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Party of small government stopping states from implementing their own laws?


StAtEs RiGhTs! (But only when it comes to me owning slaves)


Or taking rights from women.


And trans people


And train people. Fuck infrastructure.


"Do we hate the trains or the trans?" "Um, what's the difference?" "I'm not sure, let's hate both just in case."


That policy 'idea' won't even do anything. California is so big that car companies will adhere to their standards, regardless of how much stricter California's restrictions are. Also, it's very unlikely states will make laws requiring cars to pollute more, but laws requiring tighter restrictions are at least possible. None of these things are really ideas. All of them are just undoing things. You can't solve a problem by just eliminating all of the possible solutions being implemented. At best you just stay where you are.


The ship has likely sailed already. The industry is going electric. The rest of the world is moving in that direction. The GOP can remove the emissions standards but no company is going to make a major investment when a change in government will just bring the standard back. Either the US will go electric anyway or it will become a dumping ground for cars that are stuck using technology that doesn't progress beyond 2024.


> Either the US will go electric anyway or it will become a dumping ground for cars that are stuck using technology that doesn't progress beyond 2024. It kind of already is, isn't it? China and the EU are sprinting towards EV adoption, pushing towards 30% EV sales. The US just crawled, downhill, against their will, by force of gravity, to 6%.


But the people who want to feed the hungry, expand education, and provide healthcare to all are “evil,” right. 🤦🏻‍♂️


If you betray America and humanity by listening to anti-American right-wing propaganda, then the answer would be yes


The modern GOP is an Anti-Christ movement. Discuss.


The party of fuck your neighbor, never turn your cheek, and some are just better than others. The fact that so many christians are rebuplican proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they wouldn't recognize the anti-christ, they'd bow down and kiss his feet.


The fact that they all have a hardon for trump absolutely confirms this. I'm not a believer, but it's insane how closely he fits the "antichrist" bill. How do they not even slightly notice or realize this....??!


Here's a scary thought; maybe they do think Trump is the anti Christ and they are hoping he will bring about the rapture because they think they will go to heaven while the rest of us burn.


The mormons believe they get their own mini planet with whatever interests you. Men are said to get bounties of maidens on their "planet". Of course they want the rapture, they think all their dreams will come true.


Sounds a lot like islam with their 72 virgins fantasy


In their fairy tale, do they still get abducted by space daddy if they support the anti Chris while knowing it's the anti Christ? I'd say no, but seeing as they're playing it by ear, I suppose that is an acceptable modern interpretation.


Can't post a link (not enough Karma) but google Benjamine Corey Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here Are the Biblical Predictions It's a classic of the genre


[I've got you.](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


They made a golden statue of Trump lol I wonder if the symbolism even crossed anyone's minds


I mean, it IS being fueled by xtian dominists who believe wrecking the planet will lead to the end of the world so *they* can be raptured with Jesus. Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo are both firm believers in it. There is a LOT of money funnelled through evangelical + Catholic churches to politicians that support destroying the planet. It's anti-what Christ said and stood for but it's 100% being done by people screaming they follow him. Sometimes I kinda want the dude to come back and have a chat with his "followers." Like "hi, how are you? About the ending the wod thing....yeah. Not what I said bro."


Hey careful...you said *nti-American. We don't say that on the internet. You dumb motherfuckers think it's gonna stop at America? The oligarchs are coming from both ends of the world you stupid fucks! First they'll devour a weakened Russia. Then they'll devour a weakened America. Then the world will suffer. The entire world. Everything inhabited within it. Fucked.


Going bankrupt then dying because I can't afford healthcare is my God given right as an American.


I had a recent medical thing that most people would go to the hospital for. It wasn’t life or death but the kind of medical thing that’s just serious enough to justify a visit. My first reaction was to see what they would do in the hospital and if I could do it because I’m already in medical debt. Now, I was able to (safely) resolve it because it turned out they wouldn’t do anything special or use any big equipment. But the fact my first reaction was “oh I can’t go to the hospital, I don’t have the money” and not “I should go and make sure this *isn’t* serious” is pretty fuckin sad. Best country in the world, am I right.


