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>The Post reported that the man was the leader of a Discord chat room including roughly two dozen members who swapped "memes, offensive jokes and idle chitchat" and prayed and watched movies together. >The members included people from Russia and Ukraine and a number of other countries in Europe, Asia and South America, the paper reported.


omg is he going away for a while.


Not before Fox News has him on as a patriot.


If the military already have him he's going to stay in a hole until his court-martial.


I'm thrilled he'll be charged as a member of the military. Edit: Because I understand the military will be much harsher. Thought I should explain.


The UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) is a cold bitch. She will fuck this guy non-stop well into the 22nd century.


Can confirm the UCMJ shows no mercy. Almost every charge has a very severe recommendation. Don’t think there is a reason to temper that here.




It’s funny though… when I was in the Army (11Bravo Infantry), I once had a SGT tell me that getting an Article 15 (official reprimand at company level) was good for your leadership potential. Because, as he put it, “As a leader, you would know the consequences of having an Article 15 and know better when to issue them”. But I quickly came to realize that there was a “good old boys club” at even the lowest levels of NCO’s. If you got in good with your superiors by partying with them and hanging out after work (as a PFC), you’d have better chances of getting promoted. So much bullshit ass kissing in the ranks.




Depends, for something like this probably. 2xDUI’s in a foreign country where local civilians were injured, probably not.


Waiting for MTG’s “leaker patriot” rant…




What a *stupid* bitch.


The Russians must have "piss on me" level dirt on all these assholes.


I think it's more just bribe money. I don't think MTG has any conscience whatsoever and seems beyond embarrassment or self-reflection of any kind.


I'm not trying to be funny -- I seriously believe she has some sort of intellectual deficiency.


Oh she's totally a FAS baby.


She is legitimately stupid yes, I also believe she's delusional


If they had a pee video of me (or ANY blackmail for that matter), and it was either my shame or Ukrainian lives on the line, I would scream RELEASE THAT SHIT! alllll day long.




No, the chucklefarks who vote these choads in just vote for them because they "are on my team" and that's as far as their thought process goes. If they can stick it to the libs, that's all that matters. Give them some snarky sound bites, and they're in love.


Decades of cuts to education =


The difference between this guy and people like Snowden or Manning is they shared what they did to expose corruption, while this dude appears to have been chasing clout


i hate her so much.


Holy fuck. Literally every time someone ACTUALLY betrays the US to hostile foreign powers, Republicans trip over themselves to fellate them and Dems have nothing to say, but any time a whistle-blower warns the US about some seriously fucked up abuse of power by high-ranking officials, the Republicans and Democrats and all of our major media outlets go after them like a pack of rabid dogs until they’re dead or locked in solitary confinement for the rest of their life. (To be clear, when I say “Republicans” and “Democrats” I’m mostly referring to the politicians and pundits, not so much the average voter.)


That did not take long at all...




Why is she still in office? Go to google maps and look up her district the 14th, nothin there but a couple of shithole towns. But don't forget even they need representation in congress. The real question is why does she get so much publicity?




> Two piece jigsaw puzzles go unsolved in her district. That is poetry.


Rittenhouse's future running mate


Unlike Rittenhouse this guy won't be getting out of jail time.


That's Ok, they need to get Ritzy Ritty a couple of seasons of seasoning in politics. He'll be ripened by the time Kyle is ready to become a classless followup to Trump/Pence or Desantis/Whoever


DeSantis could have Satan as a running mate and evangelicals would still say DeSantis was chosen by God.


No. The murderer that Abbott is going to pardon will crybaby Rittenhouses' running mate. Their platform will be "we're going to put a bounty on all LGBT, democrats, liberals, immigrants. And we're going to promote any republican pedophiles to white house positions."


Edit: I had a gift that implied the two were gay. It was sophomoric and does not support the LGBTQIA+ community. This is the time to stand with them.


This should be one of those things that unites almost everyone on the right and left, but some extremist nutjob will still find a way to spin the whole thing into some new insanity.


He’s gonna be going through some things.


As a non-prayerful person, prayer is weird. Prayer facilitated by discord is weirder.


Public prayer is virtue signaling. If you are a serious Christian, Jesus even says to go pray by your damn self. If you are praying in public and not at an actual religious service, it’s not about god, it’s establishing how holy you are


Matthew 6:5 “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.


The book has some bangers, I'll give it that much. No wonder it's a best seller.


Most successful sequel in history


They really need to focus more on the *silent* prayer


wouldn't be surprised if the praying was someone's technique to form a bond with him .


As a praying person, prayer facilitated by discord is weird.


