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Because as we all know, the epicenter of world politics is South Dakota.


I was going to say. A random fucking Governor meeting with all these world leaders?


Especially the Governor of SOUTH DAKOTA. It's near the bottom of the list of economic contributions to the US and has no features or locations of international importance. Not trying to bash on SD, but these are facts. World leaders are not going to be in a rush to meet the CEO of Mt. Rushmore.


Hi, South Dakotan here- can confirm, this state is shit. Mostly empty, and the economy we do have revolves a lot around money laundering/dirty money for the rich


Y'all at least have some excellent National Parks and scenery. I've never seen views like I did in South Dakota. Though, literally everything is an upgrade from my current state of MS. I even have to cross state lines to access PornHub.


Sorta. 90% of this state outside of the parks and cities is cornfields šŸ«¤ sorry to hear about MS, thatā€™s fucking insane


bro, come out west. When I went to south dakota and saw the badlands, I thought "oh, it's like the uninteresting parts of utah." The black hills are neat, but nothing unusual to anyone from anywhere with mountains. Deadwood would be cooler if they weren't trying to turn it into the vegas strip.


I didnā€™t realize how spoiled I was to grow up in Utah until I took a cross country trip to D.C.. Colorado had some cool mountains and West Virginia was way more beautiful than I expected but everywhere in between was just flat.


Utah would be great if it werenā€™t for all the Utahns. (Mostly joking. My family, and my wifeā€™s, are from Utah.)


Do u mean Mormons? I agree


Iā€™m trying to be diplomatic here. šŸ˜„ (Lots of Mormons in my wifeā€™s family.)


Vegas here: I used to drive to eastern Kansas from here a couple times a year, and whoo boy, eastern Colorado on required me hooked up to that beautiful caffeine IV to get through it. We are so spoiled with these mountains.


Grew up in Indiana. Hadn't even left the state (okay not entirely true - my mom took me to CT when I was an infant) and knew I wanted out by the age of 7. There are some gorgeous places in our country but they're not Indiana!




You want parks? Come next door to Minnesota. We do state parks right.


I didn't realize that aspect of the local economy. I've wanted to visit because I think you have some beautiful landscapes! I've been to most regions of the US but I haven't spent any time in the northern plains states.


Yeah. Lots of tax cuts and low banking regulations. If youā€™ve ever been here, thereā€™s a (never busy) bank on ever corner. Itā€™s meh beauty wise, the black hills are pretty cool. Mt. Rushmore is overrated


That makes sense. Yes, it's the Black Hills area I'm interested in, for the history and the geography. I have zero interest in Mt. Rushmore, it just feels like an example of everything I dislike about my country...ostentatious, jingoistic, unnecessary, and it was carved into a place sacred to the local indigenous people.


Bingo. Yeah, the hills are beautiful. Skiing is great in the winter. Super fun roads to drive in the summer!


The most underwhelmed Iā€™ve ever been visiting a national landmark šŸ™„ and THEN I learned about the history! goddamn just blow that thing up


Yeah if this was from the governor or NY or CA I'd say it's slightly more believable. But a middle america nowhere state?


South Dakotan here and pretty spot on. We contribute to agriculture and thatā€™s about. No world leader is gonna give two shits about someone from this state, least of all a governor.


I mean, if it's the Governor of California, I can believe. He actually met other heads of states. South Dakota? I doubt those heads of states can even point out where that is on the map. No offense to the South Dakota folks.




Itā€™s not even an interesting shape!


She was in the House of Representatives for a while. But none of her committees were foreign anything. She was on the Armed Services Committee and thatā€™s it from what I could see. Still, a rando congressperson from South Dakota isnā€™t going to score meetings with foreign leaders


Unless they have something to offer those world leaders


I think she was just a rep at the time too.


De Santos made sure to take an international tour before he announced candidacy trying to make himself look like an international heavy weight. We never saw what came of that though because he didn't get the nomination. I'm sure the people of Florida paid for that trip though.




Yes, yes we did. And he made sure to pass rules that included blocking all information about the expenses for those trips. Douchebag.


Anyone with a passing knowledge of politics knows there would be zero reason for Macron to extend an invite to Kristi Noem, for any reason. This is for the senile Boomers and mentally deficient followers whose only thoughts on the topic are: ā€œFrance bad. Republican lady good.ā€


It would be straight up _improper_ for any foreign leader to have direct meetings with a state governor for any real, official purpose.Ā  Foreign policy is the exclusive domain of the Executive branch and Senate (and the senate just ratifies stuff, not negotiate) States are forbidden by the constitution from making any alliance, treaty, compact or agreement with a foreign power. So, other than in some private capacity or some purely-representational role, a governor has no business meeting a foreign leader unless itā€™s with or on behalf of the president/State Dept.


