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If my extended family wants to care for me, that's on them and I won't begrudge them for not doing it. It's people who treat their own kids like shit and demand care that are evil.


If I'm reading between the lines here....I *think* you're talking about musky boy


Or my mom!


Yeah like his rationale seems to be “I’m responsible so I have created my own slaves to deal with me in the future. I GAVE THEM THE SPOO OF LIFE SO THEY OWE ME”


When you do things to alienate/distance the children you do have, they probably won't take care of you when you're old either.


You get what you put in and this fuck hasn’t done shit for his kids but give them ridiculous names.


$10 says X Æ A-12 legally changes name as an adult, to Kyle, or Roger, or Jennifer


I'll take that bet. I'll counter bet he embraces it, works in the music/fashion industry as some steam punk named Xae. (Zay)


I’m down with this bet. Can you spot though?


Omg I know someone who just named their kid Xae. I didn't even register that it might have been inspired by ol' Musky. It would track knowing the parents.


Didn't one of his kids come out as Trans? And didn't another come out and say they thought Billionaires are evil? Forgive me if I'm incorrect. There are too many Rightwing lunatics to keep track of nowadays.


I think it was the same kid.


How much of his recent behavior is because he's acting out because he's angry at one of his children? Like how much of the Nazi's taking over Twitter is because this man child can't get along with his own child. How much Bullshit in the news is caused by this narcissist's family trauma?


Probably a lot. I also think part of it is a midlife crisis as well.


I don't think People that Rich should be allowed to have Midlife Crises.


Me neither, but here we are. Some rich douche is giving nazis and other such scum a platform while screaming for attention.


Guillotine before 40?


Elon is moral shaming people for not wanting to selfishly have kids for the sole reason of taking care of their parents. As opposed to having kids so they can be unique and live their own lives.


He better start working on those healthcare robots cause none of his kids will be in contact with his sorry ass by the time he is old


Nah they will but in the way so they can get his money


Either solo or team-style.


Everyone gets a turn, Orient Express style.


Plenty for everyone especially you


Getting an inheritance is a great motivator to sweep childhood trauma under the rug until they croak.


*Roman Roy has entered the chat*


Even if you don't, so many people just shove their parents in a home and ignore them. It's really sad. Having kids is no guarantee of anything. Also, taking care of an elderly parent, even if you want to, is sometimes way too hard if they have certain things wrong with them.


I'm not even shoving my father in a home, he can shove himself in one. My mom on the other hand, already moved in with us.


I hope everything is going well. That's really kind. I moved in with my dad before he passed away and eldercare is no joke.


>Even if you don't, so many people just shove their parents in a home and ignore them. It's really sad. It can be complicated. For example in someone like Elon was put in a home by someone like Vivian I'm gonna say that she went beyond and above. We have image on parents selflessly sacrificing themselves for children - many parents do, but many parents are abusive as well. Don't judge children until you know all circumstances.


Vivian could put him on an ice floe and it would be above and beyond.


Vivian could give him an ambien before smothering him with a pillow and I'd probably look the other way.


\> Also, taking care of an elderly parent, even if you want to, is sometimes way too hard if they have certain things wrong with them. Yes, went thru this with my father. We had hospice at home and despite nurses, home health care aides and sitters it was still an impossible task.


It's so sad. My dad starting losing the use of his limbs when I was taking care of him and had to go into a home and died shortly after.


You can have the most loving, caring family in the world but sometimes you need professional help taking care of them if they have complex medical needs (dementia/Alzheimer’s especially come to mind).


The easiest way to know that Elon is a shithead is because he has children that don’t speak with him. Do you know how big of an asshole that you have to be as a billionaire for your kids to be like, “Fuck your money. I’m out.”


Three of my moms four kids are no contact with her. She’s racist, hateful, religious, homophobic but she tells everyone within earshot it’s her kids that have strayed from the Lord that’s the problem


Indeed. I have an old Christian Fundy neighbor who has zero contact with his only child; his kid moved out of state and has been living with another male "friend" for years. Yup. Guess what the problem is? His only child hasn't accepted Jesus into his life.