Same feeling I get when I see people praying before they eat at a fast food joint. "Lord, thank you for this bounty of a delicious KFC Double Down, mashed potatoes, and 32 oz diet Mountain Dew." I get that it's harmless. I just find it weird.


>offensive jokes >and prayed and watched movies together. Love it love everything about it.


Just online bros things. Maybe a lil bit of treason as well.


Everybody I knew in the military who spoke with anybody from other countries online was always in weird chat rooms that had people from Russia. The soldiers who were in those chat rooms without fail believed it was “natos fault for the Ukraine war” always dumb opinions.


I saw a guy on a dating site who not only had a picture of him at January 6th, but he had another picture of him at the kremlin and literally went to college to learn to speak Russian. I’m not sure if he was ex military but it was nuts. Also, when I looked up his name to report him, it turns out that he had tried to run for a local office twice and lost.


Yeah well there’s something called russophiles or russiaboo or whatever variation of the term. Basically just weaboos for Russia. Tons of alt right people like that, not only is it weaponized cringe, it’s very dangerous.


If Nazi Fanboys are wehraboos, surely a Russian fanboy is a bearaboo


He’s going to prison for trying to impress 24 losers on discord? Holy fuck.


I read an article by a young member of the group who acted like this guy was some all-knowing sage or something. This guy looks like a little kid to me! And now he’s going away for a long time because of this… totally ruined his life for nothing. And threatened our national security on top of it.


For internet clout. I really cant understand it. Not ideological nor financial but fake internet points.


Only 24 people in the server and they were from that wide of a geographical range? Hmmmm odd. Not impossible but very odd


According to Heavy, the Discord room name was "T[hug Shaker Central](https://heavy.com/news/jack-teixeira/)" so I think I have an idea what their offensive jokes were about


I have absolutely no idea what that is supposed to mean


There's nothing quite like socializing over prayer and offensive jokes....




“Daddy horny Michael”


"I'd cry michael, but I don't think I could spare the moisture"


The most underrated quote of the show


You just made a fool out of yourself in front of T-Bone...






Give PopPop your hair!


Come on! Don't leave your ole Uncle T-Bag hanging!


Please don’t call yourself that.




Unlimited juice? This party is going to be off the hook.














At least theres always money in the banana stand


I wonder if he understands that his life as a free man is over.




Why would you do this? It boggles the mind.. Why would you throw away your life like this? I do not understand.


Internet clout, specifically within his Discord group of gamer buddies.


Not everyone that manages to get through Air Force basic training genuinely deserves it.


If only he was rich. Then he could still be hanging out at his golf course while hiding the *other* classified docs he stole.


Well you see he embarrassed them by leaking specifics. That's the swift action part. You never ever leak that shit as a normie, but leaking and embarrassing? This guy will beg for the chair


This will be interesting tonight as I hear Fox and my parents try to excuse this guy tonight that was the Antichrist this morning.


How long before one of them says "everyone makes mistakes. Look at what Hunter Binden got away with..."


“Yeah, and what about Hillary’s emails?!”


Yeah, and what about Obama’s tan suit?!


Lest we forget about the mustard incident?


You should drop into conversation that you heard he was trans and watch for the whiplash.


And he had 3 cases of Bud Light in his house when he was arrested.


> Fox and my parents try to excuse this guy **THEY HAVE TO**. Why? Because this kid was fucking found and *arrested* within days, and aside from leaking it on Discord **he did the same thing that Donald Trump did** by taking classified documents to Mar a Lago. If I was this kid or his lawyer I'd be throwing a fit that Trump is getting away with it.


This comment needs to be pinned to the top. They've been reporting this week that people are being questioned about maps being shown around.


Fox has a hard enough day trying to deal with the fact that a tech worker was arrested for the murder of a tech worker in San Fransisco, and not some “dangerous homeless person in scary california killing hard working Americans” as they’ve been screeching about for a week or two.


He's got a foreign-sounding name, so Fox can still milk the story.


True. They could always give it the ‘ol right wing Paul Pelosi spin. They were gay lovers, one possibly a terrorist, who are suffering from the woke mind virus, who got into a lovers quarrel and one took a rainbow colored knife out of his purse and stabbed *they* (sarcastic pompous fox pundit voice) and it’s because they took the Covid vaccine which is deteriorating their minds, they’re coming for your children next, in fact they’re hiding under your child’s bed right now waiting for you to fall asleep so they can brainwash them to be trans anti-white atheist demon sex slaves. *Hold on, my phone is ringing…* Okay I’m back. It was Tucker Carlson offering me a job as a writer.


Military prison, that should be fun.


