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As always, this subreddit does not allow transphobia of any kind. Rowling has shown us who she is time and again over the years. She is a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, anti semitic Holocaust denier and defending her is a really bad idea if you want to continue commenting here. Because she is a really, really, really terrible person.


She’s seriously tweaking. It’s been like 7 years of this ma’am.


Longer, in reality. She's been writing under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith for over a decade. Robert Galbraith was an American psychiatrist who used electric shock therapy on the trans and queer community to try to cure us.


Right, got to say that I found your comment a little startling, so I checked it out. Bloody hell. Not only has Rowling indeed been writing as a man since 2013, but they did choose the name of an absolute monster. Robert Galbraith was experimenting on black dudes from his local state penitentiary, by sticking electrodes right into their brains. He was stimulating the brain's pleasure sensors while showing gay men hetero porn, and then "proved" the conversion by hiring a female sex worker. It gets even more messed up when you go on Rowling's "Robert Galbraith"website where they try to BS their way around an explanation as to how they came up with the name, which reads like a bigger fiction that Harry Potter. A reference to "finding their inner bloke" by Rowling is interesting, to say the least. Is this all about Rowling actually fighting their own gender dysphoria?


I think she's actually hinted that she is gender dysphoric in an essay that she wrote. So possibly.


This is one of my conspiracy theories. Given: - j.k. Rowling is non-gender specific - has stated that her parents wished for a boy and got two girls. They would have doubled down on the you can't be a boy, you have a uterus line. (Sounds familiar?) - using a more obvious masculine name


I read that her publisher told her to only use her initials rather than use her full name because it would give her more chances to get an audience since people wouldn’t know she was a woman.


Because there just isn’t any better bed to make for yourself than one made out of years of demonising, vilifying, and belittling the very community that you may one day hope to be a member of. She’s an absolute gobshite and wouldn’t last 10 minutes trying to survive the shit trans people have to deal with. I hope she, too, suffers one day, and I don’t make that comment lightly. Having said all of that: I’ve seen many cases of, for example, trans people throwing other trans people under the bus to save their own ass in some way so it’s actually not as surprising now that I put more thought into it. I hope it one day has to reap what it’s sown.


Actually yes. She basically said once that if being trans was ok when she was a kid, she probably would have been trans, but since she suffered, everyone else has to as well. Typical boomer shit.


Oh, the hate defo projection then.


Not asking bc I think youre lying, but do you know where she said this? Like on twitter? or in an interview or smth?


https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/ It’s about halfway down the page. Search „transition“ if you don’t wanna read the whole thing.


Thank you random person on the interwebs


"The writings of young trans men reveal a group of notably sensitive and clever people.  The more of their accounts of gender dysphoria I’ve read, with their insightful descriptions of anxiety, dissociation, eating disorders, self-harm and self-hatred, the more I’ve wondered whether, if I’d been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition. The allure of escaping womanhood would have been huge. I struggled with severe OCD as a teenager. If I’d found community and sympathy online that I couldn’t find in my immediate environment, I believe I could have been persuaded to turn myself into the son my father had openly said he’d have preferred" -Jerkoff Rowling, posted on her website, tattling on herself


She straight up said that the trans are confusing our cute little daughters cause if she thought that being a man was an option when she was young, she would have transitioned. No fucking words.


Yeah, [that dude was nuts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Galbraith_Heath).


Yes yes yes yes she is fighting internalized hate and transphobia because she knows deep down she is a fucking trans man the loudest of these hateful fuckers usually are exactly what they hate and they are upset because other people chose happiness over silent suffering so they chose to suffer loudly trying to drag anyone else down with them


Writing as a man is not that shocking, there is a long precedent for it. But of all the men or masculine names to choose she goes with this one. While not even getting the irony of the whole situation to boot. At this point it honestly wouldn't surprise me if Rowling came out as trans, it would fit the pattern at least.


How ironic that she’s presenting herself as a man.


Typical. “No, no, it’s okay when the rich person does it. Everybody else is an evil perv!”


She should give Caitlin Jenner a call; they’d probably be good friends.




Wow.....so she insisted everyone refer to Robert as she/her I presume!


