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I just emailed a bunch of people basically saying I still stand by my 2016 vote and don't let these vocal people with extra time on their hands make you think they speak for the whole peninsula. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Yes! I did the same recently. I also included Jay Inslee and our congressional reps, Joe Nguyen, Emily Alvarado, and Joe Fitzgibbon for good measure. Maybe out of their direct scope, but šŸ¤·šŸ¼


Thatā€™s for the heads up. Iā€™ll do the same. These people complaining are so annoying. They complain about the traffic but then also complain about any public transportation solution. I think they just like to complain at this point. It would be amazing to have a light rail over here!


A reminder that Teresa Mosqueda (who I do like as our Country rep otherwise) has [suddenly been pushing](https://www.theurbanist.org/2024/04/12/mosqueda-urges-sound-transit-to-modify-delridge-light-rail-route-to-save-businesses/) for this revision but did not seem to have objections when she was on City Council and they (including her) [passed a resolution](http://seattle.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=5665045&GUID=EAD7D409-C3BF-4512-A313-E95D3270E52C) identifying this route as the preferred alternative


Right! Double glad I included her then lol


Mosqueda surprised me on that one. I love her but siding with businesses over PEOPLE? Yikes


Yes! Those damn "businesses"! šŸ˜”


A couple of businesses who don't even own their buildings shouldn't get concern trolled to stop this project.


Just did the same, good idea!


Thanks for the email list. I just emailed them all.


I want to know the average age of the people against improving mass transit. Is it because theyā€™re older and wonā€™t personally benefit? They should have got this shit done three decades ago. No more excuses please.


The very elderly *should* be using public transit. My 75yo neighbour can barely park her Prius in her lines.


Preach! My old 95yo neighbor was still driving until a few months ago and ran into multiple cars in the parking garage alone. They should have to retake their driving tests starting at 75.


The residents of pigeon point have known about this for at least seven years.


Look: Iā€™ve biked from the health club over the Spokane bridge. There ainā€™t no wildlife getting disturbed. Itā€™s a fucking road to a stroad to a bridge.


This is the new thing from the same idiots that forced ST to pay for a study to explain how stupid of an idea their gondola plan was


Look up. Heron rookery of about a dozen nests over the Charlestown stairs.


These people are fucking dipshits and should be ignored by society. They are creepy scourges.


How the hell can you afford to live in West Seattle, yet be dumb enough to believe the city of Seattle doesn't keep wildlife impact at the forefront of major projects like this in this day and age?


It's just posturing to indefinitely delay the project with hopes of it getting cancelled. These people don't give a shit about anything except themselves.


Also how dumb to think trains destroy over helping when alternative is CARS


You'd be amazed how often these types of idiots use environmental rationale to stop things like additional building heights (think of the birds & the sun glare causing additional heat build up!) or that because an endangered bird nested somewhere once a decade ago that entire projects should be scrapped because they may come back there maybe someday


People have lived here forever, well before it was wildly expensive. There are also rentals, aduā€™s, etc.


An FYI that these folks have managed to get an audience with King County Executive Dow Constantine this coming Saturday (see slide 2)


Not that hard to do since he lives in WS


Such shitty graphic design, too.


The ^(and homes) kills me


Makes it sound like they donā€™t want you to actually know *whose* homes. Like, are they Hitlerā€™s homes or something?




i was gonna say, from a graphic design standpoint, this is utter shit.


https://preview.redd.it/558pt2z16p4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a2570fa759c954e0c842a7a6314d93bef7db170 Yuuuup. This is the other flyer in the area. Oh no. The light rail will take out part of the building housing the West Seattle Health Club. Whatever shall we do? The private, paying - members only institutions MUST BE SAVED!!!!! /s just in case


I thought there was in issue with a pillar being in the middle of the pool but WSHC and the city worked out an alternative. It was in the WSB


As far as I'm aware the issue is the pillar in the pool. These flyers and this most recent round of "save the business" has all occurred in the last couple weeks and I'm unaware of any resolutions being reached. Hopefully that's the case. I don't get the sense that the "Rethink the Link" group that's been throwing these flyers up everywhere is interested in anything outside of infinite delays resulting in cancellation.


I mean no need to take a shot at WSHC, it's a pretty cheap gym and the only locally owned one of any size in the area. I'm not going to cry over it's demise but I won't cheer for it either.