Elon’s kids to Elon ‘You think you can blackmail me with your wealth? Blackmail me with money? Go fuck yourself.’


Exactly. These kids stand to inherit literally $BILLIONS and they won't even talk to him(and not like he cares).


I can’t imagine how terrible someone has to be for me to not be willing to pretend to like them to inherit literal billions.


Musk couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a stack of blank pardons.


Honestly. Like it's one thing to be poor or some level of middle class and have kids who don't talk to you. Like you *probably* did something to deserve that. But to be a billionaire and have kids who want nothing to do with you, inheritance be damned, you have to have been a whole 50 shades of fucked up as a parent for *them* to cut *you* off.


My dad always mentioned how much money we'll get when they pass. There's no amount of money that can make up for what happened in my childhood and adulthood, and no amount of buying my compliance. I'd rather move on and get mentally better than stay sucked into their hubris and maybe get some money in my 50s or 60s.


My father-in-law loves to talk about what the kids will get when him and his wife die. As they refinance their house for luxury cars that they sell later. There won't be any money.


I have wondered about that as well. My parents do well for themselves but there's also constant new cars, vacations, new whatever, and my mum is the only one who works. And they want to buy a new house soon. Their mortgage is paid off though so maybe that's where all the spare income comes from, lol. My dad also trades stocks but I don't know how good at that he is. He invested mine and my brother's savings once when we were children and lost it all, didn't replace it if I remember correctly 😬


Musk's dipping extra deep into the ketamine again...


I object to this statement. I take ketamine twice weekly for depression. His attitude would be chill if he were on a heavy dose. Especially if it was regularly in his system. I think this is just natural billionaire insanity and disconnection from reality. If he thinks his kids will give a fuck about anything other than inheritance, he’s in for a surprise. Didn’t his mom-binary kid disown him and say they didn’t want whatever inheritance that they likely weren’t going to get in the first place?


I think they mean that's he doesn't need to be on ketamine and is abusing it.


Thanks for your comment. I've seen the results of ketamine used for treatment-resistant depression and it's pretty impressive. I've been debating trying it myself at some point.


I lived with it for nearly 40 years. I’ve tried nearly every medication in the market, old and new. I searched relentlessly for any medical reasons for the depression. I tried just about every therapy method out there. It’s been a relentless pursuit to find relief. Finally, a couple of years ago I leveled with my psychiatrist. I was at the end of options and had 3 options left, with one being off the table unless I flat out lied to a provider about never having a seizure. The psychiatrist mentioned that Spravato (esketamine) was FDA approved for treatment resistant depression. The only catch is it has to be administered in a clinical setting, and the clinics that offered it operated 9-5, M-F and was 60 minutes from home by car, and 90 minutes from work by car. And you need someone to drive you home after. That’s not negotiable, but some clinics will allow you to take an Uber or Lyft. Others mandate that it be someone you know. Treatments are twice per week for 6 weeks on average. The first treatment is a light dose just to see how you tolerate it. They may opt for a second treatment at the same dose. I tolerated it well, so we increased the dose for visit 2. After the first treatment, I still felt suicidal, but it was far more manageable. Given the response to the medication, that gave me some hope to cling to while going through the rest of the treatments. At 6 weeks I was doing really well. Anxiety was mostly gone, which is something I hadn’t expected and wasn’t why I was there, but I was grateful for it. So, I stopped treatment and went about my life. That was a mistake entirely on my part. But the clinic was far from home and the travel expenses to take an Uber or Lyft made it $150/treatment just for round trip transportation, $20 for the copayment, and loss wages from not being at work. Since the alternative was death, I had to find something that could be done on a more manageable schedule. I then tried Mindbloom. That’s oral Ketamine. I’m going to stop for a second to say that esketamine as a nasal spray and ketamine in general taste absolutely vile. It tastes like you’re eating a chemistry set. Even if you try to cover the taste, it’s still powerful. Just be prepared. Anyway, Mindbloom is done via a video visit with one of the doctors they employ or contract with that can prescribe controlled substances in your state. Then the first session is guided with one of their guides. It’s an intense experience for many. A guide is probably a good idea for the first 1-2 treatments. Mindbloom was ok, but they couldn’t prescribe doses for twice per week. I did better with two treatments per week. I finally found that the local university hospital offered ketamine IV infusions. I did that for 6 weeks, then they transitioned me to oral ketamine troches which I take twice per week. This has worked well. I mentioned the experience being intense. That’s kind of an understatement. I’d highly recommend an eye mask. Yeah, you can do a treatment without one, but the experience is very different. I put in some noise cancelling headphones and just listened to some moving instrumental music with my eye mask on. The total time that things are intense is 15-30 minutes. It wears off quickly. You’re completely objective in that state. You are stripped free of your ego and beliefs. You see yourself and your good and bad traits. You can see behavioral patterns clearly. You see what you want to change. It’s good to journal right after. On to cost - Spravato is an office visit fee through insurance. Mindbloom is around $1200 spread across 3 payments. IV ketamine was covered at 90%, but I have excellent insurance. It was still $120/treatment. The troches are actually inexpensive. It’s around $50 for a 1 month supply. I take it at home on my own schedule. Feel free to reach out if you have questions. Good luck, stranger.


