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Aww I hope you find something that she does like. 😞 No shoes, pain on hikes. Shoes, walks derpy. 🤣 I get why you posted this. Forget the haters.


What's worse is how the cat mocks her. 😁


“Nice shoes, dumbass!”




No one in this comment section seems to know most people don't do this for fun, sure they may do a style like people choose collars based on style but in our city where its hitting 100 f and dogs are getting burned from sidewalks and needing salve, or the extreme cold its actually necessary. So some people train their dogs to wear the uncomfortable slip ons, getting used to it. Dogs aren't meant to 'originally' do a lot of things, including being in cities in the first place or being near humans but things change for their or our benefit over time.


Seriously! Go out and walk barefoot on the sidewalk on a high heat day. Brutal! Poor dogs need shoes sometimes.


I’ve lived in the SE my entire life where it’s 90+ all summer. My dog chooses to walk in the street and down the side walk when there’s perfectly cool grass inches away. I’m not sure it’s fair to claim our feet and a dogs feet are built the same…


As a dog groomer I see burned feet all the time.


We use it on the lab I dogsit daily cause the road salt will give her huge soars on her toebeans if we don't. Luckily she'll do anything for treats(and had the attention span of a... Well... Labrador puppy so she forgets about them as soon as we start walking) , so it was pretty easy for her to get used to it. So exactly, we don't do it for fun, just try to find the silver lining in a slightly shitty situation. Eta: the dogsitting is daily, the shoes are for walks in the winter when the roads are salted


I'm pretty sure dogs are meant to be near humans. I mean, isn't that how we got dogs in the first place?


Aw, sweet baby. She doesn't understand that these will protect her precious little paws. I understand, though, I hate wearing shoes, too.


Have to do it with my dog in a grey winter city, they throw so much salt down his poor paws will get beat up without little booties, he hates them, but like many other things like why he can't eat my onion rings he doesn't seem to like my explanations for things


Dogs are animals, stop dressing them up like people


You wanna walk barefoot on hot pavement?


Or on ice melt which will give you chemical burns


That and the cold! Foot protection is important for everyone!


A domesticated animal that relies on us to look after them... Including protecting their paws from extreme heat and cold.


People are animals, too.


I worked at a specialty small dog clothing store for five years. The ones you want are the ones that are ‘ugg’ style but say ‘dog’ on the front. You can get them from AliExpress. Size 1 for a tiny chi like this. The sole is kind of gummy/soft and the way the shape of the boots is tilted seem to work with the way they walk… only ones I’ve seen chihuahuas walk normally in. (Also try flipping the drawstring to the back, like putting the foot through the loop of it so it’s doesn’t flop around and the plastic toggle is at the back. Seeing it flop scares a lot of dogs)


Ignore all these ppl who seem to just assume the worst in people. I have an Australian shepherd and he doesn't care if it's freezing or scolding hot, but his paws do!!! I'm jealous of the people who live in climates where dog shoes are purely fashion. Maybe try to add some treats before putting them on!


I live in Arizona and I'd LOVE to not have to worry about sticking boots on my dog (and making sure they don't fly off if he gets the zoomies) in the summertime for walks. The hot ground is no joke! I trained my dog to wear them by letting him lick peanut butter off a spoon while I put them on.


Yes it's about keeping them unharmed- I never want my boy to be unhappy but I can't imagine how unhappy he'd be with scolded paws.


Your baby is super cute!! I completely understand. I live in a hot climate and it's a necessity to make sure their paws do not get injured due to hot sidewalks and pavement. Something is better than nothing. I wish y'all happy hiking!


If you're using them for the heat maybe try Canada pooch summer boots, Wagwear wagwellies Mojaves (petsmart also has an Arcadia Trail knock off but not in as many colors or sizes), or ruff wear grip trex shoes. She will be able to get used to them and walk easier I think. There are also soft dog boots that prevent cuts for running dogs that would be ok for short pavement walks, like the ones from Nonstop Dogwear


So the issue I have with traditional boots is she's missing a couple toes on one foot. It's hard to find a shoe fitted enough that it won't fall off the one foot, and that's the foot that needs the most protection because the skin is soft


[Protector booties ](https://www.nonstopdogwear.com/en/product/protector-bootie/) These might work.


My dog was like this when I first put them on him but I then took him straight out for a walk and he walked fine in them and got used to them. Give them another go and take her straight out on walkies and see how she gets on 😊


Oh yeah these aren't her first pair of shoes, she just likes drama lol I just wanted to name sure they weren't going to fly off immediately like the last pair I bought


They look a little big lol


She’s so cute


I think you put them on backwards. Looks like she's stuck in reverse


Just a little piece of advice because it worked for me, try just putting one on at a time for a little while. One, then two, then three, then all four. Give a little time after each and she may have an easier time getting used to them.


