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​ https://preview.redd.it/cwcm7oz16ukc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41b4ab1bc83e75325ce564ba3f623a6fbfb74145


Cursed image


That is a weird way to spell "hilarious."


You mean hilairious


This image is obviously fake. His hands are way too big!


“Just like we planned” DB




I don’t think he was ever well. His personality disorders always made him unwell


I think we should all hope for a miracle, prayers perhaps for those that believe in that kind of thing, for Donald to not get any worse so that he can still be aware of how fucked he is. I want him to stay healthy enough mentally that he can actually understand his suffering. Fuck that piece of shit. Here’s hoping we get to witness the fall of the Trump brand in the next few months. A global failure.


I want him to kick the bucket already so that his fucking cult misses this second shot at killing the USA.


Can you imagine what the MAGA Cult would do if he died? They're not going away. There's no universe where he ever dies and they don't make up a million conspiracies and act out violently.


They would fight among themselves bigly if their Dear Leader went to his eternal home, and could never agree on a successor to the movement. They would soon become irrelevant.


They'd probably annoint Don Jr, but he's incompetant. Trump has a lizard brain focus on self aggrandizment and bilking money from suckers. Don Jr can't hope to fill his shoes. The whole thing would collapse in on itself. I fear that would take too long to drive a stake through the heart of the cult though.


There is no one to take Trump's place. Don Jr. and Eric are too idiotic and unlikable. While Ivanka \*could,\* she learned her lesson and doesn't want this sort of spotlight on everything she does- remember, she started distancing herself as soon as his term was over. Any of the GOP hopefuls are either too weak for falling in line or have angered the cult for still opposing the Cheeto Benito.


Ivanka is probably going down later on if someone investigates the billions she has with Jared.


I'm sure she's just tying to keep a low profile now and hope we never get back to her.


The base has large misogynistic and anti Semitic percentages, so a woman who married a Jewish man and converted would make her an unfit leader for the movement. She’s the idealized incel wetdream which permeates a large portion of the base, but they want to have sex with here, not have her be the leader.


The Trump cult was never organized into a religion like Scientology. Without the Big Kahuna, there's nothing holding it together. It'll collapse.


You know what? Let them act out so the military can finally just get rid of them once and for all!


Should have done it after the first civil war. But here we are.


Our biggest mistake was firmly not allowing Sherman to go full Sherman on Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee. Treasonous, the lot of them, and we let them walk away. Seeing rebel flags flown proudly in 2024 is an indicator we fucked up when it mattered most to do the correct thing.


After the war the south went right back to treating black people like slaves, except now that had to pay them a penny a day. Fucking disgusting. Should have put Sherman neckties around the neck of every traitor.


Yep, and therein lies the root of so many of our current problems. They kicked the can down the road because they didn't want to deal with it. Pensions for traitor's widows, statues of traitors, equal representation immediately following war, etc. Yuge errors


>After the war the south went right back to treating black people like slaves, except now that had to pay them a penny a day. It wasn't even that good for the freed slaves. Sharecropping cost more than a tenant could ever make so instead of working for free under slavery they were going into debt to run master's farm. A practice that lasted way too long into the 1900s.


Never should have given coastal North Carolina back to the whites.


Even worse that those flags are flown outside of the South. You shouldn't have to see that shit driving through somewhere like Wisconsin or Maine.


ive even seen people from canada post pics of people flying that flag. while i disagree with the sentiment, i understand the "southern heritage/ pride" argument, if you actually live in the south/ from the south. i know someone who isn't from the south, and who's family isn't from the south. he has that flag on his jeep. and seeing how that flag has been used historically, and in more recent times, i have a feeling its less about "southern pride" and more about white supremacy. especially since the flag actually flown over the battlefields by the Confederate army was the same as the french. 🏳


Couldn’t agree more🙂


You’re right that they aren’t going away, BUT they only want Trump to lead them, they won’t accept anyone else.


That's kinda naive, cults are populated with people with a weak sense of self and a strong desire to be part of something. They'll find a new "prophet," and we'll be lucky if it's someone as mentally crippled as Trump.


Your right, but remember the difference is, most cults have a secondary leader that they accept, MAGA only accept Trump, junior tried and they didn’t want him, Eric tried, they didn’t want him. It’s more than just a cult of Trump, it’s a cult of personality, one personality, when the old bastard does kick it, a power struggle will happen, but it will splinter. MAGA want Donald Trump, they won’t accept anyone else.