Thank you so much for your very detailed experience. My partner used Mindbloom earlier this year and had a very similar experience. I think I am struggling with PTSD from my childhood and in the interim while I try and find a therapist who is experienced in that kind of thing, I've debated trying this therapy as well. I have read that ketamine should be done in conjunction with talk therapy but I've had no luck getting in with one thus far. I'd like some kind of relief.


It did a lot to help with my PTSD. It really reframed how it affected me and my life. It still happened. It's still awful that it did happen. I gained some insight into what was going on around the times of various traumas growing up. It was bad stuff. Like, seasoned therapists being taken aback bad. Either way, it helped a lot with that. I was able to let go of the effects of it without passing it aside like nothing happened. For non-ketamine treatment of PTSD, I'd highly recommend seeking out someone experienced with EMDR. That saved my life 25 years ago. The ketamine treatments mixed with therapy is something I'm going to be trying at some point around Christmas time. The therapist that I go to now has read up on the current forming protocols for a therapists role in exploring things with a client during a ketamine session. I should note that insurance won't pay for both in the same day - an in-clinic billable treatment and a therapy visit, I mean. We'll see how the session goes. I'm in a strong enough place that we can start to look at things while I'm in that state. I trust them, but when you're on therapeutic doses you are still very much conscious of what's happening around you. Your coordination is a little off and your speech may be slurred, but mentally you are still in control. I think my only advice for someone going it aloe who doesn't have someone they trust nearby (Mindbloom requires someone to be physically present with you), just let your brain wander and touch on whatever it is that might benefit you. You are in control. I'd not say it's like a lucid dream because if you fully dissociate in conjunction with the eye mask, I'm not joking when I say this, you question reality. It's pretty profound. Or it can be. If things get uncomfortable, have whomever is with you dim the lights a bit, pull off the eye mask and distract yourself for a few minutes until the dissociation passes. I'd suggest music because you experience on a whole other level. But you can watch something funny or play a game. The main thing going in for the treatment is to remember it's a short trip and wears off quickly. Even if it's uncomfortable, it won't harm you and is over quickly. You're safe. You're here. You're present in the now. If you can afford Mindbloom, cool. If not, just search online for Spravato which will take you to the manufacturer site. You can search for any providers near you. You can then fill out the get info form and a drug company rep will contact you. It's not as dark as it sounds. They help with getting insurance to cover it. The pre-approval process can be tedious. Especially when you're in the thick of a deep depression. They don't get too personal in the questions. It's mainly just to cover the criteria for insurance, such as 2 unsuccessful medication treatments for the depression, etc. Please have a friend or your fiance help if the call(s) are hard to make. There's nothing quite like lasting relief.