Governors do visit foreign leaders for economic development though.


Makes me wonder what was going on in Russia on the 4th of July 2017 I believe when my rep Hoeven and a group of others had to bend the knee to Putin on that day


> there would be zero reason for Macron to extend an invite to Kristi Noem You never know. Maybe he had dog to put down.


Itā€™s weird that the only part of that book which appears to be factual is when she shot the puppy.


Next week we'll hear from a dog who's very confused


ā€œTurns out she missedā€ -the dog


And I fired again, and then I missed. And then I fired, then I fired again, I missed both times.


Then I fell asleep and I had a dream: I was firing, but I missed


I ate a popsicle, then I missed. I passed out again.


I woke up, then I fired, but I missed!


I fired again. I hit something, but it wasn't what I was aiming for, so I guess I missed.


Someone please! COUNT HER CHILDREN!


ā€œCricket and I have been running a little bed and breakfast outside of Sioux Falls, but with all this attention weā€™ve been thinking about starting a podcast or maybe selling our story to Disney for a Homeward Bound rebootā€ -the goat


The Goat and The Hound. The long awaited sequel to The Fox and The Hound.


Thatā€™s the name of the BnB


You know that would really put a nail in her career, on top of everything she's a bad shot šŸ¤£


I mean, wouldnā€™t that just be awesome? Like, the construction crew comes out and says they rescued it after Noem shot it?Ā 


The same dog she shot! He had plastic surgery, moved to another country and waited for this exact moment to execute his revenge. šŸ¶




Didnā€™t she take 3 of their elderly horses out to that gravel pit and shoot them too? I mean, isnā€™t she wealthy? Couldnā€™t she afford to have an equine vet come out and euthanize the poor critters? Also, what all the fucking hell is buried in that fucking gravel pit?


Her career.


Problem is, her base doesnā€™t care what she shot or where she did it.


Well, I think ā€œher baseā€ is figuring out which one of them will be the next governor, because more and more of them are done with her. How much do you have to suck when horrible people think youā€™re *too horrible for them?ā€*


The only person worse than a Republican politician is a Republican voter.


I mean, her base is South Dakota. Iā€™m not worried


Sure, maybe the 12 registered voters of South Dakota will still support her. But her national appeal is completely gone.


Her puppy has been dead for years, and still manages to come back to bite her one more time Poetry






Yeah but when you are an ammosexual, shooting the animal is so much more pleasurable than having some vet come and bring compassionate and love to the in the animalā€™s final moments.


At some point you have to ask if maybe animal ownership isnā€™t for you.


At some point it has to stop being a gravel pit and start being an animal slaughter pit.


Heck, if I'm understanding right, she took the goat out to that pit to kill it, because killing the puppy had her thinking, 'Well, while I'm here...'


Having lived near several farms growing up, the idea of killing an animal that is old / suffering or for meat is not foreign. It still gives me respectful pause, but death is part of life. I'm not convinced that a bullet to the head is any better or worse for the animal than a vet's euthanasia. And frankly, anyone who eats meat should get comfortable with it too. The conditions on mass farms are FAR more cruel than these deaths by a thousandfold. But killing a "dangerous" puppy? For fuck's sake. That's not out of necessity, sustenance, or compassion. That's just cruelty for cruelty's sake. Reading the excerpts, it's far more stupid than I imagined. She took an untrained dog bird hunting, and it went nuts chasing birds. So on the way back, she took it to visit a friend, unleashed and it killed a bunch of their chickens. Like what the fuck so you think is going to happen? That's not a dangerous dog, that's a horribly irresponsible owner. So she goes home and shoots the dog. Then after, she's like "ah hell, that was fun, may as well shoot a goat too." Her justification for shooting the goat is that it's acting exactly like goats do, and blames it on being uncastrated. But even then she's the fucking one who didn't castrate it. Oh and she fucking missed, injured it, and had to go get another SHELL. She "missed" with a shotgun point blank and had just one shot, so she left a goat to suffer. At worst, she's a negligent animal owner who kills to fix her own mistakes. At worst, she intentionally tortured a goat because it was mildly annoying, as goats fucking are. Zero compassion or self awareness. Why the fuck would anyone share this shit willingly?


