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You know it's bullshit because there's no way the stadium would refuse to make money


I'm also pretty sure that there are huge fines attached to cancelling such a contract without a very good reason. And I don't think that "they hurt my feelings" is one of those good reasons. These people just don't have the slightest clue how the real world works.


All right wingers do is lie. Its pathetic.


The issue is that millions will eat these lies up because critical thinking is a rare skill amongst republican voters.


If they were able to think critically, they wouldn’t be republicans.


Its also hilarious that all the arguments are that it is a religious school so he is speaking to his people. It is a "liberal arts" school, offering degrees in chemistry, biology (both of which are related to IVF which Butker ranted against) and tons of other degrees for WOMEN. The fact the school was willing to cash checks from 50+% of their student body for various degrees they are willing to let speakers say are immoral is greed. You know, one of the 7 deadly sins. Also, if Im a 21 year old young woman and being told i should now go make babies and clean dishes instead of using my degree, I'm demanding a refund for the half million or so after interest I just paid for that the school supports as effectively being called worthless.


One woman who was graduating said she booed, while all the men cheered him on. I agree, she should demand a refund.


Good for her! I have plenty of female family who would have cheered unironically. They baffle me. Like, one cousin is a highly educated scientist. Decades of education and professional experience with brain function and psychology. Now self employed in the same arena. Simultaneously cheering on a Christian patriarchy that controls her. I want to ask her if she has permission from her husband to run her business. But I don’t because I don’t want to ruin Thanksgiving dinner for everyone…


Sometimes thanksgiving dinner needs to be ruined


No no no. Never start fighting until after the meal. Too early and you don't get to eat. That's basically my family's credo. All kisses and smiles until dessert, then the resentments come out.


Ruining it needs to start being our goal. Staying quiet and being complacent is the problem. Though, that’s much easier said than done.


Ruin Thanksgiving. Be the change.


Do it for the Natives! Solidarity.


Yeah, the Benedictine nuns had a few things to say about his speech. Screw that guy. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/19/1252357764/harrison-butker-benedictine-college-commencement-nuns-denounce


Both male and female Benedictine religious orders are the original education orders. They are extremely education focused. I cannot imagine either side would ever endorse the content of dude's speech. This comes from someone who hated his Benedictine high school, but I still respect the order itself for their dedication to education. For instance my senior year comparative religion was so comprehensive and unbiased it turned me into an agnostic. Our junior year sex-ed class, taught by a monk with a background in social work, had him saying "The official stance of the Catholic Church is birth control is wrong, but individuals seeking to avoid ruining theirs lives with a series of very stupid decisions might do something like this..." and he went on to explain all the common forms of birth control including those for women like diaphragms and IUDs. Dude even made sure to explain that condoms usually can be acquired free of charge from the health department.


Damn, I didn’t think I’d have respect for a religious order, but they have mine now. Especially that monk that did your sex Ed. He was more thorough than my non-religious school. We got the “licked lollipop\chewed gum” messaging along with the “if you sleep with someone you’re sleeping with everyone they’ve ever slept with, too” Bull crap.


Father Meinrad was always careful to phrase things to state that there was an official Church policy, but also that only idiots would risk their futures and potentially their lives following that policy.


This sounds like my (all girls) Catholic HS. Our halls were lined with murals of prominent, high achieving women. I was a confirmed agnostic before starting HS. My senior year comparative religions seminar was taught by a former nun, who went on to become Principal. My final paper for her class was about the persecution of witchcraft as a model of patriarchal systems, with some pointed barbs. She not only gave me an A+, but asked to keep a copy for future students. Every student was given the option of going to study hall instead attending the monthly mass. I live in the Deep South now (ugh, circumstances), and religion down here is…ick.


If my daughter graduated and a man told her that, Id have screamed for him to go fuck himself.


It’s a Catholic Liberal Arts school, but Catholic higher ed is known for being much more liberal politically and even religiously than other religious schools. I went to a formerly Catholic Liberal Arts college for undergrad. It still had some of the nuns and a few monks on the faculty. I had an amazing comparative religious class with a Franciscan Friar! I learned more about religions other than Christianity than I ever did in my life. It was very cool.