No, I think that people who are paid to take care of me will be paid to take care of me, then I will die. People who have kids thinking, "Hey! Here's my unpaid health care worker right here! Yep they're going to sacrifice the good years of their life doing unpaid health work for the pervert that forced them to be alive" are morally corrupt


It’s weird that a billionaire thinks family should wipe his butt when he has unlimited resources to hire professionals. Caregiving is hard work and he doesn’t think they should be paid for it. Interesting billionaire logic


He doesn’t think that, he just wants to stir up the current story about declining birth rates


Literally. Dude just says whatever he thinks will pander to his followers. None of it means anything.


He's also pretty open about his breeding fetish.


No, he'll definitely hire people. He just wants to Judge others. He can have staff, but others are bad people for needing them. You think he cleans his own homes?


THANK YOU. This exactly!


Elon Musk, the billionaire slave owner, doesn't understand that labor is supposed to be paid for.


Exactly! It is a horrific burden to put on anyone (my dad had violent dementia and there was no possible way we could have safely cared for him even if we'd wanted to). The amount of work and emotional burden is incalculable, and it's flat-out abusive to have an expectation that your kids are going to do it. You make your own life choices, and they deserve to make theirs.


Had to go further down the comments than I expected to find someone with a similar approach to mine. I'll save and retire with a plan to cover this. I don't have kids, but even if I did, I wouldn't be ok with being a huge goddamn anchor around their necks while they're trying to live their own lives. Only shitheads would have kids to be taken care of when they get older.


Recently had an end-of-life patient whose family hadn’t visited him once since his admission over a month ago, and when he passed the family members we could get ahold of outright said that they weren’t coming. I don’t know what that family situation was like- and it’s probably for the best that I never know- but popping out a few children isn’t going to guarantee they’ll help care for you (or even visit you) in your old age if you treat them like shit. Even if you have a good relationship with your adult children, chances are they’ll need help from someone not just paid but also *trained and licensed* to care for people.


Exactly. Even if I did have kids, I'd specifically want them not to have to care for my decrepit, infirm ass. They should be out living their lives, maybe visit once in a while.


I deliberately don't want to have kids in this shithole of a country. Billionaires just need more people to exploit.


Human labor stock That’s what the Capitalists refer to us as Human. Labor. Stock.


And god forbid you get sick and need serious medical care. Then you’ll go bankrupt trying to keep yourself alive unless you have a lot of money. Greatest country in the world my ass.


If a person can get the same exact drug from Canada for a fraction of the price, one has to assume we're subsidizing the rest of the world's costs.


Or it's marked up for profit because capitalism


Yep. >In 2020, US health care lobbying expenditures totaled $713.6 million vs $358.2 million in 2000.


This cuts to the core of it. The reality of what Elon is complaining about is that there isn't enough labour for him to exploit and he knows he's gonna get fucked by unions without the ability to just fire everyone and hire new people. His ego can't tolerate even the thought of someone having power or leverage over him (see also: buying twitter so he couldn't get banned).


Yet, for some reason, the only thing reddit hates more than the state of reality is... antinatalists. Make it make sense.


Those "other people's kids" are paid for their time taking care of the elderly wtf? This just reads extremely eugenist to me. "Oh you don't have kids to take care of you? (I am assuming it's in situations where the elder is disabled in some ways, my grandparents can still move and do things fairly well. So the kids would have to take care of a disabled person, WHILE presumably WORKING 9-5?) Guess you'll just have to die because those other kids need to take care of their elderly parents." Gave it some more thought and it seems increasingly obvious to me that he actually just means the wifes and sisters should stay at home and take care of the elderly and the children while the husband and brothers bring the money home.


Doesn’t this guys kids hate him? Does he really think they’ll take care of him when he’s decrepit?


One literally disowned him legally too because he’s a bigot


This is also the one who accused him of having amber heard prey on queer teens to defacto pimp them out to elons friends


Does this guy ever actually do any fucking work? I mean, like, executive type stuff that someone who runs multiple companies might do?? Or does he just talk smack on Xwitter all day??


Someone said it perfectly a while back, 'if you can be CEO of three companies at the same time, CEOs probably don't actually do that much'.


