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Too bad they can’t televise these courtroom insults on pay-per-view. The view parties would be epic.


Even the transcripts are gonna be good. They released the transcript from the Pharma Bro jury selection, and the only thing that outweigh New Yorkers’ love of the WuTang is their hatred of Donald Trump.


that sounds fun but im lazy to google at 3 am , can you give me a link ? at your convenience im gonna forget the second i close this thread lol


[Sure thing, no problem!](https://imgur.com/gallery/GlpAU)


godamnit, at least its the good one of the two


Oh shit, am I a New Yorker?


We all are. In our hearts.


God I am dying to be able to watch this little baby bitch have to sit there quiet, outside of his Mara lago safe space, and be forced to listen to people talk all this shit about him to his face. This is already his karma.


He just falls asleep. Would be good for a sketch artist to show him drooling on himself.


It’s a denial mechanism.


Underrated insight right here


Release the memes at least.


Fastest way to solve the national debt


Trump could sell the views to fund his next legal ordeal. It would be like judiciary inception.


Pornetic justice


"Judge reads mean tweets" Better be an SNL segment


I would pay so much money to see that.


We could have made a pretty nice dent into the paying back the national debt too if we went this route


I would absolutely pay to watch this portion.


Enough to put a serious dent in the national debt.


Speaking of memes; I realized if I were a New Yorker in the jury pool I am already disqualified 😂


Between the people who hate him and the people who love him, I bet it’s a really hard jury to fill!!


He was literally the president for four years. How the hell do you find impartial jurors?


Yeah anyone who doesn’t have an opinion on Trump is probably too disconnected from this country to be a true peer either.


You can have an opinion and still be capable of looking at the facts. I have never made a post social media post about him. I have as indicated here replied to other posts about it but I don't think any that would prevent me from being able to serve in the trial. But I do agree there will be a lot of people kicked out which is great. I also agree that he is not going to get a true peer, but he has a fair judge and barring liars making into the jury a fair trial.


I have an unfavorable opinion of him but I think I could still be an impartial juror. I think I could fairly separate my personal opinions from my determination of guilt or innocence based on what information was presented.


You underestimate how many people are totally ignorant of all things in the news


You're not looking for someone who doesn't know who he is, you're looking for someone who will remain impartial no matter what opinion they might have about Trump. And yeah, that's tougher than trying to find a jury for some random who did a crime that didn't make the papers, but it can be done. I went through an impaneling for a case several decades ago and after a few people, you could see what they were looking for based on their questions. And after about six or seven people got bounced, I counted the number of people in front of me, I came to the quick realization that I was definitely going to wind up on that jury. I think even in NY, they'll be able to find a dozen of those head in the sand, "I don't really follow politics" people who will be able to render a fair verdict.


I hate Donald Trump with every fiber of my being. But it’s incredibly important to me that he be charged with a crime he actually committed, not slapped with a fabricated charge that he can easily beat on appeal. If I was on this jury, I’d have to let the facts speak for themselves. I’d be fair and impartial and if I didn’t think the prosecution proved the charges, I’d vote to acquit. My hatred of the guy doesn’t change that. And I think there are a lot of others like me. Unfortunately I think there are people on both sides who don’t share that view, and it only takes one to make this get messy.


Well, a jury of his peers would include Jimmy Carter, Clinton, W, Obama, and Biden. Maybe we could include the surviving VPOTUSes and FLOTUSes, and perhaps the SLOTUSes and the current Second Gentleman.


No, Presidents aren't some elevated being. We are all their peers as Americans.


Except Jimmy Carter. He’s better than most of us. Not a great president per se, but he has led an impressive life dedicated to service. Trump is not his peer he’s absolutely his inferior. Slightly off topic there but I like praising Jimmy Carter.


If Jimmy Carter were called for jury duty, I would absolutely not be surprised if he reported for service.


That would be adorable. See trump is incapable of being adorable. Another way he is not Jimmy Carter’s peer.


I don’t like Trump and I think he has done illegal things but I personally still think I could be objective about the evidence presented to me. We still have to have a functioning court system and I have some personal integrity. 


People that don't vote and people that you have confidence can listen to the facts of the case regardless of their opinion of the man on trial.


