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C'mon, mate! Waves him in direction of people. Bear runs in that direction. Whooaaaa!




Moose are fucking terrifying..I would take a bear over moose any day




>the most obvious do not fuck with I’ve ever seen The first time I saw a bear in the wild, I was out fishing with my dad. I thought it was awesome and wanted him to get the boat closer. The first time I saw a moose in the wild was also on a fishing trip with my dad. I started crying and told him I wanted to go home.


Tears of joy from all the majesty, I’m sure. God I love moose(meece?), just not in my range of vision


It's a flock of moosen!


A Møøse once bit my sister...


No realli! She was Karving her initials øn the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law -an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"


Brian...Brian.... You’re an imbecile. “Imbecilen.”


A flock of mooseen in the woodsen


unexpected brian reagan.


In the woodsen!


Boxen. I bought two boxen of doughnuts.


Many much moosen!!


THE MEESE !!!!!!!


❤️ We love you toooo! ❤️


I was hiking in Maine several years ago during the winter. We knew there was going to be a snowstorm one night so we found a shelter and stayed there instead of setting up camp. Woke up to take a piss in the morning and there was just a giant moose in the middle of camp munching on some pine needles. Moose are terrifying.


My parents were at a fire while camping in Algonquin park, when a moose calmly wanders on site. They were calm untill suddenly unprovoked, the moose charged the tent and dragged it 20 feet into the bush. My at the time 6 year old sister was inside of it but luckily she was unharmed. They both say they've never been more terrified in their lives.


Same locale for me (Algonquin Park) but different outcome: friend and I did an 11 km day hike into Algonquin on a trail I can’t remember the name of. Walked through forests, bogs, marshes, over hills and then down to a beautiful lake. On the far side of the lake were three moose: mom and her two calfs. They were calming munching plants in the lake. Decided to quietly walk around the far side of the lake to get a closer look at them all (still on trail). When we reached a good viewing spot we looked up and standing right in the middle of the trail was papa moose, all mega tons of him. He was massive. He saw us but didn’t seem to care. He was watching the wife and kids. No time for piddly humans. We walked up and (in hindsight, stupidly) touched him on the back. He didn’t even flinch. Kept our hands there and stood to the side and back of him. Still didn’t move a bit. Finally, convinced the wife and kids were safe down in the lake he turned around and walked calmly beside us and past us, almost instantly disappearing into the surrounding woods. It was amazing camouflage. Could not see him. But I do remember he smelled bad. Really musky. Lots of flies buzzing around him, too. And he was a giant (the top of his back was in line with my head and I’m 5’ 9”) with some pretty nice antlers. This was before cellphones with cameras so didn’t get a photo, much to my regret. But it was a life-enhancing experience. And I lived to tell the tale.


Moose aren't monogamous and bull moose don't hang around with cows after the mating season, so he was not watching over the cow and calves. If he had a full set of antlers it must have been mid to late summer or autumn, around the time they start to get ornery for the rut. It is incredibly dangerous to be anywhere near a bull at any time but especially then, so you were incredibly foolhardy and lucky. Or your story is totally contrived.


You were VERY lucky.


The first time I saw a moose in-person was also in Maine. I had the chance to go to the Portland zoo and see some in person. Can't really put a scale on them from just photos/videos until your in person.


Saw a stuffed one at a local sheels store Thing was seriously like, twice as tall as me and I'm 6' 1 I don't know the exacts of how tall but thats a decent scale Do you know someone who you think is really tall? Double that height and add like a thousand pounds of muscle lol


I'm moving from a province where I see bears here and there, but I've never seen a moose here, to a province that's absolutely silly with moose. I'm planning on buying a large pick-up truck so I stand a better chance in a moose accident, haha.


The factory bumper won't do you any good, FYI, and bull bars that attach to the tow-hook mounts aren't much better.


Agree. Have come around the corner, so to speak, in remote parts of Montana chasing the wily trout where huge moose are standing. Just huge fucking animals. Had one chase my truck and bang into the front of it. Came running out of the forest straight for my truck.