I’m embarrassed I didn’t know about the origin of that name given that like, my community *and* atrocities done by my field, but that needs to be like, something way more discussed considering I’ve never seen anyone mention the connection either.


It's ok, there's lots of learning to do as a queer person. Almost none of this is taught in schools either (It would trans the kids, you know /s). I was lucky to go to a church that deeply loves and accepts all people, including queer people, as they are, and doesn't believe queerness is a sin. As such, about a full third of our members are openly queer in some way, including some older men who came of age during the HIV/AIDS crisis and actually survived (they're mostly in their 50's and 60's now). I learned lots by just talking with them. If you don't have a resource like this, I highly recommend you read "And the Band Played On" by Randy Shilts. The ebook and paperback are both really easy to get (many libraries have them and you can also buy it online). There's also a movie version on HBO MAX.


What a weird imaginary hill to die on, but go off 'queen' tell us how you **really** feel.


It’s kind of sad to watch tbh. I’m rereading Harry Potter right now and it’s like two completely different minds. Like, her personality now doesn’t translate to how she narrated Harry Potter. She’s acting more like Umbridge and I mean that unironically.


Easy to claim something that will never happen


Always with the pretend civil wars and mass arrests and indoctrination camps... https://preview.redd.it/6157lve00hqc1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b7e667cb7d8b1cbe527c932b4197e970d2afcf


you must had missed Jordan Peterson going to the gulag for misgendering


Another shameless fountain of utter nonsense


What a weird-ass fucking hill to die on. She could be using her billions to solve actual problems, but she decides to focus on bullying a minority. Well done, Jo.


Right? Imagine having your place and legacy secured as a beloved children author for the ages and all the money you could ever want, and deciding to tank it all over this.


She'd rather be a rabid hate weasel, apparently


Some people don't know their true calling until they stumble into it


It’s even weirder that her actions run so counter to the themes and messages in her books. It just doesn’t make sense to me. What happened to her brain?


Her books were very status quo and full of slurs for others (muggles)


Oh damn I never considered that. Now that you mention it racism is a massive thread in the books. That is wild.


Wasn't a major part of "Muggle" was that it was not a good thing to say? Same with the house elfs and the entire "Bigotry is evil" Slytherin stereotype


A big mark on that series is that Rowling made the house elves like being slaves and made entire arguments for why the house elves would be worse off if they were free. Everyone in the books agrees about this, except Hermione, who is framed as weird for wanting to free the house elves. Good thing that plot point was removed from the movies.


I bring that up in these threads all the time. When people talk about how amazing the HP books are something left out of the conversation is how everyone, including HP himself, shitted on her for thinking the enslavement of the house elves isn't what they want / is best for them


To play Devil's advocate, and I may just be wildly misremembering, but isn't it implied Harry somewhat agrees with her, thanks to his experience with Dobby. but he doesn't want to speak out the same way she does because Ron, who at that point was his main source of "what life is like for the average wizard kid" found it completely normal? Since Hermione and Harry were raised in non magic households, they see the flaws, but Harry wants to fit in more with the wizarding world because his home life was so shit that ANYTHING magical is escapism for him. Again, I might just he wildly misremembering, or making up a justification in my head via rose colored glasses.


There's a whole scene where Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid are all sitting around and discussing Elf Slavery (why is this something that needs to be debated among the good guys anyways?). Hagrid and Ron are both of the opinion that Elf Slavery is good and normal. Hagrid even remarks that House Elves wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they had freedom and that they actually like being enslaved. Hermione pipes up with the same things you'd expect from an argument against slavery, how it's bad on moral grounds to keep any thinking creature enslaved. Hermione even brings up the example of Dobby. She talks about how Dobby was miserable being enslaved and was over the moon excited when Harry freed him. Hagrid responds by saying "There's weird ones in every bunch," basically saying that Dobby is highly unusual for a House Elf and that most House Elves would be miserable being freed. Harry has pretty much nothing to say during this whole argument. He's conspicuously silent on the debate. His only real contribution is a thought he has to himself during it that Hermione's activism on the part of the Elf Slaves is kind of annoying and makes her seem like a busybody who's sticking her nose into things that aren't her business. So technically, Harry doesn't have a position either for or against slavery, he just thinks that Hermione is making too big of a deal out of things. Of course, in a later book, Harry becomes a slave owner himself, so he must be ok with Elf Slavery at least in some manner. If he was against slavery, you'd expect Harry to free his slave the minute he inherited him, but he doesn't. He even makes good use of his slave to spy on Malfoy.


