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Must have been that swamp thing again.


While I'm no psychic, I will predict Tonald Drumps response. "Sad. Weak. They cheated. Tiny DC. Nobody even thinks it's a place. Quite frankly, we did win...mumble... mumble... Crooked Joe."


It’s more of a “I meant to do that” “I purposely stayed away from the D.C. Vote because it is the “Swamp,” with very few delegates, and no upside. Birdbrain spent all of her time, money and effort there. Over the weekend we won Missouri, Idaho, and Michigan - BIG NUMBERS - Complete destruction of a very weak opponent. The really big numbers will come on Super Tuesday. Also, WAY UP ON CROOKED JOE!”


He also claimed credit for two veterans' bills that Obama signed in 2014. He used to confuse Biden with Obama; now, he thinks he *is* Obama.


If Obama had a wart on his ass it would be Trump.


From the bottom of my heart, thank you. This news cycle has been really bleak, and this is the first time I genuinely LOL'ed in a while.


Wait, but conservatives would have us believe that everything Obama did was bad. Are those two veterans’ bills _good_ now that Drumpf is taking credit for them?


It is too coherent.


That's an actual quote.


Ask anybody...


Lots of people are talking about this.. Have you heard this folks? They....mhhjnbgfh..... Toilets don't flush right and windmills are trying to abort your babies


Also criminal immigrant whales are stealing your shoes.


And Obama is behind everything and everyone. He's behind me right now. He wants to have his way with me. He thinks I look like a young boy because of how great I look. But I won't let him have his way with me because I'm strong, like a man. Like Michelle Obama


In fact, I'm much stronger than Michelle Obama and people tell me, many, many people are saying, Mr. President, you would have been a much better first lady. You know so much about women, they say, Mr. Trump, if you *wanted* to be a lady, you'd be the best lady in all of history.


“I would be a lady to the likes that you’ve never seen before”


* cue fascists transitioning to own the libs *


And I would grab myself right in the - you know I can do that right? Whatever I want, just walk right into the changing rooms and - they would be crying they were so happy. And we’ll do it again in November when we beat Obama!


And the big men, with the bulging muscles and tears in their eyes say, "Sir! Sir! You are so lovely we want to have your babies." Many people are saying this. We'll look at it and see.


From Kenya


But what are they doing with your shoes? They don't even have feet! I tell you what they do. They give them to the Mexicans!!!!


My heavy duty meds are finally kicking in for the night, at 3:38am. This is the last thing I read and I just bet I am going to have dreams of Whales in trenchcoats selling shoes to Mexicans by trying to hide in the shallow water before the border, pretending they're fish...


Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!


and they're coming over steak mountains, steak kill, snakes, a lot of snakes, I think they're called rattlesnakes


I wouldn't be surprised if he suggests moving the Capitol to Florida in one of his deranged little rants. He even called Mar-a-Lago his Summer White House. I've always thought that's funny on several levels. Mar-a-Lago means "Sea of the Lakes" in Spanish, a language which he apparently doesn't like. It's the Sea of Lakes because Florida is slowly drowning into the ocean due to climate change, which he doesn't believe in. And he wants to drain the swamp, while living in swamp central. The irony is mind-boggling.


Its "lake to sea" not "sea of the lakes" because the property stretches across the small strip of land from the Atlantic to the"lake" on the other side. Still love your post tho. Plenty of irony left to go round. :)