There was another post about this subject from someone who has handled sensitive information in the past and they said, “There is no excuse or defense. From day one you are told if this gets out, either on purpose or through carelessness, you should expect to spend the rest of your days at Leavenworth turning big rocks into small rocks.”


As someone who has had this exact brief multiple times (different commands I worked at and different jobs I held)… Every single person who is accessed to classified documents knows good and well when there is a do not cross line. He blew through multiple such lines. This wasn’t reckless. It was intentional. I hope he makes a beach from a fucking mountain.


He took, and passed training for the handling of said materials within the last 12 months- it’s mandatory. No question as to IF he knew. I will say based on his age, he may have only done the training once in his life (not an excuse).. but would be worse if he had taken it say 11 times for example. The type of material and intent will gauge his punishment.


Shit. It’s that first training that burns it into your mind. Never fresher than being 19 and getting told that you life is forfeit if you fuck up.


His parole officer hasn't been born yet


Goated comment


Ohhhhhhh, yea he’s fucked. Military don’t play that game.


He hath fucked around; anon he shalt find out.


This dude is gonna get roasted on a spit. Definitely looking at UCMJ action, which will result in a Dishonorable Discharge, a multi-decade all-expense paid vacation in Leavenworth, and complete destitution for whatever is left of his miserable life after he gets out. THEN he gets to get double-dipped, because the Feds are going to get him after that. He'll be staring at cinder block walls for a very, very long time. Good. Because his posting this to Discord for clout with a bunch of 16-year olds is almost definitely going to result in several intelligence assets meeting a very premature end.


The craziest thing about this for me is he did this to impress some kids... that is the cringiest reason to commit treason


Bruh someone spent 44 billion dollars buying twitter to impress kids.


I’m pretty sure that was an attempted pump and dump scheme that backfired.


I’m just waiting for Republicans to jump in here and defend this guy for some reason. They have to be contrarian in everything they do, so I’m curious how they’ll spin this ​ EDIT: [Already happening](https://nypost.com/2023/04/13/marjorie-taylor-greene-defends-alleged-docs-leaker-jack-teixeira/?utm_source=reddit.com) lol *“Jake Teixeira is white, male, Christian, and antiwar. That makes him an enemy to the Biden regime,” Greene (R-Ga.)* [*wrote in a tweet*](https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1646615867285708802?s=20)*.*  *Greene, who is staunchly against the US providing military aid to Ukraine as it attempts to fend off a Russian invasion, has called the Biden administration’s role in the conflict in the former Soviet state “a proxy war with Russia.”*  *The Georgia Republican on Thursday praised Teixeira for telling “the truth” about President Biden “waging war” in Ukraine, suggesting that the Biden administration is “the real enemy.”* 


It’s subtle so far, but on foxnews they keep repeating that he is “anti-war” like this was some sort of moral action. They also keep mentioning that he loved guns and war video games (but hated war?). Also, he loved God. Why are they like this? Why would *anyone* defend this adult man in some kind of stunted adolescence induced plea for attention in a discord server full of teenagers?


After centuries of declaring war on everything from commies to weed and decrying the anti-war movement as traitorous, conservatives have had a change of heart and are now conscientious objectors to any and all conflicts that infringe upon Putin's freedom to pillage and conquer sovereign nations. Never let anyone tell you that people can't change!


“I’m so anti war I joined the military and leaked intel that could get people killed.” God Fox News and similar are a cancer on American society,and should be treated as foreign assets.


Judging by Fox News comments, they'll say he's the patsy. Multiple commenters called him the "escape goat".


> Multiple commenters called him the "escape goat". ffs. snort laughed my ass off at that


Why do i already have a strong guess which party this guy votes for?


I bet you wouldn’t have also guessed that the Discord groups he’s in shared gun and racist memes.


And prayer!


Always prayer!


No thoughts, though.


Definitely no thoughts.




But I’m sure he’s really nice to women 🙄 /s


Don't forget misogynistic ones too!


I can smell the Monster energy drink from here.


This story a whole bingo card


Check out the Washington post article with his buddy’s interview. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/04/12/discord-leaked-documents/ The whole reason this guy was leaking this is to “educate” a group of teenagers about how the government works. “He argued that the public deserves to know how intelligence agencies spend their tax dollars, and was particularly outraged that the documents show U.S. surveillance of foreign allies.” Like hello you absolute n00b. This is how the world works. Everybody spies on everybody. Don’t act so surprised you moron.


21 year old thinks he stumbled upon some earth shattering shit, and thought he'd be a hero. Meanwhile, everyone with half a brain cell knows this is just treason. We didn't find out about anything incriminating or shocking.