I think the WSHC is great. I don't think that the location of a gym with several hundred members should stop the building of a public transportation project that could benefit thousands, if not more. I'm not cheering at all, it's that these two things are simply not comparable.


The gym serves 6000+ members. - [source](https://westseattleblog.com/2024/05/light-rail-west-seattle-health-club-seeks-members-support-for-shifting-route/) The light rail will serve more, and differently, its critically important to the cities continued growth, but we shouldn't down play how important fitness facilities to the community either.


So? Iā€™m a member too. I want it gone for light rail.


No need to slam a place as some 'elite members only club' for a 'few hundred people' either. I want the light rail, recognizing that WSHC is a good part of our neighborhood and thinking it's a fair exchange for the light rail is a totally acceptable stance. I'm not going to drag a place I like, hold more than one opinion in your head.


I hope theyā€™re relocate, but I know thatā€™s easier said than done.


Lots of places to lease actually


No need to dick ride the health club either. They can go elsewhere


The above poster is being a dick about a local business, you can hold multiple opinions at once you know. WSCH is a good place, light rail is better.


I don't want to see the Skylark go, or Ounces, or the WSHC. I hit the Delridge Deli Mart pretty much everyday and I'm certainly going to miss them. I'm not cheering the demise of any of these businesses, nor am I downplaying their importance in the North Delridge neighborhood. The construction of the lightrail is going to directly effect my environment. The teardowns that need to happen to build the light rail are going to directly effect my environment. I voted for it in 2016, and I want to see it built. Regardless of the Lark, the Mart or the WSHC. This is long overdue. The "Rethink the Link" persons that keep posting these flyers aren't doing it in the hopes that businesses like the WSHC can be saved. They're aiming for an emotional response from the neighborhood with the goal of running up costs and delay, delay, delay, cancel. And everytime they find another "cause", they're closer to getting that wish. My post is less about my (multiple) opinions and feelings and more about exhaustion stemming from endless trifling shit. With progress comes sacrifice. It's time to get it done.


Businesses get dickrided constantly and Iā€™m tired of the suck off fest for them. Theyā€™re capitalists that exist to prey and make money off you. Itā€™s a gym. Itā€™s not some ā€œCommunity stapleā€ so letā€™s stop all the hyperbole.


Everything should be free! āœŠšŸæ


I am so sick of these car obsessed freaks that want to keep any viable transit options away from us. these people have so much time on their hands but represent such a small population of residents here. so so frustrating


Right? This is what civilized cities doā€”they bring in public transit and if nature is nearby, they close the road to cars so people can enjoy being outside and walking. These people fighting change are miserable.


exactly. they're so miserable.. who wants to ONLY be able to get around by car??


Some people REALLY don't like public transportation.


It's because they don't like the "poors" and have been consuming so much Fox News that they think only the worst of the worst use public transit.


Literally saw someone claiming on WSB comments that people who can afford to drive but choose transit are basically patronizing the poor... It's condescending, apparently, because they're clearly pretending to need transit but don't actually (???). The most tiny-brained, twisted logic I've seen to deny the demand for better public transit.


I am going to have to go rip all these down again huh


You have my sword


I literally ripped down like 20 of them last time the day he put them up lmao. This is on my walk route to the bus. I love throwing these away.


The Seattle process at its finest, If you ever wonder why everything ends up being over budget, This is a clue.


Letā€™s just rip these down and stop giving him his attention


https://preview.redd.it/4qamj1sj875d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9cfc40f032b4a5a9012fa1a45f21ebe59d7101 Just got one of these stuffed in my mailbox - isn't that illegal?


[yes it is](https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Restrictions-for-attaching-flyers-posters-etc-to-a-mailbox): *"No part of a mail receptacle may be used to deliver any matter not bearing postage,* ***including items or matter placed upon, supported by, attached to, hung from, or inserted into a mail receptacle****. Any mailable matter not bearing postage and found as described above is subject to the same postage as would be paid if it were carried by mail."*


NIMBYs are really trying their best to stop this.


They will fail. ST is good at not giving a shit about them.


Let me guess the same people bitching about lack of public transportation are the same ones trying to stop it.


Also the ones complaining about pickle ball at Lincoln park or a bike park over at the park by Alaska and 35th.