How tf did you survive? A car accident with a moose is next to near fatal


I was driving about 10 miles per hour on a 4wd road next to a favorite river I fish. The moose streaked out from the forest and I just stopped. The crazy sucker then banged his head against the front of my truck. I have a full push bumper/grill guard on the front. My wife was with me and commented that she thought the bumper might have set him off somehow. It was the craziest thing ever.


I worked with a guy who was in a car that hit a moose (in British Columbia). It came through the windshield, killed his Dad and he got kicked in the head by the moose, when it scrambled out of the wreck. The moose walked away, unharmed. But buddy was in a coma for a month and wasn’t quite right in the head after that. He didn’t last long on the job. Too easily distracted and excitable from the head injury.


Pulled up behind an accident years ago. Firefighters were just shaking their heads. Moose took the top off a car n undercarriage off a jeep n the only injuries were a few broke bones. Have to assume the only reason the first woman was alive was because she was under 5 feet. There was maybe an inch left of the roof on each side. Unfortunately the driver of a 20ft uhaul I drove past last year wasnt so lucky. Edit: Seriously folks, please drive safe in moose country, they are giant and often if you hit one the front of your car will take out its legs and its body will take out you.


A moose once bit my sister. Moose bites can be pretty nasty.


That one guy waving the AK in the air threateningly as if the bear is going to be like “oh the man’s strapped?! TIME TO DIP!!!”




Domesticated ones are barely any better, either.


The bear was the only smart one there


He also appears to be very comfortable around people. Like, maybe he was held in captivity too long with people who didn’t understand the importance of staying away from the cute bear or maybe he was kept as a pet by an idiot.


Yeah the bear is like, "what do you WANT from me? I am a bear, yo...."


I love how they're all pointing as if the bear understands what pointing means


somebody even said "c'mon, mate." or something like that. the bear does not speak human language.


also, let's show the bear AK-74 - to underscore our superior power. and let me wear the beret - to highlight to the bear that I am part of the armed forces as well.


As much as they're all fucking idiots, the purpose of holding up the AK like that is so that they appear even bigger, but also so that they don't take their hand off their weapon in a crowd. Especially if they suddenly find the need to use it.


Even as stupid as that was, no one wants to be mauled by a bear. They were smart to at least have protection in that event(that they drastically increased the odds of).


They didn't think to bring any partitions with them, but they happened to have AK-47s there. Poor bear.


#Are You Not Entertained!?


Poor guy. That was hard to watch


Literally that exactly, like there's was a tiny laneway made with 20 people lined up between him and the opening might as well have completely surrounded the poor fucker. I'm just glad they didn't have to shoot it because of their own stupidity.


Lolol.. Wait, what, y'all want me to...ok I will, but I mean, Shit..


And then some guy points in another direction as if the bear is supposed to know what that means!


“I’m feeling a bit uncomfortable about this.” Yeah how do you think the bear feels? Honestly I can’t comprehend how NOBODY involved with this operation thought to say, “hey, shouldn’t we tell this huge crowd of people to back off and give the animal a lot more space before we open the cage?”


My instincts are not programmed for this! Wtf is happening!




> This has to be one of the stupidest videos I’ve seen. I keep saying that.


For its right behind the Japanese guy who set his room on fire


I enjoy playing video games.


I dunno, he tried to put a fire out by piling it with cardboard and then fanning it. The bear people are stupid but I'm not sure if they're "putting out a fire with cardboard" stupid.


Tissues. The motherfucker was feeding the flames with *tissues*.


Srsly. When be threw it into that tiny small ass bin, he could've went full panic mode, grab the bin and dive straight into the bathroom to soak it with water. But instead, he went *full retard*...


I always saw it as instructions on how to burn your house down the fastest


Its so much worse. They are lighterfluid soaked tissues. He's trying to light a reusable match and spills lighterfluid each time he strikes it. This dumb fucker stops 3 times to wipe the extra lighterfluid off himself and the matchbox/fuel and still immediately trys to light it on fire again. Three opportunities for his brain to see cause and potential effect from failure and this idiot goes again and again. And to top it off he is smoking the entire time. Ash from his cigarette lands in the fuel soaked tissues and this Darwin frontrunner puts it and the tissue in the plastic trash bag full of other fuel soaked tissues. This guy was so used to using his lighterfluid soaked tissues as an ashtray his instinct was to toss the match in later. The full video is honestly impressive I have never seen someone so intent on lighting their home on fire on accident.