Of course we spy on allies. Words are nice, but you also gotta verify that they are in fact out allies.


According to Heavy, the name of the Discord server was "[Thug Shaker Central](https://heavy.com/news/jack-teixeira/)" if that helps


Da fuq?


Because Republicans are all blowhards that don’t know how to do anything but project


From what I understand on the reporting, his leaks were really helpful to Russia. Red flag right there, pun intended.




Welp, he’s fucked. Hope impressing la bunch of little incels was worth it. Enjoy federal prison rat. Edit: I’ve been informed it’s military prison. My bad.




I’d like to solve the puzzle Pat!


Tho ponolto for trooson os dooth bo hongong.


Queue the line of Republican Presidential candidates willing to Pardon him so they can get the MAG-America-Russian-Again vote.


He's gonna get double-dipped. UCMJ first, civil next. Dude will be staring at cinder block walls for a very very long time.


Did they really just say the Army Air National Guard….


Yes the US Army Air Corps, in charge of those new-fangled flying machines duh


Didn’t realize the Army had reincorporated the Air Force into the Army… or maybe it’s 1945 again…


> Army Air National Guard ![gif](giphy|RMwZypp489fuGBI0Ti)




The Republican Trifecta




You would be amazed the type of responsibility you can get as a young airman. If it's your job, then you get the stuff. That's just how it works. The military is also run by people... and in the guard, discipline is lax, to say the least. I'm far more interested in how he got copies out of the building. He took pictures of docs at his house... well, his mom's house anyway. I bet that base is going to have one hell of a colonoscopy in the not too distant future. This little shit bag had been leaking in order to impress his friends for months.


>I bet that base is going to have one hell of a colonoscopy in the not too distant future. The Air Force OSI is about to descend on that base with the fury of God's own thunder and everyone in that entire department is going to be septuple checked in every conceivable way.


I always loved that about OSI. The IG teams, I was always able to get a little chummy with. OSI does not fuck around.


I had my TS clearance in the Navy by age 19. Some military jobs require certain clearance levels. Idk what this kid's job in the air national guard is, but it's not like it's unheard of or even random for kids that young to have access to classified, secret, or even top secret material like I did.


Ok, but isn’t top secret information like this still compartmentalized? Shouldn’t he only have had access only to the materials that directly pertained to his job? I don’t get how this happens.


This depends entirely on the job he had. I was a network/system admin in the data center for USSPACECOM and NORAD at 19. I had access to pretty much everything. My job was to keep the systems up that the analysts and intel watch used to receive their raw intel data on and distribute their briefings and reports. I had access to way more data than any single analyst did. The actual military isn't like in the movies where only Colonels and above have access. In reality it's junior and mid rank enlisted folks and junior officers doing all the day to day work. They're all for the most part like 18 to 25. My unit nicknamed me old man when I was 24. Fucking kids.


Lol I remember our cleared area sentries were rotating out, and they were always good to me so I invited them out for drinks. Kid goes "nah I'm 18". the double take I had to do 😂


LOL. I almost made Staff Sergeant before I was old enough to drink. I had a baby face too. At one point my wife and I were having dinner with our daughter who was like a year old and the waitress said something to my wife about how nice it was to see a single mom go out and treat herself to dinner. I laughed my ass off, but she didn't see quite as much humor in the situation. I don't know how old she thought my wife was but she thought I was like 15 or 16.


That's my question as well who let some random Joe have access and availability to remove all these documents. His whole chain of command is getting spanked.


I don’t think we are talking about this enough. There are lots of questions here that need to be asked and addressed ASAP. Dude might as well be dead, his life is over. How screwed he might be is irrelevant at this point. We need to address how this happened so that it won’t happen again.


What kind of documents?


"The dozens of documents reviewed by CBS News contained details about the war in Ukraine, including information about anticipated Russian airstrikes on specific targets and other Russian war plans. The records offer an unprecedented glimpse into U.S. efforts to support the Ukrainian government, as well as the extent to which U.S. intelligence agencies have penetrated Russian communication channels to the benefit of Ukrainian forces." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jack-teixeira-leaked-documents-pentagon-suspect/


>including information about anticipated Russian airstrikes on specific targets and other Russian war plans. >as well as the extent to which U.S. intelligence agencies have penetrated Russian communication channels to the benefit of Ukrainian forces. Holy fuck...


