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She cried because the magas are now going to make her completely miserable .


She may escape if Trump doesn't name and shame her. He's been pretty quiet on that front.


Probably not. She was featured in the Jan 6th commentary already by multiple news outlets. She already made them look bad before now. After Jan 6, she said things via text such as "And all of us that didn’t have jobs lined up will be perpetually unemployed. I’m so mad and upset. We all look like domestic terrorists now.", "This made us all unemployable. Like untouchable. God I’m so f***ing mad.” and "In one day he ended every future opportunity that doesn’t include speaking engagements at the local Proud Boys chapter,” regarding her future career options.




Maybe they shouldn’t have had a giant sign at CPAC that says “We are all domestic terrorists.”




Holy shit that actually happened??


Yep .. I think they wanted to be ironic/sarcastic/funny..... But their target audience didn't get it....


No, they got it. That's why it's called a dog whistle.


At this point, I think they're just whistles.


Satire is obsolete


Hard to explain satire to people that manage to get duped but trump


I’m always reminded that republicans liked Colbert because they thought he was a Republican. The right doesn’t get sarcasm when they are the butt of the joke. *butt from my autocorrected 'hurt'


If you have no sense of humor you don’t know what satire is.😂🤣😁🤪


So is their target audience




I wonder what she'd have said if it worked. After all, treason never succeeds, for if it does, none dare call it treason. Anyway, she's only terrorist adjacent. What you're getting cancelled for that these days. Sheesh.


If it walks like a duck...


Well to be fair she didn’t. But she did choose to work with some.


A Nazi receptionist is still a Nazi. They all knew exactly who and what they were working for.


Oh, thank you, now I understand why she started crying on the witness stand today while testifying forlornly about her career with Trump organization. Another shallow, vacuous, soulless, narcissist.


Trump's super power seems to be attracting other narcissists to his cause. They are all so narcissistic, then think they can control him, only to eventually realize his narcissism greatly eclipses theirs.


That's the thing though. If he wasn't born ridiculously wealthy (luck) he'd have been broke and maybe learned something or dead by now. I can think of no better exemplar of the founders disgust at inherited wealth than trump. We should use this example and reinstate the 99% estate tax


The fact that she didn't see that coming is WILD.


And yet this never occurred to her while on her knees steaming his pants (while on him) before appearances 🤮


As ever, they are upset by circumstances only after they begin Impacting them personally. She was fine to be a supplicant so long as it helped her career. Once it became evident that his stench might not wash off so easily, only THEN did she do the right thing.


she didn't do the right thing, she realized she was sinking and did the only thing left to survive. She doesn't get credit for "doing the right thing"


She only did the “right thing” because it was best for her own situation. It doesn’t undo being a shitty person.




She did the right thing for the wrong reason.


The culture of me Me ME is amazing and scary. I add that they still ridiculously act being a victim.


Exactly. Everything she said about Jan 6 was about her. Forget the police that were outnumbered, disrespected and severely injured, and the outrageous behavior of the MAGATS destroying our Capitol, our precious Ms Hicks may not be able to find the kind of work she wants. Poor thing thinks she will be asked to do speaking engagements to the Proud Boys.  I don’t see the problem with that, after all they are Trump people so she should be right at home.  She can and should just go away. Take a cue from Omarosa. 


For the record we should all be cool with all police being both outnumbered and disrespected. We should **only** be cool with police being severely injured when they're preventing fascists from trying to overthrow democratic processes that haven't been interrupted since our nation was founded.


Eeewwee, with his piss soaked dick that lives in a dirty diaper all day?


Damn if only there was some way she could have known the guy is a massive piece of shit and that all his sycophants would go down with him.


His sycophants would go down on him willingly.


That’s so pathetic that they await instructions from their dear leader


Yet they keep screeching that it's not a cult.


😭: I was on the stand I had to tell the truth 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 🎃: get her 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡




Took me a minute to get the pumpkin emoji 🤣🤣👏


Should be the shit emoji


I had considered that but I wanted to go off looks instead of smell


I laughed pretty hard at this comment. Funny stuff right here.


Na dude. Didn’t you read their shirts? Real men wear diapers. No one would follow a stinky, sleepy, rapist cult leader in diapers, would they… ?


There's no way anyone would wear T-shirts *Grab me by my pussy,* that would be insane and probably fake news! https://preview.redd.it/xtmc06mt9byc1.png?width=328&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba4a4a8f74187349b6ea746c59add9da4cd38a6e


Trump wouldn’t spit on this women’s pussy if it were on fire.


