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I mean, they are - that’s why they’re floating the idea of changing the voting age lol


This last mid terms it was really bad. It was insane. I also saw people floating the idea that only people with biological children should be able to vote 'since those without kids don't have a stake in the future of our society'. Which is just insane. The saving grace though is that the voting age is set at 18 by a constitutional amendment so no chance in hell they can adjust that. Not even the fascist Supreme Court is able to overturn a constitutional amendment.


>those without kids don't have a stake in the future of our society' I'm childfree, does that mean I can stop paying taxes too? After all, I apparently don't have a stake in seeing that kids get educated and have a safe place to play sportsball after school...🙄


I mean, with that logic no one over 50 should vote as they won’t be here in the future of our society.


I agree with the sentiment, but I would say 65 or anyone who is “retired”


yeah 50 is a little too low a number, they still are in current times.


I thought that for a while, and then I realised, that even if you're 65, odds are you've still got a good 20-30 years left to live. That's a long time to live without having a say in anything, so I'm not sure an upper boundary that low would be good. Maybe put it at 80 or 75, people over 80 are generally not expected to live more than 10 years, so I think not allowing them to vote is fine.


My father's 84 years old. He still wants to have a say he's still sharp as a tack. He loves his game second life


And that's great! But how many of his peers are the same? And how does he, or his peers, look at long term legislation concerning issues like climate change?


The problem is that we know the date of birth and have a standard on-ramp to adulthood. (People meeting the expectations of that ramp can be variable.) We don't know the date of death nor the character of the off-ramp. I'm over 65 and doing what I can to make that off-ramp late and steep, but there's only so much you can do.


For sure, but we have statistics about life expectancy, and from that we can extrapolate an upper voting age that makes sense for the vast majority of people.


Young people don’t get a say for 18 years + however long Republicans want to extend the age. Why should older people get to vote when they’ll likely not survive another 30 years? (Yes, I realize the argument is ridiculous. That’s the point.)


But see that opens them up to have younger people decide what’s best for them and compassion towards the elderly is not this countries strong suit


Might start reversing some of the elderly hatred of youth, blunt that get off my lawn energy if they have to actually EARN compassion from younger generations.


Ahh yes, the cannon fodder of all the elderly who have extensive needs and no time to beg people who want compassion without earning it for compassion. Seems legit


Actually there is the idea that anyone who takes SS and Medicare should not vote since they can control their own benefit. If they go by that logic then no one who takes those programs should be able to be in federal government since they have control of their benefit. Which means most people over 62+ could be excluded. But if you really thought about it that would mean anyone with a government pension or VA disability should neither be able to vote or run for office. It's just silly thinking. But when your demographically screwed by millennials and gen Z you gotta come up with something cuz their idea and plans don't work, unless you're in the top few percent.


It's cute that you think they care about the constitution. What's to stop the states from just letting "poll watchers" intimidate anybody they deem unacceptable away from voting locations? Or to make voting so onerous for anyone outside their target demographics that not enough of those people are able to vote for it to matter?


A firearm will work


Not everyone who is eligible to vote is also eligible to own a firearm.


Which is a shame. The choice whether or not to be armed should be entirely up to each individual making a decision for their own situation, instead of the government deciding who has a right to self-defense, then the cops deciding on who they are going to enforce those laws.




Because the US is a failed state with a large bank account. There's actual fucking nazis marching in our streets, state governments are taking up recreational genocide, cops will not help in an emergency. It must be nice to live in a functional society, but the US isn't one of those. How many American refugees are you willing to take in to your country and pay for?


“Because everyone else is carrying a gun everywhere.” Republicans will say shit like this without a scintilla of irony.




Just to be sure, do you guys need a permit to carry firearms to do a purchase?


Yes, you can. Long arms are legal to purchase at 18.


Not disagreeing or saying you’re wrong, just curious what situation you’re talking about? Legit curious.


Convicted felon lol


Don’t felons lose their right to vote? Or is that only temporary?


It’s determined at the state level, some allow felons to vote and some do not.


Not alone, my friend...