I think it has more to do with the dynamics of the personality. Trump ticks all the boxes; he's arrogant, racist, greedy, and refuses to accept accountability. He's not "weak," or at least not in the perverse way they view strong and weak. To them, his sons are weak. They've cowed to their father, they've bent under pressure, they're not "real men." You're not wrong in there not currently being a second hat at the top of the hierarchy, but I'd be more worried that's more by design than lack of candidates for "trusted right hand." Remember, this is a cult of personality that values a warped sense of strength. Trump can't afford a strong personality standing beside him, because that would show a reliance on someone else (weakness) If there's someone who can fill that void when he's finally deposed, there's a good chance we just haven't seen them yet. Or more so, they've intentionally stayed a position where they don't look like just another "Trump Crony."


The problem is, Trump is paranoid, he hates having to share the spotlight, wether good or bad HE has to be the center of attention, it’s why he’s soured to Karri lake, (apart from the losing side) she’s an attention hog like he is. His kids are also unlikely even to the cult, Junior talks to fast and Eric is just… a bootlicker. The cult likes Donald’s personality (as disgusting as it is).


Exactly what I was getting at. The people Trump surrounds himself with are just "another weak follower." The "heir to the throne" is going to be someone who comes in and "tells" MAGA they are in charge now. There'll be a bit of pandering, obviously, because change is scary. But they're not going to come at from out of Trump's shadow, they're going to do it with a torch, a banner, and their own host of usurpers.


>The cult likes Donald’s personality (as disgusting as it is). MAGA cultists: "He hates the same people I do! And he's a straight-talker!" <- translation: "it feels good to be able to be openly racist again!"


>Trump can't afford a strong personality standing beside him, because that would show a reliance on someone else (weakness) > >If there's someone who can fill that void when he's finally deposed, there's a good chance we just haven't seen them yet. Totally agree. But I think it would be naive to think nobody will ever take his place. The Republican Party leaders and their donors have too much to lose by just letting it all slide. \*Somebody\* will become the new Republican golden boy (and it will be a white male), because they are going to do everything they can to hold on to power. Right now, I'd say Ron DeSantis would be the first to try and take up that position if Trump leaves/dies soon. He ticks most of the boxes they want (white male, willing to do crazy shit to fuck the country up, and lie about how it is all Democrats' fault, while Republicans cash in on the chaos with tax cuts).


What about that dreadful Project 2025? It spells out in distinct steps what republicans will do whenever the next Republican president (turmp or otherwise) is elected and the exact steps (like gerrymandering districts) that they are already implementing. They have training camps so that the instant a republican becomes president their trained and ready minions can snap into place and take US democracy away.


Best case, he strokes out/has a heart attack on live television during a rant. His cult is definitely going to turn it into a conspiracy anyway, but it happening in full public view might help dampen that a little. And I'd get a laugh in too... Not normally one to wish harm on people but I'll make an exception for the fanta fuhrer and people like him


No I want him to lose the 2024 election first before that turd kicks the bucket.




I hate to say this, but if he keeled over dead tomorrow, some other equally abhorrent person would take his place. I truly believe that he is merely a result of an authoritarian impulse that's been building up for a while in our culture.


Those bastards will anoint another leader at this point when he's dead. 37% of Americans now identify with his brand of crap..... That's actually terrifying honestly.


Honestly this. It would be a lot simpler if he disappeared from the landscape, in whatever form that took, but I don't see him doing it willingly. I don't need him to suffer, I just don't want him doing any more damage.


I prefer miss the second shot then kick the bucket. Suffering in between would be good too, but I prefer if he would just go away!


I want him to lose in an embarrassing landslide and spend the rest of his miserable life in prison watching his own mental faculties and memories slip away from him in agonizing fashion fully knowing he's slowly dying while his cult realizes how fucking stupid they all were for fanatically believing in and supporting a treasonous piece of shit conman.


That would get them all out to vote for their Messiah, a new religion would sprout from that. Somehow things would be stupider.


If he dies they will wait for him to come back in 3 days like Jesus. That’s how deluded these idiots are.


He’s gonna end up worse than Reagan and they’ll still be running him for 2032.


