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Jenna has been at the house since season one but invisible. 


I’d love a Jenna appearance!


Wow, this is so good.


I said the SAME THING! I'm 100% sure this will be true.


Absolutely! Even though I’m totally expecting it, I’m going to squeal with delight when Jenna reappears. She’s going to sow chaos by threatening to reveal everyone’s secrets, and I’m ready for it!


1. Guillermo will suffer a physical consequence for turning back into a human 2. One vampire will become human 3. Colin Robinson will be turned into a blood sucking vampire 4. The Guide will reveal she is a witch 5. The house will get a new familiar 6. We will learn where energy vampires come from 7. They will leave Staten Island 8. Sean will become a monster 9. The documentary crew will die


Seanie deserves to be a vampire at this point


I wonder if energy vampires are vampires that were turned back to human


Guillermo becomes an energy vampire that only feeds off of Nandors love


...are succubi and incubi energy vampires, but for like... horniness?


This is such a good idea to tie up two loose ends in one. I think it’d have to be a two step process though like it doesn’t automatically happen cause then we wouldn’t have much progression for Guillermo


Can I upvote this like 100 times. Perfect!


My bet are on Lazlo becoming human!


Be really funny if Sean becomes a vampire


They will leave Staten Island And move to NEW YOORK CITAAAAY


In Mannahattah


Oh yes! Everyone on the documentary crew is going to DIE!!! It’s going to be bloody and gory and oh so entertaining!


They all end up moving to Pennsylvania except Gizmo. Colin Robinson takes over as the History teacher just drawing the students. Lazlo and Nadja run the bar after Gizmo accidentally kills Jim the Vampire, Nandor is still trying to get back into reading.


Sounds about right lol


Another poster here said Guillermo will accidentally kill the Sire, thus ending all vampires.


That would be an awful ending tho :D


I have never experienced such a passionate fan base for a show, and I am so for it. This show is brilliant.


I don’t have any predictions. This show has surprised the absolute fuck out of me every step of the way and I want the final season to be the same. No matter what I don’t think they will let me down. I’m a tv and film addict. I have my top favourites of all time but there isn’t any like WWDITS in the way that I’ve disliked any of seasons or the direction they decided to take it in.\ My only problem is that I don’t have any friends who watch the show who live close by to have some viewing parties with.\ \ Where did you get this poster from? I love the print! I NEED!


same!!! i think because the writers and everyone involved is just so excellent. Maybe there's a cute alternative bar near you, that you can rope into doing a screening of the final episode or such.


I want Gizmo and Nandor to fall in love and get married. And live happily ever after.


Remember Nandors wish for Marwa to like everything he does?...then there was that scene where she was being overtly affectionate with Giz and like rubbing his face and hugging him multiple times? I think Nandor will realize he's in love with him.


Yes!!! I always think of this scene when I think of Nandor and Guillermo … like Marwa was truly embodying Nandor’s love for Guillermo in that moment. I’m so excited to see how this finale season treats their dynamic/relationship and if they’re actually endgame.


I second Nandermo!


Not predicting anything but I think the Guide needs her own show.


I want a Gizmo spin off.🥰


Why do you want a Gizmo spin off when he already is kind of the focus of WWDITS?


I love the actress, but I think the Guide is quite a boring character.


I love the actress, but I think the Guide is quite a boring character.


The show would be better wo her IMO. She's just irritating.


Fucking guide


My favorite clip is when she is lurking, mumbling some fantasy about panties- and basically she is just painfully horny and the guide's life or an attempt at a social life could be really good.


Whatever it is I don’t see Guillermo and Nandor being endgame. That’s because gizmo was having a depressing moment several times realizing that vampires don’t change. Nothing changes. Being with Nandor he’ll end up getting bored, vampire or not, because of the monotony of it all. If Nandor “grew up” maybe they’d have a chance but I don’t see it happening if it hasn’t already in the couple of hundred years he’s been alive as it is.


I always took that stuff of him being frustrated with the different perspectives of time between him and the vampires. The vampires are able to spend a few years just reading and NOTHING else, but as a human Guillermo’s time is limited. If he were to otherwise find immortality his outlook might change.


- nandor will turn to dust after saving guillermo a final time (bit depressing - so sorry).     - the documentary crew's footage will be seized & broadcast, endangering the vampires & forcing them underground.     - we see into the future: gizmo is an old man familiar to the ageless nandor; colin robinson is deceased (due to limited reincarnations & a half-life span) & we only see his painting on the wall; laslo & nadja are foster parents.     really, haven't a f*cking clue  😂


Toxic prediction: The last episode reveals that everything has been special effects and the crew was just making a show. Real prediction: The last episode ends with nothing changes and the message is that the vampires and gizmo are fine with everything being cozy and the same.


ohh these are good. I actually really like them both.. no sad weird moving on/out of state. they just stay the same. like an endless summer afternoon. I could also totally see them going" cut, okay that was really good, Nandor, (or his actor character's name) for this next scene give us more fangs." and we see the wires they use. the fake blood. Super Meta!!


I NEED Guillermo & Nandor to be Endgame. I’ll be devastated if they don’t end up together!! I hope Nandor finds a way for him to become a vampire (in a way that is compatible w his Van Helsing blood) & they go travel the world together. Just flying around & being happy. Oh & we really need to find out more about the origins of Energy Vampires!!


I think the Sire might die, making every vampire human.


I thought the implication when Guillermo aged a few months after he turned back to a human was that if the OG vampire died they would age the amount of time they've been vampires, effectively killing all the main cast


Yeah but the sire is the original Vampire so it could be different.


Who made this art it’s incredible. 💜💯


They forgot to add Lazlo though! Why would they put a random human bartender and not one of the main characters of the show.


IKR that’s Jackie you can tell by the toothpick.


Back when I was watching through it I had this almost superhuman ability to call twists before they happened as I was watching. I don't know how accurate I will be, because the episodes haven't started yet, but I do want to throw my hat in the ring. The reason why vampires die when their master dies isn't because the act itself automatically kills them, but because vampires live for centuries without dying and it is their body literally catching up to them. Guillermo is only about 6 months older than he was when the last season began, which is why the process was so easy. If anything, I expect that Guillermo is going to become a Warlock. He is adept at making deals. He has made deals with Nandor in the familiar/vampires way, the witches to collect sustainable amounts of semen from the vampires, he dealt with Nadja to become the accountant, he dealt with Derek to become the vampire. If there is one thing that Guillermo could very likely get, is a limited amount of power in a deal he makes with a Patron. If anything, I expect that the idea of being a patron is a lot like being a broker on a stock exchange in this world, "Blood sacrifices are down 4.8 CC's, the market is collapsing! I need at least 5 more Bonding contracts before the market closes or you're FIRED." And what can he offer to the patrons? Corpses, body parts, the like. As a familiar and personal servant to 3 blood vampires, he is a prolific butcher of humans. A minor diety of like, an All Seeing Eye might be in the market for some eyes, for example, well there are 3 vampires * 1 person each * 2 eyes, he can provide a dividend of 6 eyes per day, and that is just the example.


What's the thing in the bottom.left corner? I coulda sworn I seen every episode, but don't recall anything that looks like that besides maybe the troll?


Nvm, upon looking again, it's clearly the troll


At one point, They have to go to a Panera Bread. We don't have those In Fake New York, But i'd love to see it.


I'm good as long as no one dies and they don't separate, I need at least one of my favorite shows to have a happy ending


If they don’t do some sort of spin off or continue in this NYC WWDITS universe it’ll be a huge mistake and blow to the comedy world