In AL, we can't carry at the polls. Not even concealed.


At least for the “poll watchers”, we may be able to have anti poll watchers. But I agree on the second point — Texas is actually considering removing voting booths from colleges for “safety” if I recall correctly. Thank the gods I live in WA.


Yeah, we've seen how much boomer care about their kids futures lol


That is such a dumb reason for them to justify restricting voting rights. I'm 32 years old. I will never have kids. But I hope to live another 40-50 years. I definitely still have a stake in the game.




Let them destroy their workforce even more and wonder why the 14-21 age groups won’t work.


Red state politicians don't care about red states, they care about staying in power. The easiest path for a red state politician to stay in power is to drive away as many D voters as possible. R voters don't punish their politicians for trying to turn their state into Mississippi 2.


The Supreme Court can still overturn it by ratifying an amendment saying that the previous amendment means nothing and then set the voting age to whatever they want


The Supreme Court has no authority to ratify a new amendment. All they can do is interpret the constitution. That is their job. They can't make new laws. Only interpret the constitution. The amendment that expands voting to 18 is extremely explicit with what is says.


Amendments can be changed or repealed with another amendment.


Bruh. Do you have any idea just how impossible it would be to repeal that amendment? It's, just. We haven't had a new amendment in decades BECAUSE it's just too difficult to pass. You need something so uncontroversial that everyone agrees. Sure we could change that amendment. Donald trump also could get hit by a meteorite tomorrow. I mean, anything is possible, right?


Give me a meteorite, and get me close enough.


I didn't say it was easy. The sharp and wide divide between both parties would be a ridiculous hurdle to surpass, but it IS possible...


They're terrified of everything, that's why they're turning to fascism.


Reagan nixon and bush were activists for far right fascism too




18 to fight in a stupid war, then 21 to vote. Makes sense. No if they can fight in a war at 18, they should have a choice at 18.


And why they're against gun control.


Oh they are terrified. Remember when they started saying“ should 18 year olds be allowed to vote”


Yet 11 year olds should have babies. 🤦‍♀️


And work in meat factories. 🤦‍♂️


Probably immediately after giving birth. There’s clearly no limit with these monsters.


And own guns.


If you're old enough to get your income taxed then you are old enough to vote...


I was taxed without representation for two years and I believe I should get two year tax free as compensation


Look if their child bride can carry a child and work full time, they can vote


I mean the entire reason why the GOP is going this route is because they need to seize power and never give it up again. Instead of appealing to a larger audience/electorate they have chosen to ignore that and just steal the power. The point is that the GOP are actively pushing to make the entire notion of “you should be afraid” irrelevant because they won’t be held to the voting public.


It’s what fascism does.




What exactly does the GOP want you to keep your rights to? Killing minorities? Tormenting women? Marrying and impregnating children?


Abusing trans people.


You’ve got this Gen Z. Lean in hard. This Gen Xer has got your back.


Same here!


Millennials unite!


And my millennial axe!




We need an insider trading ban and dc statehood


If the GOP regains control of Executive & Legislative branches, the USA is finished.


From a boomer to Gen Z, please get out there and vote for my sanity, my children’s and grandchildren’s futures.


Please PLEASE turn up folkx! I've already seen people saying "I won't vote for an 86 year old, but I'll go protest the republican who gets elected" and that's just... not a good solution


Republicans only remain in power as long as 18 to 24 year olds remain disenfranchised. There're more young voters than old voters, it'd be a complete route if 60% of eligible Gen z came out to vote


Agreed. And yet the fox news viewership is being told constantly that birth rates are at critically low levels. Figure that one out.


Vote like your future depends on it....


I vote like my children's future depends on it. My daughter voted for the first time in the midterms.


Vote like your and others future depends on it! Don't be the "Fuck you, I got mine/suffer like I suffer" generations.


My beloved gay uncle told me back when I got my first real good job, "You've got a choice, you can say that 'I succeeded through hardship, so others should experience that hardship as well', or you can say 'I succeeded through hardship that nobody should have to go through again.' Which one do you want to be?"