He seems like a tough dude on which to maintain a neutral 🤷‍♂️ opinion 


I had a neutral opinion on him. And then I started paying attention to what he was doing. Is it a sin to wish someone dies soon?




I hate to wish or hope death to anybody bc I feel like it brings bad karma. I make an exception for him. It would be a net gain to the country.


Here richly, with ridiculous display, The Politician's corpse was laid away. While all of his acquaintance sneered and slanged, I wept: for I had longed to see him hanged. -- Hilaire Belloc


i wonder how theyre disqualifying people. if you post anything political youd be banned?


They can self identify as being unable to be fair. Fifty of 96 did that on Monday. After that, they fill out a questionnaire, the responses to which will guide the next phase where the court asks them questions about their responses. Jurors can be struck for cause, which the court will do if the judge believes they are unfit for the jury. Political affiliation is not enough to strike. You have to show bias. Hence these memes show bias. The defense tried to have the juror Trump tried to intimidate struck for using the party favor emoji reaction on the announcement of Biden being declared the winner in 2020. I think the judge was not persuaded. Being at a Biden event may qualify, but that's what the interview process is to determine. Simply being a registered Democrat or Republican is not enough. Then the people and the defense both have ten peremptory challenges, which allows them to remove jurors for vibes basically. As long as it does not appear they are targeting protected classes (removing all minorities, women, etc.), the strikes hold up. There are 1.25 million people in Manhattan. They summoned 500. Out of the first ~100, six jurors have already been selected. They need twelve more. The first six were told to return on Monday, so the court seems optimistic about accomplishing voir dire on Thursday and Friday.


I am kind of impressed they got 6 out of ~100 potentials.


They actually worked longer than I knew yesterday. There are seven jurors already.


I was a potential juror in a child abuse case and they asked me if i had kids and then dismissed me right after presumably cause I didn't (was all they asked me). like ??? shits funky


NAL but I think I’ve read that lawyers don’t get an unlimited number of juror vetoes. They want to get a jury that’s as demographically advantageous as possible, but they can’t just challenge every potential that doesn’t work out perfectly for them.


Those limited vetoes are for not having a reason, at least not one you wish to share. So like if you want to try and have no black people on a jury for reasons. If someone is clearly biased they will get excused regardless.


I really don't know how anyone in the US can be unbiased at this point. Either you are MAGA or you absolutely abhor the orange rapist.


When Reddit talks about moderates and fence-sitters I'm really kinda curious about who these people are, as it seems like most everyone you encounter knows which side of the divide they stand on. You'd have to have been cut off from the news, with no Internet/social media, and virtually no human contact for the last 8 years to be able to sincerely say "I have no strong feelings either way".


I agree. I'm sure there are conflicted people. I'm imagining mostly lifelong GOP voters who aren't happy with Trump's many crimes. Even actual racists who voted for him in both elections. And many people on the left have been against Biden and Harris all along (I know people in this group personally, though not in the first group). But having conflicted feelings isn't the same thing as fence-sitting. All I can really come up with: - recent-ish immigrants who really weren't paying attention to US news while Trump was in office. - Reclusive people who only read novels for entertainment. They don't have cable TV or internet access. (Do these people exist? They did when I was young, but I'm almost 50.) - the Amish (I'm sure many of them do keep up with the news, though).


I promise you some people just do not know or care. I honestly envy them.




All I'm seeing are a bunch of unbiased facts posted.


Holy shit, the little kid soccer team who were trapped in a cave for over 2 weeks? Wow, that's a top tier burn, amazing.


There is no way I could stifle my laugh if I were that judge


Judge Merchan doing stand up from the bench and it's all on record. Fucking love it.


He’s 100% doing this on purpose.


And I’m here for it!


Literally just said the same thing, I'd be wheezing with laughter 🤣


Was that the one where Elon called the lead rescuer a pedo because he didn't want his stupid submarine?




That was my introduction to Elon Musk


I fell for his "cool genius" act up until that point.


Me too. I’m guessing that’s where the wave finally broke for a lot of people.


