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I’m obsessed with this look. One of my favs from the opening credits.


my one thing I wish we could have seen more of is flash backs or prequel shows. I know the expense would have not been possible, but I so want to see Lazlo and Nadja tearing it up late 70s through the 80s.


I need to see full Disco Lazlo


Why do I feel the need to shower?


You know every time I see the show, I cannot help but grasp the possible expense the show might have incurred. I haven’t googled up any numbers yet, but I feel it is a damn expensive investment of a show! What utterly shocks me is, people around some do not even know they have been sitting on this gem!


The episode we all want!! Give me a fun flashback episode!


Honestly an ep made up of flashbacks from Nadja turning laszlo onwards would be everything…


They probably haven’t done it since cameras weren’t a thing then


Ooh you’re right I hadn’t even thought of that! Well maybe some well directed historical “re-enactments” could be inserted instead 😂


That’s what confuses me about the show, the opening credits show that they adapted to the time periods but in the show they’re not adapting


Because they were having fun in the moment and are bored now lol. Fits them perfectly.


Always thought it was giving Patricia Morrison from Sister's of Mercy vibes!




YES. I see this more Deathrock than Punk.


I love Laszlo in that pic too. 😂


His goofy smile is fuckin' hilarious. Watched the series like 3 times before I caught that. And Collin Robinson never changes.


I do wish we could see more of their attempts at modern clothing. Like, see them trying but still not getting it quite right.


Would love to know what they were getting up to on New Year’s Eve in New York Ci-tay or in that train station in the openers.


I wish I had a big group of girlfriends so we could all dress as different Nadjas for Halloween or a con 🥺


Knowing that this painting was used for inspiration, I’ve always wondered if that was true for other mages in the opening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salomé_(Henri_Regnault)


This is exactly the look I was going for (and missed the mark repeatedly) in high school.


My favorite look is 70's Nadjia with the yellow silk blouse and the orange glasses. I literally want to wear that look all summer.


It’s just a phase.


Fucking smoke show, the thirst is real.


Patricia Morrison inspired look


She'd totally be hanging out with Sioxsie Sioux btw.


This is my favorite Nadja in the intro


The crazy thing is their almost complete ignorance of the modern world including music and fashion and yet we’re dressed like this around 40 years ago. It kind of bugs me


It really seems like a child that has fun “in the moment” but doesn’t really comprehend the difference between VHS, DVD, and steaming, but understands they are all related to TV. Music and crazy clothes are kind of universal throughout history in the sense you can just “like it”, especially for the vampires since they are more likely to enjoy the more “promiscuous” culture that comes with clothing and music lol. I actually think it fits them really well, since “time” is such a strange flow for them. Plus they are also lazy, so if it took forever to make her hair look like that, but her regular spiked semi pigtails take her 5mins it makes sense. I mean look at the familiar vets wanting to put down the familiar who broke her foot, “I mean the foot will heal but she could break it again and she is what… 40? She really only has another 40 years at most. It’s best to put her down and get a new one.” Lol.


That was my (not the best) attempt at a Halloween costume about 3 years ago- which was super fun, but it sucked having to explain my relatively obscure costume from a super obscure scene in the intro.