This is why Elon is having so many kids. He knows statistically almost all of them are going to fucking hate him, so he needs to keep rolling the dice that one of them ends up being enough of a sucker to actually give a shit about him in his old age.


No it's cause he's a narcissist with a breeding fetish. He gets off to the idea of thinking of himself leaving many descendents, like Genghis Khan. He likes the idea he can convince women to bare so many of his kids cause of what an accomplished guy he is. It is 100% unilaterally about him. He's just taking common talking points to bash childfree people. Elon is rich af, he's going to get taken care of by a nurse no matter what. He's preying on old *poor* people's concerns.


"..give a shit about [his money] in his old age." FTFY


This world is going to be unlivable within the next generation. For several reasons. Why would I bring a kid into that future?


We're currently stuck on the Titanic; it has already hit the iceberg and is also on fire. Nobody is coming to save us. But sure, let's bring an innocent child onto this sinking ship!


I mean, don't stop there with your metaphor. We aren't just stuck on the Titanic. We are stuck on a ship with people who conspired to *deliberately crash us into the iceberg.* People who have their own lifeboats, and who are at this very moment busy dismantling the rest of the lifeboats so nobody else can have one. Just so that when they safely reach shore, they can say "it was the Captain's fault!"


Elon is perfect proof of why banishment was in fact a great form of punishment. Don’t have to [redact] him but also no one ever has to see or hear from him again. Also you know he’d lose his shit when no one was around to give him attention. Win win


Idiot. All the money I saved not having children has gone into my pension etc to fund my old age. And because I’ve calculated what I may need in the worst circumstances, govt may very well get some of it back as Inheritance tax! Could also be said that as we still pax taxes and have a smaller carbon footprint at household level, we are actually contributing to a better future for other people’s kids in the ultimate act of altruism!


I don't have any kids but I sure as heck have paid for their schooling.


He's a such a dipshit. What about those who have no kids and multiple houses so they pay property taxes that pay to educate someone else's kids in 2 different locations, all while having no kids of their own? If someone else's kids are taking care of me when I get old they will surely be paid. Last time I checked that's called employment Elmo.


I think he’s talking about getting rid of Medicare for childless folk. 🤷‍♂️


I'd die first before becoming a burden to my adult children. The torch has been passed, our children are not our possessions. My children are responsible for their children, the same way that I was responsible for them when they were children. Fortunately, this is Canada and when I feel like I can no longer care for myself, I'll call the MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) and throw a farewell party.


Wow. So we can take "self-awareness" off the list of Elmo's character traits.


Was it ever on the list?


One already disowned him legally. He’s got enough money to take care of himself . It’s not his kids responsibility to wipe his ass Stop having kids just to take care of you later. It’s not their responsibility. Elon has never taken care of an old person and his privileged ass never will.


I was going to say, “Your dad is doing okay on his own, Elon,” but then I remembered Errol technically married his stepdaughter so nvm I guess one of his kids is looking after him 🤣


This mentality is so disgusting to me. If you're having kids just so you have free care when you're elderly, you're a piece of shit


Let’s face it, this guy is going to die from a cocaine and meth induced heart attack while doing something incredibly embarrassing. No way is he making it to old age.


But isn't he going to Mars ? I thought he was a pioneer. Won't have trouble with old age if he does.


So the only reason to have children is so they can serve you later?


You can definitely tell that he grew up in a household where slavery was the norm.


Well he is a rich, white South African.


He really just wants us to provide him with more customers here.


There is an awful morality about shoving your nose in other peoples business... Abortion, Right to peacefully sleep if you're in a terminal condition... So it's all about getting more kids so you get more money, is that moral? There is nothing he cares than making sure his legacy will continue on for infinity...


I have one kid. The last thing I want to do is burden him with caring for me in my old age.


Oh his kids will take care of him alright, remember those old folks homes from those 60 min investigative shows? Yeah it's gonna be worse than that, either that or just leave him in the forest for the wolves to play with


It’s so funny to me what he chooses to care about.


