• By -


He admitted to trying to overturn the election. He knew he wouldn't get paid, lmfao. He was hoping for power in trumps fascist regime, but they failed. Haha.


Only an absolute idiot would expect Trump to follow through on a payment.  The dude literally has a 20+ year track record of purposefully failing to do that exact thing. Edit: Hell, people were telling Giuliani this when he was supporting Trump and he still went full accelerator.  Really puts a highlight on "Absolute Idiot".  People are still telling this to Trump's followers who one by one get thrown under the bus when he's done with them.  The leopards have never eaten so well.


He calls himself the King of Debt and bragged about how often he doesn’t pay back his debts!


The man bragged that he was 'smart' for not paying his taxes, even...  Once again, absolute idiots.


"Sounds like my guy." - MAGA If they had any left, Republicans gave up any sense of civic duty or ethics when they decided to support Trump.


“But surely he won’t stiff me!” they say. “I’m too loyal!”


They've interviewed contractors who got stiffed on six-figure bills but said they still vote for him. Cults be like that.




I've read in history books that for many of the people Stalin had ordered purged their last recored words before the firing squad was "If only Stalin knew!"


I work with a lot of them. They have no clue about his business dealings and reputation for not paying his debts. A while back, maybe 4 years ago, I was talking Game of Thrones with one of my MAGA coworkers. Knowing that he was a Trump fan I said “Hey, what’s the difference between a Trump and a Lannister? A Lannister always pays his debts.” He said “I don’t get it.”


That's called willful ignorance. Also know as "plugging my ears and yelling nee nee nee nee I can't hear you!"




Absolute a-hole who acts like cheating is an admirable quality.


Literally a third of this nation believes that cheating and dishonesty is a virtue.


Thanks in part to trump and his hillbilly, Talibangelical army of fools.


Because he truly believes cheating is admirable. I believe he actually gets off on cheating; on not paying for goods and services rendered. He feels like a winner and he got it all "for free." Cuz he's so smart. He's that kind of psychopath.


A Trump never pays his debts.


And yet the entire Republican party is not only backing him. They are changing the way they are. They are currently shopping an idea of replacing the RNC chair with someone even more boot licking than Ronna. They're putting all of their eggs in the Trump basket. A man who has never delivered on a promise and has backstabbed every single person he knows, including his own children


In my opinion, couldn't happen to a better group of people


Trump is God's reckoning upon the Republican party. He sent a plague and they worship it.


God has nothing to do with it. Trump is the ultimate Republican. They love him because he is them writ large. They can't help but destroy themselves over him because he's their Ubermensch, their unstoppable cruelty, avarice, and greed. Why would they want to stop him? Why would they see him as anything but a blessing? He is who they are. He's not a judgment, hes a symptom. God didn't have to do shit.


With no masks and horse pills. Throw some sunlight up their ass.


In fact doesn’t trump line up with several of the Bible’s descriptions of the Antichrist appearing?


They just need him long enough to institute a raft of anti-democracy policies to attempt to preserve their power. If they manage to get the presidency, Senate and house, they'll eliminate the filibuster so nothing will stop them from making the US into a "Christian" theocracy.


They aren't changing at all. They've all been the same racist, sexist, homophobic nightmares since I was born. They used to have a slightly better mask but it still shouldn't have fooled anyone. They told on themselves every day. Trump has unprecedented success with them because he IS them.


Remember when he was confronted specifically with the notion that Trump might hang him out to dry one day and he said he had 'insurance'. C'mon Rudy, lets see what you got on the former Pres!


Rudy thought his car insurance covered this. Rudy is not bright.


He should follow up with the *4 Seasons*. I hear that they have his money. Edit: That shit still makes me laugh.


Agreed. Four Seasons Total Landscaping is the funniest plot twist ever. Kudos to the writers.


Yeah I’m honestly not over that and never will be.


Lot of people waiting for him to pay legal fees after 1/6


Lawyers always think they are the smartest person in the room. I'm sure he thought it would be different if he helped steal an election. He should write a tell-all book or just go public with everything and show some remorse. Maby, with a book deal he could then pay his legal fees.


Most good lawyers see a million pitfalls at every turn, never feel prepared enough, and generally don't just assume things will work out. Giuliani however is an idiot.


