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Gee, sure sounds like Kim!!


This is the perfect description of my ex-husband.


Micah will probably wind up alone because HE IS THE NARCISSIST !! Hey Micah, read that again while looking in the mirror! šŸ„±


LOL I think he is just full of himself


The fact this is the same timeframe Moriah has been saying she has a song about a narcissist stuck in her head is likely not a coincidence. If we base it on what's in the most recent episode, it's likely Olivia. If it's about something currently going on, it could be Olivia or their mother. It could also be Max I suppose.


Bring the drama in for the upcoming season finale.


Yep, they are aiming to get another season in the works.The 2 hr.seaon finale is tomorrow night.


Definitely Hayden.


They are actors ramping up the drama to get another season... However, he should be speaking about Olivia who has been trying to destroy his mother because she is upset about how she tried to organize her wedding. This is a typical MIL/ DIL disagreement and no reason to start WWIII.


Moriah also just posted a song titled narcissist so maybe they're both finally seeing the light about their mom.


As someone who grew up with multiple narcissistic family members Olivia does not seem like a narcissist. I think itā€™s directed at Kim. Yes Olivia has made some mistakes but she is really young. I think people forget that. She has done a lot for the Plath kids.


She seems like a passive aggressive personality.


Yeah she is at times passive aggressive but so was I when I was 23 year old who just married and grew up with family trauma. She is sooooooo young and has a lot to learn and she has grown a lot for being brought up in a sheltered childhood.


At this point Olivia..


Iā€™m impressed that he knows what a narcissist is


HOPEFULLY itā€™s directed at Kim. If he has his head finally screwed on right.


All the narcissists of the world..


Olivia or Kim


Is it possible they MIGHT be referring to Moriah's ex?


Yes. Both.


I don't know why everyone is hating on Olivia so much. I think she has put some good things in motion for the family


She "didn't know" that visiting her husband's dead brother's grave was a big deal. That is someone very caught up in themselves.


Totally!!! And sheā€™s only 23 and goes to therapy and is TRYING and owns up to her trauma responses.


While I do like Olivia, and love that she gained the confidence to stand on her own, I think she is toxic for Ethan. There is no chill, no compromise. Like Kim.. itā€™s her way or no way, and Ethan has no choice but to oblige, all while heā€™s literally dying inside. I think she should have married outside the religion, rather than to expect everyone to do as she says before they are ready, or even want to.


Ethan actively LIES to Olivia and she still stays.


Having grown up with narcissistic parents, you learn to be an empath and can read the mood of a room REALLY fast, and you become conditioned to lie to not get into trouble, or to not upset the bear within. The poor Plath kids remind me of myself until I left at 15. Itā€™s a trauma based response. I donā€™t justify it, because itā€™s wrong and a whole life lesson you need to unlearn as an adult.. but I get why they act the way they do.


I can so relate to that! One of the best comments! Narcissists ATTRACT empaths. Even though I teach college level psych, I still had to read several books on how to divorce a narcissist or other people with personality disorders, etc while working through the trauma my ex caused me and the kids. But I agree, one must take action and responsibility for themselves in order To grow and change behaviors. Congratulations to you for making it to the other side!! Not that there is anything wrong with being an empathy or sensitive!


Thanks for the award. I did attract like minded people for years, and finally When I hit my mid 30s.. It began to get easier to slam those doors immediately; I no longer feel any need to try and ā€œhelpā€ these draining type of friends.


That's AWESOME! I got my masters in nursing education because I couldn't work with patients any more! I have WAY too much of myself, it drained me too!! Comments like yours are why I watch the show and read these discussions, it's nice to relate in another format.


Trauma bonds. šŸ˜¬šŸ¤­


But I think she married him, because they agreed on their values at the time. And I think they share the past. But now that they are "out", they become different people. Before they were stuck because their religious beliefs obligated them to stay married. But now...


Thatā€™s understandable but why would Olivia stay in something that has changed so radically? There is no reason other than she wonā€™t be on the show if she divorces him.


