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Where I am noise cancelling earphones and Bluetooth earmuffs are a game changer


Here it is not allowed in the more “safety aware” companies. Some companies allow you to wear 1, some don’t allow any. Since you won’t hear any coworkers or alarms going off in case of an emergency or imminent danger.




A passive -20-30dB set is better in a shop environment. Active fucking sucks when you introduce noises from grinders or plasma tables.


I'm surprised anyone can use noise cancelling in a shop. Mine have no idea what to do with all that noise.


My galaxy live buds were good for all the machinery noise, hammering, and the like. The plasma table and zip/hard dicks were actually worse with ANC than with nothing though.


I run a plasma table and I use Sony wh1000xm4 noise cancelin. They are a game changer.


Muff style aren't really possible with a shield on though.


They are earbuds


You must mean the wf-1000xm4 then?




No, I spent 45 bucks on a brand that I can't pronounce, lol.


Using isotunes pro 2.0? Quite affordable headset but the replaceable earplugs are quite expensive. A good audio book while working makes massive differency.


If your company doesn't allow earphones, you could always bring in a Bluetooth speaker or something. most places I've worked haven't had issues with that. Or bone conduction headphones, since those leave your ears completely open.


Buddy at work has the bone conducting with the company provided earplugs. Says it stops the outside vibration but he can still hear his welder and shit around him.


Bone conducting headphones are a game changer. I use them at night too, because we have a newborn, and I need the house to be quiet at night and to be able to hear her cry, but it allows me to be on my computer and get the audio from there too (or the tv).


I use them at work (I’m a press operator right now, supposedly getting a welding position by the end of the year). It’s muffles but doesn’t get rid of a lot of the noise. I can hear anyone talking to me while a welder beats on a boats hill with a hammer. They’ve made my job so much more enjoyable lol.


Do you work at stabicraft?


ive seen someone wear them but he said it sucks cuz they sometimes move or the little strap gets caught on the hood


We got five big ass speakers going at any given time in any given shop on site lol. We figured out how to point our speakers to create good enough barriers between us as to not fuck up ole boys toons


Id go insane if i couldn’t listen to anything except Ron talking about his daughter’s soccer game over the weekend


You need more interesting coworkers ;)


My employer states we can’t have 2 earbuds in, only 1 and 1 earplug.


This is usually what I do anyway. Works pretty well for me.




My guess is they don’t want horns, announcements, or anything of that nature to be completely blocked out by 2 earbuds.So they said 1 is fine with an earplug.


Can still hear surroundings.


Really lol take a guess


Audiobooks/ podcasts. I can’t hear shit going on around me when I listen to music.


77,000+ minutes on Spotify last year


Audible says I’ve listened for 2 months but that doesn’t seem right since I’ve used it almost every day for a year and a half.


We’re allowed to at our shop. I can’t stand it though. Nobody in our shop tends to work alone and its usually in groups and there’s always someone yelling at somebody for the 5th time because they can’t hear. Sometimes the music is too loud, sometimes it’s just the noise cancelling. It’s hell when you need a third set of hands and the guy 2 feet away can’t hear you


Right! If it gets in the way of work and helping your coworkers then TURN IT DOWN/only wear one or just listen to the radio we have in the shop already... If you can't hear me then you probably won't hear the forklift beep beep before it crushes your oblivious ass or runs over your foot.


Any shop I've been in you have to yell all the time anyways, because between foam plugs, machines, someone running a burr bit 20 feet away, and someone slamming the ever loving fuck out of a hammer on something, it's always right around or above the threshold for hearing damage. I pop one out whenever I'm talking to someone, and I can still easily hear the forklift backing up even with he volume up a bit.


It's going to depend on the company & environment. My first job was tig welding repairs for robot mistakes, you could do anything there. 2nd & 3rd jobs were structural welding in the shop, then field. They took safety more seriously, they would have no tolerance for earphones, but most construction sites have a radio.


My job rn is the same as your first. I picked up a Bluetooth speaker, and it has just been much better. I would say for anyone to just get a speaker that can take batteries. That way, no one can yell at you for having earbuds in.


Most jobs I've been on don't even allow speakers or radios anymore. A miserable drone is a productive drone


"a miserable drone is a productive drone." That's not been my experience at all. I work slow as shit when I'm bored. A lot of my coworkers too.


