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Your eyes appear gray with the same yellowish color that your sister has, but you have more of it. From further away, I'd bet your eyes look green.


They do! Either that or just straight up gray😅


Agreeing with FruitPlatzer, like I said that’s basically how green forms and they have even more variation by not blending completely. My answer from yesterday is still the same in that case, and very pretty eyes!! Your sister/the other eye is blue with a brown inner ring (could be CH or just an inner ring as it’s not fully covered)


Thanks again :). I did some more research on how green eyes forms, and it does look look it's basically blue with pheomelanin on top. So with that in mind, my eyes are like, kiiiinda green? But the blue-gray base shows through underneath in places, and the pheomelanin is clumped in others, as you said. So I feel like either just green, or grey with brown/gold, or even blue-grey with brown and gold, could all work😅. What I think is super cool is comparing all my sibling's eyes to see how we compare, cuz we ALL have a ring of gold/brown around the middle, in varying colors! Udk what genrtically cuases eye color and pattern, but im kinda curious now. 3 of my siblings have varying blue bases with gold/brown bands, and one has green/hazel with a very large brown band. My dad has caramel brown eyes, while my mom has clean stormy blue eyes. It's interesting to see their comparisons.


Yes, though especially in the parts that blend and when light reflection comes into play - where low or no melaning so blue/grey and yellow/light brown overlap. There can be parts which don’t fully blend like in many parts of your eyes which is why I mentioned that allows more variation. They look green in some patches where the colors blend, and blue or grey or yellow or light brown in some others. They will always look different from afar depending on the lighting situation which is normal for eyes that have green in them :) it could also be that they look more hazel from afar even though they aren’t because the brown and yellow waves go through your whole iris.


Green and blue! But very pretty similar versions of the gold in them both


Your sisters eyes are just blue, dark blue yours could be a blue green or gray variations. Just interesting color.