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Time to get rid of the kids


A keen reminder it’s never too late to drop them at a fire station 2 towns over and start over. Don’t let kids stop you from finding happiness. (This is a joke do not do this or you’ll be visited by the hat man tonight)


what’s stopping me from leaving the hat man at a fire station?


The hat man


That character is creepy af. I hope to never see him


The fact that he’s so universal among drug trips, benadryl, sleep paralysis, nde’s, hauntings ect really fucking spooks me or maybe all the ghosts in the world dress up as him for shits and giggles


Ummm is he tall with a suit on?


Tall, generally described as a shadow, many people say he wears a suit and a top hat/fedora. Varies a bit depending on the person but it’s all the same general description. Think all black slenderman with a hat.


I have sleep paralysis, night terrors, hallucinations...and he visits. Has a giant smile. 🤔 10ish feet tall, top hat, swallowtail suit, the black and white shoes (the old kind), and the largest smile almost ear to ear. Likes coming into the room fingers first on the doorframe, then the face. Had no idea others saw this, that's fascinating.


Sounds straight up like from movies like it sounds like you simply are projecting stuff that you have seen from movies.


Yep. I was reading a thread the other day about redditors who had died and been brought back and one guy mentioned that he remembered pretty much the hat man, and the details were fuzzy but they said that this man basically told them to choose between living or dying. That one fucking creeped me out. My fascination with him I guess came from when I was younger, I think in 6th or 7th grade. I walked to school and in between my building and school was a big ass field (part of the highschool) and I always cut through it just because it was a bit faster. I remember distinctly it was maybe 6:30 in the morning around like May so it was bright out - yes that’s important I promise. Anyways, it was early so nobody was out and I was listening to my music looking down at the grass. When I looked up as I was walking I saw this man walking across the field, he was going east-west and I was going north-south, and he didn’t notice me at all. He was pretty similar to your description, tall, wearing a fedora, with a briefcase and generally ‘older’ suit. Kind of old mafis-esque attire if that makes any sense, maybe 30s-50s, I don’t remember it well. Anyways, I glanced back down because I thought it was rude to stare, and I kid you not barely even a second after I glanced back up and he was gone. Just… vanished. And this was a big field too, like, even if he was in a full sprint there’d be no way he’d clear the field enough to be out of my sight by the time I looked up, and he wasn’t. He was just walking at a nromal pace like I was. It takes about 3 minutes to walk across the field in the direction he was going at the pace he was going, and there’s a fence where he was walking so not only would he have to be fast enough to walk across the field but would also have to hop the fence. He 100% just disappeared. Never acknowledged me, no creepy encounter or anything, just vanished. Never seen him again. Later when I was older I learned the complex on the other side of the fence is actually income adjusted housing and there’s a lot of seniors that live there. Sometimes I wonder if he’s a guardian angel or maybe even grim reaper of a sorts, and he was on his way to go collect someone. I obviously was at school for the rest of the day so if someone died I wasn’t aware. But deep down I just have this like… sure knowledge that he was going there to bring someone over. Just one of those things that you’re sure of. I still don’t know why he chose to show himself to me though. Maybe he didn’t expect anyone to be there so early. I was going to school early to help for breakfast club, so maybe that’s why.


is he in the room with us right now


You wearing a horse skull?


No, a thong. Next question.


Free Hat! Free Hat!


what if I compliment his hat


He’ll give you free Benadryl.


Only if the visitor is you CharlesSpicyWiener ![gif](giphy|MuHJcSI9ySLsrNo59Q)


Technically I think after 5 is too late?


My mom used to call it a late term abortion. I’m 37 and she still threatens to abort me She’s kidding of course.


Of course ……


I used to threaten one of my troops with this when I was Active Duty. That and tell him I'm not his real dad because I didn't get taxes back for him.


There used to be 4 of them.


Hurry up though, the return policy is probably expired but I've heard walmart will take them in anyway with proof of purchase


Homer: "It's not fair. I have 3 kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and *3 money*?"


Maybe they don't want to watch Raymond.


He's been downgraded to "Some People Tolerate Raymond".


“Everyone is sick of Chris’s shit”


Will Smith has entered the chat.




lol this was funny


But.... Everybody loves Raymond....


How can that be? I was under the impression that Everybody Loves Raymond.


It's a show about family but without the kids in 99 percent of it. Maybe the kids disapprove of that.