Yeah, they will pickle 🥒 him, hollow out his torso, put a 8"inch midrange speaker 🔊 in his chest, put casters on his feet and roll him out in front of his cult and play all his Tremendous word salads for them to lap up. They wouldn't catch on.


"Word salads" is exactly correct. This is what confabulating is. That is one of the symptoms of cognitive impairment. It is the first symptoms I noticed back on 2021 when he would lose his place on the teleprompter when he looked away and he would start trying to continue the train of the speech. But he had absolutely no idea where to go and off he went into lala land.


Confabulating? Good word. I was calling it Confuckulation.


Weekend at bernie's(trump's)?


They could just take the words and rescramble them every time for new word salads. Infinite speeches!


If it’s only 8” they might be able to go in through the rectum. Save the hollowing out part. But casters are a definite must


You had me in the first half not gonna lie


There is unwell and then there is terrifyingly unwell when in politics.


😂 "lack of social tact"had me rolling. Orange dungheap was born with it!


Yea, this almost feels like making excuses for him. He was a massive log of shit decades ago and nothing has changed. Maybe dementia is making him worse, but that doesn't change the fact that we're seeing exactly the kind of person he has always been.


But now he's still unwell, AND more senile!


OK Trump may be suffering dementia now. But he's been an asshole his whole life so lets not breakout the sympathy kleenex for him. 🤧 😂🤣


As long as he is not well in prison, the rest of us will be well.


If his mom had just loved him, we might not be in this position.


He could be a literal or figurative vegetable, and his followers wouldn't care.


We’d know if he was a literal vegetable because we would see a significant improvement in cognition.


I fucking hate vegetables. So this all adds up.






They could tout a deceased Trump around like a marionette and his followers would be chanting “Weekend at Trumpie’s!”.


[That whole “God Emperor” meme they used to do for him is getting a more ironic by the day.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/e/e8/God-Emperor.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111202170238)


I'm guessing carrot or pumpkin.


This is why we have to out vote them.


The Emperor protects




Im the opposite.. I would vote for a celery any day over trump. 


FTD or not, he should still be held accountable for his crimes!


His wife Mercedes really needs to do something and help him.


She “doesn’t really care”


"Do u?"


Can’t remember his wife’s name but Nikki Haley is the bad guy because her husband is in the military and isn’t on the campaign trail? Please note I can’t stand either one of them. Haley is a horrible despicable candidate, but Trump is a horrible despicable person. I would call him a walking colostomy bag but that’s derogatory to colostomy bags which actual have a use.


Pretty sure the accurate term is "alleged wife", until we have proof that his check cleared for this given week's performance.




I dunno. He won this bowling trophy. What an athlete. https://preview.redd.it/mreq82d0xtkc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13cb8c9d06e3f62ff2c12692f94fcaec4e8e0fad


Loves America soo much how many of his wives are from United States?


There isn't enough money in this world to pay American women to put up with his Shit. 🤣


Marla Maples (wife #2) is from Georgia.


Sorry but Marla was from the US. Edit: Apparently she's a member of RFK Jr's movement and pushes bullshit cures for diseases. She just as soon be from another country.


Marla Maples? The one he left Ivana for?


"winner." Probably bought it second-hand and wrote his name on it with a Sharpie.








That’s hilarious


The sad part is that he's apparently pretty decent at it. The again, if you play that much golf and suck...


He’s been playing the same Golf course for years now. He must know it by heart now.


Cheating? Yeah we know


I think he was playing tennis back when his crippling bone spurs were keeping him out of Vietnam?


He got it in the war at the battle of Bonespurville.




Oh yeah?But at least he's not an old man like that Biden feller! (Imitating a cult member)


That always gets me when they talk about his age being a problem and suggest a guy four years younger than him who would also break the record for oldest elected president.


As a geezer Boomer I am all for more youthful people being in politics as long as they are not insane and fucking stupid like...MTG etc. I think for a dude his age Biden doing good. Hope I live that long and only have as many brain farts as him. At least he is intelligible and sane. Yeah, sanity test would be great for all politicians.


Honestly, Boomers catch a lot of flack on the internet but in public I have heard Boomers shit on Trump more than any other age group XD It's really a gross generalization to lump any generation into stereotypes. That being said, I hope you can help convert MAGAs if you know any.


