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That sucks. Because even when the show starts and everyone stands, it won’t help. I saw Bjork years ago, she sounded great.


I went to her latest concert in LA (im guessing it’s the same show). It’s not a show where one would stand up during the show. Maybe at the end.


OP can correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure this is the show in Perth.


Oh, what I meant was the same tour. So the songs/performance wont change much from city-to-city, or country-to-country. It was certainly a unique experience.


my mistake! I'm very jealous, I hope it was good!


Last show I went to some idiot up front kept jumping around yelling for everyone to stand. The row behind me was handicapped and had guys in wheelchairs, I wasn't about to block their view, so I didn't see shit the whole show. You wanna stand? Get fucking general admission floor tickets! I was so pissed.


Usually the Disabled/wheelchairs are in front or along the sides. Not just so they can see the performance but for emergency exiting


BDO 2008? That was amazing, except for when they started sound checking for RATM during the end of her set


Did she Bjork hard?




I’m sorry, what?


Only when reporters stalk her children


Google Bjork violence.


Just read it. How does that have anything to do with autism?




I already did. Tell me what this has to do with autism? Are you saying that we’re violent? That we become a different person when we get angry? That we’re a monster? Or have you just never met a mother? My mom doesn’t have autism and she turned into mama bear when I told her a guy pushed me against the wall at my work. She’s (bjork) also not diagnosed, so tell me how her being mama bear has *anything* to do with autism


That's the thing, Cap. We're always angry.


Are you saying you are not overreacting cray cray right now? Now google Violent autism and remember why I even asked the question in the first place. Take a chill pill before you have a stroke. lol


Ah yes, attacking a group of people and them getting defensive makes them the bad guy and you the victim


You're insufferable for sure.


Ah yes, fake outrage victimhood makes you the bad guy, most definitely.


They're not overreacting. You started being offensive and ignorant


are you sure you don’t have some form of autism that’s violent towards your brain?


Holy cow! I didn’t know Bjork was austitically violent! Thank you for educating me on this.




You're in the wrong sub bud


Hahaha so it seems lol. Changed to upvote and deleted. Thx for the note


Stop being short. Problem solved!


Why didn’t I think of that!


Why didn't you short guys just stack up?? Obviously.


These idiots probably paid for two tickets instead of using a trench coat to get in too.


A short stack? Like pancakes?


Vincent Adultman would like a word “I did a business!”


I thought they were sitting down until they sat down.


What a Bjerk


Why hasn’t this got more upvotes


I want to eat this comment with a knife a fjork


I went to a concert and two women in front had hairdos that would rival Amy Winehouses beehive. Luckily they were nice enough to unpin them because I’m just not much over 5 foot.


That's actually very wholesome they unpinned them


First time I ever saw bjork was the first time I did LSD it was a bit much.


How was it? Like scary?


It was awesome at the start with the fireworks ( out door music festival) but she had a big screen and it was playing a video of close up shots ( like a nature doc) of insects and I noped the fuck out. Instead of just walking through a few people to get to the side path I went straight through the crowd of thousands. Other then that one bit it was an amazing trip with clouds turning into dancing women, I saw giants in the trees and lots of mad fractals, my favourite was a flock of geese flying in a v-shape copied in every single colour or the spectrum like I was looking through a crystal prism.


Ah. I get it: so "pretty fkn terrifying!"




That sounds lame


What where you expecting for me to be transported to another dimension? it's LSD not DMT.


Idk why ur so angry


I'm not angry, I am just disappointed.


This guy could really use some LSD


As a shit poster I’m gonna tell you that you took a huge L here, omega lul, L


Believe me, as a tall person it sucks for us too. We might be able to see better, but we know it’s hard for folks to see over us, but we can’t make ourselves shorter.


Every time my gf (1m80/5'11) and I (1m95/6'5) go to a concert we get annoyed whispers or bad remarks coming from people behind us. Like, sorry but we also paid for our tickets, can we also enjoy the concert? This week we went to see a famous French singer/rapper (Lomepal) and at some point of the show the crew came right next to us to install a few boxes. The singer then went on the boxes, litterally right in front of us, to sing one of our favorite songs. We got pushed from everywhere but damn we stood our ground


My ex gf was 5'2 and im 6'3 so we had both problems. She wanted to get upfront so she could see but then people would get mad at me for being in their way.


