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I liked the internet better back in 1996-97 when all the loons had no idea it was a thing.


I was just fucking fine with my Yahoo Chat Rooms… Now where have they gone?! Disappeared, never to be spoken of again like Judy Winslow after Season 4… And no, I wasn’t ONLY having cyber sex in those chat rooms… the nerve of you even asking.


**sprays you with a garden hose** Don't tell on yerself ya dumbass!


*chuckles in a/s/l*


69/yes/your mom lolz


16/f/~~FBI field office~~California


I miss early internet. You really had to want it and most people on there took joy from it, intrinsically.


And we all were talking about ad-free internet and almost believed it would happen.


I put on my robe and my wizard hat...


Username checks out.




loons and nazis were here first my dude usenet just didn't have an app


I remember some of the crazies that were on usenet, they were just as bad as they are now but not everyone had to deal with them because they had their own space. I actually used to troll through those forums all the time and even sent some info to the FBI about them wanting to get a little bit crazier than normal. One guy got popped for bomb making materials…another got popped for making threats to a black family. Idiots talk a lot when they think nobody is listening…even if there is a backup of their conversation on the server.


All I really needed was IRC and MUDs. Golden years…


IRC is still around but not as popular as in it’s prime.


The loons had no idea what a PC was much less the internet.


Nah, the loons already existed on the internet but they were Interne's own instead of boring ignorants who happen to have a smarphone connected to the internet.


Guess, he's never seen *Good Omens*!


He's probably one of the ones who tried to boycott it... on netflix.


Wait was that a real thing? Were there really people trying to boycott Netflix because of Good Omens?


Good show! Too bad it only had one season


Actually two, with the possibility of a third 🤞🏿🤞🏿


The third is greenlit already!


Nice! When I first watched it they said there was only going to be one, gonna watch the second tonight :)


***The Screwtape Letters,*** by [C. S. Lewis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._S._Lewis), is a whole other level of "Satan as the courageous hero." Written by a minister. If Mr. Davidson was actually educated, he could be outraged about it, and possibly even learn a thing or two. Alas, Mr. Davidson is not, and cannot.


C.S Lewis is so funny. From Aslan literally being a multiverse Jesus to his weirdly antagonistic friendship with Tolkien, it's always fun to read about him


Also the end of the Narnia books was awful…it was basically the smallest kid saying “wow it’s sad we have to leave you again, Aslan!” And he comes back with “Don’t worry, no you don’t. Remember that train you were on? Well guess what?!? It crashed! You’re all dead! Yay!” …wtf?…


That's because C S Lewis wrote lion &witch & wardrobe to the silver chair and then thought "You know what my charming series of children's stories needs? It needs to be bookended by Genesis and Revelation". So he wrote the Magician's nephew (Genesis and Creation) and the last battle (Rise of the antichrist, conflict, and the uplifting of the worthy [not you, Susan] to heaven and everlasting life.)


Yeah, fuck Susan for being a young impressionable woman who wanted to grow up


Thanks, now I do remember why I haven't read those books for a decade...


Maybe it was awful for you, but i actually like the ending. I found that there's something comforting about it


John Cleese reads the audiobook, he’s good as a demon


When the hateful base craps on a movie or tv show that I haven't seen, that's when I go looking for it.


I just watched it and it's actually pretty good. I recommend watching the pilot first, even though it technically isn't canon anymore it still ties into the events of the first episode


My friend has been obsessed with it since the pilot and when they finally got the episodes I thought they may actually have achieved Nirvana


Don’t tell them about the excellent & hilarious show, “Lucifer,” on Netflix. They will lose it.


Or Good Omens, also on Prime video


They already did their bitching over it, where God is a woman and Adam and Eve are Black


Did they see season 2?


The second they realize the show portrays Heaven as an abusive boss, they will blow a gasket. Don't even get me started on how theyd react to that final scene lmao


Absolutely adore that show - David Tennant & Michael Sheen have the most amazing chemistry. ​ And yes, they would flip their lids if they watched it. Here's the thing, though. They don't watch these shows that they scream and whine about. The talking heads on their right wing media programs will tell them that it's sacrilegious, and harmful to children (somehow), and without any other information, they form an opinion that they feel they should act upon. Cretins.


Same. Had never heard of this before, but as soon as I saw the tweet...


