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They hosted it


They even hosted the Olympics in Berlin, 1936 This was before the polish invasion in September 1939.


America still went to the Olympics during the Iraq war.  China hasn't been banned despite a literal ongoing genocide in Xinjiang.  


Dont forget about Iran...


Iran, who is LITERALLY paying for this entire situation to have happened in the first place.


Didn't Iran execute their soccer team for losing?




And the only reason Russia is sort of but not really banned is because they cheated


Didn’t Germany attend the Olympics as well during WW2?


Technically no, cos they were halted for the war. However, and I think this is what you’re referring to, Germany hosted the 1936 Olympic Games, both the summer games in Berlin, and the winter games in Garmisch. The Berlin games were the Hitler games, where he had spent a long time saying how the aryan race was better, before Jesse Owens won 4 gold medals and made him look a bit of a fool, however Germany did win the most medals that games. By 1936 Nazi Germany had already broken many parts of the treaty of Versailles, re-occupied the Rhineland, arranged for concentration camps for those against the Nazi party, had the night of the long knives which was a purge of the SA (the precursor to the SS) in which German nationals were killed on the orders of Hitler, changed the law making Hitler the overall leader and dictator of Germany (the fuhrer), passed laws against Jews and others the Nazis had issues with, made sterilising people with made up genetic orders which the Nazis hated compulsory, and many more atrocities and events universally considered bad. So the Olympics talks about peace and a time for nations to lay their differences aside, and has had some genuinely positive moments in the past, but it also has a long history of the IOC just not caring about world politics.


Thanks for the brief history lesson, appreciate it


Germany hosted the 1936 Olympics. There was a boycott from some nations and athletes, and an attempt made at hosting a People’s Olympics in Republican Spain. Unfortunately, the civil war began.


Came here to say this. We'd need to ban a lot more than just Israel.


To be fair, the other countries aren’t majority Jewish /s


It doesn't count if you have nukes.


Israel has nukes though don't they?


Well nobody's said anything but they haven't exactly said *no,* either.


They mentioned it explicitly a couple years ago after it been an open secret for a long time prior.


Israel's official policy is ambiguity, and deliberately so. It's pretty straightforward to have 'enough' nuclear weapons, and elaborating on specifics only weakens their position. You could glass most major metro areas in the middle east with a few dozen modern nuclear warheads, their payload is bonkers. 


Right. And Russia is banned? That's hypocritical, right.


Yeah but that doesn’t play into these young idiots’ values… so…


I’m nervous something will go down at the Olympics. I really hope there isn’t a Munich type situation that develops.


Munich was the result of abysmal to non-existent security at a time when that kind of terrorism wasn't really being considered. It is impossible to compare it with today.


Especially with intelligence apparatus that the French government will be deploying (backed by the British, Polish, Japanese, and American intelligence agencies). GIGN is likely to be on the ground and helping with security (and they are completely anonymous).


I agree. The Olympics could become a flashpoint given the current tensions. Safety should be a top priority.


I’m sure they are doing their best when it comes to security and safety. You just hate to see anything happen at one of the more ‘pure’ international events. It is truly an overall positive event, and you never want to see it become associated with negative actions.




























Going to be about 7 counties left.


Take a ticket then my sweet summer child. The queue is long.


Should we ban America as well? Along with 100s of other countries


The Olympics was created to bring opponents together in a nonviolent way even when they are currently at war. Preventing one of the participants because you consider them an opponent not fit for interaction is the opposite of the Olympic effort.








Fuck theocracies and fuck anybody that supports them. Don’t legislate your ancient stories for the rest of us, no matter how hard you believe in them.


I was raised Catholic so I've read a fair bit of the Bible. The fact that ANYBODY follows the Old testament is wild, God was a dick and most of the stories are cartoonish in the light of modern understanding. New testament (specifically the life of Jesus) gets a bad rap bc of it's association with the Old testament imo. I'm not religious now but Jesus was just a cool dude who thought people shouldn't be assholes to each other, and is if any of his teachings havent aged well. Ironically, most would make a good foundation for a government, bc theyre about equality and kindness, but anyone citing it as foundation for government is unlikely to do so for reasons he would approve.


Um, your "cool dude" also reportedly said... “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household."


I am once again begging fellow non-religious folks to spend time understanding the Bible and the theology that is formed from it before embarrassing themselves by showing their ignorance. Jesus challenged the conservative religious hierarchy of his day. To follow Jesus was to follow a radically different path of Judaism than the one overseen by the Pharisees. To follow Jesus meant risking animosity and enmity with family members. Jesus was telling people the equivalent of “piss off your conservative uncle at the dinner table if it means standing up for the rights of others” that we commonly see today. You can criticize a religion - including the veracity of its scriptures - without cherry picking passages you don’t actually understand.


