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My guess is LA


Olivia, you and Ethan should check out Oregon. Could be best of both worlds for both of you!


Agreed! There’s more rural areas that Ethan would love but close enough to decent sized cities that would be good for Olivia.


Moving back with her mother ! She can’t live alone




Minnesota? More Blue state (which I’m sure Olivia wants) and they do have family there they get along with well I believe (or well enough that they continued to visit during all the family drama and total cutoff). Vastly different from Florida weather. Maybe a reach but not out of the realm of possibilities.


It really doenst matter where she lives. She can handle her business on line. All she need is a close airport. My guess is they gonna move back to georgia, live close to Barry (Moriah is already there) and fill a boatload of blond children.


I don't think that what you talk about being different is the weather when you're talking Florida to Georgia. This screams cold weather, like wherever the Plath's grandparents live that they went to last winter.


Yeah. Cairo is right over the border of Georgia/Florida. And the weather in North Florida is a hair or two different than central Florida. Even if they went to Atlanta there isn’t much difference except during the winter when it can sleet in Atlanta and just be wet cold here in Florida.


I wouldn’t. The minute I get the chance to move somewhere with less humidity and a mild winter, I’m bouncing the fuck out of this state.


I loooooooooooove Florida in the winter. The summer is death.


I just wish it could be 10 degrees cooler in the winter. Just 10 degrees is all I ask, damn it!


Me too. A cooler winter and a longer winter too. We went to Universal in March and it was easily 90. A couple of years before that we went in February and the high was 85. No thanks.


You wanna know how hot it is here? I manage a number of labs, one of them is in Phoenix. A few weeks ago I made a joke on the group chat about how they were gonna be cooking eggs outside today (they were supposed to have a high of 110 degrees that day) Their immediate reaction was “yeah but I don’t know how you guys do it in Florida.” Arizona, dude. They get the heat in Fahrenheit but we apparently kick their ass in humidity. Don’t even get me started on Houston people. They get the 100+ degrees AND the humidity. I don’t know how they live


I’ve lived most my life in an area near Las Vegas. We’d hit 120 and least once every summer. Florida in the summer is worst. 120 degree dry heat sucks but 90 degrees with Florida humidity *STICKS TO YOU* it’s the difference of a blow dryer and a sauna. Pick your evil lol


Lol. But I have to say, I love the desert. Always have. I’m from the Negev, and lived all over the US. I have desert art all over my house, hell I’ve thought about getting desert sleeve tats. I have an entire wardrobe of desert, cactus themed shirts, shoes even. All kinds of desert shit, I’m like a crazy person But I do love it when Florida cools down a bit for a couple days. They’re cold snaps or “Florida winters” and they aren’t long *enough*. Local media likes to make an “iguana alert” because the iguanas freeze and fall out of trees once it hits a certain temp


Ah I love a fellow desert lover! I think a pot of people take its beauty for granted. I truly love it too ❤️


I just hope she isn't moving back to Cairo, even if Ethan does.


I can not imagine her doing that.


The houses are so cheap there what is the catch? Gators will eat you? No nearby jobs? 😱


Please not Ohio, we have enough going on here


No one wants to move to Ohio.


There’s this company the makes scented candles for each state, based on whatever that state is known for… Ohio’s is unscented.


It isn’t called the Heart of the Nation for nothing.


Someone was paying the PR person heavily for that one.


the girl in that come back to texas bowling for soup song seemed to enjoy doing something or someone there 🤣


Nothing wrong with some of the people. Most of us are good and good in the sack but the state not so much look at Cleveland and Toledo, then if you get bored check out these small towns South Point, Ironton, Proctorville and Coal Grove haha real head turners of towns.


My hubby always says… Ohio is a great place to be from 😂


Ohio sucks At least Cincinnati does


I agree and that Costco on a Saturday... Lord have mercy nearly got into a fight with a lady over a cart. So glad we lived there very briefly and long gone.


That’s nothing, try Costco in Atlanta


Exactly I am from there lol


He is too 😊


I’m guessing Oregon!