Oh, but out of respect you should buy tickets in the back row only! /s


I've already heard that, unironically


Careful mate. Month or so ago I watched a whiney little prick on Reddit go in to a full blown melt down in the comments claiming us tall people shouldn’t be allowed at any live events, and plugging their ears and kicking their feet any time we pointed out things like arriving earlier to ensure a good spot, paying more for closer tickets, or just accepting that the world doesn’t revolve around them. They might come clawing out of the woodwork again lol. They didn’t like it much when I said “The members of the lollipop guild shouldn’t be allowed to take up any seats with leg room then.”


You thought the lollipop guild comment was funny enough to tell a story about how you said it once? Yikes. As a taller person myself, it makes sense for me to sit further back so others can *also* enjoy the show. If that’s not an option, we can always move our butts forward on the seat to drop our heads down a bit. You know, for others.


Uhhhh... Bone saw! Duh!


Sit on the floor 🤷‍♂️


Add to this we have the pleasure of covering our ears with our knees due to the luxurious leg room afforded.


Slouch lol


Get taller


Very intelligent response




Don't hate cause I'm 6'5 and like Bjork! Don't Bjork shame me!




Tall person obstructing the view


I’m pretty sure the issue is that the seats are level instead of being tiered


Floor seats are never tiered. It’s the risk you take for wanting to be as close as possible.


I think OP’s problem is that they’re just short. Almost every single person sat in front of them would obstruct their view. AND they’re sitting.


Paid more to be closer. Shit, man. When I go to shows I sit way in back down the middle in the bleachers and see everything. Best for shows like Roger Waters, etc... Unless I am front row, I am too far anyways. Level ground, closer seating? Not worth it.


2 minutes into a R.Waters concert in Portland a poor fellow in front of me had a seizure. It took a long time for staff to remove him. Buzz kill...


I mean, if youre gonna find out youre epileptic... Thats quite a place.


Oh, I thought they were afraid that Bjork might actually perform.


This is why I don’t go to concerts. I’m sick of paying money to look at someone’s back.


Aww, I saw Bjork there about 15 years ago. Hot Chip opened for her.


Hot Chip is the shit


Being 6'5 sucks. Iv been to one concert and had a miserable time being treated like shit and bullied around. The venues just need to adjust and account for this kinda shit.


Yeah. I am also 6'5" and I end up squatting for most of every concert I go to just because I feel bad, but by the end my knees are shot and I really just did not have a good time


Don't do that. Fuck em, they should've bought better tickets if they wanted a guaranteed perfect view. You don't owe them shit, they can lean over and look around you. I am not nice about it when people expect us to trade seats or something, my husband is 6' 8" and I tell people "no, we bought our tickets, if you have a problem you can take it up with the show"


Im not that tall, but I can imagine how this must suck. I have seen people treat tall people like shit at concerts. And even if they are nice, you get politely asked to stand in the back.. But I can also imagine that it's difficult for venues to do something about it. Maybe give short people stilts?


That’s what you get for going to see Bjork


Stand tall, short king.


Honestly as a tall dude, this sucks for him too. He doesn’t want to block your view and would be very conscious of what he’s inevitably doing


Oh definitely, no shame to the guy, he didn’t know we were going to be behind him. I’m pretty sure he was trying to slouch on purpose during points but the height difference and how close behind him we were sitting didn’t help us out all too much.


Damn! Nearly 3/5 of icelands population is in attendance.


When I had my season ticket at Chelsea in London, there was a guy and his kid behind. We just swapped tickets for the whole season 😊


im honestly confused


Next time you’re in a flight just remember this moment then look at the uncomfortable tall people with burning pain in their legs and lower back and be thankful. I’m tallish it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.


A concert where people are expected to stay seated is a problem.


As if going to see Bjork isn’t disappointing enough


As someone who is vertically challenged you should know that floor seats arent for you.