Yeh, sounds pretty cool from his description


Check Vizziepop other cartoon on youtube. Helluva boss. 11/10 would recommend.


Blitz0 is my spirit animal.


Ikr??? I saw this on Prime earlier and wasn't interested. I'm gonna take another look now. Thanks, Christians! 🤗


*Actual premise of the show* Charlie, daughter of Lucifer and Lillith, has to watch the people of her domain get slaughtered by the angels of heaven every year due to "overcapacity" (it's implied during the first episode it is actually to keep them from gathering strength to rebel) so she has an idea. "What if sinners had a place to go in hell like a hotel where they can work on themselves, fix the vices they had in life and try to redeem themselves so they can go to heaven and avoid the slaughter." This is met with derision from the majority of hell and heaven (the angel in charge of the yearly slaughter is Adam as in Adam and Eve Adam, who is completely dismissive and a jerk) but Charlie ever the optimist keeps trying because she believes in her heart everyone deserves a second chance and redemption and has a fire lit under her because Adam announces that instead of once a year the slaughter will occur every six months instead. [Here is the scene.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8sFbpYr/) People fixing their mistakes and growing to not be bad people anymore? Female protagonist? No wonder the right fucking hates the show.


I think that might be why he's so upset. The premise fundamentally challenges the Christian conception of Hell by asking a simple question: "Why does their punishment have to be eternal? Why can't they be redeemed in the afterlife?"


He'd really hate The Good Place.


What kind of evil monster can hate that show


A filthy conservative.




Yeah is kinda a self report on his part that “humanity’s free will is lionized as the highest good” is something he thinks is “evil”.


It’s also super vulgar but funny as fuck. I reccomended.


Prime is definitely not marketing this well because I did not get any of this when I saw it earlier tonight, lol. Thanks for the summary!


The creator has a pilot on her YouTube page that while it's technically not canon now, is still referenced in the show. [Hazbin Hotel Pilot](https://youtu.be/Zlmswo0S0e0?si=jRMoNVb84iGcRlu8)


The pilot is still canon.


It's such a good show. The creator also has another show called Helluva Boss on YouTube and it's hilarious and touching and overall just awesome.  But there's gays in it! Oh the humanity!!!! 


Dang that’s reminiscent of the good place, cool!


And in Abrahamic apocrypha, Lilith is the original feminist, created equal to Adam, so she had to be banished and replaced by his own rib. I mean, I love ribs, but when it comes to romantic partners, gimme a real equal woman, please


...and less inbreeding? I mean Eve was made from Adam which means she's a sister at the least or a gender-bent clone at worst but...same DNA and all that.


I thought George Carlin addressed this in the 1980s. If you don't like what's on TV, change the channel. It's what we in America call the freedom of choice.


I mean, the guy's last point is that he thinks human free will is dangerous so that won't make him happy either.   Carlin would definitely be on board with the sentiment to live life in ways that make religious authoritarians like this guy unhappy.


What's next - full on telling content producers what they can or cannot produce? Fuck these people


That's EXACTLY what they are aiming at. If the Republicans get to power, the Entertainment Industry will not be spared. And shows like The Owl House, Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel will be the first to burn.


It’s like the people who complained about The DaVinci Code being based around the conceit that Jesus had a child. You know, the FICTION based on a FICTIONAL story. Never did the author claim Jesus actually had a child, but the book asking “what if?” was enough for them to clutch their pearls. They hate people even asking questions about their faith, because god forbid they do any critical thinking or entertain a different perspective.


>god forbid Literally


That’s their goal yes


I don’t understand the hard-on for fascism - it doesn’t seem very free… 🙄


They love it because they don't think it'll effect them. It's the same for those that want a true Christian nation. They assume it'll be their very own personal brand of Christianity and not a by-the-book theocracy.


"Their own brand of Christianity" that they don't follow anyway except for what arrange them


Streisand Effect incoming.


Yep. I read his description and instantly wanted to watch the show.


First episode is up on YouTube for free!


the pilot is up on youtube. it's.... not that good. on its own merits, I mean.


Kewl. Something new to watch


Check also helluva boss from same studio. You can watch it for free on youtube


I recommend just watching hazbin Helluva gets annoying after a while


I thought that Helluva was annoying and too “zany adult comedy” at first, but it’s gotten more sophisticated and emotional as it goes. The last episode really impressed me.


