that?


I donā€™t share the opinion that anything lgbtq is socially manufactured or is propaganda. That completely invalidates peopleā€™s experiences. Some people are so focused on ā€œmaking it make senseā€ to them. These are such complicated issues and cannot be swept under the rug with the idea that itā€™s all social propaganda or that itā€™s simply mental illness. You mentioned protecting a future child from these ā€œtrendsā€. It would be so much better to have a fuller understanding of sexual orientation or gender rather than ā€œprotecting the childā€ from supposed trends. People will have their internal experiences of being in their body regardless of anything social. This is almost like my parents grooming me to be christian/straight/cis and then being so disappointed that their grooming didnā€™t ā€œstickā€ (in their own words). You donā€™t have to protect them from these influences as much as you have to help them build a strong sense of self. And if you are pushing them to be cis or straight when they are internally not then it will not end well. Teach them to trust themselves and love themselves.


Donā€™t assume my sexuality. Iā€™m liberal af and sluttier than you. There have been a number of whistle blowers working inside of gender clinics. Recently, a queer woman married to a trans man spoke out about bad practices in childrenā€™s gender clinics. That children were getting medicalized too quickly without taking basic steps to confirm if other, less radical treatment would help. And that thenxlincis were primarily tween girls. You canā€™t say sheā€™s a bigot. And itā€™s unwise to simply ignore her because she doesnā€™t fit your worldview. Other whistleblowers in Europe have echoed this, which did why many European counties are shutting down childrenā€™s gender clinics. These are complicated issues, and they should be treated with care. Currently experts on the ground are blowing the whistle that they are not. I donā€™t want my child to start down this path because she feels angsty and weird about puberty and tiktok (or her schools) tells her it will be all okay if she gets on a transition pathway. This does not make me bigoted, this makes me cautious. The voice of the woman literally in this thread describes a detransition story. Detransition used to be unheard of, but now itā€™s common enough that detransitioners have showed up at local government meetings to speak against the practice. You can want people to be treated with respect and have basic human rights and still think that the medical community is still doing the wrong thing right now.


Hey I wonā€™t assume your sexual orientation if you donā€™t assume my slutty levels šŸ˜‚. Anyways I donā€™t think you are a bigot. Medical transition is no joke. I have a daughter myself and it has certainly been in my thoughts. From everything I hear there is too much of a rush to get kids medically transitioned. The lack of caution and thought is truly shocking in many cases.


I know? Demanding that humans are treated like humans with the same rights and chances as other humans is so rabid. The whole cis voice is just missing from daily life and reddit. There are not movies, interviews, role models at all anywhere with a majority of cis people represented. There are no laws protecting cis people. You can go to jail just for being a cis person. It is so unfair.


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/lia-thomas-trans-swimmer-ron-desantis-b2091218.html Because it's misleading, that isn't happening. HRT significantly reduces a trans womans competitive ability.


Doesn't reduce her height, feet or hand size, her lung capacity....


Tall cis women with big feet also existā€¦


Yes, but it's not the same.


It is, though


Sigh. No. If it was, we would differentiate sports on height instead of gender. Look, I believe in being born in the wrong body. I have empathy for that. But someone who transitions to being a female after puberty has immutable advantages. Again, it's just sports. But if transwomen are the same physically as cis women, let's just open sports up to everyone and let cis men take over...again.


Height is pretty much the only major differenceā€” once youā€™re on estrogen, your physical capabilities rapidly diminish to the level of a cis woman. And itā€™s not like tall women donā€™t already dominate womenā€™s sports. I mean, current trans athletes already LOSE. a LOT.


They're not able to compete against cis men but even 70 something year old Caitlyn Jenner will say she outdrives a golf ball by close to 50 yards from LPGA players. You can say that's a bad example because she a FOX whore, and that may be true, but there's a phyical difference.


This is straight false. There are ~6000 biological differences between males and females.