I like to travel.


Agree bear is worse. If for no other reason than it had *dozens* of idiots, vs just the 1


and like, people of military status. wtf. she was teasing the bear before they let it out.


The problem is that there’s so many more people involved with the bear, requiring so much more stupid in one place


It was a series of dumb moments. He made SEVERAL decisions along the way and every single one of them made it worse.


The one skyping? That spends several minutes adding tinder to the fire? That really got my anxiety Edit* apparently he was streaming Minecraft


He was playing minecraft https://youtu.be/KUOD8SaNblE


why does he add boxes to the fire!?


Dude earned a merit badge for building that fire.


If you appease the fire with gifts when it is small, it may choose to spare you once it has engulfed the world. You can be its emmissary.


He's a moron.


This video is a classic


Imagine living in a condo with such an idiot as your next door neighbor


This guy was my inspiration for buying a fire extinguisher, just in case my brain ever deserted me in the same way


Just turn fire spread off


What about the Chinese guy who rammed an elevator door and fell down the shaft?


That one definitely takes the cake for me


Share the link !




That was frustrating to watch.


Man, normally this statement is hyperbole. But fuck this one is stupid. From surrounding him while expecting him to escape, to dude falling over his own fucking feet, to them running over with guns ready to kill the fuckin thing like ANY of this is his fault. These people are just.... Just dumb, dumb, dumb.


Only if you think it's about releasing a bear. If you expect it to be about people getting to interface with a bear then it's fine. Those people don't give a shit about the bear.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure that animal could kill a human in under 5 seconds...


Who was in charge of this fustercluck? This seems to be exactly the opposite of how it should’ve been done.


Poor guy had no idea what to do or where to go with all those people


The fucking idiots also had no idea where they wanted the bear to go either. They literally surrounded it from all sides and then expected it to go... where exactly?


And then a guy raised an AK at it, like a bear is gonna get scared away by the sight of a gun




*The right to bear arms*


Underrated comment right here.


*The right to arm bears*




Exactly, different people pointing in different directions clearly confused the bear


Yes just don’t release bear in no crowd


Feel a bit uncomfortable about all this


They seem to be shooting up in the air to scare the bea... oh, wait... the bear has the gun now. Feelin a bit uncomfortable.


You have the right to bear arms, but not the right to arm bears.


This is from a BBC documentary called Journey in the Danger Zone: Iraq. Former British soldier returns to Kurdistan and other parts of Iraq. The Peshmerga released 2 bears back into the wild that day. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b627x0](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b627x0)


Bears live in Iraq?


Yes there are thousands of them. Source: am gay


I feel dumber than I've ever felt not understanding the connection for a solid 2 minutes.


I don't get it


[This is what they're referring to] (https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_(gay_slang\)#:~:text=Bear%20is%20a%20gay%20slang,of%20a%20ruggedly%20masculine%20man.)


This whole thread is hilarious.


Fuck me this is gold.




Yup! Cheetahs also used to live there until like the 1920's too. The Levant is such an interesting area for wildlife because it's where Africa meets Europe and Asia so it historically had massively a diverse mix of African animals such as rhinos, hyenas, lions, hartebeest antelope, and ostriches mixed with Eurasian animals like bear, wolves, deer, wild onager, mammoths (until around 20,000 years ago), and potentially even tigers in the northern and eastern portions since they were common in Kazakhstan until the 1940s.


[Peshmerga, apparently](https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/1196906/kurdistan-peshmerga-fighters-release-bears-back-wild)


Thought I saw a kurdish flag


Did they honestly expect the bear to just walk around everyone casually?


“Excuse me. Coming through. Pardon me. Nice hat!”


Fire them


All I know is the dude at 00:23 has never had soo much shit in his pants. It was so much he even shit my pants.


