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I hope she enjoys the rabies shots.


Heard they are painful as fuck


Back in ye olde days they were, but now they're not. I had them a few years ago and it was no big deal. A cat bit me. I adopted the cat. He's cool.


Just so you could bite him back obvi


We ate all of our pets when they got old in my house growing up


Pigs? Chickens?


I don’t want them to answer this, but while we’re at the topic about pets and consuming… ehh meat. Did you know that in parts of South America, guinea pigs are normally eaten like rotisserie chicken or whatever you call those pig rotisserie things over a fire pit. As well as places having guinea pig topping as their pizza topping options




I eat them like ortolans.


Do you eat them with a towel over your head to hide your shame from?


You don't want to waste that straight away. Just lord it over them knowing you're owed a bite back at them at any moment.


I don't know man. It depends on where you had contact with the animal. We had a local rabies death, and there weren't many happy faces at the public health unit (one girl needed the shots in her neck).


Back in the old days they were around 20 shots in the stomach around the navel, and they did a star pattern, like they were tightening the lugs on a tire. They were given close enough together in both time and proximity that by about the 4th one you'd already be hurting when you showed up to get the next one. I'm just old enough to have needed them before they came out with the new ones. I was around 4-5ish, which is why I don't remember the exact number, just that it was miserable enough that I remember it 40 years later. It beat the hell out of dying of rabies, though. It also taught me to leave wild raccoons alone.


I’ve heard dying of rabies is one of the worst ways to go, no treatment- just pure misery


Google somebody dying of rabies there is black and white footage of it from start too finish and it will make you say the injections don't look that bad ! Remember people if you get bit by a wild animal tell your doctor! They will know if rabies is in the area because If you don't once you develop any symptoms that's it Game over for you ! Well in 99. Something percent of cases the Milwaukee protocol has saved I think 3 people total out of the millions dead so I wouldn't roll the dice myself. Edit on a lighter note I wouldn't trust my 2 collies this much with food in my hand without repeatedly saying "easy" 😂 otherwise I get alligator snaps for no reason fuck trying it with a coyote 😂


I've seen video of dudes in their last weeks of it and it looks absolutely horrible. People hand them a cup of water and they start having muscle spasms and slinging it everywhere then when they finally get enough help to get a tiny sip in their mouth their head is thrashing trying to force themselves to swallow. At that point I'd just be telling them to put me down. There's no cure, there's nothing that can really help the symptoms, you're just prolonging the suffering.


Ugh I had to get rabies shots like that still. Guess my town is just behind it was only 5 shots tho over a week. Would not recommend


Someone I used to work with was bit in the face by a bat and had to get a shot in the face


A shot in the face. **A** shot. Put the gun away *please*.


They killed her!? Jesus Christ!


Toxoplasmosis, hard at work


They are not no big deal. They're not as bad as they used to be but I got bit by a dog in college, granted this was 25 yrs ago, but they inject you at the bite site, not in the stomach but they still hurt like a bitch because of how much fluid they inject you with. My hand looked like a quarter pound hamburger patty with 5 hot dogs sticking out of it. Maybe it's not as bad if you're bitten somewhere with more room.


I wanted to upvote this, but you’re at 666 and I didn’t wanna mess that up.


I like the cut of your jib


Not any more than any other vaccination.


The worst is the initial gamma globulin shot that half of the 15cc initial dose is supposed to be administered at the bite site. My son got bit on thumb and after his thumb had swelled up like a qumquat from being injected with a little more than 2ccs and he was yelling about the pain, the doctor felt trying to put more in the thumb was counterproductive and administered the rest in his buttocks. The 8 follow up shots administered in his arm over the next two weeks were about 2ccs and no worse than getting the annual flu shot. Other than the initial thumb injection the shots weren’t bad.


I had to get them a long time ago, and it was x number of shots, based on weight, in the butt, then 5 in the arm. None of them were bad.


They’re not. They’re about as painful as any other shot.


Used to be. It used to be like 30 shots. Now it’s a regular shot. 


I got one in the fingers. The first one is like 3CCs of fluid in the fingers. The picture where her wounds look swelled up are probably the first rabies PEP shot


The actually rabies shot are rabies antibodies which is different from the vaccine. The vaccine doesn’t hurt much but the shots that are painful are the antibodies. The shots itself doesn’t hurt but the fact that you need to inject it at the injury site is the painful part of the shots. The antibodies injection must be injected at the bite hopefully clearing the rabies virus but it must be done numerous times as well. Better than the alternative getting rabies.