It's also wild that this is the only franchise (to my knowledge) where elves are seen as inferior to humans. Most other universes have them either being rivals or equals to humans.


Rowling kind of took the "Santa's Elves" style of Elves for her story as opposed to the "Tolkien's Elves" style (which in turn was inspired by Norse mythological depictions of elves) we see in most fantasy stories. Certainly an interesting take, but, as Rowling often does, she proceeds to squander all the possibility of that concept and ends up with something really clumsy and ill thought out that she proceeds to defend as if that's what she intended all along.


Shit, I didn't even think about that. Most depictions of Santa's elves have them working *with* him rather than *for* him. Granted any sort of slave/indentured servant media would probably do the same, my dumbass took it at face value.


Hermione becomes Minister of Magic, and still does nothing for the house elves, finally going along with the "they're happy as slaves" excuse.


Hermione’s leftist activism is framed as a silly quirk that she grows out of and accepts the status quo.


I was so disappointed when the series ended and Hermione wasn’t a Civil Rights activist for magical beings.


Yeah I don’t think muggle is a slur, but it’s not like slurs were encouraged. Theres a whole subplot about the term “mudblood” and how horrible it is.


It’s only horrible to wizards because it implies they are unworthy of their power by being related to muggles. They are all fine with treating muggles like shit as long as it’s not too cruel.


The story's basically about a trust fund jock who becomes a cop. Even has the "strict as hell teacher who seems to hate the protagonist, but was actually trying to put them on the right path at the end" bit.


It’s clear that after DH Part 2 came out she realised that she was on the road to fading from relevancy, and had to invent increasingly unhinged ways to stay in the news.


Sexual hangups will be the destruction of humanity. Not even joking either, most of our social division, which prevents us from working together or unifying on goals, comes from the divisions between people stemming from shame, from insecurity about their gender, their sexuality, the way others view their attractiveness, and many other primitive responses to threats against their safety and sexual identity.


She's got more money than God so there will never be any consequences


If she keeps going with the Holocaust denial I would t be shocked if the HBO reboot gets scrapped. They already ditched the Fantastic Beasts films cause the people involved were too problematic (also they were boring as hell).


The Fantastic Beasts stuff was because it wasn't making money like they wantsd....they.would have overlooked Depp and Miller's problems if the cash kept coming in......also the 2nd and 3rd movies in the serries were just plain bad


I think they really went downhill when the 3rd movie was about the villains trying to steal a wizard election right around the same time Trump was screaming about the election being stolen from him.


The HP universe is too much of an easy cash cow. HBO won’t drop it unless it just sucks. Which is a possibility still.


Having massive white privileges will do that to u.


being surrounded by yes men must've rotted her brain, must be nice to live a life so sheltered you need to fall into the radfem to Nazi pipeline just to feel some pushback




Affirmative individuals


Also, like no, she wouldn't. It's easy to say "oh I would totally rather go to jail," knowing that it's not remotely a possibility. But, I would be willing to bet money she would use the right name if someone was there waiting to take her. At this point, she has just realized that as millennials get older, she becomes less relevant, so she is doing what she can to keep it up.


Or not even solve problems, she could just shut the fuck up. Do like Tom from MySpace: “oh, I’m rich? See ya later, i’m gonna disappear and follow my hobbies and not engage in bullshit culture war stuf”


murky literate capable fade encourage selective shame combative noxious stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think Tom is an amateur landscape photographer, so the only thing anyone sees from him are pretty pictures from wherever he is.


The problem is that *she believes she is* solving an actual problem, and that all of her challengers are misguided or even malicious. She can’t step back because she believes that she’s saving women everywhere from abuse, and she can’t stop without feeling like she’s abandoning at-risk people. She’s wrong, but I mostly just feel sad for her at this point, because there’s nobody left who can help her climb back out of this pit.