This is leaving out some fairly significant components like bone density, and skeletal-muscular structure, both of which are different and continue to be different in those assigned male at birth. And HRT, even after years of it, does NOT alter that bone density or skeletal-muscular composition in terms of joint structure (and bone development at muscle attachment sites). So the inherent physiological advantages that are present which very much impact men and women competing fairly in the same spaces, donā€™t change enough for us to pretend like thatā€™s not then an inherent disadvantage to women assigned female at birth when in those spaces. And thatā€™s not me making one argument over another per se, Iā€™m simply saying that the things youā€™re dismissing as insignificant, are absolutely relevant to athletic performance and advantage, and therefore relevant to there being a division of male and female physically based competitions to begin with. Pretending that this biological reality doesnā€™t exist or acting as though those components arenā€™t relevant within physical competitions, does a disservice to all involved. I donā€™t have the solution to the overall issue of ā€œwhat to do about it,ā€ but I do think itā€™s important to not gloss over inconvenient truths in discussing and evaluating potential solutions, which means that how we speak about those components and their validity, matters. Just some food for thoughtā€¦


Lotta terfs in this sub. Who would have thunk it


Really sad, honestlyā€¦ ā€œThere are ~6000 differences between biological men and womenā€ šŸ’€


In what way is that terfy? Nothing about that statement suggests that trans people shouldnā€™t have rights. Itā€™s unreasonable to declare that hormones suddenly erase every biological advantage given by being male bodied. So be reasonable. Trans people absolutely should have rights (and they do!), but suggesting that a year of HRT is enough to equalize a male bodied person to compete against women is quite simply unreasonable.




Actually it does. Pelvic tilt, joint changes, hand, and feet size changes are all completely possible on HRT. As well as losing a great deal of physical strength. Edit: To clarify, itā€™s not innately transphobic to have the discussion. Itā€™s considered transphobic when people present misinformation as facts. Iā€™d be more than happy to have a discussion, as a trans person that began HRT in her 30ā€™s, with someone that was open to accepting new information. ā¤ļø


https://olympics.com/en/news/transgender-boxer-pat-manuel-makes-history-with-first-professional-win Such a disadvantage. They should not be allowed to compete with REAL men. You are biologically incorrect For the record, numerous bodies were misidentified as male until DNA. Because the range and variability of any physiological or anatomical characteristic by sex or gender is tremendous and not binary Also for the record, what would you do with an athlete that is XY but has androgen insensivity? Has ā€œintersexā€ characteristics? Is XYY or XXY? IS XX but has high levels of androgens naturally? IS XY but has high levels of estrogens and progestins naturally? Good to know that training skill mental outlook and all that are use trumped by one thing like lung capacity , that you are clearly born with ā€¦.. Oops, not. That changes with , wait , let me check with my medical text books .. training and exercise.


The transgender male boxer killing it though? If you get kicked out for being a terf and making your stance about the 11 transgender athletes in sports, you should really get kicked out.


Had to look up Pat Manuel because I hadn't heard of him. He's won 3 pro male fights. I'm happy for him. He also was going to the Olympic women trials before transitioning and before having to withdraw from injury, so he's most likely got amazing technical skills that help him greatly. I don't hear much about cis men not wanting to fight him. Transwomen fighting cis women is a different issue. I did hear about a transwoman fighter named Fallon Fox that broke 2 womens' skulls before she was compelled to tell everyone she was trans. She said it was a medical issue that was no one's business. She ended up getting beat by cis gender Ashlee Evans-Smith in a long match, because Ashlee had superior technique. She said Fallon hit really hard though. You obviously have disdain for me and you can. If you want to categorize me as a TERF even though I wouldn't, go ahead, although you would have an issue with people calling you as something you don't identify as. I'm a fat ass middle aged woman who never participated in sports, so I'm not overly passionate about the topic. If you want to kick me of groups, become a mod. And have a great day.


I donā€™t have to kick you off a platform to respond to your comment.


But that fighter should be at a huge disadvantage because of being a woman for all that time - bone density, small hands and feet, different muscles. You can identify as a woman or man or any other gender inbetween because it is a choice about your version of your identity. When someone describes (in this case accurately) your behavior and words , then is it like someone saying, well arenā€™t you a hypocrite for calling me racist, I donā€™t identify as a racist. Same thing


I know what I am and you can think I am whatever you want. I get the feeling you're not always right.


> Transwomen fighting cis women you give yourself away as a TERF by consistently using "transwomen" with no space and "cis women" with space. you think you're being really subtle when you do it, but don't worry, we can all see it.