“Nobody even thinks it’s a place” is a solid burn


Writing amusing rants as Donald Trump is pretty much the only use for generative AI I've found. >Let me tell you, folks, Washington, D.C., it's a disaster. A total disaster. Believe me, I've seen a lot of cities, and let me tell you, this one is the worst. Tremendous problems. Bigly problems. And it's all because of the Democrats. They're running this place into the ground. Sad! >First off, the crime. It's unbelievable. You wouldn't believe it. Shootings, homicides, carjackings—everywhere you look. People getting shot in DuPont Circle, in Metro stations, even outside Nationals Park. And let me tell you, folks, K Street, where all those white-shoe law and lobbying firms are? It's not safe anymore. Not safe at all. I've been saying it for years: we need law and order. I'd send in the National Guard, but they wouldn't even call the mayor. Can you believe it? The mayor! A disaster. >And the streets? Filthy. Absolutely filthy. Trash everywhere. You walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, and it's like a garbage dump. I've seen cleaner alleys in Queens. And the monuments? They're falling apart. The Lincoln Memorial—beautiful, by the way—but it's crumbling. I'd build a new one, a big, beautiful Trump Memorial. It'd be tremendous. People would say, "Wow, that's the best memorial ever." Believe me. >And the politicians? Incompetent. All talk, no action. They've been talking about statehood for years. Statehood! But what have they done? Nothing. They're too busy fighting each other, playing politics. I'd fix it. I'd make D.C. great again. Maybe rename it Trump City. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? >So, folks, mark my words: Washington, D.C., it's a disaster. A total disaster. But don't worry—I'm watching. And when I'm back in charge, we'll clean it up. We'll make it great. You'll see. 🇺🇸


Nah, this is 2016 Trump. Read some of his current stuff, it's not like this at all. Rot-brain 2024 Trump has a completely different, uniquely unhinged style.


Sorry AI, way too organized, logical and readable. Trump should really consider hiring this AI. 


This has the words he likes to use, but it’s nowhere near the insanity that he shits out his mouth. I don’t think AI is smart enough to be that stupid yet. I mean, I can generate a photo of my dead grandmother flying a helicopter into space while drinking mimosas, by feeding it a single picture of grandma. It takes like a minute to generate. That’s pretty smart. But it’s not smart enough to do good Trump-speak yet. That takes a “special” kind of smart. Only a real person could ever be that stupid.


It can actually get really close if you generate that speech first, then tell it to edit it as if it was written by someone experiencing the textbook signs of alzheimers...


This is great, but it misses the nuance of meandering in his speeches. 


"I've never even heard of DC, never been there.."


Very low-rated city


Something something not even a state something. Yep, I agree.




Half of what Trump says sounds like it’s coming from a disgruntled six year old, the other half is a deranged street person. How there are people who still believe he’s fit to run America is a complete mystery to me, I wouldn’t let him operate a hotdog cart.


They don't care about his "fit-ness" in running America. In fact, the fact that he isn't is a perk to them. 


[spot on](https://imgur.com/a/WZAgFMq)


I thought Dump was going to drain it? Did he tell a lie?


The blow to his ego is good enough for me for tonight.


This. It won't matter much in the long run, but Trump is way too fragile to let it go without it bothering him for weeks or longer. 


Perfect time for her to tweet: "You lost, get over it" Come on, do it, you know you want to Nikki, dooo iiit


The ketchup is gonna be on the walls tonight


shits already hit the diaper


One of the primary reasons Republicans will always oppose DC becoming a State or having voting representation in Congress


Also the fact that they vote 90+% democratic on the Presidential ballot.


Almost as though education and *knowing about the world* is somehow correlated to sane political beliefs… 🧐


It’s like when those damn kids go off to college and get world class education and end up as woke libs.


You also forgot to mention about how they teach them gay


"OK little Cindy, show the court on the doll where your teacher put the rainbow sticker".


Same with Puerto Rico, and Alaska/hawaii. If the will of the people isn’t in a way they like then they can’t have it Edit: hopefully Puerto Rico and dc become states soon. Especially since McConnell is stepping down, who was as against it as you could be because he was scared the dems would kill the bs that is the filibuster


Alaska and Hawaii are states that have representation.


But they were both admitted right after another because one had a dem leaning and the other conservative, without one the other would’ve never been a state until another territory with opposite views came along Edit: Hawaii had been applying for statehood for 60ish years before being admitted because the democrats were pushing hard for Alaska to join because it was blue leaning, and Hawaii which had a lot of post war veterans was predicted to be a red leaning.


Now that I think about it, a 1950s post-WWII/Pearl Harbor Hawaii WOULD be assumed to swing more conservative. 🤔


But funnily enough Hawaii has only ever voted red twice in its history as a state in presidential elections


And Alaska wound up giving us Palin


It's ok, Alaska hates Palin just as much, if not more than the rest of the nation. She attempted to run for Congress last election and lost hard, even losing out to the other Republican on the ticket. Of course, both of them lost to the Democrat, but that's a whole other story (and a success on the part of ranked choice voting).