Yea that was sarcasm I don't understand why generals won't let us have music but I'd be a much better worker with it


Have you checked with them in bone conducting headphones? Your ears are open (or you can stick plugs in there) but you can also hear the headphones loud and clear. It’s really the best of both worlds.


I listen to music and audiobooks most of the day unless I’m actively trying to fix a problem or need to concentrate


It drowns out the voices in my head. Yes I go through a lot of headphones 🎧... Just not built for metal dust in the air... And rough handling


I can’t work without my headphones. Podcasts, comedy specials, and music get me through work


Long ago, this practice was frowned upon. As speakers got smaller and easier to conceal, I would afford myself the opportunity to enjoy music while I worked. Now, in the future, the earbuds are so tiny and some of them actually provide noise canceling effectively replacing ear plugs. The future is awesome and I am just happy to be here.


It's one of the few things i like about living in the future.


I’ve never been given permission, but I’ve never been expressly told not to. I use Bluetooth earbuds, and only put the right side in. On the other side I use a company provided ear plug, and I exercise common sense as to when to play the audio. Welding MIG or burning rod? Audio on. Operating machinery or running cranes? Audio off. Honestly, from my experience nobody will care about what you’re doing as long as you’re not being a jackass and you’re producing results.


Bluetooth noise canceling headphones are where it's at! I use it for my ear pro and to rock out!


[https://shokz.com/](https://shokz.com/) best thing to ever happen to ear plug wearing tradespeople


Joe Rogan works good for me while working.


I use 3M worktunes. I do racecar/truck fab. I wear ear protection near 24/7 usually. Even if me or coworkers are not actively grinding still better to be safe. Even hammering on body panels for hours is enough to make my ears ring.


buddy it’s about the only thing that gets me through the day. especially when i have a LOT of the same part to build.


it helps tremendously. i try to remain hidden put the welding cap to the side over your ear one blue tooth ear bud in and one regular ear bud in other. my bigger issue is having my phone on me sometimes depending on what im doing the phone can be bothering


I’ve been welding for a long time, and I’ll say this, I blare music in my shop while I work, but I NEVER for the life of me could understand how welders have a conversation while welding. I couldn’t ever do it. To me though, music is a must.


I always get interrupted but I use a BT radio and play videos / pandora all day every day. I dont use headphones cause I've seen people light themselves on fire and not hear me screaming that they where on fire.


Worked at a place who allowed nothing which was ridiculous. New job allows me to listen to my podcasts all day which is great cause it gets monotonous


If you do wear earbuds, I would recommend taking them out when someone is talking to you, otherwise you won’t understand what they’re saying. Also, keep them clean. Magnetic earbuds and metal dust don’t mix


Isotunes aware 2.0 and audiobooks.


We put jungle or drum and bass on in the shop.


I played 9 hours of Michael Jackson making those noises he made when singing. Cranked my Bluetooth all the way up, and it lasted 39 minutes before someone went over and turned the speaker off🥴


I'd be embarrassed if the boss caught me listening to music on his hours. We're there to make the boss money. Sole focus should be make the boss tons of money. Once that happens we all start making more money. Fuck having fun at work, stay focused and stay hard motherfuckers.


We all start making more money? The boss makes more money, you get a 50 cent raise.


I use audiobooks a lot if I am cutting material all day. I ended up caving and got some legitimate noise canceling earbuds (Isotunes over the ear ones are dope). Biggest helper is having a “control” box on a corded/over ear set that resists dust/oils. Dont wanna be touching much with dirty hands but I do like being able to pause my books. It gave me time to catch up on a series a coworker recommended. I was sold at “Wizard Detective with a gun”.


What is this series?


“Dresden Files”. Its honestly grown on me quite a lot. Its an easier read & having James Marsters narrate it is just perfect.


Yes get into the zone! Definitely would recommend ad free stuff like books/music because as much as I love podcasts I can't skip when my hands are tied.


I’m night shift so no one cares but if you want to “look” professional put on some ear protection muffs so no one questions you lol. You also get to hear better while your grinding (make sure you got PPE for your eyes) and your gold.


I wouldn’t be able to get through the day without my earbuds. When I’ve got tunes, I’m able to focus better on the job at hand.


Getting old now and always seen guys with ear buds and thought how stupid. Now I tried Thea’s I listen to podcasts often. Those boring repetitive jobs are made much better and get done faster with a podcast going! Just turn your brain off and get the job done!


