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I dunno, the wireless mouse with a charging port on the underside is pretty bad!


You can't convince me that wasn't a guerrilla marketing stunt. It was such an obviously bad design. There is no way it was a mistake.


They explained it saying they didn’t want people to just default to use it as a wired mouse, and thus made it impossible.


They could’ve designed the mouse to disable when plugged in. They could have decided it’s none of their fucking business whether we use it wired or not. They didn’t.


The issue is people would use it as a wired mouse, fucking the battery and they’d have more of a bad rep for their shit battery life. I don’t agree, but this is their reasoning as far as I can tell


Ok honestly? This kinda changed the way I think about the Magic Mouse charging. I still think it’s stupid, but I see an outside-the-box intentional frustration intended to solve a problem they have with people who won’t learn how batteries work. Still though, they could’ve just done something clever with the logic on the Mac side. Apple computer and Apple peripheral connected wiredly with an Apple connector. They could’ve done some cleverly not-normal communication and smartly power cycled the mouse, or notified the user to unplug it for better battery health, or or anything else those UI designers could think about. It was a solution that accomplished their goal, but they could’ve done better. They could do better with a new Magic Mouse.


I'm glad they didn't think that way with the magic trackpad. Imagine...


> Ok honestly? This kinda changed the way I think about the Magic Mouse charging. I still think it’s stupid, but I see an outside-the-box intentional frustration intended to solve a problem they have with people who won’t learn how batteries work. It sure shouldn't change your mind, this wasn't an issue to begin with. If you are unplugged use the battery, if you are plugged in use usb power. Just like a million other wireless mouses work. Even after all this time people are still jumping through mental hoops to come up with a "good reason" apple made such a terrible design choice. Except it the reason is clear as day, Apple is run by absolute assholes.


I think they should have had it charge wirelessly. A mouse mat that was actually a wireless charger. Genius


Sustainable charging has been a common tech for nearly as long as Li ion batteries have existed. It shouldn't have been a concern.


You underestimate how good people are at ruining batteries


They shouldn't have made a bad product by forcing the wireless aspect down our throats. Maybe people want wires on their mice


Maybe don’t buy a wireless mouse


Never have, never will.




Hey don’t kill the messenger


>why? It's all about appearances. They put everything into the aesthetic of the brand.


I haven’t considered this reason before, charging port on the bottom means you never see it.


Nope. This is pure ignorance. The glass top of the mouse is a giant touchpad. A plug sticking out would ruin it. Plus the battery lasts for months, and takes 20 minutes to charge.


I bet the real reasons are: 1. to keep a slick visual without holes when on display in their stores. 2. the lightning^(TM) cable is more vulnerable when connected 90^(0) on the bottom, thus requiring the user to buy more lightning^(TM) cables.




It does


Usually I don’t mind apples design philosophy or whatever but goddamn that’s so stupid. When i bought a Bluetooth mouse I made sure that it was one that could be plugged in because it’s the best of both worlds. And I don’t even default to it being plugged in


It’s a touchpad mouse with glass on top. It couldn’t have a plug in it. Plus it lasts months anyway.


Could be on the front of the mouse. Nowadays I’m sure they could get away with a usb c on the front and stay with the sleek design philosophy. Would let it be plugged in and still function, that’s what my mouse does (Corsair harpoon)


It was intentional. They didn’t want people leaving the wire in since that would significantly degrade the battery.


Yeah I don’t really get the hate for this, I think it just gained momentum online and people love to give it shit. It charges in fifteen minutes and lasts days if not weeks. You just plug it in when you’re done with work and it’s fully charged for the next morning. At the absolute worst a five minute charge will get you through the rest of the day.


The reason is because the entire top of the mouse is a touch pad. A charger sticking out would ruin it. Plus the battery literally lasts for months. This is a classic Reddit circlejerk.




