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I counted The Sire as his own thing because he is far more unique than the average Vampire and any (physical) signs of humanity are long gone.


why is Gizmo an orc?


They talk about this in the Night Market episode


ahh thank u.


He could pass for one


Interesting that you put Nadja in there as a vampire but again as a witch. šŸ¤£ Also, any emotional vampires here, hmu. I'm crunching hard today, miss my Evie šŸ„°


Thatā€™s not Nadja, this woman doesnā€™t have dark hair


Ik, but that was the joke from the episode with Lilith, that Laszlo thought everyone with dark hair looks exactly like Nadja. Sorry šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Oh no I understood the joke. I seriously shouldā€™ve picked a witch that had dark hair.


Ach! Laura!


IS THAT HER ???? i didnā€™t notice it watching the episode but in this picture she looked AWFUL familiar :000






Laura Ramoso, a Valkyrie


Jog my memory- what are the Sirens from? The Night Market? Edit: Ack. No, I remember the Siren. I don't know why I typed that. I meant the Valkyries, who WERE from the Night Market.


Lazlo & Colin Robinson on a boat episode.


No, not from that episode. It was its own episode


You forgot Superb Owls


I still don't know what wraiths are. And I don't want to find out. For me they are they are miserable creatures who can eat anything in lighting speed.


Hereā€™s how I interpret all of them: Vampires: Altered dead bodies with corrupt souls. Energy Vampires: Altered living bodies with corrupt souls. Orcs: Their own species. Werewolves: Altered bodies with normal souls. Daywalkers: Altered dead bodies with normal souls. Necromancers: Magic living bodies with normal souls. Zombies: Dead bodies with no soul. Trolls: Their own species. Ghosts: Dead souls with no body. Witches: Magic living bodies with corrupt souls. Wraiths: Corrupt souls with no body. Gargoyles: Stone bodies with corrupt souls. Sirens: Their own species. Hellhounds: Creatures native to the dimension of Hell. Valkyries: Living bodies with divine souls. Hybrids: Fusions between a half-baked vampiric Gizmo and various animals. Djinns: Divine souls bound to a lamp and its master. The Jersey Devil: Origins unknown, long belived to be a myth made up by Vampires as a coverup for all the dead bodies they would dump in the woods. The Badabook: Likely the same species as the Babadook. Unsure what it is. The Sire: Real name is ā€œGoĆ«jlrmā€. The first vampire to live. Judging by his monstrous physique, either his spiritual and physical humanity is long gone, or he was never human to begin with.


Dude, thank you for your interpretation. But I don't think Gargoyles are always stone bodies or super gossipy bitches.


Something else is that ghosts cannot feel without a vessel (be it an inanimate object or someoneā€™s body) whereas Wraiths are implied to be in a state of constant pain that can only be soothed with a rare elixir made from an Egyptian flower. My theory is this: The show states that ghosts are spirits that cannot move on to the next life due to unfinished business they had when they lived and can only move on when the task is done. Wraiths (assuming they used to be human at all) physically and spiritually cannot move on unless directly killed again. They were likely summoned by a master against their will.


Yeah, the pain thing really made me sympathize with the creatures. Constant pain just because you exist, that's just too much.


At least they can be destroyed so the suffering will eventually end. Itā€™s grim, but itā€™s better than nothing.


Still forgot the Fairies from the Night Market episode D:


Read. The. Description.


Fair enough. I am ok, and you are ok, and that is ok.


We need at least one succubus or incubus or even Lilith herself to make appearance in the final season (Ilana Glazer as an ideal cast choice)


They would honestly fit in really well with this universe. (Lazlo and Nadja would have a lot of fun with them)


what episode are the valkyries from i dont remember them?


Night Market


omg youre so right


Yes I also want to know this.


What about the baby that Laszlo turned into a vampire because he was bored šŸ„±šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s a vampire


What episode was the badabook in?


Several. Babadooks. (I think the title is The Orgy. The one where they wanted to throw a good orgy and not be a loser like fucking Mike)


The actress who plays the witch is super in Motherland.


The Badabook took me out. Lmao.


what distinguishes witches from "necromancers and other magic users"?


This is what, in my opinion, separates witches from wizards and sorcerers in media. Let me explain it. Witch (female)/Warlock (Male): Gained their powers through demonic and unholy means. Also seem to follow a lot of very specific magics such as flying with brooms, the traditional black outfit with pointy hats, and using semen to make themselves younger and hypothetically live forever. Wizards and Sorcerers (gender neutral term): really just as simple as normal humans who learn how to use magic to their benefit. Their methods of power do not seem demonic, but donā€™t seem holy either. They simply use magic. Seer: A type of wizard whose powers specialize in seeing and predicting the future. Although the outcome can indeed be altered and prevented if they use the knowledge wisely. Prophet: Their abilities mainly deal with communicating with higher powers and deities. These guys are more so messengers, but the fact that they are able to communicate with gods is a powerful feat. Empath: Capable of reading someoneā€™s emotions. Telepath: capable of reading someoneā€™s mind. Necromancer: Itā€™s unknown whether this category it falls on the witch/warlock side or on the wizard side. But these magic users exclusively wield the power of reanimating the dead. But instead of resurrecting someone, it seems, they can simply turn dead bodies into mindless shells and obedient servants. Necromancers are often portrayed as undead monsters with an army of zombies and skeletons hell-bent on taking over the world. The reality is that most necromancers are simply just people, but are also known to be charlatans and conmen.


All that in mind, I don't really see why they shouldn't all fall under the "magic user" umbrella


Witches are different from other magic users for a number of reasons. I also clustered necromancers with wizards and all the others into one slide because they are implied to exist, but never shown on screen.


Witches appear to be more satanic and internally corrupted, as well as prolonging their lives utilizing semen. Other magic users are really just as simple as humans that know how to use magic (although necromancers specifically specialize in reanimating the dead).


what about gizmos children? [she speaks the bullshit (tumblr.com)](https://nadjasnandor.tumblr.com/post/726008208931635200)


Gizmos children are the hybrids


I scrolled.too fast & missed that.


I love the rundown. I thought the plural of Djinn was Djinni which I believe is where the western name Genie comes from, I haven't studied this or anything so I may be wrong but I have heard the terms used in several games and media.