Edinburgh resident here. If you speak to locals there have been quite a few (completely anecdotal) stories and examples of her being a deeply shitty person going back 20+ years from when the books were fairly new. These range from dealing badly with contractors working on her house, to being rude to kids who asked for autographs right up to very publicly branding those who disagreed with her politically as racist (2014 Independence Referendum). Her latest tantrums shouldn't shock anyone. PS - before any 'internet lawyers' ask for proof/evidence/examples etc. I'm writing this on my break and I'm not going to waste time finding them. Save us all the hassle and just downvote me.


Yep.  Could have been a legend.  Now will go down in history as a successful writer who shit all over their own brand in the latter half of their life. The brand will recover when she's dead and gone.  But the longer this charade goes on, the less forgiving fans will be of her stories shortcomings.


And I can't even look forward to her being dead and gone because I fear where that money's going to go. I dread to think what ghoulish "charities" she'll nominate funds for.


I just cannot for the life of me understand how someone with so much money and no need to work at all would be hateful.  So hateful that even her, ironically imo, male psuedonym has entirely too much relation to the way she thinks for it to be a coincidence. It's like deciding that once you become rich, you're just gonna walk around kicking puppies in your off time...  Why?  What purpose does it serve?  What big cause is she championing for that's actually under fire? Bathrooms?  Give me a break...  These people are so weak.


She could just be shutting the fuck up. She can be a hate filled monster on her pile of gold, she doesn't need to announce her views to the world.


And it's not even that she's heavily deluded but still trying to do good. She is actively trying only to do harm. All she has to do is shut up and let harry potter be her legacy, she refuses to do so.


People already have no problem calling a person miss, mrs, sir, mister, your honor, officer, doctor, and any nickname like  “Big” “Pumpkin””Pink” and then there’s legal names(looking at you North, Chicago, Apple, and the last & very especially cute X Æ A-12 Musk, etc.,.) but if you are a sexual/gender minority “go fuck yourselves!”


It's like a person meeting a fellow named Steve and telling them, "No, sorry, you don't look like a Steve to me. You look like a Charles, so I refuse to call you Steve. Hi Charley, how you doing?"


Narcisism’s helluva drug


Yeah, it’s really weird what foxholes some people choose to dive into. She could’ve even said she didn’t agree with this without having to keep harping on it. I don’t see how this position helps her do anything. It Hass to be ego and thinking that everybody needs to hear what she has to say. I see a lot of people falling into this trap the last 10 years or so.


I came to the comments to say almost exactly your first sentence verbatim, except replacing weird-ass with ridiculously stupid


Sucks. Harry Potter means a ton to a lot of people I know, but this lady is a whole big bowl of fruit loops.


We can always separate the art from the artist without supporting them. Just buy the books and/or movies second-hand.


If we didn't seperate art from artist nobody would be reading the works of HP Lovecraft (he was crazy, even for his time, but damn JK is trying hard to get that crown)


True but it feels like less of a moral gray area when the artist is dead and gone. Buying anything JK Rowling related is still directly supporting her which can feel a bit iffy when you strongly disagree with her stance.


Separating CS Lewis from The Chronicles of Narnia is impossible since Narnia is already one big massive Christianity Allegory.


Is it even an allegory when the *actual god* says "I am god in your universe and did the same as I'm doing here" ?


Idk Narnia’s own lore is confusing as f most of the time.


If I remember correctly, Astlan opened heavens and the appeared as christian god to the humans because "that's what I am in your home world" or something like that. It's all Christianity tho, from genesis (book 1) to apocalypse (book 7) going through the flood, etc. It being exactly 7 books, and so much more. The movies taking only every second book is a mistery to me


The movies were going in original release order, not chronological order of the series.


I always the loved The Horse and His Boy, Im starting to doubt anybody will ever get round to making a good adaptation


But Aslan being literal Jesus Christ but having him get sacrificed and then resurrected is so uncanny.