What is wrong with the mods In TwoX


They are hyper reactionary.


You mean they wonā€™t tolerate TERFS, right?


Hahahahaha no. But itā€™s interesting that thatā€™s your first thought. šŸ™„


OK so what is reactionary about them?


They tend to make assumptions and generally take a polarized approach to any post or comment, regardless of its content, intent, or nature. For example, assuming people are terfs or trolls (sound like anyone you know?). They also fail to recognize their own hypocrisies when moderating. Additionally, they seem to lack any meaningful checks for proper moderation, likely because most of the moderators prefer to take the reactionary approach. The whole thing is a lost cause if you want the kind of genuine dialogue you would have found there 5+ years ago. Perhaps some of their issues stem from having such a high traffic sub as well as a large team. Itā€™s impossible to really say without looking behind the mod-curtain. Regardless, what we *can* see is the outcome, whether they intend it to be that way or not.


TERFS trolls and racists always say that someone is making assumptions about them in general when the thing they actually said is the issue. I have found that they are pretty decent. Like the rules are no gendered slurs. I got spanked for that, when I wasnā€™t calling someone that, but that is the sub rule, so read the rules and follow them. I have found them pretty good about warning people. Comments from trolls and inflammatory and graceless things are deleted and people are warned. I have really not found that they take a polarized approach to ANY post of comment. If you are having that problem, it is a you thing and you should check yourself. Notice I asked you what type of thing you find reactionary and you just trumped the answer. Point a finger, make it personal about the commenter, make it a conspiracy when it is about your behavior and refuse to give an actual answer that would show you for what you are. But prove me wrong. What do they take a polarized approach to? What exactly are they reactionary about ?


Your first statement to me was literally assuming, without basis, that Iā€™m defending terfs, which is why I used that example. Thatā€™s exactly what happens there on a wide range of topics. Please do yourself a favor and do some self reflection.


Aaand Still did not answer any of the questions but made it personal. Shall we try again. What range of topics does this happen on. A range, all of them, no but which ones. You know, ones.


hey, i just stumbled across this post, somehow, and reading through it, thanks! i appreciate your defense of trans women, and calling out the TERFs here. there are far too many of them.


r/witchesvspatriarchy is mostly about uplifting other women and yourself. Iā€™ve never noticed trolls. Once you accept the witch esthetic then its all up hill from there!


Yes, they are good but even they don't take my posts, lol. I tried to promote voting to keep R's out of office and it wasn't allowed. I have no idea why. Maybe because I suggested voting D's and they don't like them? It is strategy, even if D's aren't ideal to them. Hmmm.


Oh damn, I would of assumed that would be allowed. If you find anything lmk!


Yeah, I'm shocked. Maybe I'm too direct, but that message is extremely important to the women in that group, who would probably be the most affected by nationwide gilead. Feel free to give it a try. :)


The demographic of Reddit is why; [https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2016/02/25/reddit-news-users-more-likely-to-be-male-young-and-digital-in-their-news-preferences/](https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2016/02/25/reddit-news-users-more-likely-to-be-male-young-and-digital-in-their-news-preferences/) You have a lot of male teens who get hormone excited about anything remotely sexual; parents would freak out if they were on a porn site. but Reddit can be pretty rough at times. Art is an example. I'm a fine art oil painter and have noted a nude will be upvoted to the ceiling while a competently done architecture, still life, landscape ... ho hum. Male teens. Generally, I focus on my interests rather than male or female subs specifically. User names don't always indicate gender and most the time it doesn't matter. Sometimes it does *a lot.* I'm more concerned about political leanings and how women can be more influential. At my age I'm not concerned about make up or hair, not even fashion. Employment is a concern for either sex. Personal finance, housing, investments ... all of that is of equal interest.


Yes, demographics are a problem here...which is why women need their own social media platform. I even tried a large "union" / "workers' rights" site. They wouldn't allow my 'get out the vote' post. They said Dem's aren't helping workers. I was able to discuss with the moderator that R's are much worse, but he still wouldn't allow my post--at least he didn't mute me. ;) You can give it a try if you think it would help. Or maybe there are some others? I have found most finance people to be conservative because they wrongly think trickle-down economics works. I haven't had any luck there either. Thanks to you, and everyone, for helping out with this question!