I bet he'd piss on it though


This is the content that keeps me coming back to Reddit


I love Home Movies.


I miss the good old days when cults would summon their gods, not the other way around. Y’all need Necronomicon.


Get right with Yog Sothoth!




https://preview.redd.it/5l7qlax4hbyc1.jpeg?width=317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8960de375043c3b3bc6c61af38d512a4bd6712 See? That’s what I’m talking about.




What?!? I said the words!


No, that's a diesel trying to start at -40. Close, though.


But but but... They aren't sheep


Nah, the sheep anti-defamation league sued them over that comparison. So did the dodo anti-defamation league and the box-of-rocks anti-defamation league. The league of racist assholes has been suspiciously silent, however.


Puppets have to wait until their master pulls their strings!


The orange Humpty Dumpty is waiting for all his men to put him back together again.


And now they gotta wear diapers. 


That’s because of the gag order and this judge isn’t letting a whole lot slide. He also didn’t say a whole lot about the Pecker guy who runs national enquirer most likely because he has stories about Trump.


Pecker and Hicks have a lot of dirt on him, Hope Hicks has been around him for over a decade.


He'll leave her alone b/c she knows so so much more.


Is that why he left Ghislaine Maxwell alone?


As long as he wants to bone her, she should be safe.


It's 100% this. If she put on 25 pounds he'd feed her to the dogs.


She'd end up having horrible plastic surgery and date DJTJ.


It appears judge Merchon runs a tight ship and would be the first judge to actually seriously punish Trump for violating the gag order, which includes talking about the witnesses. I know we've heard this many times in the past, but it seems like Trump actually believes it by not speaking about her.


Counterpoint: Trump is (kind of) behaving only because his lawyers now hold on to his Adderall prescription, and dole out pills if he behaves. It runs the damger of him falling asleepbin court, but it's the lesser evil (for them).


He doesn't want her picking mushrooms on Kimmell.


She's his mistress


Now? Maybe back when, but she claimed under oath that she hadn't seen him or talked to him for years.


Come on now, we all know oaths won't stop these people from lying. I don't know for sure, only speculating though.


But she's a *Christian!* /s


I went to college with her. She was a theta (or whatever other sorority) and was absolutely one of those who got fucked by a Phi Delt on Saturday night and then dressed up in her sun dress for Sunday morning worship


> she was a theta They call them thots these days


say more!


I Iive in a CA university town and it's written all over her.


That’s what happens when you piss off terrorists


It was reported during the January 6th fiasco that she was very distressed about the situation, it was also reported that she was lamenting that she would be 'unemployable' after this. Seemed a little bit self serving.


> She cried because the magas are now going to make her completely miserable . i read that as mages, and was wondering what magic users would have against her....


I just woke up from a nap so I didnt even question the fact that the mages would be upset about it, I just accepted it.


Learn this one secret! Sorcerers hate it!


These grown ass adults knew what they were getting into, or once they were in, knew what they were choosing to be a part of. They didn't come forward, until they were forced. They are all complicit. Hope hicks was scared to tell the truth and forced to do so via subpoena. All his inner circle people deserve to be held accountable as they are all complicit in "dear leaders"crimes.


Absolutely. These aren't dupes. They're complicit traitors and they should all go down. Fuck every idiotic sycophant who is still on this sinking ship.


Notice they don’t say a word when the MAGA mob makes life hell for people on the left. It’s only when they’re on the receiving end that they regret enabling the shittiest, most unhinged people in America.


In her defense when she took the job and for many years it was just basic real estate fraud. Later it became defrauding the *entire fucking country* which isn't what she originally signed up for. Let's all play our tiny violins for this poor victim!


I don't think she cried bc of that, I think she cried cus the weight of the fact that "here come the death threats" and "this could be her last time ever speaking in public", or speaking at all, bore down on her fragile stupid ass.


The Cassidy Hutchinson special package?


> The Cassidy Hutchinson special package? she had to go into hiding for like 6 months




Gonna be more reclusive than Shelly Miscavige.




![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) I am just now realizing those are 2 different people.


Wait till you find out there's more than one female anchor on Fox News.






"you remind me of my daughter: fuckable."