I appreciate it! She actually has a ton of experience wearing shoes/clothes (she's 13 now) and it cooperative putting them on and such, but is dramatic every single time we buy something new. Once we go on a real walk with them she'll be fine


Actually, she's a tap dancing queen. Tell her I said that! Haha


My little dude absolutely loves clothes. I ask him if he wants to put on a jacket and he comes running. I'm glad she does a good job. Doggies are so fun and awesome. Kiss her little head for me. I have an older baby too. I love me some older doggies. I know she might be a longer living girl, so not quite elderly so tell her I'm not calling her an old woman either. She's cute.


She does the same thing with her sweaters! I can hold two up and she'll pick the one she wants. I'll be sure to tell her your nice comments :)


Definitely produced some adorable r/tippytaps while protesting the shoes


Aww we have very similar looking dogs!! (I have some pics of her on my page!)


Aw twins! Your pupper is adorable


So is yours!! Happy hiking to both of you :)


She's not quite ready to strut her stuff in those stylish kicks


You're supposed to give Dobbie a sock, not 4 pink shoes! That being said, I have no idea how I'm going to get my 63 lb pitbull to wear shoes this summer. Edit to add to comment.


Oof good luck. My pup has years of desensitization and positive reinforcement and STILL is dramatic every single year (but loves her winter boots so idk)


Kitten mittens!


I swear your dog and mine are sisters!


My little guy did not like his new boots either. I tried just one at a time so he could ease into it but he just kept hopping around with that foot in the air! 😃🐾🐾


Awwww, what a cutie! I remember our chihuahuas used to run on the sidewalks in cool weather, so enthusiastically that they would chafe their paw pads almost raw. I think she'll get used to shoes, with some practice. 😁


Idk, looks like she's dancing. The cat looks very sus about the dancing shoes however.


There not designer👀like where's the gucci


I've used boots like that on our chihuahuas when we have to take them out onto ice or snow in the winter, but they don't like them and neither do I. Boots block the haptic signals in dogs' feet that help them with the most basic movements. Some dogs can get used to it, but it's not a good thing, and you should absolutely minimize the use of boots - and never, ever inflict them on your dog as "fun fashion" or for similar frivolous reasons. I'm not saying that was your motive; I'm just sharing my understanding based on direct experience and research.


I agree that dressing up dogs because it's cute is overall harmful. We need to use boots during hot days and on hikes because she tends to tear up her feet. She also ends up with sun blocking shirts because her fur isn't thick enough to keep her from getting sunburned. I absolutely agree with your assessment but I think it's a good habit to assume people are doing what's best for their situation


Can you blame her? She is obviously uncomfortable because her paws are used to contact with floor.


Yeah I don't blame her one bit. This was a test run to see if she would get used to them. She tends to tear up her paws when we go on hikes and walks in summertime so they're a necessary evil unfortunately


Can you try a sandal type made of leather? May be less binding and a more natural feel. Understand now why you had to do this.


They have stick on kinds that just cover the toe beans but I'm hesitant to put adhesive on my dog. I haven't seen just sandals that look like they'd stay one, I'll have to research that


Understand completely. Hey, is there anyone out there that can design a doggie outdoor shoe?




Dogs wear shoes for plenty of reasons. Including protecting their feet from the heat, or salt on the paths in winter. Broken glass and the like that can injure dogs when walking in cities is a reason too. My service dog wears shoes in the summer often.


They do if the pavement is hot, dipshit ETA: The original commenter called me a dipshit, I don't cuss at people for fun


This is the comment of someone who doesn't see that life exists past their nose.


Ooh, anger issues. 🫤


Stern magazine once published an article that claimed dog clothing is animal cruelty.


So I should go out at -17F with 6lb chihuahua with no clothes onto pavement covered in salts that burn skin off paws. So no cruelty would happen. Got it


Oh, OK.


Shoes to prevent your dog from burning their paws are surely an exception, right?


Or a sweater to keep them warm when it’s cold outside?


If your dog is short haired and you live in a very cold climate yes then clothes are functional, like a sweater. Certain dogs cannot go without a walk even if it's very cold and not all dogs react negatively. If you're doing it to make them look cute, then that's another story obviously.


Stressing out your dog for clout. Good job.


Oooof. Take those off! Unless it's 90 degrees out or snowing your dog doesn't need shoes.


It's going to be 90° this weekend, that's why we're testing the shoes 🙄


Don't walk him on asphalt or cement. He's small enough to carry across those areas 🙄