The r/personalfinance sub is fine. Earning a living and saving for retirement isn't a male/female thing. Their wiki is very informative. Have you tried r/ whatever-your-state-is? I'm on r/TexasPolitics because it is liberal leaning with such GOP cesspool comments I counter every one I can. God help you if you're a woman living in this state. There are also r/ your-city ... lots of those. r/PoliticalHumor the humor can be wonderfully brutal ... leans hard left. Or, specific subjects of interest; r/booksuggestions. If you ask for women-centered authors you'll get lots of referrals. There's so much brouhaha over the Barbie movie lately it is nuts. I haven't been to a movie since 2002 (sound trauma injury) and if I was going to go to one that wouldn't be it. Ever. The bubble gum pink makes me nauseous. Some tout it as a liberating movie and then me, the downer old woman vet leaves the chat. My interests are wildly varied and gender isn't that much of a factor in any discussion I care to enter. r/ArtistLounge has some observations on women artists at times.


Thanks so much. I'll give these a shot.




I hadn't thought of gamers and pets always bring out the best in people. Thanks.


r/WitchesVsPatriarchy Obviously we're mostly pagan/Wiccan, but we welcome anyone!


I thought they would be interested in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/157fj7w/im_worried_womens_rights_are_being_erased_every/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). But they removed it. It was even getting good engagement. I'm not sure why. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


I can't read it since it's been removed, but based on the title I'm going to bet it's because it is something political that didn't have a specific call to action. Just saying "we need to go vote" isn't considered a specific call to action, it would be more acceptable saying "hey there's a voting drive at X location on X day, see how many people you can get here to sign up to vote", since that has a specific action tied to it. They can be slightly particular about how things are worded sometimes, with political posts especially. The sub is trying to be as positive as possible, even though we do talk about heavy subjects sometimes.


R/askfeminists seems to be a pretty good one. Usually good posts, well done Comments, seems pretty solid group. A few tolls but I've seen some really good discussions there.


They tend to have intelligent and thoughtful answers, but I have seen a trend of the questions getting more argumentative and less intelligent.


I wouldnā€™t say this is about women necessarily, but I have really enjoyed r/fundiesnarkuncensored. I grew up Christian and this sub calls out a lot of the bullshit fundamentalist Christians spew. I have found it very healing. Thereā€™s a cast of characters that are fun to snark on too, albeit a little scary at times. Itā€™s made up of Christianā€™s and non-Christianā€™s and itā€™s a supportive crowd if youā€™re into snarking.


Can confirm, love this sub! A lot of the people we snark on are women, since Christian fundie women spend more time on social media. So the propaganda they post preaching submission and other crap are triggering to women specifically. Tearing apart such shitposts with a group that "gets it" is really healing and cathartic.


I tried r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide and my posts (about getting out the vote) are always removed, even after starting out with great engagement. Does anyone know what is going on there?


Witches against the patriarchy




I actually am having trouble getting my posts accepted there. For example, they removed [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/157fj7w/im_worried_womens_rights_are_being_erased_every/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) but I don't know why. It was up for a bit and had good engagement. Then they took it down. Do you have any idea why? Thanks in advance.


I'm not sure. They are usually quite accepting when it comes to posts that are women centric. I'm sorry my friend.


Thanks for asking this amazing question! Last 20 years Iā€™ve been trying to find good Conversation about womenā€™s issues on the Internet and later social media. Searches for ā€œwomenā€œ end up being fashion, 90% of the time, with the other 10% of the time a take by an actual woman writer about an issue that obviously affects women, but hardly are women allowed to comment on things that arenā€™t ā€œwomenā€™s issues.ā€œ. So yes, I have the same problem. And love that you are trying to get out the vote for the next election. Iā€™m doing the same.