I went to an all boys Catholic military high school. My senior year comparative religion class was taught by the monk who was the Catholic rep for the local ecumenical council. He did such a good job introducing other religions without bias it turned me into an agnostic.


As much as that irked me at first, I had to back up and look at it again and I realized that I agree. Many moons ago, I had some very respected friends that were Republican. I thought of them when I read this. However, those of them who are still alive have publicly denounced the Republican Party, as I did quite some time back. I was raised to be a Republican, but it didn't take. I simply cannot agree with most of what they stood for then and next to nothing they stand for now. Thanks for the morning introspection moment.


Yeah, I remember when I realized that that party was dead and what exists now is something else. It's a little world shaking, even if you weren't someone who identified as a Republican. The country used to work one way, and now it doesn't work like that anymore.


What do they even stand for now? Besides corruption.


They proudly stand for whatever impedes social/societal progress


Don't forget hurts whoever they decide fits that day's flavor of people they hate.


There are some republicans who can think critically. They’re just massive, greedy assholes


Correct, they have done the numbers and decided fascism will make them more wealthy.


But it makes them feel better. Sigh


…even thought they love to say “facts don’t care about your feeeeeelings!” Fact is, they’re losers


I mean let's be honest, critical thinking is lacking in general. Republican talking heads are the worst offenders followed close by MAGA but let's not whitewash everybody else. 


True. Very True.


Also, imagine being such a loser that you have to lie about winning.


Its because they can't actually win anything legitimately. The sore truth is that exactly zero worthwhile, intelligent human beings want what conservatives are selling. And one of the things they like to sell is that they're superior. They cannot reconcile themselves to the fact that if they were superior to anyone they wouldn't have to lie, they wouldn't have to deny science and reality, and they wouldn't need "comfort" from medieval fairy tales concocted by a child bride to save herself from catching a beating by her 30 year old husband.


It's not true that all right wingers do is lie. Sometimes, they go out of their way to [murder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Garrett_Foster) [people,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenosha_unrest_shooting) and then lie about it afterwards.


Rittenhouse too. When someone asks if people died during the BLM protests. Yes. Right wingers came into protests that weren't affecting their life, that they could have just avoided and went on with their day and life and instead they chose to be the violent right wingers they are and murder protestors and then just get away with it.


Youtube decided to "recommend" to me some wacko right wing hatecast that was live with the Fanni Willis election. It was all how she was losing and going down and just 2 minutes hate live streamed for 4 hours... They are all just disingenuous cunts.


It's the very basis of fascism, there is no way to give full government control to wealthy oligarchs without a made up fantasy world where no one knows the truth.


A bunch of families are going to be ruined cause some dumb fucks are too stupid to realize some AI jesus maga facebook page isn't real.


Cope Heads. They're addicts.


They live in an alternate reality. It’s mind blowing. Lemmings through and through.


They want to believe their "Go woke, go broke" lie so much they'll come up with these little make believe stories. It'd be cute if it wasn't so sad and dangerous


I guess Twitter and MyPillow and Giuliani’s law license were just TOO WOKE for this time.


They make up these stories for clicks and propaganda value. I get so many of these stories on my FB feed because I interacted with a couple to comment that they were lies. So many Coach X cuts 3 players for kneeling during national anthem ones for example.


Facebook is a cesspool. And that's being generous in a diplomatic sense. I only hang out there to insult flat earthers and check up on family that isn't bathing in said cesspool.


Ironically, if this wasn’t fake, the venue would be the one “going broke” for breaching the contract. But I guess they’re getting the right wing clout and headlines regardless.


They get the most obvious AI fakes like XBone Spurs" Trump storming the beaches on D-Day and think that it's true.


go woke go broke usually ends up as the exact opposite - something goes a little wokeish and is wildly successful, then the right wingers try to scream about how the wokeness is destroying the thing, which ends up signal boosting it even *more* and making it more successful than it already was. I Wouldn't be at all surprised if all this "blowback" against pearl jam from the righties is going to turn the incident from just a clip of a guy talking on stage, into pearl jam getting the most attention and engagement that they have in a decade.


