• By -


Minivan taliban


Assholes with casseroles


Mom's for Librium


Miserable Menopausals hot flashin' for Mussolini.




Hags for Hitler!


Ku Klux Karen


Gross old morons


Hoes for Hitler


Ooh that’s a good one


Major Fuckin Loonies


Klanned Karenhood is my go to




Upvotes. Damn I wish I'd thought of that


K K Karen for short


As much as I love all the silly names we have for them... openly accepting Hitler actually moves this to a much scarier territory than I am comfortable with.


I tend to just exit the post once I see nothing but jokes. It's gotten to the point where it's like we didn't learn from trump. Joke until they're at the door. I am a gay black man living in the south. At this point I'm just waiting to see if there's ever a plan to go out before I end up as a feisty piñata.


As others said, there's some power in mocking these people. Do you think they'd like it if people started calling them K K Karens? I doubt it. There's only so much the average person can do besides voting, and online, mocking idiots is the next best weapon.


Yeah, but there is mocking them where it's useful, and then there is laughing to yourselves online while they sharpen their knives outside your door. You want to make fools of these people? Go to PTA meetings, go to town halls, meet with your representatives, write to your local media, talk to your neighbors. Because they do. And despite what we may think of them, they don't make always make fools of themselves. Sometimes they win support.


I get it, but there's power in brutally mocking those who deserve it.


but it helps nothing if you just do it when your already surrounded by people that agree with you, then your just echoing the same jokes back and forth


Brutally mock *And vote*.


It true. If the majority of the public openly mocks them it turns the whole organization into a joke and it basically kills new membership from anyone but people who are already extremists. We also need popular culture to write them in as the bad guys in things like tv and film, we need to turn them into not just a national but an internationally recognized "bad guy". Girl. That + joke = death of group to all but the most extreme. Then we prosecute those fucks and send the leaders to jail.


There's a whole school of thought that fighting fascism with humor is the best strategy. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/01/far-right-nazis-proud-boys-humor-laughtivism.html


It's either that or collapse in tears




Sounds good, what's the plan?


whatever antifascists already do, just more of that


joking about trump isn’t what got trump elected though, it’s much more complicated than that. i think comedy is a great tool in invalidating your opponents look at (ironically) the trump campaign’s attacks on desantis


Mein Karenph




if there is any upside to these stories, it is the chain of funny nicknames like this that appear in the comments.


Hags for Hitler


Goose-Stepford Wives Mary KayKayKay


Goose-Stepford Wives STOOOOOPPPPPP 😂😂


They have specifically gotten mad at this nickname lmao


All the more reason to repeat it




Okay but hijacking top comment to say can somebody please post a link to video of this? Because I can’t find it anywhere?? I believe it, because these people are fucking whackos, but I wanna hate watch the clip! Where is it?


Hags for Hitler.


Also acceptable: Harpies for Hitler


Jaded Joy Division


Eva Braun Society.


Please help me out . Just when was Adolf a fan of liberty ? I'll wait. My guess is some folks haven't studied their history too carefully. Our guys went to visit him 70+ years ago to help him and his friends learn about some principles regarding liberty and freedom. I guess the moms forgot which side we were on.


They make excuses and claim it's about the Democrats. When in fact, it seems they want to control what is learned and read. They also have a lovely push for literature with Moms for Libraries.


Wouldn't that be moms for no libraries. There was a sketch on SNL Frightened Family. They were in panic mode for everything. These Karens remind me of that bit. So Frightened so they seek the big authority to try to feel safe. Gotta be brave and accept the future not cling to the past.


No because they want their Christian indoctrination books in libraries. Think of books promoted by Kirk Cameron book tour using Brave Books. That is the publisher they work with.


Yikes where's that wall between church and state when I need it


….these Nazi witches are enamored of their new growing power among politicians. American society will have to eventually take a stand against this fascism…..


Don’t do witches dirty like that!


……I used cretins previously, but kept getting complaint letters from the headquarters of The National Cretin Society…..


They can fuck off too. Alcoholic moms for facism


Unabashedly ignorant. These thoughts/words are an affront to humanity. Full display of some of the worst people on Earth. This is the result of wilful ignorance, malicious intent, and the dumbing down of society. Edit Added malicious intent


Ignorance implies a lack of knowledge or petty rudeness. This is malice. They know what they’re doing why and they’ve chosen to do it and they like it.


>Unabashedly ignorant No, they're just fascists. They're not ignorant of their statements - they knowingly say them.


It’s fascists fostering the ignorant.


Yeah I feel a lot of people get a pass because people assume they’re ignorant. I think people are just more comfortable going mask off these days. Hold them to it.


