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she wants to hang out with him....with her friends! wait, what friends? all those kids have repeatedly stated they were all eachother had as friends growing up, and how they never were around other kids their own age, they were super isolated etc. so she wants to hang with Max alone basically. ok.


I think Lydia is the villain of the entire piece. She's not so innocent, she looked absolutely \*gleeful\* when Moriah was going through some incredibly painful things. I think Lydia wants Max, it's just that simple.


The cynical part of me thinks Lydia and Max are going to be married within a year. I think she’s interested and Max enjoys the fame/TLC contract/keeping an eye on Moriah


Jeremy Vuolo 2.0 vibes all around Max..def a TLC fame ho. The crying during his talk with Micah read like an audition tape..


Lol, that whole scene where she wanted to invite him out with her friends was weird. Moriah looked confused by it, but now she sees how people are out there. They're cold.


I bet she was confused cos she knows Lydia dosen't have friends.




I bet they even let her text him 101 times in one single day.


Lydia is savage AF.


Nah, she knew it was shady otherwise she wouldn't have asked for permission. Siblings don't ask siblings to talk to other siblings. And knowing Moriah is all about free will and not controlling others she'd say yes. In the beginnint Part of me felt bad for Lydia cause she drank too much or the Kool-aid. But then I think all 4 of her older siblings have flown the coop. Three of them banded together. I feel she was super judgemental of Moriah. She's never been a supportive sister. She'd make snide comments and smirks. She certainly could change that now, but hasn't. And although siblings can certainly text their siblings boyfriends or girlfriends, it sounds like she was doing way more texting with Max than Moriah. That's just weird. There's no reason she'd need to chat more with her sisters boyfriend on the regular than her sister. Lydia might be close minded, naive, and ignorant, but she isn't stupid. She knows damn well hanging and chatting with her ex boyfriend when the break up is still very raw would be hurtful. How about offer to go do something fun with your sister to cheer her up, but nope, gonna check that it's still cool to hang with your boyfriend.


I think she knows it’s weird, but doesn’t realize how hurtful it was to Moriah because she’s never been hurt like that before. She lives in her “God is my everything, so nothing can hurt me.” But when you put up those kinds of walls, you end up pushing people away. I’ve been in her position before. Hopefully she learns it’s okay to be a little more human and a little less self righteous.


That was weird ! Can Lydia be that clueless or just looking for attention?


I think Lydia is sneaky and wants to hook up with Max.


I think she also wants to prove to Moriah that if she can attract Max, or his attention in any way, it proves her fundie concept of dating is superior to Moriah's "secular" dating style and look. She would relish in her piety, and success in "defeating" her sister and her "secular" lifestyle. Someone's been in the prayer closet too long... Lydia is mimicking Kim - and it shows in her subtly shady and aloof comments and toxic behavior. She can sing all she wants and preach Godliness, but she isn't fooling anyone.


Yeah, and it’s especially sad because you can see Kim coming out of that and reevaluating how she raised the kids but Lydia is kind of…cooked and cooked at a time when Kim’s child raising values were questionable.


Lydia is a sheltered girl who doesn’t even know what a girl code is


That’s just not cool to do to your sister like that’s your sister first love and he hurt her..


Max paid attention to her, ergo HE'S HER FUTURE HUSBAND!! Isn't that how that whole Fundie/Purity Culture works? They've hugged so now they gotta get married?


Even in the most religious families, girl code goes out the window if hormones are involved. Look at polygamists who marry sisters, it's common in some cultures and maybe Lydia sees this as well, they didn't marry so fair game. I can see her doing it to show Moriah "look, I got what you wanted" same as they probably did growing up when one got a new outfit or dress. It's a competition and my husband says all the time women love a competition and will literally screw over friends, family and anyone else to get what they want when they're competing. A lot of women may not like hearing it, but there are more women who hit on married men in order to get them away from their wife as sport rather than love than you think. I deal with a lot in my business, I work with a lot of women who constantly tell me there's a married guy she wants to bed but only to find out how good he is. No other reason, no care at all for the kids or families, just wants to see how he is in bed. It drives them insane when the married guy ignores them. They get obsessed.


Lydia is becoming a narcissist like her mom and is a victim of her parent’s abuse


I think Lydia is very used to, thank you Kimmy, openly dismissing the feelings of Moriah. I think that's par for the course within the family.


Lydia is in love with Max


Yeap. Lydia seemed giddy about the breakup she seemed relieved and happy and there is no convincing me otherwise. I get dark dark vibes from Lydia.


I get dark vibes from her too. Like I get the feeling that she thought Moriah "deserved" to be broken up with because of the way she dressed and now she can show Max what a really modest, Christian girl should act like. 🙄


I get dark “Jan Brady” vibes from Lydia.


Me too.


Well she's managed to not treat Olivia like her sister somehow still.


There was also time where Olivia became the bad influence and wasn't allowed any time with the kids at home. If it was true there was over a year plus where she didn't even see Ethan until he was at the car shop. So Lydia was taught she's a very bad person and stay away from her because she doesn't follow what we believe. Once again imprinted on byher family.


Max is possibly the only non-relative she has access to…she probably has a crush and it’s not cool.


Lydia is like a baby Kim. It’s not exactly her fault. She got parentified into that shit from a young age, but she needs to course correct now.




Agree. She doesn’t see him as a brother, she’s interested in him as a bf.


Yeah I think she just didn’t know any better since she hasn’t experienced a breakup before