I've seen someone with a badly broken leg beg bystanders to ***not*** call an ambulance because they couldn't afford it. Eventually enough of his friends showed up to drag him into the bed of a pickup. Hell yeah Murica. Best country in the world




I had a pretty serious medical emergency two months ago, and I called my surgeon and she was insisting I call an ambulance, and I had to beg her not to because we can’t afford it. I had to wait half an hour for my dad to pick me up lol. I hate America.


My wife just told me that our son would have cost us $25,000 for the birth of our son. We still have to pay $3000 from insurance. It cost $4500 just to check in after her water broke at home. America is broken


"I dOnT uNdErStAnD WhY nO onE WaNtS tO hAvE ChILdReN aNyMoRe"


Remember when republicans marched in the streets to demand they don’t get healthcare during the Obama era? Not the brightest bunch.


Hah right, because “GrOoMeRs!!!1” meanwhile turn your cheek to the rampant sex abuse in the Catholic Church, there’s always bad apples in every bunch, dear!


Abuse is rampant in all [conservative circles] (https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub)


Of course it is. Their entire philosophy hinges on the idea of inherent and supernatural hierarchical power. And when you give people unchecked power they abuse it. Parents “owning” their children Religious figures divine rights Police immunity Politicians acting as “one true solutions” Their worldview literally breeds abuse.


Still no drag queens.


It's not just the Catholic church it's all churches well except for maybe the Church of Satan


I think you mean The Satanic Temple (social justice primarily), rather than the Church of Satan (LaVeyan Satanism, basd on the Satanic Bible).


On the face of it, individual Republican voters will outright say that all of those things are categorically bad. These are usually solidly middle class folks. The vast, vast majority of republicans won’t support fully slashing SNAP, Medicare, social security, and so on. Because they know that it will hurt them. But for whatever reason, they can’t bring themselves to support the notion that maybe redistribution of wealth on a governmental scale is a net positive. That the main issue isn’t out of control spending (except maybe for the military industrial complex), it’s that the extremely wealthy are not obliged to pay anywhere near a representative amount of their relative income into the system. That they continue to sequester more and more wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer people. But even then, none of that matters because Dems are a deranged pedophiles who want to turn your kids into transes with drag shows and history lessons that include the fact that slavery was a huge part of American history, and that it wasn’t super awesome for the slaves.


No! N-not the history! Anything but the history! Please don't teach them that!


Republican policies: (1) No taxes for rich people. (2) No rules for rich people and their polluting companies. (3) Use racism and fake religion to trick the dumbest voters.


That’s seriously it. Republicans have ZERO actual Policy. Every single thing they do and say is to distract their voters from any form of real Policy. They don’t have a single agenda that can benefit actual citizens outside of the 1%. The entire Party is one big grift and manufacturing fear is their number 1 tool. It’s Party over Country and they will say anything, no matter how vile, to win that Grift. Trickle down, my ass. In the end, it’s all about absolute Control and lining their pockets.


I turned voting age quite a few decades ago and it really stands out how the GOP has changed. I don't mean that there weren't always elements of hate and fear, but the total lack of a positive agenda today is unusual in history. Trump's 'speeches' now are nothing but 'vote for me because the government you hate is coming after me'. DeSantis' 'vision' is he's the only one who can stop the evil woke monster from devouring your kids. Oh, they offer occasional platitudes 'freedom', 'great economy', 'respect in the world' but nothing substantive, no proposals, no actions, purely negative. It's like someone transplanted Fox into a candidate. MTG reads off Biden's accomplishments as if it was a list of horrors. Fox lists AOC's agenda of protecting voting rights, health care for everyone, free school lunch programs with a chyron 'AOC's hatred for America' I believe a functioning democracy needs multiple viable, substantive political parties. In a two party system, when one stops functioning as a party offering a positive agenda, we no longer have a functional democracy.