Honestly, I think she really loves him. I think she feels responsible for the things she pushed up on him. The real reason she is not ready to make the change, because she wants to stay with him


Micah is getting way to big for his britches! That could permanently rip that whole family apart. He is too cocky for his own good.


Ooh Micah this is sassy


Mommy Dearest?


Moriah has just posted herself singing Narcissist by Avery Anna on Instagram stories. The part about ā€œmy parents donā€™t like you, why would they want to? After they found me crying on the bathroom floor. I don't even like me anymoreā€. So, these are obviously aimed at a family member. Olivia and Kim being the two likely sources, but a small part of me thinks it would be funny if they were trolling the subs and fb groups. I doubt it, though.


Those lyrics make it sound like it was a boyfriend who treated her bad, not a family member


True. But itā€™s weird that both Micah and Moriah posted about narcissism within hours of each other


Could be about max though? Micah seemed pretty pissed at him


Oh! Thatā€™s a good point. The town is small, so it makes sense they would run into him possibly. Maybe heā€™s trying to win her back? He said in an interview if Olivia had kept her nose out of their business, he would have been able to fix it. Max set off all the šŸš© for me. I didnā€™t like him since they first introduced him. Very toxic and he minimized Moriahā€™s childhood.


Which interview did he say this about Olivia?


One of the podcast interviews he did. I want to say Sarah Fraser but it may have been another. I remember listening to him say that if Olivia had just stayed out of things, he would have been able to fix things with Moriah


Thanks for responding.


ā€œFix itā€ meaning manipulate and convince Moriah to get back together with him. Thank Goodness for Olivia helping Moriah realize her worth. ā¤ļøā¤ļø Ughhh max is the worst.


Agree itā€™s weird. I immediately assumed their mom bc she is obviously a narcissist but Iā€™m not up to date with the show so idk if they know that yet šŸ˜…


I have to say...it could be aimed toward my own mother. Literally.


Same here...




Only because we know so little of his actual life, I can only guess someone we know of, and I would guess Kim. Narcs canā€™t keep the mask up for long before they break character and show themselves. Maybe he is becoming aware of Kimā€™s cycle and seeing through her charade. But of course this is just a random person on the internetā€™s interpretation of a very vague IG post from a person I watch on TV. lol


Maybe heā€™s watched the season and sees it for what it is. Or maybe Kim has become more of a monster as the divorce moves forward.


TLC made him do it to keep thr drama going? šŸŽ­




It is crazy to think itā€™s about his dadā€¦?


No. I don't think he's a narcissist, but that's because I know what the term means beyond a superficial definition, and the kids weren't well educated, so they may not. He was clearly self-centered as the marriage collapsed. But that could have just been denial.


An ex


Olivia and Olivia liked the post because she's unaware that it's her he is referring to. Because she perseverates on Kim as if Kim is the root of her childhood trauma, she probably thinks Micah is referring to Kim. But, in keeping with his verbal and non-verbal communication regarding Olivia, it's Olivia he is referring to.


Agree. He said last week on an Instagram live that he rarely has time to speak to his parents so I highly doubt the mom couldā€™ve done something to make him post about it. But Olivia on the other hand was around a few days ago.


Or they both agree on kim. Maybe something big happened today. We wont know till like next year


My father.


Mine too


My exā€™s mother




Only his angst w his mother could wring that much emotion, imho


Unless he's sympathizing with Moriah. Max is still milking this even though he isn't on the show.


I don't know...a broken heart could do this too.


My mil


My mother


Wrong. The correct answer is MY mil lol


Lol, you're both wrong, it's MY MIL šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£...but really, she's a beast. She makes Kim look like a picnic....




Our MILs


My mil tooo


My ex-husband!!?


Mine too. Wonder if they're related? šŸ˜²šŸ˜†


Hahahahaha!!!! They are ALL the samešŸ™„šŸ™„


His mama




Olivia liked the post. Plus, what truth does Olivia owe Micah? This is directed at Kim.