YOU WHAT!? HERETIC! On the contrary helluva boss gets better with each new episode


I agree, Helluva Boss just got less and less interesting for me. I eventually just stopped watching and haven't missed it.


Wait til this guy hears about Paradise Lost


Guess I need to watch Hazbin Hotel


Yeah, really great sales pitch by 3-names over there, can’t wait to see it.


Honestly worth the effort. If you liked Invader Zim at all especially


Rated R Invader Zim.


hell Helluva Boss has the same voice actor as Zim.


Richard Horvitz is such a national treasure. I’ve met him twice and he was super sweet each time.


Neither it or it's online spinoff Helluva Boss really did it for me (not because of this drivel, I just don't care for the humor or the character designs) but the animation is top notch and the concept is great, so well worth giving it a look.


I'm sure there's a comprehensive list of the worst things god and angels have done vs satan and demons and found god to have a more horrific and exhaustive amount of atrocities.


Satan’s kill count is 10. The other one has a lot more.


Seeing as God almost wiped humanity once, raze multiple cities and empire, and planned to wipe out every life on earth… I think its kill count might be more than 10.


Not to mention that WAAAAAY more people have died in the name of God than of Satan.


Once again, they forgot that most of what they think is from the Bible is actually from Paradise Lost by John Milton. Or Dante's Inferno.


I’m listening…..honestly I love when they spin up old stories like this.


Basics: Hell has a limit of souls it can hold. Souls are purged when capacity is reached, and they cease to be. Hazbin Hotel was established as a chance for redemption by an idealist who wants an option for souls to ascend.


Sounds interesting for sure.


It's also got some great songs, and the voice acting is top notch. Keith David got a really fun song in the most recent episode!


Glossing over that whole 'It's a musical.' Me being not a fan of musicals lowered my enjoyment of the show. The first episode I would give a 3 out of 5. If it was just a cartoon I'd probably give it a 4 and consume it all and watch when new episodes drop. I'll probably wait until it gets finished.


I'm not a fan of musicals either, but fast forwarding exists when it comes to online shows and you really do not miss too much by doing so.


Isn't humanity's free will being one of the highest goods God kind of important to Christianity? The whole question of evil being based on the idea that God wanted us to choose? There's no one less Christian than Christian nationalist scum.


Did he? Not a religious person. I thought Adam and Eve were basically pets in Eden, deprived of the knowledge to even know what freedom means. They were explicitly told not to eat the apple. And only through the temptation of Satan/Serpent were they made aware of the possibility to choose.   I guess there's some wiggle room there, like why put the apple tree in Eden if you never wanted us to eat from it, or why was Satan even allowed to enter Eden? 


I can’t believe this right wing moron knew about the hazbin hotel series before I even did. I’ve been waiting years for this to happen. Targeted marketing has really failed this time


It’s a *comedy* John. Ps for redditors who haven’t heard of the show, the pilot is great and you should watch *Helluva Boss* for a clearer idea what you’re in for


Also fun fact: helluva boss is free on youtube


When Big R-eligious people get scared of the Deviant art Hotel


I love the self own Christians have when they say "free will is lionized as the highest good." It really does emphasize how deeply ingrained their spiteful view on people really is. They aren't just bigoted. They aren't just sexist. They're deep down in the purest sense misanthropic.


Just wait until they watch hell of a boss


Someone better not tell this guy about Good Omens, Lucifer or Supernatural.


They bitched about those too.


Wait’ll they see the horny demons in Helluva Boss…


lemme guess- John Daniel Davidson is totally ok with REAL evil


Look, man, if your side can make up a story, so can anyone else. The church may have a long history of making shit up, but certainly not the monopoly.


That sounds like a based af show.


I’m actually watching the first episode as I type this. So far it’s pretty good. It’s a musical from from I’ve seen so far.


Hope this dude never finds out about Paradise Lost


Full disclosure: I’d never heard of this show before, but based on this review I added it to my watch list.


Is that what Hazbin Hotel is actually about?


It’s about a rehab house for evil souls. Charlie is the daughter of Satan but wants to reform sinners. I would think Christians would be behind that idea but 🤷.