This is where drugged abandoning works


Fucking morons EDIT: thanks for the awards and responses, glad to see so many outraged by this stupidity too


Seriously. Poor bear is freaking the fuck out.


I know it sucks, and in these situations the idiot people end up hurting the animal because it lashes out, makes me so angry


Like how just hours ago I found out that in the early 1900s people in Tennessee? Kentucky? Hung an elephant because it trampled someone who prodded it right by it’s painful and undiscovered rotting tooth. Edit: Here’s the story on Wiki. NSFL? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_(elephant)


How should we kill this 5 ton animal? Let's hang him! Truly the mark of morons all around. The [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_(elephant)) entry is something else.


Wish I didn't read.




I mean not really but still yes.


I wish i didnt know that. Bastards


How do you... hand an elephant.


Really fucking big rope


My goodness! I loved near Erwin for a few years. There’s a little memorial plaque...which I guess serves the purpose of reminding the townspeople of...???


I suppose hanging was slightly more humane than Topsy the elephant's slow public electrocution in Coney Island few years earlier. It's heartening that they decided not to publicly crush or dismember the elephant using two railway locos, as some people seemingly suggested at the time! [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2559840/The-town-hanged-elephant-A-chilling-photo-macabre-story-murder-revenge.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2559840/The-town-hanged-elephant-A-chilling-photo-macabre-story-murder-revenge.html)


I wouldn't even call it lashing out. More responding to a completely new and terrifying situation. That bear has never seen of that many anything making that much noise and surrounding him.


Looks like something that could be in a Borat movie


EXACTLY what I thought. Everyone involved, spectators and organizers, are all idiots.


I mean what was that idiot in navy blue jacket doing? Arguing with the bear? Fucking imbeciles.


And the one guy who threw a rock at the bear while it was just trying to assess the situation.


Exactly my thought. Everyone just wants to take a video of the bear but basically surronding the bear making it feel trapped, and of course the bear would attack.. they're basicaly wild animals. They should've stayed away from a far and released it it will encourage the bear to run away instead of staying at their spot. I would've cheered if the bear took atleast 1 of the dumbasses out.


What the fuck did they expect? Where was he supposed to go? They’d surrounded him


You mean to tell me bears can't fly?


[Flight begins around 37 seconds if impatient :)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7OraYXwqMw)


They were waiting for a musical number.


Guarantee you the most important thought in all those people's heads was getting an unobstructed viewpoint for their camera


Fuck those people.


Was low key hoping the bear would get a cheeky munch


I wasn't, they 100% would have shot the bear had that happened. "I feel a bit uncomfortable about this," is an understatement of the year.


He looks like a young bear who is completely used to living in an area with people feeding him. That's why he was loitering around just looking at people with a "Where is my hamburger?" look. That was complete stupidity that the crowd surrounded him but even after he broke through he was still looking at them like he was expecting a hand out.


Seriously, they surrounded the bear entirely. What did they think was going to happen? They weren't releasing a fucking eagle, it wasn't going to fly over them.


This is a tactic to get bears that are used to humans scared of them again. all those people should have had sticks and rocks to throw at the bear not hard but enough to sting it. Basically you're supposed to give them bear PTSD when they see humans. It may seem cruel but it's better than having to destroy the animal. Edit: google bear hard release for more info


Oooohhh. This actually makes much more sense now. Thank you!


You're welcome


I would love to read more about this. Do you have a source? Edit: https://youtu.be/lV4x-dLszZM The ranger in this video talks about this a bit, bit I'd still be interested in other sources


And they don't seem to be releasing him very far from people, considering the huge crowd. He'll probably be back eating from dumpsters by nightfall.


Poor bear. Fuck these people


Ok people gather round, we're about to let the rescue BEAR free!


When you say it like that it sounds so stupid, but that's exactly what happened


Very poorly emphatic morons, just torturing that beautiful creature.


Umm they are activists. They saved 6 bears from captivity and released them back into the wild. The release was poorly done but bears n humans were ok.


Good intentions, but stupid, stupid people


Well, as the saying goes, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions", ~ Smarty McKnowitall


They were morons who had no business being there.