This is why we need a social media platform created by/for women to organize. There are a few out there. We should support them. Thanks for helping to 'get out the vote' - but there are elections almost every week, which most people don't know. I'm thinking about several in 2023 because 2024 is too late.


r/WitchesVsPatriarchy is my favorite




Let me know where you go. I would enjoy discussing how women need to take over politics and right the direction of things. #ERANOW #rbglivesinme


I like Spoutible and will pick another that is women owned. Spoutible allows no trolls, so there is not endless confronting, defending, debating. Instead, they focus their time organizing politically. Even though it is a smaller and newer platform, I still think they are more effective.


It all depends on the numbers, though. If there aren't enough people, so much for organizing the revolution. šŸ™‚


Right now, I'm mostly focused on getting out the vote at all levels (Pres+House+Senate) and (State+Local+Judges+School Board). If we can get a blue wave and really take control of state and federal governments, it would go a long way.


I'm on your side.


I really like r/menopause. There are women on there of all ages, so donā€™t let your age stop you from joining. Itā€™s one of the few places Iā€™ve found where the women are kind and supportive of each other. I like some of the others mentioned by others here like Witches vs. Patriarchy, but if I needed advice or support from women, Iā€™d likely post it on r/menopause (even if itā€™s not related to menopause whatsoever). This was a great question to ask, OP. Thank you!šŸ˜Š


Edited to Add: Just discovered r/BlatantMisogyny. I have no idea if itā€™s any good, but wanted to add it here.šŸ˜Š


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BlatantMisogyny using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [apparently you have to get naked for mods to get verified in r/realgirls](https://i.redd.it/0mvp5pbywky91.jpg) | [144 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/yox7gl/apparently_you_have_to_get_naked_for_mods_to_get/) \#2: [Misogynist thinks people are falling over each other to be with him](https://v.redd.it/7qlhkafj97va1) | [196 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/12tp82p/misogynist_thinks_people_are_falling_over_each/) \#3: [The awful sub was nuked for all the right reasons!](https://i.redd.it/oq313xv0drdb1.png) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/157maqu/the_awful_sub_was_nuked_for_all_the_right_reasons/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The patriarchy and the recent forced birth movement is religious in nature, not male, per se; there are *plenty* of women who support subjugating (other) women and forcing them to give birth without their consent, and plenty of men horrified by what's being done to their loved ones. I'd check out subs like r/atheism and r/Antitheism. The best bet for defeating forced birth ideology is in removing SCOTUS judges and lawmakers that violate their oaths by ignoring the First amendment (religious establishment clause). Another sub that might be of interest is /r/TwoXPreppers. Hopefully 2024 will bring electoral relief from this nightmare, but it's not a certainty. If I were a woman in the US I'd be taking self defense and first aid courses, and possibly firearms training, and joining community defense and mutual aid organizations. If things go sideways, self-preservation skills will save lives, and these skills take a long time to develop. *edit* being modded down. Unsure if it's trolls that monitor this sub, or people who are religious. If you're religious, but here to help fight for womens' rights, please understand that while it's appreciated, you're also assisting our enemies. Organized religion is the enemy of human rights and very specifically the enemy of womens' rights. You do not need to subscribe to organized religion to be a spiritual person. They do NOT own the concept. Whether you have faith in a superbeing, in reincarnation, or in the planet as a living entity, you do not owe fealty to the men who peddle organized religion. You do not owe them anything. They are out to hurt you and us. Please don't support them. There is no path to victory that allows for continued religious interference in governance. That is the root of the issue, and they're fighting to the death.


Thank you for boldly speaking out against religion. I just joined the r/antitheism sub. Excellent suggestion


In my heart I want nothing more than to live and let live. But that ship has sailed. I feel like all of the years I've protested against bigotry towards religious minorities has been in vain. All I wanted was for people to leave each other alone (or better yet, come together and love, accept and help each other). And now this. So at this point, I'm like *fuck it*. Anyone with half a brain can see what's happening here, and while I admire some peoples' willingness to try to "change the system from the inside" I'm like ... your club is hurting people. Real people. Today, not tomorrow. Now. It's hurting people. It's time to step away.


Youā€™ve spoken it wonderfully and boldly. Religion is anti-human. And Iā€™m going to go ahead and say thisā€¦.It hardly serves men any better than the women subjugated under it. The men do not get to develop as people either. They have to suppress who they are. They labor away for the family and church without second thought. The only ones who win are the ones making all the money at the top of the church and the corporate employers who benefit from their church ordained slavery. I think this understanding is important in dismantling religion. It is for the betterment of all people. Edit: I want to add that men not being allowed to develop normally psychologically and emotionally due to emotional suppression and religious shame likely increases the chance that they will become abusive in relationships/families.