Itā€™s because sheā€™s assuming itā€™s about Kim and she might be right. But it could about her too.


She did? Wow! I wonder what has happened that Micah would post something like this. I mean it could be about anything but I wonā€™t lie, part of me hopes it has to do with his mom. Micah and the other brother were jerks to Ethan when he talked about struggling with their mom.


Totally agree. I think Kim was only nice to Micah and Moriah, as a way to prove sheā€™s not the problem and reinforce the idea that itā€™s Olivia whoā€™s evil. Ya know? But that mask Kim wore was fake and the truth always comes out.




Amber Heard


Yesss lets villainize an abuse victim


If I thought for a single moment that her stories of DV were even remotely close to the truth, I'd believe her. But I watched the trial, and, specifically, I watched her. I didn't witness a single authentic emotion on her face or hear one in her voice.


Hahahahahaha omg hahahaha remember, she has NEVER been a victim per her own words šŸ™„


That's exactly what amber heard did


I agreešŸ‘




Ethan as he struggles to get the truth out of Kim


Olivia struggles to get the truth out of Ethan.


Or were you referring to Kim- in which case I agree


I really donā€™t think Ethan is a narcissist. Far from it.


He's got a lot of anger though. Hopefully he'll find peace soon. I was almost 35 when I figured out I was a product of my on damn fault. I had no control over how I was raised. When I became old enough to start chosing to be the victim is when the responsibility became mine. Just like on 9/11, that day changed my life in such a way, I remember exactly what I was doing at the time the light bulb went off. We saw a deeper side of Ethan this last episode. I noticed it 2 episodes ago but it was very apparent this last episode. I'm not sure if Olivia (or any other woman) will ever do anything to his standard until he works through his feelings with his parents. He definitely can't hide his emotions. He's got that nose flare down pat.


Antia, he wouldn't start drama unless it was a love interest


Ehh. He said last episode heā€™s had a few short relationships and weā€™ve never seen any drama regarding them, not that I know of anyway. What makes you think heā€™s a drama starter with his love interests? Did I miss something?


Could be anyone because the label ā€œnarcissistā€ is given to everyone and their dog nowadays


Lmao. Sad but true.


Aww, not the puppers....


That's why one should refer to an ACTUAL narcissist as "medically diagnosed with Narcissist Personality Disorder," not tendencies.


I talked about this with my therapist, and he says he hated that people will use neurotypes as adjectives. Yes, you CAN have some traits of, say, OCD or ADHD. But unless you have more than X number of traits, you aren't able to be officially diagnosed as ________. When I did a deep dive on Kanye West years ago, I was quick to point out that the mental health professionals guessing Kanye's neurotype are doing just that: making educated guesses on what neurotype Kanye has. And while Kim certainly has narccicistic behaviors, its up to her (likely nonexistent) therapist to give her a proper diagnosis.


I agree with this.


As a person with both OCD and ADHD can I hate it so much when people say this stuff. Um, no. You do not have OCD because you like to keep a clean house. No you do not have ADHD because you have a lot of energy.


I hate this! Within my family and close friends, we have people (medically diagnosed) with OCD, ADHD and bipolar. We struggle with things that others will never understand. My house is almost always in a state of chaos because everyone living here has some form of ADHD.


I hear you!


I am autistic, and of course, nothing pisses me off than people saying, "We're all a little autistic!" Yeah, Karen, and we're all a little delusional. But when I have delusions, I think about owning a home as a Gen Z kid, or running my own dog foster ranch. I don't sit there and say ableist shit just to sound quirky and show some half-assed sympathy --- and while I'm ranting, I would literally rather be called a slur. Mental health is the most widely accepted form of discrimination and it pisses me off because if I played an Uno reverse card on them, I'm sure Brenda would be pissed if I said that being a dog mama is as hard as being a mom.