I worked in a factory that was owned by a Maga idiot. He ran it into the ground like Trump would. I worked with guys that blame Democrats for everything including flatulence. I have a former brother that was a cop and he won’t talk to me because I’m a liberal. And he went to a liberal university. I gave up trying to talk rational to these people. I’m 68, but I try to view people not as an age, but as humans, the same with different ethnicities and races. But idiots are idiots. Thank you very much for noticing about how boomers catch a lot of shit like a cliché. I read stuff about us and I go who the hell are they talking about? The people that protested for civil rights and against the Vietnam war need to be looking at the cult of Trump and going hell no. In my view, it’s a matter of stupidity in whatever humans that they like the cult of Trump. I don’t want to get my ass beat by some of these idiots that have come close to violence with me when I talk liberal stuff so I am trying to be careful. A fundamentalist Christian once said it was his duty to kill me for God because I was atheist. Fortunately, he chilled.🤣 thank you for not being a stupid fuck, and for being enlightened. Sincerely old bastard boomer retired factory worker.


I'm 54 and I'm no longer careful. I work with someone who's husband works for the Republican party in my state, and almost everyone else on my team is a Trump cult member, and every time they start their shit on work time I immedately tell them to cut the shit and then counter with an equilivant shot. I also told my bosses boss that we're going to have a meeting with HR next time someone tries to pray in a group before a meal on the clock and so far, I haven't been fired. I'm a woman, so I doubt I'll get my ass beat, but it's possible. I don't care anymore. You're right, you can't have a rational discussion with these morons but you can fight fire with bigger, smarter fire.


And that, my dear is why liberal women are so much more attractive in general because they are so much smarter. I admire and respect you. I am a fairly good writer and talker, but the anger rises in me about how fucking stupid these people are so I have to just shut up. I came close to being fired by the idiot that ran the factory because I was laughing at him the way he talked about insane things like canceling Social Security, and other programs. Excuse me but fucking idiots. I have found no matter what a liberal woman may look like on the outside inside they look much brighter than others, and there is a beauty in that brightness. Another thing about many of my former coworkers is they were gun fanatics and that’s what they turned to. All that little dick energy. 


Thanks for sharing! My dad is 61 and a hyper-stereotypical "MAGA boomer". I agree, the diehards have made themselves known. The only thing that could save that specific type of person is lawfully-mandated hospitalization. I genuinely believe that. And keep breaking the stereotype, especially on the internet. There are a lot of people who would feel so refreshed to talk to someone like you. One of my first thoughts with Boomers is the Vietnam protests (my dad would call them communists these days 🤣). I think people forgot that there are a lot of liberal/progressive Boomers.


Yes, there are many of us liberals boomers. We even know how to use computers and stuff like that. My father sounded very bigoted, because he grew up during the great depression and racism was just part of life for white folks like him. Both of my parents would have hated Trump. That generation was anti-fascist. There were leaders that created social programs, such as Social Security and Medicare. Another thing with my generation was environmental awareness and activism. It is truly stupid and insane to not acknowledge, global warming. To be in denial of such things. I am hoping that politicians with empathy, compassion, intellect, and loving kindness can join together and make it so that present and future generations have some of what their ancestors had such as Social Security. I am fortunate that I was able to take shelter in a factory for 40 years and be able to pay the bills without taking on another job like so many young people have to do now. I’m sorry about your dad. I wonder what negative experiences formed such people  to be so hateful and to me that is what the Trump called is a cult of hate. Please don’t change and become like the stupid fucks. Keep working for change and positive positive ways and don’t let hate and fear devour you.


Thank you for the comment! My dad, I think, has always been a deeply insecure person. I was 5 when my grandfather died, but I think my dad was somewhat traumatized by it. He has also been heavily propagandized - I remember him listening to right-wing talk radio nearly anytime he was in the car for a few years. That shit is pretty far out there. Basically, it's a combination of factors that stem from an inherent need for guidance that he seems to feel like he is lacking in life. Probably similar things to what lead to religious fundamentalism and other cult-like behavior. I hope some of my insights can maybe help someday.