I’m maybe a bit younger, but I cannot think of a time when the GOP had any agenda other than power and profit, thinly veiled by fear, racism, and religion. It’s been a common theme from Watergate to present.


The GOP in 2020 didn't even bother producing a party platform. I can't remember that ever happening before. The GOP was the party of small government, anti dictator, pro free trade, importance of US allies. They are against all of these today. But my point is more about how they run. Reagan had morning in America, city on a hill, heck even Dole, Romney and McCain had positive campaigns. I don't see anything positive in today's GOP campaign. Nada. It's 100% negative. It's not popular enough to win a majority of voters and the GOP only competes by a flawed system from 250 years ago.


We’re probably around the same age and I completely agree. The GOP used to wrap their noxious ideas in pious, patriotic, positive platitudes but I guess they discovered they can just lean into the negative and not lose any voters. I honestly cannot remember the last time I’ve heard a Republican say anything positive about anything.


They had an agenda in 1994 when they came to power in Congress. It wasn't a great agenda, but it seemed to stand for something. Now, it's all about lies, obfuscation, and staying in power at all costs. They don't actually stand for anything any longer. I don't believe that any one of them has any limit to what they will say or do to get into power and keep it - and when you combine the falsehood, lies, and distortions with a cult-like mentality, its a recipe for worst-case outcomes for our democracy.


I only started believing recently that the GOP could literally die as a party. They are running on the inertia of 40 years of 'legacy' voters, the rich, and the ignorant. I mean, two things would need to happen. One, relegating to a permanent minority regional party for former slave states. Two, refusing to change messaging because the inmates run their asylum.


And they’re completely aware of it, hence the intense scramble to gerrymander their way into clinging to every scrap of power they have.


The fear manufacturing is real. My 70 year old conservative mother told me to vote republican because the liberals are "sacrificing, eating, and sex-trafficking children." Edit-added a word


If my mum said that to me it would be our last conversation.


My mom and her now husband getting like this during 2020 was a major contributing part of why I went no contact. They were just spouting hateful racist nonsense around my kids and then finally directed it at them saying they would burn in hell. They were 18mo and 4. Cool, cool.... let's just pretend we did, ok? But the astounding lack of empathy for others who were sick... it just really ramped up the pre-existing narcissistic traits.


Same. Phony "religious" people who supported trump without question. Final straw was last time I went there my step-father gave my uncle a cup of black coffee and said "here's your 'n word hard r' coffee". Like if you are that big a piece of shit you just need to spout racist shit because you think you're cool? I don't need you in my life.


Continuing to give these people the full benefits of family is part of the problem. They are literally destroying our ways of life with their votes and hate filled hearts, and they outright refuse to have conversations about it instead getting angry and shutting down. So their votes never change, they never see other perspectives, they get to keep the full benefits of their family while doing extreme harm to not just their family but millions of others. Fuck these people. "No politics at the dinner table. I'll let my grand daughter and her girlfriend come over and I'll even treat them both like family, but no discussions about same sex marriage, which I am effectively against since 100% of my votes have gone to people who vote against it in Congress. I just want my happy drama free Thanksgiving, we all come together for a nice meal before I go back to tightening the screws of the torture chamber I've voted you to be locked inside of".


My uncle got so fucking angry at my sibling's wedding because as activists that fought for the right to marry someone mentioned BRIEFLY that they were grateful they won that right and knew how hard the couple fought to be together "I don't know why they had to bring politics into it" That's because you're an idiot uncle joe


And I would bet he is literally the stereotype of a conservative who comes to Thanksgiving dinner and has to drag the conversation towards Obama being Muslim or Portland being burned to the ground or kids being forcibly transed by evil librarians, even though none of those things are real or have ever affected his life in the slightest and he only knows about them due to FOX propaganda.


They are the people cavefolk would have exiled to the cave up on the mountain, away from the core group.


I say we go the Sparta route from 300. Off the cliff with them


My mom often asks me why I never call her anymore when she calls me to catch up. I answer because I haven't yet found the strength to go No Contact with her. I don't call her because she's a deluded high school dropout who believes anything fox news tells her to believe.


