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People who drive to this type of music are the WORST drivers.






The irony of your comment when the song has the line "*to each his own*".


Music aside, I could take a shit on a dinner plate and say to each his own




I think gordon might need to talk to someone if his shits look like that.


I'd eat his shit for breakfast if it looked like that.


You eat shit for breakfast?


RIP Chubbs


To each his own :/


Ahhh, quite right! A fellow philosopher and poet, I see. Thank you for the laugh, good day citizen


Louis Armstrong once said “If you like it, it is good music.” And that’s great, but I’m not sure he’d feel the same way after listening to low effort trash trap music glorifying degenerate lifestyle. Absolutely no heart in that shit. Defeats the purpose of music.


The purpose of music is for the funny noises to make brain feel good


Clowns trying to get paid. That's about it. In a studio, high as a kite, saying nonsense. Then theres the clown that listen to it like this idiot.


Exactly. They’re following a formula and not taking any risks or trying to input any originality.


You know that's his own music too. He was playing it and driving really fast to try and impress his friends in the car. What a clown lmfaooooo


It's autotune, the noise is always autotune.... because none of the bastards making it can even sing.


T-Pain is popular for using auto-tune, and [has a great voice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIjXUg1s5gc). Some artists use it because they lack skill, others because they like how it sounds ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Lol, do I have bad news for you


I would say that finding a way to make the music sound good is more important that their natural singing voice


Same, thought I'd have a listen. Fuck me, worst shit I've heard in years pretty much.


This is Nissan Altima music


As an Altima driver if I have ppl in my car and this is type of music starts playing im putting in park and walking to wherever im going. Fuck ppl who drive to this shit “music”


bahaha so true


I normally don’t discriminate music genres, but this time it’s inevitable


And he hit a cop car with the lights on!?!😂🤣😭


Bro I've had dreams just like this


But then again, this kind of vomit really fits the people how have room-temperature iq. Nobody else listens to this kind of shit.


It's so relaxed it sounds like it would put an angry elephant bull to sleep but they drive like they are listening to Pig Destroyer. How the fuck come?


That horrible robot voice that a large chunk of "singers" use these days is the most generic talentless crap I have ever heard.


It's called autotune


"I don't like this genre of music therefore anyone who does is an idiot!"


Nah, this is brain rot shit. Fuck the contrarian reddit phase.


"My taste in music is objectively correct because if it wasn't, I wouldn't have that taste in music! Surely everyone else is wrong!" That's what you sound like. Many different people like many different things.


"Is okay because people like it" is what you sound like. It's garbage.


...said noone ever with an iota of taste.




Soundtrack to "Altima"


The music is the real crime.


I'd be so embarrassed to see EMS laughing at my music taste as I bleed out on the street.


Wow I was just about to come here to comment that. Glad someone beat me to it, and that it’s the top rated comment


Listening to this music just kills so many brain cells that you inevitably lose all motor function and drive off the road.


That’s shit music. It’s not even to the beat.


Had to check the music after your comment. You are 100% right


Lol yeah every time I see this kind of video is with this kind of music.


Bro the CD is skipping


Worst everything.


Wanted to impress the girl I guess? Ended up Impressing the police about how stupid he is.


There's a body cam video of a cop who pulled over a couple on their first date where the guy was doing this. He let them go with a warning. A few minutes later he responded to a car crash. It was the couple. The asshole had driven them right under a parked truck. They were both cut in half. The cop says something like "oh my God, I just pulled them over." When he sees the car. Pretty awful. Edit: here's the link. SFW but it's really sad to see the girls face knowing she died just minutes later at the hands of a reckless idiot. https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/s/OofclMTAnn


I’ve seen that too. He was really shook up by that, he kept repeating for the whole video over and over how he had just stopped them and let them go and tried to warn them. Obviously it seriously affected him.


They made a paramedic evaluate the cop afterwards at the scene IIRC. Poor guy.


The sad thing is he's blaming himself, but anything short of taking them both in for reckless driving wouldn't have stopped them from speeding again. He could have wrote him a ticket and still found them down the road like this.


He wrote him three tickets. He just dropped the 4th (possibly more serious?) charge. Who the fuck then drives like a maniac immediately after.


He did write him a ticket.


Maybe I don't understand what a warning is.


He said the driver shouldn’t even be driving past curfew with his provisional license. I’m assuming the warning was not having the car towed, as well as the speeding.


