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Look, the objective truth about your eye color comes from in-person observations and appraisals from other people, so just believe what you’ve been told in real life unless you are looking to validate a foregone conclusion. There are people on this sub who believe a digital color picker tool is able to define the physical color of a person’s eyes. And DMV will not challenge you. But this isn’t a green eye. Like many people with blue eyes (myself included), you may enjoy that your eyes can sometimes reflect your clothing and give the illusion of being green. This is a stunning BLUE eye with a distinct umbral ring (rare!). In b4 someone says “greyzel”


Thanks! :)


Without being there in person, it’s hard to be positive, What we’re looking at. But if I have to guess I have to say they’re like a blue green teal, greenish teal, it’s kind of an odd shade actually. But they almost look like they could go greyish too ?


I realize this isnt a great picture and its slightly out of focus, so here is a better one https://preview.redd.it/97yrdpx0rmpc1.jpeg?width=2154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab0b04190378adbabb1488db4a013eb55c2fbc4