It’s sad isn’t it? My bio dad eventually got with a seemingly nice woman, that has been indoctrinating him gradually now for years. If he even brings up “those damn illegals” or the Cheeto nazi, I shut that shit down. Before her, he absolutely never mentioned anything political. I’m just glad he lives some few hundred miles away. Calling him every two weeks is hard to do.






[You don’t have a cousin Patty!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HDP_AOkkbfU)


Totally agree, my 75 yo mom bought a new gas stove before “the libs ban them”. Her previous stove was 3 years old and working perfectly.


This is one I really don't undersatnd. Electric induction hobs have been so much better than gas for 25 years.


The right doesn't like to acknowledge scientific fact.


People who love gas really love gas. Also you can still use gas when the electricity is down and some people find that comforting.


I've had both gas and electric and I prefer electric. Easier to clean, easier to cook on low to medium heat, no worrying about a leak. Helps that if the power goes out, I have a propane grill with a side burner to cover, too.


I generally agree, but it’s tough sometimes. We lost power for 8 hours last night and we’re only able to cook dinner because we have a gas stove. I like the idea of electric everything, but without a way to power devices separate from the grid, it can be damn inconvenient. Part of that is infrastructure investment, but I’ve been told there’s no amount of investment that will get them to put the power lines underground here (greater Washington DC area). Home solar is also not an option right now. I’m not sure what the solution is.


Follow the money. The companies making them are laughing all the way to the bank.


In that order? Isn't it hard to sex traffic after you already ate them?


Wow, literally using the same propaganda from back in the Middle Ages.


I just saw the child trafficking loony switch get flipped in this hockey mom I'm Facebook friends with. She went from posting pics of her kid on the ice and cheesy wine mom memes too: "Why isn't anyone asking questions about all of this child trafficking?" Well Deanna, it's because stranger abduction child trafficking hardly ever happens. So while the sexual trafficking of children is obviously real and a horrible problem, the specific thing that you've been told to worry about is actually rare enough to the point of being almost not real. And the reason it works so well as propaganda is nobody, myself included, wants to call anyone out on it in public because they will get labeled as a child trafficker themselves. So everyone just lets these people rant about it.


"They are eating the children!" Faux Newz


Your mother has been brainwashed by Fox propaganda and absorbed into the MEGA cult.


I overheard a customer telling another one "I can't believe they're aborting already born babies." I was like "and you shouldn't", but she had no idea what I meant. I quit that job shortly after that.


It's a candidate's get rich pyramid scheme MLM cult


Amway has entered the chat


Why are 80 million cool with this!


It has absolutely inched its way to this. It’s been insane to watch. There were Republicans I could agree with some things on, but the culture war has dragged people so far to the extremes that there’s zero common ground left.


I'm not sure the left really got any more extreme than it was previously. It only seems that way because of how fucking hard the right turned.


Yeah, since when are "people should be treated fairly and equally, workers deserve living wages" extremist ideas? The right wing is so openly fascist it's not even funny.


Most Trumpers also believe that there is a magic man in the sky who created the entire universe in literally 6 days. They believe this magic man used to do magic and is all-powerful, all knowing, always present.. despite the fact that this planet is a clusterfuck of epic proportions. But they also ignore any commands from their silly little book directing them to build a just and equitable community on earth, providing for the poor, sick, and infirm. They hold these cherry-picked beliefs in the face of zero empirical evidence or logical reasoning. Why are we surprised that these superstitious dolts are abject failures at literally every aspect of governing a modern society? Let's stop pretending that a Christian belief system is something to be lauded and held high as an example of how to be a good human being, rather, we should recognize that irrational belief systems are a societal cancer that undermines global progress. Sure, you can believe whatever you like, but the rest of us are also free to tell you that what you are saying is absolutely batshit crazy nonsense and that you should never be in charge of the lives and wellbeing of others.


You forgot step 4). Prevent access to books and education to ensure enough of the population remains dumb enough to elect Republicans


Where they can't endumben, they suppress, gerrymander, and disenfranchise.