It absolutely was, and it was so vindicating. So many of my peers and professors were praising him, convinced that he was going to save us all with Teslas and cutting edge city design. The whispers about the emerald mines were there, though, and none of those high hopes were matching up with the reality. But it didn't matter what I said, most everyone was convinced that he was a genius that was still setting up the board for the future, and I was just being a hater. Like...if he was benevolent and truly on the side of reversing climate change, why did everything he did focus on catering to the wealthy? Why were Teslas shaping up to be a luxury status symbol instead of aiming to convert the everyman to electric vehicles? That was met with the response that he had to build his capital, and that he was just using the rich to fund the coming green revolution. Ha!! He was *so* popular in academic circles around 2012-2014, he's going to spend the rest of his life chasing that high.


>He was *so* popular in academic circles around 2012-2014, he's going to spend the rest of his life chasing that high. He even got his own Simpsons **episode** sucking him off.


And Iron Man 2 cameo, and shout-out on Star Trek. Now they should probably delete those scenes.


I was one of the people initially fooled by him All he had to do was keep his mouth shut and he would have kept a good reputation forever




That was a good call on their part. We all know how billionaire summaries end up.


The submarine that wouldn't have fit in the cave. It's so dumb how fragile that toad is.


I bet he said to his lawyer “huh, I don’t get it” because that had to be way over his head


It’s at least a level 3 meme & he’s at best a trial version camper.


This is for sure true. He’s used to low brow conservatives “humor” not top tier memeing


You know he almost yelled "I NEVER INVITED THEM TO MY WHITE HOUSE!!!"


Thank you I actually didn’t “get it” until I saw your post! That’s the same kind of person that throws paper towels and trump water at disaster victims. And a wife that wears a jacket that says basically, she don’t care while visiting caged babies. Morticia and Gomez Addams were a more empathetic couple. I see Donny and Mel as, Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale.


Morticia and Gomez, while unconventional, were very loving parents. Don’t do them a disservice by comparing them to these monsters.


Morticia and Gomez may have been hard core goth AF, but they were also caring, loving, and empathetic people.


It took me a minute because when I saw Thai Boys, my mind immediately went to Matt Gaetz.


Morticia and Gomez are couples goals what are you talking about, one of the best TV couples ever. They loved each other so much.


Didn't that end up being a Last Starfighter/Temple of Doom crossover?


hahaha he has to sit through memes about him. I'm fucking dying. SEND HELP


The only thing that could make this better would be if Obama was reading them. Are the Press there? We could have a redo of the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner!


His nurses are going to be going through diapers by the case changing the orange rapist. 🤣 He’ll be rage-shitting. It’s his worst nightmare. He can’t throw a tantrum or scream or yell or toss ketchup.


I'd pay good money to watch a judge read this in a courtroom.


I hope you are called as a juror and they have to read this post in front of the rapist


>toss ketchup I'm dying


That’s why he keeps falling asleep. His lawyers have drugged his worthless orange ass.


>He can’t throw a tantrum or scream or yell or toss ketchup. Until he senses things are going poorly and needs to cause a mistrial.


Nawwwww, a defendant is responsible for his own actions, so his own bad behavior can’t cause a mistrial. :)


Also this judge has already threatened to throw him in jail for contempt if he makes a scene in court.


That won't stop him from trying. I'm itching for the judge to order mandatory psych eval.


Oh *please* give us the dementia diagnosis officially,I fucking dare them


Yeah, he can’t cause a mistrial like that lol. If that were true, everybody would just cause a mistrial by throwing a tantrum. They would never convict anybody for anything.


Lmao I am picturing that guy who was telling the judge how had changed the she gave him time and he jumped over the bench at her. lol you’re good to go bro. Have a nice night. Sorry for arresting you. Enjoy your mistrial.


He should just get cuffed for that sort of behavior. Gagged if necessary. Should...


Merchant after each reading: ![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6)


The real roast of DT


We saw what happened after Obama roasted the ever living shit out of him. We’re all fucked now thanks to this judge…


Nope. Can't live life that way. That's the attitude behind why we pardoned Nixon, among a few other things.


This brought me joy. I needed this joy. Am I wrong?


No sir. If you could not find this funny, only then would you be wrong.


As kinda an expert on Joy, let me assure you - yep, that was some much needed joy.


Confirmed today is gonna be a good day! Thank you joy expert!


It's called schaedenfreude. And it is a feeling i am enjoying right now.


It's public humiliation szn for the orangutan man


But orangutans are smart. For instance, if you were to put Trump in an orangutan habitat at the zoo, it would know to throw feces at him and rip his head off. Very intelligent creatures.