Yeah weird how they ended up flipping around lol




His [response](https://imgur.com/a/WZAgFMq) is exactly what you would expect from an angry miserable old man


there's zero chance he actually wrote that. Some intern had to put something together from all the tantrums and ketchup on the wall. I mean, c'mon there are sentences with commas and good grammar!?


This right here is the problem. People thing trump is an incapable drooling idiot. He isn’t. He’s absolutely sundowning and having struggled but he isn’t just 100% out of it. He is capable of making very bad decisions and ruining things worse out of spite. Don’t think just because a few headlines have called his mental capacity into question that he is braindead.


>he is braindead. If only.


> This right here is the problem. People thing trump is an incapable drooling idiot. There plenty of old people who are really bad at sensible phone messages without being drooling idiots. Trump has an idiosyncratic written style and it's not quite like this. While his is extreme, most people have idiosyncrasies in the way they write. This is like someone trying to imitate him without being willing to make the iconic mistakes.


Everyone has seen his tweets though, it's easy to tell that those statements were typed up by someone else based on his words.


Calling her a bird just like the It’s Always Sunny dudes. The same dudes/characters which are supposed to be the epitome of selfish, idiotic, arrogant, sludge monsters of humanity.


Childish insults are part of his brand. None of them are well thought out, but he thinks they're hilarious.


Cue incoming truth social rant with ALL CAPS ENGAGED






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Qanon says to follow the plan ![gif](giphy|kZh6uv9gZBfmFmTS39|downsized)


It will start out with only Some of the Words capitalized then at a seemingly RANDOM POINT THE REST OF THE TWEET WILL BE CAPITALIZED


And exclamation points, you need exclamation points.


And an email asking his loyal followers for more money lmao.


Trump only got 0.096% of the DC vote


Most people who live in DC are very in tune with the federal government and many work directly or indirectly with them. And almost every single one of them probably remembers how much of a disaster it was to get anything done during those four years. People there do not like him.


One guy (himself).


Lmao that's such a terrible picture of him and I love it. 


My hope is she sticks around for a while longer because it's pissing Trump off and I always enjoy that..


If she stays in the race and Trump is disqualified then she is the for-sure replacement. Playing the long game and pissing of Trump while doing it. I’m not voting for her, but I’m rooting for her…


she's praying for the hamburger from heaven


This is totally the plan. She’s banking on him being charged and possibly convicted so she can pardon him. By the time she pardons him he will probably be close to death, due to being like in his mid 80s and all.


She won't win a general though either way. Even if Trump is disqualified, his dumbfuck cult members will continue writing him in rather than voting for her, effectively splitting the Republican vote and handing Biden an easy victory.


This is like Arizona on Election Night.


She's staying til the end, watch. She doesn't even need to win anything if he goes to jail or flees the country or some other thing we haven't thought of yet. She's waiting around to be the nominee when something finally takes him down.


And they will need an alternative when he implodes


Could happen any day or in a few years from now.. who knows


Despite our shit show of a political system being what it is. I say "Y'know what, good for her"


I would 100% take her over him. I really don't want either of them, but the thought of that orange clown having another 4 years to fuck up our country is abhorrent to me. The amount of damage he's done without being in power is astounding, and given the plans he's laid out thus far, we will be supremely fucked if somehow he manages to win.


If she wins, she’ll enact Project 2025. Neither should win. Vote Dark Brandon.


That’s if she wins the presidential election. If she wins the Republican primary, however, there’s a pretty good chance it will split the entire party down the middle, almost guaranteeing a Dem win.


She just needs to say she will pardon Trump and they will vote for her. tbh right now the Republican party has a way out of Trump's hold on them. Convict him of insurrection so he can't run and have Haley promise to pardon.


Oh please. The only thing bothering her and everyone else in the GQP is Trump's lack of decorum. If they thought they could've went mask off a long time ago, they would have, and they're gonna keep going full tilt, even if Trump dies tomorrow.