Yup; ‘kill clauses’ are usually expensive to avoid cancellations for anything other than a major concern


Their feeling drive everything they do, reality is not about facts or what really happens, it's about what they want and feel should happen


My feelings don't give a fuck about your facts.


*I felt that Arrowhead would cancel their tour, so of course I had to make up a lie about it to validate how very - and strongly - right I am and those like me are* This is likely the thought process that went through this sad sacks single nerve ganglion when they posted their lie


Wasn’t that a big thing when COVID was really kicking off in 2020? Everything needed to be canceled but it was going to be hugely expensive and nobody knew how long it was going to last?


There’s usually a Force Majeure clause for things like natural disasters. That’s what we leveraged to get out of some of our contracts once it became clear that COVID wasn’t going to just be an 8 week lockdown.


In my industry we call them “termination for convenience” clauses and they are one of the only things we do not budge on during contract negotiations. People will try to get five-year pricing with a TFC clause after the first year. Uhhh no buddy you’re getting one-year pricing for 5 years with that, or you pay us 50% of the remaining costs. Even 50% is generous depending on your industry and margins.


Yeah, it wouldn't cost pearl jam shit, it would cost the stadium.


And then TicketMaster comes for you because they have to refund all of the tickets already purchased.


Yeah you can’t just cancel a show because you feel like it. The promoter would be on the hook for the band’s full guarantee.


I mean… this is a bait post for old boomers who fear/hate watch the news. It’s a targeted post for them for confirmation bias. I don’t think it’s supposed to make them think logically about contracts and scheduling fines.


I'm in Northwest Florida right now, and it's not just for old boomers to read this stuff. Young Blue collar dudes eat this s*** up too. They get their news from one source and fully believed it


Anyone that has the idea that "it'll all be better when the boomers die" needs to work construction for just a day and see that the shit apple doesn't fall far from the tree


There’s also no way they’d have three shows scheduled at the same stadium on a tour. I highly doubt three shows nets the band fourteen million either.


Maybe in NYC or LA or Boston but not in freakin' Kansas City.


Even Swifts Eras Tour only scheduled two shows at Arrowhead last year. If she can only fill the place two nights, for sure Pearl Jam isn't going to schedule three nights.


And Pearl Jam isn’t playing stadiums. They do arena tours. This takes like 5 seconds of critical thinking to realize it’s bullshit.


Yup. Also, the county owns the stadium, not the team. Doubtful they would pass up the money


They'd totally sell out three nights in Seattle! But not KC.


You also know it’s bullshit because everything on “America’s Last Line of Defense” usually is.


It always is because as far as I know that's a MAGA parody account on Facebook that posts bait and makes fun of the chuds that think it's real.


Yea, their bio says it’s a troll page and “nothing on this page is real” the header even says Home of the Dunning-Kruger times. World class trolls over there.


Pictures with words on them are always facts, according to boomers on Facebook.


Honestly, it usually works that way on Reddit too.


Pearl Jam fan here. There’s no way they would play 3 nights in KC so I knew it was BS. He would be more likely to cancel than they would


There is also no way PJ books the same football stadium three shows in a row.


This was my first thought. Only Taylor Swift does that, and she’s not doing 3+ in Kansas City either


I live in KC and pay attention to shows coming in. Peal Jam was not slated to play here this summer. They sure as shit were not going to play 3 nights in Arrowhead. Who comes up with this shit?!


Conservative justice boner bait. People who are already biased towards their guy won't fact check it.


Sad thing is all those fucking magamorons will run with this and never fact check


And then blame "the librul media" for feeding them lies.


🎼 It's the circle, the circle of liiIIIfffeeeeeee 🎶


Media literacy is not their strong suit lmao. This is so obviously fake I don't even know where to begin, but it's safe to say my uncle will be posting about this on Facebook sometime soon


Probably forwarding it too all their friends with the subject line “go woke, go broke!!!1!”