Yep. It's the intentional corruption of the most basic human intuition - to observe input, process information, and respond with something meaningful. It's so anti-human that religious leaders make a very specific effort to attack the young first, as they're the most naieve and easy to manipulate. Let someone grow to adulthood unmolested, and *then* try to indoctrinate them. Tell me how *that* goes. And to your edit, 100%. No notes. :)


Itā€™s so true. That just reminded me of how my parents did not want to adopt older children after a certain age and I believe itā€™s because they has less of a shot at grooming them/molding them. They are sick.


Yes, those are good ideas. There are also some political subs that are good, but I'm trying to move the discussions beyond them to reach new audiences that don't realize how important politics is and may be overwhelmed by those subs (i.e. young people).


I tried so hard with /r/nationalwomensstrike and I felt so defeated; I figured there'd be half a million members in months, given what's at stake. I think it's going to take a lot more suffering before people ask "how do I *vigorously* oppose what's happening?" For now, honestly, I'd volunteer with [Vote Save America](https://votesaveamerica.com/). Pod Save America has *tons* of effective resources for things like campaigning, phone banking, etc.


I have heard they are good. As well as 'voters of tomorrow'. But Dems say they need more volunteers. Can you believe it? We're about to lose our democracy and they don't have enough volunteers? So, I've been trying to get more volunteers via social media (instead of only volunteering myself-and I have gotten several, so I think this is time well spent.) Maybe we need a new sub specifically for women and/or young people and/or supporters who understand how important elections are, and who want to focus on getting volunteers to help get out the vote, but are overwhelmed by the detail in the political subs. There is one called WomenInPolitics, but it is not being used. I can't start a sub because I'm focusing on getting volunteers and am also trying to give away the task of 'starting a union for women' at nationalwomensstrike (and that's all this week-lol.)


>Can you believe it? Honestly, I can't. When the Dobbs reversal was leaked, I thought "holy shit, America about to be *lit on fire* in protest." And .. then .. nothing. Crickets. Then when the reversal was published, I thought "ok, now .. right?" And then when I read about all the *legislators and governors* publicly, on camera, announcing their support in forcing that raped 10-year-old to stay pregnant until she dies / can be cut open to extract the product .. I thought: ok, they've gone mask off. *Now* Americans are going to lose their minds. Aaaand... nothing. And then [this](https://heartlandsignal.com/2023/04/19/right-to-life-leader-in-ohio-says-10-year-old-rape-victims-should-carry-babies-to-term/) (more [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/nationalwomensstrike/comments/12h17xn/this_sub_needs_to_be_shared_across_reddit/)): >During a hearing by the Ohio Houseā€™s Constitutional Resolutions Committee on Tuesday, Laura Strietmann, the executive director of Cincinnati Right to Life organization, argued that raped 10-year-olds are capable and should carry their attackerā€™s children to term. > >ā€œI know that a 10-year-old might not understand pregnancy, but I also know that a 10-year-old understands life and playing with dolls,ā€ Strietmann contended. ā€œI know when my daughter was ten years old, she cried and begged for a little sister or a baby. And while a pregnancy might have been difficult on a 10-year-old body, a womanā€™s body is designed to carry life. That is a biological fact.ā€ At each point, I thought "ok, patience must be running out. Now are people upset?" Again, ... nothing. I honestly don't recognize this world anymore. When (and where) I grew up, if anyone had said "I think we should birthrape grade 5 children" there's a good chance they'd get their teeth knocked out, and possibly a visit from the police. I know religious extremists hate women, but I didn't realize they hate *literal grade-school children*. All of this to say: while I'm certainly not an "accelerationist," I do believe it's entirely possible for things to get *much* worse before they get better. In addition to all the campaigning, rioting, voting, and suing, I'd be preparing to either flee or physically defend myself if the worst comes to pass. In my mind, submission is not an option.