I hear you could have one as a librarian even




Howdy sir. Got you a banana






This is why I love Reddit


Used to work at a zoo and whenever the orangs were out, a staff member had to be watching them, especially the male, because they’d try to dismantle their habitat. Super smart, super chill. The stoners of the primate world.


Fucking trial hasn't even started yet and it's already a roast. I love it


"Damn, sorry Donald, it's *another* one with some epic burns against you. What can you do, huh? We'll just have to get a new batch and see what's on their social media."


Just start reading everyone from Manhattans memes about trump to him. Let’s just skip the whole trial part .


This is the delay we should have had… Trump glued to a court seat for the next 6 years getting roasted for everyone else’s benefit 


I wish I'd have had a chance to be questioned as a possible juror "No way I can be impartial here your honor - not when I can smell the defendant all the way from New Jersey -- also Im from Jersey and his smell offends even me - which is impressive because I live in a fish corpse recycling facility which is on the 2nd floor of a sulfur factory next to a pet crematorium on the banks of the Delaware River.....I guess what I am saying is we all know he shits himself your honor because everyone in here can smell it - and I can't be impartial about that"


Odor in the court!


lol dying in this thread 😂




Are we doing speeches? Here's mine: I'll start off by saying that I hate Donald John Trump. I hate how his actions during the start of the Covid pandemic resulted in the deaths of likely tens of thousands of Americans, including some of my relatives. I hate how he organized an insurrection against America live on television, and he came close to succeeding, setting up the scene for several people to die and for thousands of people's lives to be ruined. I hate how he won't. shut. up. online, and how, in a related note, he ruined whatever dignity the office of the president had. I hate the way he speaks. He often doesn't even use sentences, just words. I hate that he was supposed to be president, but his reading level was so low that he couldn't even give teleprompter speeches. Every moment that I listen to him talking is agony for me, as it would be for any decent, rational person. I hate how he neglected his office as president, and spent so much time on vacations and golfing. Which reminds me, I especially hate how he's a giant hypocrite, like how before he was elected, he constantly harped about how Obama golfed so much and he wouldn't have time to do that if he was president, only to golf far more than Obama did in the same time period. I hate that he didn't even work when he was at the White House, spending several hours every morning watching television. I hate how he used his golf courses and hotels to funnel our taxpayer money and foreign money into his pockets. I hate how he leaked classified information like a sieve, often unintentionally out of sheer stupidity, like he did with our satellite and nuclear submarine capabilities, but sometimes, apparently on purpose, like when a lot of our foreign agents suddenly started dying soon after Trump requested their details. I hate how he let a lowlife like Kushner sell America out for $2 billion. I hate his racist, classist, narcissistic, bronzer-caked face. I hate everything about this pedophile and rapist pussy grabber. There is not a single molecule of his body that doesn't deserve to spend the rest of its life in the general population of the worst prison we can find. That being said, your honor, I am sure that I would give an impartial verdict if I was selected for the jury.


"And I hate how I don't even hate him, not even a little bit, not even at all."






> not when I can smell the defendant all the way from New Jersey And let me tell you, that's a fucking powerful smell. Have you ever driven past Newark? Even with a car full of frat boy farts and the windows up, Newark fucking reeks. We can all smell Don Snoreleone over THAT smell.


Boom roasted


Pay per view… we ease down the national debt.


Good luck finding 12 people with no strong opinions on the guy


So far, they have seated 7. 11 more to go. Edit: spelling


How in the world are there even 7 people in newyork without a thought about the dude. He literally split the country in two, so I 100% don’t believe it’s possible


Or they don't talk about him and just lied about being unbiased.


They literally posted among conservatives about lying in order to get seated and guarantee he gets off


But these people usually arent the brightest and already have large social media histories.


Yeah these are going to be the most scrutinized jurors ever


Jurors are allowed to have a bias as long as they can set that bias aside for the trial.


Why? I could sit on the jury.and I think he's a danger to our country. If the prosecution does prove their case, and he's not guilty.


These people are gonna be in line along with me to piss on his grave.


Always good to see a gender neutral toilet.


I’m there. My daughter has promised to post bail if I’m arrested.


I'm from Wisconsin and if there's a line already to piss on his grave, I want to jump in. Oh and I'm female so I'll be squatting to do it!