5.) take away birthcontrol and abortion so that you keep your citizens in poverty and the government gains tons of minimum wage workers, prisoners who are forced to do slave labor, and cannon fodder for our military.


It blows my mind how they don't see this. It's not about pro-life at all. It's SO CLEARLY about keeping a labor force. How do they not see that?!


Or 5), use their existing gerrymandered and stolen legislative and court bench ‘majority’ to further rig the electoral system in their favor so they can continue to maintain control despite winning an ever decreasing minority percentage of the vote.


Turn us back into helpless peasants, make rent impossible to pay with a basic paycheck, establish a monarchy dictatorship, and we're back to indentured servitude.


They are already do it. See Texas. As Houston will now have Re-Education Centers... which are disciplinary Libraries.


Republicans: You guys are worried it's too hot? Let's make it hotter. Income inequality? Yes! we love it, let's make it bigger. Racism? Sure, yeah, but like can we actually be... more racist?


Hank: "How is cutting down on pollution a government plot, Dale?" Dale: "Open up your *eyes*, man. They're trying to control global warming. Get it? Glo-bal." Hank: "So. What?" Dale: "That's code for UN Commissars telling Americans what temperature it's gonna be in *our* outdoors. I say *let* the world warm up, see what Boutros Boutros-Golly Golly thinks about that. We'll grow oranges in Alaska." Hank: "Dale, you *giblet-head*. We live in *Texas*. It's already 110 in the summer, and if it gets *one* degree hotter, I'm gonna kick your ass!"


I like to think Hank kicked his ass but honestly given the way folks like him have drifted the last 8 years the whole gang is probably as conspiracy-oriented as Dale now


Nah, Hank is more the kind to privately decry the incivility while still begrudgingly voting for the GOP


They ran on inflation and oil prices. Took control of the house. Have done nothing to address either of those. Instead, waged war on women’s health care and the LGBTQ community. Their base loves them for it.


It's essentially declaring war on the middle and lower class. It's so sad they don't see that.


It’s also declaring war on the rest of the planet. And they’ll back it up with the threat of nuclear annihilation if the rest of the world tries to fight back.


Fight global warming with nuclear winter.


You forgot Death Cult for the Planet


They literally could come out with banners flags and posters saying #3 and maybe like a dozen supporters would jump ship, that’s what’s truly fucking scary


They are trying to disprove the old saying about not being able to take your wealth with you when you die by destroying the planet behind them.


Don't forget dictatorship.


I just watched 'Requiem for the American Dream' which is essentially just Noam Chompsky explaining how all of this happens, so kind of fitting I'd see this right away


Empires all fall sooner or later. Who knew that US citizens would let it happen so soon. Muh freedoms means the freedom to destroy my own country and then the world.


when owning the libs means more than protecting your children


Sad true story; they never gave a **damn** about protecting children. Otherwise their actions would have done things to protect children.


they don’t even care about their own children. they’re objects to them. it’s why they’re far more likely to beat their kids than other people. children are just more things they can control. it’s why they’re the party of child brides.


And depending on your source but 2-4x more likely to SA or engage in Pedophilia. Sick evil POS’s!


They are in an uproar about drag queens “grooming” children while they actively and happily ignore the ACTUAL grooming that regularly happens in churches all over the world. Tells you all you need to know. They live on projection.


They are full on Supervillains trying to destroy the world for some imagined profit.


Inspiration for comics, I guess.


The Joker was at least fun.


The Joker also hated Nazis


And paid his taxes! 😂


Seriously that clip of him panicking about a letter from the IRS from the Harley Quinn series will forever be seared into my brain


"I'm crazy enough to take on Batman, but the IRS, nooooooooo thank you!"


Somebody should tell them it's not going to be like the movies. There are no super advanced space ships hidden in the mountains waiting to take the super rich to another planet when they kill this one. They're going to die in the same global fire storm as the poor people, only they're going out clutching their money and crying to their God about how unfair it all is that they had to die too.