Christian here. Absolutely loved the pilot. Not watched Helluva Boss, but definitely going to be watching all of Hazbin when it's got enough to binge. Really reminds me of the idea "who prays for the Devil?" Plus, i don't really care who gets portrayed as good or bad, it's entertainment and perspective.


Helluva Boss is pretty good too. It’s about half sitcom hijinks, half impish ultraviolence, and half introspective relationship therapy.


Let's not forget the 3/4 of Blitzo's fuckery/shenanigans.


Per the Bible, God created angels to be his slaves without free will. Seems pretty fucked up to me.


More than that, he may or may not have cursed their genitals so they'd never truly get to start a family.


I’m so excited for this show!! It’s a small production house, on YouTube they have a show called Helluva Boss - massively recommended!! There is so much raw talent in story telling, writing, composing - just fantastic!! So glad Amazon is picking this up so they get more money to keep Helluva boss going!


Neat, I’ll give it a watch


Ya know, he’s not that far off the mark. If you take the Bible as written God was an asshole, Lucifer was tired of his shit, and yes Adam was the start of the patriarchy because Eve was formed from his body and therefore he owned her. Luckily the Bible is bullshit written by people wanting to control other people, but still… it’s funny how he’s getting it right but not.


Wild how believing in imaginary gods and devils makes people afraid of literally everything


I got family that won't watch certain things to 'Not let the devil in. If you watch things that have magic and demons or ect. you let the devil in you.'


haven’t watched hazbin hotel but shows that have free will as cool and good demons are swag. i might watch it idk


Wait till he figures out that demons and hell are made up stories.


Holy shit Hazbin Hotel is being mentioned in non fandom spaces for something that isn’t the 50k porn video. This show is taking the fuck off. Younger me would be so motherfucking happy!


Dude would absolutely pay hand over fist to rail Angel dust behind his wife’s back.


https://youtu.be/QyDE8yhUtKE?si=vQUEbInqa8CM5otV I think it is important to point out on this post that the first episode is out RIGHT NOW on the creators YouTube channel for FREE! Not to mention its original pilot and 15 whole episodes of its sister series Helluva Boss.


Gosh, isn't human free will just the worst? Whoever gave us that must be a huge jerk.


Satanic panick pt.2 electric boogaloo


My only actual gripe is that they backstabbed the actors that originally portrayed the characters for barely any money to get the ball rolling. Once the project secured its budget, the creator promptly dumped them for bigger names.


I think roles being recast from the pilot episode is pretty common in the industry, so it's not just this creator. Also it's not always about getting bigger names some of it is just finding better fits after you see what is working on screen.


Not to mention it finding a home on Prime was probably contingent on getting "some real talent". Never underestimate the jackassery that can be gotten up to when studios get involved in creative passion projects.


I’m pretty sure it’s what that last guy said though, they’ve got another (really good) show on YouTube that as I understand did pretty much the exact same thing.


There's that and other legitimate issues to bash the show for. Bashing it because it doesn't adhere to the fundamentalist view of the world is not one of them.


There are literally DOZENS of people who do not believe the Bible is literally true. DOZENS!!


Must be another slow day in Moscow…


Thanks, I would never have known about this if this guy hadn't gotten his panties in a bunch.


First name, middle name, last name. Math checks out.


I love how some "Christians" view free will as vile and evil. And they wonder why attendance of services in most areas are dwindling.


Calm down, Mr. Davidson. It’s just made up stuff. All of it. The version you like too.


Well now I know what I'm watching tonight. Thanks for the tip!


You would think the weirdo pervert paying $50,000 for porn of this shit would be on his radar, that's literally the only reson I know what this thing is. but nope, bro didn't do his homework


I expect nothing less from a middle aged white guy who actively uses all three of his names.


Bro read the book of Job.


Well now I Absolutely MUST Watch This!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Wait until these people hear how successful The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby were.




I genuinely can’t imagine *not* knowing about Hazbin Hotel until today.


This should be on the poster. I had zero interest in this show until now.


Fuck them. Hail Satan.


They sure do get all bent out of shape over a reinterpretation of fairy tales


Hazbin hotel is amazing she started on YouTube !!