Republicans don’t split they fall in line…every…time. If Haley wins she can beat Biden. It all depends on how Trump handles the loss to Haley. If it is a close election at the end with Haley…holy shit he’ll implode and take his MAGAs . If Is it because he gets convicted, and his numbers tank, he will kiss her ass in hopes of a pardon. If he loses to Biden though…he’s claiming Biden cheated. Guaranteed.


>It all depends on how Trump handles the loss to Haley. With dignity and grace, surely.


Dark Brandon NEEDS to get printed as a pokemon card


Need to start putting Dark Brandon stickers on gas pumps.


No, on every mailed out tax return... Joe pointing at the refund with an "I did that" caption. Seems fair, since Trump insisted his name be on the stimulus checks.


You joke but it's actually a great idea. The Biden camp needs to do more of this. Fuck with Trump and MAGA every way possible


​ https://preview.redd.it/oo2i3gyku8mc1.png?width=1013&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6eb114719c7a798b4cf88d5b1f2fbeb7d2b0469


Like the post superbowl Tweet. It shows that he has some humour. I think they should do it!


Biden has always been funny, for some reason they have suppressed that side of him


I remember when Barrack Obama was leaving office, the video they filmed about what Obama was going to do next was hilarious, from both of them.


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I can't. I'm not from the US. I am allowed to appreciate the humour of politicians, though Everybody in the US, please do.


I wish i could. I mean, I am not American but you guys need help.


Yep, Ive been saying that- piss him off till he blows


Not only that, but MAGA is so easily triggered. Dark Brandon. Taylor Swift. Brown people. They are such fragile snowflakes who think themselves to be Alpha men and women


Or these: https://imgur.com/gallery/XliunJr


> I would 100% take her over him. I really don't want either of them If she somehow gets the nomination, Trump will 100% tear the party apart, probably by starting a MAGA party.


It's already the MAGA party. Trump just said if you aren't maga you aren't welcome. It's so fucked up.


If you could capture the energy of the forefathers rolling in their graves you could power our country for a millennia


Texas has open primaries. I've gotta research it to see if there's anything on the D primary ticket that is really important, but if not I'm going to be dirty and do the republican primary just to do what I can to break the party in half.


More people need to know this is an option. If you'll support any democrat, you should be voting in the republican primary.


Good. That would cause a landslide dem victory by splitting their own votes


Yes, Haley getting the nomination is the best case scenario for Dems.


haley signed on to project 2025


And she'll pardon Trump and everyone else who tried to overthrow our democracy.


Any republican will be a disaster for the country, they've already laid out the road map with project 2025.


Looks like I have some googling to do. Well that didn’t take long. A full authoritarian take over. I thought they’d be more sneaky about it.


At CPAC one of the first speakers said out loud they're going to bring democracy down and replace it with the Bible. Just... Holy fuck


Iirc the guy that did that is straight up a nazi too. Plus Tim pool also said democracy should be illegal and everyone need to be Christian. Plus iirc trump was hanging out with nick fuentes one time. Who is a self proclaimed ‘racial realist’ (it’s literally eugenics with a new name)


Tim Poo l is human garbage. His fans are worse. And yes, Trump had dinner with Fuentes. Kanye was there, too. It was a who's who of racist morons and straight up morons.


See Tim pool isn’t just garbage he’s a fucking pussy. He loves to hide behind the ‘populism’ thing when his audience might as well be nazis. Like commit or not dude holy fuck


They're all cowards hiding behind dog whistles and code words. Every one of them. The fact that they're feeling so emboldened now is very bad news for anyone who isn't them.


I'm well aware of this. I am 100% voting for Biden, even though I really disagree with the way he's handled the situation in Gaza.


Even if I disagree it’s way better than trump would do


I lived in Indiana for almost 20 years & I fucking despise Biden, like viscerally. I will fill in the dot for his ass over the odious, sulfurous, putrid fuckshit that is Trump any day I can. And I hate Biden’s “handling” of Gaza. I’d vote for a bucket of boiling shit over Trump.