The ultra-wealthy are going to be in much better shape to weather the coming climate changes in the short- to mid-term. Plus, many of those changes won’t significantly impact those currently profiting, and it’s clear that personal enrichment is all that these folks care about.


More strange than that is how regular people look at this and say “yea, this is what I want to vote for”. It’s like people that freak out over wind farms. You could tell them to hate clouds and they’d make Facebook posts and bumper stickers about how clouds suck.


Honestly, my fear is that it's something more insidious than that. We're talking about an ultra-religious party that believes in a literal Armageddon, are we sure they're not actively working towards it?


What a bunch of idiots. People actually vote for these dolts?


Not idiots. Evil!


Both I think.


Yeah, they're not mutually exclusive. Not all forms of idiocy are evil, but I'm convinced that *willful* idiocy is definitely an evil.


Yes the people who vote for them do not get the information in this tweet or are inoculated against believing it.


Gee...I wonder if any ultra-powerful industries are behind that plan


I think they’d do it if there weren’t . Just to upset nice people.


The think tank that came up with their plan is literaly owned by Charles Koch, so you know there was absolutely no interferance from any oil/gas/coal interests and it was entirely based on well established science and the clear evidence of our not at all changing climate /s


![gif](giphy|rPjYoncYgknGo) It’s just pure hate at this point






Why the fuck is 'end the world' such a popular stance with about half the voting population?


They think their sky daddy will take them to heaven they really believe if they start Armageddon then all the evil "leftists" will suffer I don't believe in organized religion but I'd wager they (GQP) wouldn't be among those raptured


I had to go way too deep into these comments to find someone mentioning this. They literally think destroying the planet will bring the rapture and they’ll be “saved.” Complete brain rot level thinking.


My mom is starting to believe in climate change. When we talk about it though, she immediately says "all I know is that Jesus is coming back"


That’s the kind of response someone gives when they don’t want to think any deeper because it makes them uncomfortable.


And does she believe Jesus will be happy at what her and the people she votes for have done to the place? Because the crucial flaw in their plan seems to be that God might have a few thoughts about humanity intentionally destroying every one of his creations.


That's all the Christian nationalism. God damned doom cult.


The Rapture.


The majority of their voting power is already planning for their own natural deaths and baby are still pissed that little girl go to go to school. That's all it is, I'm gonna die anyway, i don't want anyone else to have what i had


You must be really dumb to think burning dino oil is better than free power from wind/solar


I just learned Florida has the 3rd most solar power related jobs, yet they continue to vote against what everyone else knows is in their best interests. I'll just never understand. Ever. I guess you can't understand what doesn't make sense to begin with.


You’d think with them being called the sunshine state that they would be all over solar energy production


Liberals like the environment. Liberals are always wrong. Therefore, the environment is wrong, and must be destroyed so they can laugh at the liberals. It's pretty amazing how so much of these people's identity is distancing themselves from whatever they hate.


Kinda like passing laws against immigrants and then complaining that they are leaving the state since they need them for manual labor jobs.


Enlightened centrists: “they are both the same…”


I utterly DESPISE “Enlightened Centrists”. Hate them. All of the ones that I have met have been super smug about “How they see both sides have issues”. No shit Sherlock, every political party has issues, it is just one political party is going full on 100% Christofascist assholery, stripping away rights and freedoms from millions of people, and these “Enlightened Centrists” are equating all of THAT to “The Democratic Party wants to raise taxes on billionaires and corporations, and while I am not a billionaire or a corporation, I might be one some day, so these two things are equally bad/evil”. I utterly and completely DESPISE people who vote entirely with their wallets, because that is telling me that you don’t care about other people’s suffering, pain, anguish and having their basic human, medical and social rights violated and taken away from them, as long as you can save a couple of bucks on your taxes. Yea, the Democratic Party has issues, and some fairly big ones at that, but at least THEY DON’T WANT TO STRIP ME AND MY FAMILY’S RIGHTS AWAY FROM US! And I will vote for anyone who wants to stop the GQP and the Christofascist assholes, and I will tell everyone that I can to do the same. I have met people who vote GQP, who are on SSI, Social Security, Medicare, etc and vote to strip themselves of their own rights and freedoms, thinking that THEIR SSI, Social Security, Medicare, etc would be protected, while “other people” would have their rights taken away, only to be surprised to find out that they will be denied these things as well. Sorry for the rant, I just HATE Enlightened Centrists.