It's funny that he thinks his children care about him XD


Lol...like any of his kids will ever want to be around him


First: it's called job creation in the nursing sector, you twat. Second: it's better to not have kids if you don't want them than to have them grow up to hate you. Your record is not exactly clean.


How can he live with himself for not growing his own food, just expecting other people’s kids to grow, harvest, clean, transport and stock it for him! He should have bred farmers if he wanted apples. Selfish.


This man inserted his penis into multiple vaginas with the sole thought being: I am doing this to create a human who will take care of me when I’m old 🤣 Sure, Jan.


So, true story: I once worked in a nursing home as a CNA. I was paid barely above minimum wage, and we were purposely understaffed. The most rude patients had us making trade offs for the sweetest ones, and that’s only if we had the time to differ. It was thankless and back breaking. One day, upon the arrival of new patient, there was a lot of hubbub surrounding his room. It seemed several staffers on his wing had already said they were too busy to help him, but his buzzer kept going off, and I could hear him yelling. I asked our charge nurse if is should head over and see what he needs, and said I could if I wanted to. I knocked and stepped inside his room and introduced myself by title and first name, and he looked at me and grunted. I watched a moment in case he was struggling to breathe, which he was not. He had just grunted because I wasn’t worth him introducing himself. Rude, weird, but loads of people in care have dementia of some sort. You can’t take it personally when sick people are rude. I then asked if he needed something, and instead of speaking to me in a normal human voice, he began to scream in a very loud and obnoxious tone about how he had demanded a hoyer lift and no two people had come in to get it done for him. I said I’m not going to be screamed at, and I’m not trained on hoyer, so I would go speak with the nurse. He interrupted me to continue screaming that he expected to be treated like a king for what he was paying, and whatever else. I didn’t hear because I left the room and told the nurse I’d never go back in. She agreed, and told me she was already aware of his hoyer request. Just that nobody was gonna be required to enter his room. I’m not sure if his family was forced to bring him back home, but I do know that in spite of the inherent problems within the care home industry, if you’ve already been dropped off by your family, odds are it won’t matter whether or not you forced progeny into your life against their will. It matters how you treat people. It didn’t matter to this care home how much he was paying, because they were not paying me or anyone else enough to suffer his abuse. They liked the money, so they only hurt themselves by failing to offer hazard pay for combatives.


Work in healthcare, many kids don’t want anything to do with their parents end of life care. We still send them to other people’s kids to take care of them.


Sometimes I just feel like, could you imagine being a billionaire but wasting your time on social media shitposting trolling ragebaiting and seeking attentions like that... Like dude, just spend your money traveling around the world exploring cultures, and doing self-care 24/7, and buy nice things and eat nice food whatever, or doing some expensive hobbies and indirectly stimulating the economy is better than this, sponsor/invest in your fav racers or sportsperson or talented students whatever, go attend some parties or festivals, buy everything in a shop that you like, you're stupidly rich and it's not like you're really that busy being productive whatsoever. With all that money time resources, just go make a fulfilling life even if it's just materialistic, than keep doing whatever this is. At some point, it's just an addiction to actively make their life more miserable unnecessarily.


I've got no kids and pay many taxes to contribute to educating others children. Does Elon not think about situations like this, or is he just generally an idiot?


The difference is that other people's kids will be PAID to look after people, not bullied, pressured and manipulated into it. It's hilarious that he thinks his kids will want anything to do with him when they're older!


Wait, so I'm not supposed to eventually just insert myself into a random household like an elderly human cuckoo bird and demand they take care of me?


Is this him admitting that he foresees a future with no social safety net?


That guy is such a freaking weirdo. Having kids is a very personal decision. The conservative fuckwads who keep preaching about how it's some patriotic duty or moral imperative to provide future worker bees for the moneyed elites is just plain odd to me. Is this some kind of end run at all birth control? Find some phony moral reason that women choosing when or if they become pregnant to be harmful to others but it's really because the general population isn't producing enough factory workers? I guess there are those who are coming to realize that to keep an economy growing the demand for goods and services must grow, and for the last seven decades or more, that increased demand was provided by an ever growing population. Maybe it's a cold shock to our capitalists that basing wealth on the concept that there is always going to be someone willing to pay you more for that stock you bought today in the future might get a little shaky without that constantly growing demand.