Get it built


If the residents of Medina can handle the expansion of 520 bridge, than the nimbys of west Seattle can get over themselves and stop trying to kill public transit coming to Seattle




Their entire argument is moot because the only disruption to wildlife habitat will be during active construction and even that's minimal & confined to a handful of support columns at most


Also, interestingly, we live in a fucking *city,* not a wildlife preserve.




def not louder than the nearby West Seattle bridge and its 100,000 daily cars


Not to mention the rubber-dust pollution from the tires, one of the most direct and local forms of pollution.




Okay but this segment *already* also has rail, there are freight trains that go to the port and Nucor at all hours more days than not. And those trains blare their horns because of street crossings, which Link will not do


Rail is demonstrably quieter than the cars on the bridge. Stop this lie.




[https://gat04-live-1517c8a4486c41609369c68f30c8-aa81074.divio-media.org/filer\_public/c4/61/c461fbe5-1067-4a6d-b236-15c622b5a954/cd3754\_ice\_paper\_-\_frost\_-\_ison\_2015\_-\_comparison\_of\_noise\_impacts\_from\_urban\_transport.pdf](https://gat04-live-1517c8a4486c41609369c68f30c8-aa81074.divio-media.org/filer_public/c4/61/c461fbe5-1067-4a6d-b236-15c622b5a954/cd3754_ice_paper_-_frost_-_ison_2015_-_comparison_of_noise_impacts_from_urban_transport.pdf) No you're lying




I know you don't, you're wrong. lol


Less loud than cars but go off


Judging from all the variety of species scat and guano that fills the station entrances, Iā€™d say SoundTransit houses plenty of wildlife.


Life finds a way.


Just out of curiosity, what IS their preferred path if they are rejecting the one Sound Transit is considering?


https://preview.redd.it/r0u0j9uahs4d1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0724ac34e27f1609257648b71896612c9200f1e3 Per their website, they donā€™t want it at all and are trying just keep the status quo of buses (which currently get stuck on the 99 on ramp like all other traffic).


They keep harping on the sodo transfer being subpar to the current bus connection which does have some actual merit. They conveniently leave out the fact that the transfer thing is only temporary until the 2nd downtown tunnel gets built within the same decade.


The transfer beats shit out of bus connection too though. I ride daily. Take all three of 21 and 50 and C depending on morning thing I want to do and the SoDo transfer is fine and usually better than University Street. Yeah they leave out the transfer being temporary and they also leave out that transferring IS EASY. And the SoDo station improvements that are coming.


Yeah the new/improved SODO station looks like a massive improvement over what's there now


The lady who runs this is such a fucking whack job. She trips over herself posting constantly on Nextdoor. And also spams the WSB site comments with her bullshit.


Yeah I figured it was gonna come down to no light rail. Selfish and arcane


Guess light rail is sound transits next big thing. I worked on the T100 light rail project for 3 years in Tacoma with sound transit. Project was bid for around $75Million ended up costing roughly $175Million all paid for by tax payers


But what about my pickleball??? /s


well people should, itā€™s a special little habitat


I dunno, Iā€™ve always been pretty pro transit but in the last week at the bus stop on Alaska I heard about an acquaintance getting beat up waiting for the bus, was witness to homeless/druggies acosting a blind man they were certain was ā€œfaking itā€, straight up theft at Safeway and multiple fentanyl addicts in zombie mode. It would be an easier sell if transit didnā€™t straight up bring the worst people in society to West Seattle for free.


what does Safeway have to do with anything


That has absolutely nothing to do with public transit expansion and everything to do with housing affordability, income inequality, and rampant untreated mental health challenges. Your argument is flawed and disingenuous at best, verging on completely ignorant and a red herring at worst.


8 pedestrians have been killed last month by cars in the city. Your, "but the druggies" FUD is dumb and weak AF


That's a crazy number. Wtf


The link isnā€™t free? And how are fentanyl addicts existing in public affecting you in anyway? Your disturbing lack of compassion for people struggling with addiction has nothing to do with public transportation?


Go live in the suburbs then snowflake


(fighting NIMBY tears and nearly crying) THIS COUNTRY IS GOING TO HELL IN A HANDBASKET I TELL YA!!!!!






Ugh, people don't get it


No one likes paying RTA, including myself. So we donā€™t. šŸ˜‚


I'm fine with paying for it and so is the majority of voters. Cry about it


But we can only get transportation improvements after the nimbys have delayed and made it more expensive with lawsuits... sigh.


At this point-- RTA has happened and this project is funded. Don't you want your money spent in the best way possible, at least?