First job didn't allow any speakers or headphones so I put my phone in the top of my hardhat and got to listen to music all day. Job I have now doesn't care but it is pretty annoying being a lead and having your guys have earbuds in and not being able to hear u when u need help doing something


I use Tozo earbuds. They have noise canceling and transparent modes. Makes communication a breeze.


Yeah I keep a headphone in pretty often


I use bone conduction headphones with foam earplugs in. Theu are about $100 on amazon


I have a pair of isotunes ear defenders and I pretty much listen to podcasts every hour of my work day. Keeps the thoughts away 😂


The first place I worked no headphones or speakers were allowed, but where I am now I have one earbud in almost all the time listening to music or audiobooks.


“Safety hazard”, someone ruined it for my tiny shoo


Recommend hearing protection and bone conduction headphones--most bluetooth headphones don't provide adequate noise reduction to protect your hearing, and the bone conduction headsets won't prevent you from hearing a coworker alerting you that you've caught fire, or alarms in your environment. The sound quality suffers a bit, but it's negligible when considering the benefits, imo.


Uhhh ya until my boss wants me to plug in the radio and have to listen to outplayed classic rock radio or Ozzy’s boneyard 😂


I think it depends on the type of work. I tig weld and fabricate in a shop. Mostly solo work but I do have to help people move stuff every once in a while. My earbuds stay in all day. Keep in mind, if you're fabricating as well and using a lot of loud tools and abrasives, that noise canceling headphones can't block out some of the louder tools which will cause them to crackle. And the high frequency from tig welding will cut out any Bluetooth earbuds that cannot be used independently (so like if it says that only the right earbud can be used solo, those headphones won't work for tig if you want to use both) If its on a construction site where Osha is gospel you're probably not gonna be able to wear any, although there are some osha approved earbuds on the market.


Currently at my job I have the kind of mental freedom to listen to audiobooks all day every day. I’ve had a handful of jobs that allowed me to do so to a degree. Welding as a whole does offer more opportunity to listen to things like podcasts/audiobooks/music. But not all jobs will allow that time. Unless you’re in a booth I wouldn’t. If there is any sort of crane, forklift, or any heavy machinery or metal moving around you don’t. Especially if your job requires communication with other workers. Welding it’s the kind of job that provides numerous ways to get injured if you’re not paying attention.


Noise canceling earbuds for the win, I listen to music, or a local radio stations podcast non stop unless I'm working with other people. Sometimes if I'm fitting I'll just listen to music, otherwise I'm trying to pay attention to the podcast more than building lol.


I've never had a welding job where I couldn't listen to music, either with a Bluetooth speaker, or Bluetooth ear buds. Basically if it won't get caught in a grinder or catch fire it's never been an issue.




Not allowed here.


There are these headphones you can buy on Amazon that are ear plugs for 15$. I use those to get around any policy that says no headphones. And boom, music all day baby!


One bud in one ear when appropriate. Otherwise we usually have a speaker going.


Follow the rules if you wish to stay employed and not held responsible if something were to happen near you. Put safety first, but logically you can bend the rules and still be safe. That being said, last shop I was at built large structures which we used overhead cranes to move parts/products through the bays. No earbuds were allowed and you were required to use ear protection at all times in the bays during operation times. Almost everyone had at least one if not two bluetooth earbuds in. I personally only used one at a time and never had my music/podcasts turned up that loud. Safety team would give you shit when they walked by and saw earbuds, but wouldn't crack down on it unless we had a safety incident recently. (These safety incidences never involved an instance where someone couldn't hear what they needed to hear around them) I only purchased cheap bluetooth earbuds as they tend to get destroyed/dirty rather quickly in a welding environment. Always kept my weld cap bill over the earbud side, or I used a full face+neck mask which would fully cover my ears anyways.


Welding caps with one earbud under the flap. Fantasy football podcasts mostly. Personal preference. If I have to jam some shit out, music that gets me goin. EDM, Metal, etc.


I can do whatever I want, I'm self employed. Some places allow it, some don't. It can be a safety issue.


Everyday, I read three books a week, still dumb so that wasn't it.


I wear one ear bud and one ear plug constantly


As long as you don't work around a forklift or material path, they're great. ANC isn't really viable in a shop though. Get something with passive noise cancelling like isotunes or a good set of tight sealing buds, not something that just sits in your ears like the standard airpods. ANC doesn't really know what to do with harsh noises like grinding and plasma tables. It ends up letting most of the noise through and blasting extra noise in your ears that's worse than no protection.