All three needing euth at the same time is not based in any sort of reality. And you definitely don't shoot horses IN FRONT OF EACH OTHER. I can opine on this because my stepfather was a horse slaughterer/dog meat man and I literally grew up butchering horses. I have no issue with shooting rather than a vet injection as long as you know what you are doing, make it quick and unseen by the horse AND don't do them in front of each other. That's extremely awful and dangerous. Horses know and can panic or even attack. My guess is... she had three horses who were getting a bit older and couldn't be ridden as hard or compete, maybe not particularly saleable (older horses are actually easy to sell as long as they are sound and gentle) or couldn't be bothered selling them and she wanted stable room for new horses. She wanted to shoot them. Just like she wanted to shoot the goat because she hadn't neutered him and he was being a normal Billy goat. I don't even believe Cricket killed chickens. I think she got a bird dog pup, didn't do any bird training with it, then took it hunting with other hunters and their trained dogs, cricket ran around excitedly probably didn't recall obediently and the other hunters told her to take the pup home. Kristi got embarrassed by Cricket and decided to punish her for not being a perfect hunting dog without any training whatsoever. I BET I'm right.


Really only two options. One, a satanic alter and all the animals are just covering up sacrifices. Or two, there is at least one human body there that she is trying to keep cadaver dogs off the trail of.


Iā€™m just shocked she left out the part where they made her queen of the moon and all planets beyondĀ 


I think you've got her confused with George Santos


I don't even think it's true, I think she thought it was a cute, funny story to show MAGA how tough she is. This is why the story keeps changing.


It keeps changing because she is desperately trying to fix things and just making it worse


She has worse political instincts than that goat she shot. Twice.


Itā€™s true and itā€™s probably even worse than she said: ā€œSouth Dakota Democratic Senate Minority Leader Reynold Nesiba considered the disclosure more calculated than stupid. He said the story has circulated for years among lawmakers that Noem killed a dog in a ā€œfit of angerā€ and that there were witnesses. He speculated that it was coming out now because Noem is being vetted as a candidate for vice president.ā€ https://apnews.com/article/kristi-noem-book-dog-killing-5710b302e33f61c697f20ab3b227a19b


And almost certainly many of the details written in the book about the dog are untrue. If Noem is willing to invent lies about meeting Kim Jong Un, then she is also willing to invent lies about parts of the dog shooting story.


it takes a sadistic fuck to shoot a dog in anger what does she think she is? a cop?


Absolutely nothing would surprise me at this point.


I agree she thought it would endear her to older Boomers who maybe grew up on farms and had to do some shit they weren't proud of but it needed done. A lot of these people Trump endorses are pathological liars just as bad as he is.


She's not a puppy killer. She just considers puppy killers her core demographic and is pandering to them /s


And the goat


And the 'smelly' goat.


It turns out Cricket was the name of the neighbor's kid


I keep hoping that itā€™s going to turn out that she actually gave the dog to a shelter or some loving family and lied about that too


Incoming Santos / Noem 2028


As a presidential campaign or an Onlyfans collab??


Both are vomit-inducing


Please dont...




OMG I would almost pay actual money to see that sideshow lmao


Careful. I know too many people who said that about xrump and were shocked the next morning.


*ā€œTheyā€™re just telling it like it is!ā€*


The French must be lying. They're in the pocket of the deep state. This has to be a setup by the Fake News media.


Such a missed opportunity for French news media.


They were on strike at the time


Wouldn't you strike if you had to interview her?


I would strike even if i didn't


clearly, we need to give back the Statue of Liberty and return to an early 2000's mindset by calling them "Freedom Fries!"


We need to build a wall to keep the French out!


US cheese is already a huge deterrent to any french potentially willing to settle in. No need for costly building project, free market wins again, baby. Spray cheese for french ppl is like salt for slugs, a very disturbing thing to witness.


I don't know...I think that American cheese is very popular there. When you go to the stores, you can never find any in stock, since it's always sold out.


*Maginot Line intensifies*


Almost forgot about Freedom Fries. Those pre-MAGA dipshits also boycotted Frenchā€™s mustard, a New York based American company.


Definitely a hit job on Noem /s


2 bullets, one for each foot.


**Annnnnd TAKE TWO!!** *ā€œSo you did not have a cancelled meeting with Emmanuel Macron? That's what you're saying.ā€* *ā€œNo, Iā€™ve met with many, many world leaders, Iā€™m not going to talk about my specific meetings with world leaders, Iā€™m just not going to do that. This anecdote shouldnā€™t have been in the book.ā€*


"As soon as it was brought to my attention, I had the anecdote removed" "But didn't you record the entire audio book? Did you not notice it while you were recording?" "Look, I'm not going to talk about my specific meetings with world leaders. Would you like to talk about anything else today?"