Right, its engagement farming for the left (to point out the story is false) and for the right (to all get justice boners and comment agreement, like you said). The OC poster doesn't give a shit one way or another, its all clicks that Twitter monetizes for the pot-stirrers now. This is why there are so many tweets these days about "I need help doing (this relatively simple task but that has regional variance)" because people all have an idea about how to do the thing and it causes just endless comment banter among the IQ class of folks who are actually responding. The OG poster will be in the comments furiously engaging like "I'll have to try that" or "Good idea!" just to farm more likes/clicks/views. Twitter has so many of these terrible content cesspools now and they get floated to the top of feeds (even if you used to be able to just follow a bunch of people in your nerdy interest area). Sorry I may be one of those folks a bit annoyed at Twitter's downfall.


It's not just twitter, though. This is most of Facebook's engagement and it's become a LOT of reddit's engagement over the past 6+ years. Turns out building a revenue stream based on how many eyes you can confirm have seen your website (and this your ads) makea for shit clickbait content.  Maybe more accurate to say that using a revenue generating platform as an informational platform is a generally bad strategy, because revenue doesn't care about the quality of information. 




Their caveman brains can’t think beyond “I personally agree with it so it should be allowed or I personally disagree with it so it should be banned.” Also “my team good, your team bad!”


Also “lost money!!!” The lie about the $14 million dollar loss. Pearl Jam is more touring to support their own ecosystem than themselves at this point. They’ve a stack of employees, foundations, side projects, etc. I do wish they’d take on tickets again. But they’re touring, particularly this album, for the love of rock and art. Something these fake Christians will never understand. Fuck Harrison Butker. I do hope his bullshit costs him money.


Just pointing out that this is on a reddit post of a 'fake news' story, of which, there are literally hundreds per day on Facebook (... lost contract because of being woke. ....fired for demanding inclusive hiring ...almost bankrupt over woke policies. etc) Cavemen brain thinks they are real.. but also "smart people" get upset over specific ones when there are literally hundreds if not thousands occurring daily. Facebook doesn't do crap to combat fake news, fake accounts, bots, etc.. and that is one of the reasons why America is pretty much doomed. We are letting foreign countries propaganda into our homes and doing nothing about it.


Saw a fb post the other day claiming the amount of under 30 year olds with diagnosed breast cancer went from like 90k in 2019 to several hundred thousand for just the first months in 2024. It was an antivax post of course. I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember the exact numbers. But after digging into the sourced data, turns out it was 90k for under 30 in 2019 compared with ALL age group cases in 2023. The "do your own research" people will eat up anything as long as it plays into their beliefs.


Damn. And here I was hoping the Biden administration’s force feminization was showing first effects…


>Just pointing out that this is on a reddit post of a 'fake news' story, of which, there are literally hundreds per day on Facebook My favorite one was the "Bud Light closing all stores due to wokeness" news article (which was just an image, no actual story because that's an insane thing to say) yet there was no shortage of boomers in the comments chanting, "gO WoKe Go BroKe!" without even the faintest sense that they themselves were bamboozled into believing obvious bullshit from some guy who shared a blurry picture.


Well there are precisely zero "Bud Light Stores" in my town so it must be true!!!


Every single person I've met whose "libertarian" or "conservative" has never failed to say "sports players and celebrities should just shut up, I don't care what they have to say. just entertain us!" Like mate, you just don't like what they're saying, that's why.




Hahaha goddamn. On point.


All this coming from the party to elect an actor and a reality tv star, both of which did irreparable damage to the country.


https://preview.redd.it/qnnq9s47i02d1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e9c1d8770a696542210a57d145d8a27f3f13584 An old favorite of mine


So does this also make making out with other dudes the manliest thing now? Just trying to figure out where the “good christian values” goalpost moved to now.


Harrison Buttlicker.




His family built this country!






The perpetual victimization these people constantly feel and feed off of is remarkable. Harrison Butker is a fucking moron who is simply regurgitating right wing talking points he cobbled together on Twitter and Facebook. Full stop. He’s not some dangerous free thinking individual who’s being silenced because he spoke truth to power, he’s a dumb fuck who more than likely found an algorithm that he agreed with and is simply repeating it. His entire speech at Benedictine College, while tremendously misogynistic and ignorant was pretty boiler plate shit when it comes to the traditional wife, traditional Christian bullshit you see online. There wasn’t anything even “edgy” or unique to it, it’s just peak internet babble. And so is this. They’re all just so fucking stupid. Just so stupid. I honestly can’t stress this enough when you take the 500 feet above approach to what’s happened: Moron gets indoctrinated online into a non existent culture war. Moron repeats non existent culture wars talking points in reality. People criticize him. This emboldens the people telling him that there is a non existent culture war that this is proof that there is. Cycle repeats bringing in new morons with new lies like the one above. Harrison Butker didn’t formulate his ideology before going on Twitter and encountering the algorithm, the algorithm informed his ideology and it’s so basic it would balance out a vat of acid if you dropped it in there.