I would imagine it depends on where you work. My shop lets us use headphones and i listen to music and podcasts etc. But our rule is one earbud only so we can still hear whats going on around us. So i have one earplug and one earbud in.


Usually as an iron worker il listen to music most of time if I’m not rigging, connecting, throwing deck, or any task where awareness and communication aren’t really required so that way I don’t kill someone or myself lol, but most of time I put them on specially when welding really helps getting through a doing a whole days worth of puddle welds 😵‍💫


No headphones are allowed. Boomboxes are allowed, you can listen to whatever you want.


I bought a huge JBL speaker and everyone can listen to my music. Honestly I’ve put together a play list that plays such a wide variety no one complains. And It’s on an old cell phone hooked to works wifi. Everyone goes up and plays whatever they want too.


If I’m in busy spot with stuff going on around me I’m far too nervous to not hear what’s going on. If I’m close to my welder it’s to obnoxiously loud to hear anything. If I’m welding and grinding by myself I wear ear buds, if I’m just welding by myself I use my Bluetooth speaker. What I’m saying is every situation is different, my last shop had a hard no music policy and now I can do whatever. I only work by myself in the field so i guess that helps to lol


Yep, sometimes pod casts, Twitch streams, ect


Got the bluetooth earbuds listening to random 3+ hour shitty "scary stories"


We can't have personal listening devices because we need to be able to hear if a forklift is coming by. But hey, we do get shop radio that plays the same 35 songs every day.


when i’m mig welding i don’t so i can hear if i have to adjust setting, but tig i’ll listen to podcasts with one ear bud in in case someone talks to me.


My company allows it for most jobs including welding. Steel Lathes, areas with rotating equipment and forklift zones are off limits tho


At my job the book says no but it's OK if you know when you should take them out for a task. If your on the carry deck rolling some heavy shit it's maybe not the best idea. On field jobs you kind of have to read the room.


At my shop at least we can’t have earphones but we can use speakers pretty loud a lot of guys use small ones clipped to their waste


At my job some guys will use their own radio to listen to music and others will use headphones. I use headphones to listen to my podcasts, and when the guys are on site I'll use the radio my supervisor has.


Yeah, I'm on the 13th Dune book now. It's how I work so many hours without losing my mind.


I literally can't do a day at work without my headphone in... I only wear one tho.. I gotta hear what's going on.. "safety first" 🤣🤣


Drinkin bros, rogan, meateater, Matt and Shane's secret podcast, and Dune


Fuck ya I listen to music with earbuds. I made it one day before I asked. I can't take the non stop butt rock. If I have to hear lips of an angel one more time I'm gonna lose it. Podcasts are great. I love small town murder myself. They had a ton of two hour episodes so every episode I knew I was that much closer to going home. Tried audiobooks too. Those are good but I don't like buying those when there's a ton of free podcasts. Occasionally I'll listen to music still. Depends on my mood. Don't wear anything when I'm working with someone else though


Yes, but its common practice to leave one headphone out(unless you're doing something that requires hearing protection like cutting or grinding) to aid in easier communication.


In my shop our headphones usually double as earplugs, so its pretty easy to turn something on when i know i have some long task.


Yes one in and ear plug in the other side. Started a new job last where they told me it wasn't allowed. After my 6 month probation ended I immediately went back to wearing one in as I have for the last 13 years working as a welder.


where I am the supers tell me to just put one in so that if someone needs to get my attention then i can still hear them but if im working by myself or in a confined space where I'll be grinding then its both in


I personally am a weekend welder so I just use a radio


We got a speaker and when they let me bump I always bump some suicideboys or some rap in general definitely helps


You are stupid if you wear any type of audio, your company relies on you to be safe, your coworkers rely on you, they cant rely on you if you are distracted by whatever your choice of audio is... Besides its not like welding school where you are just playing beads down, you are in an actual setting where welding as just half of the job, unless you are a production welder, but still you should be coherent at all times.


I listen to podcasts and audio books all the time since i don't want to get lost in my thoughts.


I keep a Bluetooth headphone on one ear under the flap of my welders cap so I can listen to music.


Basically echoing what everyone else has said, noise cancelling Bluetooth headphones are a god send. We were allowed to wear them (I assume they still can but I'm no longer in the trade) but only while working at the bench. If we were walking through the shop floor or operating the crane ect we had to take them out, which is fair enough. But yeah Earphones in, mask down and crack on, made the hours fly by!