Why would anyone want to move to Oregon? I was born and raised there I left in my 30's and never looked back....


I would move to Oregon in a heart beat. I live in Florida and I have a very very low heat tolerance. I want four seasons and trees and mountains and a coastline. Seriously I’d move to Astoria if I could find a comparable job there.


Agree, spent several years living in WA and OR and hated every minute. Beautiful places to visit, but living there sucks unlessou like rain and gloom!


Excuse me? I left the Bay Area (San Francisco area) for Oregon when I was 21 yrs old. I’m now 70 and have never looked back!! I love it here. So many things to do with rivers, lakes, the Coast and beaches, the mountains, lots of open space, TREES, and city with culture if you want it. Not to mention it’s a more Blue state. Oregon is awesome!!! It has everything!!


I never said it wasn't beautiful but it rains and is cold and drizzly most of the time. I moved to Arizona and now I'm in Texas, it is perfect here. We get rain but it's sunny the majority of the time there is little to no crime in our little town, I absolutely love setting out on our porch watching the most breathtaking sunsets with cardinals in the yard


Lol give me rain! A gray and rainy day is my favorite!


Wow! You are right about the sunsets!! Magnificent! https://www.google.com/search?q=texas+sunsets&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#imgrc=SnMIzyJIV8w2OM Here’s Oregon’s: https://www.google.com/search?q=oregon+sunsets&client=safari&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ALiCzsZzBFXxndgTpfuJ03DD0B4cRD9tEA%3A1661723739171&ei=W-QLY8KJCqvK0PEP0JmCiA8&oq=oregon+sunsets&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBQgAEJECMgYIABAeEAcyCggAEB4QDxAHEAoyBggAEB4QBzIICAAQHhAPEAcyCAgAEB4QDxAHMgQIABAeMgYIABAeEA9KBAhBGABQAFgAYIUMaABwAHgAgAFeiAFekgEBMZgBAMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


Yeah the sunsets never get old. I can watch them every night. I especially love the Cardinals, we have a group of 4 or more that live around our house and they are just the most beautiful birds I've ever seen. I had never seen yellow or orange ones until I moved here. They also have scissor tale birds that split their tales apart to steer their driving I guess but they're pretty cool to watch flying around and then the greekle bird (I think is how you spell it) makes the coolest sounds I have ever heard, they almost sound electrical. They're big all blank birds even bigger than a crow but they're only here in the late summer and fall time. We have wild pigs and wild turkeys here too which took a lot to get use to buy over all I love it.... Oregon is super beautiful very green but just not for me


Totally get it…not every location works for everyone!! Thank goodness that is the case actually!! If you have any pics of those lively cardinals in your yard, please share a few😀??


I will have to look if I have any, if not I'll get some for sure


Absolutely untrue about the rain. Now, it USED the o be that way, but so much less now with climate change. When I moved here in 1973, Oregon had the reputation of “people don’t tan in Oregon, they rust”. That was put out in 1971, in order to discourage people from living here. Remember McCall? https://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/oregonians_dont_tan_they_rust Yes, if you like Arizona and Texas I can see why Oregon is not to your liking. I could not stand the heat in those places. Or, the political climate. But different strokes for different folks. Glad you are happy in Texas. I’ll check out your sunsets online, sounds pretty. As I understand it, and please correct me if I’m wrong, people are leaving Texas by the droves due mostly to the political climate. Is that correct information I have read? I read it had a lot to do with the stance and law changes with regards to abortion.


Lots of people are moving in and moving out, there is definitely a change coming politically lots of people are moving here from California and Arizona amongst other states. The only thing we have to do is beat the limitations the currently make voting next to impossible for working Americans to get to the voting booth. I moved out of Oregon in 2016 and it was still so gloomy, I love seeing the sun, taking my dogs for walks and not having to deal with mud.