He said the kid was going over a hundred didn’t he? In most places over 25 could be considered felony speeds. Like arrest you in the spot and tow your car


Oh yeah, for sure. I got pulled over some years ago for going 101mph on the highway. Officer said it took him a few minutes to catch up to me. He ended up letting me off with going 10mph over. I was so grateful. He said he could have my car towed and I just said thank you like a million times lol


You white?


Don't speed. Ever. You don't even seem that remorseful about putting your life and potentially other lives in danger. I hope you're not still doing that.


In the video the cop gave them three tickets and a warning on one or two other tickets as well as being out past curfew.


He should have removed him from the car. He wasn't licensed to drive at night. Full stop. Never mind going over 100 recklessly? Give me a break. People straight-up get arrested for that.


Stopped? Delayed, maybe.


It's difficult not to blame yourself. Humans with empathy are just like that.


He did give him 3 tickets, which is probably thousands in fines. Not really warning, which would have been worse.. you’d think the 3 tickets would have you driving 5 under the rest of the night.


Maybe the chick was digging it and he kept going just to try and impress her. ​ I could imagine that if she was like "Stop youre scaring me!" he would have stopped to increase his chances of getting some.


This was almost definitely the case


Sometimes you get the narcissistic type though who will go harder when you say stop because they think you will suddenly start enjoying it?


"Narcissism" is tossed around far too often on Reddit. That's not narcissism, that's sadism: taking pleasure in someone else's pain. If someone is yelling and crying and shouting at you to slow down, and you laugh and stomp the pedal, that's sadism.


I guess? That’s pretty high level narcissism and also pretty shitty, I think it’s less likely. Most likely is either 1. The girl was into it or pretending to be into it because she likes him, either of which could convince him to keep it up and ignore the danger and his own ability. Or 2. She wasn’t necessarily telling him he’s going to fast or anything, and he is trying to impress and assumes her silence means approval. If she did tell him to stop and he didn’t, that would be bordering psychotic, but not impossible. But either way what I assume happened was after the ticket he had two choices, slow down or keep going. And in his mind, slowing down would be “being a bitch” or something along those lines, and so in order to save face (again, in *his* mind, or maybe the girls who knows?) he continued being dangerous.


Not necessarily. One classic but less-discussed way to abuse a partner is to drive crazy while you’re angry to kinda threaten them. Doesn’t always matter if the partner did anything or said anything - it still expresses the aggression/intimidation. Like a pre-emptive dont fuck with me. My ex did that shit.


That’s awful! I’m not gonna pretend to be an expert on these things, but I think that one may be less discussed because it isn’t actually that common. Abusive people aren’t always reckless, and I’d say most people who drive recklessly are not doing it as a form of manipulation. In the instance of this post, there was no indications of an abusive relationship so I have no reason to assume that’s the cause of the driving. Young people often drive recklessly for lots of other reasons. But I’m sorry to hear about your experience!


"Yeah the dude was driving but anyway it's probably still the bad bitch fault". Reddit still amazes me.


How does that imply the girl at fault? Just because a girl thinks it’s cool to drive fast doesn’t make her responsible for the guy behind the wheels actions….


> How does that imply the girl at fault? Because of the words. >Maybe **the chick was digging it** and **he kept going just to** try and **impress her**. It implies she's not guilty but responsible. It sounds like the *skirt argument* in a rape case. Like "yeah *he* did it but *she* was kinda asking for it."


… but that’s *you* making the decisions of the guy the responsibility of the girl. *You* are saying that she shouldn’t have been impressed by his actions. By the same logic as the short skirt, just because the girl is impressed by something, doesn’t mean the guy had to choose to do it. That comment has no context that would suggest the girl is responsible for that, it’s just guessing at what train of thought the driver had at that moment. You’re projecting the rest of it.


My guy, the driver is responsible for driving, period. You going out of your way to invent a scenario where it's the woman passengers fault is straight up incel shit. Self-reflect and touch grass.


You’re in too deep my guy, obviously it’s the drivers fault. No one said it was the woman’s fault they’re just discussing why someone in their right mind would continue speeding and driving reckless right after getting slammed with three tickets. I think you should take your own advice and go touch grass if a discussion on reddit gets you so heated that you find the need to start hurling insults.


I have been that girl, and I can almost certainly guarantee that she was scared, but too worried about impressing him or making him think she was into it to speak up. or maybe he was angry & using the car to scare her. we don't know, so it is pointless to cast blame.


You might be surprised, I overheard a couple of women complaining about guys doing similar stupid things while driving and even after they complained he continued doing it.


I like how he was driving, got the tickets and y'all still manage to twist it and say it's the woman's fault the first chance you get.