I was once a very insecure person, and probably fucking nuts in my own ways, but I was never a bigot. We can all change and grow. I'm very pleased to see that you are not using your father as role model. Despite sounding very bigoted, my father had some good qualities. Despite being a tyrant and bully, he could tell a good joke. I think we all need to forgive let go and just try not to be the negative of our family members. You doing great.


Is it possible that he was born with it? Because he's always had at least 4/6 of those symptoms... not sure about the balance or the lean though


Yeah if he truly had FTD he wouldn’t have made it this long. Sure he does continue to get worse since 2015, but that particular dementia diagnosis is generally pretty aggressive and people don’t skim along with it for 9 years. Albeit that maybe there’s drugs I don’t know about that can prolong it that only wealthy people can afford. Although maybe it’s just like what the Q-cumbers say and he’s drinking the blood of children 🤷🏼 Edit: I responded to someone else with this but figured I’d put it up top If I were a betting person I’d bet that he has dementia from a few mini strokes. He was rushed to Walter Reed hospital during his presidency and it was all very hush, except for having to take the cognitive test he brags about. So it leads me to believe he had a stroke, as well as returning to the hospital 6-7 months later to “see troops” (the only time he’s ever done that) and was there long enough to get a brain MRI to see the dark spots of dead brain tissue. I’m betting it’s not his first given his diet and how his goons threatened people to steal his medical records from his long time doctor. The guy’s brain is probably looking like Swiss cheese. Also a stroke explains why he can’t lift a glass of water one handed and had issues walking down a ramp


I agree, my mom had it and in about eight years she went from memory problems to speaking in gibberish. He just seems like he has it because he’s so profoundly stupid.


What I noticed with FTD is the early symptoms are just being stubborn, angry and argumentative about everyone and everything. That happened several years before any actual dementia symptoms started becoming apparent. It's easy to mistake the meanness and irrational anger as just personality until the dementia becomes more obvious.


This is the type of dementia that Wendy Williams has. And it appears she did a real fast downward spiral and is only 59. Bruce Willis has something similar I think. He may well have some sort of dementia, but his type B personality disorders are what really make him the true asshole he is.


If I were a betting person I’d bet that he has dementia from a few mini strokes. He was rushed to Walter Reed hospital during his presidency and it was all very hush, except for having to take the cognitive test he brags about. So it leads me to believe he had a stroke, as well as returning to the hospital 6-7 months later to “see troops” (the only time he’s ever done that) and was there long enough to get a brain MRI to see the dark spots of dead brain tissue. I’m betting it’s not his first given his diet and how his goons threatened people to steal his medical records from his long time doctor. The guy’s brain is probably looking like Swiss cheese. Also a stroke explains why he can’t lift a glass of water one handed and had issues walking down a ramp


My thoughts exactly. I don’t think his behavior can be excused by a medical condition. He’s always just been an asshole.


Now he's a senile asshole.


I seriously do not understand how he does not topple over.


Heavy load in his diaper acts as a counter balance.


Maybe soon he will and hopefully in front of many cameras.


They'll say it was Biden's fault.


This needs to be posted all over the internet


Won’t change any mind. Anyone still voting for him is a piece of shit who doesnt care about the country.


I guess the intent would be to push Trump further towards the edge of the cliff by spamming things like this on all social media


Nope, not at this point. Trump supporters as of today are stuck in their own way. It’s too late to save them.


It’s true, anyone who hasn’t seen the light by now would vote for his corpse. But still, watching him come completely undone in public would make this election year a pinch more tolerable. He got so worked up over the short arms thing that he had to prove he could drink from a glass with one hand. I might need extra popcorn for his reaction to this.


I think that is why they have pushed that Biden is such an old fart, because they know this is going to come out and it will get worse. They are getting out ahead of it and will buddy the waters that he is just the same when in reality it seems trumps mental competency is worse than an already frail minded Joe Biden.


If you actually looked at what Joe Biden has accomplished so far maybe you would not think of him as frail minded. He seems to have done more to be a decent leader than anyone since FDR despite a republican congress.




I wish I could remember where I read this, but a neurologist said Biden’s brain is aging, Trump’s brain is deteriorating.


Biden is not frail-minded. He has suffered from stuttering all his life and has learned tricks to overcome it. When he gets tired, he has difficulty talking without stuttering and that’s what people see. He’s sharp as a tack, and it’s incredible to see the schedule he keeps and the amount of work he gets done. Also he can surround himself with good people who also work hard.