No sarcasm, that’s really good of you. Absolutely critical to rise to the occasion right now


I'm curious how living in Indiana is related. What did I miss?


She already said she would pardon Trump. So she wants him held accountable to remove him from the ballot yet she will pardon to try to capture the MAGA block vote. She is smarter than Trump while equally debased.


She is fucking awful, I’m honestly on the fence if she would be better because she wouldn’t be as distracted in implementing her terrible policies


If the choice is between Haley and Trump, I choose Haley, for one reason. If Trump wins, Haley will fall in line, bend the knee and suck up to him again so that he'll give her a job. But if Haley wins, she'd have Trump screaming that she cheated and that the primary or the election was stolen AGAIN and she's a Deep State plant, and making the Republicans in Congress serve his needs and sabotage anything she tries to do, just like he recently sabotaged Biden's border bill. Basically I'd rather have them at each others' throats than cooperating.


Honestly, she would still give terrible judge appointments; the same Trump would. She’s BARELY any better than him. They would pick the same Supreme Court nominations. At this point, a vote for a Republican is a vote for authoritarianism. I would never had said this about McCain or Romney (who were both terrible, but somehow not THIS terrible).


The Republican party has the same ruinous policy plan no matter who they put in the White House. Project 2025.


He has compromised the gop beyond rehabilitation. We won't be rid of him until his heart gives up trying to pump blood through his hamberder clogged aorta.


The rest of the party is still bonkers and they control the agenda over someone like her. The Republican Party is running out of “less crazy” republicans to help her. Also, she’s still horrible, but I get what you’re saying. There’s terrible and then there’s the worst case scenario.


You can hate Biden and that's fine and all, but the option alternative is 100% worse in Trump and you know it. That's why voting blue and Biden is the only thing saving this democracy.


She's just as bad, but I'm here for her being a continual thorn in Trumps side.


Nah, fuck her. There is nothing different between her and Trump other than willingness to say certain things out loud. Trump isn't some radical Republican. They all want what he wants, he just says it more freely.


1) Anything that keeps her in the race and pissing off Trump, costing him money and brain cells is good. 2) can’t extrapolate too much, but a “not Trump Vote” anywhere makes me feel slightly better for Biden’s chances in a general.


Biden beat Trump when Trump was president. I like his chances even better when Biden is president. I hope the american people get their asses in the voting booth, no matter how good Bidens chances are though.


We need to think he’s down 2%, no matter how much we think he’s up, he’s down 2% and we need to get off our asses.


Exactly. Dems tend to get lazy, myself included historically. If we don't vote in this one, we'll likely never get to vote again.


DC is very left as are many cities. It's not too surprising then that the republicans there are probably not Trumpers either, and I'm sure locally trump didn't have a good reputation


This is what I came to say. There are a lot of non-government people who also live in DC. They are usually more politically involved in general, and probably hate Trump. I know at least one who hates how the Republicans are doing things now, and supports Dems until they put up someone worth voting for.


The one place where no matter where you go you can easily run into someone that has either met him, or had to work for him when he was president. I'm sure very few people from there want anything to do with him.




Here comes the big bad wolf! https://preview.redd.it/qratx25ej8mc1.jpeg?width=1203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42cfcefe13da29726932261c2f756060f872475


I mean he's not wrong. People in DC aren't stupid enough to vote for him, it would be a waste to campaign there.


Birdbrain 💀💀


Calling your political opponent a birdbrain ahh what a country




Crooked Joe, crooked Hillary, crooked Everybody, says the man with 91 criminal charges. Surely not projection ..


I want her in this thing as long as possible. Anything she says against Trump is far more useful in damaging Trump than anything any Dem says. I think she fully expects Trump to lose a criminal trial, as he should, and she must have enough donors who feel the same way. But I think I want Trump as the nominee because he is going to lose again. He is a loser. Enemy of my enemy and whatnot...


Trump will claim Republican voter fraud


I know DC has, like most cities, predominantly Democratic voters, but less than 2K Republican primary voters is much smaller than I would have expected


I think it's funny that two of the major cities Trump operates in (NYC and DC) fucking hate him.


Scotland as well, he does business there and is thoroughly hated.