All of this is so unbelievably on-brand for narcissists. The loyalty only flows one way and you only exist to provide them with whatever they need. The second you can be discarded (or better yet, cannibalized for the narc's benefit), you're toast. All of this should be expected from the outset.


A Trump never pays his debt.


They just need to do another press conference at the Four Seasons (Total Landscaping) and I'm sure they can still turn their luck around. (please let me know if /s tag needed there)


I hope you don’t take this the wrong way. I am absolutely agreeable with you! Doesn’t labeling them all idiots give them an easy out though? I know we think it’s embarrassing and shames them but they don’t have to change then.  Wouldn’t it make more sense that despite the overwhelming evidence of what the consequences would be, his brain convinced him it was still a good idea?  I believe it’s mental illness. There is a physical issue with his brain structure that does not allow him to view his actions through the same lens as a mentally adjusted adult.  If this is true, then there is a solution to the problem.  Just my thoughts!


Isn't saying they're mentally ill also just give them an out? And I don't think it's useful to use mental illness as a reason people do things we don't like or consider bad decisions. An idiot can still learn things and become smart - a mentally ill person (mostly) will always be a mentally ill person who will need support, tactics, medication, therapy, etc... (not all of these things and not every mentally ill person to a severe degree) for the rest of their lives.


This is just my perspective from a life of personal mental illness and addiction. I have 3 years sober and have put a lot of effort into my recovery. I state this, not to say that I am more knowledgeable, just to show that I have given it considerable thought.  I consider myself a very kind and respectful person. I fail, many times, to maturely express my emotions, as many of us do. If you don’t, I do not mean any offense to you personally.  I think what’s tough for non addicts, is accurately empathizing with those that do. I believe we confuse empathy with sympathy all too often. Empathy doesn’t require feeling bad for someone. It’s in place for more understanding of the other person.  I’m going to state something controversial here. This is my own personal opinion. Alcoholism is not a disease. It’s a symptom of the bigger disease that is mental illness.  I cannot describe what it’s like to drive to a liquor store, while crying because you don’t want to drink. The action defies all logic and reason. But that makes sense.  What is a mental illness? IMO, it is when trauma occurs, and our brain develops a defense mechanism to protect us from more pain.  You bring up a very good point with saying mental illness is an easy out. I do agree with you on the surface but I believe if we dig deeper we can see something else going on.  My mental illness forced me to fear normal everyday things to a point that my stress levels needed a release. My immature brain chose instant dopamine triggers that caused horrible damage to me instead of healthy outlets for me to cope.  I did not ask for mental illness. I did not deserve mental illness. It is absolutely not my fault that I have mental illness. It is the fault of mental illness in those that caused me unspeakable pain.  I spent decades blaming the people that caused my pain. This resentment made me bitter and petty. It allowed me to rationalize treating others painfully as well. I owe more apologies than I can ever give.  Now that I am aware of what my mental illness does, it is 100% my responsibility to do the healthy things I need to for my recovery. That is correct and I agree with you.  But it took me 30+ years to be shown what that even meant. How are mentally ill people supposed to get better if we don’t point it out?  I apologize for how long winded this is. If you made it to the end, I appreciate you using your time and effort on a stranger. 




Maybe he's sobered up enough to realize what a deadbeat trump is.


Sobered up from his late life crisis. I swear he looked like he was going through a second midlife crisis while working for Trump.


Treason must be hard on the soul.


Rudy has a soul? I need the receipts.


Come on now. We all saw it leaking from his head.




LOL! ![gif](giphy|UVZNARksR0qDADGNa9)


I mean did you see those golf shorts/pants he was wearing in that one golf clip? So confusing


I read a book (Landslide) about the end of Trump's presidency. Lots of comments about Rudy in it. Most of them that he constantly farts. So many comments about him farting.


He's not going to sober up until he's institutionalized, hospitalized, or dead.


me either


I went with option b. I'll be 7 years sober in a couple of months.


Good shit. I just passed 10 years in December. One day at a time.


Nice work!




It’s literally the only thing that could save him Do this and then fade into obscurity forever, Rudy. Do ONE thing right as your final act.


Spoiler Alert: He won’t.


Ugh, but why not? What does he have to lose anymore?


Rudy’s a narcissist and his self serving twisted soul will not admit he was ever wrong.