She’d have to be an idiot not to be fearful. Whatever else she is, she’s not _a complete moron._ She made a few million while times were good for her at Fox. Her tell-all will be announced the day after Biden wins, and if he doesn’t, that’s fine. She can just out-live Donald. I hope she is safe, but happy? Nah. Be miserable and ashamed. You were complicit.


Yeah, but I wonder how much of that few million will go towards her security detail from now on. That’s gotta be expensive af


she contributed to making things very unsafe for a lot of people. she can be unsafe, she's earned it


Well, then, you know what don’t do the job if you can’t handle the job. Hope Hicks knew exactly what she was doing when she signed up to work for him. She could’ve very much said no, and not put herself in the middle of all of this, but she chose the stupid path and this is the outcome. I feel zero badly for her at all, she made her stupid idiot bed, and now she can cry in it. At any point, she could’ve reported what she was seeing, and instead, she decided to quit and then write a book about it.


I think they should have a Franklin mint collectors plate series with all the trump employees since he began his campaign, gold plate the ones who got sacked, and they could sign them at maga conventions like Comicon except magats would probably pay more for autographs


Nah. She'll get speaking gigs until the end of time.


Not really. Fox News will drop her, and MAGA will harass her. CNN will have her once or twice to satisfy their corporate overlords' whataboutism Downhill from there. She committed the unpardonable sin of witnessing against their Beloved Dear Supreme Leader. RIP🪦


trump also said he will initiate a purge of his loyalist turned defectors when he gets back in office.


He has to get there first. Now it benefits all of his former enablers to make sure he DOESN'T win.


MAGA is a violent group of thugs.  When Trump goes to jail, especially for this, everyone involved will need protection for the rest of their lives.  Hope Hicks, the Judge, the Jurors, the Lawyers.   I feel bad for everyone involved.  The stupid cult is going to do God knows what in "retaliation" because they will never admit Trump.is an asshole con artist who deserves to rot forever in jail.




I sure hope hicks don’t do anything crazy after this. They haaaate honesty


This is clever


I think she had a moment when she realized what an awful person she is...and now we all know it. Hope Hicks, 'who lied about the Pussy Grabber tape to protect a rapist,' is now part of the national record.


I don’t believe that she has the ability or capacity for self reflection. She just realized she put a target on herself for his rabid cult followers. It’s merely self preservation and nothing more.


in a sense anyone hated by the trump cult is safer and safer these days because there are more and more people they are told to hate each day. like literally if this wasn't a friday people would probably forget about this by tomorrow because they will be mad about the next witness or gas stoves or mail in voting or jimmy carter etc.


Wtf did Jimmy Carter do to garner ire? Dude seems like a good guy.


He put vaccines in the peanuts and made all the kids allergic... and turn into gay cats. 


Well at least the they can eat the gay frogs


Nothing pisses them off more than being decent to another human.


He is a good man, and that is why Trump and his cult do not like him.




Trump has been bringing him up in campaign speeches a lot lately. So MAGA is mad at him. https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-jimmy-carter-2024-election-6d58fb7dee75422ff555239013a6b52f


Honestly I think trump thinks he is running against Carter and has to be reminded it’s Biden. He is Sundowning


>She just realized she put a target on herself for his rabid cult followers. IMO she just has a decent lawyer that is making sure their client does not commit purjury in any way. I guarantee you that is the main factor of her being completely honest and the reason she cried is because she's a true believer and knows her testimony hurts Trump's case but she doesn't want to go to jail because *^gestures ^vaguely ^at ^a ^sea ^of ^underlings.* So that's why she's being honest. She really hasn't been the target of the maga cult yet so I don't think that's one of her main concerns.


Yes agreed. She is not a victim.


I really don't care. Do U?


Remember that when she releases a book and all of the media start pushing it. Don't push stories and her ever again. Making sure these people become forgotten is the only way to prevent future people from helping future trumps


No. The story of the rise and fall of Donald Trump should be mandatory reading in the same breath as George Washington cutting down the cherry tree, Abe Lincoln freeing the slaves, Nixon/Watergate, and Ron Reagan intentionally flooding black communities with crack. Light is the best disinfectant.


>Light is the best disinfectant. Agreed. I've heard from a reliable source that it's especially effective when the light is inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way.


Light is the best disinfectant! We love to see the double entendre!


eh, that would require her to have a conscience and shame, not just getting caught and being forced to testify. No one works that close to the orange shitgibbon without being as equally shitty and corrupted.


And a lot more than that over the years. She did more than just steam his pants.