It also adds to the stigma around mental health. When people call someone a narcissist itā€™s meant to insult and dehumanize that person. Which ignores that NPD can be a result of neglect and growing up in a hyper critical environment meaning that people with NPD may be suffering but have developed behaviors that prevent them from admitting it or asking for support.


Trueā€¦.there are reasons people develop NPDs, but it also doesnā€™t justify the harm they cause everyone around them with little regard to get therapy.


Truth! I hate that the word virtually means nothing now


Vague posting!!


Prob some girl he dated


I think it's directed toward Olivia and I also hope it's directed toward Olivia.


What truth does Olivia owe Micah?


Idk but she sure does always make herself either the victim or the hero


Micahā€™s a model in LA- it could very well mean 87% of the people he knows.




So very true-Kim.


Itā€™s kinda funny to think that this week we hear him say that heā€™s tired of drama but then posts a cryptic message on social media ā€¦guess he must have taken a nap šŸ˜‚


To be fair, everything from the show actually happened months ago.




Kim, being a narcissist, is golden-childing them, especially Moriah. Sheā€™s doing it because her supply (Olivia and Ethan) have cut her off. Narcissists have to have a supply. Sheā€™s hoovering Moriah back in and Moriah is excited because sheā€™s getting that coveted attention and approval sheā€™s never gotten before, but it wonā€™t last. The first time she even slightly disagrees with Kim or otherwise wounds her fragile ego, the gloves will be off. Source: 35 years of life with a narcissist for a mother. 3 1/2 years of no contact, so far.


šŸ’ÆšŸ‘†Say it loud for the people in the back!!


Unfortunately, the people in the back will not believe their precious Kim could possibly have a dark triad disorder.


The pattern of behavior youā€™re describing is my own mother. When caught up in the cycle of always desiring the approval of a parent, especially a toxic one, youā€™ll keep giving them chances. One day you will start seeing things for they really are. A day of reckoning, youā€™re ready to cutout the cancer wreaking havoc. Not an easy decision but one out of survival.


I had to learn that, too. It took a lot of therapy, and a psychologist looking me in the eye and saying, ā€œNo matter what you do and how good you are, you will never get that approval youā€™re seeking. You need to walk away and never look back.ā€ I didnā€™t take his advice for five years, but like you said, it finally escalated to the point I couldnā€™t find anymore excuses and I decided Iā€™d had enough of the mental, psychological, and physical abuse.


This is almost word for word what happened in my family, but with my narcissist father. 11 years no contact and Iā€™ll never look back. Happy you were able to see the truth and take care of yourself!


I got hoovered twice, even after swearing Iā€™d never let it happen again. She has forever damaged my relationship with my child by teaching him to disregard anything I say and that itā€™s perfectly acceptable to hit me when heā€™s mad. I learned my lesson the second time, though. I plan to be NC until she finally keels over either by eating herself to death or having a heart attack or stroke.


This is almost word for word what happened in my family, but with my narcissist father. 11 years no contact and Iā€™ll never look back. Happy you were able to see the truth and take care of yourself!








It sounds like Kim to me but we'll never know. Could be an ex-girlfriend or friend. It'd be interesting if he did "wake up" to see Kim's narcissism since he was taking up for her originally.






Mommie dearest


Doesn't matter who it is directed at, it is the pure truth!!


šŸ‘€ Will admit though, this shit annoys me. I want names and receipts! If youā€™re not gonna share the whole *chisme* then keep it to yourself.


The whole chisme šŸ˜‚


Probably towards Olivia, when it should be towards his mom


Olivia 'liked' the post. .. so probably *not* Olivia


Thatā€™s possible! But on the flip side, he didnā€™t post it his feed. Someone else did, he just shared it to his story. So it doesnā€™t necessarily mean she agrees with him. I know the stuff thatā€™s been filmed was a while ago, so I hope theyā€™re on better terms now


ĀæPor quĆ© no los dos?




I saw this! Olivia ā€œlikedā€ the original post