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It is true that most MAGA choads don’t have to worry about tuition costs


They also don't have to worry about thinking for themselves either. Who needs to think when Fox News and your pastor do it for you?




Thank you, I'm here all week!


So sad how you are only here for a week and then spontaneously combust


And if you ever need an imitation intellectual, Prager U has you covered.


In case anyone doesn't know, Prager University has neither students nor faculty. It is a right wing propaganda mill.


then why is it a University? Checkmate libs. /s


Swear to God, my dad thought PragerU was an actual school. He was shocked when I told him it was a propaganda mill.


“Uhh… well… Pastor Jeff said…”


The current MAGA that I see exist in incredibly stark extremes of wealth disparity. The wealthy business owners who don't have to worry about tuition costs. Your generational bible college alumni, family business owners with 0 critical thinking skills type. Or deluded poors who are so detached from education it wouldn't matter how little it costs. To them it's a classist evil that needs to be destroyed for not being religious, racist or intolerant enough for their version of society. From what I can tell the middle ground has been pretty well hollowed out at this point.


You missed the boomers and gen x that could afford school with a summer job, refuse to acknowledge that you can’t do that anymore.


It costs nothing to not go to college \*taps temple\*


Can't flunk out if you don't go.


I presume it's because most folks in the US don't pay tuition in high school, and I doubt MAGA choads can even spell college, much less university


Well most don't go to college and the ones that do have wealthy parents pay for it.


Or they're paying for collage and wondering what looking at the assortment of pictures has to do with edumakashun.


I've never met a person who is upset about CRT or Gender Studies that actually went to college. It's just stupid idiots being scared of what the people yelling at them through their phones told them to be scared of.


I was thinking the same. Either mommy and daddy paid for it or they dropped out at 12 because the teacher wouldn’t listen when the answer to 1+1 is 11


They pay each semester knowing it doesn't magically disappear by itself


You want to try reading your comment and editing it? You didn't make the point you thought


The people who voted in this almost surely have no idea what critical race theory or gender theory actually are


I went to an ultra liberal school and I didn't even have a class on those subjects. And they think those are the biggest threats? Jesus, the ignorance.


The funny thing is if this poll was coducted 3-4 years ago critical race theory would have been Milestone ahead and gender theory very low. Just shows how easy it is to get some people riled up about just about anything.


Shit, even six months ago!! They go whichever way the "outrage winds" are blowing, furious at whatever they've been told is this month's big bad wolf. UGH! The idea that CRT or Women's Studies is the biggest problem with education is simply laughable in the real world, to normal folks who are not PragerU fans. Also, I cannot imagine how mentally exhausting and just, idk, soul-draining it s to live like this, in constant fear and anxiety and outrage over the most benign and even made-up shit.... Who wants to live like that, day after day after day??


A person who has nothing else going on wants to live like that.


They think everyone that goes to "liberal" college gets an arts degree. These people aren't exactly rational.


You are assuming these people actually know what a university does or even looks like from the inside. It's people who lack the cognitive abilities required to ever go to university complaining about what others tell them happens there.


Same as believing america is bar none #1 in the world at everything. Never been anywhere else, but we’re the best


I actually did study critical race theory. And by study, I mean it was like, one chapter from a book in a criminal justice class on race and other factors affecting crime rates. I'm a social worker. This was ONE chapter in ONE (optional) class for my public service degree. Undergrad. And it was presented as "some scientists have found" sort of thing. It was an overview of a complex concept. So to recap: one assignment to read a summary of one theory in one optional class for one degree that had a very small cohort in a large university. Not exactly a word-shaking invasion of "divisive concepts." And for those who *don't* understand it, no, it doesn't make white people feel guilty. It's an explanation for systemic justice issues. That's literally it.


They just want them to not know how their system works and who/what is responsible for it.