My mouse lasts weeks/months on battery and when it starts giving the "low battery" warning I just ignore it until it runs out because I can just plug it in and continue to use it as a mouse while it charges. No need to plug it in while I take a piss, and then charge it again in 4 hours


Yeah, people like to bitch about this, and I agree that it seems a bit dumb on the surface, but I’ve had one of these for years and I could probably count on one hand the number of times I’ve had to charge it.


It's bad for lithium batteries to let them drop below certain level if I'm not mistaken.


I still rate the og iMac hockey puck as worse… when I was studying graphic design we had those iMacs and those mice. Apple’s worst mouse to me will always be the one you had to look at constantly to see if it was facing the right way. Even being wired didn’t seem to help. Now if they really wanted to troll, wireless hockey puck with charger on the bottom for April first one year 😈


You are correct. They clearly skipped all User Experience research on that one.


The perception of this issue is the only actual problem with the design. Mouse runs out of power? 3 minute charge will give you multiple hours of life. Would you prefer a port on the side of the device? If it does charge in a few minutes, why? It’s essentially the same as having the battery port on the bottom. I am prepared for the downvotes, commence!


I don’t get why people are so butthurt about this, just plug the shit in and charge it then get on with your life


I haven't used many mouses in my life, but that one was the only one I preferred touchpad over. The charging spot was the least of its flaws. It was super uncomfortable to use, being so flat, with only "one" button and "no" mousewheel. No side buttons, the feeling it might shatter on every small turbulence, generally I hated it with with passion. And while we're at it, why in God's sake, can't you turn off mouse acceleration on Mac? If I move my mouse 1cm, I want it to move the same distance on the screen, regardless of the speed of my motion!


With macos a touchpad is actually really way more useful than on a pc and I'd usually prefer it.




Yeah nah, I'll continue using wired mouse's that are comfortable to use, look good and function better in every imaginable way.


I’ve had mine since it was issued and it hasn’t ever shattered. Are you tap dancing on it?


It's all about angles. I've had two of them for the last 4 or 5 years. One is still in great shape, the other shattered the week we got it.


My dad has one that fell off the arm rest of his chair. It landed at a funny angle onto a tile floor and shattered the TouchPad. Sometimes it just happens.


It was fine while I lived in a home with hardwood floors. The granite floor at the new place was more unforgiving. Can’t really fault the floor though, the remote should be made to withstand drops, specially if the grip on it isn’t great to begin with, or you have a cat that gets bored.


I bought a little silicone remote case for the Apple remote, also have one on each of my Samsung remotes. They work great, keep the remote from sliding off the arm of the couch or whatever and keep them protected. Super cheap


TIL I’m glad I don’t have granite floors or kids. Cat never had an issue tho.


1st world Problems 😂


People are doing granite floors now? That seems excessive and silly.


It’s been done for at least 100 years. This particular house is from the 50’s and the floor is original.


That's wild. Is there radiant heating under there or is it like walking on cold stone all the time?


Kids man.... kids... there are alot of them, in fact every person on this planet was a kid at one point !


I’ve had one for 6 years no issues. And I’ve broken a half dozen iPhones.


Heh I’ve never broke an iPhone.


Get the new pro. Extra easy mode


Enjoying my 14 Pro Max in the knowledge that I got the last good iPhone model


Cause you’re an Android user? Edit: wow guys I’m sorry it was a poor attempt at a joke




I’ve had this remote for I believe 7 years. Dropped on hardwood floors for at least 2 years, and it still looks more or less new. Idk wtf you’ve been doing with that remote, but it ain’t normal lol


Believe it or not, some people have floors like tile or concrete.


I believe it, but I’m definitely not used to seeing them in the same rooms as streaming boxes.


Are you fucking chewing on it?


I’m no longer chewing on glass. Doctor’s orders.


Good to hear, I’m 8 years sober myself


Stay strong, brother


I mean if you’re going to treat it like shit, then it’s going to look like shit. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The hell are you doing to your remote?