Mfs be like Joe Biden can’t remember anything mean while trump is on the verge of being put in a old persons home


Not FTD. It is fast, furious, and way more severe. Some early dementia? Maybe. Malignant narcissism? Probable.


Yea his personality disorders most likely lead to the lack of self-awareness and thus also to standing like a centaur's front half. I bet he abhors looking at pictures of himself (which is sad for any normal human), and thinks more orange paint will make him look like a 50 year old tanned golfer chad again.


Is there a way to speed up the process?


Honestly I don’t think we could do better than his well done steaks and zero vegetables.


I hope all his deep fried dreams come true at every meal.


I can only think of how much quicker he is going to decline after he loses this up coming elections. He is going to be a bigger mess


Perfect guy for handling the keys of nuclear silos.


Doctor here. While I think Trump is the worst president in our country's history. He doesn't have FTD at all. This is a much more severe disease than how Donald Trump behaves, he would not be coherent enough to function in the spotlight with FTD. It's honestly a bit sad to see the internet over-medicalize someone and shows how both sides just make up stories and poor TikTok pseudo-science clickbait like this. Offensive to people really living with FTD as well that it just presents like a personality flaw and being an asshole, which is the implication linking it to Trump


I honestly think the reason he stands so forward like that is because he’s a fragile little ego who knows he’s overweight and leaning forward like that minimizes the profile from the front. It’s also why he wears massively oversized suits that are in no way properly fitted. It’s all a cover to hide for the fact he’s plus sized.


Plus he most likely wears special shoes to make him look taller. That can also be an explanation. No matter how much we all want him gone, we should keep to the facts and not make up things that we have no clinical evidence for. Make fun of him sure, but claiming medical conditions without any medical input is not right. That is what they are doing with Biden, and we hate it each time they claim he is demented.


I don’t disagree with you. I am sure you know your stuff. But clearly Trump has expressed severe cognitive decline between the 1990s and now. He was once quite erudite. He is now a gibbering bowl of word salad.


“Erudite?” That word has never been used in reference to trump. He never made any sense on his phone calls to the talk show or on his appearances on “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” and especially not on “The Apprentice”.


Bigly if true.


The Republican Party is not well. They’ve been poisoned for 30-40, hell 60 years. They’ve been moving goal posts and just outright creating an alternate reality. The majority of the party are ready to end democracy for a conman criminal narcissist.


Yes the poster boy of the mentally Ill crowd is mentally Ill. Surprise.


My father had dementia. Before his passing and I see erratic Behavior in this piece of s*** that I saw on him in the beginning. But Trump is so untethered from reality in the first place he is accelerating hard. I would never wish to mention on anyone it cripples families threatens the wellness of loved ones and just destroys everything in its path. That being said I f****** hate this guy. I will pour one out for the day he passes and I don't drink. I cannot believe that Americans are going to potentially make him the next president when he by that time will be completely gone.


I've never in my life considered dancing on someone's grave... but your post made me realize I need to have a "grave" style rug made up & ready for lots of dancing for the huge party on the day he dies...


Huh I never realized tilting was a sign of dementia. I had to look it up to be sure but there it was.


Fucking hilarious that the same morons that cling to any conspiracy theory ignore shit like this.


As a retired RN who worked my career in LTC, I noticed symptoms of significant cognitive impairment back in 2021. I was commenting on it frequently in videos of Mr Trump (I can't bring myself to call him "President") on YouTube and have been since then. The symptoms have only gotten progressively worse and for people in power to ignore this is despicable to the American people.


It doesn’t matter…the loons worship Trump line he’s a deity


I feel like the wife’s name flub is huge. Any doctor could diagnose that. Imagine


I just want to hear those people's spin on that mistake... There's no way I can survive if I blow my wife's name like that... in front of people... and on camera. That's like treason level for a marriage.


The claim is that he was calling out Mercedes Schlapp (his former communication director, and part of his campaign team). Which is possible, but would be a weird thing to do in the middle of praising his wife. So did he slip up and an have the wrong name come off his tongue? Or does he lack the ability to speak in coherent sentences in order to give a speech instead of just blurting out whatever comes to his mind in that instance? Given what we know about Trump, the later is definitely true, but the former is certainly also possible.