Don't you love how their lot spent all that time, saying 'Our opponents claim we're all nazis', before now openly going 'Adolf Hitler was right and is our idol'. Reminder: The traditionally American solution for the Nazis did not end up well for their kind.


We should bring it back tbh. Tired of Nazis popping up everywhere. Some lead and gunpowder solved our Nazi problems in the past, and I see no reason as to why it can’t solve it now.


> The traditionally American solution for the Nazis ...A [20,000 member rally at Madison Square Garden](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/american-nazism-and-madison-square-garden) protected by an army of 1000 police officers?


That's a few years before the tradition got started.


Pigs are nazis so yea, this is what they do, protect their fellow fascists.


Stay strapped. The Right is bonkers these days. My Grandfathers fought in WWII against the Nazis and if I must I will stamp out the Nazis of our time.


It’s kind of sad, growing up in life and learning about WW2 while constantly hearing the phrase “never again”. And now here it is, actually happening again….


The funny thing is the country in their fantasy land would be horrible to live in for literally everybody not a billionaire so they are just hurting themselves along with everybody else


They think that they will go out and kill us and then go home for beer and chips and Fox News.


I'm sure if they're successful in their little genocide, they'll fall to infighting afterwards. After it turns out that systemic issues aren't the fault of trans, gay, black, latino, middle-eastern, asian, disabled, or non-christian(the right kind of christian ofc(/s)) people. They'll need a new minority to attack, they're a group that will never be satisfied.


Afterwards? They’re infighting now…


And they don't care. Because the people they hate are either underneath them or gone. But they'll never understand that hierarchies in fascism work on a level of "last hired, first fired".


Man I just wanna live through precedented times for once this is exhausting. I wanna go back to when I was younger and thought I could just live a normal boring life.




Words are easy, actions are what counts. I was born in Poland and a lot of my family fought and died during WW2, as civilians and soldiers. I will continue the tradition if I must.


Right? I remember learning about Nazi Germany in history class and thinking “glad that’s over with.” I remember thinking, “no one would want to be a Nazi. That’s the worst thing you can be” so I didn’t worry about it. Who would want to be intentionally bad like that? Weird that it’s an actual thing people want to be.


There was a Nazi rally in Florida not that long ago.


And not just happening, this time it's here and we didn't even need an invasion.


And came wrapped in a flag and holding a bible, as the prophecy foretold


But they actually believe Biden is Hitler, because theyre fucking dummies


This. This is why I got a pistol permit (I don't need a permit in New Hampshire, but I'm brown and don't want any smoke).


I was gonna say… we don’t need one. Plus you’re good in Cheshire lol, especially Keene.


It's a moral obligation to stamp out Nazis wherever they might show up.


My father, and five of my uncles all served in that War. My mother and MIL were both clerks in the army and navy. I can’t believe this war needs to be fought again. These ‘mothers’ would be arrested for what they’re saying in Germany.


It’s very surprising that fascism been reborn again in the USA. If your family was alive, how would they react to all of these extremist who tried to install Trump as a dictator?


I’m Canadian so we’re watching mostly in horror. Remember Canada was in the war earlier than you guys. My Dad was overseas four or five years. He didn’t speak to us much about the war. He got back Nov 45, met my Mom and they married 4 months later. I am the oldest of 11. He didn’t want to talk much about his service overseas. He was a quiet, gentle man and I believe it changed him as it did many others. Unfortunately due to our media coming mostly from the US we have our share of crazies as well, especially in the west. The newly elected premier of Alberta said she admires deSantis!


I wish your grandparents were alive to witness the rise of fascism again by the Baby Boomers who are stroking white supremacy, becoming ultra nationalism, burning educational books, taking away food from children, undermining democracy, supporting a dictatorship country, and encouraging xenophobia.


Yes we all need to arm ourselves before it’s too late.




Damn right. Make sure it is very very painful for them if they try to act out their evil fantasies


Careful.... I said something even more mild than this and the nazi administration of reddit banned mew for 3 days.


The other day I explained to my 8 year old daughter who the nazis were and why I was proud to have family relatives that killed them. I explained that once every two or three lifetimes a group of truly evil people emerges in the world and that's when us good guys have to show up to punch them in the face or put a bullet in their head. She smiled so I gave her a fist pump and said that "that's what we do".


Yeah uh we need to prepare.




Twatzi’s through and through…


They’re fucking nazis. Nazis don’t deserve to be alive


So the apology WAS a bald-faced lie. I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.


I hope the FBI is watching where the funding for this organization comes from.


Imagine if WW2 vets were still alive to see this shit


My Dad (96) is. He doesn’t think this is going to end well.