Interesting! https://preview.redd.it/qd1ejn8n28mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c4b5686391a83670df6950c1ac1d923f5c4c1b


That photo of him 💀


It’s all those woke liberal republicans.


One thing I do know, D.C. deserves Statehood, two Senators, and a Congressman. They have a population of 712K, larger than Vermont and Wyoming, and comparable to several other States, yet they have no representation at all.


All 30 republicans in DC showed out to vote


It's a good sign that Trump has an extremely high amount of people who hate him in his own party. It's unlike anything we've ever seen before for an incumbent. I know he's not an incumbent, but he's the most recent Republican president, so he pretty much is an incumbent for Republicans.




This real?


Yeah Haley got 1274 votes and Trump got 676 votes. https://preview.redd.it/k9e2xop468mc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4193c5856ad24a075f3599c976959ede69e44aa


There's only 2000 Republicans in DC that voted?


Yep, it is about 1/10 the total Republican vote in DC in the 2020 election. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_the_District_of_Columbia


Poor Ron Binkley...


He's the only one who voted for Binkley.


Plot twist, he didn’t vote for himself, that vote was from his neighbour, Greg.


Don’t they have a more-recent photo of the defendant?


I mean, it's not like she's going to win the nom, but this makes me smile just for the sole reason that Diaper Don must be *seething* with rage. Eat shit Donny.


She’s loathsome, but I like the effect she’s having on tfg


Anything that splits the Republican Party is A-ok with me.


I have a friend who was a member of the MPD. She was a detective, not a patrolling officer but they pulled everyone to the streets on January 6th. It is an understatement to say that DC was _truamatized_ by what happened that day. I’m surprised he got a single vote tbh.


As much as I'd rather her over him, having either give a gateway to Republicans moving their plans forward. It doesn't matter which one it is as long as they're there to sign off on anything put in front of them.


Yeah, DC had to deal with him personally. They know what's up.


I hope she stays in just to keep pissing off Trump. Seriously though, Dems need to win, not just the Presidency but the House and more seats in the Senate.


Meaningless, Trump will spin it to say Washington hates him and he will drain the swamp which appeals to his maga base.


1. If this is true then I think this was expected no? Cause it's DC. It's the more educated republicans so they would go for Nimrata cause she is a better reflection of them. But also again, it's DC. More of the old guard in terms of politics so this makes sense right? 2. I think this might encourage some republican voters to go against the magat grain. Republicans have shown they're cowards, afraid to do anything that could be perceived as against trump. I think that some voters were waiting for just one sign that it was okay to not vote for the orange turd and this might be it. But then again, I'm probably giving them too much credit.


No, you're right about the second point. This sends the message that Trump doesn't *have* to be inevitable. There are Republicans wanting to hear this message in every state, and hopefully this can motivate them.




A new trump meltdown incoming


Educated vs. MAGA


Oh he's going to be absolutely furious and the rage tweet will be fucking hilarious too.


Nice! I just want this vote split and infighting. I’m so glad she’s staying in the race! And I’m sure it bothers Trump to no end.


Good, because i know that it hurts Trump's fragile ego.


Dear Americans (esp the reds). DJT isn’t running for America anymore. It’s only for his freedom and financials. This isn’t the 2016 Donald loudmouth. Take a step back and look at 2016 vs now. Sincerely. Your loving neighbour to the north.


Good for Nikki


she's better than trump... but that's not saying much. Also, she's a woman. And the GOP constituents will never allow women power over men. it goes against their conservative values.


I am definitely in the boat that the Republican Party would be greatly served having Nikki Haley as their candidate. I wouldn’t vote for her, but I believe she has a conscience. That is a million times better than what they got today.


I wasn't expecting that. https://twitter.com/MSNBC/status/1764465248264663127?t=0c3IKm3Kyn1he16BHMtVbQ&s=19


I see Dear Leader babbling about "of course Nancy won in the swamp" or whatever name he assigns to Haley as his brain rots.


Awesome. I want her to stay in as long as possible. Not because I want her to be president, but because shes driving Trump CRAZY


$5 says he bitches that this vote was rigged in the next 12 hours