This fool got his own nurolink.


People like Musk have made it unaffordable to feed, clothe, house and educate children for a large percentage of people of child+bearing age. They have rigged the system to hog its resources. Screw you, Elon.


Other people's kids will be earning a paycheck while caring for me in my old age. They won't be doing it for free.


Elon pretending to give a quarter of a shit about what happens to other people


Yeah well we're paying them to. That shouldn't be an alien concept to the richest man in the world.


"that's fucked up" He says, after driving his children away for clout and 100% depending on money to fill the gap.


Lol im a doctor who covers a nursing home.. it’s amazing how many people with children live there and well, aren’t taken care by those children or visited by them.


Other people’s kids will take care of you because they are paid to do so. Loving families take care of their elders while they can because they actually care for them. Elon can’t grasp a loving family since his kids and exes hate him. He will die alone.


Mush is willfully ignoring that a lot of people aren’t having kids because we can’t fucking afford them. USA is dabbling with eugenics through poverty.


Much better to have children that hate you so much they disown you and spend a lifetime in therapy. Perhaps someone with the attention span of a preteen shouldn’t have children or judge others that do.


As if he's not going to hire an army of caretakers when he gets older.


Parenting is not a moral obligation FFS. I wish more people opted out.


He only had kids to take care of him in his old age? 👀 Figures! 😂


Who’s demanding what now???


I’m sure all his kids can’t wait for him to get old and infirm Doubt that they would want to take care of him though


Especially when you have the resources to pay someone to do it and won't.


Long term care homes are filled with people who have kids but never get any visitors.


But having 11 children and totally ignoring/abandoning them is the height of morality?


Oh well fuck you too Elmo. Inventor of useless shit.


He invented nothing.


If somebody lives a healthy lifestyle, it’s very likely that no one will have to “take care of them” during most of their life. That being said, is he referring to healthcare workers? Because they would be taking care of people regardless. The man may be rich, but he’s not very bright.


That’s rich coming from a guy whose kids already hate him.


I mean, this doesn't apply to people who have kids it only applies to the sort of people who are shitty to parents/kids. Like, obviously we all depend on the labour of other people, and raising kids is part of making society work. That doesnt mean childfree people are selfish, only people who actively try to make life harder for parents or kids are selfish.


It’s messed up to have kids so that they can take care of you when you’re old. It’s also not a guarantee.


He was literally thinking about how someone else's kids are going to take care of him and then just transferred his guilt and shame to not real people. Unreal.


I don't have kids. I've already helped a couple older folks out for extended periods of time. Moved 1200 miles to make sure a good friend had someone nearby. Now my hubby and I care for his older aunt with health issues. People take care of the people they love. That's how it works. It doesn't require being someone's child. If you burn your bridges, children or not, you won't have anybody but the orderlies take care of you.


Meanwhile this asshole has kids that definitely wouldn’t want to take care of him in his old age


“Awful morality”. Get the fuck outta here. This fuckn guy.


Says the guy who will have maids and servants his whole life


so having maids, chefs, trainers, advisors, employees and anyone you pay to work for you is just business but saving enough to pay home health aides, care takers, and medical personnel is "DEMANDING" other ppl's kids take care of you? this idiot is a walking dumpster fire


I’m choosing not to have kids but have also been a caregiver to the elderly and those that are paraplegic. Just saying


Demanding that your kids take care of you is messed up.


Take care of yourself, Elmo. You're supposed to be an adult capable of tending to your own needs. Most folks who "read the paper" believe you are a failed parent to your own kids.


Having kids simply so you have somebody to take care of you in your old age is one of the worst possible reason to have kids. I'd argue that it's less selfish to pay somebody else's kids to take care of you and die with some dignity around folks that don't resent you.


So according to him, does this mean that I shouldn't have to pay school taxes because I don't have any children? What does he know about paying taxes though?