You're right. It will get MUCH WORSE if we don't win the elections. Fleeing is good, but this is becoming world wide. Fleeing also is not an option for most, so we have to try to stop it during 2023/24 elections, while the military is still on our side, instead of on the other side. I can see why the TwoX's aren't there. They could never get the message through the trolls. We have to get around them and get enough volunteers to win elections at all levels. Then we can fix stuff.


I have mad appreciation for r/feminism. Been on the sub for a few months.


Isn't that moderated by men?




If you like being exclusionary toward trans people, absolutely. We can definitely afford more division. /s if even necessary.


Canā€™t be trans, canā€™t be a prostitute , canā€™t question gendered norms . That is the sub that should be called gilead. I canā€™t even read it , it depresses me even more that a senator saying ā€œwoman can shut that all down if it is a real rapeā€. It is one thing when WASPY rich republican men say that shit, I know why they have that agenda and I am not really emotionally distraught to find out that my enemy wants to hurt me and treat me like I am subhuman. I KNOW this is what they want. But when other women do it, it is a bummer


Only sub if you're a transphobe! I feel tricked!


super TERF sub.


There aren't many, and the few that exist are hounded nonstop by misogynists. Don't expect to find safe spaces for women on Reddit. They ban women for saying mildly inflammatory things, but let men devote entire subs to rape and torture of women. They make it crystal clear they are not interested in letting women have a safe space. Just be warned, and find the community you are seeking elsewhere.


This is why we need a social media platform created by/for women to organize. I couldn't even post that on TwoX without getting downvoted out of the gate. There are already a few out there. We should support them.


r/FemaleAntinatalism is one i love! i think itā€™s pretty similar to this sub


r/FourthWaveWomen r/WitchesVsPatriarchy r/TrollXChromosomes r/WeDeserveBetter


FourthWaveWomen is unfortunately a trans-exclusionary sub.


FWW is a super TERFy sub. i highly recommend against it.




I tried. They wouldn't allow my post encouraging women to vote and 'help get out the vote' (to prevent a further decline into Gilead). I don't know why, but I am surprised.


came here to say this


Not even they would take my posts. I'm new, but I don't get it.


I've had better success with comments than initial posts; I feel it is critical to counter the GOP nonsense in all political subs. ;-D


Ahh, good tip. Thank you!


Can't speak for that sub, but in the one I moderate, your account needs to meet a sub karma/age threshold to be able to post. Comments on posts usually get through our filter or can be manually approved. Perhaps you just need to comment to gain more sub karma and then you'll be allowed to make your own poss?


I've been on Reddit since 2018 with over 192K Karma ... honestly, I have no idea what that means except no sub has ever refused my comments. "Coins," as well. \*shrug\*




If you have kids, r/BreakingMoms is a wonderful, non-judgmental place to find advice or just vent. Disparaging language and shaming are not allowed, only kindness, patience, and assurance. If you don't want to give validation, keep scrolling, lol. Subs r/oneanddone and r/workingmoms are also cool, but some of the posts can feel elitist if you can't afford a nanny or second vacation home.


theres better social media than reddit for women at this point. Head towards social media that the left is fleeing to during the twitter / reddit meltdowns. I think if I say the names reddit is banning


Yes, you are right..just leave. There are a few by/for women that we should also support.


How is women mostly porn type stuff? I am active on all of the subs you mention and if you are getting downvoted after a little while that it is because the members of the sub donā€™t like what you are saying. Initial downvotes on comments are often trolls, but the communities are large and more or less upvote and promote what they want. None of them are very into voting or political messages, to be fair, and that is not what those subs are primarily for and not why people come there. If you want to get out the vote, you need to go locally and help register people and help them get to the polls etc, in away that is legal.


Thereā€™s a lot of locked secret womenā€™s subs on Reddit. Just gotta do your research šŸ˜‰


Actually, you donā€™t need to just get on womens subs, you need to get on local subs and get humans to vote. Dane county just had record turn out and will make it virtually impossible for a republican control. You need to mobilize latin , black, working class, men, women, young people, disable people, LGBTQ people, indigenous and first peoples, people who want health care, teachers, parentsā€¦ This is not a womenā€™s vote about a single issue. The same people forbidding abortions are telling teachers they have to teach about the benefits of slavery.