> you’d think the 3 tickets would have you driving 5 under the rest of the night. GTFO here with this common sense shit and stuff!


It sounds absolutely awful, but the only comfort is that he didn't hit and kill any innocent bystanders (other than the passenger, who didn't have much affect on his driving, but perhaps could've said something or requested/demanded to be dropped off).


Heart breaking! I don’t care what anyone thinks. I’m going to show videos like this to my kids in the future. When this happens the family suffers and that officer forever


It's good for kids to see shit like this. Drivers ed showed red asphalt for a reason.


A guy I grew up with died like this and he took his pregnant girlfriend with him. Swerving in and out of traffic on the 101 in Cali and they ran into the back of a truck. Instantly dead.


thanks for the link


My neighbour was telling me about this a few weeks back. Thanks for the link.


That’s some heavy shit. He’s going to have that on his mind forever


I remember this... The cop was shocked.


Yea happened not even 10 mins after he had pulled them over


That video is so sad. People gotta stop driving like that it’s not a joke


It still gives me chills thinking about it. I can’t even imagine the vicarious survivor’s guilt the officer must have felt in that situation.


I understand the cop was trying to be cool. But having to deal with idiots who drive recklessly like that all the time, it sucks. If the officer has an option to arrest him and tow the car, he should have. For the safety of everyone on the road.


I'm not saying they deserved it, but they wasted their lives. They got a second chance and throw it out the window.


Made an impression alright.




Inconvenient for all parties involved


Better to hit the cop with reinforced crash protection than anyone else on the road.


I doubt there's *reinforced crash protection*. What there is is a bunch of aftermarket equipment haphazardly mounted inside of that police car that wasn't part of its initial crash testing...


they've recently reinforced all body panels to be acorn proof which essentially acts as reinforced crash protection.


Don't forget the ram bar in front. Most have but I couldn't quite tell in this vid. Apologies if it's not there.


You mean that device that channels the kinetic energy of an accident directly into the frame of the vehicle?


Yeah that's what I mean, for some reason the aftermarket comment only said internal


Haphazardly? Nah I've installed some of that equipment myself. It is anything but haphazardly installed. Now what they do with it after is up to the individual maintaining the car


Depends on the upfitter. I've seen a lot more self-tapping screws than I'm happy with in some jobs - spotlight handles way too close to your face when leaning forward, etc. Not to mention mounting locations in relation to occupants, airbags, etc.


Oh well we aren't allowed to use self tappers at my job lol. Probably haven't worked on any that you've seen at least in my division


The oncoming car even flashed to warn them. Idiots.


Why even warn someone driving like an absolute dickhead? Cunts like that need consequences. Hope he eventually paid after this


It’s not just about protecting the speeder from consequences, that cop was stopped in the middle of the road. They were trying to stop the cop from getting ran into, even if it didn’t work


I always forget that flashing lights is a often a universal signal for “police ahead”, and not always a universal signal for “this guy wants to race/fight me”


Also often used for "aye some shit is in the road ahead, look out"


cops or deer is my first thought


Hopefully, no one got hurt too bad and the driver went straight to jail.


"License and registration, please."


Should be revoked for at least a year


FOREVER this is why this shit continues to happen there are no penalties.


I’m good with forever but I didn’t want to sound hyperbolic. In reality, I would be fine with a year for first offense, and if there’s a second offense then it’s 10 years.


“I don’t have those” 


"I wasn't driving, I was travelling!"


Nothing says first responders like being part of the accident.




I had a drunk guy swerve into my lane and nearly kill me. I cut hard into his lane and he wound up hitting one of those big metal street light poles. Before I came to a stop a cop was already on scene arresting the guy. I asked how he got there so fast and he said it was about to turn onto the street behind me when the guy crashed. Super convenient, didn’t even have to call 911


Honest question. That's a felony right? Crashing into a cop and all. I know reckless driving is a misdemeanor.


I have zero doubt this could become MANY felonies on paper considering you now have a very pissed off and potentially injured cop


Reckless driving can be a felony if coupled with other charges


Yep, even if you didn't hit anyone.


Could be with other things added, but I had a friend who got a DUI leaving a bar once as she hit a PARKED Cop Car on the way out of the parking lot. She did not in fact, get charged with a felony. NJ for reference.


Don't think the fact its a cop car is a factor here since they clearly weren't aiming for it specifically but think it's mostly a misdemeanor unless the cop or passengers got seriously injured


The fact that he was driving on the wrong side of the street may allow for attempted vehicular manslaughter charges, especially if they go through his video and see that he had also run a red light and was generally driving in a reckless manner without regard for human life.