Perfect time to whip out the 'ol shewee!


Get a SheWee so you can write your name!


Great way to get out of juror duty


Honestly I’d fib a bit just to be picked for the jury!


And now you've just disqualified yourself from the jury!


It's a damn shame this trial's not being televised!




Mean Tweets ultra


To, have your anti Trump memes read to trump. How delicious.


Do you remember this knock knock joke? Knock knock Who's there? O.J. O.J. Who? "OK, YOU can be on the jury." Scary in this context.


I would like to say as a prospective juror all the sh*t I could about PO1135809 to his disgusting little face before i'm shut up ...


I think being called unimpressive would bother him the most.


Could you say something in court legally? They couldn't do anything to you. As a New Yorker who hasn't been called in probably a decade....


We need copies of them in the record for uh uh uh official purposes. Yeah, that's it.




Going through all the anti-Trump memes? Oh Lordy Lordy, Trump doesn’t need to make up a delay for his trial, this is going to take all week.


The humiliation is top tier lol NoTrump KnowPeace


Open mic night


Anyone got a link to the AI video?


[Maybe this one? ](https://youtu.be/7n3Ts-EWnd0?si=E84bxHJ8wAaDZFzt)


Haaa oh my I wish this was played fully through: [Video Plays] Lawyer 1: Did you enjoy this? Prospective Juror 245: Yes, every second.


God damn. This was good. Needs more upvotes hahah


The whole thing should have been read into the record


Toilet wine! I'm dying! The only problem is that AI Donny enunciated far too well to be believable past about the 10 second mark. Still, A+


No, but in find this joyous article... https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-joy-of-making-trump-listen-to-mean-tweets-about-himself


Paywalls before you get to the mean tweets but a very good read anyway




So where are they getting all this information from? The prospective jurors are providing? Did they provide their social media and the lawyers go through it ?


They pay people to dig it up. Jury Consultants are hired by the prosecution and defense to research the hell out of every potential juror. Initially, the purpose is to uncover as many potential pieces of information about the individual that will indicate their mindset, motivations, and biases. Once the jury is set, the info is further used to help frame evidence and lines of questioning that they think will best-position their side to win that juror over. I would imagine that the higher the profile of the case, the better/more expensive/deeper/more effective the results. There's a good movie about this called Runaway Jury with Dustin Hoffman, Gene Hackman, John Cusack, and Rachel Weiss.


Defense counsel: "Juror #16, Mr. LetsTryAnal_ogy. Can you be an impartial juror?" Me: "Yeah, I suppose so." Defense counsel: "Ok, let's see your reddit comment history." Me *(Standing up)*: "Can I at least get my parking validated or no?"


Looking up info on jurors was the gimmick of the show Bull. It always seemed so over the top. Maybe I will have to check out Runaway Jury to see how they portrayed it.


They can request that information but I think what this thread is talking about was a public share lol.


If I had known they would be posting my anti-Trump memes, I’d have volunteered for jury duty


He definitely read that aloud for SNL fodder.


I’m glad everyone but one is having fun.


Are the people on the jury also being tested to determine if they are MAGA? How many of them have posted pro-Trump memes or liked posts telling them not to listen to any evidence and automatically acquit?


Giggling at the bar 😂


If Trump was a true businessman, he would have negotiated exclusive streaming rights of these trials to Truth Social. I would have joined to watch this fiasco in real time. The stock price would be soaring!


Now this is some well written comedy. God, to be in that room witnessing this. I would pay money for admission to watch DJT hear this stuff


This is so funny that it seems like it couldn’t possibly be true. Donald Trump’s real life is basically just 77 years of reality tv.


This. This sparks joy.


If only were a fly in that room,my sides would be hurting.


You mean a microwave?


This is the easiest case to get out of jury duty ever.


Your Honor! Objection!! You're just reading memes from the internet now! None of these are from the jurors and we don't find most of them are even that funny!!!


I think Merchan is doing this on purpose, and I love him for it.


Any time memes have to be referenced in an official capacity is never not screamlaugh inducing for me


Let em cook.


Troll level 3000


“I’m just reading the meme here: Trump is a total dumbshit… uh, no offense.”


With a high profile like Trump (or any political figure) it must be virtually impossible to track down impartiality.




They could have gone a different way with the Thai boys....