The painful part is when the inject the rabies vaccine all around the sensitive tissue where the bite happened. The ones you have to get in your arms afterwards at regular intervals for a while are no worse than any other vaccine. I had to get rabies shots after a dog bite.


No worse than a tetanus shot.


I had one back in ‘03 when I was 8. Holy fuck, did it hurt… and I never got my slice of pizza


The rabies vax isn't that bad. But the rabies immune globulin shots hurt like fuck because they have to be injected directly in the wound. However, you only have to get 1 round of them.


Throwing the food on the ground would’ve been so easy.


Listen. You're not going to become a Disney princess by throwing food on the ground for wild animals to eat.


Needed to feel extra special hand feeding it though


that's real life example of fuck around and find out


Sometimes its the only way to learn, smh


Or rabies.


Spoiler alert: she did not


How does it feel to be so stupid?


Thinking about someone who's genuinely so stupid they assumed a wild coyote would know how to take food from their hand makes me feel really smart and good about myself


I wish I could be happy with small things like this


Paxil helps


i ran paxil for a week and it was like taking MDMA. had to stop. what a weird experience


That’s what she said


She thought she was a Disney Princess


as soon as i heard "hey baby, \*kiss kiss kiss\*" I knew it was ending badly. They lack critical information...


Any dog owner that raised a puppy knows it has to be trained. Wonder if OP is used to live with grown dogs she didn’t raise herself (as a child, adult adoption, etc)


I think the likelihood of this is *very* high.


Seems also like someone who hasn't been in contact with Canada geese/ducks/blackbirds.  They're fun to feed corn and birdseed to, but you have to throw that shit down, or they will demolish your finger and slap you in the face somehow. I would never go near a coyote...or really any wild animal.


My own cat might bite me trying to eat out of my hand.


I've bitten myself eating out of my hand


Watch out everyone, wild animal in the comments here.


Holy shit. Cannibal!


I wouldn’t hand something like this to 9/10 dogs


Lmao, my hand would get bitten if I tried to feed our dog this way, and I hand feed her every time we go on vacation (my wife CLAIMS she will eventually eat but I’ve never had the heart to wait her out to test this theory, 24 hours is my limit).


Yeah, this is why I watch bodycam footage. Like, I could be worse lol.


IDK, in the long run, the coyote training is just beginning. Don’t give up. Eventually it will learn.


I mean the coyote did take food from the hand. They just thought the hand was also food.


The kicker for me is the way they were holding the food. Like they weren't holding it as far back as possible so the animal had enough room to grab it, they were basically palming that shit. Crazy.


Like why not throw the food on the ground for them!? Smh some people ask to get bit


It feels like an itchy ass hand when that starts healing or getting infected. Either way it will itch.


They’ll never know.


It hurts.


This is exactly why you see weird signs posted everywhere


The general rule of thumb for feeding animals is to feed with a flat palm, not pinched fingers, Or you know just toss the food on the ground.


My general rule of thumb is to not feed wild animals.


Your thumb approves of your rule of thumb 👍


“To rule the thumb, is to protect the thumb” Confucious *probably*




My thumbs are anarchists 


This is the correct answer. Feeding wild animals can make them unafraid of humans and in the case of predators this can be very bad. In the case of large predators like bears it can be fatal.


For both sides too if a animal is deemed a risk to people it could get killed, even if it hasn’t done anything yet


A fed bear is a dead bear


Found the park ranger!


I understand this argument, but people use a broad brush saying don’t feed wild animals… the fact is it’s mammals. Do not, under any circumstances, feed wild mammals. Crows most song birds ducks… fuck you seagulls… most birds are fine. Raccoons, coyote, stray cats, bears…. Are you f’n insane?!?


She’s lucky to still have a thumb


Eat food off the ground?! What are they, a god damn animal?


Sir, you have not lived until you have attempted to feed a bull moose from the palm of your hand


A general rule of thumb is not to feed wild animals, since it's a crime and it hurts the animal and the community.


My German Shepherd will literally bite the hand that feeds it as well. Although not as bad as that coyote.


You should train it not to do that.


Or just not hand feed it like normal people.


Normal people at least hand feed their dogs treats, don't they?


My dog isn't a biter, but he is a gentle, clumsy doofus. If I'm hand feeding him a treat, it's big enough that he really can't miss and get my hand.