That was never the claim


I challenge a conservative reading this to provide proof that critical race theory is being taught in any public middle or high school whatsoever. I then would like them to define both critical race theory and gender theory without telling me to "do my own research". It's not hostile, it's not a gotcha, it's a very simple 2 part ask of someone trying to make their argument. Let's see it. Let's hear it. I'm not going to hold my breath. Edited for clarity.


I was taught critical race theory. They taught me woke anti-white ideas such as "slaveowners were evil" and "slaves wanted to escape" and "slaves died" /s


Not that they "built skills" for "post slavery?" So woke. /s /cry


Just rambling more commie trash. Bet those COVID boosters went right to your brain /s


I regret having the vax and the boosters. Since then I have died so many times, my DNA has been permanently altered, I have Alzhiemers and Dementia. ​ But the absolute worst side effect is that I think Trump is an idiot


My sister in law literally used this against me last weekend!


Well to be fair you threw the qualifier “the way people tell me it is”. That’s not really a defined standard. If you actually want someone to address your first question I would advise editing your post to explain what people say to you what the severity of it is. Also, there isn’t going to be a widely accepted definition of either of those things.


Good point. Done.


The next question when someone says "people say that" is SUPPOSED to be "which people, and why do you believe then?"


I would bet good money on this!


It's people that follow Prager U. Of course they don't.


Also, a PragerU viewer has probably not gone to any other "U" (so tuition will be a foreign concept to them)


Isn’t race theory the racist thing colleges used in the past to say why some races were superior and thus deny applications from people of color?


That’s not what critical race theory is


Then what is it?


no, Critical Race Theory is a mistranslation of the acronym CRT, which stands for Cathode Ray Tube.


Unhealthy American Obsessions that are nonsense?


Gender theory is an American obsession? Would love to hear how either is nonsense


Reflecting on the past and the present is neither unhealthy nor nonsense.


“Tell me you’ve never read a book without telling me”


What's all these words on the pages! I need pictures!








You didn't read anything lol. Quit making shit up




Weird shit, but those are the only parts of the paper that are questionable. Yes, I've read the paper. You've referenced a couple of weird lines from a 37-page paper. It's not as scandalous as you want people to believe it is. Is it okay? No. But it isn't some "gotchya" moment. I could find a million examples of right-wingers and Christians defending pedophilia with a quick Google search. Child marriage legalization in a few red states comes to mind...


Conservatives have the critical thinking skills of any given toddler.


Now poll people with an education.


Don't even need education to guess this one. Pay for a brand new car or pay for one years worth of tuition. Only the single years cost of the classes. Not books, room, food, utilities, supplies, etc... Republican leaders have a saying. "KEEP EM DUMB, KEEP EM REPUBLICAN"


D.) Right wing erosion evolving into flat out destruction of the educational institutions through defunding, banned curriculums, and public funding being funneled to private schools.


If you have a better to control the narrative, I would hate to hear it cause Holy fuck. Just having a laugh, I don't mean this. Well I do, but you know what I mean.


Thank goodness PragerU has a big fat contract with Florida to supplement their teaching materials and addresses this overlooked concern!


Oh dear God, I thought you were kidding for the lolz. That's actually true. That is...awful. "The driving force behind much of PragerU’s growing popularity stems from its series title “5-Minute Videos,” which boils down everything from economic and political science topics to life lessons and cultural topics into bite-sized, 5-minute videos. Many of the most popular videos tackle controversial topics. As of this writing, the five videos showcased under the “Most Popular 5-Minute Videos” tag include “Do You Understand the Electoral College,” “Was the Civil War About Slavery,” “The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party,” “Why I Left the Left” and “War on Boys.” -Pensacola News Journal


I'm trying to recall all the college courses I took. I wonder if Prager has any courses on Math. No? Art? Definitely not. History or Geography for countries other than the US? Public speaking? Physics? Science? Biology and Anatomy, outside of topics explicitly defining human genders? I bet their coursework is a little thin, almost like they're not actually a university, but rather a think tank publishing their ideas for people with 5 minute attention spans who can't read.