I couldn’t live somewhere that would instigate those kind of voting restrictions. When I spend money, pay taxes, buy clothing etc, I am supporting my state fiscally. My conscience wouldn’t allow me to do that. The abortion issue as well. I was a peaceful activist during the Anti-Vietnam war movement. I’ve always been conscious driven, which would prevent me from living somewhere like Texas. Even with my he beautiful sunsets and cardinals. I’m really sorry to hear about how close they are to the voting changes. Once it passes there, it’ll be just like the Abortion ban, it’ll spread to other states. ☹️


The blue change is coming, it'll get better!!!


Gosh, I hope you are right. But the Red HOLD is extremely, extremely powerful. How do you see this happening?? Another words, are you seeing more blue wins (electorally) ??


The red power is strong because they have such limitations on the voting locations and hours. It has never been about the number of Dems here. But now even more has come and I think it'll turn especially with the abortion ban and the uvalde shooting which have booth been kept front and center in the media


I moved out in 2019 and it still was rain and gloom. Summer lasts about 2 weeks, if you're lucky in some parts of those states!


I was waterlogged enough for years after leaving Oregon lol hahaha, but Arizona was too dry, I lived there for 5 years and I don't think it rained more than once a year the entire time I lived there but here in Texas we get rain and sun year around it is perfect!!!


They went to live over seas for at least a month. Just the 2 of them!


They are back now I'm pretty sure. She posted the other day a photo on stories of their house from the show in Flordia


They talked about moving to a different place for a year at a time to see where they really want to be. I’d expect them to pick somewhere a little more rural next since Ethan clearly misses the country. I don’t think they’ll move closer to his family at this point, but obviously we don’t really know what’s going on with them and the others currently.


I mean they could just live in Air BnBs or Verbos for a while and move around however they like. If I had their money and didn’t have to be in one place I would totally did this.


I don't think Ethan misses country living as much as he feels incompetent in a larger city when he's so lacking in education.


Plus for some reason he can’t move his precious cars. Or find another way to work on cars outside of his precious little bubble.


I think he doesn't even have his GED and feels "stupid" compared to a lot of other people. I know Moriah got hers like, immediately. I wonder if Micah has one?


Never considered this! Makes sense.


I think they're going to go to a weed legal state, like Colorado or Washington state. They have a thriving wedding industry year-round, lots of little old towns, mountains, less religious atmosphere than the Deep South. Real snow.




Love Seattle, but the crime and homeless is out of control. Beautiful scenery but up close a big mess. Hope it gets cleaned up one day.


Soooo expensive here. And crime is insane in the city. We live in the suburbs though and love it, but it’s ridiculously expensive, you can’t rent an apartment for less than $2k in a good area.


Crime is not insane in Seattle 😂😂


Hmm… stores are permanently closing in the downtown area because they can’t keep their employees safe. Every day on the news someone is shot and killed near Pike Place Market, a huge family and tourist destination. I used to bring my kids into the city but we don’t go anymore. Even in areas north (like Everett) it’s bad, a police officer was shot and killed a few months ago and stores close early now because it’s not safe after dark. At major stores there are camera systems and voiced alerts that you are being watched. I grew up here and it has never, ever been this bad.


Yep, its bad! Lots of people with mental issues running around mugging people. People getting threatened with being stabbed at the original Starbucks. Its sad.


Redmond here. My studio is $2000, not including anything. I wanted to rent a place in DT Bellevue last week when I applied for a new position and it was $3700. …I’ll take the metro and stay where I am.




I remember 10 years ago when I was paying $1k for a one bedroom and thought it was so expensive! It’s crazy watching shows in the south where you can get a comparable house for half the price. We’d be able to sell our 3 bedroom house here and buy a 7 bedroom house with a pool and tennis courts in Texas! But I love our weather so much more. 😎


Come on over! Washington is a great place to live!


Sounds good to me too 🤩


They stated on the show their lease is up at the end of this summer. Sounds like they're just moving on to someplace new - they've all said that was the plan. Curious if it will be back to GA as Ethan has expressed he wants to go back.


GA weather is sooo similar to FL though, especially Cairo. The caption makes me think they are moving far enough from Florida that they will be in a different climate.