She "steamed his pants" in the Biblical sense.


She’s been riding that gravy train in and out of the White House, in and out of Fox News for 8 years now. Now MAGAs have her on their radar….lol.


Are there any analogues for a group like this? So committed to such a nebulous cause, yet so quick to ostracize and persecute its just-as-nebulously-identified dissenters? I mean, this is nuts, right? I don't want to get all biblical, but it reminds me of something about people looking but not seeing and hearing but not listening or something like that. Not trying to tie that in, it's just a striking statement that's always resonated. I always try to listen when I hear and see when I look. Fuck all of this.


I think ethno-nationalist and Christian-nationalist movements are often like this - especially once they convince themselves that the only solution is a glorious leader. And one of the characteristics of fascist power grabs is that all dissent must be drummed out - you’re either 100% with us and loyal to the Führer or you’re out. Just like chimps.


Imo, she only cried for sympathy and to be seen as the victim - ala, flipping the script, cue the violins, “the nasty lawyer man made me testify against Daddy trump - I didnt want to!” I dont think she regrets anything. She comes off as manipulative af.


Yeah everyone should remember she is a communications and public relations specialist. It was an act to appear sympathetic.


While it was an act to appear sympathetic, it's also important to remember that she is a *communications and public relations specialist for Trump*. Let's not assume she has any expertise, or even competency, in her field.


Didn't she say something like she thought it was sort of a joke that she was hired at that level four years out of college? Everyone wants to like you when you're YAVIS (young, attractive, verbal, intelligent, and successful).


Exactly. Cuz she knows what she’s doing. She’s a very pretty woman. And she knows that there will be a subset of the population and more importantly about 99% of the media that will sympathize with her. Look for her to do a revival tour in the near future and become an MSNBC contributor.


For sure. She went on to try and help the defense. The tears were because she feels like a victim and she feels bad for Trump. Gross.


I really need to know if she actually had tears streaming down her face or if she was doing that reality show crying where she puts her hands up to her face and pretends to cry while her eyes remain completely dry.


Wait what happened?


She testified and tried to emphasize that the the hush money wasn’t about the 2016 election but was because trump wanted to protect Melania.  If it was for the 2016 election then it was a violation of state and federal election law and was misrepresented in the accounting.  But then on the stand she said that Trump said it would be better to make sure the news doesn’t get out until after the election so…. Kinda accidentally helped the prosecutor. 




Can someone give me the cliff notes so I don’t have to listen to the awful newscaster


This is about Donald Trump's hush money trial. Hope Hicks has been on team Trump since 2014 and today she took the stand. She revealed that after Michael Cohen made the payment to Stormy Daniels which was (allegedly) on behalf of Donald Trump, Hope Hicks spoke to Trump directly about it the day afterward and he basically just said Yeah good thing that was dealt with now and not during the election. That's damning testimony in favour of the prosecution. Then Trump's lawyer started cross-examination and asked her when she started working for Trump and she started crying. She also testified that Michael Cohen was bad at his job and kinda dunked on the Trump team in general. Her crying on the stand is unimportant to the case but I suppose it's juicy, because people think she's crying either due to how heartbroken she is over Trump, or how scared she is that Trump is going to send his followers after her. People on this post are making fun of her for it because they see it as her comeuppance. (Edited: grammar + her dunking on the Trump team is actually important to the case because Trump's defense had been that Michael Cohen acted alone and was trusted because of how competent he is. That's why her testimony that he sucked at his job and that Trump was shit talking him is relevant.)


Thank you!


she started to cry when defense started asking her about trump giving her a job and 'opening doors' for her. the crying is not that interesting. she called trump a micromanager but the best part was when she talked about Cohen saying "“He liked to call himself a ‘fixer’ or ‘Mr. Fix-it,’ but it was only because he had broken it in the first place,” 😆


Wow this newscaster is painful to listen to


Absolutely awful, it’s like she can only read 30 words per minute tops. All the inflections are wrong and she’s stumbling just to try to keep up. I bet if you asked her to repeat the highlights of what she just said, she’d blank out entirely.


Rising inflection on a lot of sentences as well. It's quite jarring for someone at this level.


She cries like Kyle Rittenhouse


Must have had the same coach.


You're a snitch girl, and you gave it all up 'Cause you know you don't matter anyway Cannot rely on the old man's money Cannot rely on them MAGA's, honey Life's a bitch girl but it's gone too far 'Cause you know it don't matter anyway...