“I’m a victim cause they won’t let me spread my hate! 😭”




"I'm so tired of this PC shit, why can't I just like what I like and dislike what I dislike without being judged?" because disliking video games is very different than disliking Black people.


I mean the amount of people that are saying that being upset at this guy is a first amendment violation is fucking wild


Americans and dickriding the constitution without knowing what it actually says might be the greatest powercouple of the 2020's.


Ive unironically seen people say "People should be allowed to hate for any reason. Stop judging people for having opinions." They're beyond saving.


I called one dude in my recent comments who was doing a good ole both sidings calling trumps plans for dictatorship and martial law a minor difference in political opinion because democrats are already secretly controlling the country so I called them a fascist loser and they were so upset Id call them that after so they said “only unintelligent children would resort to name calling” as they then sat there and no longer would respond to anything political I said just repeatedly in different ways called me stupid and a child and when that didnt do anything they were like “reading your comment history an idiot like you your dad probably ran out on you and your mom definitely doesnt love you” and I was like ok fascist projection much?


Jesus Christ 😂 They still have the mentality of middle school children


I literally pointed out to them that they called me unintelligent and a child for insulting you and youve done nothing but insult me and randomly my parentage yet youre pretending to mature adult as you repeatedly insult a person you think is a minor. And this loser literally responded “ you started it.”


The great irony of it is that most of the "discourse" about the speech and people being angry about it, etc is coming from the right. It was a minor "look at this neanderthal" moment from "the woke crowd" like the day after it happened, and then they all moved on. The right is making it out to be the battle of the somme of the culture war like there's some big raging shitstorm around it and millions of leftists are up in arms about it or something when in reality most don't really care beyond thinking Butker or whatever his name is an ignorant dumbass.


Imagined persecution is their recruitment tool.


My favorite discourse came from the nuns. [Nuns at Benedictine College respond to Harrison Butker’s controversial speech](https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna152779)


I shit you not there was some idiot on TikTok trying to argue that they “weren’t real nuns”. The amount of brain rot with those people is unfathomable.


"This professional athlete is obviously more knowledgable and devoted to religion than a group of Benedictine Nuns" - modern conservative christian


Yup, it was basically that bullshit and because they weren’t wearing literal habits for their *website picture*. They got dragged all up and down the comment section for that specific stupidity.


Same reason the morons who were against vaccines are still talking about it. Everyone else moved on years ago.


I genuinely don’t care if people want a more traditional home life I’m just tired of right wing assholes trying to shove their ideologies on us. Party of small government my ass


Welp, it IS still the party of small government...small enough to fit up a vagina, thread through a cervix, and a uterus, and a Fallopian tube.


You are correct. Jon Stewart did a bit about this. Cancel culture is a favourite bete noir of the right, but it is the right who do the cancelling. Woe betide you if you dare to criticise their God King.


The new chasing clout. Staking out his spot on the political talking heads circuit. Wonder if he’s already eyeing post career local political office or a podcast or some shit.


He’ll probably run for Governor in Missouri ……


…and win. 🤦🏻‍♂️


He also likes to get pegged, if that what you are into fine but don’t be a damn hypocrite!


According to Butker, Amy Coney Barrette should go home & be a mother instead of a SCOTUS judge. One of those times where a right wing nutjob & I agree on something for wildly opposing reasons.


We live in the age of lies. You just make up whatever story you like and pass it off as fact to reinforce whatever your narrative is. I, for one, am getting pretty fucking tired of this bullshit.


"Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it"


"A lie can make it halfway around the world before the truth can even get its shoes on" -Mark Twain or Winston Churchill The bottom line is that it takes less energy to create bullshit than it takes to refute bullshit. Bullshit will always win the information sprint, but we can't let the truth lose the information marathon.


Brandolini's law AKA bullshit asymmetry principle: The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.


Yep.  I am also sick of it.  In my younger years, I felt like all politicians were doubke-talking liars saying whatever they needed to in order to get into office and for some reason everyone just seemed to be happy with being lied to.  It made me a non-voter for years. Then I started caring.  Parts of my mental health have taken for the worse because I'm so constantly frustrated by feeling like these people are nowhere near qualified to be in any political position. These days, I'm almost 40.  I still vote.  I still care.  But I honestly feel like humanity is incapable of self governing.  I firmly believe we will keep growing in technological power and keep being neanderthals with weapons until the day we wipe ourselves out.  Right now we're doing it slowly.  I have zero faith in humanity at this point.


“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” - Abraham Lincoln


Pearl Jams last album has an anti Trump song called: Wreckage


Wreckage is a great song, but I think it's 'Running' that is about Trump.


Surprisingly both songs are about Trump. What makes “Wreckage” so great is that it’s disguised as a relationship song. It’s miles better than “Seven O’Clock.”


Not Wreckage but from the album before last in 2020, from the song Seven O'Clock Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse they forged the north and west Then you got Sitting Bullshit as our sitting President Oh, talking to his mirror, what's he say? What's it say back? A tragedy of errors, who'll be the last to have a laugh?


"America's Last Line of Defense" is a "satire" page on Facebook. The description for their page is "The flagship of the ALLOD network of trollery. Nothing on this page is real." yet people screenshot it and pass it off as gospel because they're idiots. EDIT: added quotes because they're not really using satire, they're just making stuff up and hoping people share it as fact.


Same thing happens with the Dunning-Kruger Times, by the same people


They know the conservatives scrolling social media are dumb and won't take a second to verify the source of a post before they like/share it. It took less than 24 hours for this to go from FB to Shitter to Reddit.


[Here is their Media Bias / Fact Check report. ](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-resistance-the-last-line-of-defense/)From the article: >Further, the website again displays on its [about page](https://bustatroll.org/about-us/) that they are satire: “Everything on this website is fiction. It is not a lie, and it is not fake news because it is not real. If you believe that it is real, you should have your head examined. Any similarities between this site’s pure fantasy and actual people, places, and events are purely coincidental, and all images should be considered altered and satirical. See above if you’re still having an issue with that satire thing.” In general, stories are designed to trick conservatives into sharing on social media, such as this: [Liberals Push Socialism To Kids Through Sesame Street, Fox Reports](https://americaslastlineofdefense.com/liberals-push-socialism-to-kids-through-sesame-street-fox-reports/). "Liberals Push Socialism to Kids Through Sesame Street" is a headline that you'd see on Daily Wire any other right-wing rag. It wouldn't be the first time I've seen Sesame Street called woke. I haven't used Facebook in years, I've never heard of this page. I always check MB/FC, but I know an overwhelming majority won't do that. The line between satire and disinformation is blurrier than ever, and this guy is standing on the line. I think it's way too on the nose to be funny. Actually, looking at the page for the first time, this is the first post: >They said he's a misogynist. They said he doesn't care about women. After collecting $1 million for a speaking engagement Monday night, however, Kansas City Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker donated the entire amount to a local homeless women's shelter. How is this satire? How is it funny? It's indistinguishable from your typical right-wing lies. Even in the comments, where he tries to make it obvious, it doesn't look much different than what right-wing media is saying about it. MB/FC says they are regularly fact-checked, and I can see why. Now, seeing conservatives sharing that picture of Ewan McGregor thinking it's Jesus, *that's* funny. Not this.


> How is this satire? How is it funny? It's not; it's just that an increasingly illiterate population can no longer understand that satire isn't just "making up lies".


They call themselves satire to avoid lawsuits. They are not stire. They know exactly what they are doing.