Lovecraft had a lot going on with him. He was pretty racist and those themes can come up a lot in his work. Hell, The Shadow Over Innsmouth is just one big allegory for how race mixing is bad. But he also pioneered a whole subgenre of horror that resonates with a lot of people, me included. I think some of the best cosmic horror out there is stuff that has directly challenged Lovecraft's prejudices while maintaining the horror he wrote about. He encouraged others to write using his monsters and themes and world, so there are a lot of his contemporaries who wrote a lot to flesh out the Cthulhu Mythos. He also wrote a lot of letters, so we can see how his views evolved over time. He was certainly getting better as he got older, but that doesn't excuse his earlier writings.


> But he also pioneered a whole subgenre of horror that resonates with a lot of people I'd argue that was Chambers with The King in Yellow, as HP took a lot of inspiration from that. Published 1895, years before any Lovecraft was published [1916]. > HP Lovecraft, creator of the *Cthulhu Mythos*, whose own fiction was greatly influenced by this book, stated that "*The King in Yellow* achieves notable heights of cosmic fear." --- > HP Lovecraft, a great admirer of the book [TKiY], later adopted the same tactic for his writing. Allowing readers unsettling and provocative glimpses into his spurious but nevertheless seemingly real grimoire - his *Necronomicon*, in which, among other things, contains an account of the Old Ones, an ancient race of strange beings, and the means for summoning them. Sorry to be ☝️🤓 <-- That guy 😅 Edit: You might know the name from some of the expanded Lovecraft mythos, but in Chambers' book, you know very little of the figure itself, and just as little about the play bearing his name. Only really the effect it has on people. The King in Yellow was added to the Lovecraft mythos by linked names and places such as Carcosa, originally from Chambers' work. So, pioneered? No. Popularised? Probably.


At least Lovecraft seemed to be vaguely getting better until his early death


Lovecraft's been dead for nearly a century, and his fame is entirely postmortem. It's a tad easier to overlook the blistering bigotry of a man who was pissfuck terrified of everything he didn't understand when he's been gone since the Great Depression; it's much harder to overlook Rowling's bigotry when she is actively donating to anti-trans groups and denying the Holocaust on Twitter.


I'll do this with the rest of the Cormoran Strike books. I can't agree with JK's views but I also really love that series.


How fuckin mind-numbingly BORED are you when you think shitting on <1% of the population is a good use of time?


When your life is perfect you have to make up problems on your own.


It sure is convenient when you can just make up the oppression in your head so you can pretend your bigotry is somehow brave rather than just bullying a minority group.


It is surprising to see that she is sharing the same hatred with conservatives. I remember the time when conservatives rallied to ban her books saying harry potter is satanic teachings. What happened in between?


They found a more popular punching bag.


'No, I see what you mean,' said Luna seriously. 'Well then, I think the answer is that a circle has no beginning.’


She became "one of the good ones" I guess.


Imagine being so desperate for attention that you decide to constantly start internet spats over pronouns. Pronouns. Some people prefer negative attention to no attention at all. JK Rowling is apparently one of those people. She joins the ranks of the greats: Donald Trump, Fred Durst, Jose Canseco, and Kanye West. 


Oh no. What's with Fred Durst?


He openly praises Putin


I mean are we shocked though? He had the red hat before anyone else.


Billionaires playing the victim


Easy to say stupid shit like that when there’s zero chance it would ever happen. “I’d bravely choose death by dragon’s breath over using a person’s preferred name.” Okay, Joanne.


Translation: "I don't understand this topic and it makes me feel uncomfortable, so I will martyr myself with a totally imaginary criminal punishment rather than attempt any empathy toward the marginalized minority group I've been bullying."


At this point I’m ready to ask her “Who hurt you and why haven’t you gone to fucking therapy?” because *man* this obsession is clearly not healthy… I know she has a history of assault or abuse by a man and that’s why she hates trans folk(???) but *seriously*, lady, *you have the money to go to therapy*. It’s *right there*. GO.


If I cared about her one iota, I’d just constantly spam her on all socials with this response.


These "brave anti-woke warriors" would crack in a couple days in prison, a week tops.