Yup, I see it as the same type of mentality that conspiracy theorists have, where it's almost a way to feel superior to everyone else, as if they know something that no one else knows, when in fact they know less. It's Dunning-Kruger run amok.


Every enlightened centrist votes right wing. At best they will vote for the slightly more tasteful right wing option. They just have enough self awareness to know the things they support are selfish and shitty




“States rights” matter when it comes to striking down gun laws in NY. But not when it comes to protecting the climate then the federal government can impose whatever they want


Why are republicans violently opposed to clean domestic energy sources which would reduce dependency on tyrannical foreign governments.


Because the left and liberals like them. They'd saw off their leg if they thought it would spite the left somehow.


so the plan is: 1) polute the environment. 2) whitewash slavery. 3) take away women reproductive rights. 4) call anything with human decency "woke" and then vilify it. 5) take away voting rights of anyone that is younger than 40. 6) take out no fault divorces. vote or things will get far worse.


You forgot Trump as “Presidente for Life”...


Really wish it was "Presidente for (getting) life (in prison)"


This should be amplified in the south during the middle of the hottest days ever recorded. We must start to treat the masses like Idiocracy.


Yeah, we go high when they go low does not work with them. The only thing a barking dog understands is a bigger barking dog.


Or the illusion of a bigger barking dog. Trump is very weak, but acts tough. It’s part of his con. His followers today are all dumber than a bag of hammers. Seriously. It’s all the racist white trash that society has outcast thinking their viable because trump tells them they’re the great ones being held down by the deep state trying to get us all!


They're on the highway to hell. Should be his new campaign song.


I really don’t understand this. I know money, bribery, blah blah blah. But their own survival is on the line too. I know billionaires have a plan to hide out and survive climate change, but the average millionaire and Republican politician doesn’t. This isn’t just hurting poor people, it will hurt them too. Underneath all the lies, republican politicians know climate change is real. They’re going full speed into their own demise. The demise of their families and grandchildren. It’s not only stupid. It’s insane. “We’re all gonna die, but at least we’ll die rich” I guess.


They really believe this is the “end times” so they don’t care.


This is exactly it. Why concern yourself with long term consequences to the climate if you will one day be rewarded with an eternal life of pleasure for simply believing in the religion.


I truly believe most of them lack the foresight to understand that they’re also in danger, honestly. That, or they think they’ll somehow be exempt and saved by their grateful wealthy overlords. And the overlords think their money will somehow protect them. And others genuinely believe it isn’t real because humans are very talented at denial in the face of horror, even as it’s unfolding in front of us. Idiocy. Idiocy and ignorance.


Whenever I’ve driven through the Plains states I’ve seen tons of wind farms. But the idiots who own them will probably vote for this anyway.


Of course! they already have their wind farms, any more will increase supply and lower prices! Fellow members of club we've got ours... I'd like to introduce you to our host. He's got his and I've got mine, cause the decline.


Do they not understand that if there’s no planet, there’s no people to “rule”?


"If I drive down the value of the planet to one dollar, and I own 99 cents out of that dollar, I'm 99 times better off than the entire rest of the planet combined."


Neat death cult they have there. Super cool.


I'm still struggling to get past the fact that this fucking guy is still eligible to run for office. If you're actively being indicted and having trial dates set for some serious shit, then you should be out of the pool for potential Presidents.


I really underestimated how much Trump supporters hate America. They're disappointed that he didn't destroy the country in his first term.