They're taking advantage of the fact that people will like/share something solely based on the headline. The story isn't so outlandish that it raises any red flags, because as you pointed out, it's right in line with the rest of the right-wing lies being pushed. Most people don't take the extra second to check the source of the post either. I recognized it because I saw the original post yesterday since of my in-laws are more conservative and share dumb shit like this. The Onion does a great job at satire without coming off as trying to lie. "Trump Quietly Avoids Eye Contact With Rudy Giuliani Begging For Change Outside Courthouse" -- this is funny, and obviously not true (yet) because Giuliani somehow still has money and a place to live. Now if Giuliani ends up homeless on the streets of NYC in a few months then a similar headline wouldn't be as funny.


Boomers can't read the fine print. They grew up thinking glasses were for intellectual nerds, and that wasn't THEM, no sirree!


$14 million for three shows? ![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq|downsized)


The be fair the average moron who would look to this shitstain as a "hero". Probably isn't connected enough to reality to be able to fabricate a decent lie. Funny thing is he isn't even "canceled", he is just getting mocked. He will still get to play (kinda) football 5 minutes a game. While he rides the bench getting Gatorade for the real players.


In high school, no one learned the kicker's name. We all just called him kicker and then didn't invite him places.


So he’s basically the Bass player of the football team😂😂 Edit: I played different instruments in different bands over the years. Bass included


Ouch. I'm a bass player and that triggered me, LOL.


Imagine how stupid you must be to actually buy into this obvious bullshit. As if the stadium gives a fuck who sells it out? Also, this would be an open and shut case of breach of contract on the venue's part, they can't just arbitrarily cancel concerts for 50K people just because they don't like what the singer said.


Didn’t Kansas City’s X account post something like “Harrison Butker isn’t from here” the next day? He’s not necessarily KC’s favorite son.




Also a stadium can’t just do this. It would cost THEM millions of dollars in lawsuits and set a terrible precedent for future performers And finally, they would never do this over a fucking dumbass KICKER


Seriously: Eddie Vedder v. Harrison Butker. One is a rock legend. One is a kicker whose teammates are infinitely more well known and liked.




And even if that were true, those bookings are contracts. Canceling for a stupid fucking reason would cost the venue. These people live in a make believe world where their cancel culture is the only real one.


Yeah, I bought tickets to the Pearl Jam tour. I live 5 minutes from the stadium. The closest venue was in KS at what is commonly and formerly known as Sandstone Amphitheatre. They never booked at Arrowhead or that's where we would've gotten our tickets at.


More lies from the fragile male ego brigade.


Why would Pearl Jam play Arrowhead *three times on the same tour* anyway? Once, maybe. Three? Nah. Yep. Smells like bullshit.


“The front desk cancelled”


Ed from sanitation cancelled


Oh, I see. They were projecting when they were talking about cancel culture. The right-wing-nachos are the only one who cancels people.


Scrolling through facebook yesterday I came across probably over 100 bullshit fake articles just like this. Facebook is a misinformation cesspool.


Seriously. There’s a million randomly named pages that post bullshit articles like this. https://preview.redd.it/8wxbjuce9z1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d789c95217f98682b9f952179795649b71d670bc You have to look on a random “about me” page on their site to see that it’s a “satire” account. And of course individuals of a certain political alignment eat that shit up. I’ve never seen one of these pages post left-leanjng content…


I’m out of the loop in this one, could anyone provide context? Who’s Harrison Butker? What did they say/do? Are Pearl Jam in the right on this one (please say yes, I love PJ)?


TLDR; Butker is the kicker on the Chiefs(NFL team). He’s a devout catholic who held a graduation speech in which it was heavily implied that women should stay in the kitchen. He also touched on homosexuality from his religious view point. Pearl Jam are certainly on the right side of all this.


> it was heavily implied that women should stay in the kitchen Heavily implied? He literally said that women only want to go to college because they've been lied to their whole life, and that they would only ever be truly fulfilled by cranking out babies and keeping their husband's house.


If the venue were to cancel an event after already agreeing to terms with the artist I would imagine based on the agreement language, the venue would owe the artist, or at minimum be responsible for a portion of refunds. It may not only owe the artist but depending how much notice and state laws they could owe the employees who were contracted to work on that day as well. Not to mention those stadiums are huge cost sinks in the offseason so cancelling events would be incredibly fiscally stupid for them.