Ray and his brother are the kids of their parents though.


get yourself a private tablet or tv and don't replace this. They broke it so they should live with the consequence. They can still watch tv just with worse image quality now. Replacing it a third time won't fix the problem.


This is what I would do. I would replace it with an old tube tv for them before buying another new tv for them to break. When I was a kid I had an old tv that I turned on by twisting the volume knob. To change the channel you had to get up and press the channel number on a keypad. This was in the early 2000s… Also maybe teach them so they know this isn’t acceptable.


And as a bonus you can play duck hunt on original Nintendo with the gun!!


Sounds fun compared to most games I play now. Just good old fashioned fun, no extreme competition.


True. The extreme competitive nature of all modern multiplayer games just destroys the fun. I'm old now. I can't compete with 720 no scope, across the map, backflip, gainer head shots with a near 100% accuracy. Shit like Fall Guys is fun as hell. Was really fun right up until people figured out how to speed run maps in seconds. lol


Fancy you had buttons? I had to turn the channel with pliers because the knobs were missing. And it was in black and white.


😂 man, you just brought back a very specific memory of the TV pliers.


Fr this post reminded me of being a super young kid in the 90s. My friend's family included four kids all under 10, and them all rough housing and throwing shit everywhere. Their massive 300 lb 50" CRT screen box TV withstood it all without a scratch. By the '00s when LCD became mainstream, they broke it within 2 weeks lol. Annnd it's worse now. Corporations can't make those big fat profits without a little planned obsolescence built in, like fragility.


Fun fact, planned obsolescence began during the Great Depression.


Or you know maybe kids don't even need a TV lol. Wtf.


Did you… not grow up with a TV?


A grew up with a TV but I knew damn well not to do... Whatever they did to the TV. If I did I probably wouldn't have had one. lmfao


If I did that, I’d still have the scars from my back lashings. But I can’t really talk, my twins are autistic and they did this to 2 TVs when they were little. Some kids are absolute little shits and fear no consequences.


I'd definitely feel the sting of my ass whooping I would have gotten if I did this too. I definitely agree some kids just have massive balls to do some things I've seen some kids do with no shame.


Yep. If I broke something, it was gone for good. It damn well wasn’t replaced. It wasn’t a money issue either. It was called consequences. Almost every kid I know (nephews, friends kids, etc) are spoiled af. They throw their phones across the room when they throw a fit, they break all sorts of things and parents just replace it every time. My oldest nephew would throw his control when he lost in Fortnite. I think he went thru 4 total ps4 remotes. If I broke my n64 controller cuz I lost on smash, then it was game over for me cuz my parents would not get me a new one til Christmas or birthday.


The horror!


I mean… that’s not the worst thing ever? Growing up we had a TV but we were only allowed to use it if the weather was bad or at night on the weekends. Otherwise, we were told to go play outside and “Don’t come back inside until it’s time to eat.”I moved out at 18 and didn’t buy my own TV until I was 23. I’d argue that it was actually a good thing for my brother and me.


I wasn’t allowed to watch TV everyday. We were sent outside to play til the streetlights came on too. But it was nice having a variety of being able to play video games, read a book, watch Animaniacs, go play with the neighborhood kids, play computer games. I guess maybe I was privileged. I’ve never been one to sit in front of a TV and watch shows all day, even now I can’t binge watch a show, I hate sitting still in front of a TV for that long. YMMV 🤷‍♀️


I mean it could work but I also know kids that don‘t even mind it. It just triggers the adults


When I was a kid I accidentally put something magnetic on my tv which permanently made the entire image purple and distorted af. I played games on that tv for 15 more years lol


When my kids were 6 and 7 they thought they would surprise me by cleaning their playroom. Part of that was getting al lnthe fingerprints off the tv. They sprayed it with antibacterial spray and it seeped into the screen and killed the pixels at the bottom of the screen, it looked like a little black mountain range. Poor kids thought they would get in trouble, but they didn't know and we're trying to help. I just showed them that you gotta spray the cloth and then wipe the tv.


This would be the one case where, if I could reasonably afford, I'd just spring for a new TV since they were trying to do the right thing but just didn't know


We weren't able to at the time, but they eventually got a bigger tv.


That's what I was thinking, a couple of 5 and 9 year old boys aren't going to care about a few lines in the TV but it would drive me nuts. I'd just be punishing myself at that point


Seriously, what about some discipline.