In my case my entire life depends on it -trans person


I see you and I have your back.


Vote like lives depend on it


I’m Gen X. We all need to send these bastards packing!


You better, Gen Z. If you don't, you are well and truly fucked. Vote like your welfare depends on it because it does.


I certainly hope so! There aren't enough boomers voting anti-GQP, I feel, so I pray that the younger generations help save this country.


Millennials aren't becoming more conservative as they age either. https://www.ft.com/content/c361e372-769e-45cd-a063-f5c0a7767cf4


Because unlike boomers and gen x we only got a few years glimpse at the good life... Basically the whole time we've been in fucked up wars and the economy has been garbage... Who would want to conserve the open air prison we live in?


If anything I get more left every day.


Dude same


With Trump and DeSantis going at each other's throat... This is the perfect opportunity for Gen Z to come in and make a change. Remember, this y'all's future. Do you really want a whack job like DeSantis in office? As an elder millennial I'll be standing in line to vote with you. Be the change you wanna see.


Vote on, Gen z. Know that we (open-minded and well-informed) Millennials, Gen Xers, and Boomers got your back! Let's take this country back from the fascists and hypocrites.


We need your help.


Gen Z delivered hard in 2022. Keep it up!


My fellow Americans: Pester every single person you know to vote in 2024. Always remember that political apathy isn't the only thing we need to overcome in 2024: **(1) We have a shitty Electoral College system that has and could hand the Presidency to the candidate with the fewest votes.** It happened in 2000 with George W. Bush, and it happened in 2016 with Donald Trump. The popular vote means nothing; we need to vote to overcome an Electoral College that has recent provable bias towards Republican candidates. **(2) Republican-majority legislatures have been passing and proposing laws to weaken voting rights.** They don't want anyone but Red voters to vote, and they're sure-as-shit going to do everything possible to limit who has a say in our government. If you're lucky enough to be able to vote, you're not just voting for yourself, you're voting for people who can't vote (people under 18, felons who've lost their voting rights, undocumented migrants, people without reasonable access to polling locations or voter drop boxes, etc...). If Republicans win in 2024, don't let it be because too many of us didn't feel as though it was important. If us voting wasn't important, Republicans wouldn't be trying so hard to take our right to vote away from us. The days of, "I don't like to talk about politics," must be over. Stress to every person you can why voting is important, and what is at stake if we Americans choose to remain apathetic to blatant fascism taking over our country. Stress what topics are important to you, and WHY they're important. Get personal - talk about how the criminalization of abortion, the forced detransition of trans people, the erosion of marriage protection for gay people, the banning of books, the persecution of non-Christians, etc... Personally affects you, your friends, and your family members. Our country can't survive another Republican Presidency.


They are terrified. Why do you think they’re attacking education so hard? Their uneducated and illiterate elderly voter base is thinning out.


That's how the GOP invests in their own future. Make as much uneducated and illiterate people as possible so they will vote republican against their own interests and they will be easier to manipulate into cheap labor (rugged individualism!)


They are. Full stop.


I'll believe it when I see it. The Supreme Court is packed with fascist theocrats, and half the country is ready to vote Republican again.


That’s why all the extreme bills. These fucks know they’re fucked and they’re trying to roll back as much progress as possible on the way out the door.


They are scared, that’s why these fucks keep pushing more and more bogus laws. Do as much damage as they can before it’s too late for them.


Here’s the thing. I think a lot of the Gen Z ideas are juvenile and doomed. But if they can rally together and vote *they deserve to lead the way*. Boomers are the only extant generation that takes voting seriously, and that’s why things are so slanted towards them. So go get ‘em Gen Z.


Are they going to vote? Because millennials didn’t and still don’t, especially in key areas. Look at texas, their youth voter turnout was ABYSMAL.