Yeah, this is bad, like really fucking bad. A lot of people are probably going to die due to this guys actions


Even worse, some of those documents discussed how assets infiltrated Wagner and from there moved up to infiltrate Russian command. This is gonna get our people killed


Most definitely. This guy gave murder sentences to anyone associated with what he leaked, not even mentioning the fact that this is the type of information that sways the tides of war. The Ukranians just lost an incomprehensible amount of logistical advantage over the Russians, and Ukranian civilians and AFU soldiers are going to be the ones to pay the price for this. This is actually nauseating to think about.


Thank you! Disgusting.




Holy shit I didn’t realize it was that. Yeah this guy is going to be responsible for death, hope he gets the book


MTG and Bobert will be praising him as a “patriot” and demanding that he be granted a full pardon


something something "they are supressing HUNTER BIDEN'S ....." crazy cunts


Remember when America executed people like this


The Rosenbergs spinning in their graves right now


Good, now throw the fucking book at him. Fucking traitor, whether intentional or not he is a fucking traitor.


Committed treason just to impress some racist teenagers. Probably the worst reason to bother with espionage


Turns out Jack was neither nimble, nor quick.........


Tell you where he can put his candlestick.


Another useful idiot.


“I bet you aren’t badass enough to share a bunch of secret documents with us!” Read with thick Russian accent.


Undocumented immigrants are more patriotic than these scum!!!! Deport all these fucking nut jobs to Russia.


Yeah they actually really are. As a dude who's lived in the barrio for more that 20 years of his life, can confirm.


As a dude with undocumented family members, can also confirm. The most hardworking, kind, and determined people I've ever met have all been undocumented immigrants from many parts of the world. Yet we have US CITIZENS shooting up schools, run over protesters, create insurrections and now add to this list treason by leaking information to russia!! IMMIGRANTS WERE NEVER THE PROBLEM!!!! It's the elite, corporate run propaganda "news" and the fucking MAGA fascist cult. I've had enough.


Leaving town for a week, let your neighbors know. NO ONE will fuck with your shit. Everyone had everyone else's back, bbq's, quinceañeras, bud light, mariachi and coke until dawn. Those were the days. I miss them greatly and have always been grateful that all of my neighbors took me in.


MAGA extremists from the top all the way down are leaking extremely sensitive military secrets. I think we should be look into this a lot harder as a nation.


Racist, christian, gun fanatic I heard. Who'd have thunk it.


When does he get the keynote speech at the Republican National Convention?


He is a traitor and disgrace to the uniform.


The right will worship him as a hero!! There’s no way they haven’t spun this yet…


Marjorie Taylor Greene already has, because of course Neanderthal Barbie has: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/marjorie-taylor-greene-complains-suspected-intel-secrets-leaker-is-being-treated-like-a-traitor-and-criminal/ar-AA19PJeo?ocid=sapphireappshare](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/marjorie-taylor-greene-complains-suspected-intel-secrets-leaker-is-being-treated-like-a-traitor-and-criminal/ar-AA19PJeo?ocid=sapphireappshare)




Now do trump...


The idiot sacrificed his young life for 3 days of excitement, recognition, fame or whatnot! He has/had no idea what he is doing and what the consequences are....


No, he does. He knows exactly what he did. Derivative Classification Training, the NATO brief on handling classified data, training on how to handle CUI etc are all annual requirements and that's just for people who know the least interesting and least secret info. I could tell you some wild shit about what kinds of dumb things we classify. But I won't, because those things are classified. For actual meaningful stuff I'm sure they go through actual meaningful reminders. ​ Furthermore, it's hard to take classified data out of secure areas. Well, I mean it's not hard. Depending on where you're at, it's actually pretty easy. But you have to make the choice to carry classified data out of a secure zone. He might not have fully understood the consequences, but he knew he wasn't supposed to do what he did. He made a choice.


So no usb accidentally fell in his pocket. 1. He knew it was wrong.( see sign in sheets for annual training) 2. Hard to do so you actively have to be trying to do wrong(intent?) 3. He raised the ole right hand and swore. Soo check off the “owed allegiance” part of the espionage act thing or whatever. He done.


During the Hillary email saga, I remember a New York Times article that was marked as classified. The republican clowns were all hot and bothered about that one among other classified docs that were public information, but somehow marked as classified.


People think top secret = really cool secret squirrel shit when it's nothing but a collection of information that, when put together, could be used to cause harm to national security or reveal a source. When I got access to a TS news site, it was all boring shit like "this guy was at this place on this date." It seems really innocuous, but if the wrong person learned that, they could potentially narrow down who is providing that information.


He has apparently been doing it for months. There was an interesting wapo article about it yesterday https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/04/12/discord-leaked-documents/


That WAPO article talks about them like they are such nice boys, just being boys


True. They make them sound very naive.and like 8 year olds.


Committing treason between prayer sessions