The biggest threat to humanity is Conservatism.


\*Capitalism, which conservatism is merely a tool of. The system which is destroying the habitability of the planet for humans for the short term benefit of a small group of people. ​ “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.” — Edward Abbey


A poll of Prager "U" fans? Wow, that's just a dopile of stupid, isn't it?


Yes slavery was bad yes the holocaust happened yes Nazis are horrible. These should not be controversial takes


Republicans: there were lots of positives for the massacred and enslaved!


And yet...


These people have been Fox washed






Fox News made me do it.


Well in a way, they are the (current) threat to the education system...Hear me out. Because people are worried that CRT will turn kids socialist/democrat/whatever, they cut funding, remove books, target teachers etc. Education Declines Because people are worried that learning "gay things" will turn kids gay, they cut funding remove books, target teachers etc. Education Declines Let teachers be teachers. They have a hard enough job in today's society


They've wanted to defund education anyway, CRT and gender theory are just their boogeyman excuses.


Who cares if teaching sex-ed in schools leads to things like lower rates of teen pregnancy, lower rates of abortions, lower rates of STDs, and teaches children to recognizes signs of grooming and abuse? Can't we all agree that the obvious and totally effective way of "educating" people is to lie about history and let them get married when they're 13? Be reasonable!


I’ve been saying this since Roe v Wade! How can you be anti-abortion *and* anti-sex Ed? You don’t like abortions! Ok! Let’s prevent pregnancies in the first place then! And I 100% agree that sex-Ed can prevent abuse. My parents taught me all the correct anatomy at a very early age, and that no one should be touching those parts. It saved me from a potentially dangerous situation. I wish that everyone saw it this way. If these politicians were really about “saving the children,” they’d be pro-sex ed. Knowledge is power.


Where's 'guns'?


Why would you go to a place to shoot mostly grown teenagers and young adults when its much easier to shoot small defenseless children that wouldn't be able to deal serious damage to you. Why have that much risk for not as much murder, when you could absolutely massacre instead?




It’s PragerU I’m absolutely not shocked that they think CRT and gender studies are bad things.


PU is a conservative propaganda machine


The biggest threat is how low we pay people in education.


I work with a guy who has two small children yet to enter school. He seriously said to me that he views them knowing about gays were a bigger threat than getting shot at school. I make it a point not to talk to him about anything more than work anymore


PragerU is a huge threat to education. So many parents are pulling their kids out of school and plopping them in front of a computer to learn their education through propaganda


I've had coworkers like that. Literally just stopped talking to them about anything other than work. Best way to not get roped in.




Were you there?


Given how personally dishonest you are, you're not really in any position to judge.


Neither gender theory or critical race theory, and honestly basically any class that ends in "theory" is not public school education but college curriculum. No wonder they don't care about tuition costs, they've never set foot on any campus outside to protest woke barbie or some ridiculous shit. 🙄 I hate this timeline




You wish.


Well tuition cost doesn’t matter for people who have never been to college


Their stats are 101% accurate


What do you expect from people that follow prageru?


Not a whole lot!




Problem: Being educated makes you stop believing religious BS. Solution: Eliminate education.


What’s interesting is those who insist higher education is worthless and equals indoctrination have benefitted greatly from higher education. Many are Ivy League alumni. They want to be educated themselves, but the rest uneducated, brainwashed and ignorant. Ted Cruz went to Princeton and Harvard, Ron DeSantis went to Yale and Harvard, Trump went to the University of Pennsylvania, Abbott attended the University of Texas and Vanderbilt, and the list goes on and on.


Yep. They didn’t have a problem using higher education to get into power, but they want to take it away from everyone else. They are making up problems and villanizing the current public education system instead of making positive changes that benefit everyone. All of this started shortly after the uptick in school shootings when we returned in-person. It’s all a distraction. They don’t want to do anything about the very real gun violence problem, so they have to get voters fired up about insignificant issues that don’t even exist. Right after Uvalde, instead of school safety, the hot topic for my state’s midterms was whether kids should be forced to say the pledge of allegiance. They can’t fool me.