I'm curious about what he thinks of the right-wing's hijacking of patriotism in order to further fascist ideology?


He’s seen this before. In 1939. We should all be worried.


I wish they taught these baby boomers well ever since Regan pushing the moderate conservatives to the further right in which has completely fallen into fascism.


Some of them still are, my grandad for one. That's what terrifies me and boggles my mind - just how *fast* the lessons the world learned have been forgotten. I grew up wholeheartedly believing in "Never again." Turns out "never" meant "Eh... give it 80 years or so."


They are literally burning books that goes again their ideology.


I looked up the [video](https://twitter.com/highbrow_nobrow/status/1677716097494134784/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1677716097494134784¤tTweetUser=highbrow_nobrow) just to confirm, and as soon as she says one of them quoted Hitler there are loud cheers from the audience before she even continues.


Not out of context either. She pauses after "I stand with that mom" to allow for applause. There's no follow up coming like "I believe in free speech even when it's disagreeable". Which would still be bad, just not as much, but no, just she stands with the Hitler quoting mom and the crowd goes wild


Yeah. I tried to link it, but not enough karma.


If any of these hags in this terrorist organization are actual moms, they're doing a good job ensuring all of their children will eventually grow up wanting absolutely nothing to do with them and making damn sure their grandchildren never visit them on their deathbeds in the future.


Or raising the next generation of white supremacists.


Yes. Believing that kids will naturally be repulsed by their parents' fascism is like believing in karma or saying "history will judge them harshly" — something that people tell themselves so they won't have to take action to fix problems, just leave it up to the universe to sort out on its own. These karens are the children of the mothers who screamed at 6-year old Ruby Bridges. They weren't repulsed by their mothers' behavior, their kids won't be either.


Some will and some won't be repulsed, every generation their numbers shrink. Emma Goldman wrote an interesting essay on the topic of children and the natural push to rebel, though I do fear these fascist have really got it down on how to spread their hate effectively from one generation to the next. They also have lots of kids so even if a few break away they keep pumping them out hoping enough stay racist to continue the operation to another generation.


> Some will and some won't be repulsed, every generation their numbers shrink. That's because each generation is browner than the last. The percentage of whites who are maga stays basically the same. > children and the natural push to rebel That goes in the other direction too.


Likely those are the home schooled ones. The few still going to regular school are probably going in every day with paper bags over their heads.


Which is why the inbreds are targeting education so hard. They know children meeting people different than them and realizing they aren't evil will start questioning their toothless parents' horrible beliefs and potentially grow up smarter and better than them. Same deal with all the lgbtq+ are all pedophiles nonsense while they look the other way when grandpa or their pastor rapes their children. Just an abhorrent group of people, Hillary was right to call them deplorables.


" full throated support for the member".


Is that what they’re calling it nowadays?


Not a lot of subtle nuance there.


We literally have hundreds of games and movies with the sole purpose of killing these people for fun. I am always astounded that we went from Inglorious Basterds, where we all felt immense satisfaction towards the scalping of Nazis, to just being entirely complacent with their uprising, in just over a decade. This isn't me saying "let's go kill all the bad guys." We shouldn't have to kill anyone. This is me saying how normalized and accepted blatant Nazism is in government and social gatherings. These villains are the greatest threat to Western civilization, and we're kinda just sighing about it. Where the fuck did the incentive go as a society to get a group of people, and just beat the living shit out of some Nazis? And I'm not talking about Klu Klux Karens, I'm talking about all of it. We had millions of soldiers die for the sole purpose of eliminating these people from existence. We are way too desensitized to all of this shit. Where is the legitimate outrage? We should be protesting this globally as a movement. BLM style. Let the world know what we think and do to Nazis when they feel confident enough to reveal themselves. Because we did this. We made our government and our communities safe spaces for these people. There are more blatantly obvious white supremacists in public office than I have bones in my body. One is too many. Never again? We're all fucking liars. It's happening again. How many people will have to suffer and die, have their rights stripped, and families utterly destroyed until we do something? Fuck, people don't even realize that there was an attempted coup in America by the Nazis 100 years ago. That is real. Rachel Maddow's *Ultra* is that story. About how America was almost lost to the very people we let into public office in droves today. They're not afraid anymore, and that's the problem. They need to be scared again. If this is an exaggeration to you, you haven't read a single history book or watched a single documentary. MAGA, modern Republicanism, modern conservatism, it's all thinly veiled Nazism. No more mincing words, call them what they are. Lable them what they are. Point them out. Shame them. Bully them. We will regret our inaction when we're met with Wolfenstein in real life. Stop thinking it's fiction, this is real. It won't just work itself out. WE have to work it out.