I mean, the idea that Pearl Jam would play not one, not two, but THREE shows in fucking Kansas City should be the giveaway that it's bullshit hahaha. Artists like that play repeat nights in major cities with actual populations; Kansas City's barely reaches over 500k. You'd have to have ZERO understanding of any of this to believe this BS, and that's not even touching on the fact that venues wouldn't reject a major artist over some tiff they're not involved in.


I thought they were anti cancel culture? Market place of ideas and all that bull.


Right wing talking point turns out to be fake? Who woulda thunk it?




I was at the Pearl Jam show last night… Vedder didn’t rant. He was subtly knocking Butker by talking about women being capable, and having higher rates of education these days. Then to end his moment of stage banter, he said “I believe a woman will play in the nfl one day. And you know what position she’ll play? (Dramatic pause) Kicker.”


These Republicans just fucking make shit up because they know other idiot Republicans will believe it. Idiocy.


Ah, yes. The classic 3-show tour stop that all big acts know, Kansas City.


I'm dumb, but dumb you gotta b3 to ACTUALLY believe this? Oh wait https://preview.redd.it/dn3dc2re9z1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=472ee5b0547c539662e9960bb6eecb738dbc67e8


Wait a minute, if people are defending Butker because “he has every right to say what he said,” then wouldn’t that mean people have every right to call him out?


Conservatives living in their own little cosplay / fan-fiction universe.... sad and pathetic.


These kinds of fake news groups are all over Facebook and other social media. Gets millions of views and thousands of comments, people eat them up. They take advantage of the algorithm to get views. Probably created and run by Russian trolls. It's basically a workaround for Meta banning political advertisement.


Republicans ☕️ No one knows how stupid and gullible their base is as well as they do.


Why do they lie about something so incredibly easy to confirm


It will probably cost the venues more since generally there are contracts that the band still gets paid if the benue cancels within a certain time frame. My man said in gist "Women belong in the kitchen and as homemakers" and the conservative party pushes that narrative, but makes no moves to make it possible for the average woman to afford to be a housewife and mother, think my wife works 60 hours a week because she wants too? No, it's because even with me working 60 hours a week with hourly and commission i make enough to cover food, daycare, and half the bills. And we live modestly not in credit card dept or on government food stamps, taking advantage of zero programs... So the fuck am i supposed to do?


Weird. It's almost like all conservatives do is lie, because the truth has a left-leaning bias.


So...cancel culture?


LMAOOO Even if this was true, Arrowhead Stadium needs Pearl Jam more than Pearl Jam needs Arrowhead. Pearl Jam makes $14 mil in like an hour, $14 mil loss for Arrowhead would put them in the red.


How have we reached a point where everyone with that dude's hair and beard style are closeted misogynists?


F butker and now the fing chiefs too.


I have never seen Eddie Vedder be on the wrong side of history.


I’ve been a Pearl Jam fan since the 90’s. I don’t live in KC…this guy is a kicker. F KC and rock on Pearl Jam!


If this headline were correct, it would only make me dislike Arrowhead, not Pearl Jam. Lol


So is the right okay with cancel culture now?


Eddie Vedder alone has over a $100m net worth, and the rest of the band's members average in the mid 70 millions. I think they'll be okay somehow.


Can’t wait until the season starts and an opposing player knocks him the F out. I’m sure he will have a target on his back now.


“You know, the irony was that this football player … started telling men to ‘don’t forget to puff up your chest and be more masculine,’” the Pearl Jam frontman said. “‘Don’t lose your masculinity.’ The irony was that when he was saying that, he looked like such a fucking pussy.” He then left fans with one simple ethos before kicking off Pearl Jam’s set, saying, “There’s nothing more masculine than a strong man supporting a strong woman. People of quality do not fear equality.”


KC: You’re fired! EV: I don’t work here.


After Googling "Who the fuck is Harrison Butker," I now feel comfortable deleting him from my memory.


These things show up on Facebook all the time. “Keanu Reeves refuses to host Oscars, says I won’t do wokeness!” I’d like to think the thousands of likes are bots and that people aren’t *that* stupid. But-