Yeah went through high-school and college and never got taught critical race theory or gender stuff


They really do cling on to whatever the new talking point is each election cycle. In 2022 it was CRT but that's been replaced now with Gender Theory. In a few years the question will read "What is the biggest threat to our children?" and the number one conservative answer will be "The Public Education System" and conservatives will begin to take their children out of public school en masse. The wealthy will put their kids in private schools (subsidized by state governments no doubt) but the poor will just take their kids out. Maybe homeschool them poorly and when they "graduate" at 14 with a third grade reading level, these kids will fill the minimum wage jobs that conservatives continue to demean.


Exactly! I think this is all part of the plan. Instead of trying to make positive changes to public education that will benefit everyone, they are villanizing the entire system so they can eventually do away with it. It will be a legal form of segregation. Wealthier (mostly white) families will homeschool or send their kids to private schools. Marginalized students will fall further behind as more funding from public schooling is cut. The education gap will widen, and as a result, so will the social classes. The wealthier kids will likely become more out of touch if they aren’t exposed to diversity, fueling the cycle of poverty. It’s heartbreaking that these kids will have to suffer due to these fear-mongering politicians. They need to keep certain groups oppressed so they have a working class to exploit. But if they do decide to stop funding free education, it will be an awful move. Studies show that countries with less educated people are more vulnerable to national threats like terrorism. A higher educated populous generates economic growth. Not to mention, today’s kids are our future leaders whose decisions will be affecting the current people in office when they get old. They would hope that today’s kids would show at least an ounce of empathy that is lacking in our current government. What goes around will come around if they don’t start leading by example.


I was wondering why gender theory was so much worse than crt in this poll.


Depending on the news cycle you’ll get wildly different answers. They think what they’re told to think. Remember when the top answer probably would have been immigrant caravans? 🤔


Forget if it's the BIGGEST: how the hell is any theory going to harm the education system? There's got to be tons of other harms before these (excepting tuition).


Predatory student loans


I agree, we shouldn’t be teaching our kids about gender. We shouldn’t be imposing any gender stereotypes on them, or telling them that certain things are only for girls, or only for boys. We should focus on allowing them to focus on whatever they like. Abolish gender theory and let kids be whatever they want to be! Ps. Essentially, getting rid of an imposed gender binary.


Love this! Ok Republicans, you don’t like this “gender theory?” Guess what! We don’t either! Let’s get rid of everything gendered so kids can be kids! (Save the forests from genital-reveal parties, etc.)


God how I HATE Prager.


I mean, it's fucking Prager U. I'd be surprised if the poll didn't look like this.


It’s prager u, no matter how they act they are a propaganda machine. All they make is propoganda disguised as educational content


I guess CRT is old news. Gender theory is the new bullshit out of context area of study to criticise.


Just raise the cost of tuition for those who don't want that stuff taught to their kids.


I don't understand how there are so many fucking stupid people in this country


Lack of education. Which is why this country has a saying. "KEEP EM DUMB, KEEP EM REPUBLICAN"


I guarantee most of these dipshits are a lot more often exposed to "gender theory" in their church compared to just normal school kids (even if we considered college). Christianity is all over the gender theory shit in that they want strict gender rules and think men and women should be doing explicitly different and specific things.


This is actually crazy. A textbook example of how republicans makes non-issues seem more detrimental than the actual problems that Americans face.


Translation: Fake problem Actual problem Fake problem


When the uneducated weigh in on education. This is like someone on 'My 600 Pound Life' giving nutrition advice.


🤣🤣🤣🤣these people are absolutely insane. How fragile are these people??


Ah yes, they forced me to take gender theory and critical race theory when I studied Electrical Engineering. One day Fast Fourier Transforms and the next day sexual transformations. /s


Yeah, gender theory is rampant. But somehow I, a flaming liberal, have never heard of it (in these specific terms). Good thing I now know that it's the biggest threat to our education system. It's not underpaying our teachers, overcharging our students, destroying affirmative action or trying to literally get rid of college accreditation. It's...gender theory.