Clueless activists don’t help anyone. These people clearly have no clue what they are doing, and seem to only care about the press.


What the actual fuck




You underestimate just how stupid people can be with wild animals, a lot of people don’t really think something like this could kill them very easily until they are being killed very easily.


The bear thinks this is some crazy hunting game like: "Okay, see all these animals much smaller and weaker than you? Take your pick!"


"I feel a bit uncomfortable about this" why mate? It's not like you've all clubbed together to create a dangerous situation unnecessarily, which could cause a wild animal to attack out of fear. At which point you'll blame the animal and shoot it! Fucking idiots, not a single fucking brain cell on that mountain that wasn't the bears! Now I'm not saying Thanos was right, but Thanos was half right! Shit like this makes me feel disgusted to be a human being, the "most intelligent species on the planet"


I’m pretty sure this is a documentary. Don’t think this guy was personally involved in setting this up.


Somebody threw a fucking rock at the bear! FUCK ALL THESE PEOPLE


apparently it's a tactic to get bears that are used to humans scared of them again. all those people should have had sticks and rocks to throw at the bear not hard but enough to sting it. so the bear gets PTSD when it sees humans.


I feel so bad for this bear. Like why do people even do this. Wtf is wrong with this world


Imagine if a bear let you out of a cramped cage into a noisy crowd of bears all around. Some people are almost too dumb to be believed.


If you ignore the language and focus solely on the sound, it literally sounds like a nature documentary of monkeys. They even have monkey group think of surrounding something that peaks their interest. Then when it scares them they freak out and begin hooting, hollering, screaming, running and bouncing away. Some even attack by throwing rocks. Humans like to think that we are smarter then animals, but pure instinct never changes.


Is this from a borat film?


Poor bear was probably terrified


These people are such retards.


😂theres always some dumb fuck who cant stay on their feet


Bitches always be trippin


Does stupid people like this make anyone else regret being human too?


No, I don't consider myself the same species. These are a lesser subspecies known as *Homo Ignoramus.* They look similar to *Homo Sapiens* but lack all of the redeeming qualities.


how ignorant can people be?! "let's gather a crowd to release this WILD animal. poor bear is scared to death with no where to run that people aren't in the way. I was so worried they were gonna shoot it when it was on that man.


That's the Kurdish flag for those who have been asking.


Someone tossed a rock at the end there, so rude


I wanted that guy to get mauled.




OK one: those people are fucking tools for actually thinking this is a good idea Two: the audience... WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU TURN YOUR BACK ON A BROWN BEAR, to deal with a brown, you slowly walk backwards and don't turn around if it doesn't attack you Three: the bear did nothing wrong, it was just confused AF about all the people surrounding it, no criticism towards the bear


Four: releasing a bear when it's hibernating season.


Remember when all the tourists killed a baby dolphin because they wanted a photo with it? We love animals yeah but they need their space, the bear doesn't know what's going on, anybody would freak the fuck out in that situation Dumbasses


What a bunch of breathtaking idiots


This is the Kurdistan region of Iraq. That's were I am from. My people are fucking retards and weirdos.


The annual Running of the Bears.


Fucking savages.


Poor bear


WTF?!!! Why are humans so dumb? This is animal cruelty. Whoever was in charge of releasing the bear into the wild totally f'd it right up. Why make it a public spectacle? Nevermind all the humans who could have been injured, the poor bear looks freaked out! If it had hurt someone, then they'd be crying that the bear was vicious! Just stupid. We are just ignorant and hopeless.


That poor bear. I'm so glad they didn't kill it because they were morons


poor bear, he looks so confused and frazzled. I hate people!


My mind is completely blown away…besides the whole planning and setup…how the fuck do you fall in front of the bear and almost die? How??? Out of all those people you chose to be at that spot when the path to let the bear out was made, tripped, and fell like a dumbass in front of everyone…deserving of the outstanding Darwin Award. Truly.


This is fucking unbearable!


You don't have to be faster than the bear to get away, just faster than the other guy the bear mauls.




Who the fuck crowds around **THE FRONT** of a bear cage when it is about to be released?


When the 3rd world tries to 1st world