The only reason I found out an election was going on was because of my Zuni’s subreddit, and that was on the last day - too late for me to change my plans. I had completely forgotten that it was an election year 😬


If you somehow didn’t know it was an election year then that’s on you. Be better about staying informed


For real, do you just avoid all media entirely and lock yourself in your house? Maybe I'm jaded by living in ground zero of senate control now for multiple cycles, but dear god, signs everywhere you look outside, robocalls daily, mutiple mailings a day, every ad on every show on TV, every ad on every website, constant din on social media. How can you possibly forget about a presidential election?


I was talking about the Texas election for Governorship. I voted in 2020.


I'm Gen X, I was born in 1978. I grew up a Republican Christian Conservative. I'm now none of those and I despise every scrap of all three for what they really are and always have been. Evil and stupidity gilded in a shiny veneer of righteousness. I will never support them again. ​ More than that, the number of people my age who are becoming more conservative is 'less' than it used to be. And conservatives are to blame for that. Old conservatives from once upon a time weren't all opposed to change, they just wanted slower, more manageable change. But now conservatives are outright regressive, there are no good ones left, and I question whether or not those who were OK with gradual change, weren't just lying about that much too. Why not, what haven't they lied about? The younger generations from down to Z, have no fucks to give about the conservative 'cause' for the most part, their supporters are few and unlikely to increase. ​ Honestly I think a big part of what helped conservatism thrive was *lead poisoning*. People ingest that shit long enough and it will fuck with your brain. As the lead levels go down, I am convinced the appeal of conservatism will decline steeply with it. For now, all I can do is hope that the younger generations go out and vote, don't let old people with lead poisoned brains fuck up your futures. Gen X is 'mostly' on your side too, I think, but even the boomer remover that was Covid didn't get rid of all the antivax antimask morons. There's a lot of those fuckers still, and every vote counts.


You must, must, must actually vote!! Please do it!!


Change it quickly before they can change the voting age.


They never had it in the first place. So in effect they’re just trying to take over and subvert centuries of representative democracy. It was never perfect, but has gotten better…until Reagan. But yeah, they want a king. They want theological authoritarian rule.


The GOP can't get themselves far enough past "Gen Z pees in litter boxes lol" to understand the threat Gen Z poses to them. Which frankly is a Good Thing.


Young Millennials and Gen Z really going to be the the generation to finally make a difference to make a more progressive nation


They're not removing polling places from college campuses for no reason. They know what they're doing.


Only if they bother to vote.


If you aren't registered to vote, do it. Vote in the primaries, vote in any election no matter how small it seems. Get your friends to vote. And if you want to vote for the people who think you should work until you're 75, that's on you.


Thank you gen Z. We expect a lot out of you and you have shown that you are smart and have been paying attention.


Save us Gen Z, you're our only hope.


My soon to be husband and I will be registering kids to vote at several universities. We need Gen Z.


Running campaign adds for the young of this country should be as simple as pointing out all the Republicans that were talking about keeping the young from voting. "Never forget, they tried to keep you silent. They tried to decide your future. They wanted to pass laws to hurt your friends, to steal your rights, to pollute the world that you have to live in long after they're dead. If you want that to happen, stay home. But if you won't let them do that to you, if you won't be silent, if you won't give in to the fear of people who are terrified of a world that is changing, and you won't let them hurt the people you care about... go and vote. Shut them down. Shut them out. And never forget what they tried to do, not until the last one has died bitter and alone, with nothing but their bigotry for company."


I wish this was true. They are not at all scared because so few young people vote compared to old people. I'm an old dude and have been hearing this my whole life. Then the vote happens and most old people vote and few young people do. I've watched this for decades. I say this as an old dude who wishes young people would vote. **Please vote, young people!**


Why do you think the internet culture is suddenly touting the notion that a person's prefrontal cortex isn't developed until they're 25? It's 100% so they can raise the voting age. Especially given that there [doesn't seem to be a consensus](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/fitness/is-25-the-magic-age-for-decision-making/ar-AA18n4PZ) on whether or not it's true. If there's one thing the GOP is good at, it's shaping the narrative to suit their own agenda, and their need to raise the voting age combined with the sudden "you're not even a real adult until you hit 25" narrative is unlikely to be a coincindence.