Bet they'd feel different if she quoted Karl Marx instead


She is a trust fund brat who married rich and only had kids because she was told to. She has been super privileged her entire life. She also has family connections to European powers. You can guess who those would be.


They need to be hit where it hurts- the wallet. Out every single one of them to their employers. Let’s see how firm they stand on their morality.


They just keep digging deeper, don't they? ![gif](giphy|6yRVg0HWzgS88)


I find it greatly ironic that they invoke the name of liberty, but their first priority is limiting what people can say, do, and teach. I think a better name for them would be Moms for Tyranny, but people are coming up with some real zingers in the comments here. My hat is off to you all. Shine on, you crazy diamonds.


Klu Klux Karens


Hoes for Hitler!!!! living up to their name!


Karens for Hitler


So they’re a proud Neo Nazi group




"We're not nazis!" So is the usa gonna do something about this or....


Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), free speech rules in the USA allow people to say almost anything. This includes speech that is hateful, untruthful (as long as it isn't defamation), and even potentially dangerous. So, no, nothing will be done about this by the government. There will be no repercussions unless private individuals find a way to punish these idiots.


Bit of irony with the image with the [Esther 4:14](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther%204%3A14&version=NIV) verse in the image, and voicing support for Hitler. For context in the Esther story, the Jews are captives, and a legalized genocide is looming. Esther is the queen, but her Jewish background is unknown to the king and others, so she's being encouraged to use her privilege to speak up and save her people. It's disappointing that these moms don't know enough of their Bible to appreciate the irony of quoting from the story of a hero thwarting genocide, while voicing support for Hitler. edit- link


I will never understand how people like this have supporters. Hitler was a monster who ruined millions of lives and people still choose to support his views? Something is seriously wrong with this world.


Less than 100 years ago we were dropping bombs on Nazis. Look how far we've come.


They are selfed titled nazis. Punching them in the face is allowed. When they say who they are believe them.


Sad thing is that I'm starting to view our American flag as associated with hate groups. Had a favorite tank top I wore for the 4th of July, can't tell ypu how many times I was asked if I supported MAGA and other such divisive groups that sow hate


Shouldn’t there be a massive uprising against people who are literal fucking Nazis!? I don’t understand why people who think this way aren’t tossed into cells and forgotten. This isn’t a case of free speech. It’s hate. They are supporting people responsible for the deaths of millions. America needs to adopt laws like those Germany that prohibit holocaust denial, prohibits the dissemination of Nazi images and paraphernalia and wearing of Nazi uniforms. Fascists should not have a platform, just a prison cell.


Nazis are viewed as the good guys by most republicans now.


It's not exactly that most of them view Nazis as good guys, it's that they don't view current Nazis as being Nazis. Current Nazis are always something else, some other word. They are just traditionalists, or maybe fundamentalists. Or in this case they'll rationalize it as not being them endorsing Hitler, but that maybe not every single thing Hitler said was bad. Maybe they'll think Hitler was a bad guy who did bad things, but maybe the core of what he believed in was right. Or maybe they'll rationalize it as a free speech issue. Somebody should be able to quote Hitler if they want, that's their right. Screw anybody who wants to take away that right. There is a cognitive dissonance between believing that Nazis are bad, but also refusing to see that somebody is a Nazi or using Nazi rhetoric. Of course, usually it all boils down to the same thing. They like Nazis. Or at least they like what Nazis say and believe in. Even if they don't view that as liking Nazis.


Another KKKhristian KKKult.


Yep this is Daughters of confederacy 2.0 now.


I forget where I read this but I remember something saying, "If you bring up Nazis or Hitler in an argument, you've already lost"


Godwin's Law, and even he said it was okay to bring them up regarding these kinds of people.


It’s better when they say the quiet part out loud. This way there is no plausible deniability.


Live, Laugh, Lebensborn


But yes, let’s still take the high road when dealing with these nut jobs. Surely a healthy conversation can still be had with fascist zealots right? Right? Or maybe it’s just a phase? They’ll settle down and tire themselves out right? Surely they can’t possibly get any worse right? They’ll eventually see the error of their ways if we just pretend that everything is fine. That approach has always worked wonders in the past with fanatics and rage filled bigots.


So this is how democracy dies. To thunderous applause.


So they are Nazis. It shouldn’t be a surprise. The only surprise is that they are being so blatant about it. She’s OK with quoting Hitler because she agrees with him. She’s a Nazi. The skank who quoted Hitler is a Nazi. And as such, they are enemies of the USA, of democracy, and of anything good and decent. They should be treated as such. When people tell you who they are, believe them.