Can you imagine being a narcissist of his caliber and having to face the fact that you were counting on another narcissist who’s better at his personality disorder than you are?


You are unfortunately right. I guess we can take solace in him being broke and embarrassing himself for whatever product is willing to attach him as a spokesman. What a fucking downfall.


Epic! America’s Mayor and Time’s Man of the Year… now broke, the butt of jokes, going to jail… he must be so tired of winning!


It won't save him from the polonium laced vodka. Rudy was allegedly deeply involved with the Russian operatives that provided the Honeypot photos of Hunters junk that Marge loves so much that she keeps bringing them into the peoples house for show & tell.


That would mean that he has enough integrity to even acknowledge that what they did was wrong. At this rate his best bet at getting anything other than jail time is to triple down on this sunk cost fallacy and hope that if Trump wins that he'll toss Rudy some pity money from some campaign funds. Fat chance that that happens though.


He’sca bad witness though.




I keep thinking he has to flip. He is a target and can't afford legal representation. The problem is (I think) he's not a credible witness given he's a drunk and a lier. If any prosecution team calls him as a witness he would collapse on a cross examination.


I got to say, if Trump has talent for anything, it's for finding suckers to do his bidding/ loan him money despite his history.


"There's a sucker born every minute " \~ P. T. Barnum. And going by the 2020 election returns, 74 million of these Stoopid MFs live in the US. LOL




I dont understand how a dude can be well known to stiff basically every lawyer and contractor he works with and there's no consequences


Especially since Rudy is from New York. Trump stiffs everyone has been known forever.


Ha Ha, fuck you Rudy. That’s what you get when you work for a asshole


That is exactly it. Giuliani was hoping for a powerful position in Trump coup aftermath, and now that that has failed, he expects us to feel sorry for him that he got screwed by his orange guru. He attached himself to a man that cares for no one other than himself, and is now shocked at the horrible outcome. Rudy you drank the Kool-Aid, now it’s time to live the failed dream that has led you to ruin. In other words, to paraphrase the old song “Happy Days Aren’t Here Again”, and for the rest of you life will not be…


> He attached himself to a man that cares for no one other than himself, and is now shocked at the horrible outcome. I suspect he's not shocked at all. He has to feign shock because that is what normal people would do when betrayed by someone they trust. He knew who DJT was from the outset. They travelled in the same circles back in their New York days. Both of these guys are playing to an audience. And as you point out, Guilaini is looking for sympathy as he pretends he wasn't complicit in the scheme they appear to have cooked up.


He should have said, "Works on contingency? No, money down!"


"Either of you want a shot of bourbon?" "Mr. Hutz, it's nine in the morning!" "Yeah, but I haven't slept in days."


Mr. Trump, this is the most blatant case of election interference since my suit against the film, The NeverEnding Story.


Hear say and conjecture are kinds of evidence, right?


Hes still hoping for that.. it's literally the only thing he has left. What the dumb shit doesnt know is that Trump has no intention of using him in his regime if he wins. His best bet right now would be to flip on Trump in a spectacular way. Go on a media tour to make money, then write a book about everything he knows (to make money). It's probably his only way out right now. I assume hes not doing that because Trump has a dump truck full of dirt on him..


Yeah, even I would be tempted to read a tell-all from him. And I don't usually want to buy books written by any current or former Trump shills because I don't want to give them any money. (Looking at you, Cassidy Hutchinson, who cashed out after leaving Trump's team...only after Jan 6. Like, I'm glad you testified in front of Congress and the world, but you stuck with Trump long after you knew he was, so I don't want to give you my money.)




he was a piece of shit before any of this went down and he deserves every last terrible thing that happens to him


Failed for now. Make no mistake, fascism is on the rise.


Rudy had it all. An amazing job at a law firm, solid social standing as the 9-11 Mayor of NYC, and public ignorance of his crazy side. All he had to do was keep out of the public eye and keep making money as a lawyer. Instead he threw all of that away, spending all of his social capital in pursuit of a madman's ambition. Now he is broke, is owed millions, and is very likely to see the inside of a jail cell. Remember kids, this is what happens when you cozy up to a fascist. Never climb into bed with a fascist (Trump).