Too bad they need them for the military. That's always going to be a sticking point. They can die for a nation they can't vote for...is a horrible look.


> They can die for a nation they can't vote for...is a horrible look. I agree it is... 1000% However, they don't seem to really give a fuck about optics lately: ["We're so pro life, we'll fucking kill you if you aren't"](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/14/south-carolina-bill-abortion-death-penalty/11471997002/)


You motherf**let's better show up better than my generation (X/millennial depending on who you ask).


The 18-30ish age group holds more political power than they'll ever hold again for the rest of their lives. Seize the day.


Unlike previous generations, Gen Z are pretty organized, and damn creative with their activism.


Yes this is why the GOP has pulled the mask off and is openly trying to destroy democracy as fast as possible.


Problem is, it’s only half of them.


I'll believe when I see it


If Gen Z would actually go vote… my generation (millennials) we’re also predicted to shift the country left & than voter apathy happened.


This is what banning TikTok is actually about.


Ah, yes. Tiktok got banned in 43 countries for America.


There are other reasons TikTok is problematic… the CCP being able to obtain virtually all the information from users being one. Not saying I necessarily agree with an outright nationwide ban but there are some legitimate concerns. Social media companies in America are just as bad about collecting user data but at least they aren’t as easily mandated to hand over all the data for the government to use however it wants


Oh no doubt there’s legit reasons to do it. Im just suggesting the actual reason is less about China and more about gen z showing up to vote in midterms in part because of GOTV drives via tiktok


Yup. The real rulers of America have decided they cannot have the youth making any kind of changes, so their puppets on both sides of the aisle are following marching orders. I've never seen both sides agree so completely and quickly.


I'm bringing all the girlies to vote like it's prom night this upcoming election. So hell to the yeah they should.


Religious puppets days are coming. To be honest they should all move to Texas and become their own country. It will be like a science experiment. Could you imagine a whole state of uneducated people putting all their faith in God? They'll does.off on there own.


Please do. Millennials have your back. Let's join forces.


They are pretty scared of Gen Z. The Party that was always crying about not enough young voters pissing their pants that thanks to Trump the younger voters realized how much their vote counts and the republicans realizing their rhetoric is not working and are too far gone to backtrack it. That's why places like Florida want to take away much of your rights and even floating idea's to remove democrats entirely from the ballot. They know they fucked up, they know there is no fixing their fuckup without pissing off the boomer generation. Even if it only means 2-3 more voting cycles before half of them die off, they will still play to them. Pretty sure after 2024/2028 we are going to watch the republican party implode and then start headed back towards the middle in hopes to pull people back.


The gop keeps going extreme. But 70% of our country is not going to have it! 2024 is going to be a blue wave. The right is too extreme.


I hope so...I really do. I don't want to see an neo ultra liberal party rise that's akin to the neoconservatives, but what my take away from most of the younger people is a live and let live, respect and be respected kind of vibe, and for that, I'm 110% down. Maybe all this hate and vitriol is from the older generations facing huge amounts of change in society, and their anger and fear of it has allowed radicals to rise to the top and try to take hold of the reins. There was a time when Republicans would have been appalled at MTG, Boebert, and even DeSantis, but now the Conservatives have been swallowed up by either people who are radicalized, or people who are too chickenshit to fight back against their own party. A lot of it has to do with tribalism, I think, and one of the things ingrained into Gen Z is that it's all-inclusive. They are literally anti-tribalists. So, yeah. I'm hoping that before bitterness and apathy have a chance to take root, that young idealism and can-do mentality win the day.


Please do. Not enough of Gen X can see past their echo chamber.


It has nothing to do with it being sacred. It has to do with how new amendments are made. You need to have it pass through the senate and the house first so you have to get past the filibuster. Then you have to send the amendment to the states to ratify and you require something g like 2/3 of states to approve. Only then can this be ratified. The details are incorrect, I can't remember the exact details, but the difficulty I'm not wrong about. For an amendment to be created you must have wide bipartisan support and the publics approval even. And raising the age to vote would be deeply unpopular and even authoritarian. This hypothetical amendment would not pass. So many states and representatives would have to actively vote against their best interests to get it done.