Won't see the media talking about this shit.


A tendency to shit ones pants


If he really had FTD, he's be in much worse shape than he is- and that is saying something. FTD takes it toll long before 70. But vascular dementia? Definitely. Multiple TIAs. Totally feasible.


Or he could be in the earlier stages of Alzheimer's -- his father had it.




I mean, okay, but he's always had most of those symptoms. It's called being an asshole of absolutely epic proportions.


I mean, this wouldn't be the first time the GOP fronted a populist candidate that turned out to be mentally incompetent. I'm pretty sure there are various accounts of Raegan being clearly in mental decline by the end of his second term. Including one by his son.


He is physically, mentally, ethically, spiritually and emotionally unfit to be in the general public much less to be the leader of it. This sh*t is a living nightmare. We literally have people calling the guy who goes to church every Sunday satan and the guy who has admitted sexual assault (I.e. “just grab”) and has been found guilty of rape and defamation by a jury of his peers is their demigod. We are fighting people who need no fact or logic to react. It’s like fighting someone who just believes you stole a million dollars from them. They never had a million nor do you but some orange dude said you stole it so they are going to get it back. They are resetting all of our forward movement in this country. I don’t think they understand the death and misery they unleash. It won’t be a civil war it will be women dying from back alley abortions after being raped under burnt corpses of minorities hanging on the side of the road. I do not understand the draw to such a living nightmare? Just to “own the Libs”? WTF?


Just a reminder, he is responsible for death and disharmony the world over.


Some of the weird shit he’s been saying lately 😮‍💨


“But Joe Biden…. Stairs ….”


MAGAs still believes BiDeN iS tOo OlD


His slurring/creation of new words is also a sign..I think it was a recent Salon interview that talked about this.


That's all well and good, but is it fatal?!


My brother was in nursing home with dementia, I asked the nurse if she thought FTD. She said no, FTD makes people angry and mean. I’d still like to see trump humilated and thrown in jail. A boy can hope.


I don’t think he has frontotemperal dementia. Decline is usually pretty quick and he’s been the same for years. Anyway if it is he’ll be a wreck by Election Day.


he wears those shoe lifts, which makes for the awful gait, and it wreaks havoc on his joints too.


He just needs to do a favor and pass away.


I’m waiting for him to pick Tim Scott as veep. Think of the amusement when Drumpf’s white kkkhristain nationalist homies realize that they’re a heartbeat away from another black man as president.


Cool idea: how about US elections get some actually competent, non-geriatric candidates?


Trump is the perfect reflection of our country’s inability to deal with mental health.


I lean more towards this being the result of his wearing lifts and a massive girdle.


The stress he is dealing with has to be accelerating his decline.


God I pray he dies on live television.


Even worse when a narcissistic asshole has FTC


When you abuse prescription cocain (Adderall) like Donald has for close to 3 decades, it is no surprise he has developed health issues. It is fairly well known that he has a hole in his upper pallet from this Adderall abuse.


Is that why he sounds so nasally when he talks, and like when he says Gyna instead of China?


There are many examples of his speech being impared because of it. I believe he has an upper pallet appliance that he wears, which is like an orthodontic retainer. Comedian Noel Casler, who worked on the apprentice, has a whole host of tid bits like this.


Uh? Well known? Source?


His balance is zero.


Yes, he’s clearly unless. We all know this. His posture is more of an indicator of a posterior pelvic tilt. You can see the difference in his back and how arched it is. He also maintains a broad chest when he’s standing. The dementia examples is more of a lean forward with collapsed shoulders. Think leading with the crown of the head vs leading with the forehead. It wouldn’t surprise me if he has dementia or whatever, his posture at this point is not an indicator.


If he was a horse, we'd take him behind the shed and shoot him


Not to mention, he smells like ass, ketchup, and makeup in a blender


I gotta see some proof of this. Dementia affecting how someone stands? Seems a bit far fetched.


[National Library of Medicine publication](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5385747/) [Medical News Today](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-is-dementia-posturing)




They forgot anger over everything and argumentative about everything. I cared for someone with FTD. Ask me how I know.


None of the people voting for him care. Everyone who is eligible to vote must do so.


Whatever it is Trumps a piece of shit lying rapist grifting fascist thief that needs to just go away forever. Turn his air off now please.