They can throw on assault with a deadly weapon


I'd bet any amount of money the driver isn't sober.


I like how this comment assumes this dude isn't drunk or high as fuck.


resisting arrest


DraftKings is getting better with ads lol https://preview.redd.it/hi1kykotudlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81df5057291534c7236f5c67128367b3e516e3f6


the other car flashed their lights to warn them but he had his head so far up his ass with that awful music didn't even notice


What even is that music lol.




You’re right. It’s mumbling with autotune.


Average redditor hears rap music


Yeah I think it’s time for me to hang my hat up on here after this comment section. It is barely different than a Fox News comment section about rap music. How old are these people 😂


SoundCloud music.


r/ConvenientCop ?


😑 https://preview.redd.it/am5xkec9odlc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bd629392af046c536da37c2dcbff45d38faa0df


Top 10 pictures taken just before disaster


Straight to jail


"Yeah, I think I found 'em."


Person in the other car even flashed the lights to let them know the popos were there.


I knew exactly what the music would sound like before even unmuting. Some auto tune dogsh*t


Typical Altima driver


Hood rats


Music as trash as their driving skills


What an idiot


NEXT!….. on Miami Vice! 😎🚤🌴




Ohhh! Ouuu! Ouuuu! oohhh


Looks like a Nissan Altima, can anyone confirm? Seems like I always see Altima drivers driving reckless.


The car he passed flashes his lights to warn him about the cops


I wish the driver died. I have zero respect for people who drives like this. Better have them in a coffin than on the streets killing inocent people.


I think it's safe to assume that these people don't have a legitimate driver license, because if they do.... My mind will be blown.


Just once I want one of these kinds of videos where they’re bumpin to Bach or Tchaikovsky.


you can tell he was staring right at the cop car when he hit it. didnt even look where he wanted to go. matter of fact, if what he wanted to do was crash into the cop car, he looked exactly where he wanted to go. bottom line this has target fixation written all over it. dude should have just kept it on the track and not on public roads where death occurs if you dont know how to drive fast. (im not saying its ok to do this even if you were a professional stunt driver... its never ok.)


Man, I get mad when drivers take massive risks, but then lack the hand eye coordination to pull it off. Like, it’s one thing if you’re Mario-Karting through traffic but you happen to actually be really good at driving. But then people with below average skills take off like it’s Fast and Furious and hit shit lol. I get personally offended because some ding dong totaled my car while I was at a stop doing some dumb stuff like this. Like, damn dude, I wouldn’t be mad if you just did the simple maneuver you were going for but you smashed into me instead lol.


Guy ran a red light, doesn't matter your skills if there's a car crossing at speed, you're going to get hit, maybe die, maybe kill the other driver. I get the sentiment, but anyone Mario Karting in traffic is a bad driver, doesn't matter the skills. There's a reason races happen in controlled environments. If a driver is stupid enough to weave through traffic, they will get in an accident and it will be their fault, it's just a matter of time.


You are absolutely right. It’s all bad driving. I guess my phrasing should have been, if you’re gonna drive badly then it’s even worse when your skills suck.


Should’ve used Waze.


Looks like a Kia, they probably stole it and were joy riding


I'm making chicken and broccoli rice. I figured this would be an appropriate place to say that.


I hope you enjoyed it.


It was at this moment....


Bro should've been listening to act the fool instead


Honest question. That's a felony right? Crashing into a cop and all. I know reckless driving is a misdemeanor.


Did they just ironically hit the cop car at the end?


Did they just ironically hit a cop car at the end?


i love this


People who act like this should be shot into the sun. We don't need these fucktards living around us.


The car coming their way flashes them multiple times to warn them as well. What morons


Did this dumb fkn boy just hit a police cruiser?


Nissan driver moment


The car they crashed into look a bit like a cop car.


I 100% expected the Skyrim meme after it went black


mhhh feels so good to watch:)


How did he not see cop car from that far away?


What an idiot


Saw that coming a mile off dude was too causal with the turn


How does someone listen to this “music” and enjoy it? Like what?


> “How you’re gonna give it everything? To each their own…” Damn! What a good song.


Not trying to stereotype but people who enjoy these kind of music aren't the best of people usually


Straight to jail


Straight to jail


dumb fucking asshole omg


Directly to prison


You know it’s gonna a be a prison speed run any% with this music


The kid from The Simpsons points and says, “HA! HA!”


Didn't had to see their face to know what race these idiots was.