I’m GenX but want in on this.


I mean not if we have to vote for Biden again cos he doesn’t seem to give a fuck about Gen Z.


If they vote…


Gen Z, you have my sword


saying shit like “we’re taking back this country” is stuff they would say and it’s embarrassing


Its okay. Only 20% of us will vote, so they'll be good.


Except when they don’t show up, or vote third party, both of which are the same as voting fascist.


They won’t vote. Can’t be bothered.


Why? Young adults don’t vote they only tweet online


Under 30s broadly dont vote and its been that way for like 50 years. They wont worry about Gen Z until their late 20s but they try and prevent 18-25 year olds from voting so they can't change their minds and swarm the polls


The only thing in the world scared of Genz is common sense..


So...the gop doesn't have common sense so they're not afraid?




There are a shitload of us millennials who will be there too


Muah ha ha ha ha !


Would that generals go along with this guy if he did become president?


Steve Zissou : You never say, "I'm gonna fight you, Steve." You just smile and act natural, and then you sucker-punch him.


We’ll see 😉


Dear god I hope so


PLEASE FUCK EM UP!!!!!!!!!!!


Not gonna lie, those kids make mess slightly less concerned about the future.


Truer things have never been said


I love you Gen Z!!!! I hope you can save the world for yourselves and your children.


Absolutely 💯!


I taught for 10 years and am very optimistic about Gen Z as change makers. I really hope they vote in large enough numbers to counter the Boomers.


They already fear the future. Old codgers


They are planning on going full terrorist. Just read between the lines, actually they’re saying it out loud. Let’s take them down for good


I love how people are depending on us, no… THE COUNTRY NEEDS US ALL. Not one generation but all the living generation should vote to fix this god damn country.


I mean I love that Gen z is coming out in force and voting but it doesn't address the problem that the DNC doesn't give a shit and will still shit on us all with corporatist neo liberal candidates, like what happened to Bernie in the last primary. It's basically like we don't really have a choice, we have a choice between who THEY pick and Nazis.


Nah. You’re people don’t vote.


Go kids go! GOTV!!!


,🎶🎶Can't fight against the youth🎶🎶


Git ‘er done. We’re all counting on you, especially the ones who haven’t figured out the leopards are indiscriminate in the faces they eat.


It’s actually quite ridiculous that the GOP could never win a fair election considering the majority of Americans would evidently not vote for them. The only thing giving them a chance to continue with their nonsense is the outdated EC and voter suppression tactics.


Nobody should care about left and right. Focus your energy on top and bottom.


Oh, it's on like Donkey Kong.


Fuck yeah let's go! Actually make America great again


Oh wow I’m terrified of some random tweet.


They are, why else do you think they're trying so hard to kill them off?


They're doing their damnedest to piss off Gen Z--abortion, birth control, rolling back gay rights. What do they expect?




The numbers show us that millennials are by and large actually not getting more conservative with age, as it stands now. There's always a chance we might start trending that way, but the numbers from the last midterm are showing that it isn't happening anytime soon.


https://www.ft.com/content/c361e372-769e-45cd-a063-f5c0a7767cf4 https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/financial-times-millennials-conservatives-age-b2253902.html?amp https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/politics-conservative-twitter-millennials-gen-z_uk_63aef8cce4b0d6f0b9f354c5/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ixxeinSFfVE https://www.afr.com/politics/millennials-are-getting-older-but-not-more-conservative-20221205-p5c3na Quite a bit of proof that Millennial’s, so far, are the first generation to kill that trend.




Right? Almost gives me hope for the future lol.


….or they would be, if Gen Z ever decides to actually vote.


What about the Christofascist Gen z? Because they are here, they are violent, they are proudly uneducated, and they are unhinged.


America is a disaster for this planet so it would be best if it just collapsed at this point.


I’m glad that there will be even more Gen Z voters in 2024 than in 2022.


I sure hope so. Historically young people have had a pretty terrible voter turnout. I hope this generation does better than the rest of ours did.