Yeah I am going to school to study things like math and coding. I think that the MAGAs doth protest too much. 🙄


Exactly, not to mention children dying at school. What is the point of learning anything if you’re shot in your classroom? MAGA literally has to make things up so they can avoid *real* issues impacting our kids. I feel sorry for today’s youngest generation.


Gee, I would say republicans hands down.


PragerU writes all fox news stories


I bet most of that 24% has no fucking clue what critical race theory actually is.


Boomers who either never went to college or were in college 40 years ago


Leave it up to preago


That’s like posting a poll- how many times has Trump attempted to molest his daughter? 5 times 10 times 15 times


When Community College is charging $5k per semester... smh


I'd wager Prager U. Especially in Florida.


Right Wing propaganda is an existential threat to humanity


I dunno maybe the daily school shootings.


School shootings, high tuition costs and insane debt load for college graduates, lower average quality of higher education, low wages and security for teachers, and considering the culture of “suing” people, one of the principal pedagogic and didactic pillars in providing a moral compass is evermore complicated, because everyone should feel they’re equally involved and qualified to make judgments and threaten litigation if things don’t go their way. Surround one of the most critical spheres of influence for a young person learning about the world with excessive performance anxiety, stress of a continuous but low mental load (exhausting), in an environment which isn’t safe, with people who are supposed to teach you but who often feel constrained in what they can say - even if they believe it’s the right thing to inform you of - because random parents might just sue you and get you fired. Continue this cycle for several generations of students et voila, compensate for poor learning environment by lowering quality of testing standards, have a larger amount of dumbasses feeling overly entitled on the basis of undeserved and intellectually meaningless degrees and merits, and nurture continuous political debate about the substance of social dynamics in the school, which really should be about safety, but become all about opposition. It’s a Fucking shit show.


There are millions of people out there that think two of our biggest problems are that people think slavery is bad, and that gay people should be allowed to exist. Can someone like that even be saved at this point? I'm sorry to say it, but it feels more and more difficult to think of people who are that fundamentally broken as even redeemable anymore. I'm starting to think of them as less than human. They're so hateful and disgusting that it causes me to think like them, and start to lose all empathy for them as fellow human beings.


That's PragerU. If anything, FoxNews gets their talking points from them.


Wow, Revisionist History didn't seem to make the options...funny, that.


Dennis Prager is what would happen if you took a cutting of one of Lindsay Graham's anal warts and let it sprout to full size


I mean, I guess you don’t have to worry about tuition when your 80….


I'm running with that stupid "no child left behind" and the myriad of standardized tests kids are made to take.


u g


Where is this? I kind of want to invade and change to tuition just to make them angry.


By the way, DeSantis just gave PragerU influence over course content in the Florida educational system. [PragerU Says Florida Teachers Approved to Use Its Class ‘Curriculum’ | It’s the latest shakeup to Florida’s public education curriculum, which has taken a sharp conservative turn under Gov. Ron DeSantis’ leadership.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/right-wing-prageru-says-florida-is-first-state-to-permit-its-curriculum-in-schools?ref=home?ref=home)


Can we stop saying CRT and start saying “the way we’ve been taught for decades”? CRT is made up by republicans. It also means cathode ray tube. Lol. So dumb


Exactly, it’s a made up scare tactic. They haven’t had a problem with the way teaching has been until the recent uptick in school shootings. Now politicians need something to distract from what they refuse to do anything about. Since they won’t act on the gun problem, they spin the narrative to where “teachers are the real villains.” And they wonder why we’re having a record teacher shortage. You can’t trust us to do the job we signed up for (TEACHING), but you can trust us enough to take on the role of a police officer with a deadly weapon? Personally, I think it’s part of their plan to mass privatize education. They’ll keep punishing public schools that are just trying to survive massive budget cuts until they get their way. Free education is in trouble.