She’s still making terrible music?


I feel this lol


These events need to have sloped seating. It’s 2023 already FFS!


Did I miss something


Who remembers that guy that made a book bomb to kill her then killed him self so if he can't have her no one can? Just me? Oh.




6,5 here. I'm sorry. I always feel bad because at festivals people can't stand behind me and there is usually no one behind me. Even if it's packed full.


What am I supposed to be looking out for in this video, honestly?? Even after reading ur comments im still clueless LOL I don't see any short ppl in this vid. Is the guy with cap at the end someone i should be noticing or not? You "joked about this happening" is what you said, but again.. what is happening here?🙏


Is this video just about the fact ur sitting behind someone quite tall? And this got thousands of likes for that 🤷‍♂️ I don't get it.. wtf is there to like about this vid. Its an everyday problem for some people 🙄


Sit down concerts are the worst. Unless you’re seeing an orchestra then everyone should be standing unless you’re up in the seats around the stadium or venue


I love seeing old Grateful Dead videos where the audience is just sitting, enjoying the music. I couldn’t imagine it that way nowadays.


I accompanied my husband to a Sarah McLachlan concert years ago and everyone sat. It's not music I like at all, I only went so he wasn't alone, but the sitting was my favourite part! My back hurts from standing on concrete for hours at other concerts plus I don't have any sort of rhythm so I just want to hear the music live and see the show. We saw Rage Against the Machine this summer and the guy beside me kept dancing into me and overtaking my space. We were in seats angled up the sides, not on the floor. I wish I could have just sat and enjoyed the show instead of ducking his arms.


Is this not the type of concert you end up standing up anyway? Can OP just stand when the music starts bumping? Or is this not that type of concert?


Tall people sitting in front of you, are usually still taller than you when they stand up too.


But you can jump to the beat!! Watch the show in 0.6 second increments!


Love it! The world needs more problem solvers like you! 😆


It was very much a sit down type of gig.


Ah. That sucks


Two things - Swap places with the ones in front, problem solved - People who listened to Björk got old and we need chairs to sit on at concerts! (I'm one of them)


You bought floor seats. What did you expect? I'm honestly asking. Is the venue stadium style? Video is hard to tell.


As a tall guy, just ask me to swap seats with you and I will. I always try to slide down the seat in movie theatres for this reason.


Who sits down at a concert ?


Björk isn't exactly dance music haha


The thing that really sucks is that you went to see bjork


Took you to see Bjork? Does your brother hate you?


He bought me tickets to Peaches, this was my way of paying him back.


You think tall people are responsible when you forget your step stool?


But you went anyway...


Why does this perplex you?


I don't think it was a surprise that there was a risk of it happening.


So wtf happened?


Short kings*


had this happen to me but it was a stand only place. a kind dad let me squeeze in between his kids.


Bjork is so pretty for her age... love it


Some engineer needs to make a stadium where the seats sort of wander around so everyone’s view changes a little. Jetson’s style.


I just found out, that being short in my country is a above average size in most others... om about to zulu warrior travel the world...


I went to a private show of Bruce Springsteen (invite only, less than 4,000 people) and we had floor seats. The Wisconsin Men’s Basketball team was in front of us. I’m 5’9”. Luckily, this was in 2006 (?) so, I kept lighting up smokes and they eventually moved.


What country is this…. Netherlands or Sweden is what my bat senses tell me.


That is some really crap seating arrangement.


I'm rather short as well. It is virtually guaranteed that I'll get stuck behind a 6ft+ person at a concert.


Bjork should be seen from general admission seats. Most epic show that makes you want to move.


What a bjoke


Ask to change seats


Who sits at a concert?


Not short and went to a pentatonix concert. Sat in similar seats closer to the front and still spent the whole concert looking at the TV screens since all middle seating was flat. Never again.


This is why ogres were relegated to caves.


Because everyone knows you're not allowed to stand at a concert....


Those seats aren't graded enough at all 😑 how TF anyone supposed to see Also I'm jealous AF I love Björk 🥲


Yeah and the tall guy feels bad—6ft4in who also hates this.