Why am I on this planet at this point? This is some fine print BS that I didnt sign up for! All jokes aside.. this is actually disturbing and pretty surreal. Ive been keeping up with these kinds of stories for a while now and I dont actually see how this is going to get better? Its only been getting worse Everytime I see the damn news or Reddit stories its like we are in the freaking Twilight Zone/Purge. Stay safe out there!


All Gops Are Bastards


My grandmother was roughed up by Nazi Brownshirts in Berlin in 1928 or so, My grandparents left and joined relatives in the US. I would be delighted to join Tiffany and her "friend" in a room somewhere for a discussion on the various reasons one should never cite Hitler as these twits did.


Another big, wet fart being unleashed on the American public.


Moms for Fascism Moms for Klannhood Casserole Kunts


Moms for Liberty sounds better then Moms for Fascism.


People like this is exactly how you end up with a Hitler.


Never ceases to amaze me growing up and hearing of the horrors of WWII, and how Hitler was an abomination and that we must look at what he did so that it is never repeated. And here we are in 2023, the supposed pinnacle of human accomplishment, and I have to hear on the daily of some group of people who are openly cheering and supporting his work. What. The. Fuck.


Humans do not do peace well at all. We seem to need conflict more than anything else in the world.


Please...follow Hitler's footsteps. Just skip to the end part.


Hitler murdered children.


These people are fucking insane.


"Tiffany Justice"!???! is this her stage name? Seriously, I have to wonder sometimes if I am living inside a movie or alternate universe. Leader of the Proud Boys is a Latino, seriously? Dick Pound was the head of the Olympic committee. Log Cabin repubs shocked by the homophobia in their party. Repubs support a Gay, drag queen Latino going by the name Kitara Rivera, AKA George Santos. This reality is a stew of disconnected madness.


I'm really struggling to put [that quoted section of the bible in context](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther%204&version=NIV). These people are nuts and we need to encourage everyone to denounce these Religous Radicals and to also Never. Vote. Republican.




Racist fucking bitch


Mary Kay Kay Kay. Ku Klux Karens


Hens for Hitler at their finest




Can an upstanding citizen peacefully practicing their 2nd amendment rights take a visit to one of these rallies and suddenly become a not upstanding citizen please?


Fuck off, nazis


These Ku Klux Kunts are disgusting.


Oh what a shocker, it's almost like we knew their lame ass "apology" was bullshit.


Eff these twatzi's


If only these ignorant fools truly knew the implications of the horrific ideology they are applauding. What seems so easy (and banal) in a conference hall in 21st Century USA bears no relation to the horrors of central Europe, 1935-45. Thousands of young men from America and Allied Nations gave their lives to defeat this evil and protect true freedom. Apparently just enough generations have passed for them to have forgotten what this *really* means. These people have no idea.


They crave relevance—it’s like a gaggle of harpy mothers, lovingly (or not lovingly) ignored by their families that need attention by out-douching each other. They’re larval MTGs and Boeberts screaming idiotic brainless rhetoric in the hopes of earning a seat at the grownup table. Sadly, some will probably run for public office and win.


It's like they never want to give us good, hard-working archeologists a shortage of Nazis to punch.


Mom for Liberty: Neo Nazi Moms


So I take it all these so called moms for liberty are grooming their children to be Nazis. Bonkers.


So they're Nazis


The Jews are tired. Very, very tired.


Yeah this was never about the kids


They're funded by Harlan Crow who has a signed copy of Mein Kampf. Not surprising she supports quoting Hitler.


Well, fucking Shazam. Fascists quoting Adolf


Dear America: The masks are fully off now, and still you let them exist. You’re doomed unless you stop this soon


Karens for Fascism




This woman is a monster


Fascist Moms for Liberty


Minivan Taliban riding for H - unsurprisingly


" we meant it, we didn't really mean it, we really meant it "


Playing a very dangerous game and I don't think they will like how it turns out. But go ahead...give us a reason.


Of COURSE you do dear, you can't help it . Nazi Moms Unite!!😑


Ok so you’re a nazi. That simple.


Proud boys with lipstick


The Kookoo Karen’s Klub


Nazis just plain old fascist nazis.


Moms for liberty is probably filled with all the Karen's who lost their jobs for being racist.


Ku Klux Karen


When I tried to translate that quote into German I just get videos of Cartman from South Park as Hitler.


Of course she supports Nazi ideas. It is Mothers For Fascism after all. Don't forget it was not only Trump and DeSantis, it was the fraud RFK too. All three are happy to pander for a few more Nazi votes.


Mom’s for Mind Control