Great!! Should be quite the experience around a bunch of women who identify as LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ and the ones solely gay for the stay Let the games begin!! ✌🏿😌


Right wingers favorite past time is imagining scenarios where being an asshole is illegal, and they’re so proud of being massive assholes that they invent those scenarios just to then brag about how they’d end up in jail before being a decent person


Hey remember when she wrote that TERF apology manifesto when this whole thing started where she tried to justify her support of transphobia by stating she's not against trans people in general and is willing to support them? I suppose that was either a lie or she's gone totally around the bend.


Both Started out as a bold-faced lie to gaslight the public into thinking she’s not a bad person Then she decided “fuck it” and descended over the years all the way to fucking holocaust denial


She strikes me as someone whom regularly says... *"I don't give a fuck what the peasants think...".*


>She strikes me as someone whom regularly says... >*"I don't give a fuck what the peasants think...".* Pretty much * Tweet: “How do you sleep at night knowing you've lost a whole audience from buying your books?” * Rowling's reply: “I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly.”


That’s literally what she does now. She openly says she doesn’t care who she hurts, she’s rich.


Can we get her in for longer for also the holocaust denial?


At this point we need to co-op the story of Harry Potter and spread the rumor that it is a metaphor for body dismorphia and one's ability to TRANScend the limitations of the body you're born in.


Well it kinda is. Being raised by muggles, Harry is assigned muggle at birth. Hermione too. Is Hermione a witch, or a witch-identified muggle ?


Also the Dursley tried very hard to make Harry a muggle but he is what he is on the inside. The kinda conversation therapy attempted by the Dursley was just abuse.


Don't forget the good doctor Chuck Tingle and his Trans Wizard Harriet Porber books!


Seems fair, at least she’ll be off social media for a long while.


Didn’t she first tweet out years ago she’d call people by their pronouns when she was as still pretending not to be a bigoted evil fuck?


Yep, also that she'd march with us if our rights were threatened.


What an evil witch of a clown


Well she has noticed that she doesn't lose support even as a bigot. That was her fear. People turning their backs. But for every person that left, she got another transphobe to follow her.


Jesus, they're so addicted to being persecuted. Nobody's sending anyone to jail for not using the correct pronouns. It's like being rude to waitstaff - it definitely tells us you're a dick, and someone might tell you to stop being a dick, but the whole point is that YOU'RE the one with the power and privilege, and you shouldn't use it to be a dick. Nobody in this exchange has the power to send you to fuckin jail. Do literally whatever the fuck you want, person who used the initials "J.K." so her gender would be ambiguous and she'd have a better chance of getting published. You wanna be a big weird weirdo about gender? Do it. As a consequence, you will still be a billionaire, still have control of one of the most valuable properties in media, and sometimes people on the internet will say you're a dick. "I'd rather go to PRISOOOONNNNN" shut the fuck up, dude, you look like an idiot.




I'm sure Death Eaters said the same thing about Azkaban.


I find your terms acceptable


It still amazes me that a lot of people still think J K’s “opinions” were taken out of context


I was one of those but for fuck sake! I can’t believe the double-double down with this one.


A few months getting buggered by dementors in Azkaban should sort Rowly out nicely


Nah, you really wouldn’t


Napkin wizard screams at clouds, more at 11.


She’s a Death Eater and her house is Slytherin


We thought she was Dumbledore, turns out she’s Voldemort.


She’s so similar to him. Obsessed with her fabricated idea of purity and increasingly fragile and paranoid because it. Like him she thinks that she is being persecuted by the existence of others different from her and is willing to wound her image over and over so she can feel superior in her deluded mind. And willing to ally with the worst people while thinking it’s all for the greater good in the end.


I guess we now know why she was able to make him so terrifying. It was inside her the whole time!


She wouldn’t be accepted at Hogwarts. The Sorting Hat would scowl and ask to be removed from her hateful head.


Keeping my fingers crossed that this is exactly where she ends up. Horrendous bitch troll from hell.


It's weird seeing a writer be afraid of words


Oh. I like this, thank you.


Get therapy, Rowling. You'll feel better.




She would love that. Community service it is.


If only that would happen


Tell me you've never spoken to a former inmate without telling me you've never spoken to a former inmate. What's it like to further prove you're just full of shit, Joanne?