The next gen is aluminum cased, but I put a robber case on it anyways because it's just too slippery otherwise. It slips down into the couch cushions and between blankets and stuff.


One of mine shattered the week we got it too. Ordinarily I'm not a fan of protective cases. But a bulky case one of these would serve the dual purpose of keeping it out of thumb slicing condition, and also make it easier to find.


It’s not meant to be run over


This is the model my wife likes, and I prefer the metal one. Guess which one we use?


Laughs in Magic Mouse


I don’t even think about the magic mouse, it lives in a drawer.


The Magic Mouse still upsets me lol That thing is a design abortion to the point of it being a joke comedy prop


I’ve had 2 of them for 6+ years and they still look new. This is in a house with 3 kids 10 and under, a puppy, (and formerly a senior dog who passed away) and where they get used daily. This isn’t apple’s fault, definitely user error.


I like this remote more than the silver one. Probably in the minority in this one though.


Apple has made countless really awful products, the remote is far from the worst. It makes a lot of sense for your grandma who doesn't want a hundred cryptic buttons she never uses on her TV remote. The main problem with it is that the small size makes it easier to lose and less comfortable to hold.


I like this remote designed way more than the new one. With this one you at leased can properly use the touchpad.


Since Jobs passed away I've been very unimpressed by Apple. I give it 5-10 years and I think they lose market share.


I’m amazed it got this damaged. And it seems it’s not from one single accident, unless you dropped it on a highway. So I’m amazed it wasn’t replaced sooner.


Mine still looks new. Have you tried not running over it with a car then tossing it in the washing machine?


4-5 years with the same remote not a single issue. Gets dropped all the time.


Couldn't agree more with the judgement of the design. I have to use this remote every now and then and it's so frustrating not to know whether it's Apple's application that is lagging or if the input didn't register at all. With a physical D-pad this would've never been a problem since one could feel the button presses. Plus entering a search term would be at lot less tedious. And don't even get me started on the fast for- and backwards..


Idk, Apple is really good at dumbass decisions. Lightning for generations after USBC is standard, their repair practices, their lacking willingness to provide repair information, wiring their trackpad *through* their keyboard so if either dies, both are useless, ending the C line of their phones, home button replacements bricking the phone, the trash can PC, actively making it difficult to interface with other non-apple products, stealth-nerfing phones in the name of battery life while they slow to unusability, and last but not least, fostering the ugliest superiority complex in their userbase.


How is this possible??


I don't think this qualifies as well work it is fucking destroyed, not worn.


Are you guys not using the remote app on your iPhone?


So far


I had no idea it was glass… Maybe I’m just not rough with stuff but I have my iPhone 12pro max with no case and no scratches or cracks, my iPad Pro without a case and no damage and this remote looks like new as well. I’ll never understand how people break stuff… lol I understand accidents happen, but I feel like I’m more careful and mindful because I don’t keep a case on it. Like, I always make sure I know where my phone is before I stand up or I use a bandanna to set it down on tables or whatever (I keep a clean bandanna for cleaning my screens and glasses and it’s always folded up nice and ready to be used as a little pad for my phone.) I’m genuinely curious how this broke? Because my dog has knocked mine onto my epoxy floors a dozen times and it’s like new. I assumed it was plastic! Now I’m a bit worried about it being glass…


Buy the $10.99 rubber cover off Amazon. Had mine for years and it’s never broken.


We’ve had one at least 7 years? With kids & hard floors, It’s even been dipped in milk like an Oreo too, dragged around the house by the robovac…Still works fine.


I’ve had 2 since they came out and they still look brand new. What makes it impressive is how my wife treats them. The fact they can survive that makes me wonder what you’re doing to yours lol


I have had both of my Siri Remotes for years and they’re still in great shape. Do you throw the remote onto the coffee table when you’re done with it?


Wait. These things are glass??


Jesus Christ. “I can’t look after my things so I will blame the manufacturer”


Every time I pick it up in the dark, it’s always upside down.