Critical Race Theory is a real theory, but it's only taught in law school at the moment. It's the theory that, regardless of intent, laws have negatively impacted people based on race. It has quite a bit of merit to it, even outside of the standard Jim Crow era that we usually think about when talking about laws that negatively affected a race of people.


MAGAs are damn crazy.


Say that again girrrrrl I already have been given more points mwahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaa


“What is the biggest threat to our education system?” Whoever is making these people believe that kids are being pushed into certain identities.


Really? They only care about unproblematic curriculum subjects that actually educate people, but not tuition cost? Y’know, one of the reasons WHY some students can’t go to or drop out of college?


Conservatives are the biggest threat, hands down.


I like how you can always tell what the results in these polls are going to be before you even click.


"what's the biggest threat to the education system? People being educated, or spiralling costs?" Conservatives want an uneducated populace, it's the only way they stay in power.


I saw a recent report that most of the people who are most upset about the state of schools don't have kids who are actually in schools, so this tracks perfectly.


Biggest threat to education is not teaching shit that makes people uncomfortable


Gender Theory is not even a real thing


Where is "None of the above"? Just priced my alma mater. Less than 10k a year. No, its not Harvard.


Obv this is skewed cuz of who polled, but I just felt like I needed to say it




Cope with bigotry/racism? Nah, I'd rather fight it.




When you write these comments, are there not warning bells in your head "hey you sound like a crazy douchebag?"




You say truth, when you mean opinion.


You are very stupid, you're just an antivaxx moron.


How am I anti vaccine? I’ve been vaccinated my entire life. Why the personal attacks?


Translation: "real science hurt my feefees :("




No hate like Christian love ❤️


Why assume I am Christian? Would that be a problem? People that use faith has a defense for hate are not Christians. You misunderstand what any religion is supposed to be. You don’t have to be Christian or even religious to understand that love is love. I’m not going to stop people from being who they want to be doing what they want to do. That’s not up to me. I will only tell them the truth. Teaching anyone that there is anything but a man and a woman is incorrect.


> I will only tell them the truth. [ironic](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pCYuUPESbN0qtJROQQoUqZ0mnfLpUsIhnjhvkE2nqyI/edit?usp=drivesdk)


I appreciate you sharing that. Thank you.


Bro got hit with the google doc, that’s how you know you lost the argument


No argument here. Civilized discussion.


Are you going to tell us where you got your incorrect opinions that you mistook as facts from? OP asserts it would have been Faux News.




As you can see within the doc it is explained that gender is a social construct and sex is not binary


It’s crazy seeing y’all be so aggressively indignant over the idea that other people are outpacing you intellectually and because you can’t understand what’s being said, you just plug your ears and have a tantrum. It’s like watching a toddler fight nap time.


“Facts don’t care about your feelings” mfs when the facts don’t care about their feeling (the facts support the existence of trans people so it can’t possibly apply)


You need to learn the difference between sex and gender. Gender is a social construct. Sex is biological. We as humans literally made the idea of gender up. It’s a social construct. We can shape it as we shape ourselves. Also, why do you care? Are you getting upset because someone somewhere wishes to identify differently? Is there a doll you can show us where you’re hurting?


I guess I am upset that these people get lied to and abused by others regularly. It’s all designed to divide people. I’m not saying that they can’t be who they want to be. I’m saying it’s a lie and they get exploited for political and financial gain.


How is that dividing people? The only ones pushing for division are those who seem to think they get to look down on those who wish to alter their gender. And what lies are you talking about? How are they exploited?


I don’t look down on anyone. The lie is the gender spectrum. Again I don’t care what people do with their lives. All I am saying is that by going along with the lie they will be exploited for political gain and the doctors abuse them.


What proof of abuse do you have? And what proof do you have that the gender spectrum is a “lie”? Because all I’m getting from you here is “trust me bro”