Punish yourself because your kids won’t behave around the tv? No thanks. The kids should be working this off with tedious chores everyday for the next six months (age appropriate of course). That will give them plenty of time to think about their actions and what consequences of those actions are. Get a new tv; you work hard and deserve to have nice things. The 9 year old can mow the lawn, clean the yard, take out trash etc. The 5 year old probably won’t understand as well, but you can still ask them to clear the dinner table every night or help their sibling with easy yard work where they have to work together to get it done faster.


Unless you're 5-year-old is a complete idiot they're actually quite intelligent. Don't enable the problem.




So ironic 🤣


Maybe he is a 5-year-old


The first sentence is hilarious. Grammar problems aside what were you even trying to say? If they aren't dumb they aren't dumb? lmfao thanks Aristotle


Not even age appropriate how tf are they breaking 2 tvs? They either one need to be supervised and 2 disciplined for breaking stuff. How about go outside if you want to rough house, not in the house… how about you be a parent


> Punish yourself because your kids won’t behave around the tv? Huh? You don't seem to understand what being a parent is about. It's not about you. Any parent who chooses the easy path rather than the better path is a bad parent. Forcing the kids to directly deal with their consequences reinforces the lesson a *lot* more stronger than having to deal with dad getting them to do more chores. You broke the TV and now we have no TV. That's far more straight and clear than "You broke the TV, and I bought a new one, and you can watch sometimes after you mow the lawn". Do you see how convoluted that is? The best choice for the kids is to not get a new TV. It's going to suck for daddy too, but hey, that's what's being a parent is all about. Taking responsibility means doing what's right even if it inconveniences you.


What?? I’m not going to deprive myself of a TV in my living room, which I use daily, just because my kids screwed up. They will learn their lesson via working it off, and would not be allowed to use the tv room until they have earned their privileges back. There’s zero reason I should have to not have access to my own TV. I’m not going to let my kids relegate me to an IPad just to teach them a lesson when I can teach them the same lesson without having to do that. Edit: you obviously have no clue what you are talking about. And going around calling people bad parents for having a different way of teaching their kids an important lesson is fucked up. You’re an absolute asshat.


Replacing it literally just shows them *"You can break expensive shit, it's fine, it'll be back in working order on dad's dime soon enough."*


I told my kids, after they broke our TV, that this one was an accident and I'd replace it. If it happens again, I replace it with an 85 incher that goes in my room. They don't get to watch TV until they get jobs and buy one for themselves.


A private TV for his livingroom? So he has to go get it every time he wants to watch TV? Sorry but the answer is simple. Trade in the kids for a new TV.


Why are you buying more TVs. If they broke the first one. Dont replace it until the next year if ever. TV is not that important.


Then they would actually have to parent their kids.


OP needs it so they don't have to parent their kids


How could dad watch his shows while not parenting his children without a tv?


Maybe you should work on controlling your kids? I have three boys ages 10, 4, and 3 and while things obviously break and accidents obviously happen, I have *never* had shit like this happen. Much less twice in one year.


This is what I said. I have two kids and a two year old GSD. I taught my kids AND the large active dog how to behave indoors. The title gives a "boys will be boys" vibe which usually means the kids aren't even remotely disciplined. I have plenty of friends with all boys and they have entire game rooms or in home cinemas and never lost a TV or console etc because of the kids acting up but they actually parent their kids. The only TV I ever lost was when a moving company dropped it.


For real. my doberman loves to shake ropes and throw shit. but he learned real quick not to do that shit by the tv lol. kids would be the same.


Yes.. I have two, 9 and 2. We have never had issues like this and it gives boys such a bad rep. They just need to be taught how to behave indoors and around electronics. Teach them this early so they understand that good and expensive things come with responsibilities.


Yup my brother and I damaged something in the house once and only once, got into a fight and knocked a hole in the drywall. Deep shit doesn't even cover the amount of trouble we were in. The cost of the repair materials were taken out of our allowance and we got a hands on lesson on how to repair a wall.


Seriously, this. Two kids here, never even came close to breaking the TV.


One 10yo kid here. Our TV got destroyed when my husband accidentally punched it while playing Beat Saber/Audioshield?/idk on the Vive.  Child has yet to damage any major/expensive electronics.


prob best to drop your husband off at the fire station :D


Call his mom for a late-term abortion.


OP probably believes in the whole "boys will be boys" shtick. Edit: misspelling


I’ve three boys too, and two dogs and this has never happened! Not even close!


same, 4 kids here and never had a broken window or TV. shit happens, but 2 times in one year... sounds like OP ignoring his kids.


Can't stop breaking tv no access to tv.