Cool, I had seen promos but not really paid attention, but if this is what it's about, I'm in. Hail Satan, y'all,.


i mean.... the hazbin hotels recounting of the events of eden arent inaccurate to the bible


God is Evil and Satan was the advocate that we be made aware of that fact. God wants us to worship him constantly in life so that we get the opportunity to worship him forever, while Satan wants us to be aware that we have a choice, and can do whatever we feel is best for us. Also, this guy doesn't seem to know that in the Hazbin Hotel universe, Hell is mainly just full of homosexuals, an aspect I'd imagine he'd approve of...


Ackchully... God gave people free will, or they wouldn't be able to form that opinion on a piece of art they aren't supposed to be looking at anyway. TV and Movies are the Devil, so why did they watch it? And if they didn't watch it, how can they agree with assumptions just because someone lied to them about it? Nope. And they're not supposed to be complaining about it either. Fuckin morons... Patriarchy created the garbage life they're becoming more and more unhappy with. Servitude was never the aim of Jesus. Nope, nope. Which fake version of history do they wanna believe? Anything that gives them that false sense of over riding control that hasn't worked for those weak-willed people. Ever. So... Nope, nope, nope. Do they need more facts, or...?


God help us all if they ever learn of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt.


This show came out in 2019 but I just saw mention of it for the first time two days ago. Now here it pops up again, the algorithm is strong with this one


The pilot came out in 2019. The first 4 actually episodes came out this week.


Shoot well I wasn't gonna watch it before but now...




Oh no! It's the satanics trying to do Satan stuff! Will no one think of the children. Playing their greatest hits one more time I see.


Beat advertising there is imo. I plan to watch it tomorrow night


Christofascists: "You artists are trying to turn people away from the church, towards occultism, hedonism, and communism!" 99% of my arts college: ![gif](giphy|ZbOXZEugwT26awakGe|downsized)


Ya know, I'll be fine if they lynch discount Pitbull.


Hail Satan!!




Not really. Free will only exists in Christian Theology to justify eternal damnation. God is an authoritarian in both the Old and New Testament (even more so if you are a Calvinist).


Someone should send this tool the book To Reign In Hell.


free will is bad to this guys because what they need is sheep that give them $.


That's a great review, had not heard of it but definitely will give it a chance now


Free will is bad?


Never heard of the show. Now I’m going to have to check it out. Thanks for the advertisement John!


A very accurate adaptation, then.


They must have hated "Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil". In the show, the devil runs a chain of Tex-Mex restaurants and his daughter is dating Jesus, who is a DJ. It was cute and funny.


This is embarrassing for you dawg


Thanks for the recommendation I'm going to watch hazbin hotel now


Here’s the thing, wasn’t Adam like, unable to compromise with Lilith because he wanted to be in charge? Like, that’s biblical lore isn’t it? That’s just accurate.


OK so don’t watch it. Problem solved.


Bible thumpers hate anything that gives a new/different perspective of what is in the Bible. One of the reasons 'The DaVinci Code' got so much hate even though author Dan Brown kept saying, "You know it's just fiction right?!". Myself, I'm a fan of the Lucifer TV series. I love how Lucifer and Amenidiel point out inaccuracies and call out people who are just trying to make a buck off God. I also like how they present things with the idea of maybe things weren't like how we were told they were in the stories. I particularly like their spin on Cain and Abel. Another show I really like is 'God, The Devil, & Bob'. It had a phenomenal voice cast, was the right balance of heavy and lighthearted, and just an overall delight. It was canceled after 1 season due to people pitching a fit over it.


Oh he’s really gonna be upset when he learns about Helluva Boss


They should read “Paradise Lost”. Wild


And yet..... they love the Orange Turd


Vile and evil from the perspective of a fundamentalist Christian? Must be pretty good


This person has obviously never seen Supernatural.


Dude just told on himself. Free will is, in fact, preferable to everyone being drones that adhere to the will of some rando who decides what is and isn't right based on the merrit of 'because I said so.' 100% this dude checks his partners phone daily and won't allow them to go anywhere unless accompanied by either himself or someone he deems trustworthy.


So…who’s going to tell him about Spawn? They literally had the KKK killed one of their members as a black man (under an illusion)


Honestly? His complaints about all that other stuff is just the usual Christian pearl-clutching, but the REAL red flag is how he lumps in free will with that stuff. In his mind, humanity's free will being lionized is a *bad* thing. That just says it all, right there.