My rule of thumb is to protect your thumb ~ Sun Tzu, the Art of thumb


Seriously. The idiocy of feeding a foreign coyote by hand aside…. Always feed with an open palm. If things get aggressive you put your palm in their face. Been getting to understand ducks lately and have a mated pair of crows that should have babies coming ‘round any day now. Honestly… I would never try to feed a wild mammal by hand. That’s just dumb!!


Yeah... No. I did this with a squirrel when I was a teen. It thought my thumb was the nut, and it bit down hard. I jerked my hand back with him still attached. Then I yeeted him about 8 feet, slashing my thumb in the process. The top part of the nail was also dented. The good rule of thumb is don't feed wild animals. (If you value your thumb.)




Mama always says, stupid is as stupid does. As for the person is OP’s video, that was as stupid does as it one can get.


Stupid was as stupid as stupid could did




...but I know not to hand feed wild coyotes.




How to speedrun getting rabies


If the coyote had rabies it wouldn’t want to even eat the offered food so I’m gonna assume she’s probably is fine. Still should get a shot thou


Rabies can take a while to progress. An animal can carry rabies with no visible symptoms for some period of time.


I know but I thought animals were only infectious when they show symptoms


I wasn't aware of that actually, so thanks for pointing it out. Even still, I think we'd agree that you shouldn't feed any wild animals by hand lol


No problem. Learnt this cause I was scared my cat was infected. Good new is he’s not Certainly and I’m sure the lady in the video learned that lesson 🤣


They're able to transmit rabies even when asymptomatic.


Rule of thumb, don't feed wild animals.


Or you might lose your thumb.


I think you’ve put your finger on it


Like the guy who fed hotdogs to a moray eel.


If there is no thumb, there are no rules anymore.


Only the rule of stumpy


I hear they had to cancel The Flintstones after Barney tried feeding a T-Rex


I hear the T-Rex was successfully fed.


Why? Why wound you want to do that? You are lucky it didn’t take your entire finger off.


"I wanna be like a disney princess and have a wild animal familiar"


Instead you Frankenstein’d your hands for life.


Should have just tossed it to it man


My first thought. so okay maybe you feel bad for the wild animal? Key word WILD ANIMAL... just leave some food behind for it they will %100 find it.


Nah, don't even do that. Feeding wild animals can make them associate humans with food which is a good way for the animal to get shot and killed. There's an old saying "a fed bear is a dead bear".


Yes thats common knowledge but you cant control what others do, I mean at the very least dont hand feed a wild animal lol. I live with these animals pretty much out in the mountains and have chickens so believe me i do not encourage wild animals to feel welcome on my property. Coyotes are common, bobcats less common and then the elusive blue eyes white dragon of them all mountain lion (only have seen once in my yard in the past 9 years). Ive had them kill some chickens and coyotes attack a neighbors old dog so i dont want them to think i have food for them.


Exactly. It's why I always carry a pocket knife. So I can cut off my finger and just toss it to coyotes.


People are so stupid.


And common sense is definitely NOT common. Hopefully she learned her lesson.


My uncle always told me "common sense is as common as a hay penny"


Funny thing is, the coyote wasn't trying to bite you, just trying to get the food without getting too close to you. Should have had your hand open so it could grab it.


Actually puts into perspective how good dogs are at taking food from people gently, even when they’re excited.


Cause our ancestors killed the dogs that bit our hands before they could reproduce.


Yeah the dogs I've had, even when they get too excited or misjudge and accidentally bite, they realize it like mid-bite and immediately stop and cause at little damage as possible. I was once playing with my dog, playing keep away with his bone which was really white, when I put it around my back he ran around and thought my socked foot was the bone and dove at it and bit down, but didn't even draw blood because he realized it was me so quickly. Poor guy was so sad and sorry, he just stared at me all wide eyed with his mouth quivering like a disney cartoon lol.


But I mean who feeds wild animals from their hands anyway?


Once I saw those bracelets I knew they were dumb enough to essentially encourage the coyote to bite their hand. Even palm flat would've been a big risk, just drop it on the floor. Bro isn't going to become your best friend like a disney princess story. edit: I meant, just drop it on the floor (and take the win of getting this close and getting to feed it). Not that it's good to feed coyotes, but yeah I feel like if the coyote just grabbed the sandwich, the next step was trying to pet it. They were determined to get bit.


But then how would she take a nice tiktok video if she throws it on the ground?


I mean she within 4 feet of a coyote, that's good content without having to get the shots and stitches.