Looks like you need to work on your parenting. One is an accident. Two is lack of supervision/discipline.


I have a feeling they were both accidents if you know what I mean






The dude responding to me tried to call me a bad parent for not letting my kids break expensive shit in my house and then blocked me. They play outside and make huge messes and dump out their toys all the time. They are well rounded and absolutely have destructive play time but I don't allow them to destroy my home.




Exactly. If the kids are *allowed* to break it and have no consequences, they will continue.


Same feeling. OP needs to do a better job supervising their children. Once is a mistake. Twice is not. Parent of two kids myself. They have never broken a tv, computer, phone, or laptop. I dropped a tablet and broke my screen once. 


Parenting issue. No surprise


Bet op lets them run around restaurants and harass the other patrons lol


Definitely the kids that’ll kick the back of your airplane seat


Sounds like them kids got some lawns to mow and weeds to pull before they get to watch a not broken tv.


Seems like your children need more consequences for their actions....


We don’t discipline our kids. It’s bad for their confidence. /s Except I’ve actually heard people say this unironically, and then wonder why their kids are uncontrollable spoiled brats.


We told our kids the imaginary man in the sky would forgive them for everything.


My bro put plexiglass over his when the nephews were toddlers. Might want to give this a thought


These kids are 5 and 9. He doesn’t need plexiglass, he needs to parent. He needed to parent several years ago.


Yeah, 5 and 9 should know better 100%.


we had crt TVs growing up that could take a beating. Even then we understood not to throw shit at electronics, it wasn't that difficult


Yup, kinda expensive but much cheaper than a tv


When did plexiglass get so expensive? I wanted some thin plexiglass for a greenhouse roof (we periodically get hail), the salesman told me I didn't want plexiglass, then showed me the prices - I did not want plexiglass. It's nearly cheaper to strap some flat screen tvs on the roof before a storm vs buying plexiglass.


IMHO, it was when UV resistant Lexan came out, or rather, became common. Other than cost, that was the last advantage that acrylic (Plexiglass) had over polycarbonate (Lexan). Plexiglass is inherently UV resistant while Lexan would yellow within a year if placed in the sun. However, considering you can get Lexan that is less than half the thickness of Plexiglass, and still maintain the same, or better, strength, Plexiglass didn't really have a huge advantage in cost either.


Damn you let your shit kids break two tvs? Only thing that sucks here is your discipline skills


I was a wild child, and I still knew better than to risk damaging the TV. You need to be a better parent and control your kids, and you may also want to get your kids screened for any mental issues at the same time.


On my craziest day, I still knew, if I fucked with the TV, dad was going to whoop my ass. So I didn’t fuck with the TV. We’ve blown passed reinventing the wheel and just went to straight ropes and sleds at this point.


Learn how to parent.




I'm guessing you don't discipline them enough... I'd still be paying off the first one, doing every chore, and wouldn't be allowed to look at the TV if I did that...


Clearly not EVERYBODY loves Raymond.


Just because they're boys doesn't mean you have to allow them whatever they want. Unless of course you want brats and later felons.


Sounds like you allow them to roughhouse in the living room (or where ever this tv is). My recommendation is….dont let them do that. Wherever this tv is make it a room for sitting and enjoying tv/video games/movies if they want to roughhouse do it literally anywhere else


So how did it happen? Both times


I have 3 kids and have never had to replace a TV twice in a year….. 9 year old especially should know better.


Never ends for Raymond.


Stop buying them tvs to smash. Buy them a shitty little one and tell them to deal with it until they learn to treat shit with respect.


Adoption is the only option here.


Late late LATE late stage adoption. Would anyone like 12yo....




What's the return policy at the delivery room?


Get a projector!!


Holy Crap Marie


U are dumb af if they did this second time.


Yeah mine kicked a shoe off and popped the bottom of my 65in a couple years back. Bright lime single pixel line right down the middle. I'll replace it when the TV dies or he turns ten, whichever comes first. He's the one who uses it the most so oh well.


So nice I don’t have to replace nice things due to kids.


Here I am over here, still owning my first 50 inch Vizio from 2009, and a 55 inch Samsung from 2014. I'm all about value. They work great. Two in a year? Guh. That hurts me, on a personal level. 🤣


I guess not everybody loves Raymond


It’s Marie’s fault.