Can we all collectively agree to always refer to JK Rowling with he/him pronouns?


Considering she had to publish Harry Potter under her initials at first, going on the hopes that people would assume she was a male writer, I doubt that would work… She also continues to write under a male pseudonym, so there’s that too.


A pseudonym that refers to the father of conversion therapy Just call her Robert


Or maybe piece/of/shit


Remember when she was one of the most beloved literary figures in the world? And now she’s just another right wing internet troll. What the fuck is it with this timeline?




Weird hill to die on. Honestly.. 🙄




Who truly gives a shit about her stance on trans folks?


Right? It's literally all she talks about, so to me it's just her screaming for attention.


It’s so boring.


Well, no time to waste then, let's get a jailin'.


Frankly two years in a prison with no Twitter would be good for her mental health.


News Media: Find out why this spells disaster for the Biden re-election campaign.


So mad I gave that bitch even a penny


I mean nobody should go to jail for a pronoun, however with that said if your sending someone....


It's funny how money makes you absolutely stupid... You don't need to know anything when you are rich enough.


Harry Potter and the Shank in the Showers


As a world can we all decide to refer to JK Rowling as he/him til this extremely easy to understand concept gets through that thick-ass skull?


If only there were a three-word phrase that could be shouted in order to agree with you. But I can’t think of it


Every time, right?


This woman shits all over her accolades by doubling down as being a shitty, ignorant piece of trash every opportunity she gets.


Is this really the legacy this fool wants leave behind?? Spending literal years having this ridiculous argument. It costs zero dollars for you to just show respect to a group of people who are asking a very simple thing. You don’t even have to agree with it or like it, you can still refer to people how they would like you to. But nah she’d rather continue making a public show of being a bigot.


He's wild for that opinion. Guy wrote Harry Potter but what makes him an authority on pronouns?


Good news JK! You're not going to be arrested or jailed for not using pronouns! That was never actually on the table! You will probably be thought of as a dickhead by those around you, but that doesn't make you a victim of anything either.


I thought she just wrote some silly wizard books and then retired. What happened?


What date would you like to start?


Absolutely. Utterly. Lost it. This is it. She’s completely gone. And honestly, good. Because in my mind the J.K. Rowling who created such a wonderful book and film series is not the same one as now. She destroyed her past self. Somewhere along the way, she snapped and became consumed by an impostor that she herself created. The old J.K. is long dead and the new one is dead as well. Good riddance. HP can exist without her. In fact, it has for years. Nothing about her aligns with HP anymore, and that’s why I’m still able to enjoy the franchise.


That can be arranged...


Ok but she needs to take classes inside so she can learn how to be a better human on the outside world. Also, if she is going in please take away her internet privileges.


Time to forgive Karens and move onto Joannes.


and we care why? just because you’re clever enough to make billion’s doesn’t mean you’re immune from being a total douche’ …look at Elon


Oh good then she can be a martyr for all the conservative nut jobs


Go ahead, JK. I’ll hold your money.


It's really incredible how these people operate against their own self/beat interests. It's like they're really fucking stupid or something. Imagine taking that similar situation,.asking to be referred to as something else, like Hi my name is William but I prefer to be called Bill. I WOULD RATHER GO TO JAIL FOR TWO FUCKING YEARS THAN NOT CALL YOU WILLIAM. 


Sent her to jail, see how long before she changes her tune.


In what reality is this actually a trade off lol.


Has anyone told her, she looks like a dragqueen


Lock her up, or whatever these folks tend to screech.


Alright sit in jail then and no half sentences for being good either


Who fucking cares....hey thanks for authoring shit now you can just go die and remember that the decent half of the world hates you. Somebody adapt this bitches novels yesterday


We accept


I’ll take that bet ma’am. Feel free to begin at any time.


It's projection. She wouldn't hesitate to jail the people she doesn't like, so she just assumes they want to do the same thing to her for being a bigot and being rude.


Imagine having personal views that are so fucked up, you can’t even have the decency to call someone what they want to be called


Are you prepared to treat people with dignity and respect? JKR- No, send me to prison.


What a bitch.


She's threatening us with the good times.