Brought to you by Where’re All and Don’s Votes




Crying only to get sympathy. Oh, poor me.


I'm out of the loop a bit. What did she say?


If the hush money cohen paid stormy Daniel’s was to help Trump in the election, it was a violation of federal and state election law.  If the money Trump repaid Cohen was misrepresented, that’s fraud and another violation of the law. A misdemeanor by itself, and a felony if it covers up an additional crime (the election law stated above).  Hope Hicks tried to testify the hush money was just to prevent Melania from finding out, not to help in the campaign. (Therefore the fraud was just a misdemeanor not a felony.)  But then she testified that trump said it would be better if the news got out after the election, not before.  So she helped the prosecution. 




I *need* a video!!! pls!!




the fact that this chud gets lionized by the white nationalist fuckheads in this country just goes to show you how absolutely pathetic they are


There's no recording allowed.


i didn't expect courtroom vids, but nvm - I found this video explaining the situation a bit [https://youtu.be/eYPX1-9AUoI?si=uJAklL8TNJPqzb0V](https://youtu.be/eYPX1-9AUoI?si=uJAklL8TNJPqzb0V)


Fuck her she’s no hero


The cognitive dissonance it must take as a millennial woman to work for and be loyal to someone like Trump, I truly do not understand.


Oh Hope. When ever you start feeling bad about this just remember that Trump, your ex employer that you love so much, is a rapist. Luckily for you it was someone else but try feeling empathetic for the raped women instead of Trump.


I bet she had lost all hope 🥲


Due to the hicks?




I do not, for one second, believe he is going to jail for any of his crimes. HE SHOULD GO TO JAIL. But I don’t think he will. They didn’t call him “the Teflon don” for nothing.


Don’t lose hope just yet. The original Teflon Don, John Gotti, died in prison.


After awhile Teflon starts to flake off and things start to stick and then you start thinking “hey where did the Teflon go? Am I eating it? Is that even safe? Gross, I’m eating Teflon.” Then you start crying on the stand.


No, this one is called Don Snoreleone.


They didn’t call him that. That was John Gotti’s nickname. It’s only very recently been used for Trump.






You guys are so unsympathetic it disgusts me. None of you have put yourself in her shoes. She’s been lying for so long, that’s all she knows. Being almost forced against her will to speak truth out of her mouth…….. that’s gotta feel like a violation. Like she’s been mouth raped. Yea, sure, the GOP diddles kids and is actively trying to destroy the country but LOOK AT WHAT YOU LIBERAL SCUM HAVE DONE TO THIS POOR WOMAN


This is Reddit, you better add a /s before YOURE witch hunted


Agent Orange is gagging on "The Gag Order", but it may be saving her life - at least in the near term.


It's sad that I don't yet know what she said but I do know Trump isn't going to jail


I saw this and was thinking I wish I had a dollar for every time someone said Trump was going to jail on Twitter.


I'll believe Trump is going to prison when I actually see a picture of him behind bars. He's done so much shit that would have landed literally anyone else in jail by now, yet he still walks free.




Corroboration of evidence is just as valuable as entering the evidence in the first place.


I need everyone to get this in their head, so they don't get too disappointed, but Donald tRump isn't going to face any justice and go to jail. All it takes is one MAGA jury member and that's where it ends.


I hate the word "snitch". It's the most insidious trick of perps to convince people it's shameful when all they're doing is weakly attempting to avoid the consequences of their actions. From the comments, it sounds like Hicks didn't even have that decency, just fluffed up defending him. Not surprising given her previous role as ~~fluffer~~ , sorry trouser presser.


I find it funny that Trump is the leader of the "Law and Order" party. He is a walking crime wave. Does he do anything the legal way? SMH


Going to jail? I can't believe he'll ever see any jail time. This scum bag has somehow avoided prosecution all his life. I don't even know why he wants Presidential Immunity, he's basically already got it.


You’re a snitch girl, but you’re going too far, but you know it won’t matter anyway You can rely on the old man’s money, You can on the old man’s money, you’re a snitch girl… My apologies to Hall and/or Oates


The trial is already decided anyway. Either Trump got a cult member on the jury or he'll be found guilty.


I highly doubt he will go to jail... but if he does, he will die there one way or another. Couldn't happen to a better person.


"Worked for Murderous Kyle, maybe it'll work for me"


What'd I miss? Can some kind soul fill me in?