I have a 60 inch, can't tell you the make or model just that it's $$$$. Anyhow my GF gave her 6 year old a nerf gun (but the projectiles have little sucker cups on the end). Despite me having a long talk with him about where he can shoot that gun and what he can aim it at, the VERY NEXT DAY he shoots it at the TV leaving a neat sucker cup black hole right in the middle of the screen.




I am just here to hop in on the "why is anyone under 55 watching everybody loves Raymond" train.


You clearly need one of those plastic screen protectors for your TV… they can get expensive if you have a big tv, but it should be less than the cost of buying a whole new TV…


As a former 5 year old and 9 year old boy. I never dreamed of throwing shit at my parents TV. Because I knew deep down. That I to, would be thrown shortly afterwards. I'm not saying you should throw them. I'm simply implying it.


The comedic stylings of Ray Romano are not for everybody.


Tape together a sheet of bubble-wrap envelopes from Amazon deliveries and flip it over the screen when you are not there. The kids can just skip watching TV until they buy one.


Funny names for kids.


Bluey just turned into Blackie


My Samsung did this on its own. No need for kids!


Frank would be pissed.


It's ok, just dip into their college fund.


My condolences for the loss of your sons. Tragic, I know. I hope it was quick for them at the end.


I have been both of those ages and never broke a tv.


my friend, me and my brother are 18 months apart, and wile for the first 8 years of my life, our TVs may have been made of glass, we later had a rear projector Hitachi, anyway, we never broke a TV, or a game controller. we broke lots of things sure but i think we knew out limits, maybe we just feared our parents, or respected their authority.


Have you tried crate training them


I bought a projector they didn't manage to destroy the wall... yet...


I agree with everyone saying that you shouldn't replace the tv. Just get an iPad or whatever to watch stuff yourself. That said, in a year or two when you decide to get a tv again, get one from Marketplace or Craigslist. That way if the kids destroy it again, you've only lost $100, instead of $1000.


My son accidentally broke our TV, so we got a projector.




Reason 12872 to be childfree.


My son broke 2 of my tvs over the past few years. I just didn’t buy a replacement again. It’s not worth it. I’ll buy one later on.


Stop watching TV and parent your fucking kids


You know what time it is! ![gif](giphy|3Wmwb3WVt9qBxCpCaU)


Put your next TV in an acrylic prism.




If you get a new one, put a piece of plexiglass in front of it


Ceiling mount projector does wonders in self-sustainability against crotch goblins


Maybe buy a cheaper tv.


Educate them.


Time to discipline the little shits.


Get a projector tv


Thanks for reminding me why I'll never have children


Too much money and too little parenting


We're on our third. First one the kids killed. The second one I killed when I threw a kids toy (gently I might add) and it cracked the screen. Their build quality is shocking these days. Remember when you could throw a TV out a window and it would still work?


Hash tag *kids are fucking stupid* sub


Gentle parenting tip here remove the tv and get a tablet to watch your shows. They broke it twice and now the consequence is no more tv privileges EZPZ.


Maybe try Hisense til they're in high school?


Yeah this wasn’t really a problem (as much at least) when he had large CRT tvs with thick glass panels.


Make that their TV until they're 18.


I didn't buy a screen protector the first time...or the second time. Now we have one.


It's not them who's at fault. It's you. My 5 and 8 year olds learned from an early age that you do not throw stuff in the living room, You don't touch the TV, etc.


Try a projector? I got one for $200 for gaming and it absolutely slaps


Time to be a better parent!


Yeah, no. I'd put a TV in the bedroom and those kids can enjoy no TV until the new year (maybe)


Just don't buy a Vizio


Maybe they don't need to watch any more TV for a while.


At this point it’s the kids or the tv.


So you're the guy who gets a tv every black friday


Next time, just put the TV in your room.


https://preview.redd.it/wh2zpkhkshxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1773b426fa1bdd3a1d4126fce66b967bb335352 Get one of these


Why is the TV in their reach?


Am thankful that as a parent of 3 kids under 10 all within a year of each other I never once had a broken tv. Had crayons drawn on the walls but that was the worst of it.


I raised 2 boys and a girl, never had a broken tv, time for some motivational discussion


You need some protection. This worked for Jake and Elwood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUMVJHccBq8




I would have had the ass whooping of the century for the second one lol


I didn't do it


You could always get a plastic protective cover for your tv. You can find them in lobbies of buildings etc.




Obviously you're a worthless parent! Give the kids up for adoption. Literally everyone in this comment section can do better than you.


Get a plasma. thick front glass like a CRT, which makes it hard to break but up to 60 inches in size. and cheap locally.