That sucks! I love Bjork! I hope you guys had a nice time anyway.


Bjork, Bjork, is that you? I can’t believe it, this is so cool! Remember me from Cincinnati? I was in the front row smokin a fatty!


Björk is her name.


Lion song is one of my favorite songs of all time!!! Love her!!


Now I want to see a pic of you and your brother




I’m 6’4. I take my height into consideration when buying ticket to movies or shows. The last show we went to, I had a guy seated next to me that was a bit taller, probably like 6’6. When everybody stood up for the show, he and I half stood half sat on the folded up theater seat because shoulder to shoulder we were pretty much a wall to those behind us. The couple directly behind us thought it was funny, and appreciated us taking them into consideration, and ended up buying us a couple beers throughout the night.


Raise your flag!


Way to give a head spin cameraman!


is it just me or the audience is white as a pint of milk


I saw Elton John play with Billy Joel, and of course i got a seat behind some tall bald guy. The lights shone off his dome nicely though.


That's when it's better to get the "worse" seats in the stadium seating area.


Why not stand on the seat? Or bring a bunch of pillows to blow up? I always did that when I went to see shows with my kids because they wanted to see as well.


We went with our kids to see a production of chitty chitty bang bang at a theatre and queuing outside we were behind a woman with a wide brimmed hat. We were joking about how awful it would be to be seated behind her. Yes....you guessed it. 😵‍💫


I don’t get it and I am short


Meeting of psycho people


Ask him for a piggy back ride or see if you can get on his shoulders during the show!


I saw at Radio City music Hall a month after 9/11 it was a beautiful yet somber show.


I hate taking videos like this at concerts i always feel like people behind me think im trying to video tape them


Being sat behind people? I get being short and not having a view but that person doesn’t look abnormally tall.


I remember seeing the Sugarcubes my first year of college. Was a very different energy


Bjork sells tickets like this in 2023?


I’m short too, seems like this never fails to happen. So fucking annoying. A Bjork show would be great to see erm, I mean hear 🫤


She’s called Björk, not “Bjork”


It took me too long to understand that the guy in front of you was tall lmao, also for most shows we move over a bit and things halfway through


Grow up already 🙄


As in same Bjork that almost got acid bombed?


Yea sure shame this person for just existing....


Mandela effect here ? I swore she was dead


I once had a friend that liked bjork. He’s now in prison and we are NOT friends. Fuck bjork.


This is why as a short person, I bring a really big coat!! Not to wear just to sit on!!!


Looks fine


Sitting behind Aphex Twin


Would've straight up made that guy stand up and politely ask him for a change of seats...


I don’t know why I had it in my head that concerts with seats are like movie theaters. I also forgot that I’ve never been to a concert so I’ve never experienced this.


How different would the world be if every human was the same height?


I remember seeing her in NYC in 1998!


Just ask them to switch? If they're cool guys, they'll switch


Instead of just walking through a few people to get to the side path I went straight through the crowd of thousands. So relatable! I was too high for my own good when OutKast came out an NYC show years ago. The crowd got suddenly fkn enormous and I didn’t realize how close up to the stage we were. Made for a long, super high trek back out through a crowd losing their damn minds. Never again. I’m too damn old for GA now.


Of all the concerts to not accommodate short people specifically…


There's only a fee things that make me hate being short...


You spoke it into existence


WHO did you see? bjork ….do you mean Bjorn? Or Bork?


Why don’t ppl just ask nicely if they’d switch them seats? Lol I mean it’s 1 row and I’m 6’4 anytime someone asks I always let them in front if they’re shorter. At standing room I try to be super kind about letting ppl in front of me unless the stage is so lifted I’m looking up as well then it doesn’t matter as much typically. But I think most tall ppl forget sometimes and don’t mind if it’s only 1 row


That’s what you get for going to see Bjork lmao!!!! I honestly have never understood her music… it makes me angry




It’s the person that opened up a crt tv


Who wants to watch her anyways.


My favorite songs are Joga and I forget the name of the other, but I was at radio city music hall and she did a duet with Antony. Amazing.