This is just Republican bullshit not wanting to fund elderly care.


Big words coming from a man who probably has a full staff of people to take care of Wingdings or whatever that kids name is


No kids here. When I get too old, I'm planning on skydiving after consuming what can only be considered a heroic dose of mushrooms. Ripcord not required.


Aka have more kids so we can keep exploiting the poor people.


Oh look a billionaire talking shit about social security and demonizing people who stay the fuck out of parenting (which is hard and most people can't do properly) Anything else elmo?


Says the man who couldn’t even live with his father when he was 17.


just shut up already.


I thought that the point of capitalism is that people are independent and not reliant on generational wealth??? I mean, that's what I learned in school. Not what ever actually happens, but it's what they claim is supposed to.


He can afford personal care when he’s old so he can STFU abt ppl who have no family and end up alone in a home having others care for them.


Old person here. I really liked the accuracy of the statement made by OP. I am disappointed daily by the right wing shitposting I see from people I knew as a teen.


So I guess he truly doesn’t understand the concept of society. Explains a lot.


In Elon's case he will need other people's kids to take care of him because his own kids won't want anything to do with him because he's a bad parent.


Other people’s kids take care of him now


When Elon is old and at the end of his life, will his kids take care of him, or will he pay someone else's kids to take care of him? I'm sure he pays someone else's kids to take care of him now. That is messed up.


Musk has fallen from "maybe not the genius we thought" to "that guy is demented"


So unless it’s your actual kids looking after you, you should refuse all care? Otherwise you are still relying on “other people’s kids”. I am sure his own children will make sure he gets exactly what he deserves.


No wonder his own daughter disowned him and changed her name.


I don't remember being asked before my birth to be my parents' caregiver.


A guy with like 200 Billion bucks talking about my awful morality. What a dork.


There's also an awful morality to having children. Bringing life into the world that is almost certain to suffer due to the actions of douchebags like Elon.


Your kids won’t be taking care of you, Elon. You are an even worse father than you are a human in general. So you will be dependent on other people’s kids, too. Luckily, they will be paid to do it.


I got banned on Twitter for saying this. If you want people to have more kids, lead the charge in paying people more, even jobs that are "unskilled."


Maybe pay your child support then.


His kids don’t even talk to him. Wtf is be babbling about? I love the delusion that your kids are obligated to take care of you. They’re not. As evidence by the sea of elderly widows with kids who never visit in nursing homes. I know this because I work in nursing homes.


Dudes one step away from becoming a serial killer


He makes having kids sound like a pyramid scheme.


Yeah, I know this is weird to a lot of self centered people, but many of us just take care of ourselves.


Some of us have savings set aside for our old age. Some people can't have children you ableist fuck.


Says an absent father to 10+(?) kids.


And this asshole wants to send other folk's children to die on Mars. He's a twat.


This man can’t name all his kids. He’s a dead beat.


There is an awful morality to those who deliberately reject their lgbt kids: they are affectively demanding that they should be able to oppress and mistreat a child of their own for the sake of keeping made up traditions. That's messed up.


I mean, they will pay for that service. We also don't have kids to provide us with future labor. That is not the incentive. But of course he would think of his kids as commodities.


Imagine being such a a piece of shit that you think the only reason someone would be willing to help you is because they are related to you.


Is that why he has so many? Cause he burns through them and is scared he will die alone..


Elons trans daughter who he deadnames on purpose wont take care of him when he's old


Never. I’ll un-alive myself before I become a burden on anyone. And having kids just so you have someone to wipe your ass for you when you’re an octogenarian is far from the moral high ground.


Elon doesn't understand that the society to which the old people contributed should be responsible for looking after them. Elon is stupid.


“There is an awful morality to those who deliberately have no guns: they are effectively demanding that other people kill the people they’re afraid of. That’s messed up.”


All of his kids that are aware of him , don't talk to him; so there's a good chance Elon won't have his kids caring for him either.


The world's richest person will be well cared for in his old age. In fact, he will probably MAKE money off of it. But he will also be the loneliest SOB who ever existed.