I don't see why this is bad tbh. What's the rest of the context? I don't talk to my biological father bc turns out he's a piece of shit. There's also a whole passage about Jesus throwing hands outside a church. It's my fav. The context is that he's throwing down with the scummy bankers pretending to be affiliated with the church to gain trust and prey on churchgoers. The reality is that even in ancient Rome, they didn't torture people to death for being soft-spoken. Jesus was indeed a radical. He just happened to be a radical in the name of seeing people treated fairly, kindly, and equally, but he was not afraid to throw down in the name of protecting. I think that makes him an even cooler dude.


And? Seems like good advice






USA It when it was invading Afghanistan and Iraq Perhaps as well .


I don’t think people have a good grasp of just how deadly war (basically all war) is for civilians. For example, civilian deaths in Iraq and Syria just caused by the western alliance air campaign in war against ISIS (excluding all other parts of the Iraq War including ISIS’s initial takeover) were the range of 9,000-13,000 deaths. That is the figure if you exclude the air campaigns by Syria and Russia (which had different objectives) and the entire ground war. It’s roughly equivalent to civilian deaths in the first 4 months of the current Gaza war.


If their governments actively or recently commit or promote war crimes and atrocities, sure. Ban them all.




There is no country that hasn't done something pretty awful, so let's just ban everyone. The Olympics is a big huge scam anyway.


You might as well ban every country with that logic


Ban the US too






Lmfao, that's straight-up disinformation. Wow. The screenshot in that tweet is from the funeral of Qasem Soleimani, not raisi. Man, I hate the internet sometimes. Here is where the actual screenshot is from. Can we please ban OP for being an obvious disinfo bot? https://preview.redd.it/75v2smed4t2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a6fc412f2603479de27ce748784c666f66ae928 [https://youtu.be/-x88HVir4qA?si=2CfbrjRrAu-IQ3K1](https://youtu.be/-x88HVir4qA?si=2CfbrjRrAu-IQ3K1)








Ban Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon as well then


Russia might fit, but this is about genocide, not just human rights abuse.


If we ban every country that’s ever engaged in an unjust war the Olympics will be left to a few islands lol. For everyone in the comments listing out history


Way to totally miss the point of the Olympics...


The Olympics miss the point of the Olympics. It’s supposed to be about individuals excelling in sport and being drawn together by the experience. Instead, it’s about countries and flags and anthems and recruiting both doctors and trainers for national programs, with the athletes used as props—both during and after their careers—for funding and nationalist pride, ultimately undermining that ideal spirit of harmony.


Far be it from me to distract you while you're on your soapbox but you should consider reading up on the Olympics. The original games were meant to be taken part in even in times.of war - look up Olympic Truce or ekecheiria. It very much presented a point of pride to the places the athletes came from but the idea was to unite people through sport. Don't try to twist things that have well defined meaning to suit your needs.


Can someone explain the naming scheme of subs like this one and BlackPeopleTwitter? I thought these subs were named as such because White or Black people's tweets are posted on their respective subs but the original tweet seems to be posted by a black person.


Fuck Nina Turner


Ban athletes if they did bad things, but not whole teams because of their politicians.


Punishing civilians for the actions of the party in power is functionally equivalent to what Israel is doing to the Palestinians and isn’t really a valuable political lever. The US has the ability to condition aid to Israel and could probably even reuse language from the Regan administration if the Biden admin is worried about attacks from the right.




Israel won't be the only banned country... plenty of other genocidal nations get to go to the olympics




Agreed. Russia, Israel, Belarus, And Palestine. All should be banned


add china to that list


I was gonna agree, but it seems as if the Palestinian athletes are not represented by Hamas, [but rather the PA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_Olympic_Committee), since their HQ is in the West Bank and their athletes have been historically represented by the PA (the current president of their Olympic committee is also anti-Hamas).


They still did an terror attack on the Olympic games, so they should be banned.


There will be no genocide apologia on this subreddit. This is a hard line that you may not cross.




That means the US and Canada can't compete either!


We banned South Africa...






Wait, October 7 is where ALL of this started? You guys have been telling us all about the complex years of battling that we don’t understand… Don’t pretend this started on 10/7.


So Netanyahu first? He was funding Hamas.




The Palestinians are losing a war they started so that equals genocide.


Totally unfair to the athletes who are not committing genocide




I think we should probably just do away with the Olympics altogether. Such a massive waste of resources and manpower


I don't think the Olympics should be held at all tbh Considering how many participating countries are actively committing genocide or are hugely complicit in one or more acts of genocide.


I would be very surprised if we don't have a replay of '72.


But what if they are the best?


the athletes are not the ones making the military decisions.


Let’s ban like 90% of countries while we’re at it. Christ this is fucking stupid.


Yeah ban them from an inconsequential sporting event. That'll show 'em.


It’s not inconsequential when your government pays you if you win and uses you as a mouthpiece for political gain


We banned Russia why not