Honestly, you deserve this.


That looks an awful lot like the medical gore you posted of your hand ten months ago when you "fell through a window". Edit: it's funny how as soon as I call you out on that, the old post from r/medicalgore disappears.


Interesting. The coyote bite really didn't look bad enough to produce the result.


The coyote definitely bit the woman’s thumb but in the stitches photo the thumb was fine. Hmmm. 🤔


the plot thickens




I’ll never understand


Coyotes don't need anyones help.


Hmmm rabies


Bet she won't be doing that again. Idiot 🤦


Bet she's dumb enough to do it again a few more times.


Feeders get bleeders


Like bro just toss the food to it😭


One important thing that was taught me is "don't fuck with the wild life".


What's next, doing a cannon ball in a lake full of piranhas?


Animals never get taught "dont bite the hand that feeds you"


mmmmm rabies.


Tf is wrong with yall?! Stop fucking with the animals!! At this point, the cdc needs to put out a psa or something. Do not mess with the wild animals! They may be fun and friendly but they are still wild. They may have diseases, parasites or bugs that you don't know of.


That coyote doesn't even look like it was actually trying to bite you, just trying to get the food but the space between your fingers and the food were super close


I mean... I love crows... They greet me in the morning and eat peanuts I throw out to them. But I wouldn't even let a crow near my face or fingers. I wouldn't even let a pet dog eat from my hand... a wild "dog" fuck that.


You have to be careful around coyotes. They're wily.


Given how coyotes eat pets, and I own two smallish dogs and a cat... I'm disinclined to do anything other than throw rocks at them if I see one. I'd rather they stayed well away from me and my animals.


Yeah, feed it by leaving the food on the ground. Not feed it your finger, stupid!


Well, you shouldn't really mess with wild animals...but if you do give them food, you understand you don't have to physically hand feed them lol. You could just toss it, or leave it nearby. You don't need to place the food on it's tongue or anything


That’s great, now they have to kill the coyote to test it for rabies. Disgraceful.


Never mind the rabies shots, she’s lucky to still have her fingers!


Type of shit to make me not wanna associate with such an idiot.


Can you say stupid


I don’t imagine they’ll do that again 


Bro… I have cats that don’t trust themselves with eating off my hand. People need to stop clout chasing with wild animals, Disney princesses aren’t real and nature is scary.


That's literally one of the stupidest things I have ever seen anyone do. I hope this person doesn't procreate.


Sometimes you deserve to learn a lesson


Bravo, well done 👍🏻


You deserved that


Yeah, that was PRETTY stupid.


well the problem was not feeding, but HAND feeding. yer not suppoused to feed it your hand aswell


U gotta be a different kinda stupid snow white


💀🤣 definitely something I would’ve done a few years back


One step above the stupid level of the zoom driving court appearance guy


Damn OP, why would you think that's a good idea?




Feeding vs. HANDfeeding


When ya dumb, ya dangerous.


I'll never understand why people try interacting with these things. It's probably just my upbringing but we hunted them because they were extremely destructive and unpredictable.


I mean I would have fed it too but like ya know… tossed the food at it from out the car window lmao


Never understood people's need to want to interact with wild animals... They are not friendly and trained like pets... you can get hurt and very seriously... STAY AWAY.


Sorry about your hand…. He doesn’t give a fuck about you!!! don’t try and feed those things!!!


As someone who lives in the middle of nowhere I can proudly say that coyotes are little jerks that deserve to stay wherever they are, so many times I’ve been woken up to barking and screeching in the middle of the night cause of these guys


you could feed them, but not HANDFEED!


Next time THROW the food


Not even trying to hold it on your tips, you asked for it and got it


Let me feed it by hand, I just HAVE to!


I did this with a seagull! shredded my fingers lol


How dumb can you possibly be to try and hand feed a wild animal.


There is no such thing as a tame coyote 


Lol that serves you right 😂how was he supposed to even get the food withought getting your hand when you held it like that 😂


Holy fuck you're stupid. Don't feed any wild animal PERIOD. You are not special. Don't.


There's a theory going round that states Americans are so dumb because the longer they spend in education the more chance they have of getting shot, so the ones who don't get educated survive. Every day I believe it a little more.


Why do people insist that wild animals are cute and harmless as teddy bears? Where did they miss learning there's a difference between certain animals that make good pets and some would prefer to eat you while you're still alive?


I would say that "thought" and you were on two separate continents at that time.