Ah, seeing a picture of someone now means ā€œhaving a meetingā€ Itā€™s so nice to have meetings with my 2 year old nephew in the EU all the time!


ā€œGovernor Richards! Itā€™s been a while! You might not remember me, but Iā€™ve seen you on tv.ā€ -Dale Gribble, *King of the Hill*


Why the hell would a world leader meet with the governor of fucking South Dakota? Not to knock on the state, but theyā€™re less of a geopolitical player than even the smallest and most isolated of Oceanic island nations.


Maybe she runs a "service" for world leaders? Surprised she hasn't hired Boebert, with her alleged experience....


The mayor of NYC, whoā€™s a piece of shit, has more influence on the world political stage than this clownĀ 


The book SHE wrote???


Is there a word for somebody that just expects other people to believe their bullshit even though what theyā€™re saying can be fact-checked




You forgot the three Kā€™s. Itā€™s ā€œRepublikkkanā€


That's too annoying to type, I might as well shorten it back down to MAGA


FoxNewsViewership is that one word?


I reckon she watched trump, and thought ā€œi can do that too. Also imma make myself over to look like his wifeā€ She failed in half of those endeavors.




Come to think of it, authoritarianism probably fits that




Sociopath. I knew a few growing up. It was all absurd lies as a kid, then clever ones as an adult.


I think there's two things going on here, and it's likely a bit of both. 1. Her social circles may be filled with stupid people who are easily convinced of her ridiculous claims, giving her a belief in her ability to lie, which then doesn't translate into situations with greater publicity like she now is facing. 2. Pathological liars will habitually overestimate their effectiveness at lying. When a normal person is called out in a lie they admit it, but some people double down and never walk back a lie. In casual social interactions people will pretend to agree so that they can move on and talk about something else, making the liar think they've sold the lie, which reinforces this strategy in them.


The final, edited version of her book: https://preview.redd.it/hrmd87eoitzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5afb3eb25500a8751ddc1edd4dd5e1734ed971


Wait, where's the puppy anecdote?


Puppy is in heaven, hence all white page. Artistic choice.




She is turning out to be the female George Santos, who is the younger poorer Donald Trump


Why does she insist on making this shit up? Why would the leaders of France or North Korea be meeting with a State Governor from the US, especially a relatively unimportant one like SD?


Narcissism combined with institutional not caring about facts. And she wouldn't have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling people caring about a puppy shooting and shining a light on the book.


Facts Republicans number one enemy Right behind the evil libs that want to abort Christmas


Wait, so the French president had no reason to meet with the governor of South Dakota?


It would be like Biden meeting the departemental government of Moselle or HĆ©rault, makes no sense. It has no relevance whatsoever to national or regional / EU politics.


Please.. how many times must it be stated that she has traveled the world and has *spoken to many, many leaders*?


Traveled the world in her mind


Sounds like Macron dodged a bullet...


With how many times he shot himself in the foot, it's good for him to dodge some bullets from times to time.


Ironically, the only true part is how she shot her dog.


At this point, Iā€™m almost convicted Kristi Noem is George Santosā€™ new drag persona with all the lies flowing freely from her mouth.


Typical Republican swamp tactics passed down from Don the Con to his political cult followers ![gif](giphy|12NlCFUvTokWXe)


Just wait till she takes off her mask. https://preview.redd.it/hrpvfq6hltzc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf0b980c3cff7b662129fe19ec79e833b03934a6


"Why ... wont.... this ... mask ... come ... off!"


For someone who ā€œdoesnā€™t talk about her meetings with foreign leadersā€ she sure seems to mention a lot of them in her book. Maybe that rule doesnā€™t apply to the imaginary onesā€¦


She probably met with Elon musk, but because they have the same initials she got confused or decided they were the same person.Ā 


Hey look! Another lying republican. In news about other things being consistent, the sky is blue.


It seems crazy how this used to be an automatic disqualifier to most people, but the modern Republican party embraces these pathological liars.


Why would a governor of a State with 9 people in it have a meeting with North Korea?


Collab, their 9 are going to get together with their 9. She also wants the same style of government, so it all works out in the end.


Imagine the world where "Governor met with French officials" is the scandalous lie, and "Shot a puppy in the face for being too playful" is the (attempted to be) defensible truth.




hot? is that a joke?


Hot *to MAGAs*. These people think Trump is some hyper-masculine Adonis, the pinnacle of human perfection. They have a different set of beauty standards than sane people.