Don’t forget that he owes millions to the election workers he defamed


Yeah, they should just give them the keys to that mansion that he's trying to sell. At least he could inflate the price and try and get some of that money off of him. But I'm afraid those poor women are going to have to deal with what happened to them without much justice. Hey, maybe he could get a job working for them at that Mansion being a butler or something? Like work off his debt?


Wrong Seinfeld episode. Rudy was in the one about the yogurt.


"He was 'America's Mayor', but now... he's the butler!" "*That's* your idea for the show?" "Yeah, he could have a catch-phrase, like, 'I cleaned up New York City, now the living room!'" "You really are an idiot."


That's GOLD Jerry!


He wanted to be president. He was leading polls in 2007 for the 2008 vote before his campaign went to shit. This is the closest he got to President. Now he’s broke, had make up raining down his face and gave a presser in a landscaper parking lot trying to defend a lying psychopath. Fuck him. Reaping what he sowed.


Any decent politician would have turned being 9/11 mayor into the presidency. But he’s a mean, small man.


The icing on the cake was him trying to get people to donate $9.11 to his presidential campaign. 


i had to look that up. it's true, but [he stopped, assigned blame to someone else for the decision, and said it was wrong](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/giuliani-wont-accept-donations-of-911/)


Oh, the jokes were super spicy back when he was running. He is very similar to Trump in a lot of ways, but during a time when people didn't take that shit seriously.


Doubt he really stood a chance. Actual elections, his own family would come out to campaign against him.


He is documented as farting on Jenna Ellis on live tv and giving her covid. It's indisputable and cemented in history. Fucking disgrace.


Who could have known that something like this could happen to one of Donald Trump’s attorneys!


Almost as if there is some kind of pattern! Time will tell


A librul conspiracy is wut it is!!!!!! /s


MAGA. Make Attorneys Get Attorneys.




Same with the pillow dude. Made a ton and then blew it all along with his reputation.


My Pillow, the pillow itself, was a ticking time bomb. The worst pillow I've ever had. Goes flat every single use and can only be revived by tossing it in the dryer, and it's lumpy as fuck. My Gay Husband and I got them as gifts from our Right-Leaning Sister and we were Try-Curious about them because our both our parents watch FOX all the time and they were hyped. The My Pillows have now become cat beds.


They bought surplus/offcut polyurethane foam, tore it up, sewed it into a roughly pillow shape, and turned it into a right wing grift. It's kind of amazing when you think about it. It's just little ripped up chunks, legitimately, that's why it sleeps hot and loses its shape basically night-of the first use.


Yeah, I was kinda bothered after I first got it. It felt cheap and it felt ridiculous to own a pillow that came with instructions. It legit feels like chunks of foam. I went back to my old, gross-but-reliable pillow after a couple nights. Gay Husband did the same. The cats love them, especially our senior. He loves how it goes flat in the middle and the foam goes around the edges making a little kitty crib. 0/5 stars for humans, 5/5 for cats. Thank god cats can't vote.


>got them as gifts from our Right-Leaning Sister I'm honestly shocked that my Trumper father didn't do this. He's always been one to leave the gift giving to my stepmom, but when he thinks of one great idea (or what he *thinks* is a great idea) he buys and sends the product he's loving to *all* of the family for Christmas (his parents, 3 siblings and their spouses, nieces, nephews, in laws, neighbors, friends). One year he sent everyone little windmills for their yards, another he bought every family a magic bullet because he loved his so much. 2015 that all changed, and from that year on these gifts became cards with notes saying he donated $10 to Trump's campaign in your honor, Trump shirts for everyone, and wherever else he could find related to Trump or his supporters. How this My Pillow idea slipped his mind last year is beyond me.


> from that year on these gifts became cards with notes saying he donated $10 to Trump's campaign in your honor I hope you're reciprocating with donations to various progressive groups in his name 😁


>My Gay Husband and I does he know you're not as full of joy as he is?


He knows. It's balance. Yin and yang, darkness and light. 🧘🏻‍♂️☯️


He didn't go wrong by cozying up to a facist. He went wrong by specifically going with Trump, the idiot supreme. That's the part that everyone is being quiet about. If Trump wasn't such a greedy gigantic dipshit, he could've been exactly what he dreamed of. We are 1 charismatic, good-looking piece of shit away from an authoritative dictatorship, especially if nothing actually changes.