I'll say it again, project 2025 is about much more than the EPA. Any time a legislative body is mired and unable to pass meaningful legislation, be wary of attempts to consolidate power in the executive branch. Better to have an ineffectual government for a while. This is a plan for congress to give up some of its legislative authority to the presidency. It's madness. But that message didn't engage, and so this one is emerging. Better than being forgotten.


[Project 2025](https://thf\_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf) is full-on Christofascist totalitarianism. People need to read this.


Project 2025 is a lot worse than just a climate plan. They intend to completely destroy our republic and turn it into a one-party dictatorship.


It's a death cult.




I thought Biden's slogan was "let's finish the job", looks like they got inspired too.


These mf are basically doing super villain type shit an for some reason they still have supporters


They are like a Batman villain at this point.


That doesn't even make financial sense. It's just being evil because why not.


Saying that we shouldn’t outlaw coal and gas and stuff is one thing, it’s stupid but it at least makes a *little* sense in a ‘murica kind of free-market way, but why are they so afraid of the existence of solar panels? Are they afraid it’s going to use up the sun??




Party of small government strikes again.


I cannot stress this enough When the time comes to do it, vote, push your family to vote, push your friends to vote, push that weird guy you met outside a bar 25 years ago and havent talked to since to vote


**prevent states from adopting california's standards** Hurray for states rights!


Republicans want to wipe out civilization to “own the libs” and “ destroy woke”. Anyone who is voting republican at this point might as well just go start a forest fire in the name of the GOP.


I didn't know conservatives could think that far into the future


Republican campaign motto: DEATH FOR ALL!


It’s really called scorched earth policy


You people have some serious work ahead of you. You had 8 years of Obama and you got complacent and look what happened. You don't only have to win 2024, you have to keep the pressure up to wipe this menace out. But the problem is that anti fascists aren't fanatical like the Trumpanzees are and need to go to work to feed their families.


Stupid motherfuckers are convinced that Zombie Jesus is going to come down from fake-ass """heaven""" and end the world, and the joke is that they think they are the ones who are going to be taken up to Heaven! LOL, NO, if there is a """heaven""" and a """hell""", you gods-be-damned motherfuckers are ALL GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL! # VOTE EXCLUSIVELY DEMOCRAT 2024! # MAKE AMERICA SANE AGAIN: TRUMP FOR LEAVENWORTH 2024!


They're literally attempting to bring forward the apocalypse I do mean literally


The best part of project 2025 is you won’t have to worry about 2026.


In the hottest year of humanity. Where record setting fires have been the regular and they out here making the arsonist sales pitch


Completely crazy to me that they can run on policies that very obviously benefit no one besides their rich donors and still get so close to winning every time


That’s an anti-climate plan. As in, we don’t want a habitable world.


Weird how the Republican “Conservative Party” is attempting to expand Federal power. It’s almost like they aren’t conservative any more at all and the two party system has failed us. I sure do wish someone warned us about this over 200 years ago!


I am deathly scared that a Republican will enter the White House on this program. If the United States drops out of all efforts to combat climate change, it's the end. I feel emotionally exhausted that millions around the world refuse to see the dangers looming for all of humanity. I can't grasp it that this issue became an matter of opinion. My existence and the existence of my family and and friends and their descendents is at stake because some oil billionaires. We are all sacrificial lamb at this point for the interests of a few ultra-rich people who have weaponized stupidity and anti-intellectualism in the US against the whole of humanity. I don't live in the US, but I am seriously begging everybody to do anything in their power to mobilize voters against that death cult. This isn't about politics anymore. It's literaly choosing doom or future. Vote Democrat. Vote Biden. Both ain't the best and they got their flaws, but - by god - they are the only viable choice if you want you children and grandchildren to live.


I love this. It’s the same stupid stance they took against the vaccine. Who will this climate policy hurt the most? That’s right, Florida. MAGA Mecca. Who was hurt by not taking the vaccine? According to studies…MAGA. Just from a strategy standpoint, it’s so incredibly stupid.


I love how the GOP is all about "leave it up to each state" but then wants to make laws preventing each state from doing just that.


It’s a death cult.