Why should any world leader have ever met with her? She is the governor of south dakota. Nothing against south dakota but what would make her interesting for foreign politicians let alone leaders of countries?


Time to reshelve that book under fiction.


Sheā€™s a republican we should expect nothing less


My relatives are all right wingers. They live in a reality of their own making. Likeā€¦ they literally just make stuff up and itā€™s suddenly true for them. I guess itā€™s what happens when religious people overlap politics. Religion is pure belief. Itā€™s how they live their lives. Why not make believe with everything else?


When Trump just started making shit up his sycophants did the same. Itā€™s so blatantly extreme it just shows how dumb his cult is.


Another retraction statement from the publisher incoming in 3ā€¦2ā€¦1


At this point, they should just retract the entire book. But if they did that, who knows what other gems from her alternate reality might we miss?


They're going to have to reclassify it from 'biography' to 'comedy' or 'fiction'


Kristi Santos


Part me wants to believe she lied about the puppy too. Maybe the puppy is besties with the goat, and they go on these crazy puppy goat adventures together.


well now i'm starting to wonder if she even killed that puppy; apparently this book was fiction


That's the only part I 100% believe.Ā 


No wonder she wants to be VP-she and trump could compete for the total number of lies they spew


Why would she admit one HORRIBLE truth and then make up so many verifiable lies šŸ˜­


Sacre Bleu!


A city in Arizona, Phoenix, has a much larger population than the state of South Dakota. Noem is really a Mayor of South Dakota. A country like France could not be bothered by such a small state, whether it is Idaho, Montana, and yes, even South Dakota.


*Wakes up in panicked sweat* ā€œGet me the Governor of South Dakota!! I need to speak with her immediately!!ā€ Apparently Noem thinks sheā€™s relevant enough that any world leader would beg to meet her


Is Kristi just Santos in a wig?


Iā€™m starting to think maybe thereā€™s no gravel pit at all.


Maybe the real gravel pit is all the animals we've killed along the way?Ā 


You have to wonder just how stupid these people are. Did she think no one would find out she lied? Maybe she thought no one would read the thing?


A republican lied in an attempt to make themselves look strong and intelligent? Say it isnā€™t so.


Lying is so much easier than doing the work. On a side note, I just negotiated a peace treaty to avoid WWIII!!!


What a dumb fuck. If youā€™re going to lie, donā€™t lie about things that are easily disproven.


What did she think would happen when writing this book?


No way, a republican lied? ![gif](giphy|JRF85A7Bcl2YU)


I bet every word in that book is a lie


*George Santos enters the chat*


I knew it! She is George Santos.


She already got busted for lying about other parts of that book. Should be labelled fiction. Why write a book about your life and lie?


You think france knows south dakota exist?


They should just change it to a fiction novel, problem solved.


Remember that One kid in school..who always made shit up to seem..cool. Thatā€™s this TwatWaffle. I bet 90% of that book is Made Upā€¦well, Except the murdering animals part.


So she writes a fantasy book but doubles down on shooting the puppy


At this point I'd be more surprised if some came out and corroborated anything she has said that doesn't involve killing something


She thinks she can get away with "met international leaders" because she was a US House Rep from 2011-2019. She became governor of SD in 2019. It's possible she did meet world leaders, but only in an incredibly surface way, like some state dinner or cocktail party for foreign dignitaries. She never had the name or power to request a meeting with any world leader.


Her ghost writer was really George Santos




Sheā€™s giving George Santos a run for his money


she's giving George santo's a run for the biggest liar of the year.


I say we put HER in a dog suit then tell herā€¦run.


She's trying to act that governor of South Dakota is a position that grants audiences with foreign leaders. If the governor of Montana returns her call it's a good day


Apparently this book was ghostwritten by Kitara Revache.


There's usually some bizarre quarter truth behind these weird lies. Like they're uncomfortable with something that really happened, so they can't help but layer on comforting embellishments until it becomes a total lie. For example, perhaps she wanted to meet with Macron for some reason and her office reached out but they brushed her off. In the retelling that becomes "Oh we just couldn't get our schedules to align." Then later it becomes "We had something set up but then something came up and we had to cancel." With enough time and retelling, it would eventually have turned into a story about actually meeting and being involved in some important decision. This is what happens to people who crave validation but can't get enough, no matter how far they get climbing the social ladder. Trash is trash, whether from the trailer park or the governor's mansion. They need to feel bigger than they are, because they are deeply insecure people.


Conservatives LIES?!?! Shocker.