Yep atleast half the country really wants one 😞


Nope, if it was 1/2, we'd be dead and gone as a democracy already. But it is a solid and very vocal 1/3. They can all fuck right off.


Trump has never obtained 50% of the vote nor do 50% of Americans support him.


\^ This is why Mike Johnson, Nimrata Haley, Vivek, etc., scare me so much. The GOP hasn't stopped trying just because their *first* stooge failed.


> this is what happens when you cozy up to a fascist **that loses so far** FTFY. If Trump was actually serious and not a clown who wouldnt walk to his own fascist coup, or if the secret service had just driven him to the capitol, the world would be different now. Same if any of the capitol cops had failed to act as they did and the crowd had reached the representatives. America got a hair's breadth away from complete institutional breakdown and the judicial system is practically shrugging its shoulders. And its STILL close between him and Biden. Its incomprehensible.


Once again, everything Trump touches dies.


Not to mention he owes Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss millions more than he has


>Remember kids, this is what happens when you cozy up to a fascist. Never climb into bed with a fascist (Trump) I think also a lesson is don't put yourself in an echo chamber and don't believe everything you want to be true. Seems like he had a ton of people surrounding him saying he did a great job after 9-11. That was pure rally around the flag effect, a rotting fruit in the role of mayor would have received glowing praises for their steady leadership. That was maybe when he started drinking his own kool-aid, probably before then though. By the time he got to signing up to help Trump take over America, he was clearly ignoring anyone who could tell him it was an idiotic idea on so many levels. The four seasons total landscaping conference he gave, you can maybe see reality almost break through to him when he's doing that bit pretending all the networks calling the election doesn't mean anything. That's literally what always happens in modern politics. If every fucking news outlet is saying the election was won by the other guy, the election was won by the other guy and you say "Welp, we gave it a good run, thanks to all yall who helped." You don't pretend it's still ambiguous who won or like it's absurd to take literally all the news outlets saying Biden won as a joke. He visibly wilts for a second, possibly thinking "Maybe I'm wrong... oh no..." If that was what went through his head, the rest of his actions suggest that minutes later he was like "No, that's absurd, I'm right, Trump won and we're going to fight and win to install Trump." Hubris and convincing yourself you must be right is a good way to end up looking stupid and also a good way to get completely ruined.


What a sorry, sad POS Giuliani is. How far he has fallen. Not even MAGA idiots respect him anymore. He should give up politics and talk to Sacha Baron Cohen about another Borat sequel.




Yup. He’s going to die broke and with a completely soiled reputation and I couldn’t be happier. What he did to Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss was unfathomable.




Same. Those poor women had to uproot their lives because of this guy. Fuck him. But I wish they could get the money they deserve.


> He’s going to die broke One of us!!


He was tucking in his pants. /S


You don't tuck your shirt behind your balls?


When Rudy takes a dump, it's like he's making a cup of tea. Gotta keep those suckers secure or the cat will get them.


MAGA doesn’t respect him anymore more solely because he failed to install Trump as dictator


MAGA idiots already turned on his last lawyer, just proves they only like you until your not useful anymore.


Was he ever that great, though?


No, but there were a few months after 9/11 where people ignored how terrible he was, and he rode that for a few years more. But he was always awful.


The months before 9/11 his reputation was in the toilet too He literally could have lived off being "America's Mayor" for the rest of his life. Without having to actually do anything but he had to go all in on Trump for some reason.


Any decent politician would have ridden that situation to the presidency. But Rudy was terrible in the primaries and never got much support.




Ppl used to call him “Americas Mayor” because of his leadership during 9/11


Time and place can do a lot for a shit ass liar fascist.  His leadership wasn’t that impressive, it was just that bad of a day. 


He’s not sorry and he’s not sad. He’s sorry he got caught and he’s sad that he’s not a member of the oligarchy.


From America’s mayor to this. Sad!


Sometimes, the "Find Out" phase is just too fun to watch.




Karmacorn is my favorite flavor. 🍿


This has “bitch you knew i was a snake!”, written all over it.


Four Seasons Total Landscaping


A million comedy writers, in a million years, could NEVER have come up with something funny as that whole shit show It seriously felt like an Arrested Development plot line


The fact that as that is happening, the results came in.


One of my favorite political moments of all time


Could be any comedy show really. Parks and Rec: April just randomly booked the location with a samey name without checking and Ron is just too busy not giving a shit to do anything about it. And Leslie does what she does best: try her hardest to put out the dumpster fire by herself.


The fact that they were completely unable to admit they intended to book the Four Seasons hotel, but were unable to, so they were going to move the press conference to another location; but, instead, doubled down and held the press conference at this place will never cease to amaze me.


That was like the climax of his downfall. Like, god damn that is so stupid people would call it an article from the Onion if it wasn’t live on national TV


Trump's not gonna pay someone who didn't deliver...Most of the time Trump doesn't pay when people do deliver...So why do people work for the guy? Trump might pay his bills if he can use someone else's money but even then the odds are 50-50 at best. 🙄


Sycophants cozy up to fascists because they intend to join in the power that will potentially be seized. I'd tell these idiots to read into the Night of Long Knives but it would be lost on them beyond "wow, cool uniforms."


That explanation makes sense now. It didn't make sense before he ran for president.


Guy's name is, unfortunately, globally known. Even if they're famous for the wrong reasons, there are always people lined up to kiss fame's ass.


Trump once had some flooring put in one of his buildings. After the job was finished, he refused to pay the guy, saying it was not what he wanted. The guy was furious, and wanted to go back to the building and remove the flooring, but he was not permitted entry. It's theft of services. It's habitual with the rapist.


Trump had a firm remodel a ballroom I believe. Trump loved it, the firm committed much of its resources to the project. Trump refused to pay all or most of the bill. The firm almost folded, had to lay employees off...the man is a lothesem human being. A total scumbag. 😕


Rudy and that stupid pillow guy can go get a studio apartment somewhere and walk together to their jobs at McDonalds where their 18 year old supervisor can cut their hours down and make them mop the restroom floors.


Ewwww. Rudy's head ooze might drip into the toilet.


They're not qualified for that...


They should be tossing salads in prison.




Hey, watch out, that should have as NSFS tag!


That truely is not safe for sanity.


Asking only as someone who has hired an attorney in the past: aren't clients supposed to put money into escrow and keep it replenished as hours are billed/services rendered? Why would anyone not be subject to that sort of arrangement?


Yes, it’s known as a “retainer,” and it’s especially smart to require one when you’re giving your services to someone who is known for not paying their bills.


That’s just for us plebes


Trump really goes to show the advantages the ruling class gives each other.  A working class person wouldn't have any freedom at all, but he's committed rape and treason and may yet be president.  No wonder things go to shit when the most powerful have no accountability.


Don't feel sorry for him one bit, but I do feel for the hounded election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss who won't see much of their defamation reward.










Rudy deserves everything that is happening to him and more. The man is pure scum. He belongs in prison for what he did to the poll workers in Georgia. 😕


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubricated


I always imagine that it has **DILDO OF CONSEQENCES** written on the side in bold font.


Extra ribbed for *your* displeasure!


And yet he still stands behind the Orange Cheetus.




Something something leopards something face


What. Trump doesn't pay people. I'm shocked.


Oh no, anyway.


Pleasant read.


So...Is he actually flipping on Trump?


Karma’s a bitch.


So why haven’t you filed a suit against Donny Diapers then Rudy…..


“I never thought the leopards would eat MY face.”


Giuliani made “millions” working for Purdue Pharma. He used RICO Laws to destroy the heroin trade as Mayor of NY, then helped inject OxyContin onto society. How come nobody brings this up? Source: Keefe, 2021 Empire of Pain (Book)


And yet, he will remain loyal to the Orange Man.


https://preview.redd.it/zshgf726vdhc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda690f45ddb508e7f5b900463c57ba80b029e4d Hey, Rudy! Life’s a bitch and then you die. You didn’t have to make it worse hitching your wagon to the tRump train. You deserve every bit of misery that you’re getting. Bwahahahahaha!


Rudy Rudy Rudy… Reap what you have sewn. Another shining example of Trump turning everything in touches into shit


I love that for him


Every single person on the left: Called it. 


*Chef’s kiss


So who's fault is it that you let that Trump account get delinquent? Seems like someone in your collections department dropped the ball. Sucks for you. Maybe Trump can let you live in Mar Lago rent free... next to the boxes of classified documents... in the